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File: 120 KB, 2050x821, sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12485847 No.12485847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be TA
>get picrelated from a female student
Is she being too sweet or is there something else going on?

>> No.12485855

She's being polite and sending out thank-you's to people.
Don't start stalking her you fucking chud.

>> No.12485859
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She wants your cock you faggot

>> No.12485861

she wants the dick. respond to her and say the only break you're interested in is the one between her labial folds.

>> No.12485862

This. Stop being a pussy and ask her out.

>> No.12485863
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>> No.12485865


>> No.12485874

Watch him recoil in horror
"I've been found out!"

>> No.12485893

Don't fuck with students you virgin. She's sending these to everyone because of Covid and she's not interested. If you want to fuck undergrads stick to tinder and people outside your department

>> No.12485895


>> No.12485898

>She's sending these to everyone because of Covid and she's not interested.
What's her endgame?

>> No.12485904
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>Watch him recoil in horror
>"I've been found out!"

>> No.12485908

I bet you'd sent out an 'innocent' request for feedback. I'm right, aren't I?

>> No.12485909

Wrong board

>> No.12485913

our feedback surveys were already completed like a week ago. She also attended my office hours almost every week.

>> No.12485917

What do you look like?
What does she look like?

>> No.12485923

6'5 nerd with an unkept beard
>What does she look like?
no idea (it's all online for me)

>> No.12485928

You've never met her? It's just politeness.

>> No.12485931

why would someone be so polite? Why are women like this?

>> No.12485935
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>> No.12485936

You sound like a MIT student. Absolutely no social decorum

>> No.12485940

I'm just practical, man. If you're being nice to everyone, you're nice to no one. It comes off as superficial.

>> No.12485946

Having basic empathy? We all did it to for our grad course professor

>> No.12485949

she wouldn't have voluntarily emailed you if she didn't at least think you were cute ish (women don't voluntarily talk to men they think are ugly, they simply ignore them)

there's a couple routes you could pursue: do you think you have a chance, do you like her at all? is she attractive? send an email saying you'd be happy to help review more concepts in the future, or maybe help tutor or something over the break/next semester. say she was a good student. this is testing the waters and can be interrpreted innocently, so this is what I'd do.

alternatively, if you don't like her, just ignore.

remember, so long as her major is out of department you should be good. women get involved with academics above them very often (power dynamic attracts them), but this only works if youre not a social autist or can play the subtle game well. good luck, I wouldn't just let it slide if I were you, it's definitely a positive sign she's at least open to something further, maybe in a test the waters sort of way

>> No.12485950

I was an RA in a lab in MIT and the guys are great in bed. Is this what female students have to deal with?

>> No.12485951

I have no empathy towards one of my instructors, because he is a cunt. My other instructor this semester was my advisor, so there's no fair way to assess this. And even if I did why would I bother them with these emails?

>> No.12485952

reply asking for her Snapchat.

>> No.12485955

>If you're being nice to everyone, you're nice to no one
dude wtf so if I start calling everyone I see a nigger I'm actually only being superficially rude?

>> No.12485956

Ok virgin

>> No.12485960

Have sex

>> No.12485963

>start calling everyone I see a nigger
You don't seem to get the point. Ok, let me put it the other way. If you're being spiteful to everyone, you're spiteful to no one. So no, calling everyone a nigger won't work either, because the word will lose its meaning/punch. I'll just get fired and that's about it.

>> No.12485967
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already did

>> No.12485970

You're denser than a neutron star if you can't comprehend why students have been sending thank you emails this semester

>> No.12485971

good thread OP. It has created quite an enlightening conversation bellow.

>> No.12485977

I struggled myself quite a bit, but just because we have some bat cough floating around doesn't mean you need to pester me with these superficial emails. If you don't have a sound reason to email me, then fuck off.

>> No.12485978

>calling everyone a nigger won't work either, because the word will lose its meaning/punch
It won't actually because not everyone calls each other a nigger, just like not everyone tells each other to have a nice break all the time. Yeah okay my example was a little extreme but think of that message as just politeness. Words don't lose their meaning if you use them all the time necessarily, they just get less strong. This is why Europeans think we're all fake weirdos, but in reality, we're just being polite to each other by smiling and asking our each other's days are going. There's nothing wrong with that and it doesn't mean we're fake. It's just that what we see as politeness might be stronger in another culture. But politeness isn't meaningless, it's still something. On the flip side, I see lots of Europeans as weird, autists who seem like they're ready to punch me in the face for no reason. It goes both ways.

>> No.12485980

>just because we have some bat cough floating around doesn't mean you need to pester me with these superficial emails. If you don't have a sound reason to email me, then fuck off.
Okay you're just an asshole. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.12485982

why the racism?

>> No.12485984

try harder, nigger

>> No.12485997
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Re: LG
Oh, hey... You know, what made me put effort on this was the great people who came to me, specially you. You know, I'm kinda alone this summer break, so if you want to come hang out... like, we can go to the forest see how they make maple syrup... and maybe you cna let me collect your syrup if you know what I mean. call me, my lady. here's a pic of me, lmao I'm so silly, stay safe.

>> No.12486002

It's nothing, she's just kissing ass and possibly hoping for a better grade

I would pull the professor card and just ignore it

>> No.12486003

nah, she was very sweet. I just responded with something similar and wished her a Merry Christmas.

>> No.12486009
File: 56 KB, 720x696, tired_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female mentioned in OP
>40 replies on /sci/ within an hour
have sex

>> No.12486034

>have sex

>> No.12486046
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 432424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fantasy, I will fuck a trap again some day. We're gonna make it bro.

>> No.12486051


>> No.12486052
File: 63 KB, 612x407, istockphoto-802349002-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having basic empathy?

>> No.12486063

It is my professional opinion that the woman in this email is not implying any romantic interest at all. However, she obviously thinks of you as a positive part of her life and there is a strong possibility that she is not necessarily opposed to the idea of romantic entanglement. Make a move if you want OP, just don't be shocked if she is not interested.

24 y/o virgin btw

>> No.12486069

>24 y/o virgin btw
We could tell

>> No.12486070

Same reason people give gifts to strangers. It makes them feel good.

>> No.12486086

It seems so selfish. My parents raised me to explicitly never give charity to anyone except if they're in real need. I remember my dad donated once in my life: to an old frail man begging on the street.

>> No.12486090

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.12486099
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>> No.12486106

You have made a terrible mistake.

>> No.12486110
File: 267 KB, 547x596, blue board gigachad says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I singlehandedly made at least two athletes ineligible and got academic dishonesty put on the records of several more in this semester alone.

>> No.12486125

how so?

>> No.12486138
File: 189 KB, 700x697, 1608240371203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ineligible by GPA- by luck their grade in my class put them under the line for eligibility and I don't entertain their feeble supplications for a pity bump

>> No.12486154

bro my professors are craven fags who are too scared to fail anyone, let alone athletes. You won't believe the amount of shit they asked us to do to make sure the students don't fail and get high grades.

>> No.12486223

We don't have much, but we have the at least we have the standards to pass people who can't tie their own shoes, especially ath uh letes. It's hardly fair to the people that earned the A that every bum is getting one for throwing a ball. The entitlement this year from people who seemingly can't read made me fucking furious.

>> No.12486232

>professional opinion
>24 y/o virgin


>> No.12486234

Damn, I thought I was the only one who reported cheating

>> No.12486236
File: 188 KB, 688x2150, 1607958409542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be TA
So a neurotic midwit worthy of a lobotomy?

>> No.12486240

i do this and i'm a guy. do my ta's think i'm gay?
not that they would be wrong. my freshman discrete math ta was so hot. i was desparate for him. spent all semester in office hours despite not needing it. found out he had a girlfriend during finals week.

>> No.12486241

*to not pass

>> No.12486249

you are fucking retarded, she is either grateful or wants a grade boost

>> No.12486305
File: 29 KB, 452x363, 1608269756699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12486566

you're gay

>> No.12486571

Yeah, you are a douche. It's honestly not that surprising that the idea of someone being nice for no particular reason is foreign to you.

>> No.12486581
File: 178 KB, 303x311, 1607218450959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is your problem? You have got to be a pajeet/arab/chink. You can't even fathom someone being nice, by merely thanking you for helping them...?

>> No.12486591

This female is also a tranny. I just want her fat cock.

>> No.12486593

I am an F1 student, that is true. Your American nicety in general comes off as superficial and extremely suspicious. Earn my trust as a friend first and then I'll be the nicest person on earth to you. But when you do this to a complete stranger it's just weird and uncomfortable.

>> No.12486596

She's being polite you idiot.

>> No.12486604

You are literally insulting someone for being polite and giving a genuine compliment. Having a default response of contempt, when realizing it was a compliment with no expectations, makes you a douche.

>> No.12486607

ok ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.12486608

no one gives a shit about you being a good friend you disgusting shitskin. The reason white people hate nonwhites is because you lack common decency, empathy, and the ability to just be good, honest men. How can you be so self-centered? The fact it is suspicious just goes to show how shit your home country/culture is. I could MAYBE see if you were a professor who lectured a class of 200 and never interacted with the students or something. It is uncomfortable because your interactions with your own people are so horrible, that the niceties of normal people alert you. You're like an abused dog snapping at someone trying to pet it. Oh wait, you probably find keeping dogs as pets to be pointless/gross too, don't you?

>> No.12486613

I'm a white europoor, kek. Go back to /pol/, retard.
>The fact it is suspicious just goes to show how shit your home country/culture is.
or maybe it just shows that we're aren't as gullible and don't take things at face value
>Oh wait, you probably find keeping dogs as pets to be pointless/gross too, don't you?
wtf are you on about?

>> No.12486633

what the actual fuck is wrong with you
Serious question, you should go to your local psychology department so they can study how you have no empathy

>> No.12486635

I think it might be autism

>> No.12486645


>> No.12486650

You are not fooling anyone. Your niceties are as fake as your smiling resting face. You even smile for ID photographs.

>> No.12486652


> The reason white people hate nonwhites is because you lack common decency, empathy, and the ability to just be good, honest men.

Like the genocide of native americans and giving them small pox blankets.

or the slavery of african americans to work on your cotton farms.

Beneath all that fake "decency" lies the biggest demon, white people really have no morals, its intellectual self service. Its looking in the mirror and putting up appearences, hence they are white and reflect light.

> He knew the evil of all bad things and the evil of all good things.

>> No.12486672


>> No.12486673

Her Mom told her to send "thank you" letters to people. Many girls do this, it's a weird cultural thing here in America.

There was literally nothing personal in the message, see how you blanked out her name and your name?

You could put any name in the "to" and any name in the "from" and nobody would ever know.

This is completely impersonal and she sent a thank you to every professor and TA she had/worked with.

I almost always say "go for it" but come on, don't shit where you sleep, you're begging for some sort of weird conflict of interest problem.

>> No.12486675

Remember when there were advice threads outside of /adv/? One recurring theme was to thank people when you learned something from them, say, from a blog post or book.
This is her doing exactly that.

>> No.12486678

This makes it sound even more like the kind of girl who sends out "thank you" letters.

>> No.12486682
File: 39 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but like it's my job. I'm not doing it out of good will, I'm getting payed for it and it keeps me from paying tuition. Idk maybe I'm weirded out by the whole thing because I personally never went to any TA office hours and rarely did for the instructors' ones.

>> No.12486683

is trolling /sci/ really this easy?

>> No.12486686


>> No.12486693


>> No.12486715

Now that I've read the thread I realize my suspicious are correct and you're a sad, broken, autistic retard. It's unfortunate that once you leave academia that your autism will make you completely unemployable (they don't care how "smart" you are, 99.99% of an interview is "can I spend 8 hours with this guy/girl without wanting to blow my brains out" and 100% of the time with you autistic fags the answer is "no".
I've turned down plenty of 4.0's and high 3's and offered jobs to high 2's just because I can spend a day with them.

This is part of the reason why, and I can see it now... I hire some autistic fagbag and a week later need to mediate a sexual harassment case because the lady in HR smiled at him and sent a "personalized" welcome letter.

I understand that you don't get it, you won't get it, you can't get it.
It's unfortunate we waste so much money allowing you to go to school with the hopes that you could possibly be a real person and have a place in society.

>> No.12486723


Well if you are from India or Middle eastern you will assume she secretly wants you to stalke her and propose at least 15 times.

>> No.12486725

>need to mediate a sexual harassment case because the lady in HR smiled at him and sent a "personalized" welcome letter.
first of all I personally never harassed anyone
secondly, no need to be personal at a workplace
and finally, why do you sound so butthurt?

>> No.12486736

I get that due to your disability you probably think I sound butthurt. But I'm not. I just don't respect subhumans like yourself.

It's incredibly obvious that you are plagued with autism and likely other mental ailments and it's probably just better for our species that women know well enough not to reproduce with creatures like you.

>> No.12486738

If you haven't ever gone to office hours then you probably haven't seen how bad they can actually be. You are just doing your job, but you choose to do it well instead of half assing it.

She genuinely seemed to have been helped by that effort and wanted to let you know that it was important to her that even though things may have been hard for you that she was touched by your efforts.

It's like thanking a waitress who was kind and thoughtful versus just moving on from one who did the bare minimum. Does that make sense?

>> No.12486741

>Like the genocide of native americans and giving them small pox blankets.
>or the slavery of african americans to work on your cotton farms.

You are a proud feminist liberal progressive so be sure to keep blaming people for the sins of their ancestors.

>> No.12486742

You're dealing with a non-white.
Although there are plenty who aren't like that.

>> No.12486744

kinda, thanks

>> No.12486747

cool story, mega-corp, candace

No wonder you people need to force everyone to buy all of the absolutely useless expensive consumerist "features" that no one wants or needs to make a profit.

Fuck it must suck working for someone like you, where everyone takes their lead from the "marketing department".

>> No.12486751

>But I'm not.
you sure do. At least it sounds like you have no empathy towards autists in particular. Tell me, who hurt you?

>> No.12486755

I lived with a flatmate who came to the US for stats PhD from Europe. We have very different standards on niceness and it can be hard to adjust. But do know that it is considered very insulting to denigrate someone else's attempt to be kind, as this thread exemplifies. If you ever don't understand why someone is being nice to you it's a good idea to just say "thank you". I'm generally a very giving person and it took a lot of time for him to realize I wasn't trying to set him up in some sort of social trap by trying to make sure he had food and giving him my spare cooking utensils.

>> No.12486788

Why the racism?

>> No.12486793
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>> No.12486797

You're wasting your time. 95% of zoomers are 100% self-centered. They don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

>> No.12486803
File: 729 KB, 769x578, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12486806

Tell her, her thank you note is unwanted and inappropriate and that if she contacts you again you'll have to file a harrasment complaint.

Oh wait, you can't do that because you're not female.

>> No.12486836

To be honest I thought OP was the most autistic one itt and then a bunch of spregs came out of the woodwork to talk about lesser people and bitch about women. Thank god he can be in good company

>> No.12486873

He thinks Americans are fake and their niceness is shallow and a cheap. Smiling all the time is 100% fake.

>> No.12486880

Claiming to be the only one with empathy guarantees you don't have any.

>> No.12486900

You read it folks, this is an HR professional. These fucks think a company is a social event and run it like one. Protip: Boycott these types and associate only with hardworking introverts. Leave chad and Stacy to laugh and socialize as they sink in poverty.

>> No.12486983


>> No.12487114

This step can be safely skipped at this point. Just show up on her doorstep with a bottle of lube and a box of condoms.

>> No.12487128

she wants the D:\

>> No.12487138
File: 156 KB, 1240x1532, 66e1b1efcf8383b57191201965ecce21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you haven't ever gone to office hours then you probably haven't seen how bad they can actually be.
now I am curious
I went to them once or twice but they did not seem too bad

>> No.12487141

fucking lol

>> No.12487153

>Paying 20k a year
>Make sure you send your emails ballwasing everyone slightly higher on the social hierarchy than you.
Is this the fate of the midwit grad student

>> No.12487159

>white europoor
so nonwhite

>> No.12487165

>giving them small pox blankets.
Fake news besides by the time of English settlers time the all but the most isolated natives already got and died from every major western disease

>> No.12487226

This is how I know you have minimal romantic interaction with women. This isn't that. Just send her a "Thanks, being a TA was my pleasure, best of luck in the future" and move on

>> No.12487606
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>> No.12487640

>implying she doesn't want him to go bareback after sending an email like that

>> No.12487660

This, OP. I sent a personalized email to one of my T.A.s because they were particularly helpful whilst the other T.A.s in the course put in minimal effort for everything. You have never met her IRL, she has zero interest in you romantically, but evidently you did a commendable job as a T.A. Have some gratitude and mode on.

>> No.12488008

She's clearly madly in love OP. Can seriously not tell?

>> No.12488202

>Cries about empathy
>Makes posts like this
It's like pottery.

>> No.12488227

Nice. Let us know once you smash that pussy.

>> No.12488246

Fuck off back to your shithole country. You need to earn the trust of the people letting you in their fucking country, not the other way around.

>> No.12488277
File: 131 KB, 1080x1020, 1607868890063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no girl congratulates with you at uni

>> No.12488404

>everyone I don't like is this lame word that I stole from a horror movie that nobody remembers

>> No.12488460

Pretty sure she's just being polite. I don't see how you could ask her out over email without it being terribly awkward

>> No.12488478

You guys know that woman... are people... right?
A guy and a girl could send this email and there would be no difference. There's no flirting or anything. I sent this email to a TA this semester who helped us way more than was required of him - but if a girl sends it, it's flirting? lmfao you fucking autists all of you