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File: 3.38 MB, 1344x1499, Autistic people most famous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12509112 No.12509112 [Reply] [Original]

Why are autistic people so prone to becoming mass murderers?

Pic related: all of them had autism.

>> No.12509120

Almost all evidence on the subject points to the contrary.

Also, everyone in pic related had different diagnosis' (if at all).

>> No.12509185
File: 424 KB, 1574x608, Screenshot (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no...

>> No.12509214

That's what happens when you bully them. When the fuck are you American retards gonna get this, punish bullying in schools and enforce gun control laws. Otherwise just shut up about it, because you are clearly not interested in addressing the problem.

>> No.12509217

I was relentlessly bullied in school and I agree with you. There needs to be consequences for ruining my childhood.

>> No.12509239

People have the right for revenge when the law doesn't protect them. This should be legally treated similar to self defence.

>> No.12509378

Generally, autists are more systematic and have a hard time empathizing, which is why they are socially weird.
Empathizing also deals with not killing people, so they feel less pain from murder.

>> No.12509419

You’re posting this on an autistic site.

>> No.12509583

There is no scale between systemizing and empathizing, but those who don't systemize have a hard time empathizing with those who do and vice versa.

>> No.12509590

Neetbux would solve this

>> No.12509715

columbine kids didn't have autism you retard lol

>> No.12509764

Prove they had autism.

>> No.12509825

Cho, lanza, roof, cruz and rodger were professionally diagnosed with it The rest display of all the symptoms on their sleeve but came of age before it was a fashionable diagnose, or were too poor for treatment.

The Nashville bomber probably has autism as well (though more high-functioning as he tried to minimize casualties).

>> No.12509828

>Nashville bomber
did they found out who did it?

>> No.12509850

Most the people on here aren’t autistic but to answer your question, alienation from society and struggling with cognitive empathy mixed with outside influences such and bullying and other mental illness can have drastic consequences if not treated properly, I cannot remember the exact statistic Rn but it’s estimated while autistic people only account for 1% general population more than 20% (most likely much higher) of mass shooters are diagnosed or display symptoms, this is not to say that autistic people are more likely to commit acts of violence because they are not, in fact they are less likely, but depending on many factors it can contribute to the decline of ones mental state

>> No.12509968

Your post should be a hate crime.

>> No.12509980

His diagnosis was more on the schizophrenic and suicidal end than autism.
He was diagnosed with SID, which is commonly confused for ASD. He also held diagnosis' for OCD and GAD, but coroners also found signs of malnutrition, which is also theorised to be a factor. And claims for Lanza being on the ASD tend to be misinterpretations by family members.
Roof had very little diagnoses to take note of. But he also has a history of drug use.
Has schizophrenic symptoms, not autistic. He even claims to hear voices.
Probably the closest to a legitimate ASD diagnosis. But his symptoms can be just as easily categorised as SchPD or AvPD.
>The rest display of all the symptoms on their sleeve
They show general traits of mental abnormalities. Not exclusively autistic ones.

>> No.12510224
File: 120 KB, 847x913, firefox_2020-12-26_12-58-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it all mean, how is autism responsible for all these things?

>> No.12510233

>What do they all have in common
That OP cherry picked people to make a claim that is not backed by a real study. If you have a real study that goes beyond a simple image and a bold claim about all the people in the image then do care to provide some actual evidence.

>> No.12510246

The real problem is that you can never stop bullying but they tried anyway, which just means no one can fight back and no one gets their teeth kicked in for being a faggot, what we need is the glorious return of everyday violence.

>> No.12510520

circumcision or false flag

>> No.12511023

dzhokhar got tons of pussy

>> No.12511068

>punish bullying in schools
the kids that get bullied need to do this on their fucking own
>and enforce gun control laws
you can just fuck right the fuck off you stupid cunt, government's should fear their people

>> No.12511104

>Criminals follow laws

>> No.12511123

>enforce gun control laws
shall not be infringed nigger

That's what happens when you bully them.
wrong bullying was much worse back in the day we need to bully them harder

>> No.12511173
File: 336 KB, 750x400, 2019.07.18-04.51-boundingintocomics-5d30a39806267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> enforce gun control laws
they'd just use other weapons, like they do in countries where guns are illegal. Autistic people are a crafty bunch.

>> No.12511198
File: 730 KB, 1080x1080, 1608840653927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noo you're not hecking allowed to kill me, that's against the lawerino

>> No.12511240 [DELETED] 

I'm autistic and kids taunted me to shoot up the school every day. I'm 22 years old now and I just might do it when schools start back up

>> No.12511321
File: 3.28 MB, 635x640, 1608827068039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12512012

dont punish the bullys directly, instead train the bullied to fuck up the bully

and you can enforce gun control laws all you want but the mentally ill will always find a way to cause destruction. youre just moving from one violent act to another, it doesn't get rid of the violent acts

>> No.12512042

Yet for all their capability at systemizing in the mathematical sense, which is almost entirely that of deductive reasoning, autists do overlap with schizos in how bad they are at inductive reasoning, whether in spinning narratives of their own or assessing the reliability of someone else's--especially with respect to the kinds of motives or drives that correspond to typically counterfactual ones: They are more easily manipulated by those with character disorders into false beliefs, and into accepting axioms with self-contradictory definitions without noticing the contradiction, which is also to say that social reasoning of a highly reflective sort is also the same aptitude as that of the whole class of problem-solving that pertains to attribution in the authorship of systems, including those of metaphor. "What was meant", "what is it for", "who benefits", "what kind of taste does this serve" and "what do I know" are actually very similar questions from the point-of-view of literary essayists, yet there is also nothing less autistic in cognitive style than to frame a subject that way.

>> No.12512053

First two look like typical schizos.

Anyway, is the number of people in your pic divided by the total number of mass murderers higher than the prevalence of autism? I doubt it.

>> No.12512055

>right for revenge
kek, this is what makes the US never reach first world status. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.12512169

Imagine my shock

>> No.12512189

>enforce gun control laws
would have prevented 0 killings from the people in the image DESU

>> No.12512404
File: 120 KB, 895x1024, 35454C0D-A7EE-4886-890E-8474D10D2639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12512444 [DELETED] 

>how bad they are at inductive reasoning,
Normies massively overestimate how much it is possible to deduce, which leads to them having completely justified opinions and nonsensical belief.
>They are more easily manipulated by those with character disorders into false beliefs,
No. They just go along with you, because it's impossible to determine if you're lying, or if it's some nonsense you actually believe and denying it will make you feel insulted.
>and into accepting axioms with self-contradictory definitions without noticing the contradiction,
That comes from both accepting that there might be no way to decide between the two (at least until more information is obtained) or because of previously held beliefs were overturned and corrected. It may seem the autists contradicts himself when he says something that is in contradiction with something he claimed some time ago, but that is because he no longer believes what he believed, as he found more information and corrected his mistaken belief. Neither is possible with your language based pseudo-abstract thinking.

>> No.12512445 [DELETED] 

>how bad they are at inductive reasoning,
Normies massively overestimate how much it is possible to deduce, which leads to them having completely unjustified opinions and nonsensical beliefs.
>They are more easily manipulated by those with character disorders into false beliefs,
No. They just go along with you, because it's impossible to determine if you're lying, or if it's some nonsense you actually believe and denying it will make you feel insulted.
>and into accepting axioms with self-contradictory definitions without noticing the contradiction,
That comes from both accepting that there might be no way to decide between the two (at least until more information is obtained) or because of previously held beliefs that were overturned and corrected. It may seem the autist contradicts himself when he says something that is in contradiction with something he claimed some time ago, but that is because he no longer believes what he believed, as he found more information and corrected his mistaken belief. Neither is possible with your language based pseudo-abstract thinking.

>> No.12512461

>how bad they are at inductive reasoning,
Normies massively overestimate how much it is possible to deduce, which leads to them having completely unjustified opinions and nonsensical beliefs.
>They are more easily manipulated by those with character disorders into false beliefs,
No. They just go along with you, because it's impossible to determine if you're lying, or if it's some nonsense you actually believe and denying it will make you feel insulted.
>and into accepting axioms with self-contradictory definitions without noticing the contradiction,
That comes from both accepting that there might be no way to decide between the two (at least until more information is obtained) or because of previously held beliefs that were overturned and corrected. It may seem the autist contradicts himself when he says something that is in contradiction with something he claimed some time ago, but that is because he no longer believes what he believed, as he found more information and corrected his mistaken belief. Neither is possible with your language based pseudo-abstract thinking. In other words it's completely impossible to manipulate an autist in a way that causes long term damage, as all knowledge is inherently treated as provisional, and gets discarded once disproving evidence is encounterred.

>> No.12512624

I do, but I'm not seeing anything.

>> No.12512644

It's called the engineering mindset. Terrorists are disproportionately males with engineering degrees.

>> No.12512715

you don't say

>> No.12512724

based and btfo

>> No.12513015

would have prevented killings from the people in the image DESU

>> No.12514638

>They are more easily manipulated by those with character disorders into false beliefs, and into accepting axioms with self-contradictory definitions without noticing the contradiction

Does this explain the tranny correlation I wonder?

>> No.12514650
File: 88 KB, 220x294, Samad Al Hayadi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he keep doing this? Why won't anyone arrest him?