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File: 80 KB, 1080x815, Angry Lander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12495014 No.12495014 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>12491190

>> No.12495040

anger is stored in the balls

>> No.12495052

>Jewish lander with a large nose
>Chinese lander is at least half fake
What's next, a JAXA lander with tentacles?

>> No.12495071
File: 191 KB, 970x653, Hayabusa_hover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more like a horsecock bukakke

>> No.12495078
File: 201 KB, 1080x1619, rogotrampo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about these sanctions?
>1. They are illegal, however, like all earlier imposed sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities.
>2. They are stupid because the "military end users" are arbitrarily classified as companies that are not and are not.

>For example, TSNIIMASH JSC is the leading branch scientific institute, it includes the ISS Mission Control Center, where a group of NASA specialists is permanently located. Should they not know that there is nothing there that could connect this institution with military research?

>Or, for example, the Progress RCC, which also in a strange way was included in this sanctions list. This Samara enterprise makes the legendary Soyuz-2 launch vehicles, with the help of which the Soyuz MS spacecraft has been delivering American astronauts to the ISS for already 10 years.

>Now, it turns out that our American colleagues have "started working" again, and the first thing they did was to spit in the Samara well. Isn't it too early, colleagues, suddenly again your "trampoline" will break and you will have to satisfy your passion for space from our well again?

>3. These sanctions are harmful, because they will create additional obstacles and irritations in such an important cooperation between Russians and Americans in space, in particular, on the ISS.

>Therefore, for the sake of preserving our common cause, I demand from the US Government these sanctions against our ...

>... businesses cancel immediately. Let's assume that this is a "misunderstanding".

>Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cooperation in Space,
>Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation,
>General Director of the State Corporation

>D.O. Rogozin


>> No.12495079

Based fuck urf thread

>> No.12495084

Don't forget India's SCATSAT.

>> No.12495093

KSP2 sounds fucking awesome with interstellar travel and colonization mechanics, but we must resist the hype

>> No.12495094
File: 114 KB, 703x864, rogozin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't it too early, colleagues, suddenly again your "trampoline" will break and you will have to satisfy your passion for space from our well again?
Rogozin's tweets read like satire. I thought that facebook post or whatever from a couple days ago was fake, but it was real too. Truly rent free

>> No.12495099

sorry anon didn't see you post this one

>> No.12495104

>I wonder if gentle SpaceX is able to work in such conditions? But Russians don't care. We are used to frost. What's fine for a Russian, for Bokachikam means death
These comments would be based if the Russians weren't such a non-factor to SpaceX

>> No.12495109
File: 117 KB, 1024x881, msedge_2nxVCW5MdS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based planetary protectionist nsf poster figured out how to sterilize starship. i wonder what the procedure will be like when we have to sterilize humans

>> No.12495115

I hope it can run in the same shitboxes as KSP 1.

>> No.12495119

KSP 1 has an obvious memory leak so hopefully KSP 2 is way better optimized.

>> No.12495120

Enemas, lots of them.

>> No.12495122

What are the bets that one of Elons kids will be first to land on Mars?

>> No.12495124

Planetary protection is dumb.

>> No.12495125

They’re pretty young still

>> No.12495128

at the most recent mars society there was a planetary protectionist guy actually yelling at zubrin, i cant remember his name but he was so pissed

>> No.12495134

I'm sure he was the only person in the room to smell worse than Zubrin.

>> No.12495137

Planetarey protectionist shall be sterilized

>> No.12495138
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>> No.12495141

We must solve the problem of interplanetary travel first before considering planetary protection

>> No.12495161
File: 677 KB, 798x665, Thud octaweb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knew the MK-55 Thud could be so beautiful?

>> No.12495164

16 going on 17. 8 years until Mars mission giver 25 or so. could be possible

>> No.12495183

hurricane season in boca chica will be interesting now that they've run out of room to store starships

>> No.12495187

KSP 2 looks like it will be using more demanding graphics so I definitely would not count on that
there are mods with interstellar travel and colonization mechanics for KSP 1, but they are janky at what they do, as mods tend to be
all I wish for is that, with more consistent vision without need to have it clumsily bolted onto main code

>> No.12495210

KSP2 is supposedly using the same engine as the original

>> No.12495214

I'd test it first with some other guy's kids in case it goes wrong if I was Elon
then again, everyone knows Neil Armstrong, some normies will even remember Buzz Aldrin
hardly anyone knows about Harrison Schmitt or Eugene Cernan

>> No.12495226

I thought elon wanted to be the first man on mars? Plus its 3 years till the first manned launch if all schedules go as planned. If they complete all milestones next year, the first manned launch will be in 2024?

>> No.12495231
File: 875 KB, 1080x1775, Screenshot_20201222-050657_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re Never Going to Mine the Asteroid Belt
Sorry guys, time to pack up

>> No.12495236

Rogozin produces content for Russians to feel good about themselves, it's not intended for us in the west to translate and nitpick at. It's just like that ORIGINAL ROCKET DO NOT STEAL they got all butthurt and said they would stop sharing details about.
This is just the Russian way from old aparatchiks. Doesn't matter if they can produce, they can at least pretend in front of the people that they can produce.

>> No.12495246

that's all well and good for image, but the russian govt cant exactly be pleased as their space industry flatlines

>> No.12495249

They lost golden goose number one, that's what Rogozin is fuming about still. They still have golden goose number two, Energia engines and their derivates.
Until the dumb fucks sell them to China like they're poised to do and they reverse engineer what's left of them. They don't give a fuck about gentlemen's agreements like we do in the west.

>> No.12495252

Hurricane season is over for this year and they have more than enough time to put up some more buildings if they're worried that. My guess would be that bolted down Starships won't have any trouble in hurricanes but everything else on the site would. I imagine they learned their lesson since one of the first prototypes broke free.
Surely the Russian people must be growing tired of this shell game trying to obscure the fact that they'll soon be noncompetitive in commercial launches. I mean if they haven't already, seeing as they're still using technology from nearly 80 years ago with limited modernization.

>> No.12495253

Retarded bloomberg opinion. Of course we are not gonna mine them for earth. Its for the people building new stuff on mars and other off-world colonies, especially the asteroids that harbor water.

>> No.12495254

Wont that be embarrassing to the russian psyche? China will pillage what little is left of the Soviet heritage before they discard Russia like trash or absorb them altogether

>> No.12495255

Sanctions are pathetic, gotta give it to him.

>> No.12495256

I don't think the Russian people care any more than the average American cares about NASA to be honest.

Of course it will but do they know or care? Nobody is immune to propaganda and Russian media is fucking great at telling sunshine stories.

>> No.12495257

Putin is not dumb. He has a goal and I'm not convinced merging with China is one of his endgames.

>> No.12495260

I honestly don't think he cares past money and power. What the fuck does he care about space? He's a fucking spook.

>> No.12495266

I don't think he cares about space exactly, but Russian existence, persistence, strength, security. Maybe pride isnt one of those, but I have a hard time believing partnership with China helps Russia long term. It feels more like chipping away at Russian power

>> No.12495269

So selling engine tech to them won't do jack shit to Russian borders. They already sold them capsule tech and station tech. Didn't make them invade from the south.
Russia has nukes. Nobody's going to fuck with that shit.

>> No.12495281

Yes, but what other option does polite society have to react when they keep smearing nerve agents on the underwear lining of opposition politicians and the like?
If they could just stop acting like fucking Bond villains for a bit, this wouldn't be necessary.

>> No.12495284

>If they could just stop acting like fucking Bond villains for a bit, this wouldn't be necessary.
I agree. It's an unfortunate compromise. I suppose nowadays we take apparent peace too much for granted.

>> No.12495287

why does all mars concepts have domes? we havent even bothered trying to build massive pressure domes on earth. cant it just be a big rectangular glass ceiling?

>> No.12495289

Domes, particularly ones made of interlocked triangles are far stronger than rectangles.

>> No.12495296

i dont care about comparitive strength, i care about efficiency in construction and value per area/volume. if you can build something that's strong enough rather than maximum strong, who cares? at some point it comes down to cost efficiency. also domes dont scale particularly well if you need to add real estate. modular rectangular greenhouses make more sense because expansion is less costly.

>> No.12495299

Can brainlets just stop writing articles? Can't we just holocaust them all? So his one and only criticism is that it's expensive to shoot things OUT of EARTH'S gravity well? Has this subhuman heard of "falling"?

>> No.12495305

Well, most people care about "shit that won't collapse immediately".
The concepts are for big ass enclosures and glass rectangles don't do big ass enclosures. Ask any engineer. The concepts are also for shit not made in situ.

Think about that. Weight budget.

>> No.12495317

Yeah, that's a fucking dimwit article. Uses the fact that we found extremely small amounts of liquid water where we didn't expect it in the sunny side craters of the moon as an example of how rare water was.

>> No.12495321

Im arguing for multiple small ass enclosures rather than one hugeass enclosure. maybe i just dont see value in a massive enclosure aside from it being cool to put a park inside. i figured crops would be grown in underground hydroponics farms with artificial sunlight.

>> No.12495325

>jew journal
>jew article writer
>retarded and defeatist article
opinion discarded

>> No.12495326

Yeah, that'd be early ages but you know concept artists always show "what can be done" given time. Lots of time.
Early Mars colony efforts will be living in buried fucking containers.

>> No.12495329

i wouldnt be surprised if we found fucking motherlode veins of water ice, carbon, nitrogen and phospherous on the moon. one does not do prospecting from orbit lmao

>> No.12495330

Oh yes. What we've done with the moon is go pick up a couple of handfuls of rocks, a few shovels of sand and said "we've done that, nothing more to see here, never going back".
It's fucking maddening to see people have that mindset when you have shit like KAGUYA sending back data from orbit telling us that it's giving off way more carbon emissions than can be accounted for than micrometeorites and solar winds etc.

>> No.12495338

just need starship to make travel cheap and get some old guard mining companies up there to drill cores across the whole surface. sent human scouts and prospectors. maybe a couple geologists idk haha just kidding...but maybe

>> No.12495342

Oh the planetary protection shitheads will probably throw shitfits should anyone even try anything. Those people should go right in the incinerator, for "planetary protection".

>> No.12495346
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>> No.12495349
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i like this guy

>> No.12495356

LOL at astronomers seething about thousands of LEO sats. just wait until SpaceX is putting MILLIONS AND BILLIONS of sats in LEO AHAHAHA

>> No.12495379


>> No.12495398

Dynetics lander looks so kino and comfy compared to National Team
Btw isn’t «dynetic» the Bible of the Scinetologists ?

>> No.12495414
File: 368 KB, 1875x900, anon's rocket powered seaplane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most KSP-tier idea you've seen posted here?

>> No.12495426

>sterilize humans
Literally impossible without killing us. We rely on tons of microrganisms to live. Wherever humans go, Earth origin bacteria and microbes are also going.

>> No.12495432

Fiddling with Starship in all her nook and crannies!

>> No.12495434

Found this recent interview with Gwynne, lots of interesting bits sprinkled around.
>to settle mars you need hundreds of launches a week or dozens a day o_o
>need a serious production system, producing falcon 9 is really hard
>starlink effect on sky is a not a big deal but will try to do the right thing
>not interested in servicing leo sats, better to go up and grab it (for recycling?), and just keep launching more
>hope biden admin keeps "absurdly ambitious goal of going to moon by 2024"
>hates being in media spotlight
>wants to meet the aliens, send people to other stars
>not personally interested in going to mars, but large share of employees are willing to go
>SpaceX will probably make their own EVA suits
>suit team has talked about making suits for "other environments"
>Gwynne has not seen a concept or prototype yet
>she uses the settlement word in reference to mars
>they would love to get Starship launch costs down to "a few million" but it will take a while to get there
>looking like Starship will be in the 50 million dollar range (assuming early on)
>internally talked about launching Europa Clipper
>SpaceX doesnt want to build the entire mars settlement industrial stack
>havent looked into galilean moon settlement
>talks about how she grew into her roles at SpaceX
>wants to up the ante on increasing space excitement
>webcasts are great, but we dont want people to get bored

>> No.12495436

>Project Poseidon
Stopped reading there lmao

>> No.12495443

>SpaceX will probably make their own EVA suits
The buzz lightyear prototype is ugly. Apollo’s are the kinoest

>> No.12495449

So they go from 50 million for ~10 tons to 50 million for ~100 tons.

>> No.12495456

something like that, but hard to say. she didnt clarify if that was one launch of 100ton to leo or a launch plus refueling flights. i assume just one launch, so sending that to mars would be much more expensive

>> No.12495460

Is Elon a real engineer or just a moneyman?

>> No.12495462

should add, 50mil sounds like price not cost. bet cost per launch to spacex might be under 20mil

>> No.12495474

so they'd be taking more profits since marginal costs are decreased, but total price is constant. rideshare would be cheaper still

>> No.12495506

What bacteria can survive in the temps of mars surface at 2% earth air pressure...
Fucking planetary protection

>> No.12495524
File: 36 KB, 624x351, p02lv29w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about that, but there's plenty sturdy motherfuckers on Earth.

>> No.12495539
File: 540 KB, 2048x1536, sn9baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both flaps have been fixed, and she is going to the launch pad

>> No.12495542

If we've made bacteria that survives on plastics, i'm sure we can make them to survive on the perchlorates on martian soil. Plus they also survive on feeding sulphur in underwater volcanic vents. Lots of research opportunities will open up once we land on mars. The mars deniers can't cope, there are so many fucking things waiting to open up once its established that we can land on another planet.

>> No.12495543
File: 375 KB, 1536x2048, sn9isout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12495545

such as sleek motherfucker

>> No.12495546

Why do they care? Who are they preserving these planets for? Just don't get it. Are they just saying "let's not have progress ever" for the fun of it? ?

>> No.12495547

Why? The amount of western money they get through it is absolutely minimal and the US interest in funding them so that their rocket scientists dont run away to China/Iran etc no longer really applies. No money - no point. For the effort they put into launching one rocket just to brag about they could fund hundreds of disinfo propaganda campaigns with far greater effect.

>> No.12495551

Here's a bunch of quotes from real scientists/engineers about Musk

>> No.12495558

American lander that's larger than any other
Canadian lander with a big solar panel thst looks like a beaver tail

>> No.12495564

The PP guys fall into several groups
These are the gaiaist worshiping type that absolutely hate human development and the idea of humans spreading around is utterly terrifying to them. It's basically their version of the End Times. They view humanity as cancer. Usually the source of most wild bullshit stems from here.
>Bureaucratic careerists
These types are your average sleazy bastard who give no fucks about anything but keeping his job doubly so if the job is worthless and in danger of being found out as such. These guys tend to twist scientific arguments into pseudo science (if we contaminate Mars we'll never know if its alien bacteria - despite the fact any lab can easily tell!) and otherwise reword what the misanthropes are saying into slightly more acceptable-speak because its convenient. It's just a job.
>Foreign shills
These use PP as means to cripple western space presence and their number will MASSIVELY grow once the notion of space colonies actually becomes feasible (they are not that dedicated right now when you've got that one rover every decade or so)

Finally, you have the normalfags who might pick up a fad from a movie, article, book, or anything really and of course some economic interests and politics.

Quite complicated.

>> No.12495567

Don't send people until all scientific research is done then.

>> No.12495570

Good gal. Time for Christmas cryo test, static fire, and New Year's launch.

>> No.12495575
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>> No.12495585

>a guy calling himself a Radical Moderate
>retarded opinion

Checks out.

>> No.12495593

the engineering is impressive, but BTFOing the military-industrial complex and all the world's national space programs with a lean, efficient corporate structure and software-inspired development methodology is much more impressive than any feat of engineering SpaceX has accomplished.

>> No.12495609

Daily reminder that you need to expend your launch towers after one use.
And your crawlers after three.

>> No.12495612
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>fuel up launcher and cargo module
>they're too heavy to float and they sink

>> No.12495614

Russians are proud of the USSR

>> No.12495615

>just a moneyman?
He's a manager. And so far pretty much all his managing decisions have worked out, most of them immensely, despite tremendous risks involved. What does it matter what he can or cannot design by himself.

>> No.12495616

>Yes, but what other option does polite society have to react when they keep smearing nerve agents on the underwear lining of opposition politicians and the like?

Who gives a fuck how Putin deals with his rivals? None of my business how he cleans house

>> No.12495617


What's up with Boeing ? why are they slow/failing ?

>> No.12495620

Where did he learn to manage so effectively ?

>> No.12495624
File: 178 KB, 593x768, Human_Landing_System_Stand_In.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you take look at the HLS placeholder, it's pretty clear who will win the bid.

>> No.12495627

I wanna go to Mars end of

>> No.12495628
File: 3.67 MB, 700x298, 1475380649882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when Long March 8 vanished into the smog

>> No.12495636

>time in "when chang"

>> No.12495639

honestly I always hope these launches go well. The best path to a strong American space program is a strong Chinese space program. Americans get too lazy when there's no competition.

>> No.12495640
File: 1.28 MB, 1285x710, 1588646172970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crane is ready to receive

>> No.12495642
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did they replace the damaged aft flap or no? Looks fixed either way

>> No.12495660
File: 7 KB, 298x169, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what will be old space's excuses to continue to pursue new composite body rocket boosters once SpaceX goes to the moon & is producing their rockets like 747s?

>> No.12495663

It'll show just how deep the corruption runs when they continue to get contracts

>> No.12495667

They can get their satellite contracts when Chang the billionaire intends to gain infinite Social Score points by pounding on Musk's door to send a habitat to the moon & people to the moon.

>> No.12495668

Assured access to space, maintaining industrial capacity for military uses, and preventing monopoly by a single company.

>> No.12495671

>sure they deliver cheap launches but we can deliver custom and reliable launches
>they spend so much on maintaining a public image while we focus on getting results
>we focus on having a sustainable launch infrastructure
>space is hard

>> No.12495681

>they would love to get Starship launch costs down to "a few million" but it will take a while to get there
>looking like Starship will be in the 50 million dollar range (assuming early on)
This is what I've been thinking all along. People need to temper their expectations with Starship pricing. It's not gonna be the 7-figure super heavy lifter that many people are hoping for, at least not at first since there's no need for SpaceX to undercut its competitors by that much. Plus, this >>12495449 is still revolutionary, especially when compared to SLS.

NASA outlined the three-piece architecture (transfer, descent, ascent) that the National Team uses, and I think originally they only wanted landers that followed that architecture. National Team went ahead with that architecture, while the others didn't. The HLS placeholder is a holdover from when NASA asserted that a three-piece lander was the best option.
Also did they just say fuck it with the ladder and expect the astronauts to disembark KSP-style?

>> No.12495697
File: 79 KB, 720x778, A5039048-3B42-4B85-AF59-0DAA9FB33034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What Are south Texas hurricaines for $500

>> No.12495704

They went decades without doing anything new and got use to it working, now they need to design new planes / rockets they don't have anyone that knows how anymore.
>Delta rocket introduced 60 years ago
>737 introduced 53 yeasr ago
>747 introduced 50 years ago
The last major design change to any of these was the Delta IV introduced in 2002.

>> No.12495723
File: 80 KB, 1200x800, u24a529ejjb31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The government itself is a monopoly, and it uniquely gets the ability to set standards, give or reject access, and regulate itself as well as it's own competitors through completely legal means which hold essentially zero consequences for them if they use those legal tools in a malicious or corrupt manner.
Drop a fucking rock, interplanetary war when?

>> No.12495727

>lay starships belly-side down
>cover them with a tarp that's staked down
>protect them from hurricane winds and salty sea air

>> No.12495732

Humans can the work a single rover does in 3 years in like 3 days. You aren't ever going finish all "scientific research" without putting boots on the ground.

>> No.12495736
File: 684 KB, 758x723, kerbalsexual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KSP2 introducing more emotions for kerbals
>that one preview showing that rockets will still be floppy as hell shows a kerbal countdown
I wonder if they're gonna ditch the reversed spanish idea and just create a language for the kerbals themselves.

>> No.12495739

Are these comfy Starbeds also going to have 20ft legs? Because storm surge is what will wreck their shit even if they're spared the winds of a direct hit.

>> No.12495744


>> No.12495745

We just need to make sure their isn't native life before we start sending / retrieving unsterile spacecraft / people.
If the places we are going are dead it doesn't matter if we bring life there.

>> No.12495753

they put one of SN10's flaps on it
>That has resulted in several days of remedy work, including the use of an aero surface that was originally designated for SN10’s nosecone – which itself is undergoing mating operations inside the Wind Break facility.

>> No.12495755

>Also did they just say fuck it with the ladder and expect the astronauts to disembark KSP-style?
It's to help them get rid of the dust + have the cabin far from the projections of the plume iirc

>> No.12495760

I assume. Do Starships need stringers inside their tanks to hold them together effectively while lying horizontally and empty? I've heard that laying them on their side without pressurization would crush them.

>> No.12495773

Someone just got lazy while making that render.

>> No.12495777
File: 1.19 MB, 3260x2400, combined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hope is that the glorified bloggers who demand diversity will cause the public to take a hard jerk to the right to move away from social engineering to getting back to making progress with Space flight.

I'm hoping that the public will jerk back from "people" like this women.

As in "hey wait a minute, weren't the "far right" were upset about these types of people? Ok, I see why they were upset.".

>> No.12495778
File: 112 KB, 728x546, altas bend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC Musk didn't want stringers because weight but ended up needing them so it wouldn't go full Atlas.

>> No.12495782
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>> No.12495788

The "dust mitigation" meme is complete wank, they made a stupid design and when asked why it was so stupid they went with the first answer that came to mind.

>> No.12495793

I was specifically curious about the aft starboard flap. It was damaged but not as badly. I'm curious if they just banged out the dents or if they got a whole new one.

>> No.12495794
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>8 years
>$3 billion
>no fucking rocket
Is it just SLS Jr. at this point?

>> No.12495802

It was from the start.
I find it funny so many people believe the "heavy industry on the moon" bullshit. Jeff just saw ULA getting billions for nothing and wanted in on that.

>> No.12495803

I didn't find any info about the aft flaps, sorry.

>> No.12495804

But I don't want to be a fanboy.

I want something to be excited about that's NOT coming from SpaceX.

>> No.12495809
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hope it's not too windy

>> No.12495810

I know that feel, unironically look at JAXA and China if you want to see progress from anyone but SpaceX.

>> No.12495818

I want to write one of these opinion pieces where all it says is "It's all useless, there's no point to existing, end it now" and featuring an image of a noose.

>> No.12495824
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>> No.12495827


>> No.12495830
File: 100 KB, 768x1024, 1594981308877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's gonna tip over, isn't she

>> No.12495831

You guys are forgetting who their audience is, they are just trying to stop retarded boomers from tanking the metal markets because they think we are going to land a million tons of tungsten in 2 years.

>> No.12495838

That would truly make it the Shinji of Starships.

>> No.12495840

Good point
I feel bad for roscosmos at this point
Each succeeding SN prototype looks better and better. I can’t wait to see superheavy, and a starship upper stage with full heat shielding

>> No.12495841


>> No.12495842
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launch pad B having a party

>> No.12495843

which SN is going to have full heat shielding?

>> No.12495847

>they actually kept the nosecone

>> No.12495848

>BTFOing the military-industrial complex and all the world's national space programs with a lean, efficient corporate structure and software-inspired development methodology is much more impressive than any feat of engineering SpaceX has accomplished
Given that the MIC self-sabotages and drags shit out for more money, I have to disagree. It's embarrassing to see how quickly one guy with money and motivation was able to put a company together that got so far ahead so quickly. Just makes you wonder where things would be if so much time and money didn't get wasted by contented management.

>> No.12495850

For those who want to spend 6+ hours watching SN9 slowly move to the pad
>Good views of the build site where SN9 currently is:

>long-distance view:

>launch site view. Nothing there right now but SN9 will get there eventually

>> No.12495852

I would think that if SN9 sticks the landing, they will just reuse it and reuse it so long as all the sensors say it’s still healthy. They might slap heat shields on the rest of the body and send it to orbit. (I could be wrong though. Idk if SN9 is capable of life in a vacuum but it might be)

>> No.12495856
File: 1.37 MB, 1948x1096, 1590786259278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big girl

yeah, they're probably going to push her until she fails

>> No.12495858

Does it really take 6 hours?

>> No.12495860


>> No.12495861

>they keep the biggest part of each failed test
>create the worlds most interesting rocket garden

>> No.12495864

4-5 to get it to the launch site. Then who knows how long to attach it to the crane and lift it onto the pad and secure it.

>> No.12495868

What's JAXA been doing lately?

>> No.12495869

That seems way too risky, what if it goes wrong and he just dies, what happens to all these businesses. I think he said he wants to die on Mars though, but I don't think blowing up during landing is quite what he meant

>> No.12495874

Looks a little better then SN9, but not crazy better. It'll probably not be until around SN14 or SN15 I'm guessing that they start looking really clean.

>> No.12495875
File: 259 KB, 494x315, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We moving 5 cm per second

>> No.12495879

H3 soon, it isn't revolutionary but it's an improvement for them.

>> No.12495881
File: 124 KB, 269x400, 5205219E-3815-4CB5-8285-5481E3D324C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Every monkey held by Nasa was put to death on a single day last year, documents obtained by the Guardian show, in a move that has enraged animal welfare campaigners.


>> No.12495883

Why'd NASA purge their D-class like that

>> No.12495884

Isn't SN15 the one where they actually use the new steel or are they already using it?

>> No.12495885

It will be moved after SN9 is lifted or something. They need the landing pad cleared for next attempt.

>> No.12495886
File: 183 KB, 1608x902, ss protypes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sort of mind-bottling that fabrication is already well underway for SN17

>> No.12495888

They've been using it since SN8. SN9 is the first that is totally made of the new steel I think

>> No.12495890

>they were housed at the Ames facility in a joint care arrangement between Nasa and LifeSource BioMedical, a separate drug research entity which leases space at the center and housed the primates.
>Stephanie Solis, chief executive of LifeSource BioMedical, said the primates were given to the laboratory “years ago” after a sanctuary could not be found for them due to their age and poor health. “We agreed to accept the animals, acting as a sanctuary and providing all care at our own cost, until their advanced age and declining health resulted in a decision to humanely euthanize to avoid a poor quality of life,” she said.
sounds like NASA didn't do anything, then

>> No.12495891
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>> No.12495898

Isn’t SN20 supposed to be the first “real” starship? Or has the plan changed since then

>> No.12495901

Why isn't NASA in all-caps in that article? It's an acronym, not a name.

>> No.12495903

iirc the goal is for the first operational starship to be in the late teens. Although MK1 was the first real starship and they would have operationalized it if it worked out perfectly.

>> No.12495905

Nuclear autophagic NSWR class Shuttle SRB sized solid rockets.

>> No.12495906

A monkey is disposable, simple as that.

From 2010

>>The experiment, which would have been conducted at NASA's Space Radiation Laboratory at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, called for exposing 27 squirrel monkeys to high-energy gamma-ray radiation so researchers could observe its effects on the monkeys health and task performance.

>> No.12495907
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SN10 nosecone is already an improvement over SN9

>> No.12495910

Considering how far along that first BFR stack is, they've got to be dying to fling something into orbit soon

A Cybertruck?

>> No.12495912

I heard that as soon elon saw mk1 in person he knew it would never work and at that point they changed the plans to only do a a pressure test

>> No.12495914

>dispose of all monkeys
>now have no monkeys
So why'd they do that

>> No.12495915

>A Cybertruck?

>> No.12495918

probably starlink sats. They've got a huge backlog, and the actual insertion into orbit is less risky than the reentry and landing.

>> No.12495919

a frog

>> No.12495920
File: 53 KB, 1024x683, 1559830753117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is "you have to go back"?

>> No.12495929


>> No.12495930
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>> No.12495931

why are you such a fucking nigger?

>> No.12495933
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>> No.12495940
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>> No.12495941


>> No.12495943

Crrrrunchy frrrrogs.

>> No.12495944


>> No.12495946

Hm, assuming they keep destroying them through various iterations, maybe 12 or 13? I think Elon said something once about it not being fully mature till SN20. I'd say SN-15 thorough SN-20 will be essentially identical except that they'll probably be experimenting with the cargo door which will have to be invented at some point.

>> No.12495947


>> No.12495950

>nooo you can't kill innocent monkarinos!!!1
*takes bite of cheeseburger*

>> No.12495954
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>> No.12495959

Attachment nothing, I'm just wondering why they wasted their resource all at once like that. Did they just decide "no more chimps" all of a sudden?

>> No.12495960

He's a status quo fetishist.

>> No.12495969

They're FUCKING OLD, they were retired years ago, you stupid NPC.

>> No.12495971

I-I'm sorry I ever doubted you, SN9-sama. Please forgive me

>> No.12495972


>> No.12495978
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>> No.12495988

It was a perfectly reasonable question, if you don't have the answer to it then don't bother replying.

>> No.12495998

>nasa spends billions of dollars for a crawler to transport its rockets around
>spacex uses a truck
my tax dollars. wasted.

>> No.12496002

It was already answered >>12495890 >>12495906 you faggot, lurk moar.

>> No.12496004

For Saturn the Crawler was needed, they kept it around for the shittle because they already had it.

>> No.12496005

Soo... I'm taking bets on what happens to these.

>> No.12496006

Why don't they use trains like the soviets?

>> No.12496008

I would not be your friend, because you are unpleasant.

>> No.12496012
File: 646 KB, 523x1024, sn9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 is the strongest

>> No.12496013

>SN9 is gonna land right in the middle of SN8's wreckage

>> No.12496015
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>> No.12496016


>> No.12496020

>stress about Elon catching the chinavirus during a high-pressure time like now
>forget he already had it

>> No.12496025
File: 1.10 MB, 4288x2848, apple-naut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry that you were upset by my post, try not to stay mad about it all day anon.

>> No.12496027

>Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation
God I wish that were me.

>> No.12496032

starships buckled when laid on thier side, that's why they keep them vertical

>> No.12496034
File: 104 KB, 625x1000, 9781429910606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cool cover art showing otherwise.

>> No.12496039

Asteroid mining is a meme. Just mine the moon for Helium 3

>> No.12496040
File: 140 KB, 900x491, MAKC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expressing any pro-chinese sentiment should be a bannable offense.
Also, they took this from us.

>> No.12496047
File: 433 KB, 1396x355, MAKC_AN225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12496053

Based NASA

>> No.12496056

Depends on the definition of "we"
correct, terrans will never claim the wealth of the belt

>> No.12496058

dutch is always a good fit for sim languages

>> No.12496063 [DELETED] 

Right wing ideology is demonized as modern day's equivalent of satanism in the middle ages. Right wing as in right from hefty bit to the left of center. US is probably the last remaining western country that has reasonably sized population supporting centrist and right wing politicians and policies. Your last president was basically a centrist as far as I'm concerned and he was literally Hitler according to the world. Distinctly remember reading newspaper about children locked in concentration camps on the southern US border. Tears from their eyes and all. I'm expecting steady and continuous descent into total batshit insanity.

>> No.12496064

because bong media is retarded like that

>> No.12496066
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>> No.12496068

Why don't they just stop being autistic and accept it like radar?

>> No.12496069

The absolute state of muskrats!

>> No.12496074

yep, Trump was called Hitler for a MILD enforcement of existing federal immigration statutes in response to millions of """asylum seekers""" from central america flooding the border. Welcome to Biden's america.

>> No.12496075
File: 19 KB, 601x380, SN9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they expect SN9 to go any different than SN8?
If they can't get fuel to the bottom of the tanks when doing the flop, we're just gonna see more gree flames and kaboom.

>> No.12496076

Based NSF ignoring chat and producing a KINO timelapse

>> No.12496077

Me, I fucking love the Thud. I put clusters of 4 on the bottom of TALL 1.25 meter stacks and go to space. I've also put clusters of 10 on the base of 2.5 meter vehicles (a ring of 8 and 2 in the middle) to do reusable first stages, since Thuds have a great gimbal range and thrust area density.

>> No.12496082

Pretty much all of the agrarian population of america does so.

>> No.12496081

Because they probably got a ton of data from SN8 to help them address the header tank low pressure issue during landing

>> No.12496084


>> No.12496086

Apparently they have these guys called engineers working on the project. Its strange but anything is possible these days. Whoever heard of a thing called "engineering"?

>> No.12496091

What's that supposed to be?

>> No.12496093

No. scientists. we have to listen to them.

>> No.12496096

Just lucking it out what else can they do? It's not like there's tools invented by people to attempt and predict outcomes of certain sequence of actions or anything. Soon it's running out though mark my words they can't keep burning something close to 4 billion US tax dollars every year and get away with it. It's ending and soon.

>> No.12496097

Sure, but I don't think they had time to implement new designs into SN9, unless it was a simple malfunction.

>> No.12496101

I agree with you. Industry standard time to fix things like this would take 4 years and $5 billion dollar each year.

>> No.12496103

Cope with what? What's the alternative answer to my reply? Elon would try the same thing and expect different results?

>> No.12496105 [DELETED] 
File: 627 KB, 933x776, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your last president was basically a centrist as far as I'm concerned and he was literally Hitler according to the world.

You mean to the Marxist press.

In Germany a politician told his voters that if they didn't like the mass migration then they need to emigrate, which would make them migrants as well.

His voters didn't like his cockyness so they voted him out of office. years later somebody tracked the politician down to his house and put a bullet in his head.

>> No.12496106

Pretty sure the issue was pressure, which they can fix by tweaking the amount of gas that gets used to raise the tank pressure

>> No.12496109

Don't reply to low-effort shitposts anon, they're not worth the effort.

>> No.12496110
File: 773 KB, 1920x1080, no kids women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the dead politician's supporters were concerned about.

>> No.12496116

Well, Elon never told why there was low pressure.
Actually, we don't know how much of the landing burn header tanks are supposed to help with.

>> No.12496122

This was the issue, yes. Specifically the methane header tank pressure dropped below minimum, at which point the engines became fuel starved and one shut down, while the other continued to run and tried to throttle to maximum but ended up going super oxygen rich as the oxygen flow was normal while the methane flow was way reduced. This harsh oxygen rich exhaust is what started eroding the copper, and thus turned the flame green.

>> No.12496124

Can't you see all the rocket scientists comming to you?

>> No.12496138
File: 95 KB, 634x469, manchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of these will write in their age as... 12
>and it'll be accepted as legit

This is why we can't have nice things like lunar olympics or jovian colonies.

>> No.12496144
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>> No.12496148
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>> No.12496163
File: 446 KB, 1000x667, microsoft-print050302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the kids in this image here.

Which one is studying, and which one Microsoft thinks is tomorrow's rocket scientist.

>> No.12496164

>20 Dec
>SN9 missing upper right flap
Did SpaceX really swap it that quickly, or was the pic not updated correctly? Been under a rock for the past few days, last I saw the flap was still crunched.

>> No.12496166

Not even his own border facilities, they were literally built under the previous president, who was hailed as gods fucking gift to progressives.

>> No.12496169

Put this on in the background.

>> No.12496172

The future is female. Get over it

>> No.12496174

>contented management
The fucking bane of anybody trying to improve this world are those fucks

>> No.12496176 [DELETED] 

>"niggers do nothing!"
>"okay we will make a poster encouraging them to be rocket scientists"

>> No.12496178
File: 3.80 MB, 3132x1548, 36-75 year old white males are holding up the economy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't care about space.

>> No.12496180


Looks like you got lost!
Here you go: >>>/pol/

>> No.12496182

wow great writeup, thanks

>> No.12496185

>It's just not worth mining asteroids for an economic wealth greater than the entire modern day Earth's economy.
At least i understand why it took us so long to start building shit like starship, most people have a fucking 1st grade level understanding of space and space travel.

>> No.12496189

>galilean moon settlement
Holy shit what.

>> No.12496192

Compared to seafaring in the 1500s, it takes a huge loading force to get the ball rolling on spaceflight. Normally we wouldnt need to worry about public opinion in enterprise

>> No.12496196

she was just saying they dont have any plans for it (save for pretty pictures)

>> No.12496197

If only there were literally thousands of other places on the internet you could go and not get triggered by minor political hot takes mostly still related to spaceflight.

>> No.12496198

They can't have plans - nuclear power is mandatory beyond Mars.

>> No.12496205

Orion capsule and BO lander

>> No.12496208

now, i am speaking hypothetically, as if we were playing minecraft. but if we did kill anyone who dissented towards the idea of space travel we would not have to deal with uninformed opinions, and also we could confiscate their economic wealth and use it to fund R&D for starship and other future projects that aren't 40 years outdated. This is of course a purely hypothetical scenario that I would never advocate for.

>> No.12496211

>that I would never advocate for.
Puss, it's a good plan.

>> No.12496229

>Ben Bova
Didn't he write a book about an autistic billionaire funding a Mars mission before SpaceX was even a thing? I read his Titan book and it was meh 5/10 tier sci fi.

>> No.12496232


>Confiscating private property.

Fuck off communist.

>> No.12496236
File: 325 KB, 1948x1096, 1586294937053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

road now open

>> No.12496238

I wish the USSR hadnt collapsed. The project could have worked, and the China would be the Soviet's bitch. Now it's the othervway around

>> No.12496239

Dead people have only their grave as property. Anyway this is /sfg/ let me remind you.

>> No.12496240

They're dead, they don't need it.

>> No.12496246
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>> No.12496249

That's not communism. It's not confiscating wealth and redistributing it to everyone. It's simply taking the wealth and using it on something worthwhile instead.

>> No.12496250

You disparage the Soviet Union? Sneed

>> No.12496251

they've really been hauling ass today. Much faster than usual.

>> No.12496253


>Killing anyone who politicaly opposes you AND still confiscating private property.

Once again, fuck off communist piece of trash.

>> No.12496257

NASA should do a call for serious asteroid mining concepts. They did something similar with mars habitats, offering money to teams who shared concept art and schematics. I want to see how we could realistically mine an asteroid that is too small to stand on, but too big to just tug with a starship. How could you handle rock processing in zero g?

>> No.12496261


>Defending communist practices.

Also good riddance to the Soviet Union, what a festering shithole that was.

>> No.12496262

It’s just a monkey who cares lol

>> No.12496263

Lol you mad bro?

>> No.12496264
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>> No.12496268

You don't know what communism is. It's more like tyranny or monarchy, where the ruling class simply uses the economic wealth as they see fit. You aren't redistributing shit.

>> No.12496274

There’s a big difference between Marx’s fairy tale storybook vague nonsense communism that will never exist and the actual practices of “communists”

>> No.12496275

Nono I'm not saying we should do that shit. I'm just saying that there's no such thing as the private property of dead people. I don't want to keep derailing this shit so let's leave it here,

>> No.12496286

>I'm just saying that there's no such thing as the private property of dead people.

Not legally true

>> No.12496287

>The sun and the solar system appear to be moving at 200 kilometers per second, or at an average speed of 448,000 mph (720,000 km/h). Even at this rapid speed, the solar system would take about 230 million years to travel all the way around the Milky Way.

WTF, bros?

>> No.12496288
File: 53 KB, 1180x812, 20201222_123300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese century

>> No.12496291

Yes, but the original post still wasn't advocating communism.

>> No.12496298

You dont know what communism is

>> No.12496304

Fuck commies, fuck NPCs braying about how spaceflight is rasis too.

>> No.12496305

Go here:

Then zoom all the way in.
Then remember that the distance between every of these dots would take 10,000 years to cross with current technology.

>> No.12496309

>new she
God I wish BO was making women worth a shit

>> No.12496310

gulag archipelago

>> No.12496312
File: 627 KB, 1714x1286, sls test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nasa said: "First looks at the data indicate the stage performed well during the propellant loading and replenish process."
>While all this was happening, teams from Nasa and Boeing - the prime contractor for the SLS - carried out a simulated launch countdown. They were due to take the count all the way to the T-minus (time remaining) 33 seconds point.
>But Nasa said the test ended a few minutes short of the planned countdown duration. Teams are evaluating the data to pinpoint the exact cause of the early shutdown.
oh nonononononononononono.... how many more billions will this cost I wonder.

>> No.12496317


Space is big. Not hard, but big. Very, very big. If you want to go anywhere in the universe at all, you'd need to have some sort of FTL capabilities.

>> No.12496318
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, Spurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, his writing is a little flat but its literally about an autistic billionaire bankrupting himself to make commercial mining viable and save the Earth from climate change.

>> No.12496324

looks like you got lost on the way to reddit, nigger.

>> No.12496329
File: 1.50 MB, 1950x964, 1606144462859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship SN9 at launch pad B.

You guys think they're going to lift her and put her on it today?

>> No.12496332
File: 1.13 MB, 1948x958, 1589540516798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12496333

I think so, there's still daylight left

>> No.12496335

Once it becomes a habitual thing for a couple thousand people to fuck off on a half-century long journey to the next stellar system, the entire galaxy will be teeming with humans in the geological blink of an eye.

That's assuming no meme physics breaking magic tech is ever invented and it just doesn't get better than nuclear pulse propulsion, which I think is a fair if not certain assumption.

>> No.12496341

SN9 will launch and land by sunset. SN10 will go orbital by New Years Day

>> No.12496346

Where did SN8's nosecone go?

>> No.12496347

shut up

>> No.12496350

>If you want to go anywhere in the universe at all, you'd need to have some sort of FTL capabilities.


>> No.12496351

up your ass

>> No.12496356

A classless stateless society without currency in which the means of production are collectively owned and managed.
Impossible nonsense.

>> No.12496358

Lol no you don't, you just need to be patient

>> No.12496359

I wish i lived in your paranoid schizophrenic delusions.

>> No.12496363

>We know everything about physics and technology already

>> No.12496364

Was it really worth hitting submit for that?

>> No.12496370
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>> No.12496373

I think Superheavy SN1 will be scrapped and never fly

>> No.12496375
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>> No.12496378

Oh there it is, thanks anon I couldn't see it in the other image.

>> No.12496379
File: 214 KB, 766x587, 221AC3F3-F57D-4293-BFC6-ECFAB5A87F59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else worried about SN9? SN8 was hounded for being a failure despite pretty much completing its mission. I don’t think SN9 cratering or exploding on ascent because it smacked into a wall would be good for optics.

>> No.12496381

>folds piece of paper together
>pokes pencil through it

>> No.12496384

why? It's not like it's all that different from the SNs before they started adding nosecones. The initial ones probably won't have many raptors meaning they'd be virtually identical to the early SNs. They'll almost certainly start fucking up when they begin to add more raptors, though.

>> No.12496385

Physics hasn't changed in the last 30 years.

>> No.12496392
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>> No.12496394

>we havent even bothered trying to build massive pressure domes on earth
It may have something to do with the fact we actually live comfortably in our planet's atmosphere and pressure.

>> No.12496400

>Step 2: Casually Approach Crane.

>> No.12496402

We discovered anyons recently, but huge glaring holes remain, like quantum mechanics and relativity being incompatible for over 60 years.

>> No.12496405

Are you saying that abortion being legal = almost all women won't have children? Birth control pills are thing, you know? Abortion is for when they don't work. Better than forcing a woman into undesired parenthood.

>> No.12496411

Idk would be weird because they built tons of Starship prototypes before the first 150m hop

>> No.12496412

What if people just didn't fuck so much

>> No.12496415

>huge glaring holes remain, like quantum mechanics and relativity being incompatible
The problem is mainly tied to gravity and how to mend it. We have few possible solutions, but they cannot be tested yet.

>> No.12496416

we havent discovered that

>> No.12496418

That's not feasible.

>> No.12496419
File: 453 KB, 1280x960, Biosphere_2_Habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There HAVE been a few pressurized, closed system experiments done - the Americans favored domes, the Soviets favored boxy underground habitats.

Disturbingly enough they all ran into the same problems. Within 6 to 24 months, the oxygen and food producing ecologies go out of whack and the volunteers staffing it begin to go nuts and turn on each other. No casualties because they had the luxury of still being on earth where somebody can just say "Okay that's it open the door."

>> No.12496423

based, isaac arthur fucking destroyed

>> No.12496426

Video related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvim4rsNHkQ
and yet falcon 9 is one of the most reliable rockets to ever fly. optics don't matter at this point.

>> No.12496429

What if northrop grumman bought boeing?

>> No.12496432

Great that means that the first few generations of Mars colonists will have to be shut in neets who wont go insane from not going outside

>> No.12496433

lol we should let them kill eachother to weed out the weak. that's how nature cleanses and societies grow

>> No.12496438

What a bullshit cop out. So you're telling me it's even easier to build big geodesics on earth? then why dont we do it

>> No.12496440

Tenga aerospace

>> No.12496445

>"why don't we build a dome of atmosphere inside our atmosphere?"
Why would you? Anyway if all you want is domes, see any enclosed stadium.

>> No.12496452

they swapped out geodesics in antarctica for boxy habs because geodesics are fucking retarded

>> No.12496459

>laser sail propulsion allowing close to 90% of c doesn't exist
oh no NPP bros we got too cocky

>> No.12496461

>I don't understand how science works

>> No.12496462

NPP is shit. It’s the ultimate brute force method of interstellar travel but at least we know it’s physically possible.

>> No.12496468

I admit some people aren't suitable for that, in light of the "terrible isolation issues" reported these days surrounding the chink flu. However, I spent 4 1/2 years NEETing in a basement during which I went outside exactly twice - to a doctor. Give me cached internet connection to 4chan, archive of panda, and some other things, and I'm ready for one way outer solar system mission. Even if you need a guy to check if the Oort cloud's out there, count me in.

>> No.12496469


>> No.12496471

The idea that closed systems are necessary for colonies makes no sense. It would only apply if you have no reliable source of raw material... at which point you shouldn't be making any kind of colony at all. It's a stupid concept based on broken fundamentals pushed by eco cultists whose neurons are frozen in a closed loop.

>> No.12496474

Laser propulsion is also physically possible. NPP is really good for interplanetary propulsion or for interstellar if you don't have the resources to create the laser arrays required for laser propulsion, but ultimately laser propulsion is better for interstellar travel.

>> No.12496479

>laser propulsion for interstellar travel
t. magic world where attenuation doesn't exist
and yes I know about the meme image

>> No.12496480

it is possible you just need a shit ton of infrastructure for it way out in the oort cloud

>> No.12496481

Is it a closed system if you produce the oxygen from hydrolysis?
I mean, why go to Mars if you are going to live in a literal cuckbox not being allowed to touch let alone use anything outside?
There's nitrogen too there so with some chemical plant you can produce plenty of fun things.

>> No.12496483

>t. magic world where attenuation doesn't exist
ha ha soliton cannon go pew pew

>> No.12496486

say it with me

>> No.12496487

True but Laser propulsion requires a mirror that is literally thousands of kilometers across. Your ship’s sail also has to be fuckhuge

>> No.12496490


>> No.12496493

I think the failures were because it's really hard to scale an ecosystem DOWN enough to be realistic with pre-Starship rockets. When each individual tree is a matter of life and death you've got no margin for error, but in a giant sealed, pressurized lava tube you've got enough room to be hands off.

>> No.12496496

Pressurized and sealed are two quite different things according to structural engineering.

>> No.12496498

>meanwhile at the Stennis scrapyards

>> No.12496502

Thousands of kilometers? Sure if you're solely relying on solar power.
Ultimately laser propulsion is the end game for interstellar propulsion, as it allows you to actually pretty much connect two different solar systems economically. But I don't see it being developed until a respective star system already has a huge population.

>> No.12496503

Mars colonies must have at least some closed loop attributes. Best case scenario you get resupply every two years, and imagine if some bullshit on earth, not even apocalyptic just political or economic, causes one cycle to be canceled/delayed.

That said, it's probably true that Mars has more potential because it's not *truly* barren - there's a tremendous amount of useful carbon, iron, and water around at least. There's probably all kinds of jury-rigged solutions people could come up with using whatever they can reach outside and scoop up to augment all the goodies they've brought from Earth.

>> No.12496508

No it has to be thousands of kilometers across because your ship’s sail is also thousands of kilometers across. The more surface area to hit with the best the faster you can accelerate. It also doubles as a laser cannon in an interplanetary war

>> No.12496523
File: 313 KB, 818x763, mall-of-the-world-4063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UAE are working on the world's largest enclosed environment right now. 48 million square feet, all air conditioned to keep the tourists comfy when it's 130 degrees. The closest you can come to being outside while still being inside.

>> No.12496524

I think he's talking about water, and even oxygen and CO2. If any of those things are lacking you can always get some from local resources.
The closed loop study isn't useless at all though, the closer we get to that the better.

>> No.12496533

Neat but why

>> No.12496537

I mean I sort of explained it in the post. Dubai gets very, very hot and anticipates being even hotter in the future. Dubai wants to continue to attract millions of upper and upper-middle-class Euros and East Asians to vacation/purchase rapeslaves there.

Hence, an entire city under one big air conditioner.

>> No.12496538

Because outside is 130 degrees there.

>> No.12496539


>> No.12496556

>not investing in stillsuits

>> No.12496567

>The more surface area to hit with the best the faster you can accelerate
It's more that photon sail material is flimsy as fuck so if your beam is too energy dense it pokes a hole in the sail and strands your ship in interstellar space.

>> No.12496574
File: 2.95 MB, 600x338, 468E8B4F-1004-4E5E-BBE7-EEC6A366AB9D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX is now a part of the military industrial complex
How will Tim Dodd and Scott Manley react? For that matter, when Artemis is canned, what do yolk think Scott will say to cope.

>> No.12496576

>For that matter, when Artemis is canned, what do yolk think Scott will say to cope.

>> No.12496583

I now believe full Starship will launch before SLS

>> No.12496586

Superheavy still has yet to do anything and mark my words it will explode on June 8, 2021 during a static fire test

>> No.12496591

I hope it waits until it has the JWST on board to explode

>> No.12496601
File: 1.45 MB, 1948x1096, 1604363737664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12496619

People who say this are always the weakest people

>> No.12496621


>> No.12496629

I've watched a couple hour long lectures about the starshot design study and it is mindbogglingly difficult the number of problems that are imvolved. part of me wonders if it might be easier to stock up on antimatter and make the probe bigger, but i'm told lasers are the way to go

>> No.12496630


>> No.12496637

Why are conservatives so obsessed with cuckholdry?

>> No.12496638

literally always been that way lmao

>> No.12496646

When that happens, SpaceX stans will be seething! Superheavy SN2 delayed to Q2 2022, screencap this

>> No.12496653
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>> No.12496657

>SN9 being moved to the pad
>/sfg/ inundated by garbage-tier shitposting
Why are some anons like this

>> No.12496661

Why do you think it's just happening now? They were getting defense-related contracts years ago.

>> No.12496662
File: 673 KB, 796x954, 1580057219106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cherry-pickers are down. Lift soon.

>> No.12496671

This weird dream again, déjà vu!

>> No.12496676
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x582, 1596647089161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new flap looks really smooth

>> No.12496683

>Lift soon
cryo, pressure, static fire
Could we have new years fireworks?

>> No.12496686

Are you gonna cry?

>> No.12496687
File: 218 KB, 2048x1364, 1595616325798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12496693

They're going to do them all in that order. Tonight, today!

>> No.12496698


>> No.12496699

cryo test will be very interesting. If the tip really didn't damage anything else then SN9 should be flying very quickly. I don't think this year, though. If only because of FAA red tape.

>> No.12496703

Kraut asking the real questions here.

>> No.12496704


>> No.12496712

Nice wallpaper.

>> No.12496713

Yay, I was worried they'd just stick with tin foil.

>> No.12496714

>SpaceX destroys local wildlife in pursuit of narcisist's dream of going to Mars to escape the problems of Earth - CNN

>> No.12496744

biological immortality will unlock the stars for us.
Who cares if you have to sit on a rocket for 1000 years if you live for millions

>> No.12496750

it's still tin foil, just different angle/lighting

>> No.12496759
File: 21 KB, 547x361, FAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new shit about spacex activities in bocha chika


>> No.12496760
File: 793 KB, 764x956, 1585239375149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think this is the bottom half of SN10 being moved out of the midbay. Guess they're going to stack it sooner than later.

>Lift soon.
I've heard some speculate that the lift is going to be this evening. Lower winds at dusk.

>> No.12496767

Remember though that even if Starship seems to be getting ahead by making progress with tests, SLS won't be tested because it's so expensive. Starship could be 95% of the way to fully operational and then suddenly SLS could be fully operational.

How does that make sense?
The only reason SN2 would be delayed a long time if the basic design was so flawed that minor tweaks wouldn't be adequate to make it safe, which wouldn't make sense considering that it'd be very similar to Starship which should be able to successfully land with only one minor tweak.

>> No.12496769

We will put a stop to this, make sure to write to your representative. Environment trumps space any day, and our voices must be heard. I will not let Musk turn a nature reserve into his personal narcissist playground

>> No.12496770

>Two weeks...
>I am forgotten...

>> No.12496777

fuck off negro

>> No.12496783

Another new launch/landing pad, more ground facilities, more solar panels, and interesting new desalination plant. I suppose they want to draw water from ocean and desalinate for starship/drinking/edibility use.

>> No.12496785

They may as well get SN10 in the high bay now that it's open, but I'm surprised they're moving it before SN9's even on the pad. After what happened to SN9, I want to see SN10 ready sooner rather than later in case SN9 runs into problems.

>> No.12496796

yup. No reason why they couldn't have two starships on each pad.

I wonder what's the hold-up with the high bay gantry cane. Maybe they don't want to hold up the production line right now, which is what installing it would do.

>> No.12496817

disgusting behavior, this arrogance towards nature will be their downfall.

>> No.12496820

All the projectiles kicked up during SN8's static fire may be a problem for two-pad operations.

>> No.12496824

Something I haven't heard any mention of is what's gonna be done about Starship fucking up its engines by scattering debris towards itself, because that'll definitely be important beyond Earth where there won't be any launchpads for a long while.

>> No.12496826

fuck off

>> No.12496829

Remember after the SN8 crash how that tent seemed to catch fire? Did we ever learn any more about that, like what it was?

>> No.12496833

Tent was repaired right after, afaik. Whatever damages that took place seems minor enough that SpaceX is right back up to testing SN9.

>> No.12496842

apparently important bits in the skirt will be armored. And correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think mars rocks will be as damaging as martyte blades

>> No.12496852

>And correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think mars rocks will be as damaging as martyte blades
Moon rocks might be. Lunar regolith is allegedly very sharp. Mars's dust storms smoothed out the surface stuff a long time ago.

>> No.12496853

So SN9's little maneuver in the high bay cost it eight days. Not too bad as long as there isn't any lingering damage to the tanks.

>> No.12496865

There won't be any naked hydraulic lines that can be impacted or loose wiring. By its nature the production models should be tidier.

>> No.12496868

>8 days wasted
At this rate they'll get nowhere how can people take them seriously with those sorts of massive delays?

>> No.12496878
File: 435 KB, 1000x1778, coco maga space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is Lithium-6? Can you breed it with a uranium reactor? If it's reasonably common in the outer system we've got a potential torch drive.


>> No.12496893

Grandpa Starhoopper finally have some companion again

>> No.12496897

they honestly need to find someplace else
not only is BC a nature reserve it's also too close to mexico

>> No.12496905
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>> No.12496908
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>> No.12496909
File: 9 KB, 244x207, 60F68FEC-EC26-40DD-A5D9-AFF528BA9C96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS would have been delayed 18 months if something similar happened to it

>> No.12496910
File: 133 KB, 435x359, 1580886995596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will it work?

>> No.12496919


>> No.12496920
File: 1.14 MB, 1609x932, 1594724386637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 days
it's... over....

>only 18 months

>> No.12496924

>taking the bait
Shouldn't you kids be studying? Or are you parents passed out from drinking after dealing with you?

>> No.12496929

bretty gud considering that that stunt would have totaled any other rocket. Steel is pretty great.

>> No.12496932
File: 21 KB, 229x343, 1851A76E-28D9-4537-8AAA-00EF43480BDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture

>> No.12496937

a model SLS

>> No.12496947

>What's the p-

>> No.12496952
File: 70 KB, 167x168, 2020 Moon Olympics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>september 5, 2016

>> No.12496953
File: 2.11 MB, 5568x3712, 1592394399483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was building this gigantic fucking thing for a WDR and a static fire really necessary?

>> No.12496956

I'm aware, that's why I'm suggesting there be stringers or something in the starship tanks to keep the structure more than sturdy enough for side storage.

>> No.12496957

This would be my guess. The first few cargo flights will probably be exclusively Starlink to get more satellites in orbit sooner and not risk customer payloads during testing. Maybe they could include a marketing stunt payload alongside Starlinks on the first launch.

>> No.12496958

dude jobs lmao

>> No.12496961

Nothing in space is cheap. Even moreso on the ground.

>> No.12496967


>ground is difficult

>> No.12496969

>rocks are hard

>> No.12496977
File: 93 KB, 960x960, E3F09BB3-148B-4F67-8E84-A16FCDD34556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m telling you, that thing is going to detonate during its WDR

>> No.12496981

Lithium 6 is 7.59% of natural Lithium (the remainder being Lithium 7).
It can be enriched via the COLEX process, which takes advantage of Lithium 6 having a greater affinity for mercury than Lithium 7.
Due to low demand of Lithium 6, and the COLEX process using mercury, the process has been banned in the US however it continues in China.

>> No.12496983
File: 82 KB, 888x499, china sparrow sith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the process has been banned in the US however it continues in China.
Gee I wonder who could be behind this.

>> No.12496987

Better question- if it works, does it matter?

>> No.12496988


>> No.12496999

And Artemis will have to use Falcon Heavy

>> No.12497002
File: 250 KB, 1540x1540, 1499579423143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I'm more and more tempted to AMOS-6 this abomination when it actually finally does a WDR

>> No.12497007

>Implying it wont be Long March

>> No.12497014

Also, just an opinion, the process should really be unbanned in the US.
The process was banned because of leakages of mercury into the environment, but environmental mercury affects everyone equally if it winds up in the ocean, so it doesn't really matter where you're doing the process; only how careful you are about minimising leakages.

Banning the process in the US has simply lead to people buying Lithium 6 from China, a country where companies don't give a shit about the environment.

>> No.12497018

Lithium-7 can also fission, but it doesn't do it as easily. The Castle Bravo incident happened because they underestimated the odds significantly, however.

>> No.12497020
File: 159 KB, 500x689, 15652F6E-1579-409C-8D6D-B7C26BCD5963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spending $50 Billion on a rocket that will never fly

>> No.12497031

god i want to fuck her slut brains out

>> No.12497036

post the pic of SLS ripped pants heehee

>> No.12497037

Gotta love crows.

>> No.12497039
File: 1.82 MB, 480x270, bf8e52f731673394bde8ebc870ddd69c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN9 rolling to the launchpad

>> No.12497045
File: 164 KB, 500x717, E747CC70-578F-41C8-AFE0-1BE8123FF405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN8 was the first Starship to be KIA

>> No.12497046
File: 153 KB, 1353x915, dda9cc19f093d12db4498514d8e7eac7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want 9 to lean on my face

>> No.12497047

there's a spacex video of them flying a drone down the barrel of one, def stringers inside or some sort of structure but only for vertical position. no horizontal stringers

>> No.12497071

is the baka gonna survive?

>> No.12497077
File: 116 KB, 1196x567, 1594470800445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497091

Yeah the booster has em, not Starship itself

>> No.12497092
File: 18 KB, 600x295, sls-seventh-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get this disposable WDR meme, lads.

>> No.12497097


>> No.12497104
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, space_starship_facesitting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon brother

>> No.12497111

>nature is healing

>> No.12497124

What do you reckon the next iconic spacecraft after Starship will be?

>> No.12497136

Something nuclear. Either an SSTO air breathing spaceplane or the first manned spacecraft to go beyond Mars.

>> No.12497140

haha if you asked this question in 1968
>what do you guys think the next iconic spacecraft after Saturn V will be? :DDD
imagine living with half a century of disappointment haha oh geeze

>> No.12497153

has SpaceX's broadcast ever won any awards? This video is incredible. It should get an emmy.

>> No.12497162
File: 778 KB, 1274x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12497163

the absolute fucking STATE of that monstrosity

>> No.12497168

>muh saturn v
>shuttle bad

>> No.12497171

the future is women and other gender minorities bigot

>> No.12497172

I reckon it'll be an ionic/nuclear tug, a spacecraft with extremely high ISP engines (almost 1000 at least, possibly as high as multiple thousands) that permanently stays in space, can attach to other spacecraft, and is refuelled by whatever it's tugging.
These tugs could also be outfitted with other stuff that has no reason to leave orbit, and would be a pain for many companies to develop independently. For example, anything intended to improve quality of life for humans in transit. These tugs could even be centrifugal habitats, and the only part of the spacecraft occupied by humans during transit, with the spacecraft they're attached to only serving to move stuff in and out of orbit.

With lots of competitors in the space industry, being able to provide a service that makes everyone's operations a lot cheaper could make you enormously successful.
Personally, I don't think this is something SpaceX would do, in fact SpaceX is probably what will cause another company to try this approach. If no one can beat SpaceX as a launch provider, they could still make a killing by assisting underdog launch providers, and the resulting specialisation of individual companies could lead to a more efficient operation than SpaceX can achieve.

>> No.12497176

The shuttle was supposed to be one part of a full Space Transportation System including nuclear inter-orbital craft. It was a colossally overpriced satellite repair pickup truck and space station work vehicle for 30 years.

>> No.12497180

>kills more crew than every other rocket in history combined

>> No.12497182
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>> No.12497185

>the resulting specialisation of individual companies could lead to a more efficient operation than SpaceX can achieve.
Absolutely. If you have an orbital tug that can ISRU from NEAs or lunar ice, or even a water depot in LEO, you just need one Starship launch to put your payload on an intercept orbit and move on. Starship's full orbital refueling cycle only makes sense for Mars colony runs or HLS or something.

>> No.12497195
File: 1.15 MB, 970x1192, 1580469521264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the tiny ants under her

>> No.12497197

it was a design-by-committee jobs program and the beginning of the end for NASA

>> No.12497198
File: 457 KB, 1948x1096, 1586776722679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497201

Balls of adamantium. I wouldn't have the confidence to walk right under tons of stainless steel.

>> No.12497202
File: 444 KB, 1948x1096, 1588256151908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope that crane is steady

>> No.12497217

hope they're getting paid extra to do this

>> No.12497222
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1607149743631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497228
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1607960416066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait why can't they just do a full static fire on Pad 39-B? The thing can't even take off without SRBs at sea level

>> No.12497235

because the crawler is currently covered in hundreds of tons of concrete

>> No.12497238
File: 2.44 MB, 1664x2488, New KSP update idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a new suggestion to make for the next KSP update; Surface features now appear as physical things in your inventory, making them an interesting addition and a logistics problem

>> No.12497245

Isn't that already the case? I thought you could pick up a unique rock on each surface and keep in your inventory?

>> No.12497249

It doesn't appear as an item, but like any other experiment data

>> No.12497251


>> No.12497258

>Since these two mature modules have already been tested, piecing them together increased the reliability of the rocket and decreased our research and development workload. This has significantly reduced our time and cost
WTF??!! I thought it worked the other way around !!

>> No.12497267

Well damn, then yeah I support your idea. Why wouldn't it be like that already? It's obvious.
Bonus if you can use a robot arm to 'pick up' and move it around an automated lander, then you could do unmanned sample returns.

>> No.12497276

So SN9 hoping this year is unlikely right?

>> No.12497279

What are you complaining about? SLS' core mission was always to fly people to the mo- I mean fly deep space science payloa- I meant low earth orbi- I mean pass static fir- I mean pass wet dress rehersal. Once. At some point. We're hoping for 2026 here.
30 billion dollars well spent.

>> No.12497284


Technicaly, they could do it but it is going to take a few weeks at best due to the FAA being slow in granting clearances.

>> No.12497289

SLS core mission was always to drive concrete around

>> No.12497298

Fucking FAA, old space lackeys.
Fuck those guys.

>> No.12497308

>This scene with SN8 in the back
This whole project is so effortlessly a source of the finest kino

>> No.12497311

Oh god, they even integrated the fucking cranes.
For one SLS per year absolute max.
Wait, how often do you need to maintain these things?

>> No.12497320

Both shuttles carried seven people. But that was its benefit. It was a spaceplane. Just because the management fucked up, doesn't mean shuttle was bad at what it was doing. On the contrary, without shuttle we wouln't have done so much. Don't you want also to get rid of airplanes, because they are falling all the time, killing thousands?

>> No.12497321

that's how you get the andromeda strain

>> No.12497327

>Don't you want also to get rid of airplanes, because they are falling all the time, killing thousands?
No because aviation accidents are fairly rare. I do want to ban all automobiles though, fuck you fatty go for a walk.
>but it's really far!

>> No.12497331

No, but that's the best thing to come out of SLS.
If my taxpayer dollars are going to be wasted I at least want them to be wasted on something cool.

>> No.12497334
File: 1.89 MB, 800x1486, sls_bozo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shuttle is good because NASA didn't build anything better because Shuttle cost so much

>> No.12497341

>better than Shuttle
Amuse me, do go on.

>> No.12497344


Easy there man, considering what Starship is, the FAA being on the carefull side of affairs isnt that strange or proof of malice at all. The thing is so cutting edge with all these brand new type of maneuvers that it can be hard for the layman to wrap their heads around it.

I guess after a few successfull tests, the FAA would be likely to relax their clearances policy towards SpaceX/Starship.

>> No.12497354
File: 3.22 MB, 2793x3500, 1606079618136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make a dedicated production line for Saturn Vs.
That would've been better than the Shuttle.
They could just transition away from Saturn V and into Sea Dragon whenever they felt like it. In fact, Sea Dragon could've just completely taken the place of the Shuttle.

>> No.12497357


This sounds like a retarded Yurp thing to say
>why do Americans needs cars hurr hurr just walk hurr hurr
>closest convenience store is farther away than the distance from France to Portugal

>> No.12497363

I figured SN9 was fucked and they would scrap it, but here we are a week later and it's on the stand.

>> No.12497370
File: 8 KB, 275x183, 672734637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just make a dedicated production line for Saturn Vs
immediately cancelled

>> No.12497374

just move closer to the shop
like why do those Africans have to walk 10 miles for water, they live in twig huts they could just move closer it would be easier for them

>> No.12497383

I push my fingers into my weeeeelds.
It's the only thing, that slowly stops the leaaaaaaks!
And they're made of all the jobs I have to saaaaaaaave!
Jesus it never ends it pushes its way outside.
If the leaks go on, I'm not gonna make it!

>> No.12497385

Saturn V for all it's glory is still a fully disposable rocket, and a disposable rocket will never be the basis of a sustainable space program.

Niggers live near the shop. Why would you live in a city when you could just own a car?

>> No.12497386

Fuck Yurp and fuck cars. If you can't make it across your state on foot then fuck you too fatty.
This has nothing to do with the environment or anything I just want to spite people.

>> No.12497391

Shuttle launched 135 times. You are out of your mind if you think that anyone would approve 135 launches of Saturn V, when they didn't wanted to do with 20. Also thanks for getting stuck in the sixties.

>> No.12497393

Steel is a magical substance.

>> No.12497398

Do they, like, push the red button and run away for machines to work their arcane magic and print "ok" at the end? They sound like they don't have the slightest idea what was going on during the test and why the countdown stopped.

>> No.12497401

Who needs integration testing anyway? Just look at success stories like Ariane 5 and Starliner!

>> No.12497405

>"After a certain point, the tests began to fail themselves. We haven't had our hands on SLS in two years and the failures keep occurring, frankly none of us are sure why but several of the engineers have begun worshipping the rocket as some sort of blundering deity"

>> No.12497411

God forbid we would've gotten stuck in the only period where we could and did go to the moon.

>> No.12497412

Probably exhibit A for Elon actually being the Chief Engineer at SpaceX.
No one else would have even considered the switch to stainless steel let alone actually go through with it.

>> No.12497417

Shuttle wasn't any cheaper in the end, was it?

>> No.12497419

We don't know if he came up with the steel idea.
Of course he did pull the trigger on it and went all-in immediately once they realized they could just get any redneck welder to build their rockets for them.

>> No.12497426

saturn had 5x the payload capacity. So 135 launches could be reduced to as low as 27 launches. Or less than 1 launch a year during the shuttle's lifetime

>> No.12497429

>FAA takes too long
>They roll out SN10 to pad 2 in the meantime
>FAA finally gives approval
>They launch both back to back during a single window

>> No.12497433
File: 36 KB, 660x374, expendable boosters and astronauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of time and money spent on the Shuttle program, if you had just taken the exact same funding and calendar years, could have launched 200 Saturn V missions. The Saturn V could have become the American Soyuz.

There would be a base on the moon right now. There would be a base on Mars. There'd have been a year-long manned journey to Venus and another to Ceres. There would be a fucking goliath of a space station, an orbital city made out of Skylab sized modules.

Right now. For the same sum of money that was actually squandered on the fucking shuttle.

>> No.12497435

Shit, with a 7x5 = 35 man capsule for LEO then a lifting body spaceplane upper stage actually starts making sense.

>> No.12497441

In your dreams maybe.

>> No.12497442

>One week until next rocket launch

>> No.12497448

No, no, you're right, fucking incinerating $209 billion and puttering around with no progress for three decades was a much, much better course to take.

>> No.12497461

Vigoride soon
Vigoride when?

>> No.12497462

>The Saturn V could have become the American Soyuz.
No thanks.

>> No.12497464

I think you guys should be friends.

>> No.12497465


Yep, the last one this year and it is a tropical Soyuz. A rare beast, much less common than the taiga or the steppe Soyuz'es.

>> No.12497471

Does it display regional markings?

>> No.12497474

>Elon uses the remaining time to squash them into lifting bodies and performs a sex dolphin maneuver to put SN10 in orbit

>> No.12497483
File: 179 KB, 1024x550, 1599324523638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think of it as "The Saturn V could have done in 27 launches what the Shuttle did in 135" but instead "The Saturn V could have done five times what the Shuttle did for the exact same price."
>The Saturn V could have become the American Soyuz.
>22x LEO capability per rocket
>2.5x total mass sent to LEO
This >>12497462 guy is right, that's an insult to what the Saturn V would've been even at it's worst.

>> No.12497485

Show me on the doll, where the shuttle touched you.

>> No.12497486

Unlike the hardier Siberian or Khazak Soyuz, the Tropical Soyuz scrubs for thunderstorms and wind.

>> No.12497487

>"I don't get this reusable crew meme"

>> No.12497489

Not on the doll, but in the wallet, the heart, and the soul.

>> No.12497492

Right in the orbital propellant depot.

>> No.12497499
File: 1.67 MB, 3543x2506, 4-4-2019-VS22-launch1-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Soyuz'es in south America are an invasive species but there are signs that they have adopted regional markings, specificaly logo's to better blend in the enviroment.

>> No.12497500

>cost $1.5 billion per launch
>"reusability" involved a year of rebuilding it from scratch after every mission
>could only carry 22 tons
>never went beyond LEO
>40% of them exploded and killed everybody

>> No.12497519

No way thats gonna happen after the oil prices collapsed

>> No.12497523

Dubai's invested pretty heavily into renewables so it could still happen, just on a longer timeline

>> No.12497525

I wonder what Korolev would have thought about Soyuz being launched by the French in the year 2020

>> No.12497532

I think he would have been proud as well as a bit sad that Russia was still using R-7 derivatives to launch shit.

>> No.12497538

>48 million square feet
>god knows how many cubic feet
>of greenhouse in the fucking desert
>all air conditioned

Might need to build another power plant just for that.

>> No.12497541

Apollo killed its crew during a goddamn test, and another crew almost died during failed moon mission. Apollo only being able to carry crew of three won't impress me there.

>> No.12497545

The capsule killed its crew during a test.
Because they were so fucking stupid as to use pure oxygen as the atmosphere in those days.

>> No.12497553

>Because they were so fucking stupid
just like the circumstances that led to the loss of Challenger and Columbia, that could have been prevented if people were doing their work properly.

>> No.12497558
File: 3.29 MB, 4377x2961, s64-25295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you don't even use pyrotechnic ejection seats in a pressurised pure oxygen environment.

>> No.12497561

Many thanks, anon

>> No.12497565

The shuttle was built on "fucking stupid" and nothing but. It was kept going on "fucking stupid" until it was retired.
But they fixed the Apollo capsule.

>> No.12497575

>No launch escape tower
>Just eject bro

>> No.12497580

It was somehow more dangerous than the Voskhod, which didn't have a launch escape system at all.

>> No.12497582
File: 352 KB, 1213x2001, Apollo_13_Service_Module_-_AS13-59-8500_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But they fixed the Apollo capsule

>> No.12497584

Hey, they fixed that too.

>> No.12497586

What are the best resources for learning about why Shuttle was such a expensive clusterfuck?

>> No.12497604

I was thinking about the ones that don't blow up.

>> No.12497607

Nice ending, I actually enjoyed that a lot. Wonder what happened to the original author, I'd love a sequel.

>> No.12497610
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, british space shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cunts talking shit about shuttle?

>> No.12497615
File: 45 KB, 330x500, 1601935109827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497620

Ordered, thanks m8

>> No.12497628
File: 1.17 MB, 2070x3648, Saturn-Shuttle_model_at_Udvar-Hazy_Center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we spilt the difference and used the saturn-shuttle?

>> No.12497633

Just put more solar panels on the sand dunes.

>> No.12497634

Why are the frogs launchin on ruskie rockets? It is ridiculous to transport payloads to fucking Vladivostok when your own country has a more equatorial spaceport in Guyana with better weather, and you also have your own Arianne rockets and an entire industry to keep alive.

>> No.12497635

Man that scene from the Challenger dramatization where the crew works with ground control to fix the exploding SRB with some hoses and duct tape really had me on the edge of my seat.

>> No.12497636

they won't be able to use any old welder for their production vehicles otherwise they will turn into rust buckets in short order.

>> No.12497638

Best shuttles are the smaller crew transport variants like X37 or DreamChaser

>> No.12497641

What does that have to do with oil price?
No one can make an entire economy based off renewable energy.

>> No.12497643

If you're launching on a Saturn V you should be able to fit fifty men in there per crew rotation to populate your Skylab-sized space city. Full sized crew only.

>> No.12497648

Just get out and tape up the leak, I don't know why nobody tried. Lazy dead astronauts.

>> No.12497652

Okay gramps

>> No.12497654

No, it's worse. They bring the Soyuz rockets to Guyana and launch them there.

>> No.12497656

I doubt this thing flies. Rockets don't like big unbalanced loads on one side, and even less that high in the stack.

>> No.12497658

You will love SLS then

>> No.12497661

What if we put a Shuttle on the side of the SLS stack? A fairly large one, like Buran.

>> No.12497663

It's a waste of a booster to send a small spacecraft to LEO on a Saturn. Use cheaper ones like a Titan III/IV (or a Falcon 9 lol) for something Dreamchaser sized. The Titan also has the advantage of being able to stand ready almost indefinitely as a hypergolic/solid so you can use them for short notice rescue missions.

>take biggest wet workshop halfway to GTO
>nah let it deorbit

>> No.12497668

Why not Ariane? They have launched 3 Ariane 5s this year alone.

>> No.12497674

It would tip over and explode

>> No.12497676

Orion is an unimpressive capsulelet too

The only neat spacecraft ever made were Skylab (which can count as a spaceship just as much as a station because it's in one piece) and Starship. Plus I guess Gagarin and Armstrong's tin cans just for the historical frontiers they crossed but we should have proper vehicles now

>> No.12497677

Yeet train

>> No.12497678

You can't make too many Arianes or the factory workers will get le tired. You also can't reuse rockets, because then the factory workers would be le bored.

If you want a real answer, watch this video. Slightly different topic, but still about the French mindset.

>> No.12497683

Ok I googled this:
>"Soyuz's primary role is to consolidate Arianespace commercial position in the launching market and to bring activity and founding to a stagnating Russian space sector. With this decision Arianespace will have a full range of commercially available launchers with Soyuz completing the two European rockets Vega and Ariane V. But since Vega and Ariane must have the priority, there is a risk to see an insufficient launch rate for Soyuz, which would not satisfy the Russian partners."
So basically, Ariane 5 is too big and Vega is too small.
This also explains why the Vega rockets keep failing...

>> No.12497686
File: 165 KB, 482x640, bqkES5o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we put a shuttle on a shuttle on a shuttle?

>> No.12497699

>Dolphin DP

>> No.12497701

Based Drachposter

>> No.12497708

god I wish that was me in the middle

>> No.12497714

Ariane V was sized for a spaceplane (Hermes) that ESA never built so now it does double-payloads to GTO.

>> No.12497716
File: 271 KB, 1320x742, shelby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497723

God I wish I could have two rocket cocks inside my rocket holes just having their way with me

>> No.12497738


>> No.12497739


>> No.12497745
File: 394 KB, 2344x2474, sneight_moments_before_biting_the_dust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with futa Starships

>> No.12497751

>Elon browses /sci/
>Tweets this pic

>> No.12497775

Original artist should do a proper flustered one with single green plume in memory of SNeight.

>> No.12497786

It's been right in front of us the whole time

>> No.12497792
File: 1.87 MB, 4804x2885, rgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12497794

Fucking stunning

>> No.12497796
File: 164 KB, 679x555, wetdream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12497797
File: 544 KB, 1536x2048, sn9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497799

what a shot

>> No.12497800

oh yeah forgot to post this. cant believe she's already on the pad

>> No.12497801
File: 48 KB, 224x257, hope_for_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN9 is dead
>They won't get it out on the pad
Pretty great turn around

>> No.12497810

bad news is no, neoliberalism will probably be the predominant power in the sol system. good news is that the solar system is large enough for literally millions of NS space colonies (or any other ideology you could imagine really) in the kuiper belt and oort cloud that would pretty much never have to interact with the inner solar system.

>> No.12497811


>> No.12497819

What's funny is that these are always going to look like janky ass pieces of shit, making all those welds and spots go away is an impossible excercise. The shitty tin can btfoing gorillion dollar aerospace companies is hilarious.

>> No.12497821

Space is hard, and so is my dick.
What about fuel d**o*s?

>> No.12497822
File: 378 KB, 1536x2048, 1587407734211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like the fact that normal-ass construction people are helping build the future of spaceflight instead of a bunch of 6-figure oldspace engineers in their enclosed cuckfactory

>> No.12497827
File: 771 KB, 879x494, 1591536945718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497830
File: 228 KB, 355x536, PerformTheTestSN9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497831
File: 1.71 MB, 937x936, 1592196462487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's glorious

>> No.12497837

>bad news is no, neoliberalism will probably be the predominant power in the sol system
This is literally The Expanse

>> No.12497852

Man, those big cars. And the roads. Murica really is a country for cars.
I hate Europe's tiny streets with cramped cars 10 cm from one another.

>> No.12497854


>> No.12497855

>these are always going to look like janky ass pieces of shit, making all those welds and spots go away is an impossible excercise.
except elon's literally said that they will eventually be almost completely invisible to see in upcoming prototypes

>> No.12497861
File: 402 KB, 1386x927, usroads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12497868

As a welder, extreme doubt.

>> No.12497872

Yeah, as they move from prototype stage to customer-ready stage, their finish product will evolve over time. We've already seen huge improvements from the initial Starhopper to current SN9 builds. SN15 seen few days ago was even more of an improvement over the current version.
So the finish polish will come as they get closer/closer to an actual release product. Its a matter of getting more production robot welders and optimizing it.

>> No.12497874

i think i'll trust SpaceX's opinion over yours

>> No.12497879

>believing a word that comes from elon's mouth

>> No.12497880

As long as SN9 goes to the same height as SN8, the approval won't take but a day or two... if it isn't already done.

>> No.12497881

He's often right, just his time scales are very off

>> No.12497884
File: 219 KB, 741x418, 1573441481305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an old one, it doesn't have I-69

>> No.12497888

Everyone's timescales are off by 30+ years and dozens of 50+ billions off. Musk's timelines are few years off and few billions off. AFAIK, its the fastest timeline in the industry.

>> No.12497899
File: 1.95 MB, 1600x1200, 1601855537761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless Texas

>> No.12497910
File: 2.22 MB, 1522x2048, 1603202329646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously fucking hope not. I don't want big shiny dildos like you see in most of the "final starship" renders. I like the industrial grit and raw utilitarianism of the current Starships. Of course there's some stuff that would be better of being made nice and presentable, but the way she is now is nice.

>> No.12497912

The visual imperfections are mostly results of heat and oxidisation. Oxidisation could be mitigated with difficultly by having a contraption that sprays argon on the other side of where you are welding but unless you get the whole fucking thing up to the same molten slag welding temperature it will never look homogenous.

>> No.12497918

This is sexy. Really looks like a 1950s retrofuturism drawing of a 2000s spaceship. Starship looked great in motion, so who gives a shit how it looks on the stand.

>> No.12497929

You'd still be able to see some evidence of weld lines, so it'd look somewhat segmented, but they won't be so dirty.

>> No.12497936


>> No.12497948


>> No.12497958

>Let this be a warning to all who dare face Starhopper

>> No.12497962

There won't be any smooth starships ever unless they get some ungodly machine to form the tank in one piece.

>> No.12497968

>by having a contraption that sprays argon
sounds expensive. Are there any strength benefits to doing that?

>> No.12497973

There will always be lines on it. Even the sleek Atlas family had the weld lines until Atlas III retired in 2005

>> No.12497977
File: 93 KB, 1200x466, 1200px-Tempering_colors_in_steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Starship will gradually change color as it undergoes reentry heating from successive flights.

>> No.12497979

Would 50,000 tons do it?


>> No.12497980

Won't the non-shielded side of starship experience relatively minor heating compared to the shielded side?

>> No.12497981

yeah, shades of brown

>> No.12497993

Also reminder that it will look like a literal flying turd because it will only ever be in the lower temperature ranges. Kind of unfortunate but still funny desu.

>> No.12498002

As a former welder, not fucking happening. They're not gonna mass produce them and go over them with angle grinders and a billion tubs of autosol just to make them ride shiny and chrome.
Because grinding down the welds also weakens them.

They'll look slightly better as time goes on and production lines get more and more automated and streamlined, but to assume that they'll look near flawless, fucking forget it.

>> No.12498008

Welding rigs already spray argon from the hot side where the worst oxidation is, you could have one dude with a bottle who just runs around the opposite side scaffolding and follows the inside guy around. But no there will be minimal benefits since by far the worst of it happens on the weld surface and not the reverse side.

>> No.12498014


Apart from being the size of a fucking ocean liner that doesn't seem like a bad concept.

>> No.12498036

I think there've been tweets from elon about planishing welds but like others have said I like the tough, utilitarian look.

>> No.12498041

I'm sure if they do it it will probably be for a utilitarian reason. Maybe you can get a noticeable weight reduction from it.

>> No.12498045
File: 216 KB, 2344x2474, SN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick an dirty edit.

>> No.12498052

Very nice.

>> No.12498103

hehe this is the one i shooped the words and banner out of >:^)

>> No.12498106

Yeah, poop and mustard color. It's not gonna be a faggy rainbow unless it flips wrong way round, then you got bigger problems

>> No.12498107

You scared me there for a second, anon.
Almost thought you meant the futa version.

>> No.12498110

wouldnt F9 look rough too if they skipped painting?

>> No.12498133

disappointed it's not the futa version

>> No.12498135

I woulda thought her face would look more nervous

>> No.12498138
File: 132 KB, 1845x499, Epzo_8AU8AM69gW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Lab's newest pad is making progress

>> No.12498141

If Lockheed is buying Rocketdyne for know how building engines, and if ULA is buying from BO, what will Lockheed want to do with AJ?

>> No.12498149

Corner the market on AJ10s and RL10s.

>> No.12498150

I see. Thanks for the explanation. Starship dev has really introduced me to how nuanced metalwork is.

If starship was made with aluminum would they be going about it in the same way? I mean with welding large sheets and stacking them horizontally.

Anyways, Musk is pretty big on aesthetics. Though he's also a cheapskate. I wonder if he'll invest on a (pricey) solution to reduce the welds as much as possible. Or if he'll embrace them.

that sucks. Though some shade of brown are better than others.

Nice. RL are some cool guys

>> No.12498152

If Starship was made from aluminum it'd be like 30x as expensive.

>> No.12498161

not really sure what they were thinking with carbon fibre at the start. The price would be fucking insane, and they wouldn't be able to iterate like they are now with steel. Also I wouldn't want to be an astronaut going to a hostile world in something fragile.

>> No.12498187

Aren't they trying to market the AR-1s?

>> No.12498196

Kill women who don’t want to have kids.

>> No.12498198

Abortion is murder

>> No.12498202

>I’m a soulless shut in who stares at screens all day

What a fucked up society

>> No.12498206

Is that a tranny? Gross

>> No.12498211

Because it’d be boring and make you go crazy

>> No.12498217

Smart move relocating away from our nanny state shithole. Mommy Jacinda is about to start putting on the strap on to fuck businesses.

>> No.12498222
File: 1.25 MB, 1276x720, SN9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS tanks would REALLY be a good place to make pressurized space garages. It's not even the same concern as say, methalox in starship because it's hydrolox, which when evaporated, can be breathed safely.
Someone should draw SN9 doing something like pic related.

>> No.12498256

It looks like Nicolas Cage in a wig.

>> No.12498262

Trannies usually are just guys in wigs tho

>> No.12498263

Even if you could afford to go to Mars, what you you even do on it for 4 years?

>> No.12498266
File: 817 KB, 750x980, A5ED50C7-BDEA-4C76-87A0-888C3330704D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Califags need to leave Texas

>> No.12498268

probably work on avoiding the constant threat of complete system collapse

>> No.12498270

This is a second NZ pad. At least the Wallops pad is supposedly done though.

>> No.12498274
File: 9 KB, 240x160, SRX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably help dig out tunnels and install airlocks in the tunnels.

>> No.12498279

i will open an irish pub

>> No.12498281

>install airlocks in the tunnels
how is one xir possibly going to piss that much

>> No.12498284

The airlock will just be the bathroom to the irish pub

>> No.12498285

Getting cancer and losing bone density.

>> No.12498289

this is going to be the best phone wallpaper

>> No.12498291

I don’t think anyone really wants to live on Mars. It’d suck ass, there’d be tons of suicide and mental illnesses

>> No.12498292

Speaking of piss, i learned today that on ISS fresh water is stored in the same type of container as astronaut pee. I also learned that the American astronauts steal Russian pee and drink it after purifying. The Russians dont do the same with American pee bc they dont have a purifier :(

>> No.12498301

Zvezda has condensers and purifiers, but the Russian only use recycled water if there is an emergency.

>> No.12498307
File: 3.83 MB, 6500x4313, AS16-115-18559[rszcmprs].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go off-roading

>> No.12498311
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, rocco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'd have a Coke

>> No.12498314

They should only let hillbilly fighter pilots be astronauts again.

>> No.12498326

i wish the russians were just bros and drinked our pee. it would seal the deal

>> No.12498334
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, chinese space program landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy, you store piss ahead of time via urination in the starships transporting the crews to Mars.

>> No.12498340

>Russians collect piss bottles in the ISS
>Bottles occasionally float around the other modules
>Russians dump the bottles out the cubesat dispenser while Americans are asleep

>> No.12498341

> 14 December 1972 | EVA 3 ROI [Report of Interest] | “We didn’t know what to expect from Cernan,” stated Bob Parker, who served as CAPCOM for the duration of the mission, “we were all sittin’ there waiting for a com check, but Cernan wasn’t responding.” As a matter of fact, commander Eugene Cernan was rather intentional with his late response. 30 minutes had past before mission control received a daring response, “Yolo, PS5 > letters of discipline”

>> No.12498342
File: 3.87 MB, 4400x3929, AS17-145-22165[rszcmprs].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon it's almost 2021
we can't have nice things anymore

>> No.12498363
File: 153 KB, 433x368, kussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a kerbal?

>> No.12498371

They’re like three foot tall, but sure I guess.

>> No.12498372

tunnel shit and maybe going on rover trips.

>> No.12498375

why not

>> No.12498384

> this needs a shooting star edit

>> No.12498389

I thought SN10 had a nose cone attached? Did they remove it?

>> No.12498393

Not yet, cone got the wings and sn10 is in the high bay waiting for the cone.

>> No.12498395
File: 3.97 MB, 4200x4246, AS16-107-17537[rszshpcmprs].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12498413

why would they be so cruel

>> No.12498414

> canon Kerbs are made of a spongy material
> you can hate fuck the little green girl with ferocity that would break human bones

What's not to love?

>> No.12498441

I imagine that they're still flesh and blood, but their ability to bend out of place and shit and go on without a scratch would still make them good experiences to have.

>> No.12498476
File: 101 KB, 1280x1920, 09E67BE5-6AF3-4A9B-AFB4-0CD615F130EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell they really made the female kerbals look “prettier.”

>> No.12498480
File: 29 KB, 400x407, Adeptus_mecanics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise the Omnissiah and our Decon. Lord Selby.

>> No.12498486

I could make an Android Space Program video game from scratch and get it out quicker than KSP2’s release hahah

>> No.12498500

The new NASA CFO Greg Autry is actually kinda based. I hope he stays long enough to dunk on the National Team in the HLS downselect, the dude is super commercial space friendly. He's also Zubrin-approved, and helped convince the white house to set an ambitious landing date for Artemis

>> No.12498502

>The cultists of Eseles pray to a cylindrical tower painted orange, they hold something green, with the most pious painting themselves green, and perform a complex set of rituals around it, sometimes burning paper money as an offering, holding faith that one day it will come alive and take them to the stars

>> No.12498516

Does the US have nuclear powered microwave beams in orbit now or are we waiting for China to do it first

>> No.12498521

>page 10

>> No.12498535

oh wait....he wasnt even confirmed. senate had a hearing but didnt vote and now no one will be appointed until biden slips in. wtf

>> No.12498548

What flavour?

>> No.12498618

reality isn't an instant dopamine burst like the internet, fren

>> No.12498623

depends on how well they modeled the vibrational resonances...
if these tiles enter resonance they will fall off 100%

>> No.12498628

bel canale Antonio

>> No.12498637

who cares? just launch that metallic mofo

>> No.12498640

>But you're a damn good rocket. Report to the landing pad. Hey aren't you forgetting something?
>:tosses replacement wing flap:

>> No.12498641

*homogeneous mixture

>> No.12498649

field testing new anti-radiation materials for example

>> No.12498656

Uncultured swine, tourists. The usual.

>> No.12498673

New thread?

>> No.12498698

God it's so cute.

>> No.12498702

Here: >>12498701

>> No.12498725

This is how failure looks like if it's ripped from the abstract realm and given a physical body.

>> No.12498749

Fuck yes, I want far flung bases into some unethical but extremely progressive research on some random moon of Saturn or on Triton.

>> No.12498756

You sound like a normie. I wouldn't have problems living on Mars for a couple years, it wouldn't psychologically be any worse than my shut-in period.

>> No.12498776

>You sound like someone who isn’t a shut-in lonely NEET


>> No.12498784

lol you literally can't imagine being away from other people, how do you guys cope when you break up?

>> No.12498792

Again, you sound like a normie. Yes I was a shut-in NEET. Yes, I would be prime Martian material. Welcome to 4chen.

>> No.12498803

Great song anon. Listened to it so many times in HS it's burned in my brain.

>> No.12498807

>1950s retrofuturism drawing of a 2000s spaceship
Why was old sci-fi more accurate than the 60's-70's and after one ?
Is that Elon's main source of inspiration ?

>> No.12498875

yes, DM-1 won something