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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12467280 No.12467280 [Reply] [Original]

What science you think Biden’s administration can get done? Better solar energy? Thorium reactors maybe? How about that moon base? Maybe we figure out what the fuck gravity actually is?

>> No.12467285
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>> No.12467298

Everything else is small fry. Nothing except global warming poses an existential threat to the USA; not China, not Russia, no one. Only AGW could bring us down. Biden NEEDS to make the USA move to carbon neutrality if not carbon negative status.

>> No.12467307

I don't believe there is a country in the developed world whose carbon budget for the next thirty years isn't negative.

>> No.12467322

>Better solar energy? Thorium reactors maybe? How about that moon base?
all gay meme shit
>Maybe we figure out what the fuck gravity actually is?
mixing gravity with quantum shit is the actual issue

>> No.12467338

lol growth mongers are about as pro-science as fucking bacteria in pitri dish

>> No.12467342

Well you'll be glad to hear he is already in discussions with oil company lobbyists about what to do about climate change.

>> No.12467343

1. Moving more polluting industries to China where we can pretend that the pollution doesn't exist.
2. Muslim outreach
3. Transgender acceptance
There you go. That's Biden's science platform. Enjoy.

>> No.12467351
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Well, on one hand, that sounds bad. On the other, the oil companies need a stable world in which to spend all their money, so maybe they are getting their act together. Please.

>> No.12467357

Oh Biden does outreach alright

>> No.12467359

>resources and knowledge

>lots of retards running around doing dumb shit
if by act do you mean some cataclysmic one?

>> No.12467364

>>resources and knowledge
What do you mean? How is this relevant to the carbon issue?

>> No.12467381

What I mean by this is how will these things undo the damage to the carbon levels we've done

>> No.12467397

Democrat house voted against the budget for a moon base. Are you just gleefully taking the piss like a fucking cunt or are you actually clueless?
Also >human foetuses raen't people it's fine to kill them at 9 months even though we can save prematurely born ones at 6 months
Also>seventy fucking two genders but men are bad and women are good
Also >the glass ceiling is terrible the glass floor what is that no men are in jail because fuck men there is no flatter distribution of IQ stop stop
Also>why yes you can prescribe puberty blockers to someone who is too young to consent to a vaccine or a date.
You are trolling right?

>> No.12467419
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>pro science
I refuse to believe anyone here actually bought the "DNC = Science™" meme.

>> No.12467429
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>> No.12467446

Bruh you need to chill. Take some estrogen pills or something

>> No.12467451

We will have a billion genders and you will have to accept them all

>> No.12467456

>/pol/faggots baits /pol/faggots into having a nice /pol/ circlejerk

>> No.12467693

The problem with simply dismissing anything political as /pol/ is that science and politics are now tightly intertwined. You can ignore politics but politics will not ignore you. If you're doing scientific research, sooner or later you will be required to bend the knee and agree to something you know to not be true. Eventually you'll be required to participate. You will not be allowed to continue to work in science if you do not go along with the commands of your employer's political officer.

>> No.12467701

well we really need to deal with global warming sooo...

>> No.12467727

>/pol/tard fantasizes again

>> No.12467734

Leftsissies are so bad at falseflaging kek,Stop pretending that you're /pol/chad nigger.

>> No.12467751
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>Now that America has a pro science president.
t. retard

>> No.12467756

We didn't get any of that done under black Obama I don't see how white Obama would be any better

>> No.12467760
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>completely out of touch retard says something retarded again
many such cases on this board SAD!

>> No.12467767

>mixing gravity with quantum shit is the actual issue
Quantum mechanics don't exist. We just calculate gravity incorrectly. That's why retards think red shift = all objects are moving away from us instead of the simpler answer simply being that gravity effects the travel of light to a degree that it red shifts at a certain point.

That or the emptiness of space is literally like an ocean with gravitational currents. Which is also feasible.

>> No.12467772

And I'm going to have sex with every one of them (except asexuals probably but if they're down to experiment I'll be there)

>> No.12467774

>white adjacent
well not gonna lie i always thought of asians as that. asians are the least niggerish race tbf. followed closely by whites which includes the ashkenazi jews.

>> No.12467778

I'm looking forward to being progressive and "dealing" with climate change by signing on to toothless, feel-good agreements that do nothing to address nations with accelerating CO2 consumption. If it doesn't do proportionate economic damage to China, I'd rather deal with whatever temperature increases come our way.

Pro Paris accord retards need to be tossed into a volcano.

>> No.12467782

I agree, pretending climate change isn't real is much better.

>> No.12467785

fun fact: the paris accord was shilled by the ex enron ceo btw.

>> No.12467787

the issue is pretending that it's worse than shutting the economy down.

>> No.12467793

>shutting the economy down
Well that's not happening anyway.

>> No.12467797


>> No.12467805

It unironically is. Plenty of time to buy some cozy Alaskan property. Or we just develop a workable solution and don't abdicate US hegemony relying on the pipe dream that China will do the right thing and stop building oil plants.
The US is no longer dominating the CO2 market and per capita consumption is falling each year. Alternative energy is becoming cheaper and will likely replace most legacy plants with or without intervention. So why triple the price of gasoline when you're going to make a single digit percent impact on CO2 emissions that will be swamped by billions in the developing world just now figuring out how to burn black rocks? If you can't sign China or India on to something substantial and of proportionate economic impact, then I would rather do nothing. If previous climate agreements are any indication, it will just be some feel good bullshit.

>> No.12467846
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> let's wreck our economy with arbitrary carbon caps
> while the biggest polluter in the world, China, is allowed a free pass until 2030
>because MUH CAPITA

Even a buffoon like Trump could see through this garbage.

>> No.12467849
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jews are not white, they are demons in human skin

>> No.12467865

What does america produce? Literally nothing. China mekes shit for the whole world.

>> No.12467876
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every time i come here the opinions somehow get even worse.

>> No.12467877

Jews are the ubermenches

>> No.12467880

the cope, lol

>> No.12467881

Finding new ways to rig future elections XD

>> No.12467884
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the fact so many people think rich people are capable of building mars bunkers and dont care about what happens to the planet in favor of profits despite the fact they wouldnt have a fucking place to make them if the ecosystem collapsed is beyond me. you honestly think they dont have a stake in this or care about this? you cannot be this stupid.

>> No.12467889
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>> No.12467890

Those little plastic tips on shoe laces? Think they're made in Mississippi, so we have that going for us.

>> No.12467891
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>>let's wreck our economy with arbitrary carbon caps
Which carbon caps?

>>while the biggest polluter in the world, China, is allowed a free pass until 2030

>let's wreck our economy by taking the unmitigated effects of global warming and pollution

>> No.12467902

Biden isn't pro-science.

>> No.12467908


>inb4 /pol/tard "science"

>> No.12467923

Biden doesn't favor a race war genocide to encourage natural selection.

>> No.12467936

And that's why he's not a scientist?

>> No.12467944

neil degrass tyson soience isn't real science.

>> No.12467951

So no example?

>> No.12467961
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>my little town only has one septic tank company, so that means they can dump raw sewage in the local river of they want

I hope nobody wasted any money on your college tuition and you stick to being a fry cook.


Paris Accord, retard.


>> No.12467974

exactly, there are no examples of biden being pro-science.

>> No.12467998

Bad bait, but I'll bite.
Biden is not pro-science.
He is a neoliberal who is pro-anything-that-will-give-his-donors-more-power.
You can expect:
>Green subsidies for big oil, with the only catch that they please be "carbon neutral" by 2050
>Moon and Mars program scrapped in favor of turning NASA into a climate change propaganda machine
>Unscientific treatments to gender dysphoria and other mental illnesses, including hormone altering and genital mutilation
>Forcing the people against their will into a meaningless international agreement, the sole purpose of which is to take our tax dollars and pay 3rd-world nations to be our personal carbon dump
>Moving all manufacturing to China, essentially granting them the title of the world's only superpower
>Praising the Western decline in IQ, and accelerating it by opening the floodgates to blown immigrants
>Censorship of any dissenting opinions, the stuff that separates science from dogma, claiming "the science is settled"
>Desecration of all historical White men, including scientists and mathematicians, to appease the apes we share society with
The future is looking bright :D

>> No.12467999

Colloquial science means hormone blockers for kids and government paid for gender changes meanwhile banning any use of nuclear energy

>> No.12468006

Nothing because he is a Communist puppet that will do nothing but seek the destruction of America. Get your head out of your ass, dipshit.

>> No.12468020
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>t. demon in human skin

>> No.12468094

>Paris Accord, retard.
This says China's emissions will peak in 2030, not that China "has a free pass" until 2030. Do you understand how emissions work? It will take massive reformation of infrastructure for China to peak in 2030, changes which must and are taking place right now.



>> No.12468100

You were supposed to show examples of Biden not being pro-science.

>> No.12468123

you're a fucking moron dude. imagine caring about moon bases right now. as much money as possible needs to be funneled into climate change mitigation, any real scientist will tell you that.

>> No.12468130

America produces entertainment for the entire world.
And by entertainment I of course mean the circus that is american politics and social conflict

>> No.12468138

I want to ask seriously. What is your base for believing that climate change does not need to be addressed in the US? Is it seriously only that "well other countries won't do it!" when obviously by reducing emissions significantly other countries will follow suit? and then there'd be a whole fucking industry of renewables in the US which would be able to export to other nations. Being ahead of the rest of the world is only good for the US.

>> No.12468144

This. Climate change should be the number 1 issue. The US should spearhead developement of new technologies and use its massive economic power to leverage china and india to adopt environmental regulations. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know the first thing about climate science.

>> No.12468150

the whole world will be like the usa in future

>> No.12468163

>as much money as possible needs to be funneled
"money" is merely a claim on future energy consumption, energy consumption that still predominantly comes from fossil fuels.

so you must be a big believer that we'll have nuclear powered trains, cargo ships, and farm equipment running any day now. otherwise money will not solve the problem. so you're relying on technology that doesn't exist yet and for all we know never will exist to save the day.

>> No.12468168

>The US should spearhead developement of new technologies and use its massive economic power to leverage
has absolutely nothing to do with
>climate science

>> No.12468238

The technology exists, but not at scales of massive globalized production. I'm not even talking about nuclear necessarily.
The money needs to go into the research to make these things easier to produce.

>> No.12468239

The intersection of climate science and climate policy is still climate science.

>> No.12468251

>The money needs to go into the research
>The technology
does not

>> No.12468254

Gender science

>> No.12468255

"climate policy" is not science
economics is not science
politics is not science

>> No.12468257


>> No.12468271

lol, no - get ready to watch every fucking research agency get put on outreach duty. can’t waste time working on pointless shit like human spaceflight or fusion or curing cancer, no we gotta devote all our resources on important stuff like boosting black peoples’ self-esteem

>> No.12468280

>asians are the least niggerish race
Spoken like someone who hasn’t watched any liveleak videos out of China

>> No.12468294
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If climate change is a real danger, they should "peak" immediately. Since they're the global leader in pollution, they should switch to Green energy as soon as possible. And if they don't want to take the economic impact, the International community can incentivize them with sanctions and by redirecting production elsewhere in the world.

The impact will force them to switch over sooner from shit-tier third-world industry to modern techniques.

>> No.12468299

The entire Paris Accord is toothless - there is literally nothing in it actually enforcing any kind of consequences for not meeting any or all of the caps and quotas it establishes. China will continue to burn billions of tons of coal, the EU and US will wag their fingers and tell them to cut emissions, China will say ‘no’, and the EU and US will say ‘yessir, sorry we bothered you’.

>> No.12468305

it is because of communism, chinks in taiwan or the usa or malaysia or singapore arent like this

>> No.12468308

>other countries will follow suit
that is embarrassingly naive

>> No.12468315

This - I’m fully expecting NASA to get bogged down with another Review of Human Spaceflight that’ll axe Artemis and spend months asking what NASA is doing for the Black community.

>> No.12468320


That's a free pass, you naive idiot.

If a doctor tells your fat mama she has to check into the hospital and go on a diet starting Monday, then her food intake is almost certainly going to peak on Sunday night. The doctor won't be monitoring her until after Monday, so there's no way to tell if she started gorging herself on food, now is there?

>> No.12468453

based hedonist

>> No.12468511

I dunno. The CCP isn’t stupid. They know AGW will screw up China big time, I’m sure they are working on trying to become carbon neutral. It’s not like the West were deniers have a voice in policy-making.

>> No.12468542

A moon base has no value other than sci fi wankery. Temporary missions and prioritizing Mars is the best

>> No.12468574

>If climate change is a real danger, they should "peak" immediately.
Doesn't follow and isn't possible.

>Since they're the global leader in pollution
I assume you were arguing for the same when the US was the global leader.

But I'm glad you've given up the retarded notion that China is just being allowed to do nothing, therefore we should do nothing.

>> No.12468584

First thing he would do if he wins would be canceling Artemis

>> No.12468585

>That's a free pass, you naive idiot.
No it's not. It would be impossible for China to peak in 2030 if they were doing whatever they wanted. And they are on track to peak before then. You confused peaking with starting to act.

>If a doctor tells your fat mama she has to check into the hospital and go on a diet starting Monday
That's not analagous to peaking. You can't instantly stop emissions.

>> No.12468599
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Meanwhile in China...

>> No.12468626

>A moon base has no value other than sci-fi wankery
Most worlds in the universe are like the moon so figuring out how to at least set up and live in situ on one has some value. Additionally the lower gravity well and distance from earth gives it value for research. There is plenty of practical value in linear infrastructure. The biggest one to me is the prospect of even launching rockets from the moon down the line, which would far be easier than launching theme from earth.

>Mara missions
What is different about a mission to Mars that is better? Like how is a mission to Mars not also just an impractical, ceremonial at best venture? Don’t get me wrong I know there’s tons for Mars, but it is weird you dismiss the idea of a moon base as sci-fi wankery and see Mars as what makes sense instead. Mars is hundreds of times further away than the moon as is.

>> No.12468639

Whoah buddy, sounds like you had a bit too much to think. Its time to shut it and embrace new normal or else

>> No.12468673

To be blunt, they didn't care about AGW in the past (see Exxon hiding the truth, etc.). Why wouls that change now?

>> No.12468741

which down there nazi you don't want to the gulag for a hate crime now do ya pal? I think you better rethink all this hateful rhetoric you are spewing here before you get yourself in trouble lad

>> No.12468749

jesus christ why do phones change everything into unreadable nonsense?

>> No.12468758

climate change alarmists all need to be hung with piano wire

>> No.12468769

Apple literally will type for you and try to tell you how to write with their shitty algorithms.

>> No.12468775

Sir this is amazon alexa internet monitor and we have units in route to take you to a re-education facility. Please do not leave the premises until their arrival. Have a nice day and thank you for shopping Amazon.

>> No.12468785

Killing the message doesn't make the crisis go away

>> No.12468794

neither does throwing money at a fake crisis and imploding your economy over fear mongering imbeciles screeching who never even took a meteorology 101 class

>> No.12468801
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>mfw this dude and those like him vote for people who deny climate change
We are so screwed

>> No.12468807

Might as well fight a suicidal civil war to wrest power from the elite over the climate crisis as they refuse to deal with it. It’s either that or dying on their terms.

>> No.12468817

Biden will implement the new Aurelius MKiii Carbonizer Neutron Abattoir which will let us out out the amount of energy comparable to 850 000 000 Dyson spheres

>> No.12468824
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x706, maskCuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit butt blasted soi cuck. we burning this bitch down for the keks and the salt we going to mars fuck you untermensch on this shithole

>> No.12468830

now this nigga is on some g shit. hit this blunt nigga and put on your war paint

>> No.12468991
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>if he wins

>> No.12469009

The liberal groping squads are coming for you

>> No.12469011

>bother people
>get beat up

>> No.12469025

>China China China
If China polluted like the US it would be much worse than it is. China should be (and is) working on cutting emissions like every other country. This whataboutism doesn't work on any level.

>> No.12469051

There is 0% chance you are not Chinese.

>> No.12469056

>anti maskers behave like niggers
big surprise there.

>> No.12469068

I'm Jewish

>> No.12469073

You're lying for (You)s

>> No.12469075

talk shit, get hit bitch. Keep your big nose in your textbook where it belongs you fucking nerd unless you want it bloodied and broken

>> No.12469077

I'm not. Ask me something only a Jewish would know.

>> No.12469090

Ah so you are just a nigger.
Don't you have a court date Tyrone?

>> No.12469096

when did all the /pol/ schizos get here. take your meds.

>> No.12469100

It's corrupt Joe Biden so this is what will happen:
>Huge federal grant for 'alternative energy'
>All of it goes to cronies of the DNC/Obama/Biden like his brothers and cousins
>Nothing gets done and money is just pocketed

>> No.12469102

The thing about being a /pol/ schitzo, is they usually don't have jobs, classes, or hobbies. This is literally all they have, so one of them can shitpost more than 100 productive members of society.

>> No.12469115

The worst thing about joe, is he simps for neoliberalism for free. This retard was in the senate for 40 years and fucking Obama had to pay Hunters medical bills. When most senators are millionaires within a couple years.

>> No.12469158
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>Better solar energy? Thorium reactors maybe? How about that moon base? Maybe we figure out what the fuck gravity actually is?
dreams kiddo, he will do nothing in term of science, only brag about it and people/redditors will clap, i bet he will delay Artemis program, slash NASA budget, tell Elon to fuck off and don't go to Mars, because muh Covid/Climate/minorities

>> No.12469336

pack it up lads

>> No.12469341
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>That's why retards think red shift = all objects are moving away from us instead of the simpler answer simply being that gravity effects the travel of light to a degree that it red shifts at a certain point.

>> No.12469406

I grew up in Fairfax co. and two people I know went to TJ. That place is hard hard, people don't want to go there, their parents force them to. My two friends went to Dartmouth and UVA, both of which were much easier in comparison to TJ. That place is hell and if you can't pass the entrance exam you won't make it.

>> No.12469416

Science over facts!
Thank god we have president that will give us warp drives and star trek. Get out of electric vehicles now Teleporters incoming!

>> No.12469555
File: 2.83 MB, 576x1024, lol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me.

>> No.12470225

lmao he wil cut everything, as Ob*ma did to NASA after Bush