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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12557743 No.12557743 [Reply] [Original]

What field of science will be considered pseudoscience in 50 years?

>> No.12557753

social sciences, if you still consider them as sciences

>> No.12557759

something something quantum physics *cough*

>> No.12557770

"Data Science"

>> No.12557780

literally all sciences

>> No.12557787

This. So much statistical fishing these days.

>> No.12557788

Data science is just a hip name for statistics, and statistics is not pseudoscience.

>> No.12557795

computer science

>> No.12557895

nah, humans will always have brains, and brains will always be intresting from a scientific perspective.
True, a lot of assumptions in this field
>computer science
What did you use to type this post? A computer createt with knowledge of computer science. Maybe computers will develop into quantum of bio, so our current model will be olf-fashioned
Look through a microscope

>> No.12557979

literally everything other than pure maths

>> No.12558051

math isnt science

>> No.12558072


>> No.12558080


>> No.12558099

as far as I can tell, data science is a hip name for p-hacking and a-posteriori curve fitting mostly.

>> No.12558529

Social "science"

>> No.12558536


>> No.12558545

Damn, I wanted to study bio-psychology to get into this field. I guess if it does not get clout on 4chan, it ill be a waste

>> No.12558553

That describes most statistical work in the "industry" as well, so that anon is right (but so are you).

>> No.12558560

Math is a natural science, where the object of study is metaphysical and the experiments as well. Also, the experiments are very cheap.

>> No.12558594

Covid epidemiology

>> No.12558731

Are you confusing psychology with neurology?

>> No.12558738

I maybe am, can you go in detail about the difference. I have decided to study in that direction

>> No.12558741

Replication rate of 14%. Not saying it will never be a science. But the work being done now won't be considered 'true' neuroscience. In the same way copernicus' model isn't considered 'true' astronomy.

>> No.12558744


>> No.12558750

Everything except psychology, the philosopher-king of sciences.

>> No.12558764

this 1000x
big data is already being manipulated to push outcomes
be very hesitant when looking at it

>> No.12558820

nobody does

>> No.12558899

Some branches of sociology turns toward psychology and "brain architecture". We will probably have more of that in the future

>> No.12558925

you are retarded.

>> No.12559029

Sociology and psychology

>> No.12559056
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>math is a natural science

>> No.12559181

Mathematics particularly combinatorics

>> No.12559422

Gender studies.

>> No.12559431
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homeopathy. I want everyone that practices it to suffer

>> No.12559996

Based, I hope they die from consuming just a bit of quicksilver.

>> No.12560002


>> No.12560345

Probably a lot of our cancer treatment. Radiation is just cell annihilation and it's probably gonna be on the same level as bloodletting once we're a few generations out from using it

>> No.12560439

Most of the normie population considers it as rigorous as the natural sciences.

>> No.12560453

anthropological approaches in prehistoric archaeology

>> No.12560462

Your computer monitor was made thanks to quantum physics, you absolute retard.

>> No.12560637

Sexual Reassignment is the frontal lobotomy of our time.

>> No.12560689

A better question is what field of pseudoscience with be considered science in 50 years?
I vote phrenology.

>> No.12560695

Whatever Michio cucku, Bill Trannies and Neil defag tyson are currently talking about

>> No.12560704

t. seething that an archaeochad fucked your girl

>> No.12560711
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>literally used to find areas of dark matter within the universe

>> No.12561004

>Look through a microscope

That could be racist, or transphobic depending on what you see.

>> No.12561032

biology, those brainlets can hardly do any math
all the big discoveries have been made by physicists (like the discovery of dna for example)
biologists are a pathetic joke, worse than cs brainlets

>> No.12561062

Everything that isn't woke.

>> No.12561094

That branch of psychology is literally the worst, least effaceable. Neuroscience is fake and gay, all of it.

>> No.12561123


>> No.12561222

I sincerely don't know why linguistics is put in the social sciences category on wikipedia. Linguistics is pretty scientific. I would choose linguistics over psychology or sociology.

>> No.12562144

You know it has its genesis in studying animal behavior?
Biology is as old as 'lion hunt in pack, bite is bad
Its the oldest science there is and will not dissappear in the next 50 years

>> No.12562292

>Literally using well know statistical techniques in science
Yes, but "data scientists" didn't came up with that shit lmao.

>> No.12562299 [DELETED] 

Quantum physics

>> No.12562302

Linguistics isn't scientific. It has a hard component to it but a lot of the theoretical side of it is untestable and unfalsifiaible.

>> No.12562304

Anything to do with real numbers. I can't believe how many uneducated tools fall for them.

>> No.12562307

Quantum mechanics

>> No.12562330
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>> No.12562357


>> No.12562371


>> No.12562444

Gender studies

>> No.12562482

What the fuck are you talking about you chudd?

>> No.12562487

Seriously. If you restarted Phrenology from scratch and got rid of any of the pseudo scientist early shit, you'd find a massive correlation between *certain* head shapes and crime/iq and behavior. (blacks gonna black)

>> No.12562489

Agree 100%. I just hope the doctors doing it today live long enough to be shamed for the shit they're doing.

>> No.12562491

Lmao. That's like thinking hammers were created thanks to quantum physics because they are made of quantum particles.
Maybe you quantum physicists give yourself a bit too much credit.

>> No.12562538

nice try idiot, my monitor has quantum dot technology in it.

>> No.12562564

The premise that society will advance in 50 years and call out these pseudosciences, rather than continue to degenerate and double down on the pseudoscience is, I think, unrealistically optimistic.

>> No.12562568

computer science isn't science in the first place, it's just a branch of mathematics.

>> No.12562571

>a natural science
>the object of study is metaphysical
Literally pick one.

>> No.12562576

Your monitor maybe, but his?

>> No.12562618

This. My monitor can't work until I fill it to the brim with quantum pellets.

>> No.12562775

T. 400+ pounds

>> No.12562786

Much of our cutting-edge theories will be looked upon in the same way we view Newtonian mechanics. They'll be kind-of good enough for teaching students, but not actually used, because there are better, more accurate theories.

>> No.12562802

Neuroscience, psychology, good part of biotechnology, significant proportions of medicine. Likely a good part of genomics. Not my field of expertise, but I have credible people telling me modern day concrete building, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage and heat management will be affected. Same goes for sting theory.

>> No.12563000

Evolutionary psychology

>> No.12563009


>> No.12563020

computational neuroscience is a thing, and they're doing cool shit using physics inspired modeling.

>> No.12563030

newtonian mechanics are certainly used. Quantum and relativity effects have so little influence on human sized experiments that in most cases it is impossible to measure them, so there is no fucking point in doing orders of magnitudes more calulations, most of them analytically unsolvable. In the areas where their effect becomes relevant, current models will definitely still be used unless we find some really neat equations of everything.

>> No.12563034

specifically epidemiology and psychology
anti-psych is going to rise once people realize they really have ALWAYS just been high-class pushers

>> No.12563333


>> No.12563344


>> No.12563392

How dare you. I'll have you know goy, my great-grandmother was gassed over sixteen times and that trauma lives on today through my genes. I am entitled to compensation and reparations!

>> No.12563403
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>> No.12563420

imagine falling for the bait this easily

>> No.12563425

why? isn't it mostly about transcription which is observable?

>> No.12564515

Quantum dots seem more like particles with a resonant frequency.

>> No.12564623

>its not science
>its a type of science


>> No.12564627

Today's sociology will be to it's modern approach what alchemy is to chemistry.

>> No.12564629

with the rise of machine learning (NLP) its has more real uses than ever, so i doubt that

>> No.12564840

Fundamentally; we understand the band gap in semiconductors, which is fundamental to all modern electronics, via Bloch's theorem. Which is basic QM.

>> No.12564843
File: 58 KB, 620x800, every-time-i-fire-a-linguist-the-performance-of-our-speech-recognition-system-goes-up-quote-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI will figure out all the languages without human linguistics (and I tell it to you as a linguist: modern linguistics is shit-tier)

>> No.12565257
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The absolute state of including this

>> No.12565260

>tfw when you use vooddoo to target homeopaths

Why is modern linguistics so bad? What are the issues
Asking as a layman

>> No.12565268

Chemistry. I think that we still don't understand how bounds and reactions work.

>> No.12565495
File: 195 KB, 1199x1551, Bell_Prob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with quantum in the name.

Pic related

>> No.12565503

Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Anything racist or transphobic.

>> No.12565523


>> No.12565542

pharmaceuticals and biology
More and more people don't trust them, and now some highly educated people I know are talking against them since they found the "healing energy of crystals". I am getting really worried that nobody understand the the scientific method anymore.

Something like this,?
Stanford's Sapolsky On Depression in U.S. (Full Lecture)
Because this seems like something we need, even if the scientific method can't empirically analysis human thought and emotion.

That's the thing about the scientific method, it works unbelievably well for most types of understating. But it is not the only method because somethings are by their very natural unscientific.

>> No.12565575

>highly educated people
And they don't know what a placebo is?

>> No.12565639

All sciences except gender studies

>> No.12565660


>> No.12565666

We understand chemical reactions fairly well, but predicting them is very hard. I really hope we develop a much better understanding of chemistry that makes almost everything we know about chemistry obsolete, but I doubt it will happen within 50 years.

>> No.12565676

I suggested that, but they got incredibly aggressive swearing it was different and that this really was the power of the crystals.

>> No.12566022

>Why is modern linguistics so bad? What are the issues
Language is one of the most important things in politics. Imagine if everybody could speak several languages - all divide et empera thing could stop working. Also linguists enjoy their high salaries as interpreters, and also their elite position (they often enter doors simple laymen can't) and if it took people few months to learn a foreign language, those linguists would be unemployed (as they should be: I was taught that "if you translate some conversation, and you noticed that you made a mistake - don't correct yourself" - it's about prestige and confidence, not about ethics of possible consequences) have you ever wondered why it takes only a couple of years to study a foreign language by yourself in the country of that language, and with he help of professors it would take you twice as much with poorer results? And I could go on about chomskian pseudoscience, about the way christian church dominatd the field up to XX century with their retarded views, the way it's dogmatic even where it's obviously wrong.

>> No.12566549

Neurology is a field of medicine which studies the physiology and pathology of neurons and other cells of the nervous system. It's based on biology and chemistry and it uses tools like blood tests, microscopes and imaging (MRI) in order to determine the cause of disease. It can also be applied to investigate how the human brain works at a cellular level, so basically, it studies the brain (as in, the physical organ). Psychology tries to explain human behavior based on repeated observations of human interactions in different circumstances. Psychologists study the mind, which means they don't take biochem, histology, physiology or anatomy classes, so they don't really know how neurons or cells in general function, which means they don't know how the brain works as an organ.

>> No.12567124

Psychology and Psychiatry will fall away to true Neurology and understanding of the brain.

>> No.12567134


The holocaust
Anything where money is involved

And so on.

>> No.12567141

>computer science isn't science
Machine learning specifically is though, given it isn't easy to analyze mathematically except in grossly general terms.

>> No.12567154


>> No.12567156

Math is a counting game.

>> No.12567164

Medicine isn't science, it's technology, and it has been afflicted a great deal by vices in science methodology such as the positivism of Evidence Based Medicine.

>> No.12567168

So they're not studying nerves then. They're playing with models created for something else.

>> No.12567186

>Tries to talk about 'modern linguistics'
>Instead talks about being a translator/political ambassador

And Chomsky hasn't actually been 'obviously' refuted, most of his critics just clearly don't understand what he's saying.

>and with he help of professors it would take you twice as much with poorer results

People have been saying this shit for literally millenia, because it's true and language courses are mostly garbage and always have been.

>> No.12567191

I'm basically certain most people really don't understand how different people's skull shape can be. Seriously, show someone and abo skull and they would assume it was an ape, because you just don't see human skulls depicted like that.

>> No.12567920

Social sciences and psychology

>> No.12568065

Thats just as retarded as saying physicists aren't studying physics because they're playing with models created for something else, which is often the case.

>> No.12568440

Global warming and super symmetry/string theory

>> No.12568449

So if somebody goes into medicine, what is the specialty that will survive?

>> No.12568585

>Wtf am I studying!?

>> No.12568594

Who knows. Probably someghing that an AI cant do or a specialty that wont be priced out by 3rd worlders.

>> No.12568613

Medicine will follow the way of dentistry. Every specialty will be a separate trade and current practicioners will be reduced to the same level of nurses, cheap labor.

>> No.12568637

you wot? fuck you it is

>> No.12568639

>screenshot of Google result of Quora answer
why bother posting?

>> No.12568645

Blockchain tech will unironically save humanity. If we are able to maintain comms without mainstream corporate control then the red pills will keep flowing, and they will flow faster.

>> No.12568657

This, AI methods for solving PDEs will give completely different results from the traditional climate models. And because we black boxed everything no one will have any idea what's going on.

>> No.12568671

Sadly i can see this happening

>> No.12568736

why biotechnology?
China is investing heavily in biotech and has less rules, the eu will join suit it will most likely boom during the next 20yrs and continue at a steady pace.

>> No.12568751

This would make sense but I doubt it will be implemented.

>> No.12568876

>tesch yourself a language of a country you reside in
>have professors teach you it.
16h a day vs 8h at best.

>> No.12569786
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>(they often enter doors simple laymen can't)
They often enter many sexy back doors because they speak several languages

Thanks for the actual explanation tho

>> No.12569802


>> No.12569861

the take placebo pills that impair your brain so that your handlers aren't bothered by your inappropriate or undesirable behavior field

>> No.12570027


>> No.12570166

>The ai cs nigger is still going
Kys you waste of space.