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12492261 No.12492261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Biden Advisers Urge Working With China in Space
>Despite reports of massive Chinese espionage campaigns, intellectual property theft, forced technology transfer, and being a military and economic rival, Joe Biden's space advisers want him to work with China on exploration.
>"Trying to exclude them I think is a failing strategy," Biden's NASA transition team member Pam Melroy, a former astronaut, told Politico before the election. "It's very important that we engage."
>"My concern is not that China is going places, but that our partners are going to China," ex-NASA administrator and astronaut Charles Bolden told Politico. "We seem to be satisfied to allow them to go off and build their own space station.
>"That's short sighted," the former Obama administration official continued, adding, "It's not the mark of a good leader."
>It is not surprising a former Obama official and Biden supporters seek a working space relationship with China.

Finally America will follow China`s leadership and make some progress in space exploration. Commendable.

>> No.12492271

Is this even really news?
USA collaborated with the USSR in space before the soviet collapse.

>> No.12492272
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>> No.12492276

Trump won.

>> No.12492280

you retards are like the dems in 2016 except now you blame the chinks instead of ruskies

>> No.12492283
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Now that America will follow China leadership, it makes sense that Biden cut the budget for the project Artemis.
Surely USA will collaborate in the Chinese effort, and be able to enjoy some of the rewards. Clever.

>> No.12492285
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>> No.12492320

>Is this even really news?
Yes, this is really news. The militarization of space has been going on for decades and cooperation that muzzles that military ambition is a massive relief. Nuclear proliferation, global markets, and international cooperation all delay the next world war.

>> No.12492360

It's a compete ignorance of US/China relations since the 70s. The reason that Red Dawn has a line about a horde of screaming Chinese was because in the event of war with the USSR the US planned to provide air support for a Chinese land invasion.
Most of the protectionist arguments against China are the same exact arguments they used against Japan 30 years ago.

>> No.12492396

>The president will work
That's literally a news after 4 years of clownshit
>will work with
Oh no, not the cooperation, not the scientific exchange, please God no!

>> No.12492429

Why are you retarded enough to believe that Biden will be a good president? He literally confused his granddaughter with his DEAD son.

>> No.12492515
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wtf i love china now!

>> No.12492520
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>> No.12492529
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we need to be more like these people!

>> No.12492540 [DELETED] 
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>*enslaves you and then barvests your organs*
heh, nothin personnel

>> No.12492549
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>*enslaves you and then harvests your organs*
heh, nothin personnel

>> No.12492592

still a step up from getting shot because you were reaching for you wallet. seethe some more, you 4th world sinister mistake

>> No.12492606

meme racism is still racism

>> No.12492607 [DELETED] 
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ok wumao

>> No.12492610


>> No.12492618
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>oh no, they found out about our literal concentration camps!
>better call them racist!

>> No.12492629
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The whole line about only believing """""official sources""""" is a line straight out of the CCP playbook. It's illegal to disagree with official party statements. They went to great lengths to suppress information about the coronavirus.

>> No.12492697


Do people really believe shit like this? Wasn't even the first case either, there had been multiple people who got busted for writing this fake shit.

>> No.12492747
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>hey CCP are you abusing human rights again?
>nope, nothing to see here!
>oh okay then

>> No.12492786

Which communist utopia prepping massacre was this?

>> No.12492856

Well at this point if USA works with China, it could work with Russia too. but democrat politics still make Russia the designed enemy. But Russia's programme is money stripped and I guess a lot of space engineers turned to better skies.
But when you think about it, big endeavours like Mars colonization would go probably better as a coordinated international effort. like the ITER project for fusion for instance. just for the sheer amount of funding required.
At the political level, it would be better for Mars than it being the asset of a single corporation or a cartel under one nation. it is asking for trouble. you'll have competing entities taking parts, then lines will have to be drawn on the map. I am well aware that this will be the result in an intermediate colonization stage, but at least at the beginning we should go as one and unevitable divisions should be postponed as long as possible.
I am nowhere from being an utopian globalist, but when it comes to deep space it would be retarded not too join forces.
as for close space ,LEO to GEO and even the moon it has defense/national security implications and I would be cautious with working with China.

>> No.12492877

this is pretty retarded but it depends on the degree of cooperation. Give the chinks to much they’ll just steal your intellectual property.

>> No.12492894

I don't know which one makes more sense, simp to china to live another day.
or, fight a deadly fight with no real winners that will bring the greatest blight to life on earth ever, with honor and dignity.

>> No.12492903

Honestly Idc as long as I get to have a lot of gay tranny interracial sex

>> No.12492906

you don’t need to give the chink intellectual property to survive another day. we had plenty of time to fight China but trump decided to fuck everything over. Biden won’t do anything extreme if advisors already want to simp. welcome to the new world where China is king.

>> No.12492912

Wait a fucking minute. Do people actually trust China?

>> No.12492928

well it was only time until eusocial humans came into being and demonstrated their effectiveness.
I hope great thinkers like me, who attract a crowd and seething realtards, get spared.
I mean my time is wasted here.
so if my country were to fall, I hope I am to be spared and not publicly hanged.
that being said, I don't like insects, and would gladly use my superior mind to eliminate chinks if the US scouted my talent.
very humorous.
but you cannot disprove my thoughts with humor.

>> No.12492979
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>Most of the protectionist arguments against China are the same exact arguments they used against Japan 30 years ago.

>> No.12492998

What percentage of posters in this thread are CCP members? 80%?

>> No.12493005

Yes, Democrats do. They hate Russia because Russia made communism look bad. China on the other hand makes communism look strong, so they're quite happily falling into line under them. Funny thing is that China isn't really a communist state. Despite what they call themselves, China is must more closely aligned with fascism than communism.

>> No.12493007

America cannot oppose the leading power in the world. It is only natural to seek partnership instead of antagonism.

>> No.12493011

The argument is they'll steal it regardless - might as well get something in return by trading it early.

>> No.12493012
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how does this image make you feel?

>> No.12493016

Looks sexy

>> No.12493018

Sadly par for the course for anything China-related. I remember an incident back in the 90s, the Chinese were testing one of their new satellite rockets and the thing veered off seconds after launch and crashed right into the middle of a nearby town. A few days later footage leaked out into western media showing hundreds of buildings fucking leveled, the town basically nothing but a smoldering ruin with the remnants of a few concrete buildings left.

"Official sources" (the CCP) released a statement that the military evacuated the entire town (somehow, in the 30 seconds between the rocket igniting and the rocket impacting the town) and that there were only a few injuries. Unofficial sources put the death toll in the hundreds. The CCP demolished the remains of the town, if it weren't for the footage that leaked out there wouldn't even be evidence the town ever existed.

>> No.12493068

>democrats hate russia
They sure love laundering their dirty money though.

>> No.12493096

americans are losers

>> No.12493372
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>> No.12493379

Strange that China was kino until trump started to lose his shit...

>> No.12493444
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Incredibly based.

>> No.12493543

Americans being Americans

>> No.12493547

Good. Enough with this fake war bullshit. >Work together
>Get to the moon
>Get to mars
>Get to Proxima B or whatever its called
>Reach for the stars

>> No.12493562

>despite reports of “blah blah blah”

It’s not chinese espionage when you fucking hire chinamen

>> No.12493570

Man I'm really sad america lost the lead, jaded as fuckers on this website are, if you asked any kid on the street of my slav city in the nineties - whats the best country in the world they would say fucking America in a heartbeat. I knew it was all over the second I saw the planes slam into wtc 19 years ago but man it was a good fucking run. Fuck the edgemasters and /pol/tard propaganda drones old school America was fucking amazing.

And now the Gooks are taking over a literal cyberpunk dystopia thats just so fucking lame.

>> No.12493786

China was been known to be shit ever since Tiananmen Square.

>> No.12493804

Learn a lesson from our downfall. Never let your nation be replaced with a country. Most people in the US don't even know that nation and country are not synonyms.

>> No.12493837
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>> No.12493838

Name one "clownshit" the Trump administration has committed.
I'll wait.

>> No.12493842

No of course not.
Dems don't even trust them, but they're prepared to let China turn America into a vassal state, all to own the magatards.