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File: 108 KB, 1095x1164, 4Jan2021_WHO_new_guidlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12543285 No.12543285 [Reply] [Original]

World Health Organization guidelines on mask usage have changed dramatically

>> No.12543287

I’m gay by the way. Not sure if that matters

>> No.12543289

>false feeling of protection
Just say its not needed. Why are you trying to manipulate me like my mom?

>> No.12543297

Based. That's how you can tell it's real science.

>> No.12543300

It matters and was regarded as a mental illness by intelligent people for well over 300 years. You need treatment or chemical castration.

>> No.12543313

I hate how the mass media selective memory likes to forget that those hacks and also so called experts like Faucci were the ones spouting this bullshit at the beginning of the pandemic.

The true is Faucci is also a retard and he never learned anything about his fundamental error, which is why he wasn't in favor of closing the borders with the UK just a few weeks ago.

>> No.12543317

The reading comprehension in here...

They're saying masks are good and do work, but people are too retarded to use them correctly.

>> No.12543332

>If you do not have any respiratory symptoms you do not need to wear a medical mask

>> No.12543356

As if we needed more proof that modern science is a scam, a con, garbage.

>> No.12543412

Yes, because the chance that you're doing it wrong and that it leads to you not keeping distance is high. Because people are dumb. Is that so difficult to understand?

>> No.12543420

just to be clear, you are agree that the WHO is saying asymptomatic people do not need to wear masks
then why the FUCK are all my local stores still requiring masks

>> No.12543421

Stop sea lioning. That has nothing to do with whats being discussed here. They were requiring everyone to where masks at all times when in public/with others for a long time.

>> No.12543426

Ok, so all the demands to wear mask were actually harmful and caused just more diseases? I see.

>> No.12543451

Link to post or it didn't exist

>> No.12543453

Not true Scotsman?

>> No.12543458

let me teach you to fish son, pick an excerpt and google it in quotes

>> No.12543467

yeah how idiots go about it. you should take precautions at first then ease of as the data accumulates only if it supports it. not increase measures after you fucked up to take adequate preventative measures. i absolutely love how this pandemic proved once and for all how retarded and untrustworthy mankind's modern institutions are.

>> No.12543511


>> No.12543535

This is in a way logical.
At the beginning of the pandemic people startet to panic because they are stupid. for example the toilet paper crisis.
So most organizations (govs / hospitals) had to keep masks for important personell.

this isnt a science question its a question of economics. the blackmarket price for masks needed to save lifes would have skyrocketed. if demand increased. thats why they said that back then. now the supply is sufficient for everyone to wear masks.

>> No.12543539

so scientific organizations will lie for purposes of social control, why should I trust them now?

>> No.12543538

Maybe they are just solving some new economical questions now.

>> No.12543548

I said that since the beginning but because I'm not a scientist or doctor people called me names. It's always the same bullshit in a loop. In a few years doctors will also talk about how brutal it was to remove delusional men's genitals like it wasn't obvious to begin with.

>> No.12543549

>scientific organization

that's not how you spell political organization

>> No.12543552

CDC is also a political organization right?

>> No.12543565

Society has to be controlled in some way.

>> No.12543571

perhaps, perhaps not, but people had better stop saying "THE SCIENCE SAYS DO THIS" when the scientists pull this shit

>> No.12543618

No, again, that's not what they're saying.
Masks work great, but people are too stupid to understand what "single use only" means.

That's exactly what's discussed here. Where's your comprehension problem?

No. Learn to read. People being too dumb to change masks frequently is harmful. Not the mask mandates.

Jesus Christ you people are IRL retarded.

>> No.12543620

That's a myth bro. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.12543630

Link expands to
which mentions nothing of the sort. But here:
>Masksshould be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives; the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19.

>If COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Check local advice where you live and work.Do it all!

>Make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people. The appropriate use, storage and cleaning or disposal of masks are essential to make them as effective as possible.

Sorry Anons, you've all been played.

>> No.12543633

Basically this, lel

>> No.12543650

just give the guy a Darwin award, no need to go to any extra expense on account of a patient with relatively minor mental difficulties is there?

>> No.12543655

i have a great idea lets just neck faucci and call it a day. i for one am sick of this cunt saying alarmist crap that pushes up the price of meat worldwide.

>> No.12543658

are you sure you don't mean "medical science"

there are a lot respectable fields of study in modern science that are not bloated full of their own crap

>> No.12543664

WHO is not a scientific organization
you are a moron who insists on using this as a reason to distrust large institutions

>> No.12543862

Everything in that post is true and doesn't contradict what they are saying now.

>> No.12544366

Is the CDC a scientific organization?

>> No.12544438
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The easiest thing is to just go to twitter.com/WHOWPRO...it takes 5 seconds to see that this is a fake tweet. Fuck you if you don't believe in covid, it's even lazier and more disconnected from reality than people who don't believe in the holocaust or the moon landing (wait, what website am I on again?)

>> No.12544481

google an excerpt you nigger, it's a real tweet from march

>> No.12544487

Before we had to conserve masks for those who needed it like docs dealing with COVID patients and COVID susceptible people. Now we have good production for everyone to use a mask so it’s recommended that everyone does

>> No.12544494

was the who lying about false security and a potential source of infection?

>> No.12544506
File: 25 KB, 321x285, 1425492558595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving that this is even more intentionally deceptive. Information from March 26 when the virus had just begun its international spread is not a "new" or "updated' WHO guideline, or one that has "changed dramatically" within the past 6 months, and it certainly isn't from 4 Jan 2021 as the image suggests. Nice try, you sickening weasel. Go back to where you came from.

>> No.12544515

I think the WHO realized the average person is retarded, and hasn't used or understood the function of a surgical mask. Politicans who aren't scientist or doctors took and advantage over people's stupidity and simplified the disease to simple wearing a mask(you can physically see it), mix that with tribalism, we get what is happening, god forbid other disease more dangerous, like Polio was handled way better than covid19

>> No.12544516

who are you quoting? the new and updated guideline is to have masks. Doesn't matter though since the WHO is a political organization and not a scientific one

>> No.12544517

What are you talking about?
When a pandemic starts you don’t know all the information and you don’t have all the funding and materials at once. You have to update based on research and new situations

>> No.12544519

So they were lying because the average person is retarded right?
Also the function of a surgical mask has never been to prevent transmission of respiratory illness in a community setting

>> No.12544527

I was responding to somebody justifying the tweet by saying that we needed to conserve mask. In light of that, the tweet reads like the WHO coming up with justifications to discourage people from buying them -- were they lying, or did they genuinely believe masks were a potential source of infection?

>> No.12544535

could it be both? It is run by many people with different belief and ideas.

>> No.12544537

When not used correctly is important to not leave out. If you leave the mask lying around and someone else touches or uses it it can spread disease

>> No.12544547

I quoted those words for emphasis. And WHO isn't perfect but they are part of an overwhelming scientific consensus that says masks reduce spread. And the bigger issue is trolls or foreign agents spreading FUD. Regardless of the reasoning, misinformation about COVID results in deaths, and someone intentionally tried to make this look like you don't have to wear masks anymore as of today.

They need to be cleaned periodically as well or replaced. COVID is one thing, why would you wrap your face in something you covered in particulate the days beforehand.

>> No.12544551

> They need to be cleaned periodically as well or replaced. COVID is one thing, why would you wrap your face in something you covered in particulate the days beforehand
Yeah duh
The WHO probably mentioned that as part of not using masks properly

>> No.12544552

>And the bigger issue is trolls or foreign agents spreading FUD
don't you think there are also trolls spreading pro-mask sentiments?

>> No.12544558

I'm sure you understand that, I was only adding to your point.

Explain how one would troll with pro mask sentiment. Everyone should be wearing masks in public indoor spaces and crowded outdoor areas, and I don't really care if you have to be baited into it to do so.

>> No.12544560

given that the average person is retarded, isn't it possible that widespread mask use has actually led to increase infection?

>> No.12544561

They owners have pharma stocks I guess?

>> No.12544565

>Explain how one would troll with pro mask sentiment
I don't understand that question. I suppose instead of "troll" I could have said "astroturf". There has to be at least organization which tries to opinion in online spaces in a way to further public health goals.

>> No.12544570

>an overwhelming scientific consensus
It's neither overwhelming or a scientific consensus, a huge amount of studies find no benefits to masks. Just be honest and name the source for what it is: an overwhelmingly loud and emotional media apparatus.

>> No.12544571

Funny that you mention that. Check out this paper.

Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among
Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years in 11 Outpatient Health Care Facilities —
United States, July 2020

>> No.12544585

Possibly but healthcare workers usually assume the best in people and that educating them will make things right. They are too idealistic

>> No.12544587

do they really? most healthcare workers I know seem like miserable misanthropes

>> No.12544599

Like I said, if people decide to spend their time trying to 'trick' others into making good moral decisions, I can't get too bent out of shape for that, but it is still deceptive. But I don't believe any public health organization would spend precious funds on subversive education methods, and I know political organizations wouldn't. Contrary to the belief of 4chan conspiracy theorists, there is no political benefit to pushing masks, since clearly everyone hates them, even people like me who know they're critical.

Lol no. After this I'm sure I'll be handed the gish gallop of cherry picked studies supporting your point. There absolutely is a consensus, just like there is on human-made climate change. Sorry if your identity is wrapped up in believing those things aren't true or if you're paid to come on here and be a denialist.

>> No.12544604

They start out as idealists and then become cynics when they realize humanity is shit

>> No.12544609

>But I don't believe any public health organization would spend precious funds on subversive education methods
Why? because they're so good?
>there is no political benefit to pushing masks
What if the people in the political group genuinely think that masks are effective and they want to combat what they see as dangerous disinformation?

>> No.12544637

Obviously not, dumbass.

>> No.12544639

Is Dr Fauci a scientist or a politician?

>> No.12544641


>> No.12544651

Public health organizations aren't well funded and don't receive a lot of attention outside of situations like this. Their leaders aren't household names. Not super helpful for ladder climbers. You expect corruption everywhere in government, but here, it's going to be payoffs and implied quid pro quos, probably. Money going into people's hands/business projects. Who's going to spend money to have people go on 4chan and tell people to wear masks? And how do they trick them exactly? Fearmongering? With 300000 dead in america the numbers speak for themselves.

>What if the people in the political group genuinely think that masks are effective and they want to combat what they see as dangerous disinformation?
That's doing what they think is right and not what will get them the most votes. Again, no political benefit save for the 5 people in this country who actually care about science.

>> No.12544658

Both, you dumbass.
Just because politicians created an organization for the express purpose of doing science doesn't mean that organization is now free from its reality as a political body.

>> No.12544668

>Who's going to spend money to have people go on 4chan and tell people to wear masks?
foreign agents apparently. Public health organizations spend money on PSAs don't they? Running an ad campaign on primetime television is probably way more expensive than paying trolls a penny per post.
>That's doing what they think is right and not what will get them the most votes
politicial group =/= elected official. 99.9999% percent of people working in political positions are not elected. Fauci isn't bullshitting everybody because he needs the most votes.

>> No.12544932

it's amazing how everytime this sort of stuff is pointed out the response is always:

>yea people are dumb so they had to do this!

How can it be that health officials are getting praise for lying to their communities?

How can it be expected that people trust the health officials when they showed that they will lie without impunity?

How can a misinformed public be expected to make informed choices?

>> No.12544960

/sci/ is so fucking bad compared to when it first started out. There was so much potential. I guess it reflects the entire site, though. Massive dive in userbase quality.

>> No.12545232

True, but I don't want to visit Twitter. I'm more comfortable to put the bitly link into my browser. I know, ironic.

>> No.12545236

Indeed. That's what you get for becoming mainstream.

>> No.12545271

>This is in a way logical.
It's entirely logical, but it's also entirely logical to not trust those who have lied to you in the past.

>> No.12545736

>selective memory
they don't have selective memory. they are told exactly what to say, exactly what the masses are to believe even if it contradicts what they said or what happened a week ago.

>> No.12545743

People aren't too stupid to use them, forcing them to be used when it is overkill makes them not bother doing it properly (because it makes no difference).

>> No.12545744

/sci/ is dead

>> No.12545747

panic buying is largely encouraged by corps/media to commodify public emergencies. by far the most relevant thing is the economic shuffling this 'pandemic' has been used for.

>> No.12545763

>World Health Organization guidelines on mask usage have changed dramatically
Yes, it shouldn't be a surprise that advice can change when dealing with a virus that can be spread for days prior to developing symptoms.

>> No.12545812

>that can be spread for days prior to developing symptoms
but in the summer the WHO came out and said there was no evidence for asymptomatic transmission. Is there?

>> No.12545815

>You need treatment or chemical castration.
Isn't chemical castration a form of treatment?
Nice dubs by the way.

>> No.12545822

They also said true asymptomatic cases are rare, and that most people do develop symptoms (long period of being pre-symptomatic) or are ignoring mild symptoms. The most contagious period has been found to be 2-3 days prior to any symptoms, so you're most contagious before you realize you're sick. It's one day or less with most other viruses.

>> No.12545843

Not a medfag, but it's possible
People tend to think that wearing a mask gives you absolute protection, so they never wash their hands or practice social distancing.
The "pandemic" is purely a sanitary issue, if people weren't such fucking slobs the virus wouldn't have left China.

>> No.12546176

they didn't say there was no evidence that a full asymptomatic case transmitted, they said there is no evidence for asymptomatic transmission period
>The most contagious period has been found to be 2-3 days prior to any symptoms
No, that's when the virus is at highest levels in the throat and mouth

>> No.12546177

Why have Africa and India done better than the west?

>> No.12546189

>they didn't say there was no evidence that a full asymptomatic case transmitted, they said there is no evidence for asymptomatic transmission period
They said what I said they said, that asymptomatic cases are actually rare, mistakenly presumed to be asymptomatic when they're pre-symptomatic. They've been clear that they believe pre-symptomatic people are spreaders.

>No, that's when the virus is at highest levels in the throat and mouth
Which is the window 2-3 days prior to developing symptoms into the first days of having symptoms. Over half of known infections resulted from exposure to pre-symptomatic people.

>> No.12546191

The Holocaust happened in Jews dreams but reality differs

>> No.12546830
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>> No.12546848

Are you sure they've been "clear" about that? The quote I'm finding is
>The majority of transmission that we know about is that people who have symptoms transmit the virus to other people through infectious droplets
>Which is the window 2-3 days prior to developing symptoms into the first days of having symptoms.
but symptoms such as coughing and sneezing are more likely to spread infectious droplets than breathing or talking
>Over half of known infections resulted from exposure to pre-symptomatic people.

>> No.12546893

Not him.
>but symptoms such as coughing and sneezing are more likely to spread infectious droplets than breathing or talking
That's not how it works. You spread droplets all the time. There's no "likelihood" involved.
I'd say it's much more than half. People without symptoms, be it presymptomatic or asymptomatic, don't think they could spread it.

>> No.12547058
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>> No.12547062
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>> No.12547070
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>> No.12547085
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>> No.12547102
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>> No.12547128
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>> No.12547260

Imagine being a year into this shitshow and STILL not understanding that masks are only a PART of the transmission reduction strategy.

>> No.12547270

Zero evidence lockdown stringency effects mortality
All evidence to the contrary https://thefatemperor.com/published-papers-and-data-on-lockdown-weak-efficacy-and-lockdown-huge-harms/

World has gone completely mad

>> No.12547298

Imagine being a year into this shitshow and STILL not understanding that soft "lockdowns" are only a PART of the transmission reduction strategy.

I partly agree though. Should have done a three week real lockdown and we'd be through with it. All this half-assed shot does is keep politicians in their positions because "at least they did something".

>> No.12547315
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So many people are wearing the masks improperly, that they are being told to not even wear them, because their own incompetence regarding wearing masks can lead to getting themselves infected.

Is 2021 even real? Is this s fever dream?

>> No.12547333

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the "validation" you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who "pass" look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you"ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They'll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.12547736

We're very much in reality, fren. It's unfortunate, but the vast majority of humanity is buttfucking stupid.

>> No.12547739

Humans are stupid. If you haven't realized that yet from being on 4chan, then I'm sorry to say you might be like the rest of them.

>> No.12547744
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Why is this shit troll thread still up?

>> No.12547788
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Nazi reading comprehension at its finest.

>> No.12547791

Nobody is this persistent "for fun." These threads are clearly paid shills

>> No.12547795

It does matter
to these nuts
post boipucci

>> No.12548341


From back in July, where they are clear about the difference between asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic cases, and that pre-symptomatic spread is happening. The quote you found is cherry picked from a longer question and answer where Van Kerkhove stated that asymptomatic cases are rare and that people are ignoring mild symptoms (so she would call it symptomatic spread, yet the people spreading it are either ignoring symptoms or believe they aren't infected).

>“we find out that many have really mild disease.” There are some infected people who are “truly asymptomatic,” she said, but countries that are doing detailed contact tracing are “not finding secondary transmission onward” from those cases. “It’s very rare,” she said.
So it's an important distinction for them, and in their opinion, truly asymptomatic cases aren't that common and are not a risk, but many cases wouldn't fall within that category.

>> No.12548399

statements, opinions etc change as circumstances, research etc change
that is how science works
how is this so difficult to understand

>> No.12548418

>There's no "likelihood" involved.
it's 50-50 because you either breathed it out or sneezed it out

>> No.12548422

it's not a fake tweet, it's super easy to find if you're not web-illiterate

>> No.12548573

>I can't read
That's 100% then.

>> No.12548584


>> No.12548602

It's almost as if months of research on the virus made the scientific community reach a consensus that this recommendation was not really a good one and that wearing masks is actually the best way to go.

>> No.12548879

but there's a 50% chance you never infect anyone

>> No.12548933

>retarded mutts that have never used a soap in their life grab masks with their filthy hands and put them against their face
It's not that masks don't work, people are just idiots.

>> No.12549064

What are you talking about? Masks have always been optional. You make it sound like they were mandated lmao

>> No.12549156

Just one year after me...

WHO is so profound.

>> No.12549163

OP here,
I'd like to apologize, I totally made up this shit I posted, it's all lies, please ignore it and forgive me, I'm going to go become An Hero now.

>> No.12549240

nearly every business is required by the government to require masks

>> No.12549247

That means masks don't work as a public health policy.

>> No.12549252

>That means masks don't work as a public health policy.
It works for some countries. I guess certain countries are simply filled with idiots.

>> No.12549283

I guess, so we agree that in those idiotic countries, universal mask policies are a bad idea

>> No.12550058

>I’m gay by the way. Not sure if that matters

Argh... now I have to wipe off my screen and wash my hands before I catch the gay.

>> No.12550182
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>fake news
>retards on /sci/ slurping it up

>> No.12550194

You were wearing a mask right? It repels SARS-CoV-2 and Gay-21.

>> No.12551211

>single use.
or they just don't want to spend money on them, are lazy, and/or care about the environment, or they don't subscribe to the narrative.
it is not all stupidity.

>> No.12551273

welcome to 2021

>> No.12551349

>or they just don't want to spend money on them
That's legit, but the rest of what you aid is literally stupidity.