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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.12485868

Fake and gay

>> No.12485882

>pic named "b8.jpg"

>> No.12485924

Higdon town in Alabama population is only 1398 people

Tiffany Pontes Dover
Age: 30

Location: Higdon, AL

Its literally her

>> No.12485941

Random record aggregator sites on the internet don't get daily updates from every county in the country.

>> No.12485948

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.12485961

if that death record is accurate, shes ded.

>> No.12485966

thought she was 25.

>> No.12486399

no daily post about "looking cute and maybe taking the post down later" was found. nurse tiff confirmed for kill. press f.

>> No.12486417

Not only that, she hasn't posted in six days, and she was only vaccinated two days ago, so the vaccine didn't just kill her, it retroactively killed her.

>> No.12486443

looks like they already mastered the anti-causal temporal proteomic mechanism. only a matter of time that she disappears from ever existing, then all the chads she gobbled, and then all her ancestors.

>> No.12486444 [DELETED] 

Science = Science fiction <-- jew fraud

Engineer, architect serving life humans are real .

>> No.12486450

This is some advanced level schizo

>> No.12486464 [DELETED] 

No dummy because 'virus' does not exist it is a figure of speech , like jew Americans greeting each other with 'how are you?' , but they do not care about it.


>> No.12486466 [DELETED] 
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>advanced level schizo

very simple and ugly

>> No.12486493
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I don't know what's real anymore

>> No.12486531 [DELETED] 
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>I don't know what's real anymore

Not a problem at all , no one know everything , problem is that you lazy cunt use to live in lie and you do not care or seek to see what is real.

Truth will sett you free , ... you have no clue what truth is and how to sort it out from lie, right?

If you pay atention this line probubly will change your life.

The truth does not require to believe in and lie does. ( sophisticated?)

Real problem is your own Ego illusion of your mid created about it self. You using words habitually, meaning of which, you do not understand , but you trained to react in a predictable manner.

The way to protect yourself from lie is to spotit amd it is easy to do if you tell always only words that you 100% understand.

Jews can not lie to sincerely honest people , but they can easy swindle mind full of self important
and ignorant.

Try say Only truth <-- you will fail, because you have bo idea what I am talking about, it cause you cognitive dissonance, headache, not comfy feeling, lack of the flow in conversation.

So you go in to submission of suggested imagination, that gives you direction. = being fooled.

>> No.12486553

Unironically take your meds

>> No.12486579
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omg bro you're so right! I think you know too much... The CIA, FBI, NSA, DOD, and NASA are all going to be gunning for you man. Arm yourself now! You know what bro? they probably already compromised your parents and turned them into lizards! you gotta kill them before they kill you. Uh oh... you hear those voices in the walls right? They planted a BCI in your brain during your sleep! They're trying to control your thoughts and make you listen to your therapist (AKA jew magician)!! Take that gun you bought and use it to blow that implant in your brain to bits!

>> No.12486584

her colleague just posted under one of her insta posts that she's fine.

>> No.12486592


>> No.12486628 [DELETED] 

the only virus is the jewish race

>> No.12486629

She passed out because she was nervous and on TV.

>> No.12486659

Time travel happens all the time, causality is a superstition. However you cant notice it. You also cant notice your actions changing the future.

>> No.12486668

I had a friend who was hired to be a paid online shill. He was/is very dumb in general, though he excelled at chess. These are bottom of the barrel gigs, no way are paid shills "pros".

>> No.12487492

>it retroactively killed her.
You see? YOU SEE THAT?
That's how dangerous the vaccine is, and they don't want you to know!
Like this on fb and share!!!

>> No.12487510

shitty bait

>> No.12487882

She passed out because:
she has a fear of needles
lots of people have this reaction to injections
pain makes her pass out
she passed out six times in the past few weeks, it's normal for her
she gets nervous on tv after being on camera for twenty minutes

What will be the next excuse? It's not that any of these aren't plausible, it's that people like you keep changing the excuse. Unless you're her doctor, you're just talking out of your ass on this subject. Her passing out probably isn't a signal of anything wrong with the vaccine but throwing random excuses around destroys your credibility.

>> No.12487893

It's not excuses. It's reasonable explanations for why she fainted.

>> No.12487896

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12487908

>thinking that'll convince the Plandemic retards
They'd rather convince themselves that she's dead than acknowledge a nurse working fourteen hour shifts has more important things to do than post on fucking Instagram.

>> No.12488110

kek, better explain retard how come an un-vaccinated person is a problem for the vaccinated ones

>> No.12488115

>an art
*a art

>> No.12488116

Do you want this pandemic to end?

>> No.12488123

>Do you want this pandemic to end?
it's not a problem for 99% of population under 40, ergo not everyone needs a vaccine. those 1% who are unlucky enough to get hospitalized will now inflate the hospitalizations by much if you take all the cases of flu/pneumonia etc

>> No.12488132

How do you expect to achieve herd immunity?

>> No.12488140

>How do you expect to achieve herd immunity?
older people get vaccinated and don't spread the virus or get sick, while younger people stay those 2 weeks at home and it's already over.
btw no normal person takes flu shots in Poland and we never had any problems. in fact, more people had problems after they took the shot than those who didn't.
COVID on the other hand has visibly accounted for a high excess of deaths in november (+100%) in which only 1/3 was attributed to covid officially

>> No.12488141

I want all measures against pandemic to end. Then everyone will be free to stay home/go out, wear mask/go without mask, get vaccine/avoid it and so on. It's your own choice if you want to exchange freedom for safety

>> No.12488145

So you won't reach herd immunity. Got it.

>> No.12488147

>So you won't reach herd immunity. Got it.
those deaths are from people over 50 and I said people over 40 are enough for a vaccine to end the pandemic

>> No.12488149

>nurse working fourteen hour shifts has more important things to do than post on fucking Instagram.
Posting on Tiktok?

>> No.12488158

You people are so fucking stupid. 10 months. 10 months now and you've been proven wrong every single time.

This is not about 'durr only old people die' or 'herp herp, only 1% of the population is at risk'. This is about overwhelming our hospitals and medical centers you dumb fucking retards.

Do you understand that right now because people like you are too stupid to wear a mask, stay away from family gatherings, and when it's available to take a the fucking vaccine we are RIGHT NOW already overwhelming our hospitals, and it's just going to get worse. Sure, 2% is the current rate of death and most of those are the elderly but you're ignoring that 20% of those who get Covid-19 need medical care. Yes, even if you're under 50 you may end up in the hospital. Sure you'll get well but you're taking up room that could go to something else. That death rate will rise since beds and doctors are taken.

Have a heart attack? Too bad the beds are all taken. Get in a car accident? Too bad the doctors are busy. Accidentally slip and fall in your shower? Go home.

You don't want this. Take the vaccine retards.

>> No.12488166

There are 0% deaths from the vaccine. Where does this fear of vaccine come from, but not of covid?

>> No.12488173

Governments around the world destroyed people's freedom and well-being in 2020.
Vaccine comes from the government and is expected to be enforced.
Therefore you should avoid it as long as you can.

You can add vaccine being rushed and not tested enough + lack of successful vaccines against previous coronademics. But that really isn't that important compared to the previous point.

>> No.12488174

russia, trump promotes russia's agenda, russia has covertly killed over 300 thousand americans with the help of trump promoting anti covid protection propaganda, admittingly it wasn't that hard to do against stupid americans

>> No.12488182

If government goes full orwell for almost a year and you STILL have complete failure in fighting the corona, then either those orwellian measures are the actual goal, or government is fully incompetent. In both cases it's better to avoid what government is trying to inject in you.

>> No.12488183

>You can add vaccine being rushed and not tested enough + lack of successful vaccines against previous coronademics.
Has been tested. Proven effective and safe. Why do you ignore this?

>> No.12488184

Anytime you try to prohibit questioning, it generates even more questions. Reacting negatively, especially with name calling, makes you appear emotional, which is common when hiding something. What's going on now with the vaccine promoters is that they're taking the path of greatest resistance, guaranteeing the minimum desire for the vaccine.

>> No.12488192

>russia, trump promotes russia's agenda,
I thought the dem's mueller investigation turned up squat on this? yet the dems are in bed with the chinks to a blatant degree?

>> No.12488193

Why do you want to maximize distrust?

>> No.12488196

>There are 0% deaths from the vaccine. Where does this fear of vaccine come from, but not of covid?

you do realize, retards, that according to experts the vaccine at best will offer protection for a year. pretty much most preprints were proven true in the last months so it was expected since jan/feb.
natural protection is much much better than a vaccine when your death rate is like 0.2-0.5% for people below 50

>> No.12488210
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>Strictest restrictions
>Claims to be the epicenter of covid
Do you not see why everyone thinks you're a liar and a clown? All you're accomplishing is getting further and further away from your claimed goal. Go to the library get a copy of 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. Actually read it (this doesn't work through osmosis or by showing it off to your friends). Reflect on its message. Gain an understanding of how you personally have been responsible for the distrust that you decry. Feel bad about your behavior. Apologize to everyone. Start acting like a decent human. Stop acting like a toddler told to go to bed.

>> No.12488216

10 months ago it was clear that the virus is only (somewhat) dangerous for 70+ years olds, measures against it are worse than the virus itself and you can't beat it with masks.
Now it's clear that the virus is only (somewhat) dangerous for 70+ years olds, measures against it are worse than the virus itself and you can't beat it with masks.

Should we wait another year?

>> No.12488272

I don't know how long it will take for you to understand this isn't just about the mortality.

>> No.12488282

it's about the medical care system and with 50+ people with COVID out of the picture, there is no possibility of exceeding any capacity of a system

>> No.12488289

If someone has barely any chance to die from the virus, then he is probably OK with no or minimal medical help.

>> No.12488307

Not your or any individuals choice to make. If you harm the public health the public can and will impose duties upon you to rectify the harm you cause the public.

>> No.12488308
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Chance of dying is related to medical treatment.

>> No.12488389

Correct, that's why people with almost no chance to die need way less medical treatment if any,

>> No.12488397

That's not the answer to >>12488289 in any way.

>> No.12488408

Yeah I thought I was replying to a /fit/ thread, my bad.

>> No.12488415

Public imposition of lifting sounds spooky.

>> No.12488418

I'm starting to think this is probably true.

You get admitted and some morbidly obese nurse with a HERO tattoo on her hand comes up to you and say(with a voice like elvis, aquired form smoking 12 million cigartettes in the last two years)
>Look at me, I'm the doctor now
>Lets fire up the 'ol respirator and show this patient how lives are saved.
>[hurricane sounds drowns out the rest of the conversation]
>[the last thing you see is your ribcage exploding]
>cause of death: covid

>> No.12488984

Never started. I want the covid 1984 regime to end.

>> No.12489171

counter bump

>> No.12489173

Really? Would you really put someone like that on tv? Especially if you want to calm people about the vaccine?

>> No.12489179

>that many words
>not a single argument or debunk
How much do you get paid for shilling here?

>> No.12489186

It's none of your business.

>> No.12489198

>Proven effective and safe.
lol only a retard makes such a statement
>it's safe guys, it's safe science said so because only minor short term effects
>mid and long term? who cares?

>> No.12490330

Youtube was having ads on getting a flu shot recently with a healthy white nuclear family at the forefront

>> No.12490348
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>> No.12491428

cringe... pretty low post for /sci/

>> No.12491454
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>60 replies omitted

>> No.12491518

If only it were that simple: There are times I wish that Bertrand Russell's offhand recommendation to glass Moscow while the West still had a monopoly on the bomb had been put into effect, since a century of trolling Asiatic despots is getting to be a bit much, even when subtracting for the 90s interregnum.

>> No.12491725

this is what we have with restrictions: hospitals slammed to shit, doctors and nurses doing days without sleep, insane hours...

this is WITH restrictions. have you considered what things would be like WITHOUT restrictions?

for an example of that, think of northern italy when the virus first hit. people dying in their homes, services so clogged you have to keep the corpses in your home as well, doctors endlessly having to choose who to attempt to treat out of 5 people who will die...

>> No.12491871

Before the vaccine she was.
Now she's 40!

>> No.12492029


>> No.12492033
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>> No.12492058

I know its horrible!!
(((they))) cant keep covering up deaths.
First tiffany and now Donald Trump!
This Covid vacine must be made out of pure satanium.

The death reports dont lie!

>> No.12492061

now that you mention it, i havent seen donald trump for about 3 weeks...

>> No.12492151

Just two weeks to flatten the curve, guys!

>> No.12492158

Hes literally on twitter everyday you mong

>> No.12492328

nice shill post

>> No.12492343

>implying he doesnt have staff that handles his twitter.

>> No.12492381

First non interracial add (black man, white women, gay Asian incel) ofc in a decade.

>> No.12492570

>pure satanium
you're joking, but the Q boomers found out about luciferase in test kits and actually believe devil worshippers put it there

>> No.12492658

Fuck off back to >>>/plebbit/

>> No.12492673

Why do you fucking idiots fall for this shit bait? She has a condition where she easily faints because of slight pain. She said that directly after getting up again... She didn't even faint, it was just nausea.
Hospital confirms all of this.

First fucking result in Google.
Stop replying to these obvious bait threads.

>> No.12492921
File: 36 KB, 648x271, COME_ON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you don't mean to tell me someone got PAID to post this...

>> No.12493826

>She didn't even faint, it was just nausea.
Most people don't collapse to the floor due to nausea. Also it was monumentally stupid to use her for a tv broadcast if it was already known she would faint, sorry, have "nausea", if stuck by a needle.
The "she's dead" crowd are morons and trolls but you're feeding them by spouting equally stupid crap that makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.12493834

>his is WITH restrictions. have you considered what things would be like WITHOUT restrictions?
Did you read the post at all? California has the strictest restrictions and claims to have the worst outbreak. So the answer to your question of what it would be like without restrictions, according to California, the outbreak would be lesser than it is now.
Now actually read this post and the article before making another brain dead zombie reply without actually understanding what you are replying to.

>> No.12493845

statistically insignificant
mods, please remove this post before it misleads anyone else.

>> No.12493934

So you're a faggot. Fagit.

>> No.12495427

>passes out
>"oh don't worry she does this all the time"
Seems like a perfectly good candidate to be a nurse

>> No.12495483

>nurse gets cancer and then explodes from the vaccine
>uh, not a big deal, she already exploded ten times

>> No.12496382

What a fucking retard

>> No.12496494

>Take vaccine on live TV
>Faint because of the extreme pressure of being on TV, the stress you've been going through as a nurse, the societal implications of taking this on live TV, and overall the entire COVID situation
>Conspiratards are known for doxxing and ruining the lives of those who go against them
>Decide not to post for a little while and take a break from social media to avoid backlash from anti-vaxx crowd
>Hospital I work for sends out a video to calm people down, and conspiratards do as they will and start red circling and saying I'm an actor
>DGAF, just excited to go to the club soon


>> No.12496495

>we cute your leg to heal your cavities
>just imagine what toothache will you get with your leg intact!

>> No.12496526

Doesn't sound like someone suited for the stresses of being a nurse. Maybe she should go be an accountant instead.

>> No.12496545

>Doesn't sound like someone suited for the stresses of being a nurse.
Most people aren't. The alternative is not having enough nurses and having people die as a result.

>> No.12496562

Most nurses I've dealt with in the hospital don't even do anything related to blood draws (phlebotomists usually even inpatient) or injections (they get some randos to do this even residents who are unlucky enough to be around the patient at that time).
I've had nurses who don't know how to take BPs, weights, or temps. They're still important for cleaning up after the patient and making sure the room doesn't stink but that's practically it.
There are some good nurses out there though that do what they are supposed to do but a lot just want to sit around and will bitch and moan and won't provide any care except fluffing a pillow now and then and cleaning out the bedpan.

>> No.12496615

What do you think happens when a lot of people are infected?

>> No.12496626

>greater resistance
>muh desire
Bitch you retards can't mobilize and organize for shit.
You're a bunch of poor low IQ goons with no strong identity or culture to rally around. Whether you get vaccinated or not depends entirely on how serious the elites are about vaccinating your asses.

Most so called democratic countries function at some level because the democracy is hijacked. Everything that's good about your country has nothing to do with the will of the people.

>> No.12496656

>that according to experts the vaccine at best will offer protection for a year.
This is only true if there's another strain that becomes problematic. Otherwise the protection will last for a lot longer than a year. Your body will be able to produce the right reaction to the antigens of the virus as long as it can, which means as long as you have memory cells for the antigens of the virus. And for the average person, that's decades for family of viruses it keeps coming across. For viruses that are "rarer", it's still over a year.

>> No.12496660

Only a retard (you) would rely on anything else besides what most experts say, when you lack basic understanding of immunology.

>> No.12496668

Not him but distrust is obviously going to happen when people don't take many vaccines to begin with. Only way to have trust is for people to take vaccines.

People carry cellphones, yet they don't fear getting cancer from them. There was an attempt to fearmonger before but it failed. The reason is that people got used to phones. Get them used to vaccine, and they'll stop bitching like women.

>> No.12496688

>10 months ago it was clear that the virus is only (somewhat) dangerous for 70+ years olds, measures against it are worse than the virus itself and you can't beat it with masks.
This isn't true. It was dangerous for the obese, and people over 50 with lung complications due to smoking. Younger but not so old people also got complications that are severe, though not deadly.

>measures against it are worse than the virus itself
Lockdown? Sure for some people, since that can be quite damaging to their mental and physical health even.
There's no downsides to vaccine, besides manageable allergic reactions. People that are anti lockdown and also anti vax are the biggest subhuman dimwits.

>> No.12496690

>Guy fucking dies from a coal mine collapsing
>Doesn't sound like someone suited for the stresses of being a miner. Maybe he should go be an accountant instead.
What the fuck is your alternative dumbass? Oh boohoo a fucking medical professional is a human being with stresses in an incredibly obtuse situation who otherwise does her job perfectly fine. You're out of your league.

>> No.12496711

Women are weak, more news at 11.
Also in a better world, only men would be nurses. Women doctors are competent but female nurses aren't cut for the job.
Not him but this is the problem when society genderized the medical field so that doctors can have pussy to fuck everynow and then. You end up having incompetent people as nurses.
And yes you read that right, doctors do fuck nurses even after carving out a tumour out of a patient. They're the sickest people I've met. Maybe it's a way for them to deal with the stress...

>> No.12496723

In your analogy she died. Is that what you want to go with?
What's my alternative? People work jobs they're able to perform. Yes, that's sacrilegious to you lefties who believe in equality of outcome in all things and that merit is a curse word. If she can't do her job without freaking out all the time, she should do something else. It puts people's lives in danger otherwise.

>> No.12496731

>Faints during an occasion that literally not anywhere near her job description, under incredible stress which has no analog to a medical situation.
> I just think you should do your job bro

>> No.12496735

Those sound like nurse's assistants. The woman in question is a nurse in a leadership role over other nurses.

>> No.12496739

Or b finding people who are suited for nursing. Do you truly believe that no one who isn't a nurse now could be qualified to be one?

>> No.12496743

What is your argument? What are you talking about? The historical reason for women being nurses is they are better caretakers, something doctors are not usually good at. If your idea is that nurses are female because doctors want a hole to fuck, you have N E V E R met a doctor. They're some of the most spergy unfuckable people on our planet.

>> No.12496752

When you take something complex like vaccine, you want it to be made by someone competent and good.
Covid fight showed that government is incompetent, malignant or both.
So when government pushes a vaccine, it's natural to avoid it as long as you can.

>> No.12496805

Of course there's people capable of being a nurse who currently aren't one, and there's probably a reason they chose to not be a nurse (like low pay for the stress of the job). How are you going to convince those people to become nurses?