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12472964 No.12472964 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to STEM Career Advice General!
This thread exists to posit questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Advice on academia based career progression
> Advice on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

>> No.12472980
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anon helping anons, very good.

You could add this resource to the thread template in the future: https://academia.stackexchange.com
Not always helpful but sometimes

>> No.12473004

Are any anons actually offering/looking for sci jobs? I had a PhD opportunity I was advertising a while ago, and would have loved to make the it visible to free-range anon applicants. But was afraid to purchase an ad in case it blew up all over my institute XD

>> No.12473016

How does one escape the academia hellhole without an engineering/ML/AI background?

>> No.12473030

academia hellhole

What do you mean exactly? Daily grind of repetitive experimentation, low pay, or the political correctness epidemic?

>> No.12473052

All three of course, plus the prospect of going from postdoc to postdoc ad vitam aeternam without ever being certain to find a tenured position, ending up 40 with no work experience.

>> No.12473055

well, if you want to go to industry, my main advice is to just learn to code. I went to a lot of career fairs with some colleagues when I was finishing my PhD, and I got offers left and right just because I seemed to be the only molecular biologist around who knew how to code.

>> No.12473072

I see. That's also what I was thinking about, looking at random linkedin offers, coding seems to be my weak spot. I know lots of theory that's potentially implementable and useful, I've just never actually implemented anything in practice.

>> No.12473089

How do you show off your coding skills if your degrees don't necessarily prove you have them? Do you just keep a personal webpage or share scripts containing funny/esoteric/interesting original content?

>> No.12473094

Start with something simple that has high-level toolkits for your job. I'd reccomend Python.

Define a small part of your research you'd like to automate and see how that can be done. It might not only make for seamless learning-by-doing, but also generate a toolkit allowing you to be more productive over the next 5 years if you do continue working in that field.

>> No.12473098

you mention it on your CV and link to your social coding profile (github, gitlab, bitbucket, or you can also self-host). You can also try to find a bigger project in your field and contribute to it. Then you can write something like Neurodebian or Neurogentoo contributor. That sort of thing shows not only that you can do the job, but that you can work in a multi-person coding project.

>> No.12473128

Is it true that EE has horrible career prospects?
I've read that it's expected to have like -10% growth and everyone online says it's impossible to get a job anymore because Indians and Chinese control the entire industry.

>> No.12473144

>Indians and Chinese control the entire industry
If you want to go into industry you need connections to cheap manufacturing. Not necessarily east Asia, but it will mostly be that. Also know a guy who makes transistors in eastern Europe. Other people I know have set up collaborations with Chinese companies. Another guy I know develops neuromorphic chips in Karlsruhe (DE) and outsources the production to Shenzhen. It's basically his start-up, but I am sure big companies also don't necessarily ship you to china.

>Is it true that EE has horrible career prospects?
From what I can tell EE industry prospects are stellar.

>> No.12473148

This probably takes some time though, is there a way out if you're going to graduate very soon? I'm afraid bringing my skills up to par will take too much time and I won't be seen as a "recent graduate" anymore. For some reasons this seems to matter a lot for entry-level positions

>> No.12473155

not sure re your time frame. But I got my coding skills as I was doing my MSc. thesis and they were good enough to get hired as "the data analysis guy" for my PhD half a year later (took a break for that purpose specifically).

>> No.12473162

I'm not even talking about being shipped to China, I'm talking about foreign nationals coming here on H1B.
I've heard people say every subfield is garbage for a career besides computers, and that one is totally controlled by foreign nationals.

>> No.12473171

I was considering a break of, say, 3-6 months or something, but even that seems to be a lot if I don't find something quickly or if this fails as I would be completely on my own and not pampered by university as is usually the case.

>> No.12473176

>totally controlled by foreign nationals
I know about the diversity nonsense, and "every group needs solidarity except whites" but it's actually less of a problem than in academia. For industry and non-CS-starup-stuff being worried about that is mostly schizo talk. If you have the skills for the job you'll get it in as far as there's work to be done, and from what I can see from colleagues (worked in an EE institute, but I was CS not EE), there's plenty of work that needs doing and they all landed great jobs.

>> No.12473185

Depending on how smart and driven you are, 3-6 months might be more than enough. Might also help to see what tools the companies you'd be applying for like to see expertise in. Most of them are FOSS nowadays, so you can just find their code repository on Github, find a few open bugs, and try to fix them.

>> No.12473193
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>last week
>did polemic statement about trannies durig a classroom
>presented good arguments, said nothing that would infringe their human rights
>defused any complaints by stating that trannies are normal people who deserve equal rights to anyone
>got an e-mail from the university director
>he want to talk with me

oh boy

>> No.12473194

I want to eventually apply for a masters degree in my field. I fucked up this semester and will likely finish with a B- in one of my courses. We have the option to mask any passing grades as “Pass” on our transcript due to COVID. If I have a 4.0 otherwise, should I mask this grade? Also if it helps I am at a fringe top ten school in my field.

>> No.12473209

>he actually thought uni is a place for open dialogue and free thought

>> No.12473220

Either way your transcript won't give you any problems.

>> No.12473224

keep your calm, go with:
* "I am simply commenting my perspective on relevant issues"
* "I am sharing knowledge I have gained and am happy to engage in mutually respectful discussion and consider points which I might have been unaware of"

If you are threatened:
* "I don't think it should be admissible for political censorship to happen at an institution for learning"
* "I want to support an inclusive environment at <institution>, and as such I think it is important that we can have civil discussions including and especially about topics of high social relevance."

If someone brings up the point that "hurr durr speech is an action and it is aggressive", explain the difference between locutionary and illocutionary acts:
* "I am voicing a summary or opinion on facts, that is locution and never aggressive. If you want to penalize or censor me, that is not locution and that is in fact aggression." - i.e. if penalties are on the table you are the victim, not the aggressor.

If penalties actually get applied, consult fire. They help people in situations like these out pro bono:

>> No.12473228

How critical is an internship really? People make it seem like if you dont get one youre screwed, but is that really the case?

>> No.12473237

That's a load of bull but I agree with >>12473224
Good advice, but don't act threatening towards him. At my uni, the leadership is aware of the PC problem. I guess it's very likely he'll tell you not to do it again and that's it. It's just virtue signaling that action has been taken.

>> No.12473239

Generally not necessary, but it certainly always helps if you can get one.
If you're only considering one company, definitely try to get one.
Better overall would be "scattershot" approach. Companies get at least 10-20 qualified applicants for a job, so to b on chance parity, apply for at least 10-20 positions.

>> No.12473240

Dependant. What is your program of study and what is your goal? (e.g. obtain a masters degree, immediately get an industry job, etc.)

>> No.12473242 [DELETED] 

In most cases they will not be vocal about penalties, they'll just shadowban you (every single application will get rejected over arbitrary criteria or unstated reasons or they'll always give you average grades in a way you can't counterargument by including subjective questions/tasks)

>> No.12473244

How do I get into AI without going through college?

>> No.12473249

How do you even go about securing an internship without nepotism?
I have a 3.0 GPA and my transcript is a mess. No extracurriculars or "projects" at all.
Entering 2nd half of junior year in January.

>> No.12473263

What're you studying? Less applicable for CS/engi, but try and obtain research experience with a professor at your institution. Do-so on a volunteer basis, and perhaps they will use grant money to hire you as a research assistant if you pull your weight.

>> No.12473268

Don't expect to graduate in EE and get a job doing what you studied. I specialized in radio and nobody was hiring for it. I've never had a problem getting a job, but I haven't done any real circuit design, PCB work, or anything like that in years. I worked in manufacturing doing machine trouble shooting and PLC work for years because electricians are completely incompetent. My advice would be to multitask, getting someone who can do hardware, software, and hands on industrial is very valuable.

>> No.12473275

Yes, very important, never come off as aggressive in situaions such as these. The boss usually makes the call, and even if he is woke himself, he might be more accommodating of a calm and civil ideological opponent, than of people "on his side" who are aggressive and entitled about wasting his time with this sort of thing.

However, be very careful what, if any, concessions you offer to make. You can easily let yourself be cornered for the future if any of the woketards get the impression that they won. A good strategy for not making concessions is: "how am I supposed to do that?" Example:

A: You should stop making transphobic comments.
B: I am sorry if what I said came across that way. I merely wanted to share this information with my colleagues, how am I supposed to do that without coming across as transphobic?

>> No.12473286


Yes, you can try to intern at your institute. Plenty of them have "undergrad research opportunities", which are basically internships.

>> No.12473288

I tried to get some research experience with a professor a few semesters ago and it wasn't a good experience and convinced me to stay out of academia.

I made an A in one of the early EE classes and emailed the professor asking if I could volunteer in his lab. He said yes and I thought he would have something for me to do but when I got there he gave me a brief tour and then asked what I wanted to research.
I had no idea. I assumed he already had research going and I could just do basic tasks and slowly learn about it.
The entire research lab was about autonomous vehicles and robots and it was like he expected me to already have deep knowledge about these subjects and know exactly how to contribute.
Also everyone else in the lab was a Chinese graduate student and they spoke in Chinese 100% of the time. I never went back.

>> No.12473291

I was considering one local company until I interviewed with them and ended up hating them so now I dont really care where I work. I cancelled the interviews after one lady which I know they say you should never do, but oh well to late now. I wouldve hated it there anyways.
Actuarial. I have 3 exams so no problem getting interviews for internships. Just was pretty bad at interviewing at the start since I had never done a real interview before. Plus this is my first semester back in uni, so I didnt really have projects to talk about during interviews. But this is the only summer before I graduate (changed majors and dropped out of uni for 4 years). Was planning on learning SQL and VBA this summer to boost resume. Ill probably go right into industry after I take some time for myself, but if I cant find a real job after 6 months to a year I guess Id either teach or go get a masters.

>> No.12473297


OP, if you want to make this a recurring thread, which I think is a great idea, also add this one to the description:


cancel culture is sadly a big thing in STEM, and most people don't actually know what to do if it hits them.

>> No.12473304

Not critical, don't freak out about it. If you can get one it helps you get in for a real job but interviewing well will help out more.
Apply a lot.

>> No.12473308

*Sorry program of study isnt actuarial. Its a standard math degree. Was thinking about getting into actuarial after graduation though. I just heard Act Sci degrees are useless.

>> No.12473328

That is an unfortunate initial research experience. I am not suggesting you stay in academia (although, there's nothing wrong with that) but having some sort of volunteer/paid research assistanting on your resume can separate you from other applicants for industry internships. Perhaps try identifying a professor with research that interests you, email them re: volunteering and go from there. Be sure to actually be familiar with their research prior to meeting them so you can ask pertinent questions that indicate your interest.

>> No.12473333

Good idea, anon

>> No.12473362

Ya I realized how important interviewing is. Sucks being online feel like its so much harder to make a connection with people. Hopefully after graduation theyll actually start inviting people for on site interviews again.

>> No.12473368

Self-learning programming and developing your own projects. It's certainly a tougher route than attending university, but it's possible if you work hard and become highly competent.

>> No.12473372

Unfortunately all the professors I keep making connections with keep retiring lol. Has happened for the past 3 semesters in a row. Sucks.

>> No.12473394

Don't give up, anon. It's much tougher to get easy experience of this sort upon graduating than it is whilst still attending the institution.

>> No.12473406

You fucked up bro. NEVER mention taboo topics at work. The tyrants have worked their way into academia long ago.

Good mix of buzzwords and re-framing. It's vital you coach in the legal liability language that bosses are used to.
Always remain calm. Never apologize or admit to any fault. Never pretend that they will EVER be appeased. You are in their crosshairs and they won't rest until you're literally dead. Not even fired, that won't be enough. You are black-listed forever in their eyes.

>> No.12473414

Learn to code.
Contribute to some open source projects. Whever gets you engaging with other coders. You HAVE to avoid developing your coding skills in isolation. Otherwise your code will be a crazy unreadable mess. Even if it works, no one will want it.
There's (free) online classes about AI developmoent. Pick up TensorFlow and see what you can get it to do.
If you have an online portfolio of projects you can present, you can show that you know what you're doing and don't need to pay all that money for a slip of paper.

>> No.12473429

>Is it true that EE has horrible career prospects?
Ha, no. There's always open reqs for EE types. I'm in Denver in the space industry. You can't be a slacker and you need to know what you're doing. FPGA programmers and ASIC design.

>> No.12473466
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Thanks for the advice, I just took some antiacid. I'm not shocke anymore, I'll keep the same cordial and non-combative posture I had before. Tomorrow I'll report what happened.

I'm a student.

>> No.12473489

Do you know if there are simmilar entities, but international?

>> No.12473577

It's not that bad. Retired doesn't mean dead. They can still give you some helpful advice or refer you. Some are even happy to still be able to help students they liked out even after they're retired.

>> No.12473586

Sadly, no, because I thankfully never needed them before I got to the US. Things seemed a lot more reasonable in Europe. What country are you having issues in?

>> No.12473594

Yeah, try to learn those phrases and remember the non-conflictual part. It's the most important by far. You want to make peace, somebody else wants to make war.

>> No.12473626

In case the jannies want to yeet this off to /adv/ .
Pls don't:

* pretty high energy given the /sci/ baseline, people definitely want this
* The crowd on /adv/ knows next to nothing about STEM (in as far as they know anything at all, I hate those faggots), so we want this here
* Perfect catch-thread for ancillary topics. There's a lot of threads on /sci/ whining about political correctness or other difficulties in STEM, that's best and most constructively addressed in a thread like this.
* Maybe change the name to "STEM career advice", or, for even more energy: "getting and staying ahead in STEM"

>> No.12473645

South America. Found one in my country.

>> No.12473652

amazing. I'm actually surprised but also disappointed that this is an issue there as well...

>> No.12473656

CS student here. My advisor said I only need 4 classes to double major in math. Is is worth it? I'm not particularly interested in pure math. My intentions were just get a subpar job in the industry. I could see the extra practice in problem solving being helpful.

>> No.12473708

Do you still need credits to graduate anyways, or would that be adding another semester on?

>> No.12473711

If you can complete those four classes w/o hurting your GPA significantly than I think it would be worthwhile! I am fairly weak at mathematics, so for me it would be a poor decision.

>> No.12473731

Academia is for getting a piece of paper for the job market, not for actual discussions.

>> No.12473761

I still have 5 semesters left
My math grades are okay, A- in Calc II, B in Linear Algebra. My GPA is around 3.7. I just don't want to regret it and get beat down by harder math classes.

>> No.12473766

Don't. Math for CS is a joke compared to actual math. If you're a lazy ass like me, just be happy that you have a CS degree.

>> No.12473787
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How long will it take a stupid, unmotivated weakling to develop employable skills in programming starting from barely knows how to turn on his computer tier? Or maybe more broadly what STEM avenue is the shortest path to a job. I figure any STEM job will pay enough compared to what I'm used to and it's work that I actually respect.
I fucked up so bad, I actually believed the lies everyone told me about just choosing something in college that you liked so I wasted my twenties on philosophy and minimum wage jobs. Now I just want money and a future. I can't stand customer service and logistics anymore.

tl;dr /r9k/ post

>> No.12473803

Programming is a mindset you can learn to some degree. The rest is just practice.

>> No.12473819

Select a subject that you are passionate over, research it thoroughly, and commit to disciplined study. Most STEM undergraduate degrees require further education to get lucrative employment. I suggest identifying a cooperative program to optimize likelihood of employability post-graduation, as well as supplying income during your studies.

>> No.12473862

Ya I wouldnt do it. Most upper level math is a lot different than beginner math and the assignments take much longer. It could easily become overwhelming on top of your regular courses. Unless you can find "math" classes that are actually programming classes. Like the uni Im at has a couple math classes that are just learning R. If your decent at calc you could do calc 3 and differential equations though and those arent too bad.

>> No.12473876

If I were you, I'd go into trade or something more focused on human-human interactions. CS is and will always be a bastion of autists

>> No.12473906

>Be me, Venezuelan EE student
>Bout to graduate
>Had job interview with very reputed company this morning
>They pretty much tell me they want to hire me straight up
>"What are your plans for the future anon"?
>"Well I wanna work for a when and then do a master's in europe"
>"Ohh so I'm guessing you wanna work for what, 4-5 years here and then go do the master's right?"

These fuckers wanna keep me here don't they?
I just wanna work here until my gf is done with uni so that we can leave together.
What do I make of this?

>> No.12473959
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>/scag/ - STEM Career Advice General
more like STEM Career Advice Major - /scam/

>> No.12473969

Don't tell them. You can always quit. Sounds harsh, but you have to see to your best interests, just as they have to.

>> No.12474004

t. unemployable

>> No.12474017

You have a degree? Might go into law school then.

>> No.12474025

take the job man. You have no obligation to stay with them so work while you can and when you want to leave you can do that. Plus you will have money.

>> No.12474083

Never tell the truth, just say something generic like "oh, I want to build up my career and start a family".

>> No.12474092

Studying theoretical physics. Is it possible to find internships not related with CS/ programming?

>> No.12474106
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I want to get a Masters in engineering
Only problem is Im starting at a community college and wont be able to do anything in any groups until my 3rd year
Am I fucked or will everything just take a lot longer?

>> No.12474141
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That's reassuring, in a way. It makes me hopeful I can brute force it as long as I have the smallest bit of aptitude for it.
I have no zest for life, I'm not passionate about anything.
>lucrative employment
How much are we talking here? The most I've ever earned was about 30k/year burgerbucks, but that was only for a few months. Earning middle class income is unthinkable to me. If such an income is possible without graduate school, which I think it is for at least engineering and computer science, then that would be enough for me. Either way, it sounds like at least an undergraduate degree is necessary. Would you agree with that?
That just seems so soul crushing. I don't want to give up on the idea of STEM, I don't feel like I could respect myself any other way. Not that there's anything wrong or disreputable about trades.
I have a bachelors and a masters, both in philosophy. I've always closed myself off to the possibility of studying law, it always seemed so dry and awful to study. Maybe I should look into it.

>> No.12474163

I am not a physicist myself, but I believe physics students often are utilized in neuroscience research. Perhaps an avenue to look into?

>> No.12474178

Vene EE planning to get into Masters. Take the job, don't be open about your plans and keep them rolling. Get enough experience there and move out once you gf is done.

>> No.12474190

Why do you want a masters in engineering? Why not just do undergrad and see what jobs you get and if they want you to go for a masters theyll pay for it. Unless you have someone already paying for your school then do whatever you want. But that's a lot of debt and time.

>> No.12474203

McDonalds is always hiring.

>> No.12474221

I was as vague as possible during the interview. Said something along the lines of
>"Yeah I mean at the soonest I'd be leaving in a year and half but I have no concrete plans*
Which is a total lie, I have very concrete plans and I have been brewing them for over a year.
Would they be butthurt if I leave? It'd be very nice to have a good recommendation letter from a former employer specially when applying for master's and so on.

>> No.12474223


>> No.12474229

Not quite. You simply have to tell them that the process is going through and you get accepted. After that, simply arrange getting out of the company and that's it. You could ask them for the recommendation letter or a something to prove you worked there. Don't beat yourself too hard, lad.

>> No.12474284

Don't wait to officially get there, work on whatever you want as early as you can. The course is mainly there for 3 things: (1) To give you a coherent view of the field which you will actually only need for pretty advanced stuff (2) to give you an in into academia if you want to pursue that (3) to give you a piece of paper certifying to the world that you have a minimum skill set.

But you're not looking for the minimum, and for that it's important to pursue extra experience whenever you can. Be it via a hobby, internships, lab assistant jobs, etc.

>> No.12474339

You don't need an employers recommendation for a master degree in Europe.
What matters more are grades and ECTS points in each field.

>> No.12474389

Corporations don't give a fuck about you, dude. Smile and tell them you'll kiss their ass for decades

>> No.12474395

Fuck you and your gf. We have no obligation to give you advice

>> No.12474412

So I just come in one day and go "yeah I got accepted to a master's in europe, so long suckers lol"
All the programs I've seen ask for recommendation letters, I'd guess they would be from past professors or employers
Why are you so mad bro? Everything ok?

>> No.12474419

I'm working my unpaid internship to build my CV. But all I do is jerk off and not get anything done.
Is it okay to not work because I'm not getting paid anyway?

>> No.12474458

Is your boss someone who doesn't care either way and will respond to a call by saying "yeah he worked here now leave me alone"? Then yes, you can stop working.

>> No.12474463

My boss is a good guy. Its my fault for not working because I'm not motivated. As I am not getting paid.

>> No.12474469

Might as well quit if you arent doing anything. The only reason internship experience is good is so you can talk about what you did in an interview. If you just have an internship and nothing to talk about then thats worse than nothing at all. I thought about doing an unpaid one too but realized Id just be sitting on my ass all day doing menial shit for someone not paying me. At least study something while your there so its not a complete waste of time. Its fine to not work because they arent paying you but at least do something useful with your time for yourself.

>> No.12474475

I do learn how to do things there, but I count that as jerking off because I'm not getting any work done so I'm not generating value.

>> No.12474477

In that case, you should at least pretend to work.
I had a paid part time job as a software dev and project manager spanning half a year. Didn't do that much either but apparently I was still better than the Indian they previously hired so I can use that as a reference in my CV.

>> No.12474486

Thats fine you arent supposed to generate value because they arent paying you.

>> No.12474491

The sad thing is that other interns that came here for free were able to generate value and got hired after 2 months of unpaid work. But the boss told me he won't hire me because I'm not skilled enough. Its a startup anyway but I feel kind of bad.

>> No.12474492

What field?

>> No.12474496

This is a fantastic opportunity to generate some-sort of skills. What's the point of this unpaid internship if your next interview will also result in unpaid work because you're yet to develop any skills? Develop skills!

>> No.12474502

Web development. But I am new to web development lmao. The others were marking interns and shit so their job was easy and fun. But I don't know how to code a website so I'm learning it from scratch and thus he won't hire me.

Yes I'm thinking about that.

>> No.12474512

While you're here, please take a moment to answer my single question poll: >>12474357

>> No.12474513

>Web development. But I am new to web development lmao. The others were marking interns and shit so their job was easy and fun. But I don't know how to code a website so I'm learning it from scratch and thus he won't hire me.
If you know how to program (at least enough to complete CS assignments at uni) you can learn webdev in like a month.
Maybe your boss just doesn't like you.

>> No.12474518

For all the Canadians in here who need an alternative to FIRE, look at the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms


>> No.12474520

Just lie and be subversive. If it works for the jews, it can work for you too.

>> No.12474523

Well he wants me to do more complicated graphs with apis and stuff. I suppose it's my fault for being a slow learner.

>> No.12474525

Brilliant, thanks anon! I will also include this in the thread template.

>> No.12474526

And he's expecting you to do that for free with no prior experience?

>> No.12474529

That sounds retarded and not what an internship is. There is supposed to be someone who teaches you and mentors you. Dont create anything for that guy. He hired you to try and get free labor. Walk out and learn it on your own like you are anyways.

>> No.12474530

Why would you? Everyone knows all you have to do is get the best lawyer you can afford

>> No.12474538


Yes there is nobody to help me. I'm planning on leaving soon and never doing another free internship again unless its fun stuff like marketing and design. Startups are like this though aren't they? They want everyone to do things on their own.

>> No.12474541

>Startups are like this though aren't they? They want everyone to do things on their own.
It's a common joke that startups are like sweatshops but at least you get to call the boss funny names.

>> No.12474542

Not everyone can afford a good lawyer. Advocacy groups help provide discounted or pro-bono services and resources to people, not to mention the benefits of having a strong and robust group in the public eye devoted to defense of free expression.

>> No.12474544

Well, quick learning is everything in the web dev field, at least for backend. Standards and technologies constantly change, you have to wrap your head around some of the nastiest, most taped together codebases possible fast enough to fix things written by people who left no documentation, etc. A lot of top end companies these days use their own internal weird backend structuring ideas, libraries, and even languages so there really is no other choice than learning fast, it's not like you can be an expert coming in.

I'm a Senior Engineer at one of the Elon companies I'll say for sake of anonymity, have interviewed and hired a fair amount of people, happy to answer questions about interviewing/getting hired/resumes etc.

>> No.12474546

Does it also help with rape accusations? And things like that? I always imagine my life getting destroyed even though I'm a virgin who never did anything or will do anything.

>> No.12474556

It was frontend and I had no Javascript experience so basically I was hung out to dry and demotivated.

You sound like someone who would never hire me though. I bet everyone you hire is able to learn everything on demand and get things done. And they probably have degrees from MIT and Harvard.

>> No.12474557

>Well, quick learning is everything in the web dev field, at least for backend. Standards and technologies constantly change, you have to wrap your head around some of the nastiest, most taped together codebases possible fast enough to fix things written by people who left no documentation
You'll progressively get better at it with more experience. You don't need to be fast learner for that.

>> No.12474563

If the accusations are not criminal, and you have suffered repercussions from an institution from that accusation then yes, these orgs could be helpful to you.

Of course if it is an actual criminal charge you need someone else.

>> No.12474574

Some do, some don't have degrees at all, but yeah obviously it's a very high standard. What really makes those candidates better than you though other than attitude? You seem to have reached some sort of acceptance that others are better, I'm sure you could be just as good as anyone else in webdev with some more confidence. It is overwhelming trying to accomplish something tangible in a limited amount of time with a new language for sure. For me personally I try to make some kind of duct taped together minimum viable product that does what I intend, then tune that towards what I actually want to do. Some people I see get hung up on the details too much and think what they are doing is harder than it actually is because they narrowed their scope too much and created an artificial roadblock.

You will become progressively better at learning codebases, learning languages, etc. but you'll always be learning/doing new things, not just grinding out the same ideas over and over.

>> No.12474637

there are jobs in venezuela? is this in oil&gas?

>> No.12474645

If the "rape" allegation is a title IX kangaroo court campus one, FIRE will help. And most of them are. They generally don't take it to the real courts because it's probably not actually rape and both the accuser and the woke bureaucracy know they have no leg to stand on for the regular burden of proof for criminal charges.

>> No.12474652

>STEM career advice

Sorry, meant "STEM career support", I think ditching the advice part in the name would be good.

>> No.12474773

Yes there are jobs the pay is complete shit tho (you'll be insanely lucky to find something that pays 500usd a month right out of school)
No it's not oil and gas, it's a contractor company

>> No.12474776

At least is not STEM Career Advice Thread

>> No.12474783

Please stop bumping this thread, it's triggering my anxiety.

>> No.12474802
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Is there an alternative to fire but in Mexico?
I hope I'm never pinned against the wall but since recent years people here have engaged in the same bullshit wave of political correctness and I've often had to wiggle myself out of arguments just because of a view I hold.

t. Mexican math bachelor

>> No.12474842

I'm a physics phd looking for a job. Im a theoretical person, so I can program a little and do math

>> No.12474844

If that's true I'm not really surprised that 40% of border Mexicans voted for Trump.

>> No.12475253

No creo que las cortes funcionen tan bien aqui. Tienen demasiados casos para litigar sobre opiniones de licenciatura. La apelación sería interna a la universidad. Manten tus ojos en la meta.

>> No.12475343
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I fucked myself pretty hard. If anyone thinks they can unfuck me please help.
>be canadian
>start engineering program in 2015
>doing pretty good
>suddenly find it hard to think
>jew doctor prescribes anti-depressants
>fucked up for 2 years
>get back into education 2019
>jerked around by advisors and get put into general science instead of engineering
>actually believe them when they said I could switch back in the winter term
>do biology because that seems like a cool minor
>be fall 2020
>finally back in software engineering
>develop narcolepsy and spend 90% of the day asleep
>drop out because can't study
What do I do to unfuck this? Is there an undergrad work program for someone who has a mix of software engineering and biology courses? I also have a B in organic chemistry if that helps.

>> No.12475359

I for one can say I don´t car much for politics outside of economic policies but boy if voting for Trump would help diminish political correctness in schools and workplace environments I'd sign the fuck up.

Mi unico miedo es que un dia alguna feminista emputada le moleste algo que diga y me hagan bolita para tratar de chingarme legalmente y aunque gane el caso me chinguen socialmente por un buen rato, quisiera que hubiera alguna cosa/organizacion que me pudiera proteger para que no pudiera pasar eso kek

>> No.12475368

Drop out temporarily or fix your sleep schedule during winter break, go to a fucking doctor. Anything is doable in academics if you will your way through it, you have to fully dedicate on catching up and focus on your goal of finishing college and learning useful shit. Don't push yourself over the edge though, burnout wastes time. As a math major I've found that If I'm feeling burn out or just don't feel like it, taking the night off (at about 11 pm) up until 2 am or so helps to keep the noggin joggin consistently.

>> No.12475373

Idk if this is a general yet, but this unironically is the best general i've seen in /sci/, actual helpful stuff

>> No.12475379

my friend burnout are myth, work hard study differential equation 18 hour day alway.

>> No.12475383

I'm in a sort of a similar situation.

I'm 25 and will graduate with a MA in psychology soon. Fell for the "study what you like" trap
I see 2 options:
1. Take an additional 3-year undergrad in math/CS
2. Take a 2-year master in stats, which is more applied, so doable for me.

What's the better option for me if I wanna end up working in a more quantitative role? Self-studying seems too open-ended for me to keep me motivated.

>> No.12475384

Studying a single subject is fine but scrambling between say, for example, abstract algebra, real analysis and diffy Qs, takes a toll on your noggin (at least for me) because I need to be able to switch between the mindsets I have for each subject because they're not that closely related.

>> No.12475425
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Going to be writing my engineering masters thesis in 2021. It's a funded degree, but I have a lot of control over the direction of the content. I've been trying to steer my thesis into something that I think I can quickly explain to someone in the industry in an interview, and have them be impressed.

Any pro tips for making my thesis a marketing piece?

>> No.12475466

How does someone with social anxiety connect with professors? I'm not a sperg, but I have a habit of not asking for help or reaching out. I'm in EE third year and I'm thinking of doing a master's and don't have anyone for recommendation letters.

>> No.12475551

Be brave and recognize that some social interactions will be uncomfortable, but more attempts as interacting will decrease your anxiety. Note, professors love when students visit their office during office hours because not many students do-so. I personally do research with professors, so I will use them for future references. If I wasn’t doing research, I would frequently visit a professor to ask questions regarding course material and chat about their research. If a good grade is achieved in that prof’s course, you probably now have a reference!

>> No.12475556

Research the utility of the stats masters. If it doesn’t provide sufficient value (employment), complete 3 years of UG and study something more vocational CS/engi.

>> No.12475652

Pretty much. You are there for experience, not to get a recommendation or whatnot. I'm on the same position as you actually.

>> No.12475656

They pay on monopoly cash. You have better luck working on your own, but you have to be extremely lucky to find a company that pays your something substantial, more so if they pay on dollars. On that note, fuck this place.

>> No.12475806

bioinformatics is going to be huge soon

>> No.12475833

>STEM Career Hugging Each Other and Crying Thread

>> No.12475874

Can a CS major go into Actuary in a third world shithole? The software jobs here are kinda dull (web dev autism and shitty startups with shittier pay than fucking call centers). I heard that Actuary requires a bit of maths, and I am especially interested in probability and its applications too.
Will learning about measure theory benefit me in an Actuarial job?

>> No.12475879


>> No.12475898

Why not?

>> No.12476472

What do you mean? venezuelan EE too?

>> No.12476527

>Biology degree
>6.6 Mean score
>Public universiry
Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.12476581

>6.6 Mean score
Is that some sort of alternative to GPA?

>> No.12476646

No, it's simply the score of each subject(1-10) weighted by it's credit score and divided by number of subjects... you know a mean.

>> No.12476659
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I just talked to him. He sounded like it was all just a big waste of his time with snowflake matters, and we had a quick talk about what happens next. I'll prepare a document making my defense, responding to the formal denounce. Thankfully I have documental evidence of everything I said (it was all written chat, after all).

Now, imagine if I had no proofs of what I said?

>> No.12476849

Will women not want to date your if you go for a phd mathematics because they will think you are forever going to be poor?

>> No.12477136

Sounds great!
Always record if local law allows it, otherwise write down minutes or a transcript.
But beware of how you word your defense, again, (1) don't be confrontational, (2) don't make concessions and don't apologize to these people. Like a pack of feral dogs, if they smell weakness they'll tail you until you eventually fail :D

If you want to obtain agreement without making concessions, highlight that you too are hurt and offended by their actions, and feel under attack. In my experience, if they see they can't pull the rug from under you this will make them backtrack, and go for le classic "oh no, WE never meant to be hateful". Which is exactly the reaction you want. Also, try to avoid the "YOU"(pl.) frame, go for "a number of concerned colleagues", or smth like that. The collectivist thing is their frame, in truth it's you vs. a small number of toxic activists who are trying to rile everybody up.

>> No.12477162

Really it's not an issue what you are (at least not as a PhD), but how you deliver it, and who you target the delivery at.
The thing with a PhD is you can either brand yourself as a soon-to-be highly respected member of society (you could end up as a financial analyst or a professor). Or you can also brand yourself as the galaxybrain fuckboy who is so much cooler than anybody else he doesn't give a fuck about anything.

>> No.12477175
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Is doing a master thesis in control/optimization for vehicle Li-ion battery technology a good choice for future prospects or will I be screwed over by
by chinks/indos in this field too?

halp, tanks

>> No.12477185

Possibly, but unlikely if that's your whole resume. Biology standalone is pretty useless. Try to complement it with software, or physics, or engineering, or chemistry.
Software is recommended here more than the others because it's a lot more accessible outside of taking a whole new major. You can self-study and you already own all the equipment you need.

>> No.12477306

Venezuelan EE (on power systems) and looking to get accepted into a Masters. But my GPA is little shitty for that.

>> No.12477348

Hi guys, I'm going to start university soon and I'm a little unsure as to what I should take. Currently I'm thinking either:
>Electrical Engineering
>Material Sciences
>Construction Engineering
Is there anyone itt who has taken one of these masters and can tell me about them? How difficult was it to get a job after finishing?

>> No.12477883
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reply to his e-mail with "You will never be a woman"

>> No.12477975

You're unlikely to receive advice from somebody who happens to be in such a niche, but I can provide general advice. You can be successful and obtain employment in literally any STEM field if you apply yourself enough. Don't allow yourself to be help back from doing something you like because of the prevalence of H-1B visas.

>> No.12477985

>Graduating in the spring in Chemical Engineering
>Low ranked state school
>No internships
>Lab experience but done nothing meaningful, nothing published, no significant projects, etc.
>Was a TA for intro physics classes one semester two years ago
>High GPA at least (4.0)

I've applied to over a hundred places so far and have been ghosted by all of them. I feel so fucked and defeated. I don't like my major at all either, the only reason I chose it was because it was the highest paying engineering major but now that isn't even true because of software engineers catching up in the last few years. I feel like giving up already and trying again with CS.

I wish companies would at least tell you you've been rejected. Sigh.

>> No.12477992
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Is particle physics dead? Should i just go with physics of matter? How do i find the field that i like the most? I just want a good comfy life. (I'm about to finish my physics degree in Italy)

>> No.12477994
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Absolutely based, I convinced my current gf that I'm both and faked it till I made it. I'm a physicist working as a financial advisor and every day I came home from work before corona I got my dick sucked dry.

>> No.12477999

Gain an internship. Best case scenario, it ends up developing into a job offer. Worst case scenario, you have actual experience and don't have what is essentially an empty CV.

>> No.12478003

I'm a senior going into my last semester, I don't see how I can get an internship at this point. I assume companies don't take graduates as interns at least.

>> No.12478013

How did you get that job?

>> No.12478019

I am unsure how the internship process works. At my university the engineering program is 5 yrs and co-op only. This means that a graduation requirement is having 5 work terms (basically a paid internship), so upon finishing the first year of engineering the program rotates academic semester > work term -> academic semester, and so on.
The result of the co-op program is that everybody graduates with thorough work experience, and often gain employment at one of their previous work term employers upon graduating from undergrad.

>> No.12478058

Same here, except I have strong ups and downs because the amount of work is inordinate. Lockdown has been a total dry streak. sad.

>> No.12478070

Lots of consulting companies advertise at top-tier or even some mid-tier STEM programs. In the words of a BCG recruiter "it's easier to teach a physics MSc/DPhil grad business than to teach a business grad intelligence".

>> No.12478111

Anon, you want to share an anonymized copy of your formal reply? I happen to have experience with this and could help you out. And if you're such a galaxy brain you don't need any help, your example might help others.

>> No.12478170

Thx very based anon.
Any advice for someone who is about to get his degree in physics?

>> No.12478304

I second this. Redacted sensitive information and sharing your reply would be quite interesting, anon!

>> No.12478324

>Is particle physics dead?
Not if you wanna get any funding

>> No.12479112

Every decision I've taken in my life with respect to career choices has been the wrong one. And now I'm in my late 20s, regretting them and being depressed about it.

This thread can work wonders for the youngsters out there. Thanks for making it OP.

>> No.12479124


>> No.12479152

What degree should I go for if I'm interested in Genetic engineering? I don't know if biotech or biomed is better and could use some advice.

>> No.12479293

Depending on what unis you are looking at, you could also look for molecular biology, or computational biology.

>> No.12479305

Ask your local students organizations or the uni, if consulting companies have recruiting events there. Otherwise just call up your local BCG or McKinsey office?
A good pitch for a cold call is that you have been very successful at tackling complex issues in the field, you feel your skills are transferable, and would like to apply them to complex real-world problems with immediate actionable goals.

The subtext being "I'm very smart, but I prefer the real-world stuff".

>> No.12479321

>political correctness epidemic
not if you're in Engineering
girls don't math

>> No.12479360

>not if you're in Engineering
Sadly I am, and the political correctness epidemic has nothing to do with "girls doing math". It's a political shit show and under the purview of the institute's HR dept or equity office. It's also not only about gender. One SJW in the department is enough to set off some mobbing campaign, and supporters as well as passive enablers will be found.
Not least of all, if you're worried about feminism in particular, they'll have an easier time making a show about it specifically if your dept is 99% male. In psych depts they're easy to shut up on the gender issue because it's usually over 50% female. Somehow pointing that out makes the feminists lose credibility XD

>> No.12479437

So shit job prospect for an average anon

>> No.12479441

Thx again anon

>> No.12479659

Any advice for negotiating an offer from a U.S. National Lab?

>> No.12479666

not as a postdoc

>> No.12479682

What's the best choice for a chemistry master's?

>> No.12479703

Was in a similar situation, where I knew that I will not work for the company longer than a year. Held my cards close and never revealed my intentions to any of the higher-ups. This allowed me to get the job, have a good time at it, and when I eventually left, there were no hard feelings from anyone involved.

>> No.12479711

take the job
work as long as you need to then do what you need to do
people quit
turnover is part of business
don't lie to them about your intentions but you don't have to be 100% forthcoming
ALWAYS do what is best for you and your interests
and negotiate your salary coming in because it's a bitch to do it once you've already got the job

>> No.12479757

Graduating in June with a CS degree from an average university in the UK with no work experience.

Not sure what to do next. Any advice?

>> No.12479964

>coomer calling a zoomer a boomer

>> No.12479977

Use the programming assignments you did in uni as a reference to show that you can do basic programming.

>> No.12480047

How do I become a programmer as someone who's post-30?

I didn't go to college and started working with 19. I can't take some years off to take a degree cause I have to keep my job as I got a wife and kids and we need the money.

I don't know what to study. Does it make sense to register for some of the online datacamps and courses that charge money? Sorry if this question is basic, I have not had any exposure to a scientific field so far.

>> No.12480096

How do I get accepted for research internships in European universities as a third world with good grades? Studying computer science btw. I've looked into this https://www.aalto.fi/en/aalto-science-institute/aalto-science-institute-asci-internship-programme
Don't know how competitive it is

>> No.12480200

How did you choose your major?
I can't decide between a CS degree or a Math degree. Also i live in a third world country, so a CS degree will easily land me a job and i'm not sure if the math one will. Recently a new data science undergrad career appeared, the syllabus looks Ok but i'm afraid the whole data science field is just a bubble. This data science career has multiple specializations: data, operational research and optimization, mathematical-computational statistics, continous modeling, stochastic and complex systems, AI and signal proccesing.

How should i choose between these careers?what should i consider?

>> No.12480396

Avoid the data science degree like the plague

>> No.12480424

Different anon, but why do you say that? I was considering data science following completion of undergrad

>> No.12480434

it's a meme field, and the jobs (at least by my intuition) won't be there by the time you graduate. it's already a pretty saturated field and you need a phd and an internship to get one of the juicier opportunities.

>> No.12480443

/pol/ and 4chan really does melt your brain

>> No.12480453

That was something to think about before sperging out about trannies in a class chat.

>> No.12480465

Are you self inflicting schizophrenia or are actually rapey? Why would anyone think about that?

>> No.12480683

cs50 is a good online intro course by harvard. Its free but you can pay for a certificate of completion. From there you could specialize some area. Good luck.

>> No.12481012


>> No.12481015

Do you have any other offers? What sort of things would you be looking to negotiate for? There's generally 3 strategies to negotiate:
1. Just ask.
2. If you get push back, try to justify what you're asking for. I.e. if I'll be doing that, I can do it better with these and these resources.
3. Mention that you have a competing job offer, that you like this one better in principle, but you'd need slightly better pay or whatever. But make sure the other offer is real, because if you go this rout you might get dropped :)

>> No.12481054

Best way to get them is to contact the researchers directly, cold calling so to say.
Figure out what you want to do, look up the uni websites and find people who do what you want and sound like they could need the skills you have, and write a short email.

3 paragraphs is good, one briefly stating your field interest and interest in an internship. One detailing what you have done and can do thus far. And a last one giving an example of what you would be interested in doing with them, but leaving it open-ended. End by restating your interest and enthusiasm.
Also, attach a concise and clean CV.

Sadly, even though western academics can't shut up about inclusivity and diversity and the whole shebang, they might be turned off by cold calls from 3rd world countries. You should still try, though. I needed to send out about 30 cold calls to get just 1 good offer, and I'm from a reputable uni in a reputable EU country. Maybe try 100. It's hard work but it pays. The people who will respond to cold calls going just by your balls and how well you fit the project are actually also the people you most want to intern with.

For more help you can share an anonymized version of your cold call template here. I have quite a bit of experience with that.

>> No.12481094

Thanks anon. Maybe in a future thread I'll share the template

>> No.12481106

You’ll probably change your major regardless since it’s common for new students to do so, so I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m sure all of those fields are very employable, so do what interests you most.

>> No.12481115

I did ask, but I get the impression there’s less room to move compared to industry negotiations and was wondering how true that generally is (obviously not unilateral given variability in funding between dif labs/directorates)
For example they offered X and I provided a range between 1.045X and 1.11X and was told I likely couldn’t get up to my min which is only an additional 4.5% from the offer (the offer they made was decent but it’s such a pain to increase your salary in an org compared to joining and the HR said my ask is totally reasonable)
My justification is based on significant experience doing similar work, including managing projects
I would never lie about a competing offer or make any ultimatums, but I’m finishing up another round of interviews soon which are going well so hopefully I’ll have a firm offer soon

>> No.12481120

Also I know the salary range for the position and they offered me ~2% below the midpoint and I think I’m worth more desu

>> No.12481176
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Anons, just got turned down by Wisconsin for their microbiology phd program. I have a 3.9 GPA in biology with 2 minors, a masters in microbiology with a 4.0, and 167 verbal 166 quant gre, plus great letters of recommendation from professors I know well. What the fuck do I have to do to get in anywhere? I applied to two ivy leagues as well, but if I can't get in to Wisconsin I'm not hopeful. I can't decide if I should just off myself

>> No.12481182

Cheer up. You can always get a phd at a meme university.

>> No.12481219

Ok i need all the books you can give me on material science
First year uni and we are just learning about iron/steel, want to expand

>> No.12481239

cheer up. I can't offer you a PhD, and due to the lockdowns not even an internship, but I'm actually looking for a microbiologist (top tier US uni). Don't despair and try the cold calling approach. I got into my own PhD by contacting the prof directly. He didn't have an opening, but seeing as he was contemplating starting a project precisely along the lines of what I was doing, he made it happen.

As I progressed through my career I found that the amount of PIs who can't get motivated and competent students is almost as high as that of students who can't get interesting PhD positions. It's really just a question of how difficult it is to match the two. The university bureaucracies more often than not get in the way. Approach the researchers directly. Someone mentioned cold calling earlier. It's a really big deal and something your career advisor won't teach you in undergrad.

>> No.12481241

Request feedback as to where your application was deemed inadequate. Perhaps it was a university funding problem rather than a problem on your end.

>> No.12481415

Thanks, if I don't get in anywhere this year I'll try that next round. That seems like a better way to ensure that I enjoy my work than rotations as well.

The rejection email said they had more applicants than normal and they couldn't admit many of the qualified ones. Still, I wish I could have been one of the qualified ones who was admitted. I'll ask them specifically what I could do to make my application more desirable, though

>> No.12481481

Vives en México, rara vez les hacen algo a los vatos que si hicieron algo, la mayoría toma a las feministas como broma no hay de que preocuparse

>> No.12481515

> they couldn't admit many of the qualified ones
Typical symptom of centralized administration. I'd bet good money that there's heaps of PIs at their institute who have some cash for a PhD salary and aren't getting one.

> I'll try that next round
Do that, and maybe also try to pop back in here. If the lockdown passes without wrecking my entire project and funding, I might still be looking for a microbiologist. Are you good with protein biosynthesis and docking studies?

>> No.12481533


>> No.12481561

>I might still be looking for a microbiologist
I really hope PhD searching anon receives an interview from PI anon. The idea of two academics successfully networking on 4ch is both hilarious and awesome. Best of luck to each of you.

>> No.12481578

How does one gets into building human carrying space craft and does any program currently send humans to low earth orbit for recreation? Though the expense and risk is surely high, I figure a good way to get the public to back space exploration is to do a little space tourism.

>> No.12481611

Just wanted to post and make myself available as a resource.

>Currently late 20s something
>Had some highschool programming experience (Java, HTML, basic stuff)
>Got a BS in EE from a university in the U.S. that didn't have really much programming in the curriculum and I didnt seek it out in my elective studies.
>worked for 4.5 years doing something I didn't exactly have much of a passion for but it paid the bills.
>Realized a couple years into my old job I wish I would have stuck with CS/Software development in my studies instead of EE
>Decided to pivot my career and do a bootcamp at the start of Oct - am finishing up 2nd week of January.

I've learned quite a bit in a short while, have a decent github portfolio to show for it, and have learned to utilize fairly marketable & relevant technologies which will look good on a resume.

I'm at the "top" of my bootcamp cohort and I attribute that to a few years of work in a professional setting as well as some of my earlier exposure in highschool, and the fact that I'm willing to learn and put in the effort to find out the answers to things I don't know.

Overall I want to say: I think bootcamps can work but you really need to have a knack for problem solving, you need to be able to use google a lot and parse through & filter out information quickly. You also need to show up every day and try your best on every project. I think I could have done it in a self-taught format but the structure of a daily routine and having your money and desired future career on the line adds some pressure that's hard to replicate.

>> No.12481641

I really appreciate the help.

I haven't done much protein work. My thesis is on different CRISPR types and designing new mutagenesis systems. Most of my experience is molecular genetics, and my PI was nice enough to give me a project which reflected that.

When you say protein biosynthesis, what are you referring to? I'm very used to over-expressing foreign genes through high copy number plasmids. I haven't done any work with docking, though.

>> No.12482379

PhD in biology here, employed as a conservation ecologist. Anyone need advice?

>> No.12482385

>need advice?
Sure but not from you

>> No.12482432


>> No.12482442

I'm thinking of doing a MS for Mech E, but my research would be hemodynamics and cancer research... would that even work?

>> No.12482464

Anons, which PhD is the most profitable if you were say, trying to be a millionaire?

I like all fields of science, engineering, and math, I just need to commit to rigorous study of one. Another plus would be some comfy job working in Japan or something.

>> No.12482534

I'm interested getting a PhD in nuclear engineering and eventually going into either weapons or nuclear for space. How do I make that happen?

>> No.12482982
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Getting my Master's in Chem (PhD isn't offered where I live). Currently ranching as well. Working as a jeweler to pay bills. Feel torn between a simple life as a tradesmen/rancher, and an academic/rancher, or a pure researcher. First semester ended with a 4.0 (two classes with A's and one credit/no credit class, wooo), so that's good.

Undergraduate was shit with 2.7, as I attempted and failed at doing a double Major in Chem/Mech Eng. in my senior year. Got published though, and won all kinds of awards and fellowships in undergrad.

Ranching pays 48k on a good year, plus always home. Jewelry pays around 24-30k. Likely won't be able to get my PhD for years to come as if we move, we gotta sell the land, and I don't feel that's a wise idea.

Any ideas?

>> No.12483068

Whats the ratio of fieldwork to deskwork like? I would love to work in the field in pretty much any discipline, but from what I understand often that means going out to the woods only about twice a month

>> No.12483075


>> No.12483365

I do far less fieldwork than deskwork, probably 2-3 months desk for every 2 days in the field. That used to be flipped while I was pursuing my PhD. Now my focus is primarily data analysis, writing manuscripts or grant proposals, and preparing/presenting results for dissemination.

>> No.12483416

Best field of physics to specialize in?
Considering research funding and jobs prospects

>> No.12483538

I don’t think you need any advice. It sounds to me like you’re making a decision based on your preference for working from your ranch, versus attempting to become an academic. It sounds to me like you’re more interested in the ranch lifestyle.

>> No.12483540

Applied physics (engineering)

>> No.12483552

Contact PI’s of interest that do work that is somewhat related to your interests. It’s moreso the PI’s choice what your thesis is exploring.

>> No.12483556

So experimetally focus maybe matter?

>> No.12483564

I am not a physics student, but my friends who have studied physics have progressed to medical school or are stuck w/ little prospects. The non-medicine physics students all regretted not studying engineering.

>> No.12483608

I don't disilike medical physics, but maybe is better doing particles and then specialize

>> No.12483662

To clarify, I was referring to medical school (to become an MD), rather than a discipline of physics. In any case, do your research and make an informed decision regarding specializing.

>> No.12484187

If you’re doing a PhD program for profit then you won’t make it. Your best bet is getting a bachelors/masters and either starting your own start up or climbing the corporate latter.

>> No.12484253

>just make a startup hahaa

>> No.12484354

Also https://sciencecareergeneral.neocities.org/

>> No.12484840

Solid state is always safe but you really should get a PhD in order to get the interesting jobs.

>> No.12484859

should I take a course in thermodynamics if I'm in the electrical engineering track?

>> No.12484873

Uni recommendations for computational neuroscience?

>> No.12484943

^I am also curious to hear input on this

>> No.12485067

Check the FAQ >>12484354, an experimental route is safer for getting a job afterwards.

>> No.12485341

What types of jobs are you applying for?

>> No.12485481

I can tell you with great certainty, as a 5th yr phd at wisconsin in a vaguely similar field that came in with worse stats, that one or more is true:
>you came off too autistic and no one wanted you (most likely)
>you're international
>they only had funding for 2 people total and they took direct admits
otherwise you would have gotten an offer

>> No.12485655

I just finished my last year of high school (I'm 18 years old) and I want to follow an academic carreer in STEM, what major is the most chances of growing?

>> No.12485660

Science isn't actually fun.
Study economics or law. Or business.

>> No.12485669

It is fun for me. Especially the field of physics and I'm not worried about prices because unis are free here.

>> No.12485716

Need a little advice here:
>Decade of work experience in "finance."
>Have a bit saved up.
>Enrolled in a few courses over the past year to learn more math and programming.
At this point, my first career is basically at a stand still. I don't know if I should move to a different firm in the same line of work or go back and finish a degree in CS (would take about another year or two).
My only other option was joining the military as a pilot.

>> No.12485720

Okay then go study physics because its clearly not about money for you.
The 5% higher chance of employment isn't worth life long peanut scientist wage for hard work.

>> No.12485721

Okay then go study physics because its clearly not about money for you.
The 5% higher chance of employment isn't worth life long peanut scientist wage for hard work.

>> No.12485730

just study engineering m8
you don't want to be Dr. Mong with phd in physics to be working on a 3rd post doc making 40k or working at kohls stocking jeans

>> No.12485739

With CRISPR/cas9 gene tech will be hot the next decade at least. We had another gene tech wave years ago but that lost steam, hopefully this will be more solid.

Physics is always safe. Check the FAQ.

>or law
You can go from physics to the patent profession in which case you get to study law.

>> No.12485744

>You can go from physics to the patent profession in which case you get to study law.
Yeah that's how I am planning to cope. But I have low verbal IQ and that might hurt my chances.

>> No.12485765

Are the U.S. National Labs anything like what they used to be or just a shell of their former glorious selves?
Should I try to get in there or stick to an industry job which will probably pay better salary?
Is there a heirarchy as far as which labs are "better" to work at than other wrt prestige, funding, overall atmosphere?

>> No.12485771

What country are you in?

>> No.12485782

From what I can tell lots are mainly running on fumes. Probably not worth your time unless you want to pursue an academic career.

>> No.12485802


Can't help much with the US, for Germany
look for unis which have a Bernstein center:

>> No.12485818

>tfw you'll never work for Livermore during the 1960s trying to make fusion power a reality
why live tbhfam

>> No.12485828

Are you a professor/instructor? If so, why the hell were you going on a tangent arguing about trannies during class?

>> No.12485829

>me wants to do research
>me from Bosnia and study medicine
>me have no idea how to make it happen

Show me the path oh the enlightened ones

>> No.12485835


>> No.12485922
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I'm scared of AI but I also believe primitivism is for cucks. If I wanted to make AI to counter other AI, what would be a good choice for majors? I'm totally new to getting some kind of stem degree so I'm not sure if majoring in computer engineering is good enough, if I have to major in computer science/some kind of dedicated ai degree, or both.

>> No.12485925

Keep doing whatever you're doing. You'll get there.

>> No.12486015

>what are you referring to?
Yes, overexpression, purification, as well as directed evolution for binding.

However, though this is not what I am doing, CRISPR might be your better bet for academic work. Protein biosynthesis might be the better bet for industry, though. If you could create an automated process, you'd be able to service very many labs. There's generally a lot of money to be made in wet work automation, if you want to go the service route. I've saved a lot of money and time by outsourcing all of my PCR genotyping, as well as some histology. And the companies which got my patronage are still in business and growing, so I'm sure their profit margins were decent.

>> No.12486026

If you own land, you could long-term try to set up your own lab. Academia is fairly constrained (arbitrary health and safety, "ethics", and other things which sound great in theory until you see how they play out in practice), and the focus is strongly set by founding agencies, which too often swing with the establishment...
That's not how most of the great leaps in science happened. Some dude doing whatever part-time might be frowned upon by scientific "high society", but if you can pull it off that's the way to go.

I wouldn't recommend doing just that in isolation, as you'll end up spinning your wheels for nothing. The best combination would be you work in a "real" lab, and you have a private one for the wildcard super-high-risk-super-high-reward stuff. Hard to pull off, but if you own land and a big shed with basic utilities you're already ahead.

>> No.12486029

What stage are you at? A scholarship/internship/PhD stint at an established international school would help a lot, including if you want to go back to bosnia after that.

>> No.12486053

After studying AI myself I feel like the hyper is a bit overblown.

>> No.12486056

I did community college. You're fine. Do your masters.

>> No.12486061
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Is Electrical Engineering for me if I think breadboards, and most electronics (outside of computer elec. and flashier physics/chem/mat.sci stuff) are absolutely soul-crushing?

>> No.12486105

I am not an electrical engineer, but I work with them on projects in a industry/academic setting. Stuff like micro and maco power systems, renewable tech, microgrids, transmission and distribution networks etc. Seems like a field with a lot of diversity in it.

>> No.12486150
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How do you deal with the fact that your work isn't useful to the people around you? Like arcane mathematics or engineering that makes sense in a larger project but it virtually useless to the rest of the world.

Seems like learning to fix a printer is more rewarding than understanding Fourier Analysis.

>> No.12486157

I get my validation from dabbing on other idiot academics in published papers until I remember it doesn't matter and I make peanuts, then I resort to escapism

>> No.12486205

>too autistic
Lol, just about everyone in the field is autistic. I could try to convince you that I'm not, but we're on 4chan and that would probably just make you believe I was more firmly

American born, both degrees from respected research university

Most likely, I'm genuinely surprised that I didn't get in. One of my recs was even from an alumnus. Waiting on a reply to my request for feedback

>> No.12486224
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How can I actually make money with my chemistry degree?
Seems like chemists make fuck all here even at the highest 20-30 years experience level.
I'm 3 years into working in industry and while I'm happy with the work I do I'm getting paid peanuts while my relatives with no uni degree are earning 6 figures as programmers.
Looking into my future career prospects it feels like my only choice is management.

Are there any freelance/consulting/self-employment options I'm missing that would be available to chemists/scientists?

>> No.12486231

>just about everyone in the field is autistic
I asked someone else, apparently microbio is just really hard to get into/competitive here, but they also pay a ton more than my program so what do I know
breaking bad, duh

>> No.12486255

>Freelance chemistry
That'd be drugs. Though a more serious inquiry would be consultant work or content creation if you want self-employment. Think like NileRed regardless of what you think of him.

Maybe focus on Material Science and go into semiconductors too, that's a tech field that might pay better.

How the fuck do you get hired as a recent chemistry grad? Do you need a Ph.d and nepotism, or will a master's do?

>> No.12486260

I got hired with a bachelors as a lab tech and because I actually had critical thinking skills unlike the people who were already institutionalised from working there too long I was able to impress people and get offered a permanent position and kept moving up. They also have an education program where they cover 50% of the cost of your further education + give you time off so that was cool for pursuing PhD and relevant work certifications.

>> No.12486281

Don't care much about circuit design either. The applied math, applied physics, ML/AI and biomedical / organic electronics / synthetic bio sparks passion. Are there any industry related fields that do this or am I doomed to a life of transmission lines and ugly ass toy RC cars?

>> No.12486300

STEM is cool, but ambitious and highly qualified people use it as a bridge into something higher up the power ladder. The smart and ruthless people go into finance. The really smart people go into AI. The smartest people looksmax then marry rich. The idealistic self-cuckers like me do MechE for 10 years which is actually pretty cool. Mistakes I regret:
> not using getting more counseling to get over my neuroses
> wasting years with a woman who was wrong for me
> living in the bay area instead of the country near family where a house is not millions of dollars

>> No.12486313

>the really smart people go into AI
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12486357

Appreciate your time and interest. I don't have the direct experience you're looking for but I'm more than willing to learn. I have a foundation in general micro practices to build off of, so I'd look forward to learning more. If I'm in need of a position I'll stop by and see if your situation allows you to consider it.

>> No.12486381

EE is very, very broad. You’ll have to do a little breadboard work, but you’ll have plenty of other stuff to do. It’s not like you’ll be messing around with breadboards in industry anyway.

>> No.12486434

The work I am involved in is not entirely circuit design, but the overall process of modelling and designing power systems and infrastructure within those power systems across a variety of contexts.

Again it is not my field so I cannot speak beyond what I know firsthand.

>> No.12486739

The government-based research funding model encourages people to take pride in their work being esoteric.
You can either just go with that and "deal with the fact" by thinking it's some badge of honor and testament to your big brainhood.... or you can do the right thing and figure out how to make it relevant. Find out about the applications and who could at least potentially use it. Then contact those people and get their feedback.
List all these "application horizons" in your publications or your CV, or your applications, or whatever else you are using to summarize your work. Doesn't sound like much, but it always gives me a nice egoboost.
You can also try to find startup incubators in your area, and at least give pitching the aforementioned applications a try. If nothing else it will keep you grounded in the real world and better direct your work.

>> No.12486748

I'm gonna study Data Analysis/Engineering
Is this a big mistake

>> No.12486818

no, but try to figure out what the fundamental skills are, like statistics and design principles. Don't get caught up in the this-toolkit or that-toolkit data analysis meme.

>> No.12486961

Starting my first job out of BSEE doing consulting work in power/utility modeling, PSEE, EMTP, etc.

What am I in for?

>> No.12486967

*PSSE (also PSLF as well)

>> No.12486999

what can I do with a math degree at 33? i fucked around my 20s doing nothing important and i’m about to graduate.

>> No.12487014

Venezuelan with a German passport here. Just started a masters in DS in a great EU school since my undergraduate studies were shit in Venezuela and nobody was hiring me. Decent coding skills, mostly Python data libraries and ML frameworks. I am constantly thinking about my transition to industry after the masters, should I try for internships in FAANG?
Sometimes I wonder about doing a research assistant job because research in ML is really good here but I'm worried about getting stuck in academia and not developing any development skills for the industry. I don't really know what job I want to have, machine learning engineer sounds like the most obvious one but I'm also interested in data engineering. I have also been interested more and more in graphics, would it be useful to dive deep into C++?

>> No.12487100

Any maths in particular you specialized in?
You could still go for finance if it's just a generic degree. For more STEM-focused stuff you'd need to have a bit more specialization.

>> No.12487217

What this anon said. Undergrad research schemes are typically much easier to get into than big corporate internships, but have the same level of "prestiege". Also gives you stuff to talk about at interviews.

>> No.12487457

I can't open the FAQ the rest of the site is very synthetic, speaks only about astrophysics and solid state :(

>> No.12487489

why do people criticise Data Science so much? is it really that bad of a degree?

>> No.12487652

Lots of butthurt people who aren't good data analysts and bitter about the hype.
Lots of people also correctly figure out that data science is something you should tack on to some other expertise. For any meaningful applicability you need a lot of domain knowledge. Starting with data science and leaving it at that is a bit of a meme.

>> No.12487818

Remember you could try foreign national labs. Tsukuba, mentioned in the FAQ, is home to many of the Japanese national labs.

>> No.12487844

If you have a masters degree you could switch to patenting.

>I can't open the FAQ
That FAQ is a single HTML file. Not sure how you could fail to open that.
>the rest of the site is very synthetic,
What does this mean?
>speaks only about astrophysics and solid state :(
It is stated more inputs are requested.

>> No.12487847

there's a degree i'm currently interested called Business Data Analytics which seems to be Data Science specialized in Economics.

unfortunately i that uni is not public and the public one in my place just has a ''vanilla'' Data Science degree. thanks for explaining

>> No.12487889

Buddy, you have no idea. I am in SEAS at Harvard and we've cut back on everything, but we now have Juneteenth off, we have a new dean of diversity, inclusion, and belonging (aptly, DIBs), and we were forced to take a day off in June to think about tupac. Everything is pozzed.

>> No.12487917

Any good networking or recruitment steers for Space & Defence? Am recently graduated (MSc Space Systems Engineering, BEng EEE) and living in the UK, however happy to relocate at a moments notice

>> No.12487929

>self-study uni subject until you have a good grasp on it
>enrrol in uni for that subject
>brezze through everything while being top of the class
>experience a stress-free uni experience with a lot of free time and freedom to fuck around
>make high-value connections early, get noticed by professors, and get access to laboratories

Sounds good to me on paper, what am I missing?

>> No.12487942

New Thread

New thread

New thread

>> No.12490644

Ya, my dad works as a construction manager at one of the biggest gold mines in North America. I remember in HS I wanted to go into EE but he talked me out of it due to how shitty the job prospects were. Plus it's filled with indians/chinese people willing to work for pennies on the dollar. If you want to work with electricity and circuits and shiz just go into CEG if your school has it. It's a mix of EE and SEG.