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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12500517 No.12500517 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do for a living?

What did/do you study?

Do you enjoy it? Would you recommend it?

How did you get into it?

>Not "Im a student and I will be a professor" we all know you wont, even you know you wont. If you're a student working part time at mcdonalds just say youre a student working part time at mcdonalds, and maybe tell us why mcdonalds is better than your degree.

>> No.12500520

I sell drugs

>> No.12500568


>> No.12500577

I sell drugs to military

>> No.12500586

I was a student, I became a professor, I was treated like shit, I switched to data science

>> No.12500601

clerk, student, professor, banker

>> No.12500630

Doordash now but I've done a bunch of jobs, mainly in government and the financial sector.
Hmm I would recommend doordash only if you're unemployed and need income. It can close the gap since they "hire" in an hour's time. Wouldn't recommend it as a permanent thing. I average $22/hr with it but the hours are volatile. I got into it after seeing corporate roles advertised on a job board, I wasn't available for them though.
As far as others go government is pretty bad. You'll need to be comfortable with bureaucracy, everything is slow and inefficient and there's no culture to improve that, and it's all highly unionized though now I guess you have a choice. Used to be all agency shops.
Financial sector... there's sales and there's the rest of it. You know if you're the right person for sales. It's not for me. The rest of it is ok but your performance is easily quantifiable which adds some pressure. Teams change a lot because people move to other firms a lot. You're also pretty exposed to the business cycle, ie, hire and fire seasons.

>> No.12501687

government slug. Barely work, pay is great, benefits are great, retirement is great. Everyone bitches and whines about government jobs but never get one and wage slave away in the private sector making the rich richer.

>> No.12501699
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laboratory Associate.

I studied Microbiology.
It's okay, looking at another position.

Just wanted to do a science so my dumb ass could pretend I was intelligent. I should have went engineering in hindsight but I was too piss poor at math. I was smart enough knowing I needed to be more specific than general Biology though.

>> No.12501919


Refinery engineer

Mechanical Engineering

Sometimes. Paperwork and bureaucracy sucks. Pay is great. Hell no since Musk has pushed the electric vehicle timeline up 10 years.

Got a recommendation from someone who worked there.

>> No.12501953

Software Engineer student, currently gambling away at markets while cursing my shit decisions in /biz/

>> No.12502039

Wouldn't EVs still require mechanical engineers?

>> No.12502045 [DELETED] 

Grill guy at a burger joint, Data Analyst in Local Gov, and studying CS

>> No.12502056 [DELETED] 

shit forgot the rest.
Some guy I knew from high school was wondering if I'd be interested in the burger business and I took the offer. It's very satisfying work: my coworkers are awesome and our customers love our food. I think it's an experience that most people had when they worked a shitty job when they were in high school, but I hadn't had it until now. If you haven't done something like that yet, I'd highly recommend it.

>> No.12502123

>What do you do for a living?
PhD student doing biophysics stuff. Shoot lasers at weird protein and biological samples then interpret.
>What did/do you study?
Got an undergrad in bio and chem with a minor in applied math. Getting PhD in chemical biology with some certificates in other fields
>Do you enjoy it? Would you recommend it?
Yeah. If you are obsessed and have a good lab go for it. Gonna go take a year off after though, do something braindead so I can focus my brain power.
>How did you get into it?
I want to understand how life works. Did some research for a start up in undergrad but got into a good grad school so left.

>> No.12502154

It's shit.
Would i recommend a job with too much regulation and paperwork and abysmal work hours just because the pay looks okay until you consider workload, education time and loans?

Stay the fuck away. And don't make me start going on about the undeserved belief people have in modern medicine. It's shit.

>> No.12502316

Where did you learn to trade ?

>> No.12502363

I make your favorite software and its not reddit

>> No.12502367

Industrial painter of forestry equipment

>> No.12502902

There are resources online to learn terminology and have somewhat of an idea of what the hell are you doing, from there you can search for a broker with a demo account system and learn by practicing with it a month or two.

>> No.12502912

>What do you do for a living?
Service technician.
>What did/do you study?
Bachelor in EE
>Do you enjoy it? Would you recommend it?
Yes, I travel around Europe for free (paid food, transport and accommodation) and get to solve problems on ships of all sizes and types.
>How did you get into it?
By chance. I asked around.

>> No.12502929

Im soon to be a student working part tike at FedEx
Please kill me

>> No.12503080

Research assistant. No idea what will come after. I would like to become a professor, but it seems the work actually really sucks and the pay is mediocre. Maybe industry, maybe startup. I have no idea.

Studied physics, now in aerospace.

Physics was fantastic. Absolutely recommend it. Aerospace is great too, but the educators where I am right now suck for the most part. Takes a lot of the fun of of it.

I really have no clue. I stumble from opportunity to opportunity in my life without ever taking control. I'm really lucky I guess.

>> No.12503082

A janitor

>> No.12503130
File: 37 KB, 474x316, dirtbike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropped out of college, about to start massive fucking egg farm
finance, fuck it its jewish and retarded

pic related, everyone should ride dirtbikes in their free time

>> No.12503158

Comfy life
Good on ya

>> No.12503386


OP Here, I realised I didn't give you my answers. The picture is relevant.

>What do you do for a living?

Power station chemist. Its mostly managing and operating the water treatment plant and keeping the water sweet. We produce around 32t an hour of pure water (less than 5 uS conductivity)

>What did/do you study?

Chemistry. I completed an apprenticeship in chemistry and would definitely recommend it over going through a full time degree. The stuff I learnt academically was relevant but so far removed I am thankful I was exposed to its application at the time of learning.

>Do you enjoy it? Would you recommend it?

Yes. The routine procedures are easy, and you always work alongside equivalently skilled individuals in different fields. Its blue collar though so while everyones pretty smart they are working class which may not be for everyone in this sub.

>How did you get into it?
Just said, through an apprenticeship. I dont think you can get into the (electricity generation) industry any other way.

>> No.12503449

Is it really that shitty? I only ever read horror stories from there

>> No.12503544

Fix my back and headaches bro

>> No.12503597


Software engineer

Computer science

It's good, pay is good. If you think you have a slight interest then go for it

/g/ when I was like 14