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12561796 No.12561796 [Reply] [Original]

Radioactive water as the result of nuclear fallout.
Is this just a meme?
What happens to water when it's exposed to various types of radiation?

>> No.12561841

It's ok. Air is fine. Water is fine.
You don't have to worry.
We took care of the nucleotides.
Everything will be all right.

>> No.12562282
File: 6 KB, 259x194, waah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"radiation" doesn't mean a thing. nuclear fallout is mainly big radioactive particles mixing with the environement (dirt, dust, water etc...)
to answer your question, nothing incredible would happen to water if you exposed it to alpha, beta and gamma radiation. you would get some atom splitting, so a shitty way to do get oxygen and hydrogen from water.

the same happens when "mixing" radioactive materials with water : you get radioactive materials in water. You get sick when drinking it because the radioactive materials in the water (not the water iteself) fuck with your internal organs, or your skin if you swim in it though you would need a shit ton of radioactive stuff, as water itself is a very good insulator for radiation.

Nothing happens to the water itself and once filtered you'd get pure wah ah..

>> No.12562475

really? what, so I just out it through my brita filter and it's all good? I have my doubts anon...

>> No.12562622

All these years have passed and I still wantnto open that before christmas. It's just so round.

>> No.12562623
File: 49 KB, 877x514, 1591798030740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same happens when "mixing" radioactive materials with water : you get radioactive materials in water. You get sick when drinking it because the radioactive materials in the water (not the water iteself) fuck with your internal organs, or your skin if you swim in it though you would need a shit ton of radioactive stuff, as water itself is a very good insulator for radiation.

So if you take that water mixed with radioactive stuff and sprinkle it on plants will it kill them or can plants survive that?

Does the radioactive bits get evaporated with the water or will they remain on the ground when the water is gone?

>> No.12562681

kys pedo

>> No.12562743

Whats the point of that outfit? If you want to shit why not simply pull your pants down instead of smearing them with shit?

>> No.12562749

It's a onesie for kids

>> No.12562792


>> No.12562819

>he wasn't toilet trained
Bet you still have enuresis and encopresis

>> No.12562824

It's for anal, its a pedo photoshop

>> No.12562826
File: 35 KB, 657x527, 1587451303546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this sounds pretty spot on. The water doesn't become irradiated, you're just drinking tiny radioactive particles. The problem would be that not everyone would have access to reliable large-scale filtration technology in a hypothetical nuclear apocalypse.

>> No.12563973

>its a pedo photoshop
No anon, those were real.
I saw them IRL.

>> No.12563979
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, 1593437124917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a stupid survival prep thing.
What I want to know is if you give water with radioactive particles in it to lets say lettuce plants. Will they die, or can they filter out the radioactive particles and just absorb the water?
Or will they absorb it all, live, but become radioactive?

>> No.12564006

well it would depend on whether they normally absorb the ions of that element into their roots or not

>> No.12564749

What would happen in both situations?

>> No.12564801

If they don't have any uptake pathways then the radioisotope will stay in the soil, but something like potassium or phosphorous would readily be taken up

>> No.12565918

If the plants absorb the radiation would they die or just be toxic to humans?

>> No.12566448

radiation sickness happens to all organisms, as long as they have DNA. Your lettuce would be fucked up, but if blasted with gamma rays it would be completely safe to eat. in your example, it's hard to tell because the "radiation" is coming from particles that the plant will take from the soil. The plant itself will be radioactive and will therefore be a danger to humans (or anything alive really).

>> No.12567421
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your lettuce would be fucked up, but if blasted with gamma rays it would be completely safe to eat.

So just being exposed to radiation damages the plants DNA but nothing else really.

Absorbing radioactive particles in water would make them part of the plant and thus anyone eating the plant would be eating the radioactive particles, and that would be bad.

Did I get it right?

My next question is if those plants that absorbed the radioactive particles successfully created viable seeds, surely the product of those seeds would be safe to eat correct?

>> No.12568816

you should have a look at atomic plan breeding, there's still a facility in japan that uses it. blasting plants with a radioisotope to get new varieties