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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 640x356, TzZm_UbsofI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12462190 No.12462190 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel /sci/?

>> No.12462217

Sad that old people are dying.
>B-But it's ok to kill the elderly!
It also doesn't count the huge number of non mortality related issues.

>> No.12462314
File: 64 KB, 1002x382, 2011 h1n1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets compare to the 2010 H1N1 pandemic
CDC data: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2010-2011.html

Okay, now lets consider the terms used in the CDC COVID19 stats. "Infection Fatality Rate" is estimated by adding symptomatic + asymptomatic cases. Essentially, to determine the IFR you have to make a projection on how many people are actually getting infected regardless of symptom onset and test results. The "Survival Rate" is a measure of fatalities vs positively confirmed cases. So while the IFR is an inferential statistic, the survival rate is an empirical statistic insofar as we can rely on the accuracy of the testing method. We shall assume PCR testing is generally reliable as it is not relevant to the comparison being made here.

For the 2010-2011 CDC Influenza season stats, we have "Illness Rate" and "Mortality Rate". Illness rate is an estimate (projection) of influenza cases vs 100,000 population. Mortality rate is determined by comparing deaths with positive influenza diagnoses vs 100,000 population.

So the stats on mortality we have here are slightly different. It would not make sense to compare COVID19 "Survival Rate" with influenza "Mortality Rate", as in this case the "Mortality Rate" of influenza also includes an estimate of asymptomatic or unaccounted (non-treated) cases, which the COVID19 "Survival Rate" does not.

Thus we must compare the COVID19 IFR vs 2010-2011 Influenza mortality rate, as both of these statistics include factor in the estimate for unaccounted (i.e. asymptomatic, non-treated) cases.

In so doing, we see that the COVID19 IFR for ages 70+ is 0.054%, or 54 out of 100,000. The mortality rate for influenza is 62.4 out of 100,000 - meaning, the 2010-2011 influenza was estimated to be MORE DEADLY for older people than COVID19 is currently estimated to be.

"Trust the science" libtards.
Source: data scientist

>> No.12462323

And now compare this with poverty and suicide rate increases due to lockdowns

>> No.12462345

In lockdown Covid killed 1.6 million people.
No Flu has killed that much. Your math is bad

>> No.12462357

what did you expect from a data ''''''scientist''''''

>> No.12462363

Not an argument

>> No.12462367


>> No.12462379

>No Flu has killed that much
did I mention flu, retard? Let's kick the economy 20 years back because 1.6/7800 = 0.02% of the population died. Brilliant idea.

>> No.12462388

Far more would have died if we didn't.
1.6 million people already died.
Your argument is that we shouldn't do a preventative measure because the preventative measure is working. You are as stupid as Anti-Vaxxers

>> No.12462392
File: 116 KB, 364x478, 1343787355606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you define interpreting government statistics as performing math, I'm surprised you are even capable of using a computer.

>> No.12462402

how many more? I doubt it would've ever reached even half a percent. The first lockdown is somehow justified, but the absolute paranoia that is going on today is even denounced by WHO. It's a bunch of politicians and other people in power who milk the whole thing for virtue points by telling you they "care about your safety". Not my financial or mental safety, that's for fucking sure.

>> No.12462406

>I-It's ok it would have only killed 35 million people at most I swear!

>> No.12462409

And he explained why the assumptions are wrong

>> No.12462412

look at Sweden, retard. Is it on the verge of societal collapse? Is it a desolate wasteland now? Keep being a fucking wimp. America was founded on the idea that freedom > safety. I sure as hell believe this myself.

>> No.12462414

>In so doing, we see that the COVID19 IFR for ages 70+ is 0.054%, or 54 out of 100,000. The mortality rate for influenza is 62.4 out of 100,000 - meaning, the 2010-2011 influenza was estimated to be MORE DEADLY for older people than COVID19 is currently estimated to be.
Based on an estimated infection rate that doesn't take into account that H1N1 had a very high asymptomatic rate, around 75%. The best measure is pneumonia deaths, and 2020 has been brutal in that regard. 2010-2011 barely differed from the surrounding years, H1N1 was nothing.

>> No.12462422

current IFR for USA is .5% with zero measures covid will easily hit a 90%+ infection rate. That alone gives us 15m dead in the US alone. That isn't even taking into account how much fatalities across the board would increase as our medical system collapses under the sheer load of cases. Not to mention immunity only lasts about 8 months so reinfection is also a factor.

>> No.12462431

Go move to Somalia if that's all you care about

>> No.12462435

>look at sweden
Was and is using facemasks en mass.

>> No.12462439

Holy shit imagine being retarded enough to still be shilling the covid fear porn.

>> No.12462441

Not to mention they were actually pretty aggressive about working remote + shutting down schools. Sweden is more locked down than most States in the US, it's just generally voluntary.

>> No.12462443

This. Covid is boring so it doesn't matter how many people die. I need to find the new thing to care about!

>> No.12462448


>> No.12462451

did I say anything about the masks? Don't lock me down in my room and let me function like a human being. That means socializing, going to work, to restaurants, bars, etc. Couldn't give a shit if I have to put that piece of cloth on.

>> No.12462454

See >>12462441

>> No.12462469
File: 44 KB, 796x453, ffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Methods: Modeling study integrating COVID-19 death rates with SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence data. Expected age- and sex-specific IFR were derived from seroprevalence studies and compared with reported numbers of deaths. Limitations: Both reported death and seroprevalence data could be inaccurate
Hint: the data model you are using is being used to create a report on the CDC website, but was not created by CDC researchers themselves

Quotes from the source cited regarding their model:
>However, further comparisons are needed to fully understand the representativeness of different seroprevalence survey designs
>...although we find notable heterogeneity in IFR estimates as suggested by individual national-level seroprevalence studies, with a median range of 0.24–1.49% (Fig. 2b). In particular, seroprevalence studies from New York City (2.28; 95% credible interval, 2.15–2.42%), Scotland (1.49%; 95% credible interval, 1.25–1.82%) and England (1.41%; 95% credible intervals, 1.38–1.44%) suggest a significantly higher IFR whereas studies in Kenya (0.24%; 95% credible interval, 0.23–0.25%), Slovenia (0.25%; 95% credible interval, 0.24–0.30%) and Denmark (0.26%; 95% credible interval, 0.24–0.32%) support a lower IFR than that of the ensemble model.

Take a look at the variability in those confidence intervals, and you tell me if this is a reliable source.

>> No.12462478
File: 52 KB, 802x840, Eoi0LubU8AIDf3T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the lowest IFR from that report is Kenya. KENYA.

>> No.12462480

h1n1was unusually mild for old people, a regular flu seaon has an ifr of around 0.1%

>> No.12462483

median age in Kenya is 18 so that doesn't surprise me in the least.

>> No.12462492

You're not afraid of the 99.98%, are you anon?
His explanation assumes that every reported covid death was a covid death

>> No.12462498

People die every day
If you set out to eliminate death you are running a fool's errand

>> No.12462538

This. Seat belts should never be included in cars

>> No.12462540

You are right. In reality there are likely far more Covid deaths that aren't counted

>> No.12462546

Truth be told. Comparing the Kenyan overall IFR from the /112420_covidupdate report to the IFRs in OPs pic, and come to find that the generalized Kenyan IFR is roughly 5x higher than that of the 70+ age group for the US, if we are to believe both reports. Contradicts the established relationship between mortality and age, thus one of the reports must be wrong. CDC data vs some random ayylmao model, probably better off sticking with the CDC on this one.

>> No.12462553

In reality the are far more non-covid deaths because the person happened to have covid at the time. Typical example: the holiest man on earth, Mr Floyd himself.

>> No.12462564

>Typical example: the holiest man on earth, Mr Floyd himself.
COVID-19 wasn't listed on his death certificate as a cause of death.

>> No.12462571

You actually proved the opposite. He had covid but didn't have it listed. So the other anon is right.

>> No.12462575

Hello Vadim I see you've escaped from cvg again.
Go back.

>> No.12462577

exactly, because the kikes listed it as a non-fatal police knee chokehold.

>> No.12462603
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 43fb883df0048ac_300300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured he was a ruski sooka blyat

>> No.12462609


>> No.12462619


>> No.12462624

vindicated, I've been preaching that covid is a nothing burger since the beginning. Couldn't give 2 fucks about boomers.

>> No.12462641

>Anonymous 12/13/20(Sun)20:37:15 No.12462314▶>>12462345 >>12462414 >>12462480
> data scientist

>> No.12462670

what kind of discord tranny bullshit is this

>> No.12462673

just go back to plebbit dude

>> No.12462686

But his death is included in the IFR stats.

>> No.12462688

Not an argument

>> No.12462689

Post source

>> No.12462713
File: 981 KB, 200x200, 1603414619150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12462723


>> No.12462725


>> No.12462742

You're going to need to provide some proof, because I can find nothing stating that his death counted towards the COVID-19 death count, in fact they explicitly state it wasn't a cause of death.

>> No.12462769

Surprised I didn't catch this. OP's pick pulled a fast one and added a % to a decimal ratio.
the CDC's actual IFR for 70+ is .054 or .54% the image is off by a factor of 10.

>> No.12462785

It's in the definition, retard. Scarf Lady Burke even told you this months ago.
If you had an infection and subsequently died (regardless of your cause of death), you're listed in the "COVID DEATHS" column.

>> No.12462792

>It's in the definition, retard.
No it's not, or provide the link.

>Lady Burke even told you this months ago.
She was talking about how to classify deaths. His was specifically not ruled a COVID-19 death.

>> No.12462793

>It's in the definition
No it's not you absolute fucking retard. You have to actually die of a disease to be listed as a case fatality. If that was in the definition of IFR the common cold would have a 100% IFR

>> No.12462801

>die of a disease to be listed as a case fatality
No, you have to die WITH the disease. This was made clear months ago.

>> No.12462811

schitzo conspiracy bullshit isn't 'made clear' That isn't how IFRs are calculated ever, and such an absurd claim had better come with a mountain of evidence.

>> No.12462830
File: 114 KB, 992x879, lolno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it didn't.

>> No.12462838

Are you in first grade or do I need to explain the difference between a ratio and a percentage?

>> No.12462855

Not a source

>> No.12462877

0.54:1 = 5.4%

>> No.12462882
File: 61 KB, 736x876, 1598068972263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*0.054:1 = 5.4%
holy fuck what a typo

>> No.12462890

Now we know why OP's image was a picture of hit TV and not a link to cdc.gov

>> No.12462893
File: 442 KB, 502x475, 1599342953128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this effort just to once again prove that OP is indeed a faggot

>> No.12462901

the 'data scientist' was my favorite part

>> No.12462913

why the fuck are there so many shills on /sci/?
How much are you even paid?

>> No.12462918
File: 30 KB, 374x250, 1344266122067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12462928

Why the homophobia?

>> No.12462943
File: 143 KB, 500x507, hate-the-word-homophobia-its-not-a-phobia-why-31628701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12462951
File: 1.75 MB, 268x268, FDC27251-2AF3-46B7-84AC-E942828749ED.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>94.6% of old people survive covid
>0.054% of old people die of covid
5.346% of old people:

>> No.12463021

Seat belts don't shudder the entire economy and keep me locked in my house 24/7

>> No.12463176

You are right. We should just let 1% of the population die.

>> No.12463178

We aren't doing that.

>> No.12463196

I unironically am fine with this. Besides old people overwhelmingly voted for the president who wants to end lockdown. The only young people that are dying are a tiny percent of hamplanets and aids fags

>> No.12463199

But none of that is happening?

>> No.12463200


>> No.12463201

Your family first.

>> No.12463205

Unless you are in China nobody's forcing you to be at home 24/7?

>> No.12463206

I'll take <.005% odds of my friends and family dying from a the chink flu if it means I get to actually spend time with them normally over the next few years

>> No.12463209

Far more than that anon

>> No.12463213

Actually it would be 1% for each family member.

>> No.12463220

See, you retards just deny the actual odds.
If your grandparents or parents are elderly it you have a 3-5% chance of them fucking dying.

>> No.12463221

No it wouldn't retard, my family isn't a bunch of 90 year olds. This assumes they even catch it

>> No.12463222

So you have no elderly family members? You have no one 60 or older?

>> No.12463234

The amount of misinformation you've been fed is astonishing and revealing.

>> No.12463235

I have several, all of which voted for Drumpf because they'd rather enjoy the last years of their lives than be locked away scared of a small chance of dying from meme flu

>> No.12463253

It boils down to a moral question: Are you willing to sacrifice the vitality of the country to save the lives of the weak and sickly? For me it's a resounding no

>> No.12463258

Why don't we just close hospitals all together? It's a waste of money treating all those sick people.

>> No.12463259

Disappointed in humanity, because after pretty mich one year of this shitshow idiots like you still bring up mortality, when it wasn't relevant since at least March.
Then again disappointed because this implies we shouldn't care about people dying when it's just a few. I don't get it. You criticize Russia and China for lack of human rights and then argue it's okay to let people die over a sickness that could be prevented by not beigg a total jackass.
Fuck you.

>> No.12463263

Where did I mention money? Having hospitals open is not the same as having lockdowns

>> No.12463264

>"Trust the science" libtards.
Quote a scientist that says anything else than you did. God fuck you are retarded.

>> No.12463276

Also, if we wanted to maximize lives saved we would lock down every flu season (pre-covid), because it would definitely lower flu deaths. Why aren't you endorsing that too? Because you understand that lockdowns are damaging and in this situation are willing to accept a level of sacrifice. My tolerance for deaths in making this tradeoff is just higher

>> No.12463287

Part of the reason we close down is to protect hospitals.

The burden of disease of a flu season can't be compared to covid-19.

>> No.12463297

It's just an example. Why don't we ban cars to prevent automobile deaths?

>> No.12463511

>still arguing with deaths
You're a fucking brainlet, dude.

>> No.12463527
File: 821 KB, 4096x2098, 1607840190338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12463556

>they're everywhere! Scientists everywhere say something I have graphs against! I can't prove it but they're real!
So you're a schizo. Noted.

>> No.12463565

I'm actually confused, to tell you the truth. The lockdown is causing massive economic damage, which goes against the fact that the entire world is subservient to corporate interest.

>> No.12463578
File: 701 KB, 4096x2166, usa mortality 120 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12463584
File: 81 KB, 1296x864, Em4sj_BXUAAaNfA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest scam of all time

>> No.12463588
File: 215 KB, 2048x878, portuguese court pcr test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12463593
File: 96 KB, 928x510, who 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12463613

When you can't make your own arguments I guess spamming the thread with random infographics is the only option.

>> No.12463632
File: 115 KB, 812x1724, usa hospitals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no unusual excess mortality
lock downs have no relationship with mortality
pcr tests are false positives over 30 cycles
masks do nothing https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817
the who changed its recommendations in 2019
differences in cases is explained by seasonality
there is no unusual icu admission

the response to cov2 has been one of the most disgraceful scams ever perpetrated.

>> No.12463635

>Just lock down everyone
Why is this the prevalent notion right now? I mean all you have to do is issue general hygiene rules like wearing masks indoors and on public transit, and then come up with a concept to isolate the risk demographic as much as possible from the rest. Just test people in old folks homes regularly, clear some store-time exclusively for the old and vulnerable and organize a separate form of transportation for them. I don't get why this isn't being done, even if proceeding with a general lockdown this should be done, coming up with a singular hygiene concept for the general population is just retarded

>> No.12463644
File: 28 KB, 898x320, masks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing masks indoors
no. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817

>> No.12463669

I mean the effectiveness of proper surgical masks in reducing aerosol particles is proven, my question would be how many of the adults tested would belong to a risk group, how much personal contact they would have with others and how high the prevalence in the test region is

>> No.12463672

How the fuck is it even possible to be this misinformed?

>> No.12463678

no the non effectiveness of masks at reducing cov2 infection rate is proven >>12463644

name one thing incorrect

>> No.12463684

Also the mask will not protect the wearer, but lower the risk of infect to spread aerosol virus particles, if this is what you were on about

>> No.12463687

how fucking retarded are you people >>12463644

>> No.12463691

>among wearers
What are you on about now?

>> No.12463692
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 2rdkbw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting on 4chan
>Socializing, going to restaurants, bars
let's keep the discussion in the real world anon

>> No.12463701

Imagine being almost a year into this shitshow and STILL arguing with mortality when that hasn't been a thing anymore since March.
Whoever spams this board with these shit graphics and "arguments", go fuck yourself. You are a part of the problem and why we have these fucking half-assed lockdowns. It's YOUR fault.

>> No.12463703

>there is no unusual icu admission
Categorically false. Where do you even get this shit from?

>> No.12463706
File: 123 KB, 838x218, masks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12463722

What that says is that people are shit at wearing masks you mong. Not that they don't work.

>> No.12463734

Why don't they add up to 100% but if you multiplied the fatality rates by 100 it adds up perfectly?
They can't even convert probabilities to % properly?

>> No.12463737

Different setting, no distancing rules, smear infection play a large role common influenza viruses, while it does play less of a role in covid infections. I'm arguing basic fucking principle here, properly worn surgical masks reduce areosol spread that is seemingly the most important vector in covid transmission, it won't matter that much for the general population who will most likley not be infected even without masks, but as long as it reduces the possibility to infecting risk groups, it's a sensible measure

>> No.12463740
File: 55 KB, 680x464, changing relationship between case and icu case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12463748

it is inconceivable that issuing fines and jailing people for not wearing masks is justifiedhttps://wtop.com/maryland/2020/10/lawmaker-takes-legal-case-of-maryland-man-arrested-for-not-wearing-mask-at-polling-place/

>> No.12463763
File: 608 KB, 1732x3571, charts-pooled-by-age-group.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely nothing unusual is happening

>> No.12463769

>issuing fines
>jailing people
overblown unless they intentionally go coughing it up in an old folks home
It's just part of the hygiene concept, you go to a store, you wear a mask, you go to bar/restaurant, the restaurant owner has to have a concept in place and you should wear the mask until you're seated or whatever their concept sees fit. I get a lot of the criticism regarding the handling of covid, but I really don't get the mask issue

>> No.12463774
File: 10 KB, 862x108, failed denmark law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12463776


>> No.12463782

>3 per 100,000
>20 per 100,000
>500 per 100,000
>5400 per 100,000
So if you're over 50, it's worse than living with niggers

>> No.12463805

why did it quickly collapse healthcare systems everywhere when left unchecked and how is not something that deserves particular attention?

>> No.12463813

What was the point you were trying to make here?

>> No.12463816
File: 112 KB, 1234x696, uk critical care occupancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didn't

>> No.12463819

because its like a super contagious version of the flu

>> No.12463822

there is no unusual icu admiission

>> No.12463830

Well, all hospitals in my area are overblown. Even the ones across country lines. Guess you're full of shit.

>> No.12463841
File: 116 KB, 1032x561, stringency no effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post data you shill

there is no unusual excess mortality
lock downs have no relationship with mortality
pcr tests are false positives over 30 cycles
masks do nothing https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817
the who changed its recommendations in 2019
differences in cases is explained by seasonality
there is no unusual icu admission

>> No.12463851
File: 101 KB, 1464x746, no pandemic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12463854

Are you for real?

Literally had a webinar with a Swedish intensivist at Karolinska a couple of weeks ago and they literally had to build/convert wards to accommodate all the ICU admissions.

>> No.12463863
File: 179 KB, 1404x1376, EpJ3em2XYAsTmtI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up you're not even at half at what you were

>> No.12463879
File: 72 KB, 977x638, EpBSp6nXcAEpI-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12463880

It makes me feel vindicated in my lifelong assertion that humanity is comprised of 90 percent NPC who are stupid as fuck and barely conscious and to never underestimate how stupid they are or the stupid sit they are capable of

>> No.12463882
File: 147 KB, 1543x817, sweden all cause death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12463901

How fucking dumb are you? Do you think think that image somehow shows there's no unusual ICU admissions? March/april is the baseline? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12463909
File: 283 KB, 1041x1020, correlative variables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it was baseline you faggot I said it wasn't unusual and all you did was contradict
just like you have no unusual excess mortality with no lockdown because lockdown has no efficacy

>> No.12463913

How is it not unusual? Compared to what?

>> No.12463916

every other year

>> No.12463919
File: 57 KB, 905x894, El5kGy9WoAMXIBM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12463931

Well, it is actually very unusual building new wards, having to use cold war era equipment, running out of basic medications, everyone having to work extra shifts etc.

How isn't this unusual exactly?

>> No.12463935
File: 24 KB, 1030x480, icu admission sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking shill
only 16 days to pump those numbers up somehow you disgrace

>> No.12463937

Sweden had to double their capacity when the first wave hit. It's simply not sustainable to operate at that level. Stockholm is currently at capacity.

>> No.12463940

eat shit

>> No.12463955
File: 309 KB, 1536x2048, no asymptomatic infection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12463957

Why did a vast majority of places in the world that didn't have bodies piled up on the street ended up with bodies piling up on the streets?

why so many testimonies of doctors crying they had to choose who lived and who died in a way that isnt normal to them?

why do you insist on lying when the objective truth is what i said and the objective wrongness is what you say? are you gonna argue that gravity doesnt exist now? are you gonna argue 2+2=watermelon fluffy rainbow?

>> No.12463958
File: 115 KB, 600x450, pcr cycles false positives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12463960

You're just proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

The average covid patient is much longer in the ICU than other cases.

>> No.12464002
File: 26 KB, 998x544, inpatient icu sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what people say isn't evidence. All cause mortality is evidence and there is no unusual all cause mortality.
Who the fuck pays you to be this blatantly a shill?


>> No.12464018

>what people say isn't evidence.
if those people are doctors from hospital all around the world then yes

also piles of bodies in the street mass graves being dug up is objective undeniable proof

seriously tough, do you get off on being wrong or are you just the saddest troll ever?
like youre objectively wrong, you sound like this:

no, it's 4, end of discussion
>no its actually
no, its 4, nothing else to talk about
>no but you cant just accept a source th
its 4
>but actually if oyuo consider that
theres nothing to consider, its 4
>woah you brainwashed idiot i cant believe that
still 4

end of discussion forever

this is just an excersises in futility if you dont accept the objective undeniable facts that are presented to you over and over again

>> No.12464020


wow about as much as people die from car crashes every year better not ever drive

>> No.12464026

There are objectively no piles of bodies. There is no unusual mortality

>> No.12464042


Are you gonna force me to keep completely and utterly humillate you? i mean really, youre either the worst idiot ever to have walked the earth or the worse troll, which is it? are you retarded or just pretending?

its over you lost, even in anonimity you should be ashamed of being this pathetic

>> No.12464044

>thinks news articles is better evidence than mortality data
Fuck the ccp

>> No.12464046
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>> No.12464047

if you're talking about the OP image, you might want to double check those numbers against the actual data because they are mysteriously off by exactly a factor of 10 lol.

>> No.12464050

No im talking about the data i linked here >>12464002
you obvious shill fuck you and fuck the wef

>> No.12464053

I think you need an update on Sweden. Even before the holiday season starts, they're having a third wave of infections, despite following stricter rules for the last couple of weeks. They don't have enough health staff to care for all the sick, so they're asking for help from neighboring countries. They're on the verge of collapse, with no rest in sight for the health staff. What point were you trying to make?

>> No.12464061
File: 258 KB, 586x664, los.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post original source, please.

It's incredibly how you can literally just post bullshit like this.

>> No.12464068

>median inpatient days
>mortality data
the gall you have to call me a shill kek. you don't even care about truth. you just want to believe you're right.

>> No.12464070

Well, if you read this thread our world renowned armchair covid expert says everything is fine in Sweden. Nothing unusual is happening there at all.

>> No.12464078

>not posting your source
>thinking that only because its in a study its true
>not knowing there are literal "scientific peer reviews studies" on everything, including flat earther

confirmed for being an idiot, you lost op, you cant recover credibility after this, close the thread and start over

>> No.12464085

>post data you shill
Go to your local hospital and ask.
>there is no unusual excess mortality
Nobody cares. You're living in the past.
>masks do nothing
So you had 11 months now and still don't understand that masks don't protect the wearer, but others FROM the wearer? Fucking child.
>there is no unusual icu admission
Complete and utter bullshit.

>> No.12464086

Hey, Spam some more useless links you misunderstand anyway. I like red. It's my favorite color.
Maybe you can also make the useless graphs you consistently misinterpret red? I really like it.
Also the screenshots you post instead of linking the source. Make it all red. I like it.
Thank you.

>> No.12464087

4chan(nel) won't allow the link.
>COVID-19 length of hospital stay: a systematic review and data synthesis
>Rees et al
Not that you would read it anyway.

>> No.12464187

kill and eat the 1%

>> No.12464198

The math is wrong. All journalists suck at math
>70+ survival rate is 99.9946%
Not 94.6%. That would be an astounding 5.4% death rate. So which is it?

>> No.12464546


>> No.12464785

Correct me if i'm wrong but i thought that during the first wave in NYC the healthcare system coped just fine, some hospitals reached capacity but others had room left, and if you look at excess deaths and hospitalizations the virus was obviously spreading "unchecked" in february there, the only places that had piles of bodies on the street were third world countries with low ICU capacites

>> No.12464828

Already went over this OP is a faggot
it's 5.4%

>> No.12464898

I'm so tired of covid hysteria

>> No.12464903

It's fucking based

More dead boomers = good

>> No.12465573

What hysteria?

>> No.12465580
File: 50 KB, 480x268, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12465658

Dumb bootlicking covidcuck, enjoy life locked in your bug pod while the rest of us live normally

>> No.12465676

>while the rest of us live normally
Like what master bathing to anime in your moms basement?

>> No.12465710

Very original, one reddit upboat for you my good sir

>> No.12465735


>> No.12465786

Pointing out inconsistencies is not a whataboutism you retard

>> No.12465882


>> No.12465884

>while the rest of us live normally
Won't happen, unless we get rid of the virus. You're not helping.
>Dumb bootlicking
Pretty sure you're the bootlicker here.
Anything else or is that all you've got?

You didn't point out any inconsistencies. You brought up an unrelated issue because you have zero arguments.
>why aren't you endorsing that too?
This instantly gives it away. Absolute brainlet.

>> No.12465915

bump for retards wrangling over OPs fake news post

>> No.12465939

Average age of death is still above average life expectancy lmao.
This was nothing but a good chance to delay the social security bubble, but we decided to kill the economy instead. The young will starve probably ~ 60 - 100 thousand in the US
that's ~ 3 million years lost vs the -1 million years lost since again
Average age of death is still above average life expectancy lmao.

>> No.12465956

>masks don't protect the wearer, but others FROM the wearer?
protect from what?
Literally more likely that someone will murder you

>> No.12465973

They lower the chance of contracting SARS-nCoV-2 significantly.
>Literally more likely that someone will murder you
Absolutely not. Im not in the USA.

>> No.12466027

0.00053% in norway
where do you live, Japan?

>> No.12466062

It's .003%, FYI, assuming you're under 19 anyway.

>> No.12467366

Nowhere in the world is the murder rate above 50%.

>> No.12467556

Sad. Rookie numbers.