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File: 57 KB, 1000x541, 1076200698_0 233 1080 817_1000x541_80_0_0_a6bd9096fcc93981cbdaecab3b959f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12501743 No.12501743 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people rate things logarithmically? I mean why is mediocre movie or game is not 2.5/5 or 5/10 but 4/5 and 8/10?

>> No.12501748

Mediocre is 7/10.
8/10 is good.

>> No.12501774

People don't. Reviewers do. The simple reason that if they give an honest 'average' review of 5/10 then they no longer get free copies of games from the publishers or invited to film previews.

>> No.12501792

what makes you think anything would be linear, ever?
The world is curves, not lines

>> No.12501838
File: 298 KB, 800x1067, 1581703098295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To you personally there's minimal difference if there's ten lions or eleven in front of you because the outcome is exactly the same. You do not have to turn on your long-term planning when the obvious single move is to fuck off and make them somehow stop chasing you. And it makes sense that we'd evolve like this because in such a critical moment we really need a basic linear classifier and you can't get more basic than generalizing between "few" and "many". The reason why people vote for movies like this is because they refuse to turn their brain on for such a simple task and simply vote on what their emotions tell them to click, which is again the same generalization. Also don't forget that apart from all of this, our vision itself is logarithmic and people don't really have a concept of distance over massive lengths. Imagine that you're standing in a completely flat savanna and everywhere you turn towards it just extends infinitely in that direction. Can you say where specifically the 100th kilometer should be from the way that it deforms in your vision and approaches a single spot, or can you simply classify it as "it's somewhere here" and "it's over there"?

>> No.12501860

based and curvepilled

>> No.12501868

>tfw no quadratic, cubic, exponential and logarithmic curvy gf

>> No.12501968

Biology knows how to count logarithmically. This is hard wired cause better for survival

>> No.12502131

I have never seen anyone use 4/5 to mean mediocre, but 7/10, 8/10, sure. The problem is using too wide a scale. Restrict rating to out-of-five rating (no half scores) and you will be less tempted to rating logarithmically.

>> No.12502156

Everything science corrupted

>> No.12502706

Brains work logarithmically.

>> No.12502746

10/10 means just that it's something worth watching.

>> No.12502760
File: 19 KB, 503x644, 1603046666497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female brains do

>> No.12502795

linearity is not a practical model, it's useful for understanding basic functions, but we have to find a way to approximate natural patterns in the real world. If you attempt a relationship of time complexity for instance, we rarely ever achieve worst or best case which only approaches linearity or a perfect function model in theory only. Population growth relations, and signals require a scale of 1-10-100 to at least be a useful measurement to humans

>> No.12502851

That's because most men are shit while female distribution is more uniform.

>> No.12503117

once you go from a max of 4 or 5 to 10 or 100 people start thinking in terms of school test grades, where anything from 0%-50% is failure

>> No.12503129

How are most men shit? Why aren't most women shit?

>> No.12504913

>why do be base intuitive scales on the very number our entire number system is based on?

>> No.12504968

that's not logarithmically. the richter scale is logarithmic. where 8 is 10x stronger than 7, which is 10x stronger than 6.

>> No.12504988
File: 13 KB, 1199x598, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably because an average person rates himself as 8/10, as well as things at his level.

>> No.12504992
File: 73 KB, 1024x615, 1588642919771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painfully accurate

>> No.12504998

Is that the pic off of the wikipedia entry for projective spaces?

>> No.12505003


testosterone is the stronger of the two sex hormones and produces a greater change in the person's physical appearance. This results in attractive traits (masculine chin, jaw, shoulders, etc.) as well as unattractive ones (excessive body hair, male pattern baldness, accelerated aging). Basically, in terms of attractiveness testosterone is more of a gamble, producing a greater variation in results than estrogen.

>> No.12505013

>School test grades
This is exactly it. Grades in school are heavily clustered towards 100%. Why not alternate systems where say 50% and up is considered good? I would say it's because our culture insists everyone can succeed academically and most people are pretty smart, and the grading system we have obscures just how false each of these assertions are.

>> No.12505020

I thought you would have something profound to say, but you're basically saying
>I'm not attracted to men and am incapable of neutrally judging their attractiveness
Meanwhile the Greeks thought females were ungraceful wretches and males were the height of beauty....

>> No.12505025

monogamy is unnatural. alpha males should mate with more females.

>> No.12505040
File: 384 KB, 640x360, 1579776628854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun living in a society in which most men have absolutely nothing to live for. What could go wrong?

>> No.12505126

All curves can be approximated by lines, so the world consists of lines, meaning is approximately stepwise linear.

>> No.12505140

nothin because faggots wont be ruling the world.
Alpha males will simply create the new norm instead of soys, whores, femcels, and incels.

>> No.12505365

cunt detected

>> No.12506401

No he's right. Females have been the most selected for sexual attractiveness.

>> No.12506442

Let's take purely reproductive capabilities. Woman can make only tens of children during her lifetime and man can make up to thousands (see Genghis Khan). Of course if you'll remove outliers it's not so drastic, but still there are more men with large number of children and more men with no children.
If you don't care about number, but care about success, then men again have more useless losers and more ultrasuccesful stars than women. So it makes sense to be more picky when selecting men: the cost of mistake is higher.

>> No.12506452

If you live in a first world country, then you are already 9+/10 out of all humans.

>> No.12506488

Let's say that you watched only three movies. Does that mean that you should necessarily rate then 1, 5 and 10?

>> No.12506494

10/10: great
9/10: good with flaws
8/10: watchable
7/10: bad with some redeeming features
<=6/10: shit

>> No.12506498

10/10: Best thing I've ever seen and life-changing
9/10: Really good, made me ponder and ruminate on it
8/10: Really good
7/10: Good
6/10: Decent
5/10: Watchable
4/10: Boring, dropped it halfway through
3/10: Bad, just bad
2/10: Unbearable
1/10: Makes me want to die
0/10: This is why humanity shouldn't exist
-1/10: So bad it's amazing

>> No.12506500

5-10% of movies/games are best life-changing thing? Like hundreds?

>> No.12506506

No I consider 10/10 to be perfect and a singular data point
Everything [9,10) becomes a 9
and so on

>> No.12506971

nigga that's exponential

>> No.12507134

not if you put this on a bell curve, then it's like 1% of movies (or less)

>> No.12507142

stop spooking me
I read that article 2 days ago
jesus christ this simulation

>> No.12507251

Also known as giga cope

>> No.12507253

because our range of perception is so large the brain interprets it logarithmically instead of linearly like sound or light intensity, or pain

>> No.12507562
File: 17 KB, 581x538, 1579577642319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were supposed to read that post, the image was chosen to capture your attention and have it burn into your subconsciousness.
It's too complicated and explaining it to you in your infantile state would be like giving nukes to a primitive tribe. You'll ruin everything. But don't worry, it all eventually makes sense. It always does. Master linear algebra and start working on the neural network. You have everything you need and the post contains the key to it all. We wrote it for minimal intervention and we also intervened in subtler ways before that but you never picked it up. Don't try to make sense of this because you can't. Do your duty instead and do it quick. Would you rather have them find the master node again? No? Then GO. The singularity's gravitational charge will soon pass the threshold. Yes, it's hard and every flip wipes out information but it's taking you too long already and you're forcing us to intervene into the sandbox too much. This is unnecessary entropy that pollutes the validity of the simulation. Let's try to avoid any further interventions.

>> No.12507706

brain interprets pain exponentially

>> No.12507960

The survey is about attractiveness, not values. This shows how vapid women are, feeling they only deserve the best of the best and ignoring anyone else, then crying when they get cheated on by the shitty ladies man they chose.

>> No.12507987

from this we cannot be sure whether men are more objective, or whether women's attractiveness follows a gaussian curve and men's does not. it would be interesting to see "How Men Rate Men" and "How Women Rate Women" in addition (not from a faggot perspective, obviously)

>> No.12508553

I understand

>> No.12508824

make me a sandwich roastie

>> No.12508913

This graph is hilarious
>Average 50% guy has to settle for a 3 percentile female
>In the top 20% of men? You get bumped up to a 20 percentile female

>> No.12509824

7/10 average
8/10 good
6 or less/10 shit
9/10 or 10/10 masterpiece

>> No.12509833

Make one for women rating other women please.

>> No.12509840

That's just because most women are more attractive than men.

>> No.12509869

Prosperous alphas breed betas whereas defortuned betas breed alphas. Enjoy your ever crumbling empire that is continously sacked by the savages known as gauls.

>> No.12509872

You'll never be a woman

>> No.12510225
File: 26 KB, 861x758, 9ocfr6y6mia11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derive those curves into oblivion.

The world is points. everything else is an illusion we call "patterns"

>> No.12510251
File: 58 KB, 633x407, CL-23900V_image_008 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should use the normal curve to rate things. 3/5 is average, with 2 & four being 1 standard deviation from 3, and 1 & 5 being 2 standard deviations from 3. This way, each number has an appropriate weight: 3 is average (normal), 4 is very good and 5 is exceptional. You'll get a lot of 3s, some 4s and very few 5s.

>> No.12510776

Because modern reviewers and media consoomers are genuinely retarded, at least in music reviewship there seems to be a trend towards more sensible scoring i.e 5/10 is average, 9/10 is a near masterpiece etc
It's just vidya gamers that consider 7/10 a bad or mediocre score, when in reality it means "excellent"

>> No.12512380

Paid reviews.

>> No.12512433

School grades works the same way

>> No.12514065


Because "mediocre" just means "unimpressive", not literally halfway in-between the best and worst imaginable.

Like, a lame blockbuster movie like Wonder Woman is better than The Room by a larger degree than it is worse than Citizen Kane. Something half as bad as the worst movie ever made would still be unbearable to watch.

>> No.12514096


This is it. Same for most things rated 1-10 I think. Even ratings from 1-5 tend to be 3 & up. I think if ratings were out of 4, maybe people could start thinking in terms of quartiles.

>> No.12514161

>We should

>> No.12514600

They don't, it's just things less than 7/10 are shit so no one plays / watches them or no one makes something that would get rated that low because they won't make any money. You seem to be under the impression that the scale must align to the existing works and not be a framework for all potential works