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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 1024x649, ana_asla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12459650 No.12459650 [Reply] [Original]

Ana Aslan edition
last: >>12431879

We discuss research, offer advice (the best one is to see your family physician), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>What's the best spec for research?
Path, onc, anesthesia, etc.
>Best spec lifestyle wise?
Psych, optho, derm, rads

>> No.12459662
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Threadly reminder.

>> No.12459676

Big fan of vit K personally

>> No.12459682

I prefer C.

>> No.12459685

romania mentioned :)

what's wrong with premeds? what are they?


>> No.12459703


>> No.12459705

rude :(

>> No.12459727

I have had a cough for two days, I am fatigued and today I started to develop a very mild fever. Has coronachan embraced me in her warm loving arms or do I just have a respiratory virus?

>> No.12459740

EMS bros > nursoid roasties

>> No.12459747

Research is kinda gay. I prefer pure practice.

>> No.12459864

Gonna ask the same question as I did in the last thread as I'm desperate for help:

What were fellow med-fags' study routines like in pre-clinical years? And how did you study?

What I do is: Go over lecture notes, watch lecture, make Anki cards.
Is this the right way? My cards are fairly heavy so maybe I should make them shorter

>> No.12459881

>My cards are fairly heavy so maybe I should make them shorter
One to three units of information per card, the les the better
If I was to go back to my pre-clinical years I would definitely have used anki more and realized that most of the stuff you lear is pure memorization(of course you should understand what you're talking about). Also, I would start memorizing stuff as early as possible and use pictures with Anki basics or image occlusion enhanced. Sketchy micro is also top tier for some subjects like microbiology.

>> No.12459949


Ultra based chad practitioner physician.

>> No.12459950

Premed = Fraierii dinainte de a intra la medicină. Noi nu-i avem, doar americanii și alte câteva țări.

>> No.12459964

This is an english only board

>> No.12460007

aaa lol
ce bazat ca intalnesc un alt roman
nu am mai vazut alti romani pe alte board uri inafara de int


>> No.12460008

Yeah, yeah, but when the frogs spoke to each other nobody gave a fuck, so fuck off dumb newfag.

>> No.12460010

Mai sunt și pe /lit/. Doar pe astea 3 am văzut useri care să se dea români. Și mai e un brașovean pe /sci/ din câte știu.

>> No.12460077

find out what's right for you. I tried Anki, just didn't have the discipline to study whenever an app told me to. In clinical, I made charts with the medications and for symptoms. The pathophys I just studied it from the textbook and that's it.

>> No.12460162

>Anki cards.

My experience with flash cards was that they were generally only good for things that you just have to memorize. If you can reason it out, you shouldn't need a flash card for it. Also flash cards take way too much time to make and I am lazy and try to do the least amount of work for the most benefit.

My study routine was:
>Go to lecture
>Pay attention and reason through things as the lecturer is presenting
>Quickly review the slides when I get home and make sense of anything I didn't catch during the lecture
>Skim through first aid and see if there was any additional information I should know

Generally, I would study a few hours over the weekend. When boards came around I was studying up to 6-8 hours a day for the month leading up to it but that included me ignoring lectures.

>> No.12460166

Oh, and get videos. I used sketchy micro, pathoma, and first aid videos (they are all amazing) on my weekend time.

>> No.12460200

any norway bros here? is it worth it to study here or is it better to study aboard?

>> No.12460245

Thanks lads. Think I'm making the mistake of not thoroughly and deeply understanding the notes before shoving the material into Anki cards.

I'll modify my method and hopefully it helps. Will report back after my tests next week

>> No.12460343

Not if I had anything to say about it

>> No.12460590
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After months I saw a picture of a nurse I used to date and later left. I always feel like I could've done more but she wasn't into it as much as I was.
Listening to Grigorii Leps rn.

>> No.12460730


t. cucked someone out of a med school spot and a residency spot and now doing just basic research and stealing research gibs from seething biomeds

>> No.12460747

men in general > any female employee
even gay dudes

>> No.12460820
File: 154 KB, 500x894, no cite no problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine NOT having a hidden underground laboratory where you conduct experiments for the greater good. There's no ethics rules while underground, those rules are only for surface dwellers. Also based because you can fund private research with under-the-table type payment.
Right now I have a participant coming to my lair to help me with some research. All I do is force them into a room with no lights on and they have to continue screaming until the lights come on. I leave them alone in the dark for an hour, then I flicker the lights on/off once per second and then I throw fireworks outside the door and get my dog to bark at them. After all of this happens I record perirectal galvanic skin responses with combined introduction of vicious whipping. So far I've found psychological stress has no effect on pucker factor, even when paired with the whipping control. Also, I've went ahead and have been sampling urine for a manipulation control - there is elevated sugar in the piss which indicated adrenocortico hormone release. I'm stumped, anyone have suggestions?

>> No.12461010

>tfw no cushy unit 731 research job

>> No.12461862

Depends. I had some super nerdy incel like friends in uni that only knew to talk about medicine and that was it, the ultimate definition of a NPC.

I mean, yeah, autistic as he is, he does the job well, but damn sometimes I wish I could kill him.

>> No.12462290

Been thinking about vitamin K all day

>> No.12462914

yo honestly.... it sorta hit me a couple days ago but FUCK nursoids and other midlevels

what is your opinion about this link. honestly rip to anesthesiology. it was a specialty i was considering but it seems so uncertain right now.


one more FUCK nursoids

>> No.12463130

>what is your opinion
"People" with less hours and knowledge than an anaesthesiologist should not do it unsupervised. Simple as, idk why 'muricans are so assblasted, they invented these retarded titles "NP, PA, CRNA, BSN, BLABLA" when they're poorly controlled. Boomer doctors like them apparently.

>> No.12463293

do /med/oids regret studying medicine? do you wish you studied something else?

>> No.12463398

Not really. The only things I see myself doing besides medicine are journalism, literature or philosophy, but besides the fact that you have to read a shit ton of books which I do like, they don't interest me that much.

>> No.12463844

it's shit but so is everything else

>> No.12463984

Nah mate, you dodged a bullet.

>> No.12463985

Kys nigger

>> No.12464226

Why? I like investigative journalism, seems pretty fun and you need to have a lot of knowledge on how to persuade people and shit like that, not writing pop culture shit.

>> No.12464441

Any MD PhD babes on here? In my first year and haven't found a lab yet. When did you start rotations?

>> No.12464731

What are some niche specs that not everyone goes into as is good as a primary spec?

By primary spec I mean emergency medicine as opposed to disaster medicine where you need a fellowship.

>> No.12465264

Does my friend have Fibromyalgia?

He had never had any big issues with pain until he twisted his ankle in march 2019. He did some exercise in order to minimize the pain. It never went away, nor didn't it bother him until the summer of 2020. He didn't have to take pain killers but he complained about it more and more. He did an x-ray, but it showed nothing. Then in october he started to get tingling in his left arm and some minor pains. Then some weeks later the pain in his ankle spread to other parts of both legs (calves, knees), he got sore muscles, problems with sleep, sweating, chills, sore hips, stiffness in muscles. cracking joints. It came very suddenly and it has been the same since the day it began (28 october 2020)

He got a positive test for antibodies against Lyme, but antibiotics didn't do anything. He is now clueless about what is causing his problems.

I thought about fibro when I heard about it. Is this how fibro usually start?

>> No.12465581
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What does "following simple commands" mean in this context (basketball player who collapsed on Saturday)? Guessing it means he has brain activity and he's not gonna go Schiavo but after that, who knows?

>> No.12465610

Not at all. Once you get into medicine and you understand the subject you end up loving it.

>> No.12465715
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>Does my friend have Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia pretty much only shows up in people with mental illness (including anxiety and depression). So if they have these issues, then yes they could have it. That being said, it's a bullshit diagnosis.

>> No.12465716 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1401x1091, clamped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My diagnosis is immediately clamped.
I'm sorry, there is no cure.
That will be 500$.

>> No.12465723 [DELETED] 

Dumb post. Doesn't resolve chicken or egg, there could be many reasons for a given cluster.

You everything is psychogenic magic fools are like a disease. Get the fuck out of medicine and stay out.

>> No.12465737
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Awww, did I stwike a nerve? Go fuck yourself with your pandering to mentally ill people. Nobody in medicine takes these people seriously except psych specialists, and half of them hate fucking dealing with those whiners anyway.

>> No.12465745 [DELETED] 

Substanceless, ego based junk. You might as well have not responded.

>> No.12465753 [DELETED] 


>> No.12465758
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just got into med school, am i still premed trash

>> No.12465769


How curious, you don't seem to have any input other than "that comment is wrong, fuck you."

>> No.12465775 [DELETED] 

You didn't make any comment. The logic behind your case was broken, you failed to engage with it at all.

>> No.12465843
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>You didn't make any comment. The logic behind your case was broken, you failed to engage with it at all.

Except that's not true. It's well known that it most often coincides with anxiety/depression among other mental illness and the first line treatment is antidepressants. You can be mad all you want, but that doesn't change the facts.

>> No.12465862

For about a week my pinky toe has been red, a bit swollen, the joint is moderately painful to the touch and it itches quite a lot especially at night
There are no white spots, flaky skin or anything like that, it's just red. I haven't injured my toe or anything lately.
Anyone know what it could be?

>> No.12465870


>> No.12465892

I haven't gone outside for a month

>> No.12465901

This thread is fucking shit. Why is it always full of premeds asking for advice? Fucking scram.

>> No.12465931

Ok niggers, am I retarded for applying to Medicine? I’m getting interviews back too so there’s a chance I might actually get in

>> No.12465934

ayy cyclebro here, best of luck w all the zoom interviews

>> No.12465947

Is there a term for when the actual rate of my heart is OK but it doesn't feel like there's much actual juice when I check my carotid pulse? (Not asking for advice or anything, just doing research)

>> No.12465951

Like the rate of pulses is decent but the pulses themselves seem weak as
Whats the term for it?

>> No.12466086


>> No.12466092

dude are you actually retarded you could figure this out within 5 seconds on duckduckgo. It's called hypotension

>> No.12466605


>> No.12466973

Sometimes when I wake up suddenly I feel a pulsating or throbbing sensation at my vertex. It doesn't even hurt, it's just unpleasant. I'm afraid it might be an aneurysm or some such.

>> No.12467282

>That being said, it's a bullshit diagnosis.
What else could it be?

>> No.12467735

Complex regional pain syndrome (formerly reflex sympathetic dystrophy). Or lyme disease/post treatment lyme disease.

Regardless, dude needs to keep his muscles stretched.

>> No.12467980
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>my friend
it's you, isn't it

>> No.12467997

I tried Anki but i only use it for exams. After that i stop using. Like another anon said, making the cards takes too long and some pre-made decks are worthless.

Right now i take notes in a outline format from books. I don't watch lectures i just take notes from books. I wish i could just read the book once and remember everything.

>> No.12468111
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Post the books that helped you the most in medical school. Now that I'm a few months away from the end of this entire shitshow, I realized valuable this little shit was for me.

Also UCSF Hospitalist's Handbook helped me a lot, but there's a free app for it instead.

>> No.12468183

I disagree and agree to a point. The point of low to mid level practice in nursing, as in CNAs, LPNs, RNs, etc. are to allow people to get into the medical field and start working while continuing their education and becoming better care providers. A CNA or LPN does nothing that an RN can't/won't do, but having them allows these people to start working without being overwhelmed or in major debt by allowing them to take smaller steps to becoming an RN. BSN should be the goal of every nurse, as they actually know what the fuck they're doing, and honestly I trust people with a Bachelor's more than an associate's. However, I understand how becoming a LPN first may be a better route for Mary Sue, who can't afford 2+ years of school right off the bat, but wants to get her foot in the door.

I will agree however that NPs should only be used in roles to take free clinic issues and stress off of real doctors so they can focus on better shit. Not everyone can even become an NP, as the education is usually competitive. But PAs shouldn't exist.

>> No.12468187

Friendly reminder that if you're an ms3 you don't know shit about shit, and the dumbest nurse knows more than you about patient care.

>> No.12468210

BSN is a meme, the only thing they have on RNs is that they spent more money to write papers and appease boomer teachers who havent nursed in 30 years. Look into any RN-BSN program, it's 99% bullshit busywork
PAs exist so nurses can call someone in the middle of the night to ask for some drugs for a patient when NPs arent available, and day shift didn't solve the problem. In theory this should be a nursing position, but NPs are the only nurses allowed to prescribe drugs here, for better or worse

>> No.12468281

>but NPs are the only nurses allowed to prescribe drugs here
Would you prefer RN retards prescribing drugs or someone who has more medical schooling?

Also, out here having a BSN is a requirement for certain fields of nursing.

>> No.12468290

how often should i have a shrink appointment if i take neuroleptic and antidepressant and im diagnosed with stpd?

>> No.12468368

>implying physicians don't like the bread and butter cases

>> No.12468753

Only MDs, DOs, and higher should be able to prescribe and practice medicine.

Only MDs, DOs, and higher should wear a white coat in a clinical and healthcare setting.

Only MDs, DOs, and higher should be called doctor. PhDs should find another title.

Change my mind.

>> No.12468838


>> No.12468870

How do we fix the fact that medical staff, from doctors to nurses is made up of the same midwits as in the general population?

>> No.12468940

in my country where the entrance exam is sort of like an IQ test, might help filter those out.

though I'm not sure how effective it is at doing that, since tons of my classmates are fucking retards

>> No.12468949

dear lord give me strength to keep going
I must cram all my Anki cards in for my exam on Thursday, today, or else I'm fucked because I won't remember shit. tomorrow is review day

>> No.12469004

Just drop out, nigger.

What the fuck is the problem with americans? It seems all they fucking do is to review bullshit book padding instead of learning to treat patients.

>> No.12469019

It's almost as if you don't know what the medical field is about. It's service sector nigger, and the job itself isn't any more demanding than physical work.

>> No.12469048

I'm European.. and I'm still in my pre-clinical years

>> No.12469105

it does make a difference since normalniggers and midwiterinos in the medical field are just as dumb and frightened of the coof-19

>> No.12469119

Most retarded post I've seen in a while. Like extremely low effort, not even trying.

>> No.12469124

is it worth seeing an ENT over potential Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?
Symptoms from the last year:
>fullness feeling in right ear
>slightly worse hearing (maybe 80% the hearing left ear has)
it's definitely not earwax buildup

the last week there's also a mucous-like sound whenever I squeeze my eyes closed or open my mouth wide. It's not bothersome but it's so obviously loud that I figure it would be normal to get it checked out.

>> No.12469133

See your FM and fuck off. Haven't even seen a doctor and you diagnose yourself...

>> No.12469143

The most fucking insufferable spec there is. Holy shit, so many things CAN happen to the mother, yet most of the patients I've seen were healthy and had no issues, all consults came out fine, everything checked out. Is it a 'murican thing to be ill when pregnant or what?


>> No.12469148
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>> No.12469160
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Doctor is an academic title though. PhDs have a deep appreciation for STEM, even more so than some physicians though their studies are niche and necessary. It's deserving and equal in academic magnitude but not in IRL utility.

>> No.12469167
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Based. Also r8 my socks.

>> No.12469177
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suck my dick money-grubbing KIKE. only a retard would purposely stay ignorant of everything besides what your doctor tells you. and how do you know I haven't seen my doctor? that's how I know it's not earwax buildup to begin with. you need a referral to see a specialist where I live. what a dumb attitude to take to begin with. retard jew KIKE.

>> No.12469183

Who are you quoting Sir? Stay seething.

>> No.12469212
File: 97 KB, 720x576, qQxRAb23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU KIKE. YOU FUCKING KIKE. you just want to talk down to the normies and have everyone bow down to worship your superior credentials. you want everyone to shut up when it comes to medical issues, even if it concerns them directly. you will NEVER be respected like you dream of being. fucking jew doctor. in ten years your profession will be replaced by computer programmes. glorified pill dispenser. suck my dick nerd.

>> No.12469226

Try harder, obvious bait.

>> No.12469579

See your FM pal.

>> No.12469675
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What specialty will give this kind of energy off when you enter a room?

>> No.12469706


>> No.12469714

It's wax dumbass

>> No.12469734

Only intelligent post here

>> No.12469736

Just bought this today. Really looking forward to having a paper copy. I have also bought The Top 100 Drugs: Clinical Pharmacology and Practical Prescribing. Hoping to read 1-2 drugs every night before sleeping.

Apart from Anki, do you guys use any apps that are helpful? I have all my notes in OneNote, but am considering using Notability as well. Think that real time sync with the laptop and the tablet is pretty good. Just found out about Evernotes Scannable app as well. Sometimes I really wish I learnt some things before the final year.

>> No.12469757

Doctor = PhD
Physician = MD

>> No.12469758

What are you doing in this thread then? Fuck off, premed shit. You're literally reviewing highschool garbage and you can't keep up with it.

>> No.12469765

MDs dont do research, and rarely even remember highschool maths

>> No.12469851

MD's do a lot of clinical research, even outside of academic centers. They don't do the statistics though, that's usually passed off to a statistician hired by the organization.

>> No.12469912

We don't have premed in EU kek
get out nursoid

>> No.12469935

>MD's do a lot of clinical research
They don't even know statistics, how the fuck are they supposed to model disease behavior and the outcome of interventions? Just read a handful of papers on any topic, see how full of bullshit and incongruent findings are them. They publish shit as graduation requisites, not because they know the fuck they are doing. At most you can take some case study to laugh at what the retards were doing.

>> No.12470272
File: 304 KB, 952x1041, 2020-12-15_19-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oxford handblook clinical med
tintinallis handbook manual for ER med
lippincotts illustrated review: pharmacology
do practice problems from your textbook

Don't fall for the modern cloud text processors (e.g. evernote). Just get libreoffice (free and you can rice it out, see pic). If you want to do any writing over PDFs of PP presentations then get "write on PDF" for a tablet. I think paper notes are chad. Also, if you really NEED cloud storage then I recommend Next Cloud, it's free and easy to sync files across android/mac/PC/linux/ios. You also can straight up buy medical school notes (https://www.medstudentnotes.com/)) I don't recommend it because you should be making personalized notes for you are your own special kind of retarded.

Another thing with next cloud, it will auto sync onto your hard drive, so when you type up notes and save them, NC will auto send the information to the server and whatever other machine you use can be set up to auto-recieve it as long as it's powered on. If you're going to fall for the tablet meme I recommend getting anything but iOS because they're open about designing their OS to make previous models obsolete - go Android. Avoid the "e-ink" kindle/writer combo atrocities because they're autistic and suck.

This is chad load-out:
printer paper with clipboard
small notebook for rounds
fountain pen w/ ink cartridges (nurses fear this)

>> No.12470523

>fountain pen

>> No.12470566

Why is chronic pain always the worst in the morning? The first few hours of the day are absolutely hellish for me (thoracic vertebra injury), but the pain goes away almost to nothing after that

>> No.12470569

>studying to be PMHNP
>everyone thinks they're doctors (basically are psychiatrists to be fair)
>med students absolutely seething at NPs for being associated with them, especially ones who wear white coats (even though it's usually required by various programs)
I have no real point here besides the fact PHMNPs shouldn't really be called nurses at all. I will admit other NP specialities are meh which kind of reinforces my point

I've been heavily interested in mental heakth for a while and will easily take 2/3rds the salary of a psychiatrist if it means there's a better job market, way better work life balance and no medical school [debt] or residencies. Again I have no point besides just being interested in the general sentiments of pmhnps

>> No.12470578

Probably sleeping in a way that compresses whatever nerves are involved. This isn't my speciality but when you sleep, stick a thin folded blanket under the arch of your back regardless of if you sleep on your back or side, obviously won't work for stomach. Aside from pain, if you sleep on your back it'll force diaphragm breathing helping any potential apnea

Also do yoga nigga

>> No.12470581

Folded pillow, not blanket* also just read about good sleep posture in general, you might also be going full retard with your neck

>> No.12470601

Regarding OP, ortho is allegedly good for lifestyle. Not sure how anesthesia is good for research when it's probably the most brainless, mind numbing field

>> No.12470606

T. Fearful nurse

>> No.12470725
File: 83 KB, 1118x544, scottevest .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12470773

It's because what every your injury was, it causes inflammation in the muscle which in term causes stiffness. Edema is a normal bodily reaction to injury, but it also causes restriction. You will find that if you have a muscle that is infiltrated with edema, by using the muscle you will essentially move the fluid out of the tissues and it will feel normal. It's a basic principal behind physical therapy.

>> No.12470787
File: 117 KB, 378x763, labcoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. what IS that? I wear a medelita lab coat - so comfy and worth the money

>> No.12470819

A Scottevest. Guess its discontinued now. Easy alteration, adding a bunch of pockets.

>> No.12470823

Based and white man pilled

>> No.12470933
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A-are we winning the war, dietitians ?

>> No.12471041

How often do MDs roast psychology?

>> No.12471101

jesus christ is this TLC or something?

>> No.12471187
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Might as well be

>> No.12471281

Everyone and their mother knows the shitty osmolarity estimation: 2Na+Gluc(18^-1)+BUN(2.8^-1).
Why exactly are Glucose divided by 18 and BUN by 2.8? Nobody seems to cite whoever came up with it.

>> No.12471283
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I did it /med/!
got my 3.5 GPA in my pre-med years!

>> No.12471299

I wonder if in 5 years you premed fuckers will keep posting in this thread or you'll fuck off and be replaced by new premeds. I'm quite tired of your blogging bullshit.

>> No.12471335
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Pretty much this.

Fountain pen is plebbit tier. Pilot G2 pen is what chad's use my brother (0.7mm ofc) . I buy them in bulk.

Get Tarascon's Pharmacopeia for rounds if you're not familiar with medication. It's super compact.

Fucking gross, dude.

>white coat
I just put over my pic related. It's much comfier and works well with jeans/khakis + shirt.

>> No.12471384

t. scared of the sniffles

>> No.12471393

IQ is psychology (pseudoscience).

>> No.12471396

okay brainlet

>> No.12471399


>> No.12471415

nevermind, i found out.

>> No.12471890

Man I'm making the jump from resident to icu registrar and I made the mistake of telling them I quit my old job early so I could have a 2 month holiday. Now they are "asking" me to come in for an unpaid observership, which is total bullshit. Anyway thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.12472390
File: 131 KB, 810x1754, 5fd675898b19a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have noticed that my dominant right side is becoming slightly weaker and smaller. i lift weights and my left arm is more shredded and has more veins and it's slightly bigger. even my right eye is a little bit lazier than the left.
can this be the start of something serious or is it nothing? the difference is slight but it's there. pic unrelated i haven't taken any rona vaccine

>> No.12472404

kek you just got fucked. what happens if you don't do the observing job? seems fucking useless and a waste of time. you should at least ask for money considering it's your time.

>> No.12473002

I personally do not.

>> No.12473008

Before you jump into conclusions ask anyone who's already inside if they asked the same from them. That way you could confirm they're giving you a whole different trait and tell them to drown on cocks.

>> No.12473248


>> No.12473307

How does that make me a pseud?

>> No.12473614

>collegue fucked up
>i got signaled for it instead

>> No.12474171
File: 9 KB, 800x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone pls exploin

>> No.12474191

dominant, so 100% expression whether homo or hetero I think

>> No.12474434


Penetrance is how much of the phenotype you exhibit of the genotype.

Think of retinoblastoma. If you have the faulty RB gene, you will likely develop retinoblastoma. But not everyone with the faulty RB gene does. This is because you need the "two hit hypothesis" to knock out the other gene for RB. If you have one and it functions normally and never gets knocked out, you never develop retinoblastoma. Penetrance is essentially the likelihood of developing retinoblastoma if you have a faulty RB gene.

>> No.12474646

How do you explain this so well? I understand it and I knew it before but the way I explain it sounds like shit.

>> No.12474707

It comes down to how well you understand the material. All you need to do is break down the material you are describing to it's most basic components. When the foundation is there, the other pieces are easy to build upon and easily fall into place.

You know that it's an autosomal dominant disease, therefor, it must be expressed in some fashion. You also know that for some reason people with the RB mutation don't all develop retinoblastoma. Now you need the explanation as to the difference between the people who develop the cancer and those who don't. Then you resummarize the topic at hand in different words.

>> No.12474750

so is the "other gene" something that prevents another dysfunctional gene's expression, making the disease a 2 gene dysfunction, and the other gene's presence or absence is what penetrance is denoting?

>> No.12474780

Yes. RB gene is a cancer suppressing gene (I don't remember exactly how it does it, whether it's DNA repair or not). You have two because you got one from each of your parents. You technically only need one gene to not have cancer. However, what they've found is that it's actually pretty common to lose one of those genes through mutation/knockout. So if both are normal, it is unlikely that you'd mutate both. If one is abnormal, then the second one needs to be knocked out before you develop the cancer. The penetrance denotes your chance to knock out that second gene.

Keep in mind though that this is different from variable expression. In variable expression, you would show mixtures of phenotypes. With penetrance, you either show that aspect of the phenotype or you don't. With RB, you either have cancer or you don't.

>> No.12475527

exam in 14mins boys

cardiovascular anatomy, histology and embryology

>> No.12475538

I'm so nervous

my dick needs to relax
DEEP breath

>> No.12475563

wtf that was way too easy bros

im a fukin genius

>> No.12475595

Guys what is the routine inpatient bowel prep for colonoscopy in your hospital?

>> No.12475601

Liquids only diet.

>> No.12475602

For me, it's Washington's Manual of Medicine and Tintinalli's Handbook.

>> No.12475624

Oxford handbooks seem nice (Emergency medicine and Acute medicine ones are nice) but their units are in retarded britbong mmols and can be confusing. Also heavily based on british medical system.

>> No.12475633

The only apps you need are MD Calc, UpToDate (for clinical info) and Medscape (offline drug reference part is good).

Anki is good but I have to make my own decks and it gets boring sometimes.

As the other anon said, don't fall for online note taking services. Either have a physical note book or a word files.

>> No.12475723
File: 582 KB, 2048x2048, 1608117253858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute nursie giggled at my joke

>> No.12475812

What type of exercise should I do if I'm underweight (5kg(11lb) under)? light weight training? cardio only? how intense etc.? or should I avoid exercise all together? would exercise help with gaining weight?

>> No.12475814


>> No.12475819


>> No.12475936


>> No.12475976

Guaranteed 5kg gain per 2 weeks.

>> No.12475987

appreciate it lads but I lifted weight consistently for years, don't need help with programming or anything this is just my first time ever being underweight (had some health issues recently) so more wondering if it's even safe to work out or if programming/intensity should be approached differently when underweight vs normally

>> No.12476049

As long as your take a couple portions of carbohydrates and fats before lifting you can be as intense as you want.
Do bodybuilding, powerlifting or whatever thing that doesn't count as cardio.

>> No.12476085

how will medical healthcare look like in 2050?

Will there be proper treatments for any of these conditions?:

-Rheumatic diseases
-Autoimmune diseases

>> No.12476236

What's proper?

>> No.12476354

treatments that could make patients be free from symptoms

>> No.12476368

No such thing for any entity. Symptoms, discomfort and adverse effects are de facto and expected with all medication/drug since they're all agents foreign to the human body.
Even things as innocent and miniscule as an aspirin have to be prescribed with caution.
I'd recommend you to set your expectations from a common sense background and not look for absolutes in the biologic field.

>> No.12476579
File: 1.61 MB, 960x912, 1570870751576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got accepted into medical school. Starting after Fall 2021.
What books should I read during my transition? What books were the best during med school?
I'm bored out of my fucking mind right now. help me anons.

>> No.12476602

Walt whitman, leaves of grass. Vivid, like a dream or a time machine. Can increase all your stats

>> No.12476605

I think they are all basically treatable if not curable by 2050.

>> No.12476626 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 180x180, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Way was a nursoid during the American civil war, and wrote about it

>> No.12476637
File: 37 KB, 333x333, 51o8mmXi-0L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walt was a nursoid during the civil war.

>> No.12476737

Are Americans still gonna be fat fucks in 2050?

>> No.12476774

Books explicitly about medicine, doctors' experiences or mass market non-fiction written by doctors (e.g. Atul Gaywande) are generally bad. If you go down this path you will be indistinguishable from the absolute normies and pajeet and chink strivers who will be your classmates.

Read some good books instead.
Read Moby Dick.
Read Lord of the Rings and Silmarillion.
Read Storm of Steel.
Read The Lightning and the Sun.
Read Revolt Against the Modern World and Mystery of the Grail.
Read Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition.
Read The Decline of the West.
Read The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans by Gunther.

A good book on philosophy of medicine is Sadegh-Zadeh's Handbook of Analytic Philosophy of Medicine published by Springer.

Read Paul Churchland's Matter and Consciousness, if interested in the brain.

I always see that great practitioners of medicine who really stand out from the crowd are very world-experienced and generally knowledgeable people. You will not be like that if you read about medicine even when not studying. Even reading alone is not enough to be like that.

>> No.12476857

Did you prepare for the interview or were you "just yourself"?

>> No.12476899

Explain the clamping meme. I've seen someone on /sci/ posting "clamped" or whatever in threads even outside /med/. I don't get it.

>> No.12476990

If there's this person whom I text a lot every day, is it normal not to remember jackshit of what we talked about, or do I have some kind od early onset dementia?

>> No.12477021

Wait you mean to tell me someone took the "clamped" thing out of here?

>> No.12477044

I see a NP, I spit on that creatura. Simple as.

>> No.12477189

just myself. i didnt prep. spoke from the heart. i suppose

>> No.12477216

good list. i've read some of them already.
I was reading on death and dying by Ross which I found nice. Bit preachy but nice

>> No.12477474

have another exam tomorrow boys, fooken physiology, let's see if my genius still holds !

>> No.12477773


Thread theme.

Where's the throat singing poster? I miss him.

>> No.12478126
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Had paronychia for a week and it doesn't seem to be improving, how long is it meant to last?

>> No.12478330

What's your favorite House M.D. episode?

>> No.12478341

God damn that was a long time ago, anon. I might rewatch it for the nostalgia. It's probably the one where the black guy is infected with the bacteria from pigeon shit and before house get's the diagnosis, they do a brain biopsy or some shit. Can vaguely remember that episode, it's been a fuck ton of time since I've watched it.

>> No.12478399
File: 963 KB, 623x778, 20584391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I coom like 2-6 times a day, that's not bad right? Like it's not gonna give me any problems in the future?

>> No.12478400

Investigative journalism is dead. Think of the last time any journo uncovered anything, it's almost always media outlets going with information that was given to them.

>> No.12478407

How suicide tier is doing premed while pursuing a BSN

>> No.12478457

A nursoid and also a premed? Fuck off, creatura.

>> No.12478566

That one episode where they thought it was lupus but then it wasn't.

>> No.12478615

the one where he loses half his limbs? Or the one where they put him in a coma?

>> No.12478825

nothing medical, you'll be reading that shit the rest of your life. read alot of classics. I aimed for 100 books before I started, you can easily exceed that.
I recommend meditations by marcus aurelius and the fountainhead and atlas shrugged, both by ayn rand.

>> No.12479171

A poster with schizophrenia fixated on it. Before he got into clamping he was making the same thread about 5G ten times a day and before that he was probably going on about FEMA camps or some other early '10s conspiracy stuff

>> No.12479267

bros I'm not from this board but can you please confirm to me that doctors don't believe in the covid shit when they aren't in a professional setting? I need to prove my s*yboy cousin wrong

>> No.12479408

Kys redditor. Basedrelius pop storicism and Gay Rand are Jewish psyops.

>> No.12479542
File: 45 KB, 778x512, 1553110349260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to ophthalmologist today because of dry ass eyes
>he notes how he's fascinated about the *congenital optic disc defect* I have
>doesn't elaborate about it further other than saying it's no big deal
>despite me being a medfag and having ophthalmology online class in physiology last week
>don't want to bother him so I don't say anything (long queue and shit)
I'm curious, medbros. how does it look like? can it cause any problems? seriously how does it look like. I would download all ophthalmology books I could find on zlibrary, but I'm low on time. plz halp. gib the sauce

>> No.12479562

What's a good way to get work experience for PA school?

>> No.12479563

Fuck off nursoid.

>> No.12479832

I'm not a nurse. If I were, that would be work experience.

>> No.12479913

PA = NP = useless shit that other countries do not need to have a proper healthcare system. Now go tell that to Mr. Shekelstein.

>> No.12480002

exam in 20 mins boys, feel kinda fucked !

>> No.12480103

fag. go back to studying for NCLEX

>> No.12480179

Anyone has an idea why is this thread always full of students?

Seriously, go make a general on /adv/ and fuck off.

>> No.12480214

Because professionals and actual attending physicians are working. I post here regularly because unemployed.

>> No.12480219

Because most of us are students? Some soon to be docs, some actual docs, idk.

>> No.12480239

Actually i'm surpirsed that nobody is asking for guidelines or sources considering the amount of bullshit and 'divine revelations' that make up this field. I guess this job really isn't for curious types.

>> No.12480245
File: 282 KB, 361x484, 2020-12-18 15_01_54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good cigar choices for a poorfag?

>> No.12480256

ask /ck/ or someshit.

>> No.12480261
File: 748 KB, 1854x1988, blacks cant use IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow student. How goes your not-work and all studying? I sure hope to never see a student again the moment I graduate and as soon as I do I will change my personality to hate students indefinitely. How should we first insult them ol chap? HA HA HA! Students, am I rite?

>> No.12480304

People that have studied enough don't care to ask for a guideline source because they can already tell it by the information presented. People that haven't studied enough don't ask it because they don't care.
There is also the fact that guidelines have a wide variety of treatments according to country so I'd be nonsensical to argue about it.
Evidence based medicine killed medicine.

>> No.12480366

that went well boyz

that's me done for this semester!

>> No.12480381

shut fuck up seppo redditor soifag I'm a general surgery resident and also not american

>> No.12480418

show me your dead and cold eyes or you're a faggot and I don't believe you.

>> No.12480588
File: 137 KB, 512x512, 1596466913789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't fellow niggers into ACE inhibitors /med/?

>> No.12480648

Sorry, I don't follow. Is this bait?

Because shaniqua and tequan can't into healthy lifestyle.

>> No.12480817

What? No. I'm high as fuck and just meming you - Christmas break mein neger

>> No.12480822

Shit. I also started the Christmas break today. Exams in January and until then, I won't touch a fucking medical textbook, I just want to catch up on some /lit/ stuff I forgot about.

>> No.12480912

You should read House of God in the mean time. There's tons of old-timer memes and phrases in there that are pretty kino. https://b-ok.cc/book/1246090/152c42

>> No.12480929

>Evidence based medicine killed medicine.
That can we agree on.

>> No.12480945

I'm on some Brostoievski, fuck meme books, not worth any of my time.

>> No.12480947


>> No.12481037

>not american
hahahahaa retard

>> No.12481045

>LARPing this hard
kys abbo

>> No.12481068

>samefagging proud amerifat
Ok, this is epic haha amirite fellow r*dditor?

>> No.12481174

seethe harder, nursoid. go change someone's foley

>> No.12481179

Does Chronic Lyme exist?

>> No.12481211


>> No.12481240

keep projecting premed. go grab some coffee for the nursoids and stay seething.

>> No.12481249

lmao imagine claiming you're a gensurg resident and having this much time to post on /sci/
get off your phone nurse joy, and go change a bedpan

>> No.12481273

>implying im the gen surg resident
even worse, how can amerifats be so stupid?

>> No.12481294

>20 year old medfags behaving like autistic teenagers
Fuck me this place does some serious damage to you.

>> No.12481350

I've been here since 2008. Now I'm 27.
Maybe I stayed around because I was already broken. No way to tell.

>> No.12481352

deep. just how I like it ;)

>> No.12481429
File: 97 KB, 474x450, 817XCeMZnML._UX300__PJku-sticker-v7,TopRight,0,-50__BG0,0,0,0_FMpng_AC_UL474_SR474,450_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do nursoids really...?

>> No.12482100
File: 110 KB, 1200x964, pepe read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wrote my final and it fucked my little pink perirectal sphincter. How do I honestly cope? I want to punch holes in the wall because of pent up sexual energy from being forced in my apartment like a savage fucking animal because of COVID lockdowns and I cant chad on freshwomen like I usually do. Tell me how do into this now please?

>> No.12482142

>pent up in cage cuz of covid
U aren't chad

>> No.12482232

Yes. There was a thread on either where someone posted a pepe and "clamped" and another poster replied "you motherfucker, I know it's you because theres only one autist who'd post that" or something like that. I think I even saw it on /lit/ once too.

>> No.12482248

As someone whose only ever been taught evidence based medicine, want to elaborate on that?

>> No.12482327

The age of information shifted the focus of medical education from the experience of master and disciple to generalized unreproducible bullshit with ambiguous conclusions favored by the publish-or-perish culture in which people who have absolutely no clinical experience deal with the specifics of very incomplete information. In addition to this, the american job market artificial inflation encouraged by insurance lobbysts turned the goal of medical education to passing a test based on arbitrary data from the former unreproducible studies by grading better than a percentile of the applicants. Medicine used to be about knowing what to do with the body that was lying in front of you. Just look how many patient cases have been brought up in all these shitty threads.

>> No.12482334

And instead, notice how all the fucking threads are plagued by premeds or pre-clinical students shitposting about grades or paramedical disciplines. Medicine is fucking dead.

>> No.12482434

So yeah. >>12482327 summed up everything almost perfectly. I could only add the fact that evidence based memes encouraged the adoption of arbitrary and utilitarian guidelines that, at least in my country, cuck physicians out of their practice and more often than not curse them to lose malpractice lawsuits because they missed some non-essential medication/procedure at certain time.
Also let's not forget the fact that this guidelines follow lobbies and interests with pharma/politicians and whatnot.

>> No.12482479

Ah, that's right. Hippocrates' most important commandment: I shall teach my art to my sons, my teachers sons, my disciples, but no one else; it means fucking nothing now. Everyone and their mother can pick up a guidebook and they're masters of medicine, and more often than not forensic niggers will betray medics because they feel superior by having shallow knowledge of many fields.

>> No.12482496

This is the majority of people who graduate medical school. It's a false sense of superiority because anything not specifically medical theory while sucking their dick is an affront to their existence.

It's kind of hitting a boiling point with the whole Dr. Jill Biden controversy and really turning people off. Coronavirus, especially in America, is exposing how irrelevant medical doctors can be seeing how mid levels and nurses are the ones taking care of the pandemic and the pharmaceutical industry has created the vaccine. Then public health officials actually understand the pandemic while the med student specializing in dermatitis for Karen's with Botox realize that they're not really improving health outcomes for people.

>> No.12482550

> artificially restrict medical school and residency spots to keep salary and pay high
> people give more scope in practice for affordable practitioners because they're tired of being jew'd by doctors
> doctors start seething because healthcare professionals are prescribing birth control and inhalers without 100,000 hours of clinical experience
> spend millions in lobbying efforts against this (this is real) instead of improving healthcare

nursoids and PA's are the problem in American healthcare though for sure

>> No.12482601

As if all of that shit wasn't the fault of insurance niggers. Even so be grateful doctors get to keep their salaries high because anywhere else in the world medicine isn't worth shit. Where I live, a guy at a all center working from home earns the same money per hour as a resident, who's basically a slave and doesn't have leave to go home without explicit permission.

>> No.12482606

sounds like there's way too many doctors in your country

>> No.12482761

Whenever I cum two days in a row I get suicidal thoughts. Does this indicate there's something wrong with my testosterone levels?

>> No.12483052

It indicates you have clinical depression associated with your lifestyle practices. Cheer up, even if you feel you're lying yourself. The more you say positive things, you'll eventually believe them. Life is not about finding "truth", "truth" is a manmade concept that sprung as a coping mechanism to justify the failure of being overtaken by someone with more wits. Life is about living, and the best way to keep on living is being happy. Accept lies and live. Use lies if you may. Lies are the only thing that are certain.

>> No.12483168

Bros.. do abbreviations count as one word or several? For example, EDV for end diastolic volume, would that count as one word or several? I need to know

>> No.12483550
File: 94 KB, 932x630, Asceticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i Need to start sleeping upright/sitting down in a chair but im afraid of damaging my neck/spine as i fall asleep;any medical advice for this?
can i learn to stay still even during sleep,with the neck erect and avoiding slouching the head?

>> No.12483675
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, unnamed(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anal Asian

>> No.12483690


>> No.12483900

You need or WANT to sleep like that? If you don't have any existing medical recommendation to do so, I NEED you to fuck off.

>> No.12483902

>i need
i SPIT on your needs!

>> No.12483922

Spit on my cock, wacko.

>> No.12483934


>> No.12484057

And i don't TAKE my MEDS.

>> No.12484087

several thousand words
yes it's good for your health

>> No.12484117

one word, write an abbreviation into a word doc and check the word count before/after. The word processors are programmed to follow those types of rules

>> No.12484577

thanks man, I had an exam and had to type my answers into a word document. it's stupid, how can you even prevent cheating that way?

>> No.12484603

>We have an ageing population so we need more young people
>But we are overpopulated so don't reporduce
>Wait no we have to stop THE COVID at any cost to the economy or other health outcomes, or octogenarians might die and who has ever heard of octogenarians dying
>Let's do it by making everyone wear a cloth muzzle loosely over their faces
>And lock down everything because that worked the first 3 times we tried that everywhere around the world - just look at Australia!
>If you want to kill yourself because there's nothing left to live for you're just selfish!
>But also protests are fine if they're BLM or XR - nothing else though!
Why is every one of my fellow students and every doctor I know such a cognitively dissonant retard?

>> No.12484677

You're the odd one out, schizo.

>> No.12484679

imagine being this retarded, lmao.

>> No.12484748

>yes, I am a scrub GPA MS that watches InforWars unironically
The age group with most deaths are 50-65 year olders. (You)ing so I can be on the screencap.

>> No.12484751
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1560813111127s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what this here, an application?
>let me take a look at this
>sips soi milk
>spews it out all over the screen in outrage

>> No.12484766

Why are medical schools like this?

I have an actual PharmD and have practiced as a pharmacist for two years but no undergrad and they treat me like shit everytime I try to apply.

I don't have two years to go back for pointless stuff. I'm considering making it look like I have cancer and telling them I don't have much longer.

>> No.12484770

who hurt you?

>> No.12484818

If you want to get into the career with a pity story just tell them you're a tranny with ptsd. You already post like one.

>> No.12485042 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 320x537, tranny penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crawling in my skin. these wounds they will not heal.

>> No.12485146

This is a blue board!

>> No.12485238

back to meddit you go fren.

>> No.12485244

Back to the red boards you go degenerate

>> No.12485264

Samefagging this hard. Enjoy being responsible for literally every suicide and missed cancer treatment as a result of your 20 years of house arrest.

>> No.12485276

Medicine fucking sucks stay a pharmachad and get the big bux.
All the developments in medicine are done by engineers or pharma people anyway.

>> No.12485278
File: 9 KB, 1412x175, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're clearly a newfag, besides the fact that you should definitely lurk moar, you should also look up the old threads in warosu because we used to post plenty of nsfw shit with lesions, placentas, kidneys and post debridement wounds.

eat shit, faggot.

>> No.12485297


>> No.12485309

my bad, I meant stop eating shit.

>> No.12485333

Yes, and?

>> No.12485338


>> No.12485344

You want everyone to do this forever.

>> No.12485345


>> No.12485367

uh huh, so?

>> No.12485386

You should be killed

>> No.12485545

I've had this shitty virus for eight days now. When will it fucking end? I am more or less asymptomatic but my extremely mild fever, headache, and pneumonia just don't wanna go away. I don't want to miss Christmas.

>> No.12485564

So what are you gonna do about it huh? What'cha gonna do about it chud?

>> No.12485569

The virus doesn't exist. You just got the flu.

>> No.12485695

Is pharmacy worth it?
Idk if I'm jewish enough for med school, are pharmacists just pill counting cucks or do they get to do anything cool?

>> No.12485701

i would say its not worth it because i barely passed pharmacology and it was the worst subject i have studied

>> No.12485732

What's the condition called that results if I expose my limbs to cold water for an extended period of time?

>inb4 it's called "you're iced out"

what's the professional terminology?

>> No.12485838

Kill you ;3

>> No.12485842

Pharmacology is the pillar of medicine. Being good at pharmacology involves mastering like 3 different assignments.

>> No.12485866

the pillar of medicine is semiology.

>> No.12485871


>> No.12486254

Case in point:

>> No.12486264

Society and undergraduate universities and their allies.

>> No.12486306

2nd year here good morning everyone. Except anyone talking about premed or interviews yall can go to r/med

>> No.12486315

It's you who needs to go back.

>> No.12486338

what for

>> No.12486345


>> No.12486349

The US is a shithole. You would never make it anyways.

>> No.12486352


>> No.12486355

yall not welcome

>> No.12486358

They are store managers. Don't know what people expects them to do professionally.

>> No.12486363

lmao nigger you'll use pharmacology your whole life. Better start memorizing those adverse effects.

>> No.12486367

Why do you want premeds to keep posting here?

>> No.12486372

I honestly dont dilutes interesting disscussions by 1000%

>> No.12486373


>> No.12486375

Indeed. I really wonder why premeds don't simply go to their own thread.

>> No.12486380

What do you even mean

>> No.12486421

What do you all think about genetic analysis and catered phama based on our current drug catalogue?

GSK and Ancestry are already coupled.

>> No.12486432

Our drug catalogue is the same shit as ever. Absolutely nothing has changed.

>> No.12486447

Besides who benefit more from a genetic database are insurance companies, and still, such genetic database is practically useless because of the legal hell it would be to tailor policies based on each individual. In other words, everything genetics related is a money laundering scheme.

>> No.12486462
File: 122 KB, 1600x1067, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12486496

I never got who that lady is supposed to be or why is she relevant. Maybe a premed sex symbol.

>> No.12486521

AIs could solve fairly quickly, and that is with the current pharma model.

Control the minds, control the population, right?

>> No.12486525

There are so many options and just "pill popping until we get it right" is a massive pull that has fucked up a lot of lives.

Especially when it comes to depot shots...

>> No.12487130

There are none but the closest would be something like cryoextremitas.

>> No.12487136

I think it can have some benefits when it comes to targeted chemotherapy and targeted pharmaokinetics.

>> No.12487299



>> No.12488251

fuck post meds