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File: 2.88 MB, 9963x9963, TurkSat5A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12555739 No.12555739 [Reply] [Original]

The start of a fresh new year of launch threads! edition

Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I0UYXVqIn8
Launch window: Thursday January 7 8:28 PM EST / 01:28 UTC (4 hour window)

Probability of violating weather constraints: 30% (https://www.patrick.spaceforce.mil/Portals/14/Weather/Falcon%209%20TurkSat-5A%20L-0%20Forecast%20-%207%20Jan%20Launch.pdf?ver=AwZHbnU9dCUTnG_A3Dnh-A%3d%3d))
Backup launch window: January 9 8:28 PM EST / 01:28 UTC (4 hour window)
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1060.4 (prior launches: GPS III SV03, Starlink-L11, Starlink-L14)
Launch pad: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida
Fairings: One half flew ANASIS-II, the other half flew GPS III SV03
Fairing recovery: Possible, on fairing recovery vessels 'Ms. Tree' & 'Ms. Chief'
First stage landing: On autonomous spaceport droneship 'Just Read the Instructions'
Payload: Turksat 5A, a Ku-band communications satellite for Türksat AS, based on the Airbus Eurostar-3000EOR bus
Payload mass & deployment orbit: 3,500 kg; GTO (will end up at 31°E)

Launch viewing guide for Florida: http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html
SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX
F9 stats: 103rd launch, 64th landing, 46th core reuse
* you may have noticed the stats have shifted, that is as they no longer include FH core landings and reuse

>> No.12555741
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NSF stream for those that want it:
SpaceX mission control stream will be posted when available

>> No.12555743
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>> No.12555756

Dubs and falcon explodes

>> No.12555757
File: 214 KB, 1125x1462, F1D22948-8799-42C7-B86B-B365F6DC4F46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No static fire...please don’t explode you faggot rocket

Reminder that Falcon 9 Block V is mulatto

>> No.12555760

Trips and falcon9 goes kaboom

>> No.12555763

>needing to static fire when it was already tested in McGregor and now has 3 successful flights and landings under its belt
that there is oldspace thinking mister. Logically, it's unnecessary spaceframe wear and AMOS06 potential to static fire

>> No.12555799

Any weather reports?

>> No.12555972
File: 153 KB, 1079x740, 20210107_172834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk has more wealth and more stuff in space. How can Jeff Bozos compete?

>> No.12555973

1 bong left

think it's still 30%

>> No.12555980

Bezos wants to move earth’s industrial capacity off-planet to O’Neil cylinders. Musk wants Mars to be self sustaining. It’s different realms of space, while competition will happen the goals are wildly different

>> No.12556023

also totally different time scales, Musk wants to do something this century

>> No.12556027

>How can Jeff Bozos compete?
By doing what he already is doing. Ignore SpaceX unless there is a lawsuit to have

>> No.12556037

Jeff is playing the waiting game, why bother wasting time on R&D when you can let spaceX do it for you, review it, and improve it.

Amazon is not exactly in a race of any kind as it has basically an endless supply of cash coming in. They want to see what everyone else does, then deliver something new or in the middle that others aren't doing for a niche market to monopolize on.

>> No.12556058

I live 15 miles from cape canaveral but it's pretty cloudy rn
don't know if I should bother trying to watch

>> No.12556076

do itttt

>> No.12556077

Did they stop doing them now?

>> No.12556088

Hearing about an hour to launch, tentatively.

>> No.12556105

Thank god, I'm starving

>> No.12556124

>stream countdown reset to 45:00

>> No.12556127
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>countdown timer increased

>> No.12556133

SpaceX Audio LIVE

>> No.12556188

>it's another delayed-to-the-end-of-launch-window episode

>> No.12556193

>Spacecraft is on internal power

>> No.12556200

looks like it's casual Thursday down at hawthorn

>> No.12556205

They brought out the D-team for Turk launch webcase at least.

>> No.12556211

when are they gonna try another dual catch ree

>> No.12556214

I eagerly await the webcast's Turkish promo video segment

>> No.12556216


>> No.12556220

"we use gravity on a car to keep all the fuel near the bottom of the tank" well uhhhh that's one way of putting it

>> No.12556225

fuck it's not even a Turkish voice over artist

>> No.12556227
File: 84 KB, 500x370, 1455438813843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roachsat STRONGLY in space

>> No.12556229

Damn, I thought you were kidding. It's kind of weird for them to be marketing on a SpaceX stream, but whatever. The NRO clip made a bit more sense.

>> No.12556232

Turks, eh?...Alright..

>> No.12556233

Guys, do you think the satellite might cover Turkey, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Central Asia? I'm not quite sure about it.

>> No.12556234

were you here for the bangabandhu webcast? it was LEGENDARY

>> No.12556236

it's a fucking commsat, don't pretend it's anything more

>> No.12556237

I'm disappointed to find there are no actual turkey's involved with this.

>> No.12556239
File: 1.14 MB, 1186x667, Screenshot_2021-01-08 Turksat 5A Mission - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it bros. We got Turkey into space.

>> No.12556241

kek it was so epic

>> No.12556246

Gonna have to (re?)watch that afterwards. I don't remember it.

>> No.12556249

He can try that, but it's a shit strategy. Funding R&D doesn't just develop new technology in a vacuum. It also builds your company's R&D capacity going forward. It attracts the highest-quality engineers, allows you to recruit the most promising new grads and poach the best engineers from your un-sexy competition. This all makes developing the next advance easier, while your competition still has to catch up with your last one. BO will end up further and further behind, and the only reason it's acceptable to Bezos is because his heart was never really in it to begin with.

>> No.12556252

ONE MINUTE till the start of SpaceX's 2021 campaign

>> No.12556259
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>> No.12556260
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>> No.12556261

That bright camera exposure lmao. Almost thought something went wrong.

>> No.12556262

Poor camerawork tonight. Gotta be those clouds plus night launch.

>> No.12556263

Amazon is probably gonna get broken up by the US government soon as well. Just twiddling their thumbs for months on end isn't gonna be a winning strategy.

>> No.12556267

>click on stream

>> No.12556268

first launch thread launch cat of 2021. we made it lads, here's to the new year of SPPPPAAACCEEEEEEEE

>> No.12556273

Wait is this the first satellite launch of the year?

>> No.12556274

good sep. callout was early?

>> No.12556275

I wouldn't bet on it. The centrist wing of the DNC is currently in the driver's seat, and they tend to get along quite well with west coast billionaires.

>> No.12556276

come on back down B1060! and fairings

first SpaceX one

>> No.12556277

Yeah there was like a 10 second delay in coverage. Seems like too much to just be a camera delay (fairing sep delay just now was only 3 seconds or so).

>> No.12556286

And first launch altogether

>> No.12556288

There was a French spysat last week.

>> No.12556289

Looks like A/V desync. The calls for MECO and fairing deploy were both 'early' too.

>> No.12556294

wish we had more tracking plane ASDS landing footage during the day. seems like all of these are at night nowadays

>> No.12556300

Stuck the landing!

>> No.12556302


>> No.12556303

and it looks like it nailed the bullseye too.

>> No.12556305

They've improved the timeline animation a bit

>> No.12556314

With this landing accuracy they surely can catch SH by its gridfins

>> No.12556316

indeed, it should be easier to control as well with more mass near the bottom

>> No.12556318

They're so casual about it now, like it's no big deal. I can't wait for the day my kids take manned landings on Mars for granted the same way.

>> No.12556325

next F9 launch is the 14th, Transporter-1, but Starship SN9 is hopping Sun/Mon/Tuesday possibly. Don't miss it!

>> No.12556328

Anyone know what the music is? Doesn't sound like Test Shot Starfish.

>> No.12556330

now THIS music is some solid wubwubwub

>> No.12556334

my iPhone doesn't know what it is, but it is a TSS song iirc

>> No.12556336
File: 137 KB, 1080x1080, elon musk in istanbul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how much does a spaceX launch cost compared to a conventional rocket?

>> No.12556339

Pricing is around 20-30 million for SpaceX launches for basic payloads for F9

>> No.12556343

internally it's like 25 mill cost to build+launch. A re-used core cuts the marginal internal launch cost to a substantial fraction of that; still have to build a stage 2 every time tho

isn't it ~60?

>> No.12556351

Cost vs price

It costs SpaceX ~30M to launch. They charge ~50-60M.

>> No.12556352

I'm seeing $60m new, $50m reused on wikipedia.

>> No.12556357

yeah like 50m to the customer, spacex eats up 30mil if they were all new launches but unknown $ for re-used. Fairings are 3 mil each too

>> No.12556363


>[The rocket] costs $28 million to launch it, that’s with everything,” Couluris said, adding that reusing the rockets is what is “bringing the price down.”

>> No.12556366

>no camera or even confirmation
fucking waste of my time

>> No.12556376

why is there no feed?

>> No.12556377
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That inclination change tho

>> No.12556381

Guy on the stream said the Central Africa tracking station is down.

>> No.12556383
File: 39 KB, 250x370, Thedish_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ded dish in Africa

related. not a bad movie desu

>> No.12556386
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uhhhh did it not restart?

ah, nevermind

>> No.12556390

Tracking station in Africa is down

It's a change of altitude. Interestingly the map isn't showing it follow that line. Probably not a cause for concern.

>> No.12556392

it'll probably jump up once the next tracking station comes into range

>> No.12556393

the animation must be actual data then, neat. not a pre-made thing like the tracking thingy in the old Gemini control room

>> No.12556395

yep, just did exactly that

>> No.12556396

a hidden gem, especially for Apollo nuts and analog electrical engineers

>> No.12556397
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looks pretty funny

yeah, good to know

>> No.12556399
File: 92 KB, 354x286, apu groovin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else picrelated here?

>> No.12556400

Given the ground track, it looks like there might've actually been a small inclination change.

>> No.12556405
File: 2.96 MB, 250x320, 1608477556032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder where they get their music

>> No.12556406


test shot starfish

>> No.12556407

elon wins again

>> No.12556408

Turksat deployed, Armenia BTFO.

>> No.12556410

>Payload reduction due to reusability of booster & fairing is <40% for F9 & recovery & refurb is <10%, so you’re roughly even with 2 flights, definitely ahead with 3

>> No.12556414

and tory thinks the break even point is 10; but he's accounting for the R&D needed beforehand as well I think. Musk said reusability cost like a billion dollars total. Still, doesn't matter a whit in the long run with colonizing mars. gotta re use either way

>> No.12556416

Doing a quick skim of their Soundcloud, I can't find the tracks that are playing.

>> No.12556418

They're all up on youtube.

>> No.12556423

Fair well, RoachSat.

>> No.12556424

I know this is one of them they just played

>> No.12556429

Did they get the fairing halves?

>> No.12556438
File: 2.87 MB, 960x540, turksat 5a from cape port.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated shot right here

>> No.12556443

does anyone know how spacex got the wet/dry fraction of the Falcon 9 so ridiculous? Seems superior to pretty much everything else.

>> No.12556455

aluminum-lithium alloys and the fucking great m1d

>> No.12556460

this >>12556455 and subcooled propellants

>> No.12556462

Another one seems to be a remix of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7T6KTXwQR8

>> No.12556463

looks really cool

>> No.12556467

amazing how much light it puts out

isn't that the same thing most rockets use? M1D?

>> No.12556474

>isn't that the same thing most rockets use? M1D?
No. The Falcon 9 is the only rocket that uses that engine

>> No.12556476

oh god sorry I'm an idiot. It took me a while to get that M1D = merlin. I meant aluminum-lithium. Isn't that fairly common in rocketry?

>> No.12556512

>Isn't that fairly common in rocketry?
Yes. They don't even isogrid-mill it like ULA does. They just have the best thrust to weight ratio in the history of the world for the Merlin 1D engine so the Falcon's dry mass can be really low.

>> No.12556523

Kino, very cool

>> No.12556534

if someone from the 1800s saw that they would think they witnessed a miracle

>> No.12556546

>They don't even isogrid-mill it like ULA does
wow, that makes the low dry weight percentage even more impressive

>They just have the best thrust to weight ratio in the history of the world
ah, I bet that's a lot of it right there. Oldspace engines don't compare at all in that area

>> No.12556551

Right now ULA's booster engines are all SRBs (lol), RS-68s (FIRST STAGE HYDROLOGS :DDDDD), or ancient Soviet designed RD-180s. I'm not super surprised a modern design can beat those on TWR. The real shocker is that a teeny little open cycle gas generator kerolox engine is doing it, or that it still beats the BE-4.

>> No.12556564

Entire range of design choices all through the vehicle also kerolox without subcooling is great but with copv submerged with deep cryo lox common bulkheads and semi pressure stabilized lox tanks you reach stupidly high efficiency levels another one is that most merlins have low thrust structure mass due to being on edges of the tank.

>> No.12556582
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>or that it still beats the BE-4.
yeah its specs look somewhat embarrassing considering its size. But Bruno says that it's going better than expected so perhaps it ok

>common bulkheads
oh cool. Didn't know F9 used those

>low thrust structure mass due to being on edges of the tank.
that's clever way to do it. Same with the submerged copv.

>> No.12556588

You got TVRK’d

>> No.12556656

>common bulkheads
Nork/Iran tier