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File: 71 KB, 1062x1570, Eo3XO27W4AIAYnC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12447041 No.12447041 [Reply] [Original]

Prepare to say good-bye to your garbage garbage IQ threads and other racist shit. Also fuck Charles Murray and similar charlatans that feed you racist pricks.


>> No.12447047

Based. "IQ" is just a measure of conscientiousness

>> No.12447048

Maybe one day Charles Murray will realize arabs are white.

>> No.12447058
File: 124 KB, 1012x622, Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 04.36.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prof Taleb is not Arab, he is ethnically Antiochian Greek.

>> No.12447060
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>> No.12447223

And why am I supposed to take this from some swarthy Italian?

>> No.12447250

He is my father

>> No.12447255

Dunno who that is, but it’s a fact that different races have different average IQs.

>> No.12447264

That is unfortunate but its a irrelevant and distracting from the actual argument. In other words, its a logical fallacy

>> No.12447272

You are Albanian. How have you discovered the computer, let alone the internet? Did you manage to loot technology from the last caravan you raided?

>> No.12447310

I was never involved in any argument, so there is no fallacy. Kys pseudointellectual

>> No.12447327

Hes my father

>> No.12447391

Some races are mentally inferior than other races. Some races are physically inferior than other races. Some races could be considered superior. Taleb is pure cope.

>> No.12447550
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>> No.12447560
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what's his explanation for niggers?

>> No.12447583
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Imagine being brainwashed by the racist bullshit of people like Charles Murray or Stefan Molyneux. Fortunately, Taleb reads the BS his enemies write. I bet none of the idiots who like to post the cover of that garbage book on IQ have actually read it or are even aware of the endless mistakes it has.

>> No.12447589
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>> No.12447725


>> No.12447747

I bet that's what Stefan said after YouTube and Twitter banned him for posting white-supremacist pseudoscience.

>> No.12447784

>muh fallacy
lmao that has nothing to do with logic.

>> No.12447789

A lot of that image of pure bullshit
eg.: the EEF developed agriculture and urbanization independently from ME populations and in fact they were more efficient than those circa the 7th millenium BC. The Cucuteni-Tripyllia culture had settlements larger than those present anywhere else in the world at the time.
t. /his/

>> No.12447791

Fuck off, pseudo-intellectual shill.

>> No.12447798
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>based science

>> No.12447979

You're trying to mislead us again with statements that have nothing to do with the argument at hand

>> No.12448090

I am convinced Taled is fully aware of the legitimacy of psychometric tests and IQ testing's predictive power but is claiming it's bullshit to stop the lefties destroying him

>> No.12448095

That image is really dumb

>> No.12448096

fuck off science denier. shove your anti science drivel up your ass

>> No.12448100

crime statistics and divorce rates are pseudoscience?

>> No.12448151

Surprised Belgium is at 23%, they're not even a real country.

>> No.12448166


>> No.12448186
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>> No.12448189

Why would he hate his own country?

>> No.12448421

>Surprised Belgium is at 23%, they're not even a real country.

>> No.12448448

>For example, Bill Gates and Paul Allen scores 1590/1600 on their SATs, which for SATs at that time meant extremely high IQs. Since Bill Gates is also in the tail of wealth and income, this indicates that the overall impact of people in the tails is to accentuate rather than diminish the importance of IQ.
This is the most retarded "statistical" analysis I've ever read. Literally n=1

>> No.12448452


>> No.12448459

Bill Gates got where he is through an awful lot of nepotism

>> No.12448501

Is that the guy who throws a tantrum on Twitter when anyone offers critiques?

>> No.12448520

This is about the level expected of psychometric """""research""""".

>> No.12448547

He's an arab.

>> No.12448606

Yeah, it's not like he created anything new...

>> No.12448616 [DELETED] 


When are people simply going to publicly acknowledge that niggers are dumb. All these mental gymnastics to avoid facing a truth which is so obvious is getting tiring.

>> No.12448635

I didn't even know who Molyneux was until some dumbass linked me a three hour rant video on why conservatives were "wolves" and liberals were "rabbits" using r and k typologies as his reasoning. There was like 10 different completely untrue statements in the first 5 minutes, it was wild.

>> No.12448637

His dad was something to do with Starbucks, and big chemical and all this vegan non foods they're pushing now

>> No.12448656

blacks are still seething after they got called low IQ for being homophobic so now they're backpedalling to avoid the shame

>> No.12449486

Lebanon has 80 something iq so if iq is real then his country is dumb

>> No.12449670

based retard

>> No.12449686

Taleb is a Lebanese Christian they are generally a higher IQ group. the muslims are usually a lot lower.

>> No.12449828

another thesis with positivst sophistry pulled straight out of the ass?

>> No.12449842

That is unfortunate but its irrelevant and distracting from the actual argument. In other words, its a logical fallacy called a red herring.

>> No.12449844

Just like most of Taleb's arguments.

>> No.12449849


>> No.12449863


>> No.12449867

You're attacking taleb not his argument. Appeal to authority doesn't work because he's an authority on math stuff

>> No.12449876

if he's such a maths expert why did he somehow fail to understand the IQ data he was looking at?

>> No.12449950

Strawman fallacy. You're assuming that I believe he failed to understand the data he was looking at.

>> No.12450028

Taleb is a sweet summer child. It's almost commendable he's still fighting psychometrics, almost. Nevertheless the field has undergone scrutiny for the past 100 years and survived all of it, in fact we now know IQ tests have even more correlates than what we originally believed, everything from mortality to spending behavior. Psychometrics is more rigorous of a field than many other sciences even, and it's certainly more rigorous than the sham that is sociology.

He's not going to refute it.

>> No.12450056

Oh no I believe he understood the data, I believe he was intentionally deceptive in misrepresenting the data

>> No.12450077
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>> No.12450088

Imagine coping so hard you scored low on an internet IQ test that you write a whole book about it lmao

>> No.12450094

If IQ is real then we are all dumb compared to Japanese and koreans

>> No.12450098

Are you retarded? His whole MO is not giving a fuck about what people say. He has openly asked to be cancelled and even defended Pinker who he cucked when he was being cancelled.

>> No.12450107

I looked up some of the names, and they were Europeans.

>> No.12450149

Yeah and thats completely wrong. We know Japanese and koreans aren't that smart

>> No.12450217

There's no way you believe the bullshit you're drivelling in this post. Psychometrics as a field has not "undergone scrutiny for the past 100 years and survived all of it", its been shielded vigorously by the discipline of Psychology because it is the only thing standing in the way it being relegated to a pseudoscience given the immense reproducibility crisis the wider field is suffering from. Psychometrics and IQ were not attempts by psychologists to understand intelligence, they were attempts to inject legitimacy to a field by artificially introducing objective elements that the scientific method could then be used to measure and understand. Its not science its scientism. The scientific method was adopted by the hard sciences because it worked. They built the best tool to fit the problem. Meanwhile the "soft" sciences build the problems that best fit the tool. Its cargo cult.

>> No.12450219

No U

>> No.12450229

Why since 14th century?

>> No.12450246

If I recall correctly it's because it dwarfss everything before it in quantity

>> No.12450271

That's completely arbitrary and basically, cherrypicked.

>> No.12450287

read Murrray's Human Accomplishment then

>> No.12450338

psychometrics is used extensively in marketing. its a real science and it has undergone rigor and lots of thought, not matter how much you seethe about it.

>> No.12450521

Holy fuck he's butthurt that his muzzie friends are low IQ beyond belief.
He's Arabic AND autistic.

>> No.12450530

He's Greek orthodoox christian.

>> No.12450551

Sort of pedantic since European civilization is the successor of ancient Middle Eastern civilization. Also what is "Western"?

>> No.12450554

Nice title.

>> No.12450588

The fall and ransacking of Constantinople (previously the wealthiest and grandest city West of China) pushed the intellectual hub of the Western world West to Western Europe. Follow that by the renaissance, the age of discovery and industrialization and there's your 500-ish years of Western European global dominance. Sad it's coming to an end now though thanks to Jews and women voting.

>> No.12450667

Except IQ is slightly negatively correlated with conscientiousness wetard

>> No.12450820


>> No.12450885

coincidentally this map coincides with the parts of Europe where inbreeding was made illegal

>> No.12450906


LOL, stupid faggots can't even pay their taxes like normal human beings, if it wasn't for the rest of Europe it would literally be a Libya-tier failed state by now

>> No.12450925

>d faggot
Why the homophoba?

>> No.12450931


>> No.12450970

Why the commiephobia?

>> No.12451155

Holy retard batman.

>> No.12451503


>> No.12451566


>> No.12451631

>He's fucking example is marketing

>> No.12451634

How are Norway and Sweden so different?

>> No.12451660

LMAO marketing anon? Really? This is beyond pathetic. You’ve just made my point retard >>12450217. Psychometrics is pseudoscientific bullshit.

>> No.12451864

No, everything that happened before the 14th century is dwarfed by everything that happened after.

>> No.12452187

I would prefer if we just got rid of the n*ggers and trannies instead desu senpai

>> No.12452190

imagine being so stupid you can't figure out n*ggers are dumb just by observation alone. ngmi you are retarded boyo

>> No.12452196

Molymeme could kill you with his bare hands pencil neck

>> No.12452272

I don't blame you OP. You need to be high IQ to understand that IQ is one of the most valuable human prediction tools available, so it's only normal that you don't understand it.

>> No.12452366

Norway has oil also and this may have absolutely no relevance at all but during ww2 many many Jews fled to sweden

>> No.12452399

Completely arbitrary. One might as well say there is far more development distance between the stone age and the 14th century than from the 14th century to now.
Animal analogy: It takes more to go from bacteria to mice than from mice to human.

>> No.12452420

Its only valuable to you because it forwards your pol ideology

>> No.12453328

yeah okay nigger-lover

>> No.12453384
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>> No.12453663

I tell you what mate. We can make two teams chosen at random from people off the streets except for one thing. Half are high IQ and half are low IQ and have a survival competition like The Colony. I will take all the high IQ people and you get all the low IQ people and we will keep the competition until everyone on one team is dead. Who do you think will win?

Please get all the other idiots who don't "believe" in IQ to play this game so we can get rid of all you idiots with a single solution

>> No.12453671

The low IQ team will win half the time.

>> No.12453681

once again portugal>spain

>> No.12453755

low iq answer