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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12499019 No.12499019 [Reply] [Original]

Besides English, what other languages would you guys recommend learning for academic purposes?

>> No.12499095


>> No.12499102

German if you want to read the same exact paper that you could already read in English but you just want to feel smarter doing it.
Mandarin if you want to read a bunch of cribbed shit.
Latin if you want to learn how to summon demons and make pacts with them to gain access to revolutionary theories like F=ma or speciation through natural selection.

>> No.12499129
File: 57 KB, 1080x1080, непереводименя.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Russian?

>> No.12499146

Isn't this more relevant for the humanities? Who wants to read outdated scientific theories?

>> No.12499157
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, word-image-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Indians can earn 6-digit even they are typical ESLtards.
> Indians are good at java.

>> No.12499162
File: 47 KB, 1168x1000, rise-of-the-snek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is old.

>> No.12499166

retard lol

>> No.12499174

You want to read the original works? Good job wasting your time, faggot. :^)

>> No.12499175

What? Why isn't Fortran on there?

>> No.12499178

Ancient Greek, unironically.

Latin is also good, but Greek is more important. So if you only have time to learn one of them, stick with Greek.

>> No.12499182


>> No.12499192

isn't fortran low tier af?

>> No.12499220

can I ask why this is?

>> No.12499221
File: 26 KB, 1024x576, grammar-wooflang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German. You can read a lot of important physics and math papers in the original.

>> No.12499229

Mandarin or Korean, anyone saying anything else is retarded. Basically look at what countries are pushing out the best research in your field and learn the language

>> No.12499230


>> No.12499233

I've heard arabic is a highly logical language or something to that effect

>> No.12499235

useless for science
everyone speaks fus7a, there are individual dialects too though, which can be quite different from each other

>> No.12499240

fuck I thought you said "highly local language", my bad
anyway arabic isn't any more logical than any other language

>> No.12499243

wtf does that even mean? lol

>> No.12499248

It's something about its structure or something. Not that I actually know about it, probably heard it from some random youtube video

>> No.12499249

Because not everyone is a physicist/mathematician using outdated languages

>> No.12499261

as someone who speaks Arabic, the source of your fact is definitely someone who does not
either that or a native looking to brag

>> No.12499264

Many scientists have been inspired by the wisdom of ancient Greek philosophy (also by ancient Indian philosophy, to be fair, but I'm less familiar with that one), unlike the meme scientists of today who seem to shit on everything that isn't accompanied by ugly graphs and data sets.

Ancient Greek mathematics is also the oldest science known to us (it seems that the notion of a deductive proof originated with Thales of Miletus and it was unknown to Egyptians and Mesopotamians who relied on heuristic arguments in their mathematics) and it can be of some pedagogical utility to study ancient Greek mathematics. It is said that Isaac Newton dismissed Euclid's Elements because most propositions of the first book seemed to him completely "obvious" and not worthy of proof, and thus he devoted himself to the study of Descartes' Geometry instead, but Isaac Barrow (Newton's teacher) reproached him and advised him to study Euclid thoroughly. Newton did so and he acknowledge that he was indebted to Barrow for having made him give Euclid a second chance. Indeed he wrote the Principia using the methods of synthetic geometry favored by the Greeks instead of the more modern analytic geometry of Descartes.

>> No.12499271
File: 4 KB, 198x187, meme-language.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well learn lojban or ithkuil kek

>> No.12499273

For me, it's either Linear A or nothing.

>> No.12499365

Unironically very useful for a bunch of maths and radio research from the cold war. A lab I worked in had a whole room full of Russian papers from the 70s.

>> No.12499465

maybe but standard arabic grammar is so difficult it's near impossible to speak fluently. there are grammar to how numbers are supposed to be gendered, the diacritics for the fuckton of grammatical cases that can be combined together, the sometimes obtuse pronunciation of words as a result of said grammatical diacritics, it's all tiresome and the arabic academia is extremely harsh toward proper grammar.

>> No.12500127

it's true, if you know the root of any word you are capable of constructing the verb, noun... etc
bread -> خبز
bakery -> مخبز
you see they look similar, this logic applies almost all the time

>> No.12500151

I've studied Arabic and Mathematics in college.
Arabic is literally just math. Once you get the sounds down it's a mathematical language. No wonder they developed algebra.

>> No.12500152

It depends on the field you're in.

>> No.12500430
File: 23 KB, 680x383, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arabic is math

wat? care to explain?

>> No.12500504

He will not, that's some muslim crap alike to gematria (a rip-off of isopsephy, which also don't make much sense)