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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12486291 No.12486291 [Reply] [Original]

All this board seems to think is any future technology (transhumanism, Longevity, Nanotechnology, use of quantum techniques, Gene Editing etc) is entirely unplasuible. There are breakthroughs all the time and you'd have to be literally sub 80 iq to think that any of these are impossible and the world will look basically the exact same in a century.

>> No.12486323

>entirely unplasuible
Implausible*, and not necessarily, it will just take a long time - definitely none of that in our lifetimes

>> No.12486397

They will all be used to bring untold suffering and destruction.

>> No.12486408

All futurism is always wrong.

>> No.12486411 [DELETED] 

it is necessary to get rid of the Jews, first

>> No.12486446

4channel is always the OLD GOOD NEW BAD hipster central

>> No.12486452

Because nobody who speaks of those shits have any idea what things really work like.

>> No.12486529

Because transhumanism, nanotechnology, longevity, quantum tech, and gene editing all seem to be constantly in 'THE FUTURE'.

We are already experiencing transhumanism, more humans are capable of focusing solely on the digital world without worrying about
>Basic Needs
>Food shortages
>Basic Needs

When you interface with a computer, like I am now, you are transmuting your thoughts into electrical signals, which are then stored on servers around the globe, and can be accessed by any one connected to this network.
>Fiber Optics
Information is capable of moving near the speed of light right now. Hello yes, right now.

Nano-technology. We are already experiencing the miniaturization of computers, most people in my country and seemingly every other industrial nation have cellphones. Think about what goes into a cellphone, the actual components of it,
>Sensors -acceleromotor, pressure gauge, signal
>solid state memory
Computers used to be the size of entire rooms, the smaller computers get, the closer the components and the quicker electricity/information will be transferred.

Longevity of the biological
>Grocery Stores
>Vitamin Supplements

Gene editing, is already occurring. The capability to clone a living organism has existed for decades at this point.

Quantum technology is happening.
Human minds hold the capability to contemplate different outcomes from a single decision, quantum technology is that.

Play a game where physics apply, drive car into wall, the computer can 'think ahead' and render an outcome where car collide, and an outcome where car avoid wall, at the exact same time. Which outcome the player perceives is the outcome which the computer believed occurred.

Digital existence is terrifying because it could replace us, but death could also replace us and I would rather continue living

>> No.12486556

>There are breakthroughs all the time
pretty incredible that so called "breakthroughs" can be so useless isnt it

>> No.12487623

Because futurists are delusional retards pedaling fantasies while the world falls apart.

>> No.12487626

Name anything from the last 20 years that's good.

>> No.12487631

>>Food shortages
>>Basic Needs
That's a goddamn lie. Housing has never been more difficult to achieve in America than is right now. We have simultaneous epidemics of homelessness and empty buildings. The future you faggots wished for is pure hell.

>> No.12487655

>There are breakthroughs all the time
Not at all

>> No.12487658


>> No.12487663

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12487698


>> No.12487735

The future will not look like you think it will. You will not live forever. You will not have "superpowers" like your favourite comic book characters. You won't get to saw off your limbs and replace them with metal ones (wtf). You will not go to space. There will not be any flying cars.

Instead the future will be a largely rural place, where 90% of the population will work farming-related jobs, selected for their occupation on the basis of IQ around age 10, with an arranged marriage soon after. There will be no smartphones, facebook or instagram. Your day will be wholesomely organized around manual labor, with your wife waiting for you with a hot meal back home.

Technology will be deployed and safeguarded by an elite chosen on the basis of IQ. They will use it sparingly and only in times of need, restricted to commoners under the penalty of death. It will also be their responsibility to prune humanity of the weeds, so that "transhumanists", communists, homosexuals and scientism cultists disappear quietly at night.

It will be the Golden Age of Humanity.

>> No.12487841

>dreams of a slophole that cooks
What happened to this country?

>> No.12487857

>definitely none of that in our lifetimes
We already have quantum computing and nanobots what the fuck are you smoking you schizo.

>> No.12487862

Futurism has a high degree of crossover with the IFLS! religion. IFLS! is the enemy of science. Much worse than any of the Abrahamic religions. If you want to discuss futurism, /g/ is probably the better board.

>> No.12487870

Can you show a practical use for either that is currently implemented? Or are we talking about lab toys?
I'll give a shit about quantum computing when it obsoletes all cryptography and nanobots when they're able to repair my arteries. Until then, it's all "within the next ten years" circle jerking.

>> No.12488341

Obey your chinese cyberlords

>> No.12488354
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So like living on an imperial agri world with some minor Adeptus Mechanicus base present?
Sounds comfi

>> No.12488367

Imagine living in a country that doesn't care about the welfare of it's citizenry.

>> No.12488446

It's a sad state of affairs. A country that cared about its people would have strong borders that can control who can enter the country, with strong enforcement of laws preventing others from being in that country illegally. They'd even minimize the amount of immigration into the country in order to prevent dilution of the value system held by the current citizens while also protecting their wages from being depressed by capitalists who put profit above the welfare of their fellow citizens.

>> No.12488654

you are on 4chan. home of the miserable and misanthropic. now to be fair, a lot of futurism is popsci and is dumb. but a lot of stuff is possible but people here are either not going to admit it, or only think about the negatives of any tech. or conspiracy theories. any tech is scary cause the jews might get there hands on it... fucking /poltards. longevity and gene edditing are coming along nicely, nanotech is basicly biochemistry, thats not quite at the level, where we can designe whatever we want, but well get there. genetics can and will lead to transhuamnism. i dont know anything significant about quantum comp shit, so i cant comment

>> No.12488680

Futurism is retarded. Now fuck off.

>> No.12488685
File: 54 KB, 700x520, darpa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? Among all boards it is the most transhumanist around.
G: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/358/6366/1019, https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/02/21/137309/the-crispr-twins-had-their-brains-altered/, www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(16)31664-6?_returnURL=http%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867416316646%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
R: https://www .nature.com/articles/s41598-020-5 8831-9
N: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/cs/c9cs00877 b#!divAbstract, https://robotic s.sciencem ag.org/content/4/30/eaav4317.abstract, https://w ww.nature.com/artic les/s41563-020 -0685-9

>> No.12488752


>> No.12488776

>There are breakthroughs all the time

>> No.12488797

Because covid has two possible explanations
a)There is a world government and it is installing the cyberpunk dystopia
b)Governments around the world utterly failed in defeating the virus and something with higher spread and mortality rates will simply lead to the total collapse
Both cases are not the futurism to wait for.

>> No.12488823

EthnoFuturism is awesome

>> No.12488869

because some tend to overestiamte the average imaginative ability and intelligence of this board. 99/100 people that would have what it takes to put a dent of real work in these fields would never post here

>> No.12488871

>Why does this board seem so fucking anti-futurism

This board is full of anti-science shills who invaded from /pol/ who only like science when they try to use it to justify their racism.
It's like there is reality-A which is what we all use to recognize as reality, and now there is reality-B, which is propagated by right-leaning media outlets and sustained by "alt-facts" that run counter to reality-A. Since science can disprove the "alt-facts" that reality-B is based off of, they continually seek ways to attack it. Hence, they attack /sci/ itself in anyway that's not directly political because doing so will get them instant ban, which means they need to be anti-science in general, with out saying what political non-sense they actually believe in.

>> No.12488886

successful people, in general, don't on public anonymous forums, the average quality of the post is not high enough, you'd have to have some 30 per cent of effort posts not 2

>> No.12488907

>Why does this board seem so fucking anti-futurism
because this board tries to be a place of real scientists talking about real science, not wet dreams of useless people.

All those things you mention start off the premise "wouldnt it be nice if technology fixed my life after i destroyed it by refusing to apply effort?" and unsurprisingly that leads to unscientific resuts, questions and conclussions.

not to mention that 99% don't even have high school level comprehension of science topics, but the few who do (literally high school level, almost none of them have college 1st year level of knowledge) just apply "rule of cool" constantly

so in a nutshell:
wishful thinking isnt science and will never be

>> No.12488926

Fantasy isn't science.

>> No.12488950

Breakthroughs mean nothing. Papers mean nothing. What matters is whether techs can be marketed financially.

I can publish billions of "next gen" shits daily and it wont amount to anything when a random guy creates an actual product that's 50% worse than my imaginary idea.

>> No.12488987


it's very hard to build prosthetics that communicate well with the body, aren't rejected, are self repairing, don't have problems with the power supply, work as well as natural limbs do, are miniaturized enough, and to attempt prosthetics that do 2 of those well, not to mention all gets exponentially more difficult.

There's not a clear consensus on what causes aging but its suspected its a myriad of outrageoulsy complex problems.
Outrageously as in , if the cells in the body were sand grains, imagine the mass of the solar system converted to sand and you have to perfectly control each grain of it or it all goes to shit.

It's not clear if its possible to feasibly control matter at such a small level, much less profitably

>quantum techniques
your ignorance of the topic is so high that the sentence you typed means nothing

>gene editing
see life extension, the language of the genes is incredibly complex

>There are breakthroughs all the time
breaktroughs usually mean the opposite of what you think, actually breaktroughs are usually a step away from the magic tech you have in mind and a step towards a more realistic but much less impressive technology.

A shitty wire controlled limb that has battery power which last a bit more is not a step into a fantasy jax-style arm. Is just an artificial limb wich is a little better, but because of the laws of physics which constraint our manufacturing processes will obviously forever be incredibly inferior to the originals.

The problem in all of these is that youre a piece of shit neet who never even accomplished something of worth in his own life, if you ever had even a low level work in a serious science/engineering endeavour youd realize its not magic

>> No.12488993

you mean guys who are desperate to get funding and publicity and publish papers which are aimed to fool stupid scientifically illiterate peopel such as yourself?

>> No.12489310

We do not have Nanobots, you retard. We have little pieces of scrap metal that vibrate when you induce an electromagnetic current on them. That's not Nanobots.

>> No.12489321

Unfortunately I don't have to imagine.

>> No.12489334

>All of futurism is popsci and is dumb
I fixed your retarded post.

>> No.12489346

I absolutely like the aestetic.
I also think anything you draw will likely be off and, in any case, it won't affect me much in the 60 years I have left here.

>> No.12489351

Has there even been a scientific breakthrough in decades? People talk about stupid shit like crispr but nobody's actually fucking using it to any effect. And honestly that's not even revolutionary, it's just an extension of our understanding of DNA. The discovery of DNA was revolutionary. We've lost the space shuttle, we've lost the Concorde, computer technology doesn't even fucking work anymore. America can't even maintain a functional phone system at this point. We are most certainly going backwards, not forwards.

>> No.12489358

Reddit, shut the fuck m'kay. Scientism is not science.

>> No.12489453

this board is full of thunderf00t like defeatists and shills with the brain as large as a peanut

>> No.12489470

It's not just this board.
Pretty much everyone is jaded about technology nowadays.
We are closer to the cyberpunk conception of the future than the shiny idealism of 1950s sci-fi pulp serials.
We thought we would be colonizing Mars/Moon by now. Instead we have incredibly sophisticated pocket computers that instead of being used for good stuff like educating the populace, are used to spy on the population and watch tiktok videos.

>> No.12489499

Reminding you that you're an idiot is not defeatism.

>> No.12490188

Implausible? No.
Impractical? Maybe.
Undesirable? Almost certainly.

>> No.12490236

because your day dreams are not scientifically accurate or logical progressions of reality . you want star wars lightsaber talk. you dont want tedous ion engine talk of star trek. both are filled with technobable but 1 is less stupid than the other but the other has made way more money. so your people are common across this world. content with a good time scifi is just a overlay on top of fantasy stories yea wow look at that explosion

im not sure how you live with yourself mr.futureist. if that is even your real name. you live under a assumed name and tell yourself sparks and bright lights are sciency stuff but you know deep down you know you just want wizards throwing fireballs at allegories for brown guys

>> No.12490239

We're all already dead inside. So we cannot live until the future.

>> No.12490242

second post best post

>> No.12490247

vr that tracks your hands properly

>> No.12490258

>All this board seems to think is any future technology (transhumanism, Longevity, Nanotechnology, use of quantum techniques, Gene Editing etc) is entirely unplasuible.

Yes, because we're not highly impressionable sheeps who drool over retarded statements from snake oil sellers, like most people.


>> No.12490310

>People talk about stupid shit like crispr but nobody's actually fucking using it to any effect
you have no idea what you're talking about. the creators receiving the nobel should be testimony enough to the utility of the development

>> No.12490353

Longevity will happen. It's completely braindead to think we won't have the capability to increase longevity by atleast 20+ years in the coming century.
Agreed on all your other points, but longevity is not as complicated as you made it to be. We don't actually have to engineer the body to stop aging, we just need to remove the damage that accumulates. Still complex, but way easier, and it has already been shown to work in mice when they were administered senolytics which wipe out their senescent cells (one of the 10 hallmarks of aging)

>> No.12490519
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Because I’m an American. You can dream all you want of hover boards and space tacos, Jimmy neutron, but with my deadened gaze I see that technological innovation will always mean either that I’m more heavily policed by a surveillance state, some new part of human existence will get commodified and rented back to us in a deranged and cheapened form where it used to be free, or women will somehow get even more horrible than they currently are.

>> No.12490716

So everyone will give up and be a bunch of stupid boring Amish hicks. I thought this was a science board.

>> No.12490729

Because this board ia full of cynicall oldfags who have veen further disenfranchised by the influx of zoomer fascists from pol, the site is unsavable now.

>> No.12491043

non living matter isnt laways rejected, and the biochemical reactions that controle the antibody reaction are qute well understood. alterations to the genes of some of the functional proteins of antibodys could solve that, or a placenta like artificial structure could work. of course for artificial limbs, mechanical is not the best option. look up human organoids. a scafold + cells that grow form cells reverted to stem cell state will solve this problem.
the genes involved in aging are mostly known, (about 500 of them) and can be modifyed, without cascade failure expanding lifespan to a max of 5 times normal. at least in the model organism c. elegans. it s a bit harder in humans, cause you have to solve for tranzpozons, retro viruses, alu, so all mobile genetic elements and also mini, micro... satellites. but research into these has been very succesfull. transgenic miRNA codding sequences seem to be the best answer for now.
nanotech wont exist the way people imagine. you cant make metal robots in the nano range. what gives metal its usefull properties is its structure, which requires several layers. at about 1 angstrom a layr, thats not posible. but nature already provided us with an excellent base for nanotech, proteins. the future of "nanotech" is basicly just realy precise bichemistry
quantum techniques is dumb, but obviously he means quantum computing. in qhich case.... i still dont know. its not my area of experties.
tha language of the gene is complicated. its mechanism however is well understood. for now we can read, and copy paste words. we cant write
breakthrough is a pretty fucking meaningless word.

>> No.12491053

most people aren't fans of totalitarianism and depravity.
also most people believe in self preservation, going backwards in advancement is better for that than forward, because in the future we will inevitably be killed for being useless functors.

>> No.12491063


Technology is cancer. Technology when the things you listed are common place will be the end. Only a complete fool would think any of this was a good idea.

>> No.12491068

>you engage yourself in the art of typing what you learn from skimming wikipedia in the vain attempt that maybe, just maybe that will erase your condition of being an untrained person that will never, ever for any reason participate in the real system of knowledge that moves the world.

Unsurprisingly enough, none of the extremely small and non applied experiments regarding the topics covered in this sorry excuse for a thread have any concrete plans to make any practical application in the next 50 years.

It's just a ploy to fool the vast majority of incredibly stupid and useless people that act as puppets to the people with power.

The fact that you will keep trying to use big boy words instead of realizing you're part of that stupid majority is something that i can't help you with.

>> No.12491072

hard technology without good social science is useless. People are not philosophically, spiritualyl, and most important of all, COMMUNISTICALLY ready for those technology, they will just use it to cause suffering and torture to children and innocent people like capitalism has always doner

>> No.12491089
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I also love tranny cock

>> No.12491094

its a bit dated, but it has the basics covered
and of course there wont be aplications other than in model organisms you mongoloid. its illegal to do this shit in humans

>> No.12491096

I think some of that could be possible, but overall wouldn't happen due to human behavior

>> No.12491104
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>> No.12491109
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of course, please keep reminding me that the Earth is flat because God said so in the bible and that spaceflight doesn't exist.

>> No.12491225

so fuck progress then? just stay at this level of tech, because anything new scares you? all change is bad... lets be amish, fuck science, lets all die of dysentery...
what did i expect from a bunch of conservative, regressive, autistic cunts.

>> No.12491742

Don't expect much from /pol/pot-types.

>> No.12491882

No counter argument, just insults. Thanx fren

>> No.12491920

>you must accept speculation and sudo science or youre an anti

nah being an anti is unironically saying shit like this :

>life is a cycle
>you want to be immortal
>george soros will become immortal
>you will get bored
>your current life isn't fulfilling lol
>have sex incel
>you don't know what you want. i know what you want.
amd a thousand other retarded crap like that

>> No.12491940

counter arguments to what exactly. that technology is cancer?
that "going backwards in advancement is better for that than forward"?
the only argument here is that tech can be used against the people by the powers that be. but that has always been the case. you let apple track you, you let your gps track you, you let the government track you. do i think thats a good thing? fuck no, is the fear of government surveilanc enough of a reason to stop human progress? ALSO NO! stay vigilant. if the government becomes opressive, rise up. maybe if we live long enogh people will be wiser. probably not. it is human nature to strive for power, so we must always be on the lookout for those who would seek to controle us. but dont let the fear of powerhungry cunts stop you from advancing.

>> No.12491976


stop posting you dont know shit. were not talking about some annoying ad popup here.

if civilization was a hyperspace, we would be native americans and AI/elite would be columbus

>> No.12492055

so i should make arguments, but you stick with the insults? thats perfectly reasonable. as to your point... technology expands at an exponential rate, so we sould stop because the diparity between the haves and tha have nots will grow too big? is that the point you so elequantly tryed making? seriously. english isnt even my first language....
anyway you seem to think that advancing technology will only benifit a certaine elit, and not the masses. the reason i think you are wrong is that as technology has advanced, information has become more and more free, it has become harder and harder for elites to contain it. consider the middle ages, when the church were the sole arbeters of truth. and now we have the interenet. sci hub, lib gen wikileaks and the whole free information movement. anyone with enough spare time can learn any science, and thankfully, biology isnt that expensive, so for instance enhanced intelligence and longevity, once perfected will easily be home made. even if it will fale some times and a few might die along the way.

>> No.12492072

I'm kinda curious where neuralink will lead us. Perhaps we can live eternally as brains in a vat.

>> No.12492136

There is a middle ground between the Amish and Elon Musk.

The thing about people who like technology, is that this shit has been around for a long time, and people find technology from various previous decades to be sufficient.

If you "innovate" and develop too quickly, you run the risk of being unable to properly maintain what you have. Sometimes it is necessary to relax for a bit and perfect what you have instead of constantly attempting to progress forwards.

>> No.12492146

>There are breakthroughs all the time
Except there aren't.

>> No.12492173

thats fair. i would mention though, that its not the elon musks and jeff bezoses of the world that make the big brakethroughs. its the lesser known barbara mclintoc, emanuelle carpentir and others. scientists, not billionairs.

>> No.12492233

You put too much value into "breakthroughs" which is the sort of egotism that is insufferable in academia. Often times they are random jumps of intuition that ride on the works of others. It's great, but there should be less focus in canonizing individual figures and more focus on doing ordinary, tangible things.

>> No.12493172

See, that’s the same “reach for the stars” ethos that spurred Anglo saxon Americans on the path of manifest destiny, emptying out New England as they headed west and thereby creating
a labor demand for mystery meat non Anglo immigrants to fill the void. In this way, with every step the Anglo took to “win” the west, millions of alien immigrants came lethargically rolling behind them, demographically replacing anglos and taking over the towns, cities, and civilization that they built and demonizing them as “elitist wasps” as they waddled into cities they could never build. If the WASPS had stayed in New England their race would not have gone extinct, or at least it wouldn’t have gone down the drain in as little as seventy years after 1820. We need to reject this blind ambitious spirit the anglos have tried to instill in us. It will serve us as well as it served them, with EXTINCTION. I’m not going anywhere I can’t see the end result. It’s suicidal. It’s too bold. It’s reckless. If only Wasps had done the same, America could have just been a giant Australia with more forests and better natives.

>> No.12493265

This. I just want to farm, hunt, and play vidya.

>> No.12493279

Because 4 years of trump brought doomers from /pol/. Actual cool /sci/ guys are gone since years. That's why we don't have this kind of thread anymore.

>> No.12493296

Barack Obama received the Nobel Prize for being black.

>> No.12493302

For not being Bush jr

>> No.12493306

What in the hell are you even talking about you absolute lunatic? Hysterics like this are why nobody takes you seriously.

>> No.12493471

>muh progres

What is your end game? Think about it. You want to live longer ? Ok.
Your goal is to Travel in to a hyperspace and seek new civilizations ? You got it.
Than what. What would like to achive in the end ? There must be something that you dream of. It may be so away from you that is difficult to define. A perfect world maybe ? If such is it achivable despite of human imperfection. And can science and progres surpass imperfection.

>> No.12493756

because all contemporary applications of transhumanist tech is wielded by technocrats who implement it in such a way as to subjugate users.

>> No.12493875

Hello uncle ted

>> No.12493927

this, it's just a matter of whether or not we should rather than if we could.

>> No.12493935

Every board is anti-whatever the board topic is; I'm not sure why it's like that.
But it's why the best sci threads are on g, the best food threads are on v, and so on.

>> No.12494018

because its a fucking scam, we have been told for decades that the future was gonna b something like traditional futuristic films like the fifth element, and here we are now, only trannies, vegroids, (niggers) 3rd worlders flocking to white countries, ect

>> No.12494513

Its b. Humans are idiots

>> No.12494800

windows XP

>> No.12494806
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>ad hominem
>ad hominem
here's a brand new rope, faggot

>> No.12494886
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Super human prosthesis will harm the meat they're attached to. So you have to go full brain in a jar.

>> No.12495113
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its fun to be contrarian

>> No.12495160

You are not a realist.

>> No.12495389
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in the 60 years I have left here.

>> No.12495599

Everyone past this post should give their tech and science predictions for 2030, 2040, and 2050 instead of bitching about pop-futurism.

>> No.12495652

Reminder dual major of physics/engineering/computer science + economics is what matters when it comes to making a product real. Prototypes and paper breakthroughs mean nothing

>> No.12495693

Absolutely based. Also having no answer to problems like a pandemic or to global warming leads to outright denying of the problem

>> No.12495706

Because YOUR version of futurism as I quote:
>transhumanism, Longevity, Nanotechnology, use of quantum techniques)
That crap is like flying cars. Totally doable with the current level of knowledge and technology, but absolutely devoided of meaning, rationale, economic value, environnement counciousness and morals.

>> No.12495712

it’s part of the whole tradcel thing here. science bad, religion good. futurism in particular me associate with reddit so futurism doubleungood

any time you browse this site you have to keep in mind that it’s like a rotting house with a termit (/pol/) infestation

>> No.12495731

Corporations would rape your ass with being part machine. You would make a part of you entirely deducible by logic. Easy fucking pickings for marketers and corporations. And plus I like my body more than having some nerds invention being ingrained into my body.

"Hey dude you got the new Google Chrome cyborg arm™!" Ew how fucking repulsive is that. Only a fat fucking retard American would consume such repulsive dumb corporate shit or even fantasise about it.

>> No.12495740

Nature is shit though and has fucked over billions by default

>> No.12495756

Science and math do not dictate ethics.
how we act is a different branch of theology than math and science.
Also maybe half of us are above average in intelligence. that allows us to see the reality of the future and not just blind childish optimism.
>muh hover shit
>muh cyber shit
>muh enhanced shit
>muh utopia
you're childish.

>> No.12495766

Like anything, you've got to be careful in nature. The fact that tribes have lived in the Amazon jungle for a long time without modern tech is amazing, all that potential fungi, pathogens, poisonous creatures etc.

The aboriginal people saw the outdoors as their pharmacy with their plant knowledge etc.

I do agree, nature can be very unforgiving. Like the modern world. Yet again, it comes down to choice.

>> No.12495767

Don't fight, we can agree that both nature and civilization are shit.

>> No.12495775

> t. Grand Inquisitor

>> No.12495781


I agree it is dumb to blame any side here. Both have their pros and cons.

>> No.12495908

>enhanced intelligence and longevity, once perfected will easily be home made
it doesn't work like that retard, if there was a magical mix of garden herbs to live forever they would have already discovered it 1000 years ago.
we already "perfected" a lot of stuff, but i don't think you can build a nuclear warhead, a moon-landing rocket or a modern cellphone in your basement, with round tip scissor and a computer connected to sci-hub. you would need resources that can be controlled and restricted by the elite you talk about. your free information movement is just propaganda for autists

>> No.12495989

>enhanced intelligence and longevity, once perfected will easily be home made
someone played cyberpunk lel

>> No.12495996

>What is your end game?
what is yours

>> No.12496135


>> No.12497776
File: 75 KB, 500x676, 6a00d8341c464853ef01a73dcda21a970d-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if I can even post here, since I'm IP range banned apparently everywhere for no reason that I can discern other than using a phone.

We are entering a new Dark Age. I just had crucial data destroyed by a flash drive becoming corrupt. A problem which I have never had before. Then my phone decided to delete a bunch of pictures randomly. As I type this I am intermittently using voice to text on my phone. And I say intermittently because it only works intermittently, with me having to correct it constantly. And the reason I'm using a phone is because the wifi where I am doesn't really work, nor is home wi-fi available because it's such a new concept for some unfathomable reason. 20 or even 10 years ago none of this would ever have been an issue. Now it's constant. No technology is reliable anymore. It is all designed to fail so that consumers are forced to continuously buy products and live in the moment. This is a strategy without a future. Right now I am seriously considering taking up writing manuscripts rather than using word processors any further which can just lose my data at any time without my consent. Meanwhile, congress is continuously trying to figure out ways to punish the use of technology while an apocalyptic level of homelessness looms on the horizon.

The age of technology has ended. Capitalism and a lust for power by fossilized old shits killed it.