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12456252 No.12456252 [Reply] [Original]

>Inb4 another racebait thread
Can we have a calm, civil, evidence based discussion about the biology of race mixing?

Specifically, I'd like to know if there are any good studies on out-breeding depression v.s. hybrid vigor. What are the health effects and consequences? Is there any similar studies that look at animals in subgroups compatible to the genetic variation among humans, and therefore less warped by social pressure?

>> No.12456298

Racemixing is the last thing you want to do if you're trying to selectively breed for superior traits. Have you ever read a eugenics book in your life?

>> No.12456300

basically, black people have a lower frequency of the alleles associated with intellignce, they are additive, and so the more of them that an individual has the higher their intelligence tends to be. there is no benefit to having children with them. it's simple really. you also make your children more prone to vitamin d deficiency in northern climes and fuck up their MHC gene networks. race mixing is terrible.

>> No.12456301

anecdotally speaking as a multiracial mutt I'm very lazy, stupid, and depressed.

>> No.12456314

>black people
I never mentioned them specifically.
Ok, now we need a control group. Any purebreeds wanna weigh in?

>> No.12456331

there are very very few qualitative differences between different races if at all so racemixing is basically just going a few "decimals" up or down.

>> No.12456343

I doubt it's in any way or form good. Ashkenazi jews are fucking very closely and have a high iq and want everyone else to mix. Always do the opposite that Jews tell you.

>> No.12456361
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Hey! Vsauce, Michael here

Skeletons are scary and spooky, but you know what else is? Niggers.

According to the U.S Justice Department, in 2006, 32,443 women of Caucasian origin were raped by men of African origin.

That same year, the number of African American women raped by Caucasian men... was... zero.

In fact, 90% of all interracial crimes in the U.S. are committed by blacks... against whites...

So what if all blacks were to... suddenly... disappear from the U.S.?

Murder would go down 49.7 percent, welfare recipients would go down 40 percent, SAT scores would go up about 100 points, the average IQ would go up 7 points, and AIDS victims would go down a staggering... 67... percent.

Significant changes for race that only makes up 13% of the population.

But what is... "race"?

In biology, races are distinct genetically divergent populations ‘’within the same species’’, with relatively small morphological and genetic... differences.

Populations can be described as ecological races if they arise from adaptation to different local habitats or geographic races when they are geographically isolated.

However, if sufficiently different, two or more races can be identified as... sub... species.

So how long do two races have to be isolated from one another before they're considered separate species?

Earlier this year, Archaeologists found artefacts in a cave on Western Australia’s Barrow Island dating back more than 50,000 years, making it Australia’s earliest known site of human occupation.

In contrast, the domestication of the dog began just 15,000... years... ago.

This distance, some several thousand miles between the mainlands of Australia and Asia also caused another kind of distance.

Genetic... distance.

Genetic distance is a measure of the genetic divergence between species or between populations within a species.

Dogs and wolves have been found to have a shorter genetic distance between each other than Negroids and non-Negroids.

>> No.12456364


The distance between Eurasians and Africans being even larger than Homo Sapiens and Homo... Erectus.

Well, it kinda makes sense. I mean, can two races with diverging skin tones, eye colors, behavioral patterns, intellectual and athletic capabilities even be considered the same subspecies? Is it even a question? Is it even a question you're... allowed to... ask?

In October 2007, geneticist James Watson, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA, and the familiar double-helix model we all had to learn in High School, was lambasted by the scientific community for a response he gave in an interview regarding the divergence of intellect between geographically isolated populations.

"There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically," James wrote. "Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so".

The response resulted with a suspension of Watson's administrative responsibilities and was forced to... cancel... his book tour. And tragically, in 2014, Mr Watson auctioned his Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962, stating that "no-one really wants to admit I exist".

Harsh. But people tend to react this way to ideas that go against their own personal world view and... cognitive... biases.

Confirmation bias. It's the tendency to search for, interpret, focus on and remember information in a way that confirms one's... own... preconceptions. This effect, stronger for emotionally charged issues, warps your interpretation of data in a way that keeps you from... being... wrong. There is something fundamental in our minds that makes us hesitant to question ideas that we've... already come to a conclusion to.

We all do it. But who could blame us? That's just part of being a member of the human... species.

And as always, around blacks, never relax.

>> No.12456368

Idk if this is a dumb question, I'm not arguing politics or something
But say you were breeding for a specific composition (which is what groups have been doing forever)
Wouldn't race mixing just need to stabilize over time?

>> No.12456379

Why is it always jews publishing studies that the chinese and blacks should race mix?

>> No.12456385


its chinas turn to get blacked

>> No.12456392

Because the concept is simply hilarious

>> No.12456399

*Are there [...] studies
FTFY, you grammar nigger.

>> No.12456451

Jews are sick

>> No.12456453

You don't think it makes sense? Blacks are strong and communal if a bit dumb and chinese are smart and organized if a bit autistic. They need each other to balance out if they ever want to compete with white people.

>> No.12456457

This isn't an mmo.

>> No.12456460

>vitamin d deficiency in northern climes and fuck up their MHC gene networks.
You do know light folk gave it as well. Even with light skin vitamin d levels are low. That's why diet is a factor.

>> No.12456463

Prove it isn't

>> No.12456467


>> No.12456559

All breeders mix breeds, introduce animals from wild populations. "White" Australians are mixed with the natives.
>The distance between Eurasians and Africans being even larger than Homo Sapiens and Homo... Erectus.

We coulcn't possibly know, because we don't have any Erectus genome.

>> No.12456658

>The size and shape of teeth are strongly inherited characteristics. So too are jaw size and shape… The potential problem arising from too much outbreeding is that the inheritance of teeth and jaw sizes are not correlated. A woman with small jaws and small teeth who had a child by a man with big jaws and big teeth lays down trouble for her grandchildren, some of whom may inherit small jaws and big teeth. In a world without dentists, ill-fitting teeth were probably a serious cause of mortality. This example of mismatching, which is one of many that may arise in the complex integration of the body, simply illustrates the more general cost of outbreeding too much.
Patrick Bateson 2005

>> No.12456665

The racemixing agenda is a nefarious plot by dentists?

>> No.12456741

But Jews mix even more than whites? Drake, Lenny Kravitz, Doja Cat...

>> No.12456771

matrilineal system

>> No.12456780

my dick has erectus genome

>> No.12456833

So what?what the hell do Jewish religious customs have anything to do with genetics?

>> No.12456858

certain bloodlines do while others are extremely endogamous

>> No.12457635

>The distance between Eurasians and Africans being even larger than Homo Sapiens and Homo... Erectus.

We don't even have Homo erectus genes. Eurasians and Africans split apart roughly 60,000-80,000 years ago, that's not enough to cause speciation that is equivalent to us versus a species that is 2 million years old.

>> No.12457701

Purebred here. I hate living so I'm an antinatalist.

>> No.12458196

I found the paper I was looking for I thought you might find the implications interesting
Increased Infectious Disease Susceptibility Resulting from Outbreeding Depression (2005) Goldberg et al
they crossed two closely related fish populations and found while the F1 had a similar immune response to viral infection as the two parent lines at 80% survival the F2 was severely afected with only 30% survival at the point the ended the study