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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 267x400, ManMoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1248610 No.1248610 [Reply] [Original]

>undergrad in business management
>any job I want
>500k bonus starting

enjoy studying 20 years /sci/fags

>> No.1248616

Enjoy an entire summer of 0/10 trollin'

>> No.1248645

>Business Management - insane hours, stress, and being fired for underling fuck ups.

>> No.1248651

Enjoy being at middle management for the rest of your life OP
Also, enjoy your bloated field asshole

>> No.1248654

>working as a technical writer with an art history degree.
>Make 39K (GBP) by basically copying and pasting shit all day long.

lol /sci/ majors.

>> No.1248664

enjoy your dull and unfulfilling life

>> No.1248667

>working as a park ranger
>fight bears all day

lol /sci/ majors

>> No.1248669

so you have a shitty job and make shitty money? if you're content with that, good for you i guess

>> No.1248672

Gee I wonder who should i hire who has a business degree
my nephew, my frat brother, my wives friend who's currently unemployed, someone one of my coworkers knows will be reliable or this asshole
so many choices, so little time...

>> No.1248677


>>undergrad in business management>>1248610
>>500k bonus starting

Implying that is even REMOTELY CLOSE to the truth/average.

>> No.1248711


>implying that $57 000 isn't a good starting salary for a graduate.

lol /sci/ majors.

>> No.1248745
File: 44 KB, 375x500, anyjobiwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>experience in hydroponics and growing marijuana
>any empty basement I want
>$1 million a year

'sup OP

>> No.1248788

You make 1 million a year selling pot?

>> No.1248792

>implying that will be your starting salary
So naive...

>> No.1248813

Growing it in large quantities and selling it to distributors. I've got 1200 square feet of basement dedicated to the task.

>> No.1248817
File: 30 KB, 732x732, 1276602743090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, im just advancing the human race

>> No.1248818

Fuck yeah.

>> No.1248929

So how do you do your money laundering?

>> No.1248940

own a cold beer and wine store

>> No.1248967


Interesting...I live in rural canada, where most of Canada's weed grows. I've been thinking about doing it. Any tips?

>> No.1248990

Don't get caught.

>> No.1249011

And your electric bill hasn't risen any suspicions?

>> No.1249046

>Install solar panel and a turbine
>no suspicious electricity spikes

>> No.1249058

I'm an electrical engineer and used to work as a linesman. I live out of town, and I ran my own un-metered power line. Of course, not everyone can safely do this. But if you live out of town and have some farm property, running a gas-powered generator using cheap farm gas is also a solution.

>> No.1249061



>> No.1249082

>1 million dollars a year
>laundered through a beer and wine store


also you would need more than one basement for that kind of profit. you are a grower not a retailer.

Pound of weed round here goes about 800-1000 dollars
from growers
>Implying you grow a thousand pounds a year

>> No.1249087

This fucking thread again? Every time I see it, the $$$ has gone up at least another 100k.

Fuck the fuck off, OP.

>> No.1249089

here = southern ontario btw

>> No.1249127

not told[]
nice try
better luck next time on "I lied on the internet and they fell for it"

>> No.1249442

More info?