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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12556914 No.12556914 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I'm not smart enough to live my life. The world is too confusing for me. What can I do scientifically?

>> No.12556919 [DELETED] 

Can you memorize and regurgitate facts? Can you do the most basic statistics? Then welcome to the world of medicine. So easy that stinky Indians can do it.

>> No.12556935
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sounds like somebody didn't get into med school and is bitter

>> No.12556948

what do you need smarts for? channel your autism here, get a job, have sex
then fit what you can into the rest of your life

>> No.12556961
File: 24 KB, 242x346, the_myth_of_sisyphus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot ever understand life but you can make peace with your human condition and enjoy the time you have left on this Earth. Also this is a question for >>>/lit/.

>> No.12557004

money and sex dude right on

>> No.12557109

>So easy that stinky Indians can do it.
At least if they're in India.
Indian doctors who go to Canada have to become completely re-certified, which is a MASSIVE undertaking.
Not just Indians, doctors from almost every country do.
Sucks to be the immigrating doctor, but at least you know the doctors there are competent.

>> No.12558518

OFF hand, I'd say no matter how smart you are, what you want for
YOURSELF is to be more smart.

>> No.12559976

specialize, in one thing. After gaining some confidence in one field i. e. knowing that you are useful somehow you stop to care.

>> No.12561016


>> No.12561274

You're smarter than 95% of the users of this board.

>> No.12561281

I'm too smart to live my life. The world is too confusing for me. I'm going to do creative things that bring me joy.

>> No.12561287

midwit take
High IQ take
this is just true

>> No.12562043


>> No.12562613


>> No.12563439


>> No.12563841

Youre lucky lad, you are so lucky.. live a happy life and be greatful for that

>> No.12564612


>> No.12565107


>> No.12565163


>> No.12565166


>> No.12565187
File: 936 KB, 2769x2154, 1599834702669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realize that your faculties were pruned at birth when you got clamped and vaccinated by scheming globalists with totalitarian plans. Read Brave New World and compare it to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The latter does not explicitly state formation of a genetically enslaved underclass, or hard caste system by biological reduction, but it is implied.

Use this realization to fill yourself with meaning and purpose, while you still can. Or, find comfort by accepting your place in the natural order, and submit. Like they said in Brave New World, "For the first time in history you know where you are".

>> No.12565191

C'mon even Gary Ridgway figured it out

>> No.12565201

this thread is very confusing. What do I do?