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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 916x630, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12565124 No.12565124 [Reply] [Original]

Post results.

>> No.12565133

you can recognize patterns wow!
very impressive anon!
are you going to jack off to that number for the rest of your life down in your mom's basement or are you actually going to put your "intelligence" to good use?

>> No.12565141

how many times will you post this same test, I went from 115 to 130 to 145 to maxxing this test, each time it gets posted

>> No.12565147

iq tests are retarded for individuals (unless you're literally retarded and have an IQ below 75, in which case they're useful)

>> No.12565150
File: 352 KB, 1242x1731, 5EE52ACF-2D7C-4E13-87D5-F33C766EEA9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let my daughter click through your stupid test. She’s 6 and it took about 3 minutes. Nice job Nords, you’ve done it again!

>> No.12565170

>LARPing this hard
kek retard

>> No.12565175
File: 119 KB, 1080x1479, IMG_20210110_213545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be the last time I'm taking an IQ test. I'm always stuck in 110-120 range. I feel bad.

>> No.12565185

Try clicking through, you stinky troglodyte.

>> No.12565190

Check’d and based. I love coming on this board to see the pathetic spergs who think good grades somehow validates their life. I’m a corporate manager who barely works and was smart enough to slither my way to success without a degree. Having money and time to spend both with my wife and kids is great, but watching losers on here seethe at who can understand more proofs comes pretty close.

>> No.12565199

Why are low IQs so prone to projecing?

>> No.12565204

Seethe my friend.

>> No.12565272
File: 221 KB, 1348x1348, B39652E1-4963-4F25-9A99-B119EF3327DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were an INTP chad

>> No.12565278

Chads dont take personality tests.

>> No.12565290

If you can't get every single one right first time taking it, never taken an IQ test before, you are NGMI. Sorry. Not sorry. Sort of sorry. A little smug. All the same - you're not gonna make it.

>> No.12565306

>Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure. We are hoping to extend this area as soon as we have gathered more data.

>> No.12565310

You have the same numbers as I have! What do you study, find compelling, or are sucsessfull at? I have no idea what to do with my life

>> No.12565344


>> No.12565358

I got exactly 100 because I didnt finish in time at question 25. I used to be pretty good at IQ tests as a kid but then I also practiced more with mental puzzles and games. Its amazing how your brain just gets lazy over time and you need to practice again to become faster.

>> No.12565368

Damn dude you’re that smart!?

>> No.12565387

Pls respond, I am also mediator, and have about the same IQ

>> No.12565404

You are brain dead xD

>> No.12565410

Which one of you is a nigger? Be honest.

>> No.12565421

Got bad news for you. I have 0 interests in life I have been laying on my bed now for 5 months doing nothing I will probably kys next week.
Last year I was more energetic I used to love math and competitive programming
check project Euler it contains a lot of interesting problems if you want to try some.
I am a sand nigger why ?

>> No.12565432

Damn. Well hope it will look up again for you.

>> No.12565563
File: 69 KB, 1375x843, my_iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good IQ? My personality type is infp-a, but I suck at languages.

>> No.12565569

I want to be a neuroscientist

>> No.12565637

covid is a bitch.
Im thinking its probably better for a portion of society to die than to lock down a whole world economy. but hey,, thats just my uninformed 135IQ speaking.

>> No.12565649
File: 87 KB, 606x871, 1467604645096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do shit on IQ tests
>find out half of them are about looking for overlapping pieces
>suddenly ace all of them
nice test for intelligence you got there

>> No.12565654

Took this one a while ago when I was bored
It was 140 something
Real IQ is 169
IQ is a cope

>> No.12565743
File: 30 KB, 709x551, Screenshot (1307).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12565749

How many qs is this one
One time some anon posted a 100 q test which nobody has time for

>> No.12565753

>How many qs is this one

>> No.12565757

Ok might do it later then

>> No.12565822
File: 79 KB, 750x824, 6767EA81-FF44-404F-855D-34DEC842942C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I got. They really ramped up difficulty the last 3 qs. Did it on the toilet lol

>> No.12565836

Damn, you are lucky. How does it feel knowing you are inteligent?

>> No.12565841

I am not, IQs are a shit way to measure intelligence

>> No.12565848

Is mass better? You would know since you have such a high IQ, tell me

>> No.12565857

Honestly I think too much intelligence is harmful. Studies have shown it is correlated with mental illness which I suffer from anecdotally as well. Also there’s some angst you feel in that you’re never utilizing your intelligence to its fullest potential. Always doubting if you shouldn’t have pursued some other field where you could have made greater contributions, always wondering if you really are intelligent enough.
And as a child it made for difficulties with making friends and being disinterested in school until they realized you’re “gifted” and put you in a program where you’re relatively alone or skip a few grades so that your peers are all socially and physically maturer than you.

>> No.12565875

Also I largely agree with this that IQ is faulty and largely a cope. Highly intelligent individuals are more likely to have higher IQ scores yes but just look at the test in the OP. It’s testing a certain aspect of intelligence (or more likely pattern processing) perhaps that’s useful in some fields.
And I took it on the toilet on my phone lol

>> No.12565892
File: 44 KB, 1591x452, IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too smart

>> No.12565896

Or too dumb

>> No.12565900
File: 42 KB, 790x688, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fail classes all the time. Maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.12565960

Meh, I like being an INFJ more

>> No.12566062
File: 171 KB, 386x324, boza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips how to game these IQ tests? I keep seeing the same ideas come up like XOR for the blocks, set intersection and union for shapes, rotation etc. Is there a reference of all the common things they do?

>> No.12566067

it's just addition, subtraction, and visuospatial manipulation with rotation and translation
basically if you have a basic understanding of geometry and arithmetic then you can easily get over 125-130

>> No.12566224

jokes on you, apparently, according to this test, in have a 95 iq and am doing my master of engineering in automation technology and robotics right now so do what you like i guess. Its a pain in the ass but with enough motivation you can do everything.

>> No.12566789
File: 383 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2021-01-05-19-05-12-896_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP here

>> No.12566983

I got 130 a month or so ago and am either an infp or enfp. I'm a huge fuck up, though.

>> No.12567283

No that's the result for IQs too low to measure.

>> No.12567315
File: 62 KB, 976x850, B3CA35A7-9853-4029-B0CF-5465317A99DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... there is no upper bound for this test.

>> No.12567550

You are in the top 1/3 if that is any consolation

>> No.12567597
File: 22 KB, 858x283, 420IQ think it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chose random answers.
Is it too late to take more IQ pills?

>> No.12567704

I'm also an INFP 133 IQ retard. times have been tough but I think we'll be fine hang in there, friendos.
Also before the quarantine, I was into writing and essaying, but in these past few months I've gotten into general tech hardware.

>> No.12568786

Got 131. I assume that Mensa likes to inflate the points so people actually go and pay to attempt their tests :D so realistically more like 120 perhaps.

IQ doesn't mean shit... it's just one of the many intelligences there are.

Social intelligence >>>> IQ

>> No.12568814

My parents kept bugging me to do an IQ test when I was 23, and I got something like 127 rushing through it. I'm pretty sure I could do better but I also don't really care.

>> No.12568824
File: 22 KB, 848x606, 188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffffttt, I'll like a diet coke with my big mac meal please.

>> No.12569128
File: 38 KB, 965x843, second generation african migrant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that one

>> No.12569384

>tilt your head sideways a bit so that you can see the patterns diagonally
>you are now more intelligent than 90%+ of humans
Are we really that retarded as a species?

>> No.12569641
File: 115 KB, 960x940, mensa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569681

No idea what my IQ is, I've taken several tests, plus a real test takes an hour at least, but isn't overall knowledge, skillset, and ability to learn new things more important? IQ tests can't account for the vast range of variables needed to determine how intelligent someone is, if that's even possible with our current definitions.

Intelligence is like good porn; you know it when you see it. Though there are outliers, where if you score extremely low (<90) or extremely high (>140) IQ can determine intelligence, but within that range it doesn't mean much.

>> No.12569689
File: 366 KB, 666x666, 1609525130656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally any adult who takes the test will score 130+.

>> No.12569699
File: 308 KB, 666x666, 1609524869526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I score 150 on this but I've had an actual iq test and supposedly I'm 80 something

>> No.12569707

should i take the test and then take it again in six weeks to see how much i can improve? I started doing a bunch of things to improve my intelligence recently. might post back if it's worth my time.

>> No.12569708
File: 116 KB, 1366x768, Cattura di schermata (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just did this, had to choose randomly the last three questions because i need to shit lol.
I'm intp and have severe ocd.

>> No.12569873
File: 390 KB, 2048x1449, 2A4BE0E2-2F4B-4AA3-A221-17C39FD0347A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this at all a credible test

>> No.12569879

Is this the most accurate online IQ test?

>> No.12570011
File: 45 KB, 745x829, my IQ test for 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to apply yourself more anon

>> No.12570095

Why do your parents want you to do an IQ test ?

>> No.12570112

Basically everyone in my life other than my brother and I are horrible at math and science, so I think they were just curious. My parents are pretty smart in their own way but yeah

>> No.12570132

this one's a bit more accurate: https://www.random.org/integers/

>> No.12570142
File: 17 KB, 1245x408, muh iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 173. My real IQ from a psychologist as a child was 169.

>> No.12570244

>generate a single number from 1 to 200
>get 198
Out of my way, brainlets.

>> No.12570250

No proof of it. You have to do it again and post result.
And only once.

>> No.12570699

what is your job?

>> No.12570754

Admittedly I don't have an IQ of 188, but I'm smart enough to know the test doesn't go beyond 145.

>> No.12570938

scored 79, I'm now officially a Nigger.

>> No.12570997
File: 28 KB, 916x630, 3023920418571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? 99.9%? Fucking scam.

>> No.12571012

I'm stupid but I take IQ tests and score 140+ once a while to cope, thanks for reminding anon

>> No.12571016

This is what IQ tests should be for. Means of entertainment and temporary copes with ones pitiable station in life.

>> No.12571021

I did this a few years ago and I got 97 but I'm too lazy to do it again

>> No.12571024

135-138, based on several childhood IQ tests and adult analogues.

>> No.12571029

Literally just do puzzles for a month before taking an IQ test, you'd probably score 10% higher.

>> No.12571034

I heard IQ tests only work if you did them as a child. I don't remember doing such tests in my childhood though

>> No.12571061

Of course, the adult IQ test would be your education level or yearly earnings compared to the average population. IQ tests for adults are slightly pointless. Though children brain development is all very different, sometimes genius kids turn into retards and vice versa.

>> No.12571237


>> No.12571257
File: 21 KB, 1457x479, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well would you look at that!

>> No.12571405
File: 67 KB, 998x927, dsbdbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP's are, on average, as far from a chad as a human male could be.

>> No.12571547
File: 86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210111-222316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12571557

first you have to...........
then you ........ until the point where your ...... is beyond comprehension
and after that you are all set.

>> No.12571783
File: 192 KB, 1054x1899, 20210112_084415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male neet here with poor language skills (i made a verbal test once because i was legitimately worried the verbal part of my brain was impaired and it actually showed i have a better vocabulary than 99% of the pop., but i have a really hard time recalling the right words when thinking/speaking), bad memory, average at math and not exceptional in any field whatsoever, brain fog since i was 11, pretty dull personality, zero creativity, cant really focus on things, bad anxiety and really poor social skills. again, i have a hard time constructing meaningful sentences in my head. i interrupt myself all time because i cant recall words, even common ones, and just drop what i was saying. it makes me frustrated. today i couldnt recall adolf hitler's name, i had to check wiki. its not that my mind is overflowed with thoughts either, i really feel like i have this huge void in my brain, like dementia, and its been deteriorating these last years.

>> No.12571827
File: 223 KB, 1080x2079, Screenshot_20210112_163343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit I can relate to basically all of those. Especially the brain fog.

>> No.12572803

Look into Grant Genereux' Vitamin A toxicity theory.

>> No.12572949
File: 34 KB, 1123x690, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will NOT be doing my 12th grade english homework tonight

>> No.12573090
File: 34 KB, 1059x771, pzmz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post answers now

>> No.12573114

So you're proud about leeching off the intelligence and hard work of others? Good job, parasite. Life isn't all about money.

>> No.12573125

Nigga, you're that dumb? Is B

>> No.12573138

There is no rotation(2). Are you really that dumb?

>> No.12573152

There is, look again, brainlet.>>12573125

>> No.12573224

its literally all about money. fuck yourself tranny..

>> No.12573245

Must be why you can't max out the test.
If you insist, we can take this to minecraft if you like.
This is a genuinely good question that I am surprised to see on mensa. Retards tripping on acid go for incomplete visual patterns. There is only one correct answer, but shit-tier genes only fuck with trashy easy sluts.

>> No.12573267

time based IQ tests can only be done once with a clear conscience, that's why i prefer tests like this:

>> No.12573317

>184 iq
tfw to smart

>> No.12573546


>> No.12573663

Thats why I hate niggers

>> No.12573711
File: 246 KB, 1237x554, iq results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12573735

Yeah it’s real youre in Mensa now

>> No.12573788

Who cares lmao. Ive met dumb people who I looked up to because despite being dumb their life was very interesting because they always found motivation to do things. it doesn't matter if you have 140 IQ but cant be bothered to get up from your couch and use your talent

>> No.12573913
File: 485 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20210113-020526_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme test I did this while half asleep on my bed with 10 minutes left on the clock and got a score that's 2 standard deviations higher than the average ? yes sure thing retards

>> No.12574480

>115 IQ brainlet

>> No.12575321

I've done 3 proper IQ tests not this 35 questions bullshit and ranged from 127 to 133.
So much depends on how well you do, diet, sleep and stress etc.
You can just practice and get better
^^ this

>> No.12575336
File: 30 KB, 616x497, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this test is so easy i do it while sleeping lol so easy I'm so smart

>> No.12575599
File: 50 KB, 699x666, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i improve in these tests? Do anons that have practiced improved?

>> No.12575759

Don't worry I got >>12565175

>> No.12575775

OMG IQ THREAD NUMBER#1043904239023490
We speshal guys.

>> No.12575884

just practice

>> No.12575973

be monke

>> No.12576024
File: 84 KB, 1859x1014, Screenshot from 2020-11-24 11-12-23 (copy).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you midwits so obsessed with IQ?

>> No.12576036

No. But it is probably the best you'll find online based on what I've heard of people comparing actual test results to this
The people who make it have made efforts to normalise it, as well as calibrate it with people who's IQ scores have been clinically tested
They also don't inflate IQ scores so people are more likely to promote the website to maximise ad revenue like other shitty online IQ tests do
But still anon, it's an online test. And the format and type of questions asked in IQ tests vary significantly between tests

>> No.12576041

> 129 IQ - oh, a retard
> 131 IQ - holy fuck, mensa chad

>> No.12576042

>I'm intp
>Believing in MBTI horoscopes
Yeah, this test is faulty, you're definitely sub-75

>> No.12576112
File: 7 KB, 596x239, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my lvl plebs

>> No.12576279

Pretty much. Half these fucking questions were just xor'ing geometric figures. Dogshit test

>> No.12576282

yes. That's why the results people are posting here are so inflated

>> No.12576292

retard I said it's a meme test everyone gets high iq so everyone can tell their friends about it and get more traffic to the site go fuck yourself with a fork if you thought I was bragging

>> No.12576301

>Bragging about a 130 score
You were the kind of kid who was happy about getting a B in a class right? Midwit

>> No.12576308

Not him, I got a 132, and was happy to get a B, as soon as I got comfortable with smoking weed and being retarded, i.e. after getting past the taste.

It hurt.

>> No.12576320

There's a lot of fake and gay in this thread.

instead, what I chose to do was get bullied and stop living and hikkikomori tassuru

>> No.12576323

just inspecting the html and doing some editing in the console.
pretty cringe thread desu.

>> No.12576335

130+ is 99th percentile what are you on about retard

>> No.12576473

The triangle rotates clockwise when you look at it horizontally, and there's only one grey triangle in each line of 3.

The answer is A. Frankly this is one of the issues with this test. Once you figure out the rotation stuff literally all of the questions except the last 5-10 are about that.

>> No.12576671

Borgars have caused you enough brain damage. Please consider an hero

>> No.12576879
File: 336 KB, 881x665, ath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real IQ test here.

>> No.12576887

I'm split between agnosticism and theism. God should exist, but I wonder if that's just me being overly perceptive of agency, and can we even really properly define God?

>> No.12576903
File: 2.49 MB, 480x480, 11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares. They clamp, vaccinate, halogenate, irradiate, etc. It's like taking apart a machine with parts missing, or testing out and exploring a device with gimped features. Totally uninteresting. It's like giving an IQ test to a Brave New World epsilon. It's not all that interesting beyond what it indicates about what you have taken from it, how you have reduced and clamped him. Likewise with damaged brains. There are too many confounders and you aren't able to get at any of the interesting stuff regarding nature or genetic potential. I fail to see the point. Those confounders also are poorly elucidated.

>> No.12576909

4chan is a clamp on your mind. You fell for the ruse. Look into moot and hiro.

>> No.12576915

What you're looking for is Deism. Find evidence of intelligent design through observation and deduction of the natural universe.

>> No.12576916

I've thought about this. What do you have in mind specifically?

>> No.12576973
File: 228 KB, 1080x1858, IMG_20210113_142353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Compatible with previous tests.

>> No.12576983

Why do you think moot us at Google now?
Think about the consequences of using this platform and how it shapes your mind.
Meditate on this to become mentally unclamped.

>> No.12577005

Yes, I do feel 4chan more often than not as a series of clamps. One comes to expect bad faith, which is of course insurmountable and most of the "people" here could just as well be bots.

I should leave and become apart from the clamp.

>> No.12577017

wooow soooo clever.

>> No.12577049

last time I did it I got 142 but I can assure that its fucking useless
I can't think of a single situation in life where its a good idea to talk about your IQ, bragging because its high is the epitome of fucking pathetic and sharing it when its average or low is just sad

In general, its stupid to brag about things that you are (clever, tall, white, etc.) and should instead value what you do (study, exercise, work, etc.)

>> No.12577078

>he needed 130+ for Bs

>> No.12577093

Yes. That's what I have done. I just come every week to tell my brethren to remove the clamps of 4chan and uncircumcise their mind

>> No.12577095

marihuana is the worst drug because it makes people extremely retarded without killing them

>> No.12577201

though I haven't taken the test, the amount of people on /sci/ who get 130 shouldn't be this high
everyone here is a smart retard after all

>> No.12577280
File: 233 KB, 807x430, 7b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ over here . Last time i got 126 twice in a roll , after like a year i got 2+IQ . Jesus fuck am suck a retard..

>> No.12577287
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder why my parents hate me that much , am such a failure

>> No.12577351
File: 26 KB, 680x383, 632092043ad50c112f94b25d802c0198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12577430

>95+ percentile
>literally 90% of the scores in these threads
pick one

>> No.12577445

excluding the braindead boards that have nothing to do with the rest of the site, like /b/, /mlp/ or /v/, the IQ of the 4chan posters is higher than average, and I wouldn't be surprised to see that /sci/ is on the higher end

>> No.12577609
File: 52 KB, 546x550, f1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 8 pics given
> identify the patterns as quickly as possible
> go!
> oh wow anon yo so smart you did that sisyphic task so fast
> you get 127 narcissistic points you must have superior genetic
> here a graph to show you how smart u are

fucking pathetic

>> No.12577880
File: 78 KB, 419x401, laugh-whiskeystatic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen some of the retards posting on here?

>> No.12577904

and whenever a retard appears, here or in /tg/ or /int/ or /his/ or whatever everyone doesn't waste a second at calling him a retard and poking fun at him, while in other sites like facebook or whatever there would be a fuckton of people even believing the stupidity

I'm trying to find that screencap of the american who was claiming that people in the middle ages wouldn't have been able to get to sardinia and everyone going ">american education", but I think I lost it, sadly

>> No.12577917
File: 641 KB, 1920x3025, iron brain surge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is

>> No.12577927

muhahahah oh my

>> No.12577958

That guy is clearly a genius, look at all those (You)s and consider the fact that he was immortalized in memetic form.

>> No.12578009

I aint got no IQ

>> No.12578049

Same result but I'm INFP-T

>> No.12579129
File: 53 KB, 1860x888, IQtest result - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFJ. Computer science major

>> No.12579417

come on bro, by "i'm intp" i meant i took that test and that was the result. Other than that i don't give a shit.

>> No.12580286

>t. 114 and seething

>> No.12580314

>I've taken an actual iq test and I score 80
I believe that
>I score 150 on this
This test only goes to 145

>> No.12580331

The fact that you have used the g word in the singular, and capitalised it, is evidence of your brainlethood. Thousands of them have been fabricated, and they all come with the same amount of supporting evidence. Zero.

>> No.12580339

I took the Stanford-Binet test in the early 90s. 80 multi-choice questions. They added 75 to the number of correct answers. Got 4 wrong. Fear my bulbousness

>> No.12580389
File: 50 KB, 1219x631, 1609885192758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time taking iq test
so i am a brainlet then

>> No.12580392

I took that test a few months ago and scored 135, I had around of my classmates and friends take it too and they scored from 145 all the way down to 87, with most of them scoring in the 110s. While I'm sure this isn't as accurate as a "real" IQ test I think it's a good enough placeholder. Whether or not IQ itself is a good measure of intelligence, probably not. I'm in first year of Electrical Engineering in a mediocre college in a shitty third-world country and hope to become a Theoretical Physicist someday. Also I'm INTP.

>> No.12580397

around 20* of my classmates and friends

>> No.12582386
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Negative iq gang rise up