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12548004 No.12548004 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12548043

Yes it's called having sub 130 IQ

>> No.12548129
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inner monologue is not a superior way of thinking

>> No.12548269


>> No.12548309

>t. sub 200iq

>> No.12548313
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>> No.12548561

Correct. But an adult who can't sit down and put those abstract concepts into words when the situation calls for it is a dum dum

>> No.12548589

woahh....just like my animes......

>> No.12548599


>> No.12548604

You might read faster by not having inner-dialogue read everything as you go along, but you read better imo.

>> No.12548794

kys loser animefag

>> No.12548882


>> No.12548896

fuck yes.
America's philosopher is BF Skinner

>> No.12548916

No, the NPC meme itself stems from a misunderstanding of psychological studies a couple years ago on r9k. Now the NPC meme is just a political tool to dehumanise the average layman. Also your image is completely wrong because it's established many times in the anime that Rei has no thoughts or personality of her own outside of the vaguest questionings of her existence.

>> No.12548929
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>It turns out that it is possible to distinguish a zombie from a person. A zombie has a different philosophy. That is the only difference. Therefore, zombies can only be detected if they happen to be philosophers. Dennett is obviously a zombie.

>> No.12549022

Here's the problem: to be Rei is to live a life of loneliness misery. Unless you're an alpha chad or, if female, didn't tame that chad.

>> No.12549101

Damn, this is a really good read anon

>> No.12549151

Sociology is another art of lying with statistics and not science, and you should ask somebody like biologist or control circuit designer if NPCs are real.

>> No.12549361

That can't be real.
I can't comprehend "thinking" without subvocalization or at least invoking symbols in your minds eye.
How would you evaluate anything at all? You'd just be spouting random bullshit every time.

>> No.12550393
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> the NPC meme itself stems from a misunderstanding of psychological studies a couple years ago on r9k
No it doesnt you fucking moron the NPC meme has existed since the beginning of time itself. The Greeks called them hylics, they are often known as p zombies in literary/philosophical circles shudra in Hindu etc etc. KYS you fucking retard

>> No.12550417
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>> No.12550460

i read in a book that the term you'd use back in the day were "gods' afflicted creatures". i presume it meant people that only exist by their emotions

>> No.12550815

>he thinks the video game term NPC has been around for thousand of years before video games were around
full retard

>> No.12550816

>waifus (plural)
normalniggers neck yourselves

>> No.12550845

What the fuck is this garbage, none of that shit happened with Rei.

>> No.12550847

Very cool. I've reached the same conclusions years ago and reading someone else explicitly state and argue for them has been very pleasing.

>> No.12550901

>can't inner monologue in parallel & interplay between multiple faculties--imagery, music, kinesthetic, etc.
>can't improvise lyric poetry that accords with imagery synesthetically conjured from music, etc.
This either/or meme trash is as tiresome as being told that old joke about chewing gum and walking at the same time 1000 times a day.

>> No.12550987

Except it is real. Some people can't hear their thoughts.

>> No.12550999

anime website

>> No.12551001

I hate discussions about zombies because if they go on long enough people reveal an ulterior motive that makes me discard their entire argument. There's never a good faith argument about zombies. That's why people get so emotional about this stuff, because their religion/faith/views of the universe underlie it. This thread is just more proof of that.

>> No.12551008

This is spectacularly, painfully dumb. It's the "everyone is is sheelple but me!" joke, but with a hundred times too many words.

>> No.12551104

Does this mean they can't have earworms? They can't imagine music?
What about dreams, surely they still have those? I don't feel much of a difference between thoughts in a dream and thoughts irl.
What a dreadfully dull existence.

>> No.12551202

toggle-able inner monologue is top tier but having autism sucks

>> No.12551224
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why does the NPC seethe when they are exposed

>> No.12551228

yah I know where it is you fucking faggot I made a screenshot of it for you. Do you have legit autism? You could just say thanks I didnt make the fucking thing for me idiot

>> No.12551276
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Isn't he just saying that computers aren't special, and the idea of a computer is just a human construct? I can't be bothered to read more than halfway through.
>inb4 zombie detected

>> No.12551289

I had the text highlighted and it automatically quoted it when I pressed the reply button. No worries.

>> No.12551382

found the hylic

>> No.12551683

t. an actual npc

>> No.12551833
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I don't know if NPCS are real, but sometimes i wonder if they are, look at posts on social networks from morons who say two things that contradict each other and believe them.

>> No.12551871
File: 70 KB, 492x492, conniseur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek ok my bad for calling you a fag and idiot then

>> No.12551879

>he thinks "meme" and "term" somehow mean the same thing
>no one can understand how the mind of someone this retarded works other than the retard themselves
>retard calling other people retarded
The NPC meme is real kiddos and can be exposed through reading comprehension.

>> No.12551887

say something slightly ambiguous, players will ask you to clarify your statement, NPC will just make an incorrect assumption about what they think you are saying based on their personal biases/motives

>> No.12552006


Inner monologue theory is fun because most people have verbal thoughts or visual thoughts. A certain percentage of people do NOT have EITHER. While its fine to call them NPC, thats not the real problem of NPC.

NPCs are people who do not have critical thinking. Who do not question the narrative. People who regurgitate word babble without understanding what they're saying. People who parrot words/phrases they hear from other sources. That applies to not just left wing political party but also right wing, and its not just a political domain, it applies to every type of discources. You have the science NPCs who parrot science factoids without understanding what it means. You have the news paper NPCs who parrot whatever news paper prints out. You have the social NPC where they parrot whatever other people are saying. These types of people exists everywhere and behave similarly to a GPT bot. They don't exhibit intelligence but rather behaves like a common house parrot.

>> No.12552060

>"this is dumb"
What you have established with this complaint is one of two things.
1: This line of logic is pedestrian and bores you
2: This line of logic is about you, and you are lashing out
As you can see, we have learned nothing about you by your comment, except that that interpretation automatically implies the second. In communicating nothing, you have effectively communicated meaning you never intended.

>> No.12552088

I shall take this bait.

This is retarded. You should be able to toggle between thinking in any number of modes, English being only one of many. No one is stupid enough to think in English during a fight or flight situation, and no one is stupid enough to think thought occurring exclusively in English is anything but inefficient.

>> No.12552096

The "bait" was the impetus to engage with the concept as a possibility. You did not take the bait.

>> No.12552224 [DELETED] 

Having one internal voice is not enough.

If you place a man in a room and feed him inputs in through a machine he can only rely on himself to process the information. Of course other people could help process the information but that could only be done from the outside and fed through the same machine feeding raw data. You need to access or schizo mind and use distinct perspectives to process information more objectively. Mental illness is a failure in the minds flexibility.