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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1251421 No.1251421 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss lucid dreams and how to have them.

Link for those who don't know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream

I find that its easier to have a lucid dream by thinking through the kind of dream you wish to have while lying on your back counting your heartbeats. Whatever you do, do not roll over or itch yourself, it will make you become more awake. Just ignore it. When checking to make sure your dreaming, dont pinch yourself. You will still feel pain. Instead, look in a mirror and check if your there clearly. If not, your asleep.

Also, fun shit you do in them. I personallay like to fly around and mold objects together.

>> No.1251445

I can't be the only one on /sci/ whose had one. Come on guys.

>> No.1251498

I've had a very odd one before. Unfortunately, it was the only one I've ever had. I tried WILD many times, but I never got past sleep paralysis. One night I gave up, and had this dream in which I was lucid...

So, I was wandering through the forest late at night, then I looked up at the moon, asked if I was dreaming, then answered myself that I was. -cont

>> No.1251509

After becoming lucid, I wandered off into the forest more (it was a low-level of lucidity, so I didn't have 100% self-consienceness and such) and came upon a 4 story building much resembling a parking building you see at hotels, except with windows instead of empty space.

>> No.1251522

Sleep paralysis is easy to get past after the first few attempts. Just don't freak out and stay calm.

>> No.1251525

So I decided to go inside (I had no flashlights, the moon was very, very bright, so you had a dim illumination) Inside, I found an abandoned laboratory with much equipment, some used and broken on the floor, some brand new, along with shitloads of chemicals, some spilled. Of course, being aware I was dreaming and nothing could hurt me, I decided to explore, even though it was almost completely dark.

>> No.1251526

> implying dreams are science

>> No.1251539

Dreams are science.

Anyways, continuing...

So, while I was exploring, for some odd reason, I decided to dip my finger into a spilled beaker of Hydrofluoric Acid, knowing it couldn't hurt me IRL (I remember this very vividly) after this, I look down at my finger, and it looked like a fiber-optic lamp created from decomposing flesh.

I don't remember much after that.

>> No.1251543

I had my first lucid dream the other night.

I killed some people, and then I realized because I killed people, I must be dreaming. So I started to jump really high for fun, but then I got distracted because some bad guys came along.

I followed them with some friends, and I shot one of my friends in the head to prove it was a dream.

I got into this awesome fight sequence with the bad guys, and I saved the girl they were stealing. I thne felt her up and we made out. Then I woke up :(

>> No.1251551

>implying that countless scientific studies on dreams havent been conducted and that it is no way involved in science.

>> No.1251567

Bump in hopes of first successful /sci/ dream thread that I can remember.

>> No.1251569

> studies on dreams
Oh really? Was the scientist in the dream, making measurements? Or are we just talking about a glorified opinion poll?

Don't bother answering, I already know. It's a rhetorical question.

>> No.1251579

I remember my first lucid dream. I was in a museum when suddenly the dinosaur fossils came alive and tried to kill me, when I realised that the dead cannot come back to life and that I must be dreaming. I was 8 at the time and so like any other normal child, I went into a toy store and took all the toys, then went home and fell asleep. I woke up and remembered it was a dream.

>> No.1251584

No. The study of the effects on dreamers bodies and brains is science. But dreams are an unobservable phenomenon, and entirely subjective. By definition dreams cannot be science.

>> No.1251589

My only lucid dream was when i was little and being chased around by a monster, after running for a bit i realized it was only a dream and let the monster get me.
I also once had a false awakening, where i think i wake up from a dream and am in my bed but actually i'm still dreaming. shit was weird

>> No.1251603

Stop trolling. Your the reason why good threads always fail. And l2 google sleep studies, study of dreams, etc.

>> No.1251632

the hallucination is the worst >.< When that happens just remember that even though you can't move doenst mean you can't think. Your thoughts control your dreams, so use them.

>> No.1251646

I've been wanting to try this for a while.
How can I do it?

>> No.1251648

I hope I am the reason these threads fail. At least troll threads are entertaining. Take this shit to /x/.

> sleep studies
science. If you were talking about sleep studies, I missed it. Sounds to me like you're talking about dreams. That's not science.

> study of dreams
get the fuck out. Dreams are unavailable for scientific inquiry. Opinion polls. You want to talk about statistics, that's math. Dreams aren't math, either.

>> No.1251661

I almost never remember my dreams, although I do sometimes have lucid dreams. The problem is that I usually wake up about 5 seconds after I realize that it is a dream, so I can't have any fun in them.

>> No.1251674

Keep a dream journal. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Staying in your dream takes lots of practice, take it slow and it'll last longer.

try the wiki link for starters.

>> No.1251685

I don't like to lucid dream because my normal ones are too fun. I can remember them if I want to.

>> No.1251694

Normal ones are too fun? what?

>> No.1251704

>butthurt because he cant do it

>> No.1251722

I read the wiki link, but can someone put it in more "simple" terms I am still alittle confused as to what to do..

>> No.1251748
File: 1.10 MB, 4000x3758, 1274483854738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image might be helpful.

>> No.1251751

Keep a dream journal, it helps you remember your dreams and lets you become more aware of them while you have them.

To have one, I find it easiest to lay in a comfortable position and stay there. Count your breaths and resist urges to move. If you can do this for at least 7-20 mins then you will get into sleep paralysis mode. Stay calm, hearing things and having the feeling of movement is normal, it will pass. Once you get through the paralysis you will be in your dream. Check to make sure you are dreaming by flipping a lightswitch, the lights will not come on. Also try looking in a mirror, you wont see yourself clearly or at all.

>> No.1251767

Thanks :D

>> No.1251778

Should I close my eyes?

>> No.1251785

What the fuck is that supposed to be? a troll question? Of course you close your eyes when your sleeping dumbass.

>> No.1251790

I had several lucid dreams in my life. In all of them, after I realize I'm dreaming, I find the first female around me and try to rape her. Right after I cum, I wake up.

This is probably because I'm a virgin and always wanted to have sex.

I haven't had a lucid dream in 3 years though. Feels bad, man.

>> No.1251808

Hah, the good ol rape method. I can tell if im dreaming because Ill get laid. It does feel bad ;_; But it the sensation feels quite nice. Amazing what you can feel in them, isnt it?

>> No.1251815

I could think of better stuff to do first, like something really amazing. But then again I'm not a virgin.