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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 400x241, 1609546327421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12534746 No.12534746 [Reply] [Original]

If we go by IQ, they are far more likely to have average intelligence than us. We, on the other hand, have more variety with stupid fucks, average fucks and bright fucks. If we only look at stupid fucks and average fucks, then women are (on average) more or less as inteligent as men.

This however doesn´t imply that women should be better than us at most things. Since we have a more significant chunk of our population gifted with midwits and bigwits, scientific contribuitions to society are far more likely to be made by men than women. In conclusion, stupid women are significantly more rare than stupid men but same goes for smart women and smart men.

Just make this a pasta and paste it whenever you're discussing women's contributions in science with a feminist or some rasinwit says women have less IQ thgan men on average. Also stop obsessing over iq, if you wan´t to show your smarts then read books and live your life for fucks sake.

>> No.12534755

True since men on average have a lower IQ i propose a Female only state.

>> No.12534759

wait no, fuck

>> No.12534798

If you have no knowledge of the population then by all means make a state governed by 70% females 30% men so as not to allow shit that harms us make it's way via angsty bitches that want to feel empowered. However if say, you have a sample of 70 women and 30 men and you know of say 20 men that are above average you would do far better removing 20 women because they're more likely to be less clever than them.

>> No.12534813

It makes sense. Intelligence and fertility are extremely negatively correlated for women, but if a woman is too dumb she wont be able to take care of children. Otherwise for men being both extremely violent and stupid and being extremely intelligent are valid evolutionary strategies. The real losers are the average men who aren't violent enough to get what they want, nor hyper-intelligent enough to make tons of money and attract bitches, the midwits if you will.

>> No.12534815

good. girls are icky.
but so are other humans.
can I have a state for myself?
and can I please have nutrients be fed to me through a tube?

>> No.12534822

Based and caveman pilled. We bred out what mankind didn´t need, 20 bucks in 10,000 years the females' turns into a dirac delta and mens' grows a dent in the middle.

>> No.12534826
File: 262 KB, 768x652, Uta-stansburiana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given enough evolutionary time it seems men would divide into two groups, half being 115 IQ and the other half 85 IQ. If there are too many dumb guys around they'd kill each other off and go back to half, if there's too many intelligent guys then women wont be attracted to them and they wont reproduce, then go back to half the population. Imagine what humanity would look like.

>> No.12534848

Lots of interesting stuff arises from this data, here are two examples which are commonplace in elementary education

>Most of the students who do well are women
Since there's a large chunk of boys with shit for brains and a large chunk that cares little about school

>If you give a hard problem to a group of children a boy is more likely to come up with the right solution
If the problem is of an above average difficulty it is more likely to go right over the 2/3 of the boys and almost all of the girls, leaving us with a clear advantage in complex provlem solving.

>> No.12534875

I don't think you understand what an average is

>> No.12534887

What is wrong with my understanding of average?

>> No.12534898

>True (OP's graph)
>men on average have a lower IQ

these two things are mutually exclusive... not that you'd understand

>> No.12534911

guys only like doing fun things

girls like doing things

>> No.12534914

>Men in average have lower IQ
Men on average have the same IQ.

>> No.12534923

It actually averages out slightly higher but only because of the high fliers and long spread of midwits who slightly outweigh the retarded.

>> No.12534927

it averages higher for other reasons as well

>> No.12534939

women are far more intelligent than men. ever notice how much more conscious and in the moment they are on average ? this is due to their higher processing speed, not even trolling.

however, women LONG ago realized the value of their cunts and how easy men were to fight each other for it and they formed a collective of most women vs most men.

now, mens "intelligence" comes from solving problems in order to impress and placate women and it evolved due to survival pressure and competition.

we live in a matriarchy unless youre the .00000001% giga chad and even then the females in their tier are still on top.

dont believe me ? go anywhere in public and observe couples. its almost always females leading the man, taking initiative and making decisions.

>> No.12534947

how to get more processing speed?

>> No.12534951

god you shills are dumb

>> No.12534957

You are confused, mistaking averages and the number of people with a certain IQ. If women seem like that it's because there are more stupid men than stupid women so yes, they ought to outsmart them. In the case for average IQ its pretty much because the men are smart enough to know you can please women by complying but not smart enough to please them while doing what they want.
Clever men can lead relationships with women however they like since they know how to negotiate with them, if you're making these generalization and stating all men are compliant to woman the you have more than likely only seen average and stupid men, that's including yourself, if you even are one.

>> No.12534958

you can use adderal to overclock your brain.

unironically breathwork (breathing fucktons of oxygen like its your job) will bring you much closer to your maximum processing speed. plenty of sleep and nofap too

>> No.12534962

Install Intel Core i7-1060G7

>> No.12534963

ive made verifiable statements, go anywhere and see for yourself. women think better and faster than men and actively and consciously manipulate them. one of the ways they do that is by not contesting the belief of men that think they are smarter than women.

its smart of women to let men believe they are smarter.

>> No.12534969

learn to read bucko

i said almost always. some men have minds capable of consciously outperforming and dominating females but its rare. im not saying you cant be smarter than a woman but its rarely the case.

men and women use their intelligence in a very different way. the fact that women are an organized collective with easier access to resource and mates prove they are far more intelligent than men. think on it without your ego and preconceived notions and youll see it eventually

>> No.12534981

Their social structure was built far before documented history, the societal conventions too. Taking advantage of them does not make them geniuses, it makes them not retarded, which is in line with what the data suggests.

>> No.12534983

you're twisting words to fit your agenda

>> No.12534999
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>> No.12535028

iq is not even a meaningful idea here, iq is for solving problems that men solve, women dont compete with men to solve problems where iq is needed.

>> No.12535149

you don't even understand how bell curves and averages work, no wonder you believe retarded crap like access to resources = intelligence

sorry you're just a dumb cunt.

>> No.12535210

Why are you all so low IQ?

>> No.12535227
File: 570 KB, 1089x859, steppeniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont believe me ? go anywhere in public and observe couples. its almost always females leading the man, taking initiative and making decisions.
yeah, if you're a cringe eurocuck who's civilized

this is why steppeniggas ALWAYS colonize the settled matriarchies given a long enough time scale.

the proper way to live is in a small clan of related males. Anything else is cope.

>> No.12535240

Let's face it: studies have shown that men think of sex several times a minute. Women don't. We get all caught up with chasing women, women just want to get shit done and get on with their lives.
Of course I speak of young people.
You get older, it evens out, men realize that chasing skirts constantly is a waste of time.

>> No.12535264

Midwits are the root cause of everything wrong in this world, hence women are both dumber and less useful than us.

>> No.12535290

IQ distribution from real data is not a bell curve and contains skewness like any real data.

Now you have a right to leave.

>> No.12535538

Is there a /sci/ with less mundane questions?

>> No.12535703


>> No.12535720

Lol is this why women are still fighting for equality, take your meds schizo, you are probably a crazy bipolar woman who's trying to cope with their delusions of reality.

>> No.12535754
File: 15 KB, 255x214, 1566250187271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also stop obsessing over iq
>proceeds to make a thread about IQ

>> No.12535778

If anything, this just proves IQ scores are a fucking joke.

>> No.12535794

Why? There are natural evolutionary reasons for it. Sperm is cheap and nature can gamble with males. It's up to females to select the best mates.

>> No.12535808

Nice cretin view on life.

>> No.12535837

>cretin view on life.
It's called natural selection and it drives evolution. It's the reason we are what we are today.

>> No.12535864

Do we actually have data on this other than a sourceless graph?

>> No.12535874
File: 42 KB, 200x200, 1520646204232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pc chart that are fit the narrative of males and females being equal. in reality the male distribution is shifted to the right.
try doing iq research with a focus on gender and coming with results other than in OP and you'll get immediately fired, banned and your life destroyed

>> No.12535875


>> No.12535897

Women tend to sit around the average IQ whereas men also hit the extremes at both ends which is why there are a lot of men in prisons but also a lot of the most brilliant minds on the planet are men.
pro tip - try removing sheboons and niggers from IQ ratings and look at the difference then, hint - everyone goes up

>> No.12535915

>its almost always females leading the man, taking initiative and making decisions.
I think this isn't because of a faster processing speed and it's because males are generally lazier and more laid back unless they feel the need or enjoy something.

>> No.12535927
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>> No.12535942
File: 479 KB, 1020x1090, braindevelopmentmenwomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No men have a wider distribution AND are smarter on average by 2-5 points (probs 4)

Don't let me spoon-feed you cherry picked articles, look up "sex differences in ADULT intelligence" 'adult' is emphasized because studies that measure sex differences in intelligence and find negligible differences are literally all conducted with subjects aged 11. At this age in particular, girls have already entered puberty meanwhile boys have not. Look at pick related, the Arrows indicating the 'peak' of brain growth for women is at age 11, and at age 13 for boys (for frontal and partial grey matter, temporal grey matter peaks at around age 16, way past the age 11). Analogously, girls at age 11 are taller then boys age 11, if i used that as proof that 'WOMEN ARE TALLER THEN MEN' you would think I'm retarded, likewise suggesting"WOMEN = MEN IN IQ" is just as a retarded claim for the exact same reasons.

If you do what I say and look up "sex differences in ADULT intelligence" they all find male advantages ranging from 2-5 points.

>> No.12535954
File: 25 KB, 683x641, gloadings of different subtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this is due to their higher processing speed
Processing speed subtests are flawed in the sense that they cannot measure general intelligence (or the 'processing speed' component of general intelligence) without confounding concentration abilities. This is why psychometric IQ tests are given to people suspected to have ADHD or Autism, so they can compare the verbal and perceptional reasoning index scores from the processing speed and working memory index scores, where underscoring in the last two stated metrics indicates impaired concentration despite general intelligence being unaffected. This is also why >>12534958 adderal, ADHD medication "overclocks your brain" The fact that women score higher on processing speed subtests than men do, is not because of the nature of 'processing speed' differences, but the fact that men are disproportionately affected by ADHD, Autism (which both are on a spectrum where men score higher on average for both, that's why you can't just look at non Autistic/ADHD samples) etc more than women. Also the same studies that find women outperforming men in processing speed also find men to be smarter in terms of general intelligence anyway, so no men are still smarter than women, and processing speed is weaker indication of general intelligence then any other index which is why it contributes to FSIQ less that the verbal and perceptional indexes. Look at pick related, the gloadings of the processing speed subtests (labeled Gs) are the weakest out of all of them.

so no, women are still less intelligent then men, your processing speed cope is cringe.

>> No.12535959

>its smart of women to let men believe they are smarter.
yessir sista, as a man I belie women can lead men to believe they the smarter gender by staying in the kitchen and filling complimentary rolls to men :)

>> No.12536057

The difference in IQ distribution is between men and women is pretty well known and it also makes evolutionary sense.
For a women to raise a child is huge investment and risk, she must choose her mate carefully. All the men have to do is attract one by being better than the others in some way.

>> No.12536063
File: 165 KB, 800x820, women are stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women aren't stupid

>> No.12536064

Adult women do have lower IQ than adult men by up to 5 pints. The studies showing no IQ gap are all done on children when the gender IQ gap hasn't developed yet.

>> No.12536070
File: 12 KB, 429x241, male_female_bell_curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One ( 1 ) SD.

>> No.12536094

>brain weight

>> No.12536099

Group of genes, rated on scales of good and bad, like what you're trying to imply with IQ, is not what drives natural selection to cull the unfavorable; it's genetic variability. At least understand the concepts of your backwards troglodyte views on society.

>> No.12536104

>Women aren´t dumber than men
yes, they are

>> No.12536134

IQ is the best predictor for life success. How do you think the species developed intelligence? Do you think it just magically happened in a freak mutation? If it was a freak mutation then how did it become commonplace?
Do you think evolution stops at the brain?

>> No.12536138

You're literally too dumb to be argued with. You don't even understand IQ as a concept.

>> No.12536141

Please tell me your address, i want to skullfuck your family.

>> No.12536152

My argument is that males have a bigger spread in variability, including in intelligence and that females are more or less mentally the same and are responsible for picking the best males, driving evolution.
Your argument seems to some social constructionist bullshit and name calling.

>> No.12536153

yes they correlate

>> No.12536176

Intelligence seems environmental in that case

>> No.12536186

My very first post was stating males are smarter than women and that IQ is not a concept that can properly prove that statement. But good job trying to dwindle down this discussion to bunch of tribalism bullshit by pushing arguments on me that I never said, to be the stand-in vague entity you made up in your head so we can have this pointless exchange.

>> No.12536191

The "problem" with women is not that they're 'dumb', rather it's that almost everything interesting always has and always will be done by men because women have extreme social acceptability bias and doing anything interesting requires a pool of desire for adventure and difference that they simply do not posses. In fact, women hate it.

>> No.12536195

No, women go through puberty earlier, different rates of development for different genders, also the Wilson effect shows that IQ becomes more genetically based, as apposed to environmentally sensitive as the person ages. from memory because I cant be bothered digging for sources ATM (just look up Wilson effect), IQ being 40% genetic as a child, up to 90% genetic as an elder.

>> No.12536211

Prove it.

>> No.12536212


>> No.12536258

No, look it up yourself.

>> No.12536668

That's a cool shitpost, but it ignore how there isn't really that meaningful difference in IQ until you get 120+ and sub-85. Women are retarded not because they're below average, but because average is absurdly retarded in comparison to what men can achieve.

>> No.12537070

the problem is actually both

>> No.12537159

Sudoku unironically.

>> No.12537184

Literally this. Kek at the "higher processing speed". Wtf, guys just want to be polite bc they want to smash some pussy.

>> No.12537220

>a sex with a different chromosome has an identical distribution in trait variance

>> No.12537264

>ever notice how much more conscious and in the moment they are on average ? this is due to their higher processing speed, not even trolling.
That's a cool story but men have faster reaction times than women

>> No.12537270

that's because of their motor neurons not their mental processing

>> No.12537271

uh, okay

>> No.12537326

im a male, lol. can you not communicate or present arguments without meme statements like tyms ?

>> No.12537350

processing speed is the only component of human intelligence.

its hilarious, youre so bogged down with your ego and preconceived notions that its eroded your ability to have an objective mind focused on the data- you find data that ruins your worldview and you invent new ways to cope by saying processing speed isnt the essence of intelligence or the method was wrong

ironically this furthers my position that men are far dumber than women

>> No.12537362

>If anything, this just proves IQ scores are a fucking joke.
This was your first post and you were addressing OP.
Apparently, giving an argument for the reason men and women have a different curve is a "cretin way of life, too dumb to argue with".
You seem very cynical and bitter.
Please point out where I introduced tribalism or any stand in vague entities.

>> No.12537390

lol dude did you even look at the graph?

>> No.12537406

>ever notice how much more conscious and in the moment they are on average ?

How much peyote do you need to see this?

>> No.12537445

>its almost always females leading the man, taking initiative and making decisions.
Guys want pussy. You started the entire post with the incorrect assumption.
All guys will put up with all sorts of bullshit, to cum in that pussy.

>> No.12537455

Holy shit, women are truly retarded.

>> No.12537457

Internet rejects are not a uniform distribution of population.

>> No.12539213

>processing speed is the only component of human intelligence.
hahahahah nice troll

>> No.12539292
File: 51 KB, 850x606, machiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its hilarious, youre so bogged down with your ego and preconceived notions that its eroded your ability to have an objective mind focused on the data- you find data that ruins your worldview and you invent new ways to cope by saying processing speed isnt the essence of intelligence or the method was wrong
I think what happened was >>12535954 showed you data that ruined your worldview and you invented new ways to cope by saying:
>processing speed is the only component of human intelligence.
No one has suggested that fucking ever besides you who made that up just then. Processing speed subtests barely correlate with g any more than machiavellian personality traits correlate with fluid intelligence, that's how weak of an indication processing speed is of intelligence.

>processing speed is the only component of human intelligence.
well go on, prove it :)

>> No.12539392

I dont think its just iq, its everything else
Was at a New year party and there were equal number of guys and girls, and i instead of interacting with my friends just sat there and looked around the room trying to figure this shit
Girls were never really the conversation movers, just maintainers i guess while guys did stupid shit and some witty remarks and we had about the same inteligence distribution, we had a soon to be phd dude that everyone praises, some a bit more inteligent then average some a bit less and one dude dumb as a bag of sand
While the girls were just shades of Good from straight 10 lawyer to just a normal chick with avrage grades, nothing special
Man, i godda go read up on this shit

>> No.12539406

Il take that bet
I say they will more or less start to equalise

>> No.12539409

>midwits should rule
brainlet confirmed

>> No.12539598

kek and checked

>> No.12539831

You'll never be a man anon, you need a good dicking to set yourself straight.

>> No.12539884
File: 395 KB, 750x919, sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That distribution is mathematically impossible since in reality 130 is 2 standard deviations above and should still contain 2.5% of the population beyond and not 0.001% or less as your stupid image suggests. Not only that, men are on average smarter as well, so even though we have more variety, the average man does have a bigger and better brain than the average woman.

>> No.12539894

Yes the graph is exaggerated, the male distribution is only 10% bigger, and yes men are smarter than women by 4ish points.

>> No.12540492

>iq research with a focus on gender and coming with results other than in OP and you'll get immediately fired, banned and your life destroyed
>other than OP
>OP's pic implies there are more "gifted" males than females
Unless the conclusion of your study is "ackchyually womens and minorities are a lot smarter than cis straigt white males, it's just because of structural opression why they do worse in several succsess metrics

>> No.12540532

Women won't get hot enough to touch you just because you exaggerate their capabilities. They only thing they want from simps is free labor with no payout. She's entitled, you see. And you, dear simp, are not!

>> No.12540611

>go on, prove it

any thought anyone can have about anything needs to be processed. so processing speed is how fast you can create and resolve thoughts such that action can be taken as a result, even if that action is starting a new thought.

how fast this happens accounts for all differences in intelligence. if you think faster than someone do you consider yourself smarter than that person ?

if someone thinks faster than you, would you really want to say you are smarter than them ?

>"b-but i think..better! ya they think faster but muh thoughts are like...better ?"

ok then, tell me how you can think better than someone who thinks faster than you.

and then, tell me who would be smarter if that same method of better thinking was used,

would the faster thinker or the slower thinker be more intelligent ?

>> No.12540900

It also means that all of the cool women are going to be either psychopaths who don't care about social acceptability or autists who don't understand it at all.

>> No.12541850

>Women aren´t dumber than men
Water isn't wet.

>> No.12541857

this post was written by a woman

>> No.12542424
File: 220 KB, 700x700, wally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think Can learn pure math FASTER, Person A who is mathematically gifted, but subpar in terms of processing speed, or person B who is subpar at quantitative reasoning, but is faster at fucking finding wheres waldo.

>any thought anyone can have about anything needs to be processed.
Yes as you've stated any mental domain (spacial, math, verbal, whatever) has to be exercised through your 'processing speed', which means some other ability than processing speed is being engaged. An increased proficiency in that 'other ability', with processing speed staying consistent, will translate to FASTER thoughts because the same level of 'processing speed' is synergising with an increased capability.

>"b-but i think..better! ya they think faster but muh thoughts are like...better ?"
Using the first example. person A, in terms of learning pure math, is thinking FASTER because his thoughts are better.

If any of your reasoning actually made sense, IQ test would only consist of the processing speed index, but they don't. Not only that, but the processing speed index is the least g loaded index, and once again literally no one besides yourself in this thread has suggested what you are. stop pulling shit out of your ass.

If you don't get what whats being said, try reading it slower and then you might understand.

>> No.12542452

General G of men on average is also higher, if you throw out barley correlated fields like verbal and just go for matrices. Most researchers won’t publish that kind of data for obvious reasons and hence include subsections that aren’t really significantly correlated.

>> No.12542465

It is morally right to spend 200 trillion dollars to rebuild the entire system to combat global warming.

>> No.12542466

took you a while to think this one up anon but ill respect it.

1. the mathematically gifted person in your example does not and by definition cannot have a slow processing speed. do you imagine those who are gifted at math magically think the right way automatically ?

i dont, rather i imagine they sift out things that dont work, permuting modes of thought at an incredibly rapid pace to arrive at a mode of thought that works - furthermore in order to test these permuted thought modes they must be tried novelly and the more rapid thinker will be able to discard what doesnt work very quickly. intelligent people like this are curious and will naturally try and experiment with different thinking styles, the faster processors recursively improve the best way to think through faster processing.

>problems on an iq test

alright so we're shown some puzzle with a pattern missing and need to figure out the pattern. ill give you an extreme kindness here and say the answers are not given, so no multiple choice answers exist. the correct answer must be originally created. so the fast processing high iq person does what?

they rapidly permute a guess and then evaluate it as a potential solution. maybe they rotate the little lines and shapes or whatever. then, when they think its correct they rapidly check for errors by quickly considering, permuting, processing how they could be wrong. thinking isnt fucking magic, its all processing speed my guy.

go ahead my friend, choose any type of problem you can think of and i will kindly explain how faster processing speed is powering the iq that allows the problem to be solved.

once you get deep into the nuts n bolts of computer science it all becomes more obvious.

>> No.12542475

This study is wrong. Men spend long continuous time span laser focusing on men's problems. Women spend all the time thinking about two things - how to attract men, how to beat other women who attract men.

>> No.12542478

With all that cope and excuses, it's scientifically simpler to conclude that women and niggers are stupider.

>> No.12542558
File: 9 KB, 190x355, blocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took you a while to think this one up anon but ill respect it.
I went to bed

>choose any type of problem you can think of and i will kindly explain how faster processing speed is powering the iq that allows the problem to be solved.
>problems on an iq test
Lets take the Block design subtest from the Wechslers tests, where you're up against the clock to assemble the block design, you also get bonus points if you solve it .... faster :). Men do better on this than women, this is unanimously agreed upon, even by those who don't believe in overall sex differences. So, how do men who scores less on processing speed tests solve this FASTER than women who are ostensibly faster? Its because there is more at play than just processing speed. Men Also speak faster than women (to my surprise), and solve verbal riddles faster. Men are still smarter than women on general intelligence.

>im a male, lol.
Why are you be so virulent at defending a false fact about the intelligence of women? Why so pussy whipped? Maybe you relate to women more than men? Just accept that men are smarter, its nice being the smarter gender and the earlier you realize that the happier you will be with yourself.

>> No.12542594

women are the nigger of the world

>> No.12542651

t. John Lennon

>> No.12542654

>using the slave class as evidence against the inferiority of women

>> No.12543039

youve shifted the goalposts a bit here but ill bite. its because women use their intelligence intelligently, they couldnt care less for highly autistic shit like this.

they use their intelligence for control of men and access to resources and to evaluate the prowess of men.

>> No.12543497
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x2400, kute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you stated women are smarter because of muh processing speed and I corrected you.

>they use their intelligence for control of men and access to resources and to evaluate the prowess of men.
They use their pussy to do that, it has nothing to do with intelligence but evolution requires men to 'bite the bullet' so to speak and rewards them through chemical process in the brain to do so (sex drive and pair-bonding), so no men aren't being manipulated, due to our biochemistry, men benevolently give women access in exchange for a sex and fatherhood and enjoy doing so. Generalizing, men enjoy buying shit for their partner because its an evolutionary beneficial activity for the man. If you interpret this as intellectual supremacy by women then you're retarded, as the same logic would imply that children are smarter than their parents, as they manipulate the parents to nurse and invest resources into them.

>they couldn't care less for highly autistic shit like this.
yes because they are not intelligent enough to, the fact you consider this topic to be stupid and 'accessing resources' to be the only valid use for intelligence is subjective.

Your dicks so small you piss on your balls each time you go to the toilet. little nigga

>> No.12543573

Women are far worse since they have average midwit intelligence so they are smart enough to be affected by propaganda and not smart enough to resist it.

>> No.12543577

Isn't sexual selection in humans works for both sexes?

>> No.12543639


>> No.12545270

This this and this.

When are the IQrusaders around here going to realize that probability is NOT occurrence?

>> No.12545278

women are exceedingly average as usual, who would've guessed

>> No.12545397

you view solving puzzles as intelligent because of the evolutionary pressure placed upon you to do so. women created this evolutionary pressure and thus have no reason to be influenced by it. is it intelligent for women to spend their time solving puzzles ? no because they are not competing with men

puzzles for women involve manipulation of others and being fluid in social hierarchies. these things are likely reducible to puzzles anyway in purely computational terms.

do you subscribe to the socially awkward genius meme ? if you do consider that social situations are also puzzles that need to be solved consciously, in real time and that if you arent smart enough to do that then you arent smarter than a 12 year old girl.

again, using intelligence intelligently is a question thats difficult to consider as a man because women have trained you to believe that solving puzzles means youre intelligent. the reality is that women simply domesticate men and turn them into puzzle solving machines where the best ones are then rewarded with pussy.

who is smarter, the one who uses others as a tool to do everything for them and then judges the outcome or the tool being manipulated ?

its a good question, think more on it

>> No.12545434

Being a parasite isn't being smart, it's being Evil.

>> No.12545529
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>who is smarter
You've said it yourself, Men are smarter because of the evolutionary pressure for them to be smarter that is absent for women.

>women created this evolutionary pressure and thus have no reason to be influenced by it
So are women taller and physically stronger than men because they sexually and socially select for these traits? The only vitality to your argument is a pseudoscience definition for intelligence. Should we start giving women CEO positions and so forth because they're 'smarter' than men.

How is the intellectual supremacy of women anymore valid than the intellectual supremacy of children over their parents because they have them nurse and invest resources into them?

Women didn't intellectually or deliberately manipulate this dynamic into existence, they saw that men with more resources where beneficial to the offspring of the children they will bare, thus the desire for wealthy partners developed in women. Women are along for the ride as much as men are.

But anywho, women are smarter :) and it is smart for men to recognize this. Women can show their intelligence by sitting back and let Men do all the important things, after all, all women need to do is to shut their mouth, suck some dick, cook food and have cute little babies. So smart and manipulative. Bonus, women can use their faster processing speed to clean the house faster.