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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12497478 No.12497478 [Reply] [Original]

Consider this statement by a leading MEDICAL journal

If the point validated by the available peer-reviewed science?

>Sex designations on birth certificates offer no clinical utility, and they can be harmful for intersex and transgender people. Moving such designations below the line of demarcation would not compromise the birth certificate’s public health function but could avoid harm.

Wider Discusssion:
What issues are there with leading scientific institutions making the point that sex is not an important or even any significant scientific demarcation?
Are they correct?
Are critics transphobes?
How far do political influences and money govern such statements if at all?


>> No.12497484

If you look into it it's kind of fucked up but birth certificates are more like ownership needs or something to do with admiralty law and assumptiion of dead personhood. it's fucked up

>> No.12497498

Bunch of journals post opinion pieces. There are disclaimers that the opinions asserted are those only of the authors and not the journal or their respective institutions.
In other words, this means nothing.

>> No.12497510

Remember this next time someone in a /sci/ thread tries to tell you that there are no problems with politics infesting science and that it's all a made up /pol/ hoax.

>> No.12497515

>Eli Adashi
where was he born

>> No.12497518

Keyword is believe. If you try to push your personal beliefs like a person who get horny by showing his dick expect a terrible response.

>> No.12497521

>every single time

>> No.12497530

Entire record of birth doesn't have clinical utility.

>> No.12497535
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>> No.12497539

Do you believe sex is assigned or determined?

>> No.12497540

How tf am I gonna know to screen for shit like AAA ultrasounds in men who smoked bw ages 65-75 or pap smear protocols
>every visit: excuse me were you born with a penis or a vagina thanks
So basically change m/f with p/v

>> No.12497547


Google the Tavistock clinic and Keira Bell

Remarkably, since the affirmation culture reached the UK referrals of young girls to gender dysphoria clinics has increased dramatically.
Older men identifying as women has increased dramatically
Older women identifying as men has not...

>> No.12497549


>> No.12497572

>this means nothing.

>> No.12497605 [DELETED] 

Literally who?

>> No.12497622

reference to 80s song
>delet this

>> No.12497742
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So biological sex is now a social construct instead of gender? Leftist academics and cultural marxists need the rope...

>> No.12497770

Try investigating Franz Boas

>> No.12497774

you ca'nt just pretend that the journals themselves don't have political opinoins. they'd never publish research that dosen't fit the leftist narrative, and they would never publish a right wing opnion piece. they published this and let it ride on the authority of the journal's name beause they agree with it.

>> No.12497789

Of course it doesn't. In the past medicine meant understanding the death and illness of people, and all of sorts of characteristics like sex, age, height, weight, thinness or fatness helped to orientate a diagnosis. In the age of Evidence Based Medicine none of that is needed because there isn't a single study that backs up the relationship of either. Diseases don't exist until published otherwise.

>> No.12497862

I have always abhorred how faggots always try to clump together people who have undifferentiated genitals with them. People with illness are people with illness. If they consider themselves ill let them seek treatment, otherwise they shouldn't meddle in the affairs of others.

>> No.12497865 [DELETED] 
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They still don't get it, and they never will until the boot kicks them right in the ass just as Bezminov said. They are too brainwashed to care and to cowardly to do anything about any of it even if they did.

>> No.12498015

It is a valid stance. There is little gain from specifying the sex on a birth certificate, but *may* cause some harm to transsex / intersex people. If that is the only concern, it is not wrong.
These doctors should however consider that the correct treatment for trans-issues is not penis-chopping but therapy, and removing birth sex from the certificate would only serve to validate the transsex delusion.

>> No.12498026

What kind of therapy and any proof that kind of therapy works?

>> No.12498055

Regardless of whether or not assigning gender at birth makes sense or not now, it won't make sense soon enough.

CRISPR is a fairly recent discovery. It cannot make major changes to an adult directly, however it's sufficient to engineer an adequate means of modifying and maintaining the human body. Eventually, someone will figure out how to design this system, because it also so happens to be required for curing cancer and aging. It's probably not all that hard, it could probably be done mostly just by adding new behaviours to white blood cells.
This system in turn would allow for much more ambitious modifications to DNA, allowing DNA across the entire body to be modified with the replacement of entire chromosomes possible, obviously allowing changing the sex chromosomes. Changing the sex chromosomes won't magically fully change the body of an adult, but with sufficient control over stem cells it would.

>> No.12498065

>admiralty law
you sound like a sovereign citizen

>> No.12498228 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12498231

>It is a valid stance. There is little gain from specifying the sex on a birth certificate

Wrong. Knowing someone’s biological sex is useful.

> but *may* cause some harm to transsex / intersex people

Fuck their feelings.

>> No.12498234

Kill them

>> No.12498272

IFLS!: The Post.

>> No.12498508
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>offer no clinical utility

>> No.12498531

>this means nothing
Have you been asleep for the last 20 years? Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

>> No.12498561

lmao America is a joke

>> No.12498849

>tfw can't know if someone in their 50s is at risk for prostate or breast cancer because you don't know their sex
They probably ask to remove it from birth certificates, so they can record it on their own in their private databases. Then, they'd sell this data to Big Pharma marketers or public institutions.

>> No.12498856

I don't use windows, so I don't care about some weekly update.

>> No.12500798

It was intentionally destroyed.

>> No.12500815

I don't necessarily agree with the article, but seriously fuck this shit board and OP. First of all you're linking to a fucking twitter post and not the actual article. Second, you know this will be behind paywall and maybe 1 will actual bother reading it. So everyone itt will be reacting and discussing a headline even if the authors make decent arguments.

Fuck this stupid ass board.

>> No.12500829

Every "we" statement is written by a coward.

>> No.12500832

Crispy is 50 years old

>> No.12501206


>> No.12501211

Its' literally the NEJM's
Twitter feed

You absolute troglodyte

>> No.12502189

It's just a coincidence

>> No.12502308


>> No.12502319

>Good argument
Kill yourself

>> No.12502727

this, shills have been very active on this board in the last weeks

>> No.12502730

Shteyler too
juden propaganda

>> No.12502745

nigger, if you click the image on twatter and put the DOI in scihub you will be able to read the whole article

>> No.12502748

Do you guys literally think doctors look at birth certificates to determine someone’s sex? And that if sex isn’t on birth certificates doctors will just have no idea of a persons sex?

>> No.12502808

> doctors will just have no idea of a persons sex?

Doctor's may well be accused of Transphobic behavior if they do determine someone's sex for a medical purpose such as booking them in for a smear test or pregnancies' screening.

>> No.12502957
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Fuck a paywall 1/3

>> No.12502963
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>> No.12502968
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>> No.12503135

All societies can survive perversion until perversion interferes with successful breeding and or successful defense of the community. This is considered hate speech in 2020. All disgruntled males need to start viciously fighting the destruction of truth and scientific inquiry. Start by slaying Jews and white good goys. You won't save the truth any other way.

>> No.12503150

>there's no medical benefit to knowing the gender
uhhhhhhm sweetie?

>> No.12503230

If that will be XX XY and all of below, it's fine by me.

>> No.12503236

>and white good goys
Right, let's destroy another hundred of millions of clueless white boys, while kikes will collect all the contributions afterwards.

>> No.12504428

based posting
>Paywall btfo

>> No.12504489

The future's so bright you don't need eyes to see it.

>> No.12504581
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this is some serious schizophrenia my dude
mixing in a handful of real shit in your word vomit just makes you look more retarded since it makes it clear you're incapable of real explanations and logical deductions using the info you evidently have on hand. Claiming "oh I can't explain this is super srs bidness and takes years to understand" makes you look like one of those soifaggots saying "trust the experts".
it also just straight up gets facts wrong in several places
inb4 you claim I'm some jew or some shit
suck my fascist shlong. handing out red herring shit like this is a waste of people's time.

>> No.12505490


>> No.12506707
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Artetah needs to go, blud

>> No.12506805

>(((Vadim Shteyler)))
>(((Eli Adashi)))
I don't mean to sound like a /pol/chud but come on...

>> No.12506817
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cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, GOY

>> No.12506834
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>he enjoys eaching students
what did they mean by this? How do you get eached and is it painful?

>> No.12506877
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not to worry though, Miss Goldman is there to back them up

>> No.12506905

>all of below
All of them give people clearly defined sexes though. No Y = female, one Y or more = male

>> No.12506910

AIS and Swyer Syndrome

>> No.12506926

good to know but we're talking about people who are neither XX nor XY, not other intersex syndromes

>> No.12506927

De la Chappelle syndrome is on that list

>> No.12507632

look fren I'm a kike and I hate all of this tranny shitskin worship culture just as much as you do

>> No.12507759

trannies actually go to hospital on serious medical problems and still lie about their sex to doctors even if that can lead to wrong diagnosis and treatment. almost as if they are mentally ill.

>> No.12508011

I don't know what that is

>> No.12508360
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There is somesort of zeitgeist, some truism, some understanding, that pervades academia in these topics. That homosexuals and transgenders are born that way due to some unalterable physical trait in them and all we can do is discover what it is. Anyone even remotely familiar with pop-science and some, but not all, academic research can hear it in their selected quotations, amplified/ignored studies or chosen solipsistic methodology. It's not as if this conclusion were impossible, but for so much of this it reeks like it was decided before the first data point was plotted. It almost feels as though instead of actually trying to find the supposed traits that can predict said behaviors, they are instead just making enough noise and abstracts stating a possible difference in their brains, to provide to those truly interested to mass spam them all as to provide enough ammo to their truism ad populum ad verecundiam, even if the tiny minority willing to spend weeks of their free time looking through it would see they contradict each-other, as it is irrelevant now as the brief discussion has long ago moved onto different subjects.

We, not just as a given race race or religion or creed >>12497510, need to combat anti-intellectualism, not just because some subjective moral argument, but because you aren't in control of it and don't know where it is leading you and your possible descendants. Even if it comforts you to think you are in control.

>> No.12508426

Guess the selective service administration is just gonna have to draft them all then.

>> No.12508445
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and to expand
>as it is irrelevant now as the brief discussion has long ago moved onto different subjects.
and it doesn't matter if you could as most of the time such esoteric knowledge to a layman might as well as be as incomprehensible or meaningful as saying just trust me. Most of your refutation is just giving the layman enough knowledge to understand said argument without losing them to the boredom of one use arcane knowledge they will half-understand, not even from high or low intelligence, but due to it's said seemingly self-encapsulated use.

>Even if it comforts you to think you are in control.
even more than this, as these people don't believe they are necessarily in control if reasoned from themselves as any humans should, rather that their group is temporally being empowered thus they should support these institutions and their backers/controllers because they support what these their group think are their interests due to our non-omniscient view of events or ideals, especially forced upon us from biased sources. And that whatever that group currently benefiting, real benefit or not, will be eventually thrown under the bus as soon as it is within the interest of those actually in control, or, perhaps that group is already being sacrificed without their understanding due to their limited knowledge or reasoning.

>> No.12508502

There are two sexes. Male and Female. Unless someone has an incredibly rare genetic disorder, XY = Male, XX = Female.
>>Sex designations on birth certificates offer no clinical utility, and they can be harmful for intersex and transgender people.
Absolutely inaccurate. Here's a few examples
>go to the disorders part
>behind paywall
Being male or female affects your rate of various diseases and in many cases affects whether or not you can have certain diseases. Sex is a vital tool in diagnosing a patient since you can throw out a set of diseases that will never apply to a specific patient.
Two M.D's are behind this. That's incredibly telling of the quality of the medical professionals and their knowledge in regards to . Why are they even considering such nonsense?
>Are they correct?
>Are critics transphobes?
No. The people advocating for this are just idiots.
>How far do political influences and money govern such statements if at all?
A lot.

>> No.12509034

We'll have no nuanced science analysis here
>based post

>> No.12509038

>Why are they even considering such nonsense?
Dare an autists follow the money and connections and go down this rabbit hole?

>> No.12509039

t. EU member state citizen

>> No.12509611
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Thanks ma boi. I can see why the people is getting more annoyed with the the trans folks and alike, changing something that is working because 6 in 1000 people can be offended is ridiculous, fuck, even i am starting to see why the TERFs exists, they want to erase a innate characteristic that is a symbol of pride for them because (how they call them) some "dudes" want to be them.

>> No.12509841
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I think the way to get around this is to list sex chromosomes on the birth certificate. That is clinically useful as the chromosomes one has has significant bearing on susceptibility and progression to certain diseases e.g. recessive X-linked disorders. It would also account for those with multiple sex chromosomes e.g Klinefelter syndrome.

Does anyone object to this as a pragmatic solution?

>> No.12509862

>Let's complicate the semantics of our shorthands so that lobby people can admit the fundamentally binary nature of sex plus genetic diseases that we already record.

No I am not happy Anon. Why did it come to this? Why are these people allowed to continue working in the field?

How many retraction notices are these journals going to forced to post in 30 years after all the harm to science and medicine has already been done?

>> No.12509917

>Let's complicate the semantics of our shorthands

Nothing is being complicated - all that is added is a single line listing sex chromosomes. That is all. It isn't fucking difficult to achieve and isn't loaded with bullshit politics (nor can it be interpreted in that way).

>> No.12509926

>can admit the fundamentally binary nature of sex

Just listing 'male' or 'female' on a birth certificate does not tell you whether they have a listed sex chromosome disorder. In fact, in most instances the doctor just decides arbitrarily or these disorders aren't picked up immediately at birth as they only manifest some months, years down the line. So yes - actually it would make a whole lot more sense to do proper genetics and find out/include sex chromosome information much like we currently investigate for common trisomy disorders even before birth.

>> No.12510140
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>Of all the words of tongue and pen
>The saddest are these: '/pol/ was right again'

>> No.12511929

I've always said, and moreso since the Keira Bell case
Invest in a law firm or training in law around medical negligence but not as an ambulance chaser but more about these ethics.

It cannot be acceptable that children are being given experimental drugs under the false premise that they
>Just pause puberty

In addition to literally being affirmed into getting bits chopped off
Like all things terrible it comes from Burgenland

>> No.12511932

Based and Bard pilled

>> No.12512373

Transgender people can be harmful to society.