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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1245608 No.1245608 [Reply] [Original]

Is programming science?

>> No.1245684

Everything involving common sense and logic is science.

>> No.1245676


>> No.1245689
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>> No.1245707

There's maths involved

>> No.1245715


its as sciency as writing cake recipes. programming is just telling a machine what to do.

>> No.1245853

Programming didn't used to be a science but it has deteriorated into one.

>> No.1245857

Programming isn't a science.

It's important and technical... but it doesn't follow the scientific method.

>> No.1245873

Hope you know the Manhattan beach project will increase human lifespan 1000 or so years. In that time the elites will get immortality then others. So yes we will be alive when humans reach light speeds

>> No.1245907


>> No.1245917

Programming is a science

Sometimes it's very easy and sometimes it's impossible. You have to use math but you can't use the exact math, so you need to be careful. You cannot use all the math you want (for example you cannot use integrals) so you need to do things in different ways.

Computational geometry, computer graphics, image processing and others fields of computer science are indeed science. Others are just crap

>> No.1245922

you can reach a speed almost equivalent to that of light but never can you surpass it (law of physics)
I'm very healthy, there's a good chance i'll see people land on mars in a perhaps somewhat near but not really future

>> No.1245938
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>> No.1245947

>Is programming science?
No, because it doesn't try to learn anything about the natural world. Debugging may be done using the scientific method though.

>> No.1245956


No. It's a an art.


No it isn't dumbass.




It's not that easy.


It's easier now not harder.




Fuck you for confusing Computer SCIENCE (not the "SCIENCE") with programming. I'm a major in CS and a part time programmer and as such I'm offended by your arrogance to talk about something you have no idea about.



>> No.1245959

>Computational geometry, computer graphics, image processing and others fields of computer science are indeed science.
No, they are math, not science.

>> No.1245965

Well I guess you could say that programming involves the use of the scientific method
You know forming an hypothesis, testing it and such

>> No.1245977

Yes, but that doesn't make it a science. Using the scientific method is a required but not sufficient condition of science.

>> No.1245998


No it's part of CS which was once part of Mathematics.


Lolwut no. That' software engineering your are talking about and no hypothesis is involved. In programming paradigms are used. Essentially you can break every problem in parts until those parts are simple to code. Programming follows these paradigms that act as guidance to the way you break the problem and than solve it. Needless to say the best programmers use the most efficient ways to do this.

>> No.1246008

>No it's part of CS which was once part of Mathematics.
It once was and still is.

>> No.1246012


>Implying scientists are able to think in the abstract excluding physics obviously!

>> No.1246021



It doesn't belittle the Computer Scientist you know?!

It makes him a Mathematician.

>> No.1246129

under those assumptions finance analyzers and economists are mathematicians as well

>> No.1246142

What assumptions are you talking about?

>> No.1246156


>> No.1246165


Only if they were into research. Otherwise whey would be practitioners offering a service.

>> No.1246184

Only a sith deals in absolutes.

It doesn't have to either be all science or not science. In general, it is very much mathematical and may have a bit of science to it as well.

Of course there are some things people can do with programming that are not scientific at all, and some that are very scientific.

Yes, I am a sith.