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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 208 KB, 394x480, question_mark2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1244377 No.1244377 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/

I have been visiting and posting on this board for awhile, but noticed something today; perhaps I am simply slow to catch on. This is not an attempt to troll.

What is this 'Engineers vs. Scientists' thing? Engineering relies on science, obviously - but they are related and both indispensible. Would someone be kind enough to explain this to me?
If you intend to troll the thread - whatever, but that's not the reason for my post, hence tripfag.

tl;dr, science vs. engineering debate. explain?

>> No.1244391

Engineers make more money
Fags got butthurt

>> No.1244410

Philosophy invented science AND engineering. /thread

>> No.1244415

First of all, it isnt a debate. Its a forced meme.
Some one thought it would be hilerious if "engineer = fag"
so they stick it down our throat.

>> No.1244481




Yeah, foundation/god-tier, shit-tier stuff would crack me up, too. Also, mathematicians would be in here lulzing at everyone, I bet. No idea what kind of money they make in relation to the others, though.

>> No.1244504

>stick it down our throat.
thats kind of faggy

>> No.1244512

Scientist feel that they should be more indispensable in industry, but forget that engineers also study science and how to make it profitable. The reality is that most manufacturing companies will have 1 engineer per million dollars of sales and just 1 "scientist" per 10 million. So what usually happens is that scientists trying to work in a field is that they have to train with engineers to "fake it." This can lead to resentment.

>> No.1244762

I hear from credible sources they make $300,000 starting

>> No.1244763

Engineers with science envy.

>> No.1244787

Hi, I'm a rare poster but I feel like I should chime in. I have a physics degree as well as an engineering physics degree. The non-shared additional coursework from physics is neat but I probably will never use it. That's just how it goes. It's like reading a novel, sure it's fun but it wasn't really preparing me for anything unless I wanted to write my own.

>> No.1244825
File: 228 KB, 570x610, gtfo-take-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they are related and both indispensible

Correct, Engineers are indispensible, just like janitors or fastfood workers. Its still easy ass grunt work though.

Also, I think /sci/ is just homophobic. We get tired of all the engineers, spouting "gay pride" every chance they get.


>> No.1244843

Lets see them

>> No.1244860


It's just a forced meme.

Engineers are not against scientists and scientists are not against engineers. But some science students get resentful when they don't think they get the respect the 'deserve' and spam stupid memes.

It's 4chan... stupid kids are part of the culture.

>> No.1244864


You have a typical inferiority complex. You should talk to your professors about your "scientist vs engineer" problem. I'm guessing they're a tad more nuanced in their views and may actually know something about not just one but both of the fields.

You have much to learn about the world, but unfortunately your fear of having made the wrong choices is stopping you from expanding your horizons. Now get off my lawn before I turn on the sprinklers.

>> No.1244891

There is no debate, you are on an image board surrounded by high schoolers who like to make conflicts.
/b/ is more present here than ever.
Please don't be trolled so easily in the future

>> No.1244894


Shame =/ And understood. Wouldn't scientists then be better off to apply their research in a direction which (hopefully) results in something tangible and great? Something one can profit from, gain some notoriety, etc. If that's the aim...
I don't see why a scientist couldn't assemble his/her own work similar to the way engineers do assembly based on finished research.

I guess this makes me hope more scientists will act as entrepreneurs - or abandon the profit motive, beyond what one requires to live comfortably, and feel good knowing you've done something to benefit humanity.

That is how I view anyone in here who works in a scientific field.

You are doing something important, and some of us who work in other fields -do- care...even if those who don't (yet should care) outnumber those who do.

tl;dr you're all awesome

>> No.1244897

just ask anyone here

>> No.1244901


>> No.1244922

Dude, I couldnt hear you over the sound of cocks in your mouth. I heard of hardcore engineering, but fuck! You doing your Phd?! LMAO

>> No.1244940

I see your high-school education and raise with a masters in engineering. Have fun working at mcdonalds, I'm going to my gf now :)

>> No.1244941
File: 65 KB, 227x219, 1277213790255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't read post by faggots! Take your engineering shit to /y/!

>> No.1244968
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist3536544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masters in engineer
>has a gf

Obvious liar.
Dude its ok, /sci/ accepts you for who you are. You can be honest with yourself here. You will feel much better if you came out of the closet little guy. Good luck!

>> No.1245028

another butthurt highschool dropout I assume.

You know, I though like you once. I thought science would be a nice field to study. I thought advanced physics would be great. Then I thought, do I want to get high wages or be a fucking teacher? Then I became an engineer isntead.

>7 numbers starting
>the universe in my hands
>trolling attempts by highschool fags

>> No.1245157

>Some one thought it would be hilarious if "engineer = fag"
but it is hilarious

back to topic:
engineer vs science is the same debate as applied vs theoretical

engineers think theory is pointless without application
scientists think application is fleeting and lacks depth

engineers defend their major choices with dollar signs
scientists are jealous and disappointed that society doesn't value the theoretical as much as applied.

>> No.1245189

nailed it.

>> No.1245194



>> No.1245207


>implying that engineering is easy ass grunt work

>> No.1245215

science 0
engineering infinity

>> No.1245223


The troll doesn't have a clue or a degree.

>> No.1245235


>engineers think theory is pointless without application
>scientists think application is fleeting and lacks depth

Nope, only fools think like this.

>> No.1245262


Currently senior standing EE, what now high school boy?

>> No.1245264

> scientists think application is fleeting and lacks depth
oh how true it is. It takes my boss one fevered weekend to smash out some excel spreadsheet illustrating his marvelous idea, and then panics when us lowly engineers take months to realize the depth of his genius. Really what's happening is that there are 10,000 little problems to solve after that big one. They are all just as important, though, because without any one of them, nothing happens other than a paper gets published.

But you can see that here on /sci/, fags talking about making patents and publishing (not a real scientist if you don't publish). It's kind of sad. I figure those kinds of scientsts---which isn't most of them, for sure---really have esteem issues. They need journals for cocksucking and mutual masturbation.

>> No.1245269

I'll explain.

Scientists generally are the genuinely intelligent, genius types. When people think scientists, they think Einstein or intellectual Will Hunting equivalents like Ramanujan or Hilbert. Mathematicians are included here. They determine things, scientists apply math to the natural world, etc etc

Engineers are, essentially, idiots compared. They are regular "merely impressive" people who use what scientists discover and find to build things useful to us.

Compare... the architect to the construction worker.

It's just a forced meme rivalry thing.

>> No.1245270


RemOev YUOR IllGeal_cLoEN FO HTTp://TINYurl.com/3YtC6yX_IMmEIdATelY. u xivbtxo pa hjcslcfhck iszw un w eyn e

>> No.1245282


Engineers think theories are an opportunity for progress.

Scientists think applications are how grants are justified.


>> No.1245293
File: 18 KB, 300x201, 1275417294017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, engineering is easy ass grunt work.
Now you get it!

>> No.1245299
File: 26 KB, 624x352, 1276296792422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is full of win!

>> No.1245306


Not really. Nice try and I'm sure it fits your world view.

>> No.1245318

Would you like fries with your science bachelors?

>> No.1245322

Yeah, I find the analogy of
scientist = gourmet chef
engineer (faggot) = fast food worker

>> No.1245336

Are you a scientist? Are you unaware that our work is typically incremental, uninspired, and contributes little to the human collection of knowledge? It is a very small portion of scientists that produce results of any interest at all.

Painting us all as geniuses is ignorant.

>> No.1245348

Engineering is just so easy in comparision to science. I used to be a EE, but shit was a cake walk. I switched after the first semester.

I wanted to actually learn how the universe works, not just learn how to plug-and-chug equations. Hence my switch!


>> No.1245358

I was explaining the view point of the forced meme.

>> No.1245366

More like, compare the dog begging for attention and to be taken out for a piss (scientist) to the cat who doesn't shit and piss all over the floor when it doesn't get what it wants (engineer)

>> No.1245381


Oh, so you switched from the math, chem, physics, needed by all science majors in your first semester to philosophy. Cool dropout bro.

>> No.1245383

Gotcha. I suppose it's just beginning to grate. Bunch of highschoolers arguing about science versus engineering based upon zero experience with either.

>> No.1245386

Well, you're not really a scientist without a PhD.

>> No.1245399

One of the most important differences between a pure science versus an engineering degree is that there is a career path from an undergraduate degree in engineering. Engineering graduates are qualified to pursue their professional license. Not so in science, where one typically requires graduate work to be employable in that field.

Science primarily involves using experimentation to uncover new things about the physical world, while engineering is about applying that scientific knowledge to create useful products and services for society. While science is firmly rooted in research, engineering relies on both research and design. Both disciplines require a strong knowledge of scientific theory, math and computing.

>> No.1245407
File: 50 KB, 345x345, 1269154093780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sounds like an engineer (a faggot). Any contribution to man kinds understanding of the universe is still better then nothing (engineering).

As a scientist, you are required to present a new scientific work, somthing that has never been done or understood before. You contribute to our fundemental understanding of the universe. Engineers never do that, they just use other work. They dont contribute to fundemental knowledge at all.

Engineers also usually seem gay, at least the ones I met. I hear most are faggots? is this true?

>> No.1245417

you do know that there is some fucking complicated engineering shit out there, right?

>> No.1245423

Thanks for confirming you're not in a scientific field at all.

>> No.1245432

I hear somthing like 75% are homosexuals.

>> No.1245447



>> No.1245456

>reading comprehension

>> No.1245458
File: 4 KB, 200x291, 180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? so you never heard of a dissertation?
every scientist has to do one for their Phd. WTF are you talking about?

I guess your just a faggy engineer, talking outta your ass (you like all that assplay I hear). I don't talk to faggots. Good day sir!

>> No.1245470

Given your command of language, you've never been within 60 feet of a dissertation.

And yes, I'm gay.

>> No.1245471
File: 45 KB, 450x300, 1277211746001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1245476


Either way both are needed.

Think of it as an uneasy ceasefire.

But we all know the engineers fire all over each other all the time.

>> No.1245480
File: 223 KB, 576x720, butthurt-form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you are a gay engineer? Then why the fuck are you so mad? ITS OK BRO! MOST ENGINEERS ARE JUST LIKE YOU!

>> No.1245487

Guess what guys? This thread has finally become large enough that NO ONE WILL EVER READ YOUR POSTS. Ignore this thread, and go back to the main page of the board. Nothing is accomplished by shouting about who is a bigger faggot.

>> No.1245490


Nope, at some point you choose one over the other, that's all it is. They answer different questions:

Scientists answer the questions: 'What is it?' or 'Can we possibly...?' whereas engineers answer the questions 'How do we...?' and 'What is it for?' Note, the middle two questions are where they overlap.

>> No.1245492

yeah, fire on eachother, in a gay way....I get ya.....lmao

>> No.1245496

Actually, I'm a gay postman.

Please relate to me any contributions you have made to science.

>> No.1245557

I have published 7 papers. Currently working at CERN.

>> No.1245638

which module of the LHC did you work on?

>> No.1245762


>> No.1245801

*eagerly awaits bullshit reply*

>> No.1245825


as a physicist with a high respect for engineers i have to say two things

1) scientists don't present something "new", they try to figure out what already IS. scientists must make something out of these 'rules'

2) you are a giant faggot

2.5) if you say these things about engineers and you don't have respect for them then you can NOT be a scientist yourself because you haven't yet understood either science or engineering

>> No.1245829


LHC is in CERN,

but CERN is not only LHC.

you dumbass idiots

>> No.1245834


>> No.1245838

Its fine, I do work at the LHC at CERN...lol.

>> No.1245843


Okay, well tell us the titles of your published work, and where they were published. And what do you do a CERN?

>> No.1245845


WHAT the FUCK am i reading/???!? engineers asking what IT is for?!?!

all of engineering is to CREATE something that SOLVERS aproblem.

i need to build a bridge here. how do i go about that?

scientists try to figure out what is ALREADY there

you FUCKING MORONS you can't even TROLL with the "knowledge" you have

>> No.1245846

>Works at CERN
>Has sucky grammar

So what do you research wonder scientist or do you work there in a non-scientific capacity i.e Janitor, lunch lady or secretary.

>> No.1245856

>Implying every scientist everywhere uses perfect English.

>> No.1245858

> Scientists answer the questions: 'What is it?'

philosophers maybe deal with those questions, but a scientist doesn't care what time IS, they care how to DEAL with it.

we don't care what gravity IS but we want to find out how it works

> or 'Can we possibly...?'

NO. it's NOT that.

>> No.1245868
File: 138 KB, 320x348, engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I late for the party?

>> No.1245869


when you learn to read, speak and write greek as well as i do english, come back to me.

also, i do not work at cern.

>> No.1245878

Well, that last post wasnt me. I said already I work on CMS. Also, grammer doenst fucking matter? Seriously who the fuck cares about grammer? Do you relize where CERN is? Most people speak completely differnt languages, all the english signs are phrases improperly anyway. Correct grammer is just about as useful as engineering...LMAO.

>> No.1245886


>> No.1245914


you don't work at cern... nice troll though.

>> No.1245944



Really? I mean, come on.


You guys don't create shit. You're trained to manipulate laws grounded in Physics and follow the guidelines put forth by Mathematics. Depending on your specific engineering discipline, you also have to follow the guidelines of chemistry, biology or some other Science.

I give you guys a shitload of credit and I respect all engineers as much as I respect a Scientist as you are both equally capable of amazing feats. But, don't you dare ever try to say you guys 'create' something. Engineers don't create shit. You simply manipulate what is laid out before you.

>> No.1246019

LOL, you mad? Cant handle the truth? Well I do work at CERN, in fact in there right now. Where are you? In your parents basement? LMAO

>> No.1246027


the guy you are replying to...

...is a physicist.

and you are a fucking moron, PhD

>> No.1246037


but you can't post pics because of the high level of security huh

>> No.1246042

Terrific argument. Now employ a similar argument to explain why nobody creates anything, and that you do not understand the definition of create.

>> No.1246052


Enjoy being a Physicist? Still doesn't make sense when you actually correlated Engineers and creation.

And for your fucking info, I'm a Mathematician. Faggot.

>> No.1246053

Yep, I'm in Fritzl's basement reading your seven published papers.

>> No.1246065


Engineer, eh?

>> No.1246067

Cool, well I glad you finally get it!
Good job little guy!

>> No.1246080
File: 39 KB, 300x395, epic-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like a WIN!
Good job bro!

Engineers are faggots!

>> No.1246082

>Deflector shields at 37%

>> No.1246091

Can you even understand them? What is your education? are you just an engineer (faggot)?

>> No.1246093

Yeah, that sounds like engineering faggotry!

>> No.1246099
File: 36 KB, 180x200, Shit bro, what do you want me to say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No deflector shields. Pic related.

Nothing more to say.

>> No.1246119

What? I never said I couldnt post Pics? I could post tons of pics of CERN (the nonsecure areas). Like I said Im there right now.

>> No.1246121

I've already explained that I'm a gay postman.

And no, I have trouble understanding your papers because:
1. Your command of language is poor.
2. They do not exist.

>> No.1246140
File: 74 KB, 468x623, pope-benedict-xvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAMO, your a funny guy. You amuse me, can you please say more funny things!

>> No.1246153
File: 25 KB, 324x482, pope-benedict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said you dont need good grammer for CERN. I guess as a POSTMAN you do? Sucks to be you.

>> No.1246166

So, you studied "postal engineering"? I didn't know that was a major.

>> No.1246167

I haven't said anything about grammar.

And you do need language to properly convey your supposedly useful research.

>> No.1246187

Nope, I have a degree in Hotel Management. But I found that I don't enjoy serving obnoxious guests, and so I turned to the Postal Service. I'm very happy I did.

>> No.1246201
File: 51 KB, 468x484, PopeJohnPaulII_468x484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, not really I get the engineers (little guys) to write shit up for me, I just dicate. Is pretty sweet....lol.

>> No.1246205

He talks like this
Cuz he can back it up
He got a big ego
Such a huge ego
I love his big ego
It's too much
He walks like this
Cuz he can back it up

>> No.1246214

That would explain why your name isn't on your seven papers.

>> No.1246258
File: 2.75 MB, 1110x1264, JP2%20Scan%201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, but it is. I don't put the engineerson there though. There is no point. They usually dont know wtf they are writing anyway. It doenst make sense to them.

Seriously, why you hating so much? You don't believe in my papers or my job? WTF is wrong with you? I didnt question your gay-postal job...LMAO

You just sad becuase you life is going no where? Its ok, we need all the little people.

>> No.1246273

Not hating, mate. I'm preparing to admire your work.

>> No.1246309

On /sci/, there are three types of scientists and engineers:

1) the type who are secure about their professions, realize the differences between science and engineering, and respect the contributions of both

2) the type who are insecure about their professions, are easily riled (read: trolled) when confronted with the differences between science and engineering, and attempt to extinguish the firestorm by countering with (usually weak) troll oil

3) like type 1, except LOLITROLU

There are scientists and engineers in all three groups.