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File: 240 KB, 1800x1762, Pfizer Vac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12462594 No.12462594 [Reply] [Original]

Every disease on Earth will be cured by mRNA vacccines within our lifetimes. We did it lads. Sim City 6 will have an mRNA lab bulding you get access to in 2020 that gives a health and life expendency boost to all humans and dromedaries.

>> No.12462608
File: 747 KB, 1261x1682, dirty birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond man imagine the applications to agriculture. All livestock diseases wiped out. A vaccine against methanogens to please the eco-warriors and end methane production.

>> No.12462621

What could go wrong

>> No.12462631

at this point fuck it

>> No.12462635

Probably global dygenics as weaklings survive the diseases that should have killed them.

>> No.12462722

Could this trigger the evolution of a "supervirus" like how antibiotics have triggered the rise of "superbacteria"?

>> No.12462864

They'd just change the protein in the mRNA vaccine to express the new protein in the new "super"virus.

>> No.12462912
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Don't care still playing SimCity 4.

>> No.12462950

I want to be optimistic about this vaccine. I’m not anti-science by any means
However this Bell’s Palsy certainly doesn’t seem like nothing. And yet you google it and it’s 10 articles about how Bell’s Palsy is nothing to worry about and the vaccine is 100% safe

It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. I wish these news outlets weren’t so obsessed with setting a narrative. If the articles just clearly stated the percentage of people experience Palsy after taking the vaccine... I would feel a lot more comfortable taking it.
Instead the focus seems to be on minimizing or obfuscating any potential side effects instead of discussing them openly and rationally

>> No.12462965

Go straight the technical lit then, page 38:

Bell’s palsy was reported by four vaccine participants and none in the placebo group. These cases occurred at 3, 9, 37, and 48 days after vaccination. One case (onset at 3 days postvaccination) was reported as resolved with sequelae within three days after onset, and the other three were reported as continuing or resolving as of the November 14, 2020 data cut-off with ongoing durations of 10, 15, and 21 days, respectively. The observed frequency of reported Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population, and there is no clear basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship at this time, but FDA will recommend surveillance for cases of Bell’s palsy with deployment of the vaccine into larger populations. There were no other notable patterns or numerical imbalances between treatment groups for specific categories (system organ class or preferred term) of non-serious adverse events, including other neurologic, neuro-inflammatory, and thrombotic events, that would suggest a causal relationship to BNT162b2 vaccine.

>> No.12462983
File: 28 KB, 1000x1000, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none in the placebo group
>expected background rate in the general population
>no clear basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship
>none in the placebo group

>> No.12463025

4 cases
21669 sample size
= 0.0001846% get Bell's palsy

328.6m Americans
= 60586 Bell's Palsy cases

Real world
>Bell’s palsy affects about 40,000 people in the United States every year.

Difference of 20586 cases
Therefore ~51% increase chance of getting Bell's palsy

>> No.12463046
File: 49 KB, 800x920, 1585622760171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>placebo group: 0
>vaccine group: 4
>(you): 0 * 1.51 = 4

>> No.12463084

There's 40,000 new Bell's palsy cases in the US each year dum dum, not zero.

>> No.12463132
File: 173 KB, 842x721, Bell's Nothingburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Background rate of Bell's palsy (40k/328m) means there should have been 2.64 cases in the 21,686 placebo group. Placebo underperfomed by -2.64, Vaccine overperformed by 1.36.


>> No.12463165

>life expendency
*life expectancy

>> No.12463186

It's kind of weird how some people are more afraid of the vaccine than covid itself.

>> No.12463219

Will be patched 6 months after launch.

>> No.12464989

Shout out to Ribosomes

>> No.12464998

kek chekd nd based and brave pilled

>> No.12465148


You can't use logic.

>> No.12465151


>> No.12465216

I thought there was a problem with corona vaccines making people more susceptible to corona irus infection?

>> No.12465330

>being afraid of a meme virus

>> No.12465548

With those numbers it might as well be a coincidence dude

>> No.12465553

you cannot draw any conclusions from four fucking cases lmao

>> No.12465570

SARS-nCoV-2 being a meme is a meme. And not a funny one.

>> No.12465591

> The estimated age-specific IFR is very low for children and younger adults (e.g., 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at age 25) but increases progressively to 0.4% at age 55


Unless you're old or obese, it's a flu.

>> No.12465880

Imagine being almost a year into this shitshow and STILL arguing with deaths.
We have known since the beginning of March or even earlier that the death rate is irrelevant.
Face it. YOU are the meme.

>> No.12467305

>We have known since the beginning of March or even earlier that the death rate is irrelevant.
Not that guy, and obviously I'm not an imbecile that considers Covid-19 as a light issue, but could you please elaborate on this? I'm obviously not an expert, but people tend to criticise the lockdowns, mask wearing or social distancing where I live given "the death rate is too low and that means it's just a flu", I always felt that this wasn't right, so why isn't death rate relevant here?

>> No.12467346

I mean, it's not irrelevant, but it's by far not the most pressing issue. It's the high infectivity and high chance of causing post-infectious complications. The half-assed "lockdowns" are mainly supposed to do three things:
- avoid mutations (the more people have it, the higher the chance of it mutating. See for example what happened on the mink farm in Denmark)
- avoid too many people getting sick at once and disrupting the economy (up to six weeks recovery time, but two weeks of all employees being unavailable can seriously disrupt business for some companies)
- avoid hospitals becoming overblown with patients (hospitals here are taking in patients from abroad, our neighbors already hit full capacity)

>> No.12467483

Mutations are random and most disable functionalities. It's statistically overwhelming to become less lethal. Viruses don't "want" to destroy their hosts, only propagate themselves.

The economy has already been disrupted to hell from lockdowns and remote work. Students are still getting shitty education through screens because the gerontocracy is afraid of a meme virus.

Many hospitals are facing financial problems, people aren't getting preventative care, mental illnesses are compounding from lockdowns, etc.

>> No.12467513

>Mutations are random and most disable functionalities
There's the problem. Infect enough people and you'll find bad ones.

>The economy has already been disrupted to hell from lockdowns and remote work.
How? It seems fine from here, apart from unfortunately a significant number of people losing their jobs. Who can apply for new jobs as soon as we do a real lockdown or get the vaccine.

>Students are still getting shitty education through screens
I don't think students have a problem. Pupils maybe.

>afraid of a meme virus.
I thought you said
>I'm not an imbecile that considers Covid-19 as a light issue
>mental illnesses are compounding from lockdowns
Mental illness rate lowered. In the west, hardly any country had a lockdown. France and Italy did.

From your arguments it would be best to have a strict lockdown for three weeks. It worked for Asia. Then we strictly trace people who get it and their contacts. Easy.

>> No.12468403

I trust the science behind vaccines. They're an amazing tool that have done a lot of good for humanity in the past.
I don't trust the government and big pharma that currently are in absolute control of this science (which can AND has been used for harm before).
The media outlets, which have very openly become the left arm of the elites, constantly telling me how batshit insane I am for even daring to quesstion the people in charge doesn't give me a lot of confidence either.

>> No.12468407

I've had a year to see that Covid's pretty much a joke. In a year, I'll evaluate the vaccine.

>> No.12468446 [DELETED] 

>be game programmer
>get into gene editing
>"bugs will be fixed 6 months after launch!"

>> No.12470006

>Beyond man imagine the applications to agriculture. All livestock diseases wiped out.

This was expressed before and now all our front-line antibiotics are failing.

Thanks you dumb, dumb meatheads

>> No.12470069
File: 2.90 MB, 1863x2000, mRNA Utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mRNA vaccines are not antibiotics. If a diesease vector mutates then the mRNA vaccine will simply be changed to express the new protein and reteach the host immune system to target that. The age of disease is over, science has remade the Earth into a new Eden, sing gaudete.

>> No.12470757
File: 37 KB, 942x542, vectors_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12470813


Fuck it. Downloading.

>> No.12470820

Why would I take a vaccine for a virus that doesn't kill 99.7% of people that it infects, when I'm a young adult with a working immune system that can manufacture its own antibodies of almost any geometry.

>> No.12470829

Who cares? It’s literally nothing. Your face freezes for a few days and it goes away. Did your retarded ass look up what Bell’s palsy is? No of course not. It’s a disease that kills everyone

>> No.12470916
File: 83 KB, 806x492, Image5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine the smell

>> No.12471003

>killls 3 out of 1000
>1 in every 333.3
Ever been in a room of three hunred or so people? Been to a concert, party, or event with thousands of people? You're the one (of many) that dies.

You get the vaccine because the disease affects the public health and public authority dictates to you that you take it for the protection of the public.

>> No.12471025

Its not a big deal. Its a shot in the arm doesn't hurt eat the bugs

>> No.12471029
File: 26 KB, 496x300, Image6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got all the shots eat the bugs and am going to be first in line.

>> No.12471034

So placebo looks much better because it goes through the roof, it can be expressed as y=x graph. While the red graph is really flat. It is y=n where n is a constant. Bad.