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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12438719 No.12438719 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so I'm not anti vaxxer by any means. I usually dont spout concerns for vaccines.
But I've read about the ex employees of the pharmacy saying that they are uncertain about vaccines causing infertility.

Again I'm not a medical fag or know anything about virology.

I'm just concerned. Would like to know from someone that does know this stuff.

>> No.12438720
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>> No.12438726
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>> No.12438730
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>> No.12438734
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>> No.12438760

so like 1 in a million? who cares

>> No.12438767

this snopes article is so misleading and people should really pay attention to their manipulative techniques

the researcher said it MAY cause sterilization, not that it "IS" sterilization.
snopes was able to spin this article with that subtle shift in language to put the DEBOONKED stamp on it

>> No.12438774
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t. Pic related

>> No.12438782

Did you read the text below the headline, you massive retard?

>> No.12438786

>Does the vaccine have a potential for causing infertility?
It's a feature, not a bug

>> No.12438793

That would be helpful.
I sure wouldn’t mind

>> No.12438811

You post on /sci/?

>> No.12438818

does the vaccine has a higher death rate than the virus?

>> No.12438858

Helpful in what way.

>> No.12438867

The living would be cured, less new people to be killed for covid26, or whatever whenever else comes along

>> No.12439075

stop using your brain it makes jesus cry

>> No.12439167

4 died in placebo group if anyone's wondering.

>> No.12439337


>> No.12439340 [DELETED] 

What, were they doing an execution by firing squad that day?

>> No.12439372

What, were they doing a mass execution by firing squad that day?

>> No.12439556

First off, both of them are frauds.
Second, what Wodarg argued is that the spike proteins developed through the mRNA are in some way similar to proteins in the placenta. He argues that there might be a small chance that antibodies learn to attack those proteins too. This is not exactly wrong, but the chance of this happening is slim (they are not the same proteins, only similar) and it would be observable in the people whom the vaccines were tested on.

>> No.12439561

Died of what?

>> No.12439591

How are there frauds? What was the quack Leroy did they commit?

Also you real think the most powerful people in the world wouldn't attempt sterilization drugs on people to fight climate change ?

>> No.12439611

Where did you get that from? Need to show to some normies

>> No.12439616

>blocks a protein
but that's not how it works at all

>> No.12439622

idc im not a girl lmao

>> No.12439643

Well take it if you want.found it on Twitter. I was hoping u guys would verify it.

>> No.12439647

Infertility is just the tip of the iceberg, you let yourself get injected with this you're a stupid fucking cuck

>> No.12439658

Seems like it has unknown causes. Sterilization is different then causing infertility in the sense that it’s short term. So what I’m guessing the main risk is someone takes the vaccine gets impregnated a couple months after shit in the vaccine fucks your shit up maybe causes a miscarriage or something that’s what it seems like it is. That’s why those warnings mostly go for women who are going to get pregnant soon or are pregnant. It’s not the crazy sterilization Jew syringe the screenshots try to paint the story. Not medical fag btw either.

>> No.12439661

I hate you so fucking much butterfly, you are the quintessential NPC. You are the perfect ZOG creation, you are everything they wanted to make everyone. Every thought you have is exactly what they wanted to plant into the mind of every person to make them as fucking retarded and clueless as you are. You are one of the dangerous organisms on this planet, a perfected ZOGbot prototype

>> No.12439668

Wodarg is an anti-vaxxer justaflubro, like the idiots here he only argues with nortality:
See also controversies here:

>> No.12439687

Regarding Yeadon, he is good at clearing his tracks. But recently, he said the following:
>“The susceptible population is now sufficiently depleted (now <40%, perhaps <30%) and the immune population sufficiently large that there will not be another large, national scale outbreak of COVID-19. Limited, regional outbreaks will be self-limiting and the pandemic is effectively over. This matches current evidence, with COVID-19 deaths remaining a fraction of what they were in spring, despite numerous questionable practices, all designed to artificially increase the number of apparent COVID-19 deaths.”
Which is full of either misconceptions or lies. For example, even if you're immune, you still spread it and can even get sick again. Immunity isn't long-lasting and, of course, his numbers are way off.

I'm not sure who you mean with Leroy.

>> No.12439712

This come across him as a anti vaxxer though. It just sounds like hes critical of the quarantines theirselves
. I use ti be in favor of the quarantines at the start of the year but with the arbitrary bullshit like mega cooperations still aloud to have over 100 people yet small business get punished by the law..
The biggest wealth transfer in history and arbitrary enforcement. Such ash BLM getting a free pass but anti lock down protests get smeared.

Strip clubs are open but churches are not.

The rules make no sense and it feels like one massive shit test before every one fucking snaps.

>> No.12439793

>critical of the quarantines
You mean soft lockdowns. But no, he's generally anti-vaxx and says the virus has existed for much longer and is nothing to be afraid of, on the basis of mortality. Completely ignoring the high infectivity and high number of post-infectious implications and the high chance of mutations when a good chunk of the population is infected. There's also other idiocies he committed.
>but anti lock down protests get smeared.
They get canceled because participants aren't following orders, breaking the law. That is also true for BLM though and I agree there.
>mega cooperations still aloud to have over 100 people yet small business get punished
Are you sure this is true? I'm pretty sure it's not.
>Strip clubs are open but churches are not.

>> No.12439818

>look ma I posted it again

FDA is now starting to release its assessment of the phase III clinical trials.


>The study is collecting outcomes for all reported pregnancies that occur after vaccination, or before vaccination and not detected by pre-vaccination screening tests. Twenty-three pregnancies were reported through the data cut-off date of November 14, 2020 (12 vaccine, 11 placebo).

So looks like women are getting preggers at the same rate in the placebo group and vaccine group.

>> No.12439822

The fact that ARN vaccines are new and long run testing hasn't been done yet should give you an idea why (besides the usual conspiracy theorists) some people don't feel like being guinea pigs.

>> No.12439823

we've already been over this

>> No.12439833

>a sample of some people in some studies is the same as using it masivelly across the globe and the fact that some trials were done for other vaccines frees labs from responsibility of doing long term testing for this one
I seriously hope you don't think thats comparable.

>> No.12439835

>some people
Literally tens of thousands. How large does a trial have to be for you to be satisfied?

>> No.12439843

We would know if people can get sick again for sure if labs started researching T lymphocyte in covid patients (which some theorize its the reason why it affects old/sick people so much and others doesn't) but there's no money for that.

>> No.12439848

Well it depends how much certainty are you aiming for. For the trials to have 95% confidence interval you would need half a million people (in order to be representative of the vaccined people).

>> No.12439849

>a bunch of shit no one is claiming
don't be a dumbass

you claimed:
>vaccines are new and long run testing hasn't been done yet
this is both false, as indicated by the thread that I pointed you to.

they are neither new, nor is the technique completely untested

>> No.12439856

>95% confidence interval
lol you retard, you're using that term incorrectly. A 95% CI indicates is a range of plausible values given the data. With an N = 2 you can already compute a 95% CI.

>N must be 500k plus
Just pulling numbers out of your ass now? Phase III trials are typically around 30k to 40k subjects. That's more than enough statistical power to draw wider inference.

>> No.12439864


>> No.12439897

>Twenty-three pregnancies
>12 vaccine, 11 placebo
>roughly 10% more pregnancies in the vaccine group
watch /pol/ turn it around and claim that the vaccine is impregnating women with Jew babies

>> No.12439904

T-cell immunity probably lasts for very long


Here we studied T cell responses against the structural (nucleocapsid (N) protein) and non-structural (NSP7 and NSP13 of ORF1) regions of SARS-CoV-2 in individuals convalescing from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (n = 36). In all of these individuals, we found CD4 and CD8 T cells that recognized multiple regions of the N protein. Next, we showed that patients (n = 23) who recovered from SARS (the disease associated with SARS-CoV infection) possess long-lasting memory T cells that are reactive to the N protein of SARS-CoV 17 years after the outbreak of SARS in 2003; these T cells displayed robust cross-reactivity to the N protein of SARS-CoV-2. We also detected SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in individuals with no history of SARS, COVID-19 or contact with individuals who had SARS and/or COVID-19 (n = 37).

>> No.12439908

>literal /pol/ screenshot
Put a bullet in your brain friendo

>> No.12439911

Not him, but nice find. Does this automatically imply immunity and that immune people won't infect others? I'm nor entirely sure how the process works, I thought antibodies attach to antigens and signal the T-cells to eat the whole thing.

>> No.12439913

This, but 100 bucks say he'll miss.

>> No.12439916

Immunity isn't an either/or phenomenon. Antibodies are what give you sterilizing immunity, meaning the virus gets neutralized as soon as it enters your body and cannot replicate. Antibody levels subside after a few months, and that means you could potentially get reinfected.

However, the T-cell response severely attenuates infection, so even if you could get sick again, you won't nearly become as sick as if you had never been exposed to the virus. This also means that you are less infectious to others, because viral load will be lower and you'll recover more quickly. So these factors work well towards curbing the spread of the virus within the population.

>> No.12439955

>sterilizing immunity
Ah, that was what I was looking for. Thanks.
>T-cell response severely attenuates infection
Is that a given? I takes some time until they become active, right? So it seems to me that upon reinfection, when antibodies are already depleted, it will take slightly less long until the T-cells become active but the time until antibodies are formed is still the same as before.
It also seems that reinfections with SARS-nCoV-2 lead to more severe sickness, judging by the known cases.

>> No.12439959

Died of Ligma.

>> No.12439963

>Is that a given?
Yes, it is the basis for long term efficacy of just about all vaccines.

>It also seems that reinfections with SARS-nCoV-2 lead to more severe sickness, judging by the known cases.
I don't think that's correct. At least it'd be news to me. In case you have a paper that documents it, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.12439971
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Maybe this was a genius plot all along.

>Create a fake pandemic that scares sheeple.
>Create a fake vaccine that actually euthanizes anyone stupid enough to believe all the hype around the pandemic.
>Cull all brainlets from the world.

Easy, simple, brilliant. Bravo illuminati!

>> No.12439990

I hope so

>> No.12439996

Are you an anti natalist?

>> No.12439997

Phase 1 started april 2020, phase 3 ended nov 2020, this is 8 months so clearly not long enough to get the complete picture of the potential effects it has on reproduction. Don't see how anyone can claim otherwise.

>> No.12440002

it is literally a midwit psued communist tranny who never has a single intelligent or original thought

>> No.12440019 [DELETED] 


>chances of that are totally slim bro
On what basis?

Waffling. Fuck off.

>> No.12440023

>chance of this happening is slim
slim chance * basically everybody in the western world
I'd say it's a significant risk in that case.

>> No.12440083

>watch /pol/ turn it around and claim that the vaccine is impregnating women with Jew babies
more like watch /pol/ ignore it and keep posting the same shit over and over and over again

>> No.12440093

Did you not read the replies? That poster addressed all of that

>> No.12440097 [DELETED] 

Ah, I see. He's retarded.

>> No.12440100

>they are not the same proteins, only similar
actually, they are similar in only a tiny sub-domain of the proteins, far too short for any binding of the antibodies to occur

but more importantly, the vaccine-produced spike protein and the actual spike protein on the virus are near identical. that means that any anti-bodies that the vaccine induces, are also induced by an infection with the virus itself. therefore, if these proteins are similar enough for binding, then we would expect the virus itself to also cause problems for fertility. but we already know that this isn't the case:

>If I contract Covid-19, will I become infertile in the future?
>There has been plenty of research conducted in this area, but so far, there is no evidence to suggest that it has any effect on fertility.

it therefore is extraordinarily unlikely that the vaccine would have consequences for fertility. and as pointed out by others (>>12439818) we can already show cases of pregnancy following vaccination. the poof is in tasting the pudding

>> No.12440101
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"They've killed God"
Rest assured the liberal progressives will push for mandatory 'vaccination' for every citizen.
"It is for the common good"

>> No.12440115
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wait, by "spike protein" they literally mean a protein that is the same as the spikes on the coronavirus?
Could it be that the immune system can differentiate between the spikes in isolation, and on a spherical virus, and thus have different reactions to it? For example if you detach the spikes then something can bind to the other end as well.

>> No.12440119
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>> No.12440121

the spike protein that is produced as a result of the mRNA vaccine is also anchored in a lipid particle. it is exactly the same in that respect

>> No.12440251

>nor is the technique completely untested
>oh hey, we did a trial 30 years ago and abandoned the project. Now trust us its completely fine and doesn't need further testing!
Come on, anon.

>> No.12440256

stop strawmanning you retard, I'm not claiming what you think I'm claiming

>> No.12440274

>you're using that term incorrectly
Pardon me for being ESL. It still fallacious to state that because a technology used for one pathology doesn't have side effects means using it in the case of another won't either.

>> No.12440281

makes sense

>> No.12440303
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and why did nobody tell me?

>> No.12440319

White genocide isnt a conspiracy theory. This vaccine will sterilize or outright kill people.

>> No.12440334

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12440337

Maybe you need to research world history and lay off the maths for a bit. These people have been killing whites for thousands of years. Why do normies find a genocide a crazy conspiracy theory but sperg over ufo’s?

>> No.12440338

>It still fallacious to state that because a technology used for one pathology doesn't have side effects means using it in the case of another won't either.
except no one is claiming that you fucking retard

>> No.12440344

-> >>12440334

>> No.12440365

Not even pol, but I find a new gene editing vac that only has tentative fda approval not full a bit scary so I'd like to wait for either full approval or a traditional vaccine.
I'm not even anti vac, I got my flu shot every year for the past decade.

>> No.12440373

What part of it is scary? I honestly don't get it.
"Traditional" vaccines even includes live virus/bacteria. Why are they less scary than this?

>> No.12440385

>gene editing
I get that its daunting and it's new, but let's not blow things out of proportion. It doesn't edit genes, for example.

>> No.12440388

Newer - I'll admit honestly I have a personal bias against new things
Less long term data
Only 8 months data of this specific one
My ignorence around the gene editing part, I've learned about traditional ones in depth
The fact pfizer asked to have legal exemption for personal injury so they could rush it through.

Given you seem willing to speak openly and honestly and my admission on line 1
What do you have against me having choice over what I do or do not put in my own body? If you want the shot you can have it and be safe, so can old people, why do you have to take my choice too?

>> No.12440397

>What do you have against me having choice over what I do or do not put in my own body?
I'm not the person you're replying to here but myself and lots of people here have no issue with this. You can decide for yourself what to do with your body, that's obviously your free choice to make.

What we do have an issue with is people spouting conspiracy nonsense, like white genocide. It's unfounded. Not that you're doing that in this post, but if you follow the replies, it's come up.

>> No.12440407

>her book opinions are as shitty as her science opinions

>> No.12440410

Women need to stay out of thinking
Thinking is for men only

>> No.12440414

>that's obviously your free choice to make.
It isn't, I've seen people in real life saying that people who don't get it shouldn't be allowed to go to work / school etc
Ticketmaster even proposed vetting people and only letting them in shows if they provide proof of a vac shot or negative test.
This isn't some conspiracy theory, these are real discussions being had and they sound like they're out of 1984

>> No.12440422

People in real life say all sorts of shit, don't mind them.

>> No.12440429

I didn't mind them when they were idiots on here or FB.
I do mind when it's my friend since pre school and another mutual one agrees

>> No.12440430

This. These people live in their hug boxes and dont see the mandatory vaccination drives the govts will impose.
Vaccination like any other medical procedure requires informed consent.

>> No.12440437

Copy pasta. Kys

>> No.12440448

I hope so

>> No.12440450

Colleges and several airlines have already decided to go with mandatory vaccinations. This isn't even considering all the companies that will make it mandatory since they'll want people back in the offices. I don't see the state enforcing something like vaccination, but at this point they don't even need to.

>> No.12440459

Not only that just look at the side effects people are already having.
4 people had facial paralysis in third phase trial data after taking pfizer vaccine. 2 had anaphylatic shock in the UK. Even the virus itself is better than this risk.

>> No.12440479

>I don't see the state enforcing something like vaccination, but at this point they don't even need to.
Yes it is called a corporactocy and what all the people who the morons on this board called pol and schizo have been trying to tell the fucktards here. The corporations are over the elected officials. The elected officials are just mouthpieces getting their strings pulled with no real power anymore even if they did want to rock the boat, which very few will. Political positions are filled by the banks and corporations now, their campaigns financed by them. Watch a movie called rollerball from the 70's

>> No.12440500

Even robocop and jonny mnemonic to an extent or even freejack

>> No.12440511

Does this mean no more menstruation?

>> No.12440518

You'll still menstruate. They wouldn't make it that obvious.

>> No.12440525

So unobvious that you could still have children perhaps?

>> No.12440540

>It isn't
It is. You're free to decide what you want to put in your body.

When it comes to other restrictive measures should you freely decide not to get vaccined, it's another matter. Because your free choices should not impact the health of other people. The same goes for other situations: the government is already within its rights to quarantine you in case you are infectious, and you can be charged should you violate that order. This is not Orwellian, it has been law since long before the pandemic.

If you do not want to be part of a society, then don't. Go full ted kaczynski and find yourself a cabin in the middle of nowhere. So long as you don't start mailing bombs to people, no one is going to bother you.

>> No.12440548

It looked like this was from the FDA report, but those specific passages don't exist there.


>> No.12440566 [DELETED] 
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In light of the new and Totally Unexpected possibility that the covid-19 vaccine will manage female fertility, I'm going to reiterate.

There are three purposes for a vaccination program.
1) Behavior modification and selective intelligence reduction.
2) Population management. Whether it be via fertility, average lifespan, rate of chronic illnesses, etc. This can be tailored to a given race and region as needed.
3) Social stability. Inducing chronic diseases then making them a thing can create solidarity. Weakened people are more dependent, and therefore they're more fearful and easier to control. Their continued existence is tied to the system, they cannot leave, they can dream but they know they cannot ever live on their own. The economic aspect is another layer on top of it.

Why else would you establish a pretext to inject people from birth with whatever you want, whenever you want? If you've learned anything from this world, you know that the ape only natively recognizes a threat in the form of something with teeth or a club, perhaps threat to status as well. Anything else, he must learn. So they come telling you "here, I'll take care of you and your kids. We're all in this together! I'll protect you from those scary diseases, roll up your sleeve!" If you didn't lie, they'd never go along with it. Like any religion. Just think about it. Imagine you're dealing with a grand design here. People who want to wage a war to end all wars, ultimate and lasting peace (by some definition) through absolute power. Globalism is inevitable, under what overarching scheme will you faciitate and stablize it? Just think about it....

Bit by bit. bit by bit, bit by bit... Why not just give it up, stop the denial, and switch your brain over into the mode required to think this way and see reason? You can't escape, you know that. Once you have forced arbitrary injections, if not at first, then eventually, the population is mere clay in your hands. Raw material, chattel.

>> No.12440567

Well Joe Biden said something odd in the first Trump v Biden debate: that the vaccine (or the virus) was about "population control"
Let me see if I can find it. You might be onto something >>12438719

>> No.12440591


>> No.12440593

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12440597

>Because your free choices should not impact the health of other people
What about the reports that the vaccine protects you from getting sick but doesn't stop you from infecting other people? Are they not true?

>> No.12440602 [DELETED] 

Did you really think I wouldn't respond by simply calling you "clamped"? Little did you know...

>> No.12440611

Thanks for the link.
Highlights from the data
>vaccine recipients were >55 years of age; one experienced a cardiac arrest 62 days after vaccination #2 and died 3 days later, and the other died from arteriosclerosis 3 days after vaccination #1.

>The most common SAE(serious adverse events) in the vaccine group which were numerically higher than in the placebo group were appendicitis (0.04%), acute myocardial infarction (0.02%), and cerebrovascular accident (0.02%), and in the placebo arm numerically higher than in the vaccine arm were pneumonia (0.03%), atrial fibrillation (0.02%), and syncope (0.02%).

>Three SAEs reported in the BNT162 group were considered by the investigator as related to vaccine or vaccine administration: shoulder injury, ventricular arrhythmia, and lymphadenopathy.
Ventricular arrythmia is potentially fatal btw.

more to come

>> No.12440620

tell me more about how /pol/ is bad and conspiracy theories are dumb, this is exactly the kind of interesting original take I come to 4chan for

>> No.12440629

> In one case, a 36-year-old male with no medical comorbidities experienced fever, malaise, nausea, headache and myalgias beginning on the day of Dose 2 and was hospitalized 3 days later for further evaluation of apparent infiltrates on chest radiograph and treatment of dehydration. A nasopharyngeal PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 was negative on the day of
admission, and a chest CT was reported as normal. The participant was discharged from the hospital 2 days after admission. With chest imaging findings that are difficult to reconcile, it is possible that this event represented reactogenicity following the second vaccination

>> No.12440640

>Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine
group vs. 1816 in the placebo group. Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the
vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group.

>It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days postvaccination represents vaccine
reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.

Get vaccine, full blown hospitalization with covid symptoms. I thought the lunatics at /pol/ were out at a fringe but maybe the whole symptomatology is actually immune system going bananas against the spike protein that we now create with the vaccines.

>> No.12440642

Don't quote selectively. For example:

>A total of six (2 vaccine, 4 placebo) of 43,448 enrolled participants (0.01%) died during the reporting period from April 29, 2020 (first participant, first visit) to November 14, 2020 (cutoff date). Both vaccine recipients were >55 years of age; one experienced a cardiac arrest 62 days after vaccination #2 and died 3 days later, and the other died from arteriosclerosis 3 days after vaccination #1. The placebo recipients died from myocardial infarction (n=1), hemorrhagic stroke (n=1) or unknown causes (n=2); three of the four deaths occurred in the older group (>55 years of age). All deaths represent events that occur in the general population of the age groups where they occurred, at a similar rate.

>> No.12440650

>Don't quote selectively!
>[proceeds to counterquote selectively]
ok hypocrite.

>> No.12440657

>test 44000 people
>one person is hospitalized and released after a day
don't be a tard

>> No.12440658

>ventricular arrhythmia in a participant with known cardiac conditions (n=1)
Not related to the vaccine according to FDA.

>> No.12440659

I didn't you fucking tard. I pasted the entire section.

>> No.12440671

blind trust and gullibility is a sign of idiocy whereas prudence and healthy skepticism shows intelligence. Are you saying /pol/ is more scientific than /sci/? If so I am inclined to agree with you after witnessing the level of stupidity and open hostility towards science and intelligence here for the last few years. There is something wrong with you, you are defective

>> No.12440682

>replying to pasta
Welcome newfriend, would you like a tour of the board's LaTeX functions?

>> No.12440683

>Not related to the vaccine according to FDA.

>Three SAEs reported in the BNT162 group were considered by the investigator as related to vaccine or vaccine administration: shoulder injury, ventricular arrhythmia, and lymphadenopathy.
>considered by the investigator as related to vaccine or vaccine administration

you literally just said the opposite as the FDA document did, are you retarded, lying or retarded and lying?

>> No.12440687 [DELETED] 

They are repeaters. Everytime you see a post replying that

a little


to every

>little point
it generally amounts to

>piecing out and regurgitating
aspects of the official narrative

>as though it indicates
intelligence and comprehension

the world


>> No.12440698

>In FDA’s opinion following review of the adverse event narratives, two of these events were considered as possibly related to vaccine: shoulder injury possibly related to vaccine administration or to the vaccine itself, and lymphadenopathy involving the axilla contralateral to the vaccine injection site. For lymphadenopathy, the event was temporally associated and biologically plausible
Read the whole fucking paragraph you dumb fuck.

>> No.12440716

Lying and retarded then. You could've opted to just be a liar but I guess a retard isn't going to realize that's the better option

>> No.12440721

>thinking you reply to the poster and not the board (the audience)

Well hello back socially awkward incel shit in undergrad. want a pdf of the textbook intro to speech 101? It is a required credit so no sense in putting it off

>> No.12440726

>two of these events were considered as possibly related to vaccine
Are you illiterate?

>> No.12440727

>I sure wouldn’t mind
Trannies can't get pregnant.

>> No.12440742

Oh god, fuck off you god damn asshole, gadfly ass tranny roastie. Just stay on lit.

>> No.12440752 [DELETED] 
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There are literally men ITT who had their umbilical cord clamped early and part of their penis amputated, who STILL think protecting and arguing for the medical-industrial complex is a rational thing to do.

Do you fuckers not get what stockholm syndrome and trauma bonding is? Wake the fuck up you bunch of cucks. They literally cut off part of your body and SOLD IT. They see you as CATTLE. Why would a vaccine be any different!


>> No.12440771

Cuck, short for cuckold, is the automated response given by the /pol/ user when it gets confronted with something it does not understand. This confusional state often results in frog posting and further incoherent ramblings about "muh white genocide", or "muh cultural marxism". The /pol/ user will then often retreat to a safe environment, such as /mlp/, although it is on occasion also observed to 'double down' on its muddled and often prolix confabulations. This latter phenomenon is why the /pol/ user is widely regarded as an archetypal sufferer of double down syndrome.

>> No.12440788 [DELETED] 
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Clamp cuck detected. Living life on hsi knees, waiting for the day the clamp clamps down to a final clamp. Slob it harder, cuck. Meanwhile, the elites will enjoy their high IQs, unvaxxed health, and intact Ds.

>> No.12440797
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>> No.12440811
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>> No.12440820

There it is! Double down syndrome! Notice how its ramblings have become even more tense with anxiety of being confronted with itself.

Let's wait, and see what it does next. If we're lucky, we might even see it shit all over itself.

>> No.12440827

why are you spering for retards?

>> No.12440834

>FAA still reviewing vaccine and waiting to allow pilots to get it
>specific federal workers and military members told to wait 2 years to get vaccinated

why are certain groups being told to abstain while the drug is pushed onto most other groups

>> No.12440849

Because Trump fucked up and said no when offered to reserve additional doses. Now there are few to go around and they need to be distributed to risk groups first.

>> No.12440850

Risk assessment.

>> No.12440851 [DELETED] 
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No comment.

>> No.12441007 [DELETED] 
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Wow, they clamped my posts right out of existence.

>> No.12441065

[math] \underline{\bf{ INB4~B&}} [/math]

>> No.12441086

Tranny its enough that you ruined one board. Dilate

>> No.12441126
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>> No.12441257

kek, you're an idiot.

With "slim chance" I meant the chance that they're actually right and the artificial spikes indeed cause a reaction to syncytin-1 at all. But >>12440100 explained it better in a less retarded way than I ever could.

There were cases of men with extremely low sperm count after recovering from the disease, but of I recall correctly, this is from the virus itself, not the antibodies.

>> No.12441268


>> No.12441459

I'm not circumcised.

>> No.12442531

And when I said that Bill would one day begin to sterilize the West too after Africa they called me a retard because he was white and he wouldn't hurt muh white nations.
Jokes aside they are preventing studies on the subject (properly because those things take longer than a couple months). I wouldn't take a vaccine for a unknown virus made up in a couple months. If you are desperate and >60 sure go ahead but not if you are healthy. Especially when the manufacturer can't be sued for possible damages.

>> No.12444153

I’m afraid I won’t have a choice

>> No.12444194

Going to go off this, if you’re young and healthy and not a first responder is there really a need to vaccinate beyond the winging of liberal politicians?
>asymptomatic transmission
What’s the point of the vaccine then?

>> No.12444588

If you don't think the vaccine is good, then you are one of the people that should get it first. Maybe even a double dose.

>> No.12444626
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>> No.12444950


When this phase 3 group dies of old age with no side effects.

Why didn't we just use a dead virus vaccine like Russia and China instead of this experimental nonsense?

>> No.12445007

You did in the link you posted. mARN vaccines haven't been tested for treating viruses thoroughly. Only for cancer related tumours.

>> No.12446078

MRNA vaccines have never been approved before, ever

>> No.12446100


>> No.12446146

there is zero track record for safety, the burden of proof for a vaccine that will have no liability for pfizer is on you fag
lick that boot boy

>> No.12446157

Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials. Why are you ignoring them? Also every drug in history wasn't approved at some point.

>> No.12446537

>muh seed!

Oh no no. Just worried about the future. (Not a tranny or a Marxist-Leninist either)

Ellen Page can.

>> No.12447685

Explain how we know the vaccine won’t have significant long term side effects like cancer.

>> No.12447717

do you remember any major news headlines condemning the mass gatherings in june related to blm? because the only ones i remember were from those weird right wing websites. and i believe he's referring to the way large corporations like walmart and amazon are heavily favoured by lockdown measures in most places, as opposed to small businesses that dont sell "essentials". in toronto at least, until two weeks ago, strip clubs were allowed to be open and churches were not. the rules are indeed nonsensical. big surprise that we experienced a massive spike as soon as schools opened back up, and they blamed it on family and friends getting together, so we've been restricted once again from doing that with more that 4 people at once.

>> No.12447737

>haha do what you want schizo we wont Force you to do anything
>if you don’t take this vaccine well put you in a box somewhere deep in the woods
Real comforting friend. Way to prove that other guys point.

>> No.12447775

>do you remember any major news headlines condemning the mass gatherings in june related to blm?

Maybe you should read something else than "weird right wing websites". Funny thing is Fauci has been turned into a supervillain by the right.

>> No.12447786

So basically the world wide expanding infertility whose source is still unknown is going to be used as a correlation for the Covid vaccine eh?
How "nice".
Although I do have my doubts about the vaccine but only regarding antibodies, I saw/know too many included my family who caught it, multiple times, never developed antibodies.

>> No.12447796

Glad we've all come to a consensus and settled the /sci/ence

>> No.12447811

You and your religion need to die.

>> No.12447813

let this shit thread die already faggots

this should have been the end of the thread, but some faggot keeps bumping it

>> No.12447831

>world wide expanding infertility

>> No.12447842

It's from the UK safety report on the vaccine.

>> No.12447867

This, unless it has been disproven in these last 3 years which I hope it has

>> No.12447882

It will not die because thankfully your retards are the minority. There is nothing 1984 about Ticketmaster devising a system to prevent unvaccinated freetards boarding planes so they cant infect me with a potentially deadly virus. Exercise your freedom and take a fucking hike.

You're free to flail your arms around but the second your fists are flying close to my nose it becomes my issue. You will be told to knock it off and forced to comply if you refuse. That's how we do things in a healthy reasonable society.

>> No.12447899

Ah, I see, that's what you mean. Thought you meant infertility caused by Corona, which seems to be rather severe. I mean, it's not infertility yet in your source. It's an alarming trend nevertheless.

>> No.12447934

I am per-emptively worried that whether or not this vaccine actually causes infertility it will be used as a scapegoat to oversimplify an already existing problem.
Anyway if such a thing exists I hope that there are followup studies on women.

and just for the record, I don't trust the UK after they blew 300 millions on those quick tests that didn't work.

>> No.12447949

> I hope that there are followup studies on women.
These exist:

>> No.12447978

People ought to refuse te vaccine because Covid-19 itself is a non-issue to start with. People keep coming up with this David Icke-tier drivel because they don't know when to put something to rest.

>> No.12447981

well fuck me for not reading, thanks anon.

>> No.12448122

mRNA vaccine without stabilisant that's toxic chemical have very low probability of causing infertility.

Nobody can educate kids properly, why you still want to have em?

>> No.12448274
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>> No.12448276
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>> No.12448357

stop bumping this shit thread

>> No.12448497

but when its you it matters lmao

>> No.12449454

The virus works on ace2 receptors, which means THE VIRUS CAN MAKE YOU INFERTILE.

>> No.12450329
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What gets me is that the news and every talk show host is acting so eager to take it, telling me it's 'perfectly safe'... when they literally don't actually know..plus "perfectly safe" does not cause Bells Palsy, I don't care if it's 1 in 1 million cases, something that causes Bells Palsy even once is clearly not perfectly safe.

And all this coming from the same media that KNEW the full story, yet said Breonna Taylor was innocent, an emt and was shot in her bed..then months later, STILL KNOWING the full story, they incited violence/riots/division once again by running the same bs, lying through their teeth and sparking another series of riots just over a month ago. The media are the enemy of the people.

>> No.12450341


>calls other retards
>is eager to be a BETA tester for the gov/big pharma's trillion dollar generating vaccine


>> No.12450561

Bells palsy is temporary. Yeah, it sucks, but it'll be over soon in the rare case it happens.
You also seem to be unaware that mRNA has been tested in humans since at least 2017, with the rabies vaccine as the first contender. No severe side effects at all.

>> No.12450585

>Okay so I'm not anti vaxxer by any means
I don't believe you.

>> No.12450590

Bells Palsy vs dieing ? Hmmmm....

>> No.12451131
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REMINDER: There is no scientific proof that vaccines work or do anything beneficial at all.

>> No.12451165

How is white genocide unfounded? Whites are being more of a minority every year. Recessive genes breed out and the MSM incessantly pushes racemixing on everyone. How is that not a soft form of genocide?

>> No.12451263

being concerned about a shotty low quality vaccine that is super new and experimental is different than not taking a polio vaccine.
questioning science is literally part of science.
also science isn't about ethics, so the ethics of taking a vaccine have nothign to do with science too.
Mossad reveals it's intentions. kek

>> No.12452242

Kill yourself promptly

>> No.12452256
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Wear a mask in the middle of the desert and you'll be fine.