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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12493230 No.12493230[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I stop being retarded guys

>> No.12493233

Practice and discipline.

>> No.12493234

Take iq tests until you get a high score

>> No.12493236


>> No.12493237

stop posting here.

>> No.12493243

achieve what you desire. do math problems. earn money. better your health.

>> No.12493922
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take out a loan

>> No.12493953


>> No.12493957
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>> No.12493959 [DELETED] 

Stupid people need to understand that their genetics dictate their IQ is exhumed from their bowels. That is to say, intelligent people have intestinal guards to make sure their IQ circulate their bodies through advanced absorption in the digestive system. In order to build up your IQ you need to start collecting, processing, and eat your poo. Eventually your digestive system will make up for your manual override of its faultiness, and your IQ and body will gain equilibrium within itself. Good luck.

>> No.12493964

Stupid people need to understand that their genetics dictate their IQ is exhumed from their bowels. That is to say, intelligent people have intestinal guards to make sure their IQ circulate their bodies through advanced absorption in the digestive system. In order to build up your IQ you need to start collecting, processing, and eating your poo. Eventually your digestive system will make up for your manual override of its faultiness, and your IQ and body will gain equilibrium within itself. Good luck.

>> No.12495493

>general intelligence = IQ
>it increases by doing IQ tests multiple times
you're dumb

>> No.12495525

Did you extend the axis just to be a retard?

>> No.12495552

Avoid mainstream media, avoid twitter/facebook/reddit/4chan.

Feed your brain with top quality books an documentaries

>> No.12495603

How to get some without joining muhreens ?

>> No.12497747

just act like you're smart and nobody here will be able to tell the difference.

>> No.12497787

Spend your time engaging ideas critically and working on learning new stuff. Math is good for this although if you take it too far it’ll make you autistic. But learning maths is good because it teaches you how to learn, and helps improve your mental discipline. If you spend a long time on exercises that’s a good sign.

Read books also, nonfiction. Avoid shitposting only engage in real discussion.

>> No.12497983

get a titcow gf and induce her to lactate. Drink her breastmilk and you should gain up to 10 points.

>> No.12498013

listen to Tool

>> No.12498074

not that guy but wouldnt it help you learn advanced and abstract pattern structure ?

>> No.12498101

Raw intelligence is overrated. All knowledge in the world is easily learnable, the only difference intelligence makes is if you can comprehend it slightly faster.
The most important factor is the amount of time you put into it, and your focus.
There are very very few things that require intellection speed, and none of them are in academia.

>> No.12498118

If consult the recordings of my college lectures that were made by the stalkers I already had at that time, you will see that I usually asked more questions than all of the other students combined. Basically, I am 100% out of practice now and keep missing things that I would not miss if I was in practice. You people acting like it means that I'm retarded and not simply out of practice are the real retards.

t. Got 860 on physics GRE without cheating.

>> No.12498124
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>t. Got over 200 on a psychologist administered IQ test

>> No.12498125

It would help you learn how to take an IQ test, nothing more. Learning "which piece is missing from this 5-piece simple retard puzzle?" doesn't help you with "the pareto frontier optimization problems suggests that optimizing over many parameters will mean that nearly every solution will be pareto-optimal, how would you embed this metric in a lower dimensional space to reduce optimal solutions?", but the inverse is true

>> No.12498126

I agree. The key to being good at pareto frontier optimization problems is doing a lot of pareto frontier optimization problems on a regular basis.

>> No.12498142

Disagree, to a degree.
I purposefully chose a rando problem that involves pattern matching to illustrate a point: IQ more or less recognizes pattern matching, which tracks with intelligence/problem solving. Someone who approaches the pareto-frontier optimization problem will face a pattern-matching problem, and if you are good at pattern matching, you could come up with some solutions (generally, I'm thinking stochastic embedding like t-SNE or more like UMAP).
In case you're wondering, this is legit an "unsolved" problem, and something I'm working on. You wont find this in a text book or paper other than formulating the problem and some "solutions" that are okay (pair-based optimization).
That idea is that pattern-matching is unversal, and therefore the IQ test will test that. IF you take IQ test after IQ test, you stop testing the
universal pattern matching and start asking "can I take an IQ test well" by learning the specific IQ test.

>> No.12498146

t. 42069 IQ as measured by WAISIV