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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12540796 No.12540796 [Reply] [Original]

How important was Watson to the discovery of the double helix structure? Tbh based on some interviews I've seen of him he doesn't seem that smart...

>> No.12540809

1. Smart people can be bad communicators
2. People have blind spots and can be smart in some ways but dumb in others
3. He discovered the double helix structure in his 20s and he's now in his 90s. Do you expect his mind - or anyone else's - to be sharp forever?

>> No.12540837

now THIS is what I call a racebait thread
good work OP

>> No.12540871 [DELETED] 

not trying to racebait, genuinely curious.

>> No.12540878
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>> No.12540954

Glypho actually has some issues.

>> No.12540971

He oversaw several other Nobel laureates as the Director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

>> No.12540973

All the testing says not really

>> No.12540980

He was good at talking and schmoozing other people. The real mental power was Crick who was a biophysicist. Watson was just good at getting to the right people and getting the right data to Crick.

Unlike what >>12540809 is implying, watson was very good at communication. It was his primary scientific skill. While I do think the guy is a douche who got lucky, there is something to be said about the need for good communicators in the field. After his nobel prize though his head went fully up it's own ass and he lost the humility needed to communicate well. Part of why he didn't put out any really good results after the double helix. Even his stint with the human genome project was unsuccessful.

>> No.12541094

Crick would have agreed with Watson.
Franklin would have agreed with Watson.
As does every other legitimate researcher in the field

>> No.12541097


>> No.12541112

Not very if I'm being honest but he hates niggers so he deserves all the credit.

>> No.12541123

sounds like you don't like the concept that there is a genetic component to intelligence.

>> No.12541129

So you aren't a legitimate researcher in the field, good to know.

>> No.12541134

he's probably a hack fraud and took someone else's results and threatened the originaal person

>> No.12541139

I agree, good bait thread OP >>12540796
you really resemble the average lefty shill

>> No.12541231


this is /sci
the man is one of the most important scientist to ever live.

you are a retard.
also biology is an interesting subject.
human biology is no exception.

>> No.12541242

nice bait /b/ro :)

>> No.12541245

you are the one baiting here.
in other words trying to be a troll.

>> No.12541439

Weak bait.

>> No.12541452

franklin was a brainlet who thought the double helix was nonsense

>> No.12541459

By the time he was director he was basically useless. I met him there.

>> No.12542818 [DELETED] 


>> No.12542848

Have you noticed anything about the competitors in every men's 100m Olympic track final? Yes, all nogs. The reason for that is they are physiologically different to whites in ways which benefit them in this event. For the same reason, you will rarely see a nog in the 1500m swimming final. Whites have the genetic advantage in that event. Given that there are undeniable physiological differences, why should anyone be surprised if there were also intellectual differences between whites and nogs?

>> No.12542939

have sex, chud

>> No.12542962
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>> No.12542965
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>> No.12543009 [DELETED] 

Y'all crackas can't talk shit you take almost as much welfare as we do, po' ass niggas

>> No.12543030

with 8 times the population yes

>> No.12543037
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sheeeit homie these crackas betta be paying for dem pograms

>> No.12543202

t. nog hiding from facts

>> No.12543423

now do a chart of the TANF length in time

>> No.12543689

b-but i thought that he took lsd and was able to visualize the helix form and discovered dna that way

>> No.12544444
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This reads like a leftie meme

>> No.12544474

Well she was female and quite a good technician, not much of a conceptualist.