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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 483 KB, 821x608, NWOLondon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12497991 No.12497991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are the lockdowns scientificially justified? Convince me it isn't a conspiracy to bankrupt the middle class and make the dependant on gibs to usher in communist totalitarianism, with actual science to support your position.

>> No.12497998


>> No.12498037
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>covid fatality rate is .000000005%
>way too much stuff about election fraud found
>right before the election to make election fraud easier
>courts dismissing fraud cases without even looking at them
>democrats blocking any attempt to use signature verification(required by law) to see if the ballots were legitimate and even outright refusing to follow court required audits
>republican poll watchers have to use binoculars to watch ballots being counted
>tok tok owns part of 2 of facebook and Twitter's factchecking agencies
>thousands of videos showing voter fraud
>thousands of sworn affidavits and nobody is even trying to pay attention to the evidence
>covid tests used on fruits showed positive for some reason
>mrna tech vaccines never used before(and not even tested substantially)
>vaccine companies not liable for side effects
>vaccine is some sci fi tech never used before
You tell me op

>> No.12498039

It just shows the science field is just as easily corruptible as any other.

>> No.12498050

How insane do you have to be in order to believe the entire fucking world was in on the USA's election "fraud"?

>> No.12498053
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>> No.12498058
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I already know little homie I have been coming for years trying to get you aryan warriors ready to fight. I know I yelled at you all a lot but it was tough love, the fight of all fights is on for the fate of the entire planet. The Jews have been working 1000's of years for this and they were a hairs breath away from completing it. Fight the good fight because death is nothing but transformation.


>> No.12498063
File: 280 KB, 1280x756, 1608498637504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about secret societies
>he doesn't know about international bankers

>> No.12498069

how retarded do you have to be to not be able to see what is going this late in the game, especially with people spoon feeding it to you. I would say you are dangerous levels of retarded friend. As for myself I figured out what they are doing 20 years ago so I am the opposite of what you would call retarded.

>> No.12498071

That the entire world set this up to rig the U.S. election? Come on. Also, I never used the term retarded, I said insane.

>> No.12498073

cold fusion doesn't exist

>> No.12498076

Hes black wym

>> No.12498082

I didn't say the entire world was in on rigging the US election. Where did you get this idea? In fact the image I posted is from London not the US.

Also I never said that you said I was retarded. I said that you are retarded mate and that I am the opposite of retarded. Perhaps work on sharpening your reading comprehension skills before you insult people's mental faculties my dude.

I have a website where I explain exactly what they are doing, and how they are doing it I have been posting links to here for at least 3 years. Perhaps you should start there

Babylonian Money Magic – The Fed

I mean I only predicted what they are doing 3 years in advance. Isn't that what science is about, making predictive models? I'd say my model works as designed

>> No.12498088
File: 401 KB, 357x535, siege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I want to say I dont mean to toot my horn here either because it wasn't actually my model. I just studied (((their))) model and reverse engineered it. As the architect told Neo in the Matrix:

You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed.
The Architect : Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

>> No.12498092

>I didn't say the entire world was in on rigging the US election. Where did you get this idea?
Everything in this post >>12498037 was pointing to this being some big elaborate plan to rig the U.S. election. And that's the post I replied to directly.

>In fact the image I posted is from London not the US.
I didn't respond to the OP, but I'm getting the feeling you're the OP, and then you responded to yourself with the post that I commented on.

>I said that you are retarded mate and that I am the opposite of retarded. Perhaps work on sharpening your reading comprehension skills before you insult people's mental faculties my dude.
Says the person who's replying to himself.

>> No.12498104
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Actually I am the originator of the this meme.

>> No.12498119

The cattle will be culled, that's you hombre.

>> No.12498123

The lockdowns are worse than the holocaust

>> No.12498163

You know how gooogle and facebook are censoring like crazy?
Big tech companies have bigger GDP than many countries.
they don't like Trump

>> No.12498169

That's why Germany, Vietnam, the Czech Republic, Norway, etc., are locking down?

>> No.12498178


>> No.12498267

All international news attacked Trump non-stop, extremely petty even, Trump stopped wars and even then got attacked in sync, all news were on it why? Because they all fetch from the same news agencies.

>> No.12498312

>BLM protests, which included tens of millions of participants, didn't meaningfully contribute to the spread of covid
>We need lock-downs to prevent people from going outside and spreading covid

>> No.12498315

And Trump lost the election, and countries are locking down anew. I'm not saying the pandemic didn't make for a convenient weapon for the left to use against Trump, but it's laughable to suggest that foreign governments are still fucking over their economies because of an election that ended over six weeks ago.

>> No.12498379

>And Trump lost the election
Trump won but the dem fraud was pushed through at the highest levels.

>> No.12498398

Dimbart more like.
This is a liberal/progressive site.

>> No.12498401

Yep nobody could stand to gain from meddling in the US election.

>> No.12498411

>This is a liberal/progressive site.
you have to go back

>> No.12498424

>Are the lockdowns scientificially justified? Convince me it isn't a conspiracy to bankrupt the middle class and make the dependant on gibs to usher in communist totalitarianism, with actual science to support your position.
Which country are you posting from? This reads like an American post lacking an international perspective.

>> No.12498426

Internationalism is cancer

>> No.12498437
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>> No.12498439

If you let the virus run rampant hospitals will be overwhelmed. If hospitals are overwhelmed people will start doing in much higher numbers - of covid and many other things as doctors won't be able to cope.

No, it's not a fucking international conspiracy. It's all an attempt to reduce the number of deaths. Though the new UK variant basically means lockdowns won't slow things down enough now.

>> No.12498445
File: 762 KB, 696x515, copeandseeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu with screeching memes beamed into your head from the box in you living room retard

>> No.12498449

What's required now for the average American who's putting their head in the sand regarding this situation is to look around and see how their actions and thoughts measure up against those in say Japan, Russia, or Greece. Is this really a call for world governments and peoples to embark on a collective response to COVID i.e. internationalism? I don't think so.

>> No.12498450
File: 7 KB, 225x225, reddit moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not on reddit

>> No.12498455

We're living in an era that cares about feelings and mental well-being more than ever before, yet the lockdowns don't give a flying fuck about feelings, the emotional toll, and people who have literally committed suicide because they couldn't see their friends and family like they could before. Humans are social creatures, it's why even us "anti-social" internet people spend hours and hours talking to each other here on 4chan. It's easy to sweep depressed people under the rug because "you chose to be depressed" or "you chose to commit suicide."

I'm sure some of you are going to call me a pussy faggot, but I really do think that your mental well-being is important and I find it downright abhorrent that the powers that be don't give a damn about it.

>> No.12498473

They've decided that avoiding excess death is preferable to negatively affecting mental health. Politically it's difficult to justify making a choice that will kill people.

I'm not happy about it (I'll be spending Christmas totally alone), but I can see why the decisions have been what they are.

>> No.12498490

It's one thing to say some foreign powers may have meddled, it's another to insist all foreign governments worked together to fabricate a pandemic nearly a year out from the U.S. elections simply to screw over Trump, and they're so committed to the fabrication that they're continuing to handcuff their economies by enforcing lock downs long after the election was decided.

>> No.12498495

>Are the lockdowns scientificially justified?
Weird normative premise. All we can tell you is if lockdowns will have some effect of interest. Politicians' jobs are to make policy, scientists don't make policy or say how things "should" be in society.
Also if you'd like us to counter your point please present a well evidenced point.

>> No.12498496

is this like that thing about diverting a train to kill fewer people?

>> No.12498498

What? no the globalists have been planning this for decades, what do you think agenda 21 & 30 are about?

>> No.12498506

Shitty b8

>> No.12498510

>globalists have been planning this for decades
you are right. however they can't just do anything at any time. it requires the right scenarios to pop up that can be taken advantage of.
epidemics actually happen constantly all over the world. it was only by chance that this one had enough of a compounding effect across domains.

>> No.12498584

Pretty much yeah. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Better to lock down and make people miserable than have a whole lot of blood on your hands. Polls have suggested people generally support lockdowns to save lives.

>> No.12498587
File: 66 KB, 674x768, FB_IMG_1608405561534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally any link that gets posted on this board

>> No.12498590




>> No.12498593
File: 1.22 MB, 870x975, NoHoneyWrongOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to try and sound smart while being clueless and retarded

>> No.12498608

Trump could´ve won if he wasnt incredibly retarded. Just take the dumb pandemic semi serious and all would be well. But since he is a giant manbaby he could not possibly admit that anyone was more knowledgable than himself, so he continued to just watch fox and scroll twitter all day while funneling more taxmoney into his own pocket playing golf. Its really hilarious how he would have probably won if he didnt actively tell his retarted cultists to not use mail votes, which let to a lot of them just not voting.

>> No.12498610

>covid fatality rate is .000000005%
Stopped reading. If you want to prove something don't speak blatant lies.

>> No.12498612

>stfu with screeching memes beamed into your head from the box in you living room retard
>Start screaming retard memes beamed into your head by retarded anons on 4chan you retard

>> No.12498616

>the people trying to stop the child trafficking and drugging of children with hormones are the cult not the ones cutting off their dicks and trying to force you to call them made up titles while lying about everything to try and enforce their brainwashing and ideology on you
You are a real fucking retard arent you bud?

>> No.12498617
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1605492053022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no whatever will I do some faggot doesn't wanna read my post

>> No.12498619
File: 572 KB, 845x479, covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu dumb cunt. project much?

>> No.12498620

B-B-B-B-B-uut thepeople on my favourite indonesian coconut famring board have told me that covid doesnt exist and also its not really that bad and also its just a worldwide conspiracy to attack drumpf and also its just killing the old and weak people so its totally ok!
Are you implying that random memes on 4chan shouldnt be blindly trusted?

>> No.12498625

His campaign was incredibly impotent.
Obviously various media outlets were blasting 24/7 whatever distortions or outright lies they could come up with, but the Trump team couldn't even come up with anything new or compelling.
>Joe will raise your taxes
Is that it? Good job, you deserve to lose.

>> No.12498629

>Trump totally won the election, you just have to close your eyes and ears and not listen to any person, not even his own party!!
>Dont you see all the evidence his lawyers are showing the courts, like...
>What do you mean I am in a cult?!

>> No.12498632

>we have never locked down the healthy before
>AKCHUALLY history shows once in the 17th century some people in a village in England locked themselves down because of the plague.

God I fucking hate people like this.

>> No.12498635

>How insane do you have to be in order to believe the entire fucking world was in on the USA's election "fraud"?

The entire world doesn't need to be, just those who control the monetary system. Don't play the game? Say bye to your economy. I figured multiple countries now using the WEF slogan of "Build Back Better" would give normies a fucking clue, but I guess not.

>> No.12498636

Polls are a good general indicator of sentiment, they're just bad at predicting elections.

>> No.12498638

Anon, Trump literally did nothing BUT funnel taxpayer money into the pockets of his rich friends. He literally created a bill that raises taxes on the middle class to lower taxes on the rich. If the people in charge of money wanted control and money, why the fuck would they not rig the election in favour of the orange clown that is actively destroying any other countries trust in the US, leaving it ripe for the taking?

>> No.12498643

Build back better is just a very good political slogan. It's easily understood, short, punchy, and contains a call to action. They've basically learned from the UK's success with Brexit slogans (take back control, get brexit done).

>> No.12498646

I'd reply but your incredibly stupid talking points show you have zero real knowledge of even the mundane and observable facts. What you said are the same arguments I hear from facebook moms with a bit too much time on their hands.

>> No.12498647
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>> No.12498651

>this thread
What is it with /pol/tards and being completely disconnected from the real world

>> No.12498659

Unlike 4chan posters that are all well educated individuals that are all ascended to a higher plane of understanding?

>> No.12498679

They're chronically undereducated. They're simple people in a complicated world, so they rely on other people explaining things to them. Problem is those other people are uneducated too.

Easier to blame "the Jews" than accept that the world is full of complexity (and people with different views and values).

>> No.12498689

It explains it to an extent, but I know of instances where a fairly intelligent and educated person goes full Qanon retard.

>> No.12498704

Being good at amth and physics doesn´t mean you are great at everything. Doesn´t help that there is very real corruption that intelligent and well educated people can easily pick up on which makes them mistrust any other source. Clearly, since some twitter blogger lied about the amount of right wing violence, that means all news sources other than breitbart are actually part of a jewish shadow cabal to make the poor, persecuted rightwingers look worse than they actually are.

>> No.12498708

Conspiracies and convenient explanations are always more appealing than the difficult truth.

>> No.12498799
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I don't think it was ever about virus those lockdowns, look around, small businesses are bankrupt, 40% of small businesses in the USA will never open again, but amazon, walmart, netflix, big corporations have records sales. People are becoming poorer, the rich get richer, governments have more power,more mass surveillance, more control, middle class begins to disappear etc. I am not a doomer, but the future it doesn't look bright

>> No.12498801

but he was gonna drain the swaaaaaaamp

>> No.12498819

What you call "conspiracy theorists" are actually the real scientists of our age. Academia only has soientists these days.

>> No.12498826

this is exactly how i feel, my buddy asks whats the big deal about the masks and my explanation of the deaf of social activity falls on deaf ears

>> No.12498840

Maybe the real scientists were the friends we made along the way?

>> No.12498843

If the Dems had such a brilliant conspiracy, why didn't they take the Senate as well?

>> No.12498846

What have they developed to make the world a better place?

>> No.12498848

>if a robber robbed a bank, why didn't he rob three banks?

>> No.12498851

>if a robber robbed a bank, why did he leave with a bag of of desk supplies and not empty the vault?

>> No.12498861

>if a robber robbed a bank, why did he leave with a bag of of desk supplies and not empty the vault?
Using your example because it's easy to grab stuff on a desk, but vault demands explosives?

>> No.12498876

What have your idols developed? the iPhone that literally sucked the soul out of human race? The internet, the perfect societal control tool? "Science" as understood by beta males is actively making the world a nightmarish place

>> No.12498877

First world stopped to get better for like half-century already.

>> No.12498929

>it was democrats who comitted election fraud, not republicans

you're retarded.

>> No.12498937

why not just lock up the 70+ years away and let everyone else continue as normal?
Lockdown the elderly, instead of locking down everyone?

If multigenerational households, put them in commieblocks together at government expense (cheaper than lockdowns)

>> No.12498962

>why not just lock up the 70+ years away and let everyone else continue as normal?
That's the actual answer covidists can't refute in any way.
Actually don't even lock them down (aside from mentally incapable cases). Just warn that if you are above 70, you are under a non-negligible threat so you should be careful for year or so.

>> No.12498975

they don't care. they "care". learn the difference
>But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

>> No.12499017

Because 2/3 of those hospitalized for covid are younger than 70.

>> No.12499033

he was doing several rallies a day which were drawing 1+M views on youtube each. that is what the Jewish media did not show the American people, they just ran their fake polls 24/7. it is literally not possible to "come up with something new" other than working AROUND the gatekeepers when you have Jewish censors with that much power. he in won a landslide btw. you'll see

>> No.12499046
File: 156 KB, 1242x710, build back better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a great slogan. if you want the central bankers and globalist (((lizards))) to know that you're on board with their agenda. ordering your citizens to comply with covid cuck-masks is another such "slogan". normies are completely oblivious to this shit, if you hadn't noticed

>> No.12499049
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>> No.12499055

Sure, and they are 10% of deaths while being 85% of population. Move it to 60 and you will have just a few percents of deaths.

>> No.12499059

What part of overcrowded hospitals don't you understand?

>> No.12499068

They are not overcrowded unless you push every patient in one hospital and judging by the ventilator death rate they do very little to prevent death (if not actively kill). If you want to beat the illness with 0.1% death rate, do it at home.

>> No.12499071
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Because it has nothing to do with the middle class. It is, in fact, benefiting the middle class as well. The lockdowns are aimed against the ever-expanding lower class. Whenever the 2008 shitfest concluded and the effects became apparent in 2010/11, it was not the middle class that came out to protest against the rest of the upper echelon. It was the lower class and the protest was mainly populated by unemployed millennials (and was famous on lower class places like 4chan) with about zero traction in groups like boomers, the middle class and especially the upper class who were in fact on the other side of the street taunting the protesters. Long story short we all already know how this one ended up - identity politics on the second month and full implosion a month later, with what they now call "SJW" being born out of it. Then, the exact same protest appeared in France under the form of the yellow vests as was expected naturally. But it never appeared in America again because the idpol antidote was in full effect and the lower class's struggle now became black lives matter's struggle that every single corporation enabled as hard as it could. Suddenly criticism of the top 1% and the Fed vanished from the American life and it all devolved into blacks vs whites or incels vs feminists. But then the market decided to implode back in March this year and suddenly everyone's attention was right back to where it was in 2011 - the fed, the billionaires and the useless fiat. So what did the now-experienced state do to suppress the incoming protests? That's simple, it first enabled the idpol trick to dampen criticism of the economy and then procedurally locked everything down, bribing the rest of the people with inflation gibs and giving the middle class liberals this heroic conflict against the uneducated antilocker antivaxxer antiwelfare antienvironment villains of the 21st century, who're the only demographic left opposing the new order.

>> No.12499073

I see Dunning–Kruger is alive and well.

>> No.12499074

That's not Dunning-Kruger since government is way more clever than us. It's just that it is actively malignant.

>> No.12499076

They were justified in March/February. Anything past that is exclusively for political reasons, especially after giving a pass to rioters

>> No.12499084

>Hospitals don't increase capacity over summer even though fall/winter spike is inevitable
I'm so fucking sick of this blatant bullshit

>> No.12499091
File: 99 KB, 1125x1244, hospital_beds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there was no actual spike in spring unless you wanted to overcrowd the specific hospital for the picture.

>> No.12499097

>Though the new UK variant basically means lockdowns won't slow things down enough now.
They didn't slow it before, a huge lot of lockdownist countries with exponential growth show that.

>> No.12499120

>he was doing several rallies a day
i'm totally aware of that, but those who care about rallies are mostly captured voters. his outreach outside of that bubble sucked compared to 2016.
>he in won a landslide btw
possible, but my estimation was that he can't win if turnout is significantly higher, which it was. among other factors, the average new voter's thinking will be closer to how media tells them to think.

>> No.12499212

A lot of people vastly overestimating how important Trump is and how much power he actually has to change the US state.
The powers that be definitely don't like Trump, but they didn't invent an entire global pandemic to get rid of him (they definitely exploited it though).

Coronavirus isn't invented however it has absolutely been used to allow large multinational corporations to consolidate assets all tacitly approved by the state, which works with them hand in glove.
Amazon is further integrated into the state and the state is being further integrated into Amazon basically.

>> No.12499214

>Coronavirus isn't invented
came out of fort dietrich research and the chinks got caught smuggling vials out, then lax standards caused an escape

>> No.12499241

None of that is true.

>> No.12499250

A good way to see it is how the people that control countries make money.
In China the economy is based on people making shit in factories; result? After the initial outbreak corona is BTFO, because if they had to keep doing countrywide lockdown their entire economy would be totally fucked.

In the US the people who control the country make money buy people buying shit, lockdown rules don't really stop people buying shit, infact it forces people to buy from massive companies.

>> No.12499254

Correlation is not causation. China is a country with an incredibly powerful police and security service that can force the population to do what it wants. The US is a free country that does not like to be controlled. It has nothing to do with working patterns.

>> No.12499262

Where did it really come from, and why did event 201 happen?

>> No.12499269

I have no idea what the fuck event 201 is. It came from a Wet Market in China, where animals are kept in appalling conditions close to humans.

>> No.12499289

Notice the lack of arguments in this pencil necks post.

>> No.12499295

>Convince me it isn’t....

No need to convince someone who brings with an incorrect assumption.

>> No.12499323

that's what they said immediately in January of 2020. but is it true? was it the bats? the snakes? the pangolins? or was it, just maybe, the coronavirus laboratory literally down the road? why did the entirety of the media immediately "agree" it was the wet market? and why has this assumption never been challenged?

>> No.12499329

Being hospitalized is great for the economy, Imagine how much productivity is generated paying those overpriced bills.

>> No.12499346

ITT: opinionated and academically impaired 1st world warehouse drones applying false-effect basement logics to epidemiological assignments
This is what I deserve for leaving /med/.

>> No.12499347

Why are you retarded enough to believe Chinese propaganda?

>> No.12499468

close all your 4chan tabs and return to facebook.

>> No.12499503

I don't know, how insane do you have to be to think that Trump is controlled by a secret Cabal of Russian neonazis who "hacked the election" back in 2016.

>> No.12499542

>Convince me it isn't a conspiracy to bankrupt the middle class

Stop reading Breitbart

>> No.12499559

Are you fucking stupid?
Quarantine is for people who are under investigation. Some of them ARE healthy.
Isolation is for the sick.
The person in the vid said quarantine.
Shut the fuck up brainlet

>> No.12499565

/sci/ is filled with brainlets
It's gotten worse over time
At least before it what just a singular thread about IQ but now it's all these stupid conspiracy theories

>> No.12499582

Yet chink media claims it was brought there by americans for the military games

>> No.12499602

It’s not a scientific question, it’s a value judgement. Do you think it’s worth shutting down everything to save old boomers and the small fraction of younger people with underlying health issues that get covid? If hospitals start overflowing with old people dying of covid, do you think they should be turned away to continue normal care for others?

>> No.12499672

the “overflowing hospital” shit is ridiculous. in my country we basically stopped surgeries and cancer screening on young healthy people because 80 years are dying of covid. we should be massively triaging care so that old retirees that cant be bothered to skip bingo night to avoid covid are not prioritized over 30 year olds possibly developing lifelong medical problems due to lack of resources

>> No.12499721

If it was "going out makes old people magically sick in their homes", then maybe. But since it can make you sick only if you are, well, go out or meet guests, not so much. You are afraid of covid, you isolate yourself.

>> No.12501481

One country interfering with the election seems a lot more plausible than the majority of the world's governments fabricating a pandemic in order to rig the USA's election.

>> No.12501487

You know you can go live off the grid somewhere, right? You're using the very thing you're bitching about to communicate how much you hate it. Who would you complain to without the internet?

>> No.12501517

sceintifically, why is the right so paranoid?

>> No.12501519

any government official in any country who questions any of this will immediately be rounded on by the international Jewish media. there is a hierarchy. their instructions are to do what they are told, by the United Nations W.H.O. and the central banks. because this plannedemic is being used to implement the Great Reset of the global financial system

>> No.12501541

So Kim Jong-un fears the Jewish media, and that's the only reason he's playing along? Why aren't Alexander Lukashenko and Jair Bolsonaro afraid of the media?

>> No.12501567

i refer you to the extraordinary volumes of judenpresse coverage devoted to the fake and gay color revolution which followed lukashenko's reelection, and the general refusal of the same globo-homo entities who insist fraud in US elections is impossible to recognize his victory. as for brazil, they are simply ramming their policies through every other layer of government and NGO to bypass the executive

>> No.12501729
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You gotta to buy the dip, son. NGMI if you don't get what I mean.

>> No.12503649


Increasingly more so

We should have an age check or retard check in place on this website, maybe require ACT scores or something

>> No.12503704

You can't scientifically justify moral questions.

>> No.12503710

How insane do you have to be to be on the same side asGoogle, CNN, FB, Twitter, and every other global corporation on the planet?

>> No.12503766

How insane do you have to be to think that someone who doesn't believe this is all some big conspiracy to rig the U.S. election means someone must side with global corporations? There's a rational middle ground.

>> No.12503791

>are lockdowns scientifically justified?
This was your question
Answer is science doesn't justify your value systems of what policies are appropriate. It can only observe what happens and make assessments based on that.
So if a proper justification to you is to prevent deaths then we can say well based on observations they do prevent deaths. Up to you if that's a worthy cost.
No point in even addressing the second half of your post.
Basically this

>> No.12503967
File: 109 KB, 1223x550, liar liar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why doesn't anyone believe we're telling the truth this time? All of the lies have been for your own good.

>> No.12503970

Experience with reality.

>> No.12503973

Democracy doesn't work on people like you.
Only dictatorships do

>> No.12503975
File: 84 KB, 475x633, EkgGtnyX0AIG3gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically believes that Trump is a neonazi and that the world is controlled by a secret white nationalist cabal that operates out of Moscow
>Also unironically believes the conspiracy theory that there is a coordinated network of racists that operate worldwide and work together to impose "systemic racism" on a global scale in every facet of human culture, from the economy to entertainment to criminal justice to education.

Take your meds, loser. It not "da white man be keeping you down" or "da systemic racism that be keeping you down". If you want to achieve anything in life, then you need to stop blaming white people, leave your mom's basement, have sex, and get a real job that involves something other than selling nickle bags of crack cocaine and stealing people's cell phones on public transportation.

Take my advice. You'll thank me later. Honestly, I'm just trying to help you out. People that blame other racial or cultural groups for all of their personal problems, are usually losers.

>> No.12504145

>people like you.
People who expect the medical community to not intentionally mislead the public?

>> No.12504152

>Recently, a figure to whom millions of Americans look for guidance — Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, an adviser to both the Trump administration and the incoming Biden administration — has begun incrementally raising his herd-immunity estimate.
>In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did. About a month ago, he began saying “70, 75 percent” in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”
>In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.
>Hard as it may be to hear, he said, he believes that it may take close to 90 percent immunity to bring the virus to a halt — almost as much as is needed to stop a measles outbreak.
>In June, Fauci admitted that he and other public health officials had downplayed the benefit of masks — with some even advising against wearing them — because of a fear of equipment shortages for front-line health care workers.
Why can't these buttholes be honest about anything? Why should anyone trust that they're telling the truth this time?

>> No.12504161

>the only successful countries are ones where high vitamin D intake is common (greenlanders drink cod oil all the time, Australians are bombarded every day with UV index 11+ rays every day)


heh, cute.

>> No.12504171

Because he's involved in policy as well. If he was going to be objective about what needed to be done and just provide the facts, he would be fired and "suicided" because the people in power don't want to hear the truth that democracy is a sham and freedom isn't a value worth having.

>> No.12505280

I can only speak for Germany, 80 percent of the population have zero knowledge of virology and they are deceived. Knockdown here is more or less useless.

>> No.12505293

well they sure arent taking any kind of precautions against somethign that would wipe out the entire human race. I mean, maybe if theyd show us something, Im sure anyone with a brain would do it naturally.
if they erealy wanted us to worry theyd have a single video or something with something happeneing and no those chinese videos are propoganda.

>> No.12505295

Of course 'science' is corruptible.
Any of us can fake some bullshit statistics just adjusting the bias however we please, then give it to our 'leader' in order to instruct everybody to follow the bias we created.

Here is something most people will not know about. In my country, the national leader delegated covid response to individual local leaders. He was hailed as a 'visionary' and has survived numerous corruption scandals this year to survive in office and persist.
Meanwhile in the US, the exact same thing happened, the leader of that country offloaded to local authorities and he was an evil bad man with no coherent national solution and omg the end of the world! But he just did the same thing my leader did who was hailed in the Economist and other pop pulp publications as a 'visionary'

>> No.12505299

No. You are talking about patients with a positive pcr result.

>> No.12505302

Show me one hospital in the world that wasn't overcrowded at any time point in history.

>> No.12505305

the way its always approached by them, they cant make any arguement on one case, they say its sweeping durphurr as if tho the numbers or amount matters to somethign. its a mob they send to anyone who does something

>> No.12505310

So why isn't it happening now? Here in Germany zero new hospitals were built during summer. Zero new nurses were hired. Zivildienst was not re introduced. Salaries in health-care jobs were not raised. Elderly care was not improved.

>> No.12505312

and your leadership in Germany is held up as the ultimate example for all other nations to follow despite all these obvious logical flaws.

>> No.12505314

This is the bitter truth

>> No.12505315

I don't know if the entire world was involved in US election fraud byt they sure were involved in the global, orchestrated 4 year smear campaign

>> No.12505316

Our numbers are now at the same level as USA

>> No.12505351

here is something stupid. if they digitize all money, have no physical money, then they can own it all. and dont need usury, just literally own all the money and decide through underhanded means to not service you or to charge you more than the other guy for the same thing and just not let the costs of anything be told to anyone or make it were you cant show the cost.

>> No.12505361

thats ridiculous pandering
>noone can handle it takes 90% immunity to get rid of measles
well that goes against what the brady bunch showed

>> No.12505384

my countries numbers and yours are both the same as usa.
A /sci/ observation from this could be: it was always going to be this many numbers of ICU/deaths just our media and politicians lied to us pretending it was possible to have a different outcome

>> No.12505398

Here in Germany, pointing out any of those logical flaws or any others in public automatically makes you a pariah. Anybody who criticizes Covid countermeasures as useless or worthy of improvement gets branded an irresponsible granny-killer.

>> No.12505406

Jesus fucking Christ bodhi why are you on this board

>> No.12505418 [DELETED] 

Coincidentally the same thing happens here, if you refuse to follow the obviously illogical covid 'preventative measures' then you are a selfish person! Think about all the people you are killing!

Not how the blame has now been placed on us, the plebians who orbit power in our countries. Well we have to have a lockdown because you plebs just didn't distance enough. You didn't wear enough masks. It's up to all of us to make sure covid doesn't spike through the roof and hospitals filled with patients. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT

Notice this trend, if you've read any history (this is /sci/ we all have) then you recognize this political strategy to deal with something you are powerless to change, blame the plebs

>> No.12505423

Coincidentally the same thing happens here, if you refuse to follow the obviously illogical covid 'preventative measures' then you are a selfish person! Think about all the people you are killing!

Note how the blame has now been placed on us, the plebians who orbit power in our countries. Well we have to have a lockdown because you plebs just didn't distance enough. You didn't wear enough masks. It's up to all of us to make sure covid doesn't spike through the roof and hospitals filled with patients. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT

Notice this trend, if you've read any history (this is /sci/ we all have) then you recognize this political strategy to deal with something you are powerless to change, blame the plebs

>> No.12505426
File: 133 KB, 954x557, 1583841174015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its as if tho someone wants an army of people to do their bidding and to think or be conivinced they are morally just in doing so

>> No.12505427

the sad thing is - they're both

>> No.12505443

>pushing dozens if not hundreds of millions of people back into poverty, essentially eradicating all steps we took against it in the last 30 years
>causing unemployment in the millions, worldwide, ruining essentially around 10-20% of the world population's life through this
>making mental illnesses even worse, and mentally annihilating those whose stability was demolished by this bullshit, causing an extreme amount of suicides
>making the academia completely incompetent and future scientists even worse than those of today
>pushing back the educational performance of billions of students worldwide
>propagating a lockdown so politicians can use it for their own gains
>the overall amount of deaths has increased merely by 4%
>all this, the retards have convinced themselves, so that a bunch of old fucks already bound to die don't
I'm convinced at this point. All lockdown propagators must die. Horrible deaths, as horrible as this hell they've put us.

>> No.12505449

This is why we have lockdowns:
>virus with no cure
>politicians know they will by lynched when virus kills a bunch of boomers
>to give appearance of 'doing something' they order city and country wide lockdowns
>nothing changes, the end result will be the same just it LOOKS like the elite power class is actually doing something so we don't revolt en masse
>but the vaccine!
Which none of us will get until at least March/April, a lot of revolution in that time can happen so expect lockdowns to prevent it

>> No.12505569

There is no such thing as "justified" in science.
It's not a conspiracy at this point. Whether it's intentional or not, "they" are mindlessly fucking up everyone for no reason.
I don't get why we DON'T support eugenics. The only things old people are good for are white collar jobs and distributing their wealth on the last days of their pointless lives.

>> No.12505922

You've just described that management skills of almost every MBA. Appearing to be doing something is better than doing nothing even if doing nothing has the better outcome.

>> No.12506036
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and instead he turned all of america into missouri, and now you have to use fucking airboats to get to work.

>> No.12506041

>Convince me that my autistic Breitbart conspiracy isn't real

>> No.12506191

No everyone whose intelligent is good at being rational.

>> No.12506264

The real world is too complicated. It's easier to just make up random, uninformed reasons for the dead voting than to look up systematic voter suppression. /pol/ needs everything to be explained in memes and anything beyond that is simply fake news

>> No.12506310
File: 16 KB, 218x250, 1595893878307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real world is too complicated

>> No.12506313

You're doing a very good job of proving his point.

>> No.12506360

These are times when memes actually do the better job in this regard.

>> No.12506368

You don't argue in a good faith with someone spewing the word vomit like in >>12506264

>> No.12506391

Rabidly anti-scientific posts do not belong here. Here's your (You), now get the fuck out.

>> No.12506397

Scientism is not science.

>> No.12506410
File: 147 KB, 1386x813, more people than this die every year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very costly way of trying to save 0.1% of the population that costs a lot of money just to keep alive in ordinary times in first place

>> No.12506415

This isn't hard to believe. Of course it's not the whole world. It's the leaders.

I am not saying it is true, but if the US can attempt to impact global politics with military bases nearly everywhere, decades of war in the middle east, rigging elections in Bolivia for lithium, cobalt mines in Africa alongside China, or many other of the easy examples, is it really that hard to believe the world leaders would attempt to do the same thing back?

>> No.12506417


>> No.12506432

What does proving his point have to do with arguing in food faith?

>> No.12506435

Scientism is a word schizos use for science they don't like.

>> No.12506440

This perspective doesn't seem far off.

In the US, had Trump engaged in draconian measures, Democrats had tons of Twitter drafts ready to fire calling him a dictator. If it were a Democrat president, Republicans would have been ready to do the same. This is all evident by Trump receiving criticisms for both racist travel bans AND not doing enough. These are nasty fucking people.

As a result, politicians are doing the calculated move to minimize criticism. What's more, is they aren't doing much legally. They are using the media to encourage people to execute their plans for them through peer pressure.

>> No.12506443

One of the few more same posts here

>> No.12506446

Science to scientism is what masonry to freemasonry.

>> No.12506458

Yeah in those empty ass hospitals. Media panics every year because hospitals are slightly less empty due to flu patients. They've got room to spare, hospital capacity wasn't overrun anywhere in America. Navy even sent a med ship out to NY which got hit the worst thanks to Cuomo's death sentence for seniors policy, and even they didn't have to use the navy ship. Treated barely anybody just for fun and left. Covid lockdowns have been comical.

>> No.12506459

We all believe it because we believe science more than boomer book copy pasta. Retard chud licker

>> No.12506461

What does word vomit have to do with any points?

>> No.12506463
File: 80 KB, 960x864, 1606019371327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No retard, there is a fundamental difference in approach. Scientism can get you any result you want. Science can be falsified.

>> No.12506466

>covid tests used on fruits showed positive for some reason
why do you even apply this test on fruits you fucking lukewarm IQ brainlet?

>> No.12506474

>why would you even check if the test has any false positives
Congratulations, I have a wonderful test for you: it always shows the presence of covid. It will successfully capture all cases of covid and will allow any lockdown you want.

>> No.12506481

To find a false positive rate.

>> No.12506499

This tells you everything you need to know about lockdowns. Our scientific leadership is full of frauds. No wonder imposter syndrome runs rampant in academia, it's because they are imposters! The lies and fraud must stop, especially in science.

>> No.12506516

>covid tests used on fruits showed positive for some reason
An Austrian Parliament member also demonstrated Coca Cola setting off one of these tests.

>> No.12506518

Based Humean gullotine anon

>> No.12506520

To be fair coca cola probably should set the test off. You'd be looking for false negatives there.

>> No.12506528

Why don't everyone just inject disinfectant like your retarded God Emperor told you?

>> No.12506535

Because he said ask your doctor first, doc said no so I didn't try it. Should I get second opinion from another nigga?

>> No.12506544

Doctor is part of the deep state. Doctor, deep state, democrat all start with the letter D. Coincidence? I think not! Don't trust him.

>> No.12506552

Why not? You believe blatant lies.

>> No.12506553

[math]D[/math]onald Trump...

>> No.12506555

Why not? You and your sheep ilk believe blatant lies.

>> No.12506558

4d chess

>> No.12506560

Let those who fear covid inject it.

>> No.12506562

he infiltrated the deep state 4 us
4 us
Q predicted this

>> No.12506567

Trips of truth, covid was the ultimate brainlet filter. Anyone who is aware in the slightest can see through the fraud.

>> No.12506571

Why are you here? You're not convincing anyone. You have no education regarding virology, chemistry, genetics, or physiology. Go back to /x/ or /pol/ and let your brain rot.

>> No.12506572

Honestly, that sounds too smart of a plan to be something that was conceived and executed by politicians.
Politicians are generally lazy and retarded. Fucking parasites.

>> No.12506579

If 4chan is known for anything, it is the large amounts of experts that browse /sci/.

>> No.12506584

Guess what? You're not convincing anyone too. You are preaching to a small choir of your supporters and others are either ignoring you or laugh at you.

>> No.12506587

I'm here to see your arguments. I don't have to convince people to be afraid of covid. I don't have an active position, burden of proof is on the medical community to show covid is something to fear as they've clearly convinced you of. My standard of proof is much higher than yours, don't get mad at me.

>> No.12506589

>"Why are you here? You're not getting paid for it like I am"

>> No.12506596

Politicians are poor millionaires. Billionaires came up with the plan.

>> No.12506597

I'll bet you fear the vaccine.

>> No.12506601

The people behind the scenes are actually decently smart like Jim Simons/Soros types, but they aren't that good. They can only trick the dumbest among us, chern-simons forms my ass, I'd rather die than submit to technocrats.

>> No.12506604

When some malignant entity wants to inject you with something questionable, fear is a natural reaction, o Mister Brave Dare Man.

>> No.12506612

As a kid I got pretty much all the vaccines, but my mom spaced them out over a couple doc appointments so I didn't get hit with a ton of Formaldehyde in one visit. They should really limit the immune systems activators in those things to account for people taking multiple in one go. But after that I have never gotten a flu vaccine, I've been very healthy in my life so far as I run regularly. So I'm thinking for covid too, I don't need the vaccine so I won't take it. I don't fear vaccines, what I fear more is fear itself.

>> No.12506615

Amazing seeing how antivaxxers went from being some hippies in California to the whole redpilled right.

>> No.12506622

Amazing how California hippies went from loving freedom to support the total state overreach and dictatorship.

>> No.12506624

Well, /sci/ is credited in a published paper, so that's something.

>> No.12506648

There are so many brainlets on /sci/ now that it's better to just leave and let this place fester in its filth.
Idk even know why these guys are here. They clearly don't study anything scientific except something like engineering or CS or cognitive science

>> No.12506680

So, is lockdown actually good at preventing the overload of healthcare system or not?

>> No.12506685 [DELETED] 

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12507163

scientism is what dumb youtube atheists do
science is taking some small slice of reality to study and quantify, hopefully producing results without significant bias.

>> No.12507281

actually I fear hordes of morons like you because are everywhere and the most dangerous things on the planets

>> No.12507286

I am laugh at all these idiots yes. it is satisfying to see cocksure people too stupid to use their god given reasoning capabilities get their come uppance for being such a moron. watching them humbled at some point in life by public ally getting smacked right in the face (metaphorically) is always lol worthy