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12515355 No.12515355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prove it happened.

>> No.12515358

No. I prefer that you remain ignorant.

>> No.12515359

We left behind a mirror you can bounce light off to measure the distance to the Moon with. Next.

>> No.12515363

If your retarded ass asks for a "citation":
There's also plenty of supporting citations at the bottom of the page.

>> No.12515364

>I prefer you remain ignorant

>> No.12515372

>prove it happened
dude, there are videos, it was broadcast live across the planet.

>> No.12515376

4 of the 12 Americans who walked on the moon are still alive

>> No.12515379
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>dude, there are videos, it was broadcast live across the planet.

>> No.12515380

best answer.
I used to be sympathetic to the white (and black) noneducated classes. Nowadays... I figure the Jews got it right. Insulate, pull up the ladder, and feed the proles slop. They're not smart enough to know better and they're not good enough to deserve better.

>> No.12515383

You won't succeed to ingratiate yourself with the kikes. In the end you will be hated by everybody.

>> No.12515387

also, not that anyone's mind can be changed, but despite the unusual (and suggestive) domain name, onebigmonkey.com is the premier "yes the moon landings did so take place" website.

>> No.12515416

Thanks for proving his point.

>> No.12515455

soviets would have disproved it if it didnt happen

>> No.12515525

i love how the schizos bring up the astronauts being able to push themselves up easily as evidence of fakery
the apollo eva suit and backpack weight a grand total of 310lbs on earth
if an astronaut weighing 185lbs was wearing it on earth, the total would be 495lbs
lunar gravity is 16.6% of earth's, thus making said fully suited up apollo astronaut a whopping 82.17 lunar lbs
a full pushup on the moon in an apollo era EVA suit would be the equivalent of a 45-55lb bench press on earth
>b-but anon that's heavy!
dyel cope begone, as the Apollo astronauts were almost all military men who lifted weights every single day as part of their training
high school football players routinely lift with dumbells in that weight range, and the real beefcakes go much heavier
muh impossible acrobatics are 100% feasible when you understand that the apollo astronauts we inside a fancy balloon suit and weighed as much as they did when they were in 4th grade

>> No.12515546
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A while back in a fit of complete skepticism I went and checked out the moon landings. The landings themselves were verified by a Japanese moon-orbiter that showed the unusual activity at the landing sites, by Australian tracking of the moon-landing which was independent of American stuff, and by the previous missions, which simply orbited the moon and came back. The orbiting by humans is sure, for one because there are pictures of the far-side of the moon more detailed than previous Soviet pictures. I easily found convincing point-by-point rebuttals of the skeptic claims. So it checked out, and I am fully on board.
>implying op is schizo
You need to shut the fuck up. No one who is telling the truth has anything to fear from a skeptical investigation. Doing the review not only persuaded me that the moon-landings are real, it made me dead certain. The skepticism served to cement a belief that happens to be shared by nearly everyone else who didn't do a review.

>> No.12515556

i've seen arguments innocent youngins like you wouldn't believe
the retardation knows no bounds
you may have come around, but others are borderline incapable of rational thought

>> No.12515571


>> No.12515572
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No. You probably believe a bunch of stupid shit too as a side effect of the way political structures tend to impede honest review. When you find out one of these things is wrong, you start to question anything where politics and authority seem to occlude the reality of things. With honest review, you come around, always. But if a bunch of idiots are calling you an insane schizo for doing this it makes the process more difficult and it takes longer.
>innocent youngings
lol get the fuck off my board

>> No.12515574

Many of us on topics like this have seen too many retards who will conjure up another claim of why it couldn't have been real when you rebut one, two, or twenty claims. In fact those people are the overwhelming majority of hoaxers/conspiracy theorists and so it's almost always a waste of time to try to engage people with facts who do not want to be convinced with them.

>> No.12515583

The question isnt how did he push himself back up, its what the fuck did he trip on.

>> No.12515602
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see >>12515572
>so it's almost always a waste of time to try to engage people with facts who do not want to be convinced with them
Then you are arguing in bad faith like some kind of deranged complicity theorist, this is both highly unethical and counterproductive. Attitudes like yours should be ridiculed with extreme prejudice. If you aren’t trolling in defense of a marginalized position you agree with, what the heck is the purpose of your online activity? Supporting the status quo? You don’t need to do support it, it’s already the status quo. The internet is for debate over marginalized opinions.

>> No.12515622
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lol this is hilarious to watch

>> No.12515624

>No one who is telling the truth has anything to fear from a skeptical investigation
except lost resources time and energy. maybe these things aren't valuable to you because you're a fucking retard

>> No.12515632
File: 2.88 MB, 960x720, moonbuggy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12515655

how high is your roof?

>> No.12516501


>> No.12516526

1. The lander obviously wouldn't work on earth since earth has far higher gravity and the engines nozzle isn't optimized for working in an athmosphere.
2. There where transmissions sent throughout the entire mission, every radio amateur in the world was able to triangulate them.
So if there was any doubt, they would have known and so would the soviet union.
3. The retroreflectors from back then are still operational, you can still bounce back light and measure the distance from earth to moon that way.
4. Faking all of the above with 1960s technology would have been impossible.

There is the common joke that they hired Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landings, wich he did but insisted on filming in location...

>> No.12516595

The moon truthers claim the Soviets were in on it because they were faking things too and were afraid the US would expose them if the Soviets exposed the US. It's very weird circular logic.
I'm waiting for the day when Moon landings become commonplace and half of the truthers claim those landing aren't real either and the other half say the new ones are real but the ones from the late 60s/early 70s were faked. That group, when shown new footage from the original landing sites like will claim the new Moon landings put all of the old equipment there. They'll never admit they wasted decades of their lives on this crap.

>> No.12516603

>a full pushup on the moon in an apollo era EVA suit would be the equivalent of a 45-55lb bench press on earth
Holy Fuck, do they really claim that's heavy? An Olympic bar with no weights on it is 44lbs. That's some crazy lanklet shit if they can't bench even that much.
A rock? Do you think there's a cleaning and smoothing service on the Moon? Have you never tripped while out hiking?