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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12545980 No.12545980 [Reply] [Original]

Original thread:>>>/g/79515297

This thread is for those that aren't interested in taking shortcuts in learning how to program and want to eventually be able to solve interesting and potentially difficult problems down their career
SICP STUDY GROUP information at bottom of post


The first link recommends SICP as an entry, but most /g/entoomen don't know calculus (go figure). In that case, I'd recommend How to Design Programs. Before you complain, read:

Free books:

Not sure if programming is for you? Try:
Word of warning though, that book has a new edition coming out in a few days. You can wait to buy it, or hope that someone uploads it.

See everyone next week for thread #1.1.2, where we run through SICP chapters 1 and 2 as a board while everyone else talking about grokking algorithms and debating Stewart vs Apostol vs Spivak

SICP start day: 11 January
SICP end day: 8 February


These threads will be about more than just SICP of course, and we may end up doing two separate books for two separate groups, depending on how the poll ends up.

Remember, you don't need to be a computer scientist to be a good programmer, but it sure does help

>> No.12545988
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Oh yeah, trips. Last post for the night

>> No.12546047

Why not include Openstax.org as an Algebra->Precalculus->Calculus resource?
It's the brainlet filter par excellence.

>> No.12546463

Recommend me the best algorithms and data structures book you can think of. Because I want to get good at competitive programming

>> No.12546490
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I'm new to discord. Hope this works


>> No.12546541

Thanks anon. What's the Discord link for?

>> No.12546546

Are there any interesting and potentially difficult problems that are actually unique to programming, and aren't just a translation of a math/logic/engineering problem?

>> No.12546548

Posted from the thread on /g/:

See everyone next week for thread #1.1.2, where we run through SICP chapters 1 and 2 as a board while everyone else talking about grokking algorithms and debating Stewart vs Apostol vs Spivak

SICP start day: 11 January
SICP end day: 8 February


Discord: https://discord.gg/KvEkxDyN

>> No.12546592

Given that programming is applied mathematics, no

>> No.12546612
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Is there any other form to CS besides pic? It seems like there is only one way for manipulating a space. What do CSfags even study?

>> No.12547213

How legit is this guy's advice? He shills PAPL a lot. He also claims that doing PAPL well will be enough to land a job at Jane Street, which has piqued my curiosity. As someone who's already in their last year of bachelor's in CS, should I do PAPL?

>> No.12547341
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SICP study group: https://discord.gg/HaPaADV6

I'm really stupid and accidentally set the old link to temporary. Here's a more permanent one

>> No.12548316

Thanks for all the info anon... quick question: I started learning c++ about a month ago and I've watched and read a lot of material thus far which has given a very basic understanding and overview of the language so I was wondering what are the best video resources for learning c++? cheers

>> No.12548899

C++ Primer by Lippman

>> No.12548946

>gatekeeping bullshit
Kill yourself, midwit.

>> No.12548951


>> No.12549475
File: 2.42 MB, 320x240, SICP pls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. — (Mis)attributed to Edsger Dijkstra, 1970.

[Computer science] is not really about computers -- and it's not about computers in the same sense that physics is not really about particle accelerators, and biology is not about microscopes and Petri dishes...and geometry isn't really about using surveying instruments. Now the reason that we think computer science is about computers is pretty much the same reason that the Egyptians thought geometry was about surveying instruments: when some field is just getting started and you don't really understand it very well, it's very easy to confuse the essence of what you're doing with the tools that you use."
Hal Abelson (1986) Introduction of video of lectures on the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

>> No.12549510

Ill check that out now... thank you anon much appreciated :)

>> No.12549545


>> No.12549606

cope and seethe cs tranny. you will never be woman

>> No.12549737


>> No.12549794

Thank you anon :)

>> No.12549883

SICP is fucking gay you can learn all the epic valuable insights without having to learn some gay language. Telling someone to read SICP is like telling an ESL to learn Latin before English. And yes I will stick around in this thread and fling shit at autists who say otherwise.

>> No.12549941

what's wrong with being gay anon? do you not like men that love ze spunkin shaft

>> No.12550078

Lisp is nothing. You can learn it all in a single day. That's the whole point in using it, you can talk about the ideas without learning the syntax

>> No.12550350


>> No.12550382

not science or math

>> No.12550407

I actually don't know lisp, but can do this. Don't know if it'll run.
[code];; produces what's wrong with learning lisp
;; x is days you spent learning lisp

(defun whats-wrong-with-learning-lisp (x)
(= x 0) (write-line "Nothing"))
(t (what's-wrong-with-learning-lisp (- x 1)))

>> No.12550846

Tell that to all those first years that fail Analysis 101 and are forcefully disenrolled.

>> No.12550887

Thanks, but I am not interested in joining your cult unless you have sexual rituals

>> No.12550946

Hey, University starts in august. I graduated high school back in July and have done nothing ever since. What are somethings i should get done? I will be majoring in Bachelors in computer science. I was maybe thinking of completing harvard cs50 and getting a cisco ccna certification so it looks good on my resume.Am i on the right path? Can any anon advice me?

>> No.12551184

Hi guys, I'm soon about to start working on my undergrad thesis and want to brainstorm interesting topics. Perhaps something related to graph theory. I've been thinking about doing something with ML and finding dominating sets.

>> No.12551238

>Undergrad thesis
Is this optional?

>> No.12551301

Do I need to study Theory of Computation and Grammars before I can understand how compilers work?

I've studied every topic except compilers and the mathematical background of them. I know the grammar of formal languages came from Chomsky, and then some other mathematicians formalised it right, like RegEx is implemented using formal grammars.

>> No.12552017

Grammars help; theory of computation isn't as important.

>> No.12552538
File: 167 KB, 1000x1200, Nope, not touching it!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a working link: https://discord.gg/3JajyFDYvp

>> No.12552960

It says invitation not valid.

I really want to take part of the group, please fix

>> No.12552967


>> No.12552977

THIS ONE: >>12552538

>> No.12552979

Reminder to use the newer, LaTeX (pronounced laytek) version of SICP:

Or if you prefer using your web browser:

>> No.12553026


>> No.12553042

why compilers are allowed to be so fucking aweasome?

>> No.12553172


>> No.12554142

What is a mathematically rigorous CS program from a university that I can follow?
Instead of starting at Calculus it should start at Analysis.

>> No.12554155

any undergraduate math degree

>> No.12554192

Fucking TeX man. I’ve nearly corrected my girlfriend trying to put on condoms half a dozen times now.

>> No.12554195

Dual major as math and cs. Go into finance, make that dosh

>> No.12554235

MIT OCW?? Or Berkeley or CMU EECS

>> No.12554236

How do I enter into finance if I'm only doing cs

>> No.12554252

By going into a master's program:

>> No.12554267

>I’ve nearly corrected my girlfriend trying to put on condoms half a dozen times now
Just get her to do an std test and then you can let her cum inside without worrying

>> No.12554417

I fear it is too competitive for me (

>> No.12554629

Lisp is basically untyped lambda calc you shit-flinging monkey, there's nothing to learn

>> No.12554637

Rigorous is one that implements all the concepts in some well behaved language

>> No.12555116

The absolute state of computer """""""""science"""""""
where calculus is a brainlet filter.

>> No.12555194

Remember that course, probably calc 2 or 3, where you had to learn matlab but got like 2 weeks to learn it? These morons are just perfecting matlab. And if you can't write basic code in at least 1 language to do recursive crap, I don't know how you can even say you know math.

>> No.12555422

I don't think the average /sci/ poster is filtered by calculus. This thread's counterpart on /g/, on the other hand...

>> No.12557138 [DELETED] 


>> No.12558759

> Well-behaved language
You mean maths?

>> No.12560615
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>> No.12561761

How many people are here just because they want to make video games?

>> No.12561766

I just wanna get a quant or FAANG job

>> No.12562095

I love how Microsoft got removed from that group.
It's justified, but they probably only did it to avoid shit like MAGA(NF).

>> No.12562149


Microsoft are there in spirit, but yeah otherwise every would call it FAGMAN.

I kinda wanna work at MS, seems like they have the best culture, maybe Google is 2nd place. The others can suck my balls.

>> No.12562187

>Telling someone to read SICP is like telling an ESL to learn Latin before English
Being German-English bilingual, I'd say that German and Latin should be low-key taught in English lessons:
- German for a better understanding of grammar and lower-class words;
- Latin for a better understanding of upper-class words.

Not sure if French or Norwegian are even necessary; maybe a smattering of Greek, though?

>> No.12562200

Why would anyone want to do that, bust your ass for some shit code and garbage story/gameplay?

>> No.12562240

If I self teach Math to supplement my CS powers, how can I prove that to an employer? Surely they won't take my word for it.

>> No.12562256

If you pass the interview with flying colours and mention "oh by the way, I make derivatives my bitch" they'll hook you up with working with a team that's working on ayyy lmao tech (as far as cs grads are concerned). But really, it just means you know what your limits are and know what kind of jobs you want to apply for. When you put it on your resume, they'll know what questions to ask you if it's the right kind of job

That or you can just test out of a few classes, and get your double major in cs and math. Bills yo

>> No.12564336 [DELETED] 


>> No.12564860

Coding is fun, video games are fun, put them together, and you get a great resume

>> No.12565206


Here are the applications of advanced math in CS:

AI (meme)
Game engines
Maybe Quant stuff

that's it

>> No.12565854

Agreed. Everything you learn on SICP you learn way more in in-depth/less hand-wavy in a Compiler/Automata and a basic algo class without this garbage made-up language.

>> No.12566132

I think any good *ml can represent pred calc. If you're spicy and want sequents, iirc coq is capable of that.

>> No.12566562

I'm an EE and want to improve my programming skills and so far have found the book ok. Do you have any recommend reading to get into Automata?

>> No.12566615

If you don't really care about TCS problems or other shit, you're probably better off just studying formal and programming languages or algos. It intersects, so you'll still whatever extremely important results from automata that could've been pertinent to you.

>> No.12566732


>> No.12566911

Theoretical computer science, basically the pure math of CS.

>> No.12567505

Hello guys, i just got accepted in a University for CS, im gonna start in two weeks or so, but im having an existencial mathematical crisis, im afraid that im never gonna be good in math, and fuck up my career, should i give up already? or there is hope for dumb people like me?

>> No.12567662

The amount in math in CS is exaggerated. Do as little or as much as you want past calculus.

>> No.12568156

show them a project that proves it.

>> No.12568439

>Remember, you don't need to be a computer scientist to be a good programmer, but it sure does help
cope level over 9k
your real gods are mathfags, physicsfags , chemfags and EE fags. Without them, your "science" wouldnt exist.

>> No.12568679

CSbros... is a finite state diagram really necessary in designing a programming language? Our CS program here seems stupid, they make everything mechanical and tedious since everyone here lacks the proper math background.

>> No.12568770

Depends on how you use 'em. For example one of the of the (rather basic, conceptually) ways to make a parser/regex interpreter is an FSM.

>> No.12568821

There's also a whole slew of shit like using FSMs as internal mechanisms of agents, as event/error handling, etc. I'm not formally educated on the topic, but I used 'em a couple times, and it provided a nice, understandable abstraction on many different levels (of abstraction). desu the best part is that you can produce shitty diagrams that management and other brainlets can pretend to understand, but hopefully it never comes to this.

>> No.12568933

>draw out algos on sand with finger
>not even with a rock on a softer rock, physishits can suck the farts out my ass
better hurry up to write it down on your fancy computer before it's washed out by the waves, Shekelstein needs that 0.005% runtime memory optimization in those simulations that you're paid pennies to run. Before long, he'll drag you out the back and put you down because you're too old and can't remember what you're supposed to plug in for the parameters lmao

>> No.12569025

do you think is worth it to change majors from EE to CE/CS? Assume I get top grades on both

>> No.12569034

You need to make it past the entry tier math lectures. Don't think lightly of those. In many countries those are used to filter the students.
Do the fucking exercises diligently, and you'll most likely be fine, though.
That may mean a dozen hours per exercise. I'm not exaggerating there.
I'm good at math, graduated from high school as top of the year, but the entry level math lecture exercises brought me to tears back then. Never let that discourage you! Bite your way through! You are not alone! You can do it!
After that math still plays a major role in CS, but it's really not as difficult anymore.

>> No.12569062

With EE you get access to cool stuff in labs. Everything in cs you can pick up using the guide in OP on your own. Really, just do whatever you're most interested in. IF EE makes you miserable, go ahead and switch, but either way, if you go for a cs job, you'll still have to pass the interview, and everyone has to study for those, even CS graduates

>> No.12571129 [DELETED] 


>> No.12571610

I know this question will have been asked a hundred times before. Can anyone recommend an introductory ML online course? Please help out a noob.

>> No.12571635

I just wanna work from home in comfy comfy rural forest town.

>> No.12571664

How is AI a meme?

>> No.12571667

What's the best school in California for CS? Thinking about UC Berkeley vs Cal Poly SLO

>> No.12571934

I've been trying to understand quaternions for 5 hours now with no success, I fear my IQ score of 76 is finally showing its limits...

>> No.12571963

Anyone here learning from TAOCP? I'm planning to start it tomorrow to gain a rigorous background on algorithms.