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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12458968 No.12458968 [Reply] [Original]

soience is undermining real science.
how do we stop the soience?

>> No.12458999

We can start by refraining from shitposting false dichotomies: there are more nuanced options than those between informed pop-sci $oyness and ignorant religious masculinity, between blindly accepting scientific authority just because the speakers claim the veneer of scientific credibility and blindly rejecting them for the same reason.

>> No.12459175

Fuck that, they should be mocked. Scientific credibility is not being pedaled by any of these hacks. They are about conformity and stigma. Letting the dog know it is eating shit won't change what it enjoys.

>> No.12459186

Unfathomably based, but it's even more nuanced than that. But ultimately, there are many facets ruining science and we can either tackle them as they come or nuke everyone back to the stone age and rebuild scientific thought from the ground up. "Soience" as this retard calls it, the pop-sci appeals to authority in place of knowledge and needs to burn.

>> No.12459203

>treats science like a religion

>> No.12459204

>religious masculinity

>> No.12459226
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>only subjects he cares about are evolution and climate
Sounds pretty based

>> No.12459244

Even that strawman is nowhere near as bad as a religious person, let alone a far right tradcel like any /pol/ user

>> No.12459291
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>> No.12459298

Atheists are less happy than the religious on average, have less kids, are more likely to be depressed, and are more likely to commit suicide.

>> No.12459306

It makes sense that in an objectively terrible world, stupid people would be happier.

>> No.12459316
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>> No.12459318

>Objectively terrible

Sorry, but “terrible” in this context is a relative value judgement, so the world can’t be objectively terrible; only terrible in some people’s opinions.
If you’re gonna be a soulless atheist, at least be consistent and don’t appeal to supposed objective morals, impossible with such a worldview

>> No.12459345

Context is important. The latter claim was determined because thousands of years of scientific discovery lead us to understand that supernovae fuse heavy elements. It’s insightful and true.

The former is nonsense peddled by idiots and evil people as justification to harm and control others.

>> No.12459352

You can start by being upright and honest with the truth. If you use lazy mental shortcuts and play it fast and loose with facts (i.e. saying things that aren’t rigorously thought out, or are based on bad information) then you are just as bad as a “soientist” even if you feel smugly superior to them.

>> No.12459356

In reality 99% of people who use terms like “soi” are from /pol/, which is the cult least worthy of criticizing anyone or anything due to their non human intelligence

>> No.12459373

Poster of 12458999 here. Fully agree. These nerds should have been bullied more. My point is that the perception of real scientists and actual scientific work should not be unintentionally tarnished by memes which conflate pop sci retards with actual scientists. Throw out the proverbial bathwater, but keep the baby.

>> No.12459385

Agree. Not all of these nuances and factors fit into one post. A good place to start is a proper study of the philosophy of science; you won’t find that on the IFLS page on Facebook or on the sci page of 4chan.

>> No.12459388

Again, perception.

>> No.12459393

This is proof that science ends in a contradiction.

>> No.12459395
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>The latter claim was determined because thousands of years of scientific discovery lead us to understand that supernovae fuse heavy elements. It’s insightful and true.

you don't know that to be the case, you're just repeating dogmatic platitudes that you've been indoctrinated with. you don't know the first thing about supernovae, you couldn't even tell us if its type one or type two supernovae which are supposedly producing all these heavy elements without referring to google or wikipedia

>> No.12459406

Reminder that OP is an insanely angry headcase who's made hundreds of these threads before

>> No.12459411

>Won't find it on /sci/
You do in the right threads. Alternatively, /lit/ is there for you.

>> No.12459425

Maybe “religious bravado” was a more apt phrase...

>> No.12459437

There was literally a thread about YouTube channels that talks about maths. I'm losing hope in /sci/

>> No.12459734

Science and most religions are incompatible without some strenuous mental gymnastics and contrivances. We're on a fucking rock in a vast expanse of space that's full of the superfluous. Even the lowly ant negates us.
It's the weak scientists who spout the meme about compatibility so they don't lose 90% of their readership or get tarred and feathered. The Übermensch scientist stares reality straight in the face.

>> No.12459745

P.S. The Übermensch scientist also doesn't give a shit about climate change. His temporal frame is billions of years, not decades.

>> No.12459764
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reminder that 90% of humanity are NPC who only do what they are told to do. Are massively retarded, petty and ultimately dangerous as the ones that will burn people at the stake for heresy either literally metaphorically. Reminder only about 5% of the population and their unwillingness to submit to cucks like you and the authoritarians who puppet you with their hand up your ass, are the reason people have any freedom at all on this ridiculously retarded planet of grazing NPC. Reminder if you aren't an NPC like this faggot ALWAYS at every opportunity you get punk them into silence and submission and make them afraid less they gather together in groups and will eventually over run you and the other non NPCs. Put a boot in their fucking face and let them know you mean business and if they are afraid of what the (((system))) will do to them if they don't comply, it is child's play compared to what we will to traitors.