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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 171 KB, 992x681, hockey-stick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12437666 No.12437666 [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

We've known about it for 40 years with almost uncountably many studies saying the exact same thing. We know more about the Earth's climate than what happens in the center of the sun for god's sake. Yet half of Americans are still completely scientifically illiterate buffoons, no matter how many kyoto protocols and paris deals we institute, no matter how many protests, IPCC meetings, wildfires and coral bleaching, our emissions keep rising, they haven't even peaked yet. Why? What's so hard to understand? Just don't fucking destroy the Amazon, stop flying to costa rica every year, ect. We've had 40 years to address this and political leaders are promising carbon neutrality by 2050 at the earliest.

Scientists are such autists they can't communicate with the public, that's what.

>> No.12437685

Is global warming actually a problem though?
When we first started recording temperature accurately werent we still in that mini ice age?

>> No.12437709

>Is global warming actually a problem though?
Yes. This has been established for 40 years. "An inconvenient truth" while off on the time frame, it still inconvenient today.

>When we first started recording temperature accurately werent we still in that mini ice age?
Pure diversion. The earth isn't going through a mini ice age right now is it?

>> No.12437720

dumb pic
the temparature was and will be rising since we are at the end of an ice age, the small time frame between 1600-1800 was an anomaly

>> No.12437729

>hockey stick graph
why do retards shill this dishonest graph built by the deceptive liar Michael Mann ?

>> No.12437750

Ok well where's the actual graph? Every (reputable) study on climate I can find supports the graph. I just don't see the alternative that's not been pushed out by cranks or intentionally dishonest people.

>> No.12437782
File: 15 KB, 899x713, shakun_marcott_hadcrut4_a1b_eng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really no

>> No.12437797

>Michael Mann

>> No.12437821

Okay so we lose Florida and we have more crops
Wheres the loss?

>> No.12437856

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12437860

>What happened?
many things -- greenhouse gasses being one of them, but also increased urbanization + temperatures being measured in/near heat island cities, and surely other reasons. There's no reason to blame it on one thing.

>> No.12437934

>temperatures being measured in/near heat island cities
Uhh, do you honestly believe scientists are this stupid? There absolutely is a reason to blame it on one thing: humans.

>> No.12437963

This particular branch of science is less dependable than others and has the same misanthropic death cult vibe you're giving off

>> No.12437971

This thread isn't to debate with deniers anon

>> No.12437975
File: 15 KB, 405x394, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaaah! The projeshunz shows a global cooling! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

>> No.12437978

There it is again

>> No.12437987

Oh noes!

>> No.12438016

>We know more about the Earth's climate than what happens in the center of the sun for god's sake.
We know more about that which surrounds us every day of our lives than we do about the center of a huge nuclear fusion reaction going on 93 million miles away. How is this possible? Are you a seer?

>> No.12438027

>This particular branch of science is less dependable than others
regarding who? internet expert who watched too many shitty youtube videos?

>> No.12438029

>Are you a seer?
Yes. I see many big and burly black men in your future.

>> No.12438032

>Here's a problem and a solution
>I don't like the problem or the solution

and so on until you and I are long gone.

>> No.12438043

>Here's a problem and a solution

They can't even perform their own experiments right, do you really think they can propose solutions for things? They discover random effects and other people make an actual effort to derive a solution based on the random effects they discovered

>> No.12438077

I mean, if I would trust any group of people in the world to solve climate change, it's scientists (and economists next to them). If any group of people has a long history of putting out shit solutions: it's politicians. Just look at The Don "just rake it" Trump.

>> No.12438081

What branch of legitimate science do you think is less dependable?

>> No.12438095

Anything in the medical field to be sure

>> No.12438125

Boomers are generation of addicts. More than half of them are drunks. They're also addicted to shiny things and beach vacations.

Have you ever tried telling an addict to stop harming themselves and others?

>> No.12438134

>it's scientists
Do you know many of them? They're mostly just losers who couldn't get a real job and so resorted to trying to climb up the academic ladders.

>> No.12438137

I want it to get much, much hotter

>> No.12438148

Fair enough

>> No.12438155

my god this thread is depressing. just more people saying antropogenic climate change isnt a thing and also is but isnt a big deal. we are so fucked. people wont start actually reacting to the problem until its literaly them suffering from it. and even after that. i mena... people literally cant wera a silghtly unconfortable pice of cloth over their face to save thousands of lives. so what do we expect... there will be fuckers in florida under fucking water gargeling, its not climate change

>> No.12438159

Mostly just a bunch of nitpicky autists who have to be EXACTLY RIGHT about absolutely everything and love picking apart other peoples life's work for the smallest mistakes. I sure hate being in the same room as them but there's no group of people I'd rather have crunching numbers and publishing boring papers.

>> No.12438163

>just two more weeks and florida will be underwater

>> No.12438173

You don't hide your inferiority well. What group of people do you think made gasoline in the first place? Or the nitrogen that fertilizes literally everything you eat? They gave up the modern world, I just wish they could take it away.

>> No.12438182

industrial civilization will collapse due to exponential increasing consumption of non-renewable resources and energy long before climate change is a problem. Eventually it'll be ommon that huge groups of people will be completely wiped out by war, famine, and natural disasters and people on the other side of the world won't even hear about it.

>> No.12438201

Find me a single example of a scientific prediction by climate science that failed. And no something Al gore, or some random scientist said once isn't a scientific prediction.

>> No.12438218

Well one problem with climate change science is that hypotheses are less falsifiable than in other branches -- at least in popular coverage, if not the papers themselves. Instead of "the earth will be 1.5 degrees warmer by 2020" they would say "the earth could be 1.5 degrees warmer by 2020".

>> No.12438240

Virtually any field making predictions about complex systems allow a margin of error. This is hardly unique, and it doesn't make these predictions any less useful. I guess you're conceding that you can't find any examples of the science failing? However virtually every "skeptic" has a 100% failure rate.

>> No.12438244

perhaps, but perhaps not. its not exactly wise to say, dont worry about the thing that will kill us, well be dead by then. it makes a no win situation.
also, even if most of us gets wiped out, it wont 0 human knowledge. we wont start from scratch. well be right back where we are now in a few hundred years. and well be facing the same problem.
but i think whats most likley to happen is we do nothing, making africa and parts of asia less liveable, and than well be shit at dealing with the problems that causes... a headles blunder all the way

>> No.12438252

Yes, but some fields have larger margins of error than others. Physics generally has small, well-defined margins of error. When I see climate change predictions, the margin of error is implicitly arbitrary. How would the prediction "earth could be 1.5 degrees warmer by 2020" be proven wrong?

>> No.12438266

Find a prediction that actually says that first, chances are there are errors attached to any estimate which in turn allows such estimates to be proven wrong. You are attacking a strawman

>> No.12438270

Maybe you should read the literature and find out

>> No.12438273

We will never reach climate goals with the rising demand for meat in the world. Giving up meat is the easiest thing for any common person to do to combat global, yet nobody does. Even leftist politicians distance themselves from veganism. The Earth is fucked.

>> No.12438274

It's not arbitrary, it's all well defined, you were just too lazy to read that part of the paper.
If the earth was 1.5 degrees cooler by 2020 like many people I could name predicted then it would absolutely be wrong.
I do like the fact you respect physics though as climate science is really just applied physics.

>> No.12438276

The only thing I take solace in is that the deniers will be put to death when society collapses

>> No.12438284

The easiest thing to do is not have more than 1 child, but people fail at that too

>> No.12438293

do all climate scientists really just want depopulation?

>> No.12438299

Why don't you ask them retard. How would I know?

>> No.12438301

I actually don't agree with this one, if you're an educated person it's going to be your kids who have to fix the world. Because it definitely won't be the psyco evangelical YEC family down the street with 9 kids fixing anything.

>> No.12438306

The earth has a finite carrying capacity. Having less children will result in way less suffering than just hitting the capacity and seeing what happens.

Like I mentioned before, veganism would increase the capacity as well. Something's gotta break eventually though.

>> No.12438307

Well it only works if everyone does it obviously.

>> No.12438313

Why drag some poor non-existent soul from the abyss to deal with this shit?

>> No.12438314

>climate science is really just applied physics
It's more like absolute butchery of dynamical systems. You'd better go retrain your models again with this year's data, 2022 is coming. Maybe throw in more models into your ensemble just for fun.

>> No.12438315

Which will never ever happen. Don't let the retards win the demographics war.

>> No.12438318

>Having less children will result in way less suffering
How about decreasing the life expectancy

>> No.12438320

It could, if you convince them. Brainwash them. Or force them. Or make them infertile somehow.

>> No.12438325

How would you do that in a way that wouldn't make life hell on earth?

>> No.12438332

Souls come here because they want to anon

>> No.12438333

Finding a final solution to the retard problem is far harder than fixing AGW.

>> No.12438352

>make life hell on earth?
Do you want to know what hell would look like? Imagine a massive make shift nursing home in a huge repurposed warehouse

>> No.12438356

just you fuckers wait, anti aging tech is cumming along very nicely, germline edditing can get you 5 times normal life expectancy already. id say 2-3 decades and well have tahat cemmercially available.

>> No.12438362

Imagine being an incel for 350 years

>> No.12438368

fuck me that sounds depressing. my gf may be a little bat faced, but my god im glad im not an incel

>> No.12438383

Imagine if you were serving consecutive life sentences but the government could force you to live long enough to serve them

>> No.12438524

Can you show us on the doll where the climat scientist touched you anon?

>> No.12438544

the climat scientist convined millions of impressionable idiots that humans are bad and need to be culled

>> No.12438580

You obviously don't understand how climate modeling is performed. Every calculation is continuous until the navier-stokes equation needs to be solved to derive surface temperature. Obviously it's not known how to solve it in 3 dimensions currently, so the planet's atmosphere is quantized and numerically solved instead. It's not like a cellular atomata, those have already been known to be flawed for 100s of years. So no, it's not a "butchering of dynamical systems" like you say.

>> No.12438587

Climate science says nothing about culling humans. Though you make a pretty good argument for it I'll admit.

>> No.12438596

>the temparature was and will be rising since we are at the end of an ice age
No, the warming that took us out of the last "ice age" ended 10,000 years ago. We are now warming about 25 times faster than that warming. Retard.

>> No.12438600

>Yet half of Americans are still completely scientifically illiterate buffoons
"capitalism"+tribalism=stifle competition and make people dependent upon you

don't hate the player

>> No.12438647

Warming after the last ice ended in the mid Holocene about 5k yrs ago though. Anthropogenic warming is clear and evident

>> No.12438654

well isn't the obvious solution to the climate crisis to curb overpopulation?

>> No.12438665

Doesn't matter whether you look at rural stations or all stations, the trend is the same:


UHI is very weak compared to the warming trend and removed by homogenization anyway.

>> No.12438669

Because it's in the best interest of oil and coal companies to lie as much as they can and confuse the public.

>> No.12438684

>They can't even perform their own experiments right

>> No.12438698

Not at all, it's not like CO2 is emitted by humans just existing.
For example an American emits as much CO2 as 4 swedes despite having an objectively shitter life.

>> No.12438702

inb5 a link about the replication crisis in psychology and nutrition

>> No.12438704

Warming is readily visible in satellite measurements of the whole planet

>> No.12438712

Fact: The most practical way to get "free renewable" energy at a degree efficient enough for all of humanity is to accelerate global warming.

We need giant waves. We need crazy wind. We need solar panels across the whole equator. Any uninhabitable zone is immediately a place to harvest energy from the extreme weather.

Humans being able to live literally anywhere on the planet means shit is so un-chaotic that we will never have free renewable energy.

>> No.12438717

We already have all the space we need. Displacing a couple billion people because you want to build solar panels in an area that gets .1% more sunlight is fucking retarded

>> No.12438725

You are a mega retard. Your brain is so small I am not even motivated to explain why you are so wrong. Someone else will have to step in and motivate an answer from me because you are useless and pathetic.

>> No.12438728

Sorry for poking holes in your retarded ideas literally no one agrees with.

>> No.12438742

Wind is produced by the temperature differential on the planet, so warming the arctic will actually reduce the intensity of wind under normal conditions which allow for turbines to generate power. They can't spin during hurricanes.

>> No.12439098

Bitch nigga hyper winds are going to happen you dont know a fucking thing about anything just HANG YOURSELF.

>poking holes

Oh is global warming not going to cause mega weather? Jump off a bridge you fucking retard try to win for once in your life take advantage of a circumstance you career loser

>> No.12439142 [DELETED] 

...what about the jews?

>> No.12439160

If you've ever met any, jews seem to have more nitpicky autists per capita than any other ethnicity.
Probably something to do with being tortured to death by Christians if you made a mistake anywhere in your accounting.

>> No.12439163


You coin shaving kike motherfucker

>> No.12439173

See, natural selection at work.

>> No.12439180

And the only jews who didn't die horribly were the ones who could prove to a court who all hated them that there was no mistake and it was in fact you who was lying.

>> No.12439185

This has never happened, coin shaver.

>> No.12439193

This it’s sure as hell convenient to me with rising temps. Means smaller utility bills.

>> No.12439195

Which is probably exactly what your butthurt ancestor said

>> No.12439204

"I can change history by repeating lies" -your tribe

>> No.12439207

ironic, you should probably read something that isn't a /pol/ infographic. You might learn something.

>> No.12439212

Lol I feel sorry for people like you, no knowledge of history whatsoever.

>> No.12439221

au contraire mon frère
I don't feel sorry for you however, you've deliberately chosen to remain ignorant, because it makes you feel slightly better about your pathetic existence.

>> No.12439228

I really, really fucking hate you people, all of you

>> No.12439232

I work closely with jews every day and respect jews, but I am aware of their history and so are jews. You are the pathetic one, so intimidated by social stratification that you are forced to deny all wrong doing over the entire course of history. This is not true of any group. Your life is dishonest.

>> No.12439239

>This backpedaling
Yikes at least be be honest about what you are.

>> No.12439246


Go die coin shaving kike

>> No.12439248

That's more like it

>> No.12439262

>Yes. This has been established for 40 years.
no it hasn't

While we know the climate is changing we know absolutely nothing about the side effects of it. Our best guess it by examining historical records from when the co2 level on earth was higher.

So most likely: Earth will be fine, humans will be fine, a bunch of species will only have a future in zoos but that was/is happening anyway even if the climate didn't change ever at all.

A "great extinction event" but caused more by humans than changing climate to be perfectly honest.

>> No.12439269

no it never ended, we are still in an ice age.

>> No.12439282

Only in the most broad sense of the word. Interglacial is more accurate.

>> No.12439370

The Amazon is carbon neutral your fucking retard. Carbon sequestration happens because of sea algae. Jesus fuck why do morons like your keep saying shit they know nothing about

>> No.12439375

I'm 99% sure chopping down the Amazon is not a carbon neutral action, not at all.

>> No.12439379

lol you are a literal retard.

>> No.12439416

name calling, the last resort of the weak minded when confronted by uncomfortable truths.

>> No.12439430

>a propaganda website made by a psychologist/cartoonist contains truth
hearty kek, retard.

>> No.12439443

So instead of whining like a child, why don't you expose the lies? It's a pretty short webpage on a simple topic. It shouldn't be difficult at all.

>> No.12439472
File: 119 KB, 754x552, 1607419948077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scientists at Imperial College are the ones who fucked up the covid projections by orders of magnitude, which prompted the current stupid responses by the politicians. A fuck up with the scale of impact of the Imperial College model deserves the death penalty. Instead those fuckers are going to face zero consequences and probably will get showered with a bunch of grants.
Why again should I trust scientists when most of their work is low quality that cannot be replicated?

>> No.12439509

Suppose the Amazon completely burned down tomorrow, at least what's left of it. Take all the emissions humanity had in 2019, multiply that by 9, that's how much CO2 would go into the air *poof* just like that. Now tell me, how is humanity supposed to exist after that? How is literally any ecosystem on the Earth going to exist after that? Let alone humanity. Yeah, the Amazon is carbon neutral *IF YOU DON'T FUCKING BURN IT TO THE GROUND.

>> No.12439525

Literally any college can shit out an epidemiological model and call it good, the politicians will circulate the models which gives them the best narrative, that's what you're seeing.

You have it wrong, the politicians aren't acting this way because they were handed a shitty model, but because they found some random shitty and incomplete model to excuse their inaction and "save the economy". It just turns out the worst possible model of the pandemic is the best to present a comforting narrative to the public, that's all.

>A fuck up with the scale of impact of the Imperial College model deserves the death penalty.
No they really don't, their projections were corrected coincidentally only after the original got circulated in the public. Like I said, any two bit college can shit out a model in a couple days, that's different than something that's had overwhelming support by literally every academic institution for the past 40 years, thousands of studies confirming it, and so forth.

>> No.12439544

I don't even see why you're even talking about COVID, it's completely irrelevant, like comparing apples to oranges. So apparently scientists are supposed to be completely omnipotent and know immediately exactly what's going to happen in the first modern pandemic, is that it? Newsflash, human behavior is complicated, like extremely complicated, you know nothing of how models are created anyways.

>> No.12439738

>Now tell me, how is humanity supposed to exist after that?
Short term? Same thing we did last year. Long term, it'll be accelerate climate change. ...How do we live? We deal with the shift and adapt. Hopefully the collapsing biosphere doesn't take us down with it.

>How is literally any ecosystem on the Earth going to exist after that? Let alone humanity.
ooooooh. Ha. No matter what we do to Earth, bacteria and cockroaches will survive. Even if we really try our hardest to pile-drive the entire ecosystem, we're not going to kill everything.

You're just looking at the wrong scale. "life" is in no danger. What we need to worry about is "the bulk of the ecosystem" and "humanity". Even that's on the outside. There is a chance that the impact is not much more than what we've got now: Widespread changes in climates, more turbulent weather, and a mass-extinction event. Which is terrible. But life will certainly go on.

>> No.12439821

>What group of people do you think made gasoline in the first place
A bunch of arabs playing with petroleum in the middle ages

>Or the nitrogen that fertilizes literally everything you eat?
Chemical enjuneers

Not scientists publishing "papers" and "peer reviewing" (means: checking the formatting and image placement)

>> No.12439826

OP is exactly the kind of an illiterate buffoon he accuses others of being. Worse, he's a fucking cultist

>> No.12439829

>"life" is in no danger
I wouldn't be so sure. If phytoplankton in the oceans goes we're seriously fucked. That shit is the base of literally every food chain and creates 2/3 of our oxygen.

>> No.12439859

The problem is not the scientists satan, its the media. Theres misinformatiom between them and the media rips off what the scientists say until theres almost no science in the headlines only what can movilize people. As most people don't have access to a good education, they can only interpret what the media says and antagonize them if it confronts preconcieved ideas.

>> No.12439866

Well, most countryside or rural areas temperatures are meassured by satellite with an estimated emission coeficient (which varies during the year with greening and drying) so they may be biased towards hot or cold, so what he says isn't entirely wrong.

>> No.12439879

>its the media
this. the only reason government/MSM are even talking about this is because it's can be the motivation for another revenue stream, carbon taxes.

>> No.12439880

florida men will be all over the US

>> No.12439994

>If phytoplankton in the oceans goes we're seriously fucked
It won't

>> No.12440052
File: 362 KB, 1510x925, 1607409862574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your graph is wrong

>> No.12440170

Global warming isnt real you schizo jackasses

>> No.12440350

You stupid smoothbrin, that would be about as much carbon released as a major eruption. Also the fact that increased CO2 would increase plant growth because that's where they fucking get their carbon from. Oh, don't like that the third worlders are developing and burning down their forests to the same levels as everyone else? Boo fucking hoo, then start reforesting your own lands at the same rate to compensate. Pine forests are 3x more efficient at sequestrating carbon than jungles anyway. But no, you expect South America to not develop their own fucking lands and foot the bill themselves because your own countries can't be bothered with it. They're expected to keep every square inch of iver 70% of their territory intact because you won't give up your own lands for reforestation. Amazing. And you're probably a lefturd too, holy shit. Hypocritical faggots. If I was a southspic I'd personally go there and start burning the rain forest just to fucking spite your worhless so yfaggots.

>> No.12440358

>"An inconvenient truth" while off on the time frame
sure, the apocalypse will happen anytime now. we better destroy industry and the economy so it doesn't happen!

>> No.12440496

Climate change = global warming

The debate is about how exactly higher temps. affect the wider climate.

>> No.12440542

All of this is spot on, but the Amazon is pretty cool as an end in itself. We shouldn't cut the whole thing down. And pine forests are meh.

>> No.12440573

>record number of hurricanes landing on the east coast each year
Have fun with those low utility prices, im sure they'll last!

>> No.12440608

I agree with you, but rainforests don't grow overnight, they are the result of long periods of climate stability in a region. So, while its true that the aerosols of burning forests can and will fertilize forests, it doesn't help in the mean time that a lot of CO2 is suddenly released.

>> No.12440672

i've completely given up
we're all fucked, there's no beating the insane amount of power the polluting industries have over the political process and people's minds
we're all going to be living in deserts by the 2040's and there'll still be people jammering on about how
>this is just a hot flash
>another ice age will start soon
>this is because of the sun acting up
why did i have to be born.....

>> No.12440684

40% has already died off in 70 years:
and we're INCREASING the pressure on them!
oh, don't forget the clathrate gun hypothesis, which looks more and more accurate by the second:
>Climate change is real but the effects aren't as bad as the scientists claim they could be!
I. Fucking. Wish.

>> No.12440714

Is central greenland the same as the entire earth?

>> No.12440740

>epic fart guns
why was the cataclysmic runaway climate change not triggered in dino days?

>> No.12440743

>why did i have to be born.....
My guy, you could have lived in a quiet, boring part of history. Instead you get to live here and now, in one of the most interesting/exciting times in history. There's so many things happening rn that will be read about for centuries to come:
>Will humanity solve climate change, or will we suffer the full effects of the crisis?
>Who will win Cold War II (USA vs China)
>AI/Automation/Robots, how will society change?
>Social tensions in the USA
>Ecological tensions all over the world
We live in a crazy, wild time and you are out here moping. Enjoy the ride. Regardless of what happens, at least you got to see it first-hand.

>> No.12440747

What would you define as a major erruption?
The largest erruption in recent history was Mount Pinatubo which released 50 million tons.
The Amazon on the other hand contains about 76 billion tons of carbon total, and is a net sink of about 600 million tons annually.
so basically you're retarded thanks.

>> No.12440799

>doesn't know what a proxy measure is

>> No.12440803

>one graph shows global average T
>other is average T for Greenland
yeah ..

>> No.12440859

One of those graphs is real and measuring an actual quantifiable concrete parameter. The other graph is a politically motivated hodge podge that purports to measure a meaningless nonsense and bears as much relationship with reality as a horoscope.

>> No.12440973

Do you have any specific problems with their methods? Or evidence that proves their work is inaccurate?

>> No.12440985

Is central greenland a proxy for the entire planet?

>> No.12441018





>> No.12441152
File: 3 KB, 429x295, fig1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: The best way to reduce CO2 is to clear cut the entire Amazon rainforest roughly every 20 years and replant it. Just don't burn the trees or let fungus break it down. Sink them into the ocean. Drag them to Antarctica.


>> No.12441160

Too much water is just as devastating to crops as a drought. There's a reason different locations grow different produce.

>> No.12441167

Lmao cope more faggot the chinks control the rain just fine your entire life is about how much of a loser you can be


>> No.12441180

>no it never ended
See >>12437782

>> No.12441192

Lol this graph is just making things up thats actually hilarious wow

>> No.12441202

These are pretty much my objections >>12441018

>> No.12441241

No, it is entirely wrong.

>> No.12441258

What variance was "introduced?" The warming rate is the warming rate. We know it's drastic because we have other methods of determining temperature besides the thermometer record. You're a retard.

>> No.12441261

>Lol this graph is just making things up
Like what?

>> No.12441284

>proxy reconstruction for a single location is equivalent to global proxy reconstructions using proxies from the entire planet

>> No.12441286

The entire range from Current Year to 2100 is fake.

The "anomaly" is arbitrary completely and meant to make it appear as if the temp was always relatively stable(until the next 100 years lmfao). This graph gives you no hints of the major temp shifts throughout history. It's just funny math to confirm biases.

>> No.12441313

>The entire range from Current Year to 2100 is fake.
No, it's a projection.

>The "anomaly" is arbitrary completely
Why does the unit matter?

>meant to make it appear as if the temp was always relatively stable
How the hell would it do that?

>This graph gives you no hints of the major temp shifts throughout history.
Like what?

>> No.12441316

Use your eyes can you even read a graph wow

>> No.12441329

not an argument sadly.

>> No.12441352

No, it's a projection.
>yes, based on funny math and therefore fake

Why does the unit matter?
>if you had any capacity to work with data you would know you can make anything look like anything

How the hell would it do that?
>quite literally the arc of the graph you mongrel

Like what?
>literally denying climate has had major shifts throughout history, you can google this if you claim you need specifically me to show you this then you know you are full of shit and just wasting time

Your 45 IQ questions either mean you have a 45 IQ or are a bad actor in regard to honesty

>> No.12441381

>yes, based on funny math and therefore fake
how is the math funny? they've been dead on for the past 40+ years.
>if you had any capacity to work with data you would know you can make anything look like anything
again not an argument the choice of baseline doesn't change anything when looking at historical changes from that baseline.
>quite literally the arc of the graph you mongrel
you mean the fact that climate has been quite stable for the past 10,000 years?
>literally denying climate has had major shifts throughout history, you can google this if you claim you need specifically me to show you this then you know you are full of shit and just wasting time
again like what?

>> No.12441401

Ok you seem to have a major cognitive disability. This is a graph of temperature difference that is outside of their prediction. It is meaningless. Literally. It just means "we were this far outside of our expectations".

>temp has been stable the last 10,000 years

No. This is a bold faced lie.

>like what?
See above, use google, then suck start a shotgun.

>> No.12441405

>they've been dead on for the past 40+ years.
That's why they've readjusted the data on a bi-annual basis for the last 10 years?

Also 100% error rate in previous predictions for last 50 years.

It's gaslighting for political purposes.

>> No.12441416

Can somebody please debunk this im having a panic attack please make this not real please :(

>> No.12441418

>This is a graph of temperature difference that is outside of their prediction
so you actually don't know what temperature anomaly is. Thanks for admitting it so I can set you straight.
>What is a temperature anomaly? The term temperature anomaly means a departure from a reference value or long-term average. A positive anomaly indicates that the observed temperature was warmer than the reference value, while a negative anomaly indicates that the observed temperature was cooler than the reference value.
>No. This is a bold faced lie.
I have used google, every source shows that global climate has been quite stable for the past 10,000 years. I'm afraid you just don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.12441424

Fucktard that is indeed exactly what I was referring to, it is completely meaningless.

>10,000 years

Lol anon you are a very dishonest person and it's a shame you live your life like this

>> No.12441427

>That's why they've readjusted the data on a bi-annual basis for the last 10 years?
adjusted what data? Why is improving models wrong?
>Also 100% error rate in previous predictions for last 50 years.
The challenge here >>12438201 still stands.

>> No.12441431

>improving models
So the data prior to 10 years ago was wrong? Lol

>> No.12441434

Did I claim they were infallible and perfect?

>> No.12441441

You actually can't read.
>departure from a reference value or long-term average
Is entirely different from
>This is a graph of temperature difference that is outside of their prediction.
If you think these two sentences say the same thing I think every poster in here can agree you have brain damage.

>> No.12441442
File: 146 KB, 800x575, 713753b5527235682097277063ae7ebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no

>> No.12441448
File: 34 KB, 615x462, soyouresaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying climate models are usually fallible?

>> No.12441460

No it is the same. You are sitting here, pretending they know the average as a fact. Not true. The average is also a prediction, you idiot. Their prediction is "this far" outside of their prediction. You have brain cancer.

>> No.12441465
File: 250 KB, 1271x961, 1_yxHTQxm6jG52N6EbqLkSQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.12441471

nice Y axis

>> No.12441477

The data provided allows you to infer the Y axis if you wish to debunk, please, please do so.

>> No.12441493

If I were claiming they were incapable of being improved that wouldn't be scientific in the least. However given their track record it's easy to conclude they've been more than accurate enough to make meaningful predictions about the trend of earths climate and the impact of human activity.
Especially compared with the competition who actually have a 100% failure rate.

>> No.12441499

>Especially compared with the competition who actually have a 100% failure rate.
"Florida will NOT be underwater by 2020"

>> No.12441501

Could you mark on the graph the time period we have been discussing? the past 10,000 years or so should be sufficient.

>> No.12441505

Again with the poor eyesight, you sad little loser.

>> No.12441506

>every year since 1960

>> No.12441522
File: 208 B, 9x6, 50,000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course my mistake here I've cropped it to the past 50,000 years or so. Could you please point out the shifts in climate you've mentioned?

>> No.12441531

>still pretending to be ignorant

There was a graph above with a different time scale, you are being intellectually dishonest as acutely as anyone can be.

>> No.12441559

Ok? And why should I personally give a fuck if earth warms for few degrees?

>> No.12441568

"sea levels will rise at all"

>> No.12441598

I predict this is what normal is and furthermore I predict that we will depart from normal by an abnormal amount. Also normal changes, but it shouldn't change abnormally.

>> No.12441604
File: 12 KB, 450x317, SLR_models_obs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12441605

Correct, and this is why it is meaningless. Compounded predictions x10

>> No.12441608

>Their prediction is "this far" outside of their prediction.
you actually have no idea what you're talking about. Did you drop out of middle school?

>> No.12441609

>taking predictions as fact


>> No.12441631


If you actually give a shit about the climate you'd advocate trade regulations against countries like china and India who produce the lions share of pollution. No, I don't give a shit about per capita, if they instituted just a minimal amount of regulations in regards to coal plants and industrial manufacturing that would help a hell of a lot more than even more extensive draconian legislation in the west.

China builds 3 coal plants every couple of weeks that have zero emissions standards. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.12441638

It's a reconstruction. Not a prediction is English your 18th language or something? The error ranges are provided as well, so you having a mental breakdown while providing an unsourced graph without a Y axis from some random guy who uses the power of jesus to predict the weather just makes you look like you need mental help.

>> No.12441643


>> No.12441652

Anon, the initial prediction cannot possess any errors at all. It's fundamentally impossible. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.12441662


Also, Cargo ships produce a shit load of pollution and whats more we have the technology to completely eliminate it AND lead a resurgence in US global trade. Yes, I'm talking about nuclear cargo ships. Zero emissions and a lifetime of power generation. One cargo ship will burn through around 2.1 million gallons of fuel in a round trip from china to the US and back, and there is little reason for it.

Are you going to start advocating for less global trade and domestic manufacturing, or a new nuclear cargo fleet?

Nah I thought not, because the motives of climatologists are not to solve the problem, it's to control and regulate westerners into obsoleteness while china and india shovel billions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere and build a staggeringly huge economy as a result.

>> No.12441672

>don't trust your experience living by a coastline, the satellite says it's rising

>> No.12441689
File: 94 KB, 970x1455, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make predictions to. How do you like my model?

>> No.12441697

again you keep using this word when it doesn't even apply.
Now on a more serious note, I've shown that every claim of yours is factually incorrect. You've also demonstrated you don't even understand basic terminology. At this point a rational human being would probably realize they have no idea what they are talking about and should probably do some research. Are you going to do that or keep crying?

>> No.12441703

same source and methodology as >>12441442
I like it

>> No.12441712

You have not shown anything. And YES IT IS A PREDICTION. You absolutely must stop pretending they know the exact historical range of climate.

>> No.12441715

Fake graph. No thermometers existed in 1100. This is theory for an agenda that failed. Here is some actual evidence.


>> No.12441724
File: 69 KB, 720x468, 415k-year-temp-graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12441729
File: 102 KB, 480x360, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12441734

I've shown earths climate has been stable over the past 10,000 years here>>12437782

I've shown you don't understand what temperature anomaly is >>12441418
unfortunately you're still playing dumb
I've shown sea level rise has matched predictions >>12441604

>> No.12441740

Lmao that is not what that graph says you monkey

You just fundamentally dont understand words. Or graphs. Or logic.

>> No.12441751
File: 90 KB, 970x919, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair i should include this

>> No.12441755

nice source
Is greenland the same as the entire planet? I too confuse the two sometimes.

>> No.12441757


>> No.12441759

the level of projection is painful

>> No.12441766
File: 68 KB, 445x318, Screenshot_2020-12-09 Medieval Warm Period - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what you wanted me to read from that link?

>> No.12441773

so they are the same?

>> No.12441779

same source as >>12441724

>> No.12441784

I really need you to understand that predicted variance is invalid if you base the variance on a flawed model. The initial model is flawed because it is literally impossible for it not to be, and the secondary model they apply to the initial model is now flawed too. It's okay for the secondary model to have flaws in this kind of graph, and you can deal with an amount of error here, but if the initial model isn't perfect it becomes totally invalid.

Please read a book.

>> No.12441796

what you don't understand is there aren't two models. There's only one and that's the temperature reconstruction. I actually don't understand how you STILL don't understand this.

>> No.12441797

You seem unaware that greenland is one of the only places where you can get this data in the first place.

>> No.12441803

Anon, the reconstruction is different than the predicted variance of the reconstruction. It is two models. Wow. You poor bastard. I feel bad for you.

>> No.12441806

They have edited it. There used to be more info there:

"During the Medieval Warm Period, wine grapes were grown as far north as England, where growing grapes is now not feasible and about 300 miles (500 km) north of present vineyards in France and Germany. Grapes are presently grown in Germany up to elevations of about 1800 ft (560 m), but from about 1100 to 1300 AD, vineyards extended up to about 2500 ft (780 m), implying that temperatures were warmer by about 2–2.5°F (1–1.4°C). Wheat and oats were grown around Trondheim, Norway, suggesting that the climate was about 2°F (1°C) warmer than present (Fagan, 2007)."

>> No.12441808

>the predicted variance of the reconstruction
that's not a thing, the entire graph is organized on the same baseline. HOW CAN I BE MORE CLEAR.

>> No.12441828

The jungle ecosystem is what induces the high amount of rains in south America. You remove the Jungle and it will all dry up, you wont be able to plant trees in place of it, it'll become dry savanna.

>> No.12441832

You are literally wrong I'm sorry. It is not just a prediction of rate of change. It is a prediction of rate of change based on a prediction of what they think was occuring at the time.

>> No.12441836

does that contradict this?
>global average temperatures show that the medieval war period was not a planet wide phenomenon

>> No.12441870

actual schitzo nonsense at this point. I feel like I'm trying to explain counting to a fucking dog.

>> No.12441891

>1000 years

How about you show me the data from the past 15 million years before you say any stupid shit. 1000 years is literal nothing for a system as gigantic as the climate.

>> No.12441934

We're mainly worried about the effect of climate on human civilization, why would I care about the climate before humans even existed?

>> No.12441951

I will make this easy for you

90(+1) 90(+1.1) 90(+1.2) <-- 2 tiers of prediction, where the initial prediction is slightly wrong but the secondary is correct. The outcome is invalid. In the case of your graph, both are likely wrong but I don't need to take it that far.

89.9(+1) 90.1(+1.2) 90(+1.2) <-- 2 tiers of prediction, the initial prediction is correct, the secondary prediction is incorrect, this means the outcome is not invalid in conjunction with an implied margin of error. This is NOT the case for your graph.

>> No.12442010

There is only one tier, the temperature reconstruction.

>> No.12442026

You have a blatant misunderstanding of the data.

>> No.12442043

Not at all, read it again. Because you have actually no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.12442063

I'm glad I'm not you.

You did manage to distract me from how ludacris the future predictive element of the graph is, though.

>> No.12442152

So no argument again.
Here lets break it down barney style.
In your own words what does >>12437782
show. lets focus on just Marcott et al for now.

>> No.12442192

Anon I'm done with you, I doubt I can help you understand what an assumption means, or what a fact is. For whatever reason, you seem to truly believe only the final variables instituted unto the model can be flawed. I do not think I can help you understand why this is retarded.

Goodluck out there.

>> No.12442212

Again thanks for once again utterly failing to demonstrate you have any idea whatsoever is going on. I'll accept your concession.

>> No.12442228

>I'm done with you
>while replying
if you were truly done with him you wouldn't have replied at all

>> No.12442257

bummer, I was looking forward to you debunking the entire field of climate reconstructions in a 3 sentence 4chan post.

>> No.12442266

That would be the case if I was upset. You can only repeat yourself so many times to a person that refuses to comprehend data methodology, so I will peace out. I think it's clear for any lurkers, though. It's just tragic for that fella.

>> No.12442325

I think it's clear to the lurkers that all you've been repeating is the fact that you have no fundamental understanding of what the data is, how it's gathered, what it's measuring, and how it's displayed on a graph posted on 4chan. Despite the fact that it was repeatedly pointed out to you.

>> No.12442766

>We know it's drastic because we have other methods of determining temperature besides the thermometer record.

You are a BA-Environmental Studies-tier brainlet regurgitating talking points some fag-enabling eco-dyke gave you gold stars for in exchange for thousands of dollars.

You can not infer the external validity of a measurement tool in ANY field of research by citing its reliability, and you're actually citing a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TOOL'S RELIABILITY TO DO IT. Which is what every one of you doomsday climate jews do. Unless you have completed a meteorology degree you deserve to be laughed out of academia and mocked in public for trying to defend absolutely indefensible research methods that underlie your """field""".


>> No.12443974

like this?
please provide a better response than

>> No.12444883

>thermometers invented the last 500 years
>measure current temperatures with thermometers
>bro trust me oxygen molecules do this, that's why you should give us your money and leave cheap energy that feeds the planet in the ground

get vaccinated, tranny

>> No.12445271

Pretty much this, climate will be used as yet another a reason to overthrow third world leaders that go against the US. Once someone like Bolsonaro is replaced with a stooge DC will magically forget about climate and we'll cut down the rainforests ourselves

>> No.12445289 [DELETED] 

Dawg you a just religious

>> No.12445315

Dawg you are just religious. It's okay. It's a longstanding trait for humans to maintain momentum. It"s okay that you're wrong.

>> No.12445338
File: 387 KB, 595x344, consumer9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the religious wacko. The religion of CONSUUUUUUUUUME. That's why you can't understand ridiculously simple concepts. Go have another treat, fatty. Or maybe you're just dumb.

>> No.12445380

Gtfo schizo

>> No.12445477

>What happened?
All proposals to combat are schemes to extract wealth thar will have no impact. That combined with continued decades of deception, fraud, and politicization resulting in a cult like belief of bad theories has resulted in "I don't care about this propaganda.".

>> No.12445504

>repeating the same thing over and over again without being able to provide evidence, or even explain why you think you're right
Sounds like exactly what you've done this entire thread.

>> No.12445512

Not an argument in the least. Please provide evidence for why you think temperature reconstructions are inaccurate.

>> No.12445551

you're the one proposing the bullshit. explain it

>> No.12445563

Bros its really simple. There is no such thing a man made global warming. The extremely strong electro-magnetic relationship between the sun and Earth is what dictates climate forces, not our miniscule amount of carbon we put into the atmosphere. Pollution effects us locally, not globally.


>> No.12445815

>EU schitzo shit
take your meds

>> No.12446175

>>yes, based on funny math
Like what?

>>if you had any capacity to work with data you would know you can make anything look like anything
Temperature anomaly doesn't change how anything looks. You're not actually saying anything.

>>quite literally the arc of the graph you mongrel
How does temperature anomaly create an arc?

>>literally denying climate has had major shifts throughout history
No, I'm asking you what major shifts are not shown in the graph. Either the graph is missing major shifts or what you consider major shifts are incredibly small compared to interglacial warming and current warming. It would be nice if you had any substance behind your claims but we both know you don't.

>you can google this
It's not my job to make your argument.

>> No.12446202

You're spouting bizarre nonsense. What evidence do you have that paleoclimate proxies are false?

>> No.12446209

I'm not proposing anything. If you want to debunk some reconstructions here you go.
>Pollack and Smerdon (2004)
>Moberg et al. (2005)
>D'Arrigo, Wilson & Jacoby (2006)
>Frank, Esper & Cook (2007) "Adjustment for proxy number and coherence in a large-scale temperature reconstruction".
>Hegerl et al. (2007) "Detection of human influence on a new, validated 1500–year temperature reconstruction".
>Juckes et al. 2007 "Millennial temperature reconstruction intercomparison and evaluation".
>Loehle & McCulloch (2008) "Correction to: A 2000-year global temperature reconstruction based on non-tree ring proxies".
>Mann et al. 2008 "Proxy-based reconstructions of hemispheric and global surface temperature variations over the past two millennia".
>Mann et al. 2009 "Global Signatures and Dynamical Origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly".
>Ljungqvist 2010 "A New Reconstruction of Temperature Variability in the Extra-Tropical Northern Hemisphere During the Last Two Millennia".
>Christiansen & Ljungqvist 2012 "The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: Reconstructions of low-frequency variability".
>Leclercq & Oerlemans (2012) "Global and Hemispheric temperature reconstruction from glacier length fluctuations".
>Shi et al. 2013 "Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction during the last millennium using multiple annual proxies".
Have fun, if you get anywhere strongly consider publishing your work. It'll no doubt revolutionize the field.

>> No.12446217

There is no data provided, it's literally a hand-drawn curve.

>> No.12446224

You criticized that graph for not showing "major shifts" in climate and then showed a graph that doesn't show major shifts in climate, specifically the one this thread is about.

>> No.12446229

Why should I personally give a fuck about what you personally give a fuck about? Enjoy your carbon taxes, retard.

>> No.12446234
File: 101 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reality is just stupid scientist predictions

>> No.12446241

Dictionary definition of Whataboutism right here

>> No.12446253
File: 83 KB, 900x900, dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my anecdotal evidence trumps a global data set

>> No.12446260

It's one of two places where you can get good ice core data. Ice core data is not the only data. Why do retards post when they have no clue what they're talking about?

>> No.12446285

>You can not infer the external validity of a measurement tool in ANY field of research by citing its reliability
Where did I do that?

Right, good job at reading. When two different methods reach the same conclusion, that lends validity to the conclusion.

>> No.12446292

Where is your argument exactly?

>> No.12446323

I've come to realize that there is an evolutionary process occurring among climate deniers. Deniers are becoming dumber. All the smart ones have eventually realized through logical argument that their position is wrong. The only ones still denying the science are those too stupid to argue coherently, stuck in a perpetual loop of repeating the same debunked taking points and then failing to defend them, but not realizing that they've failed. It's fascinating.

>> No.12446339

yeah the latest crop has been pretty frustrating with how dumb they are. For some reason they don't even have the usual Gish Gallop of /pol/ info graphics to spam. Did you see the guy claiming that CO2 was dramatically cooling the earth because of it's slightly lower specific heat capacity than air? I'm honestly still not sure If I wasn't just getting trolled.

>> No.12446937

So let's just summarize the whole climate change topic.
>Is climate change real?
>Is climate change a bad thing?
>Is climate change attributable to human activities (min. 50%, or the largest factor out of all)?
>Are we capable of mitigating/countering it?
>Are we going to do something to mitigate/counter it?
>Are we certain that our actions will actually mitigate/counter it?

So, even if we presume that most of these questions are answered by a 'yes', I doubt that the last 2-3 questions can get a 'yes'. Even if we have a theoretical solution, it doesn't mean that it'll happen, nor does it mean that it'll be successful. We couldn't stop/mitigate a minor pandemic with our current level of technology. Nor can we stop wars on the planet, among many things, so why would we be able to stop/reverse something so massive? I'm pretty pessimistic about the future.

>> No.12447089


>> No.12447112

Some nations have taken initial steps, in countries where corruption is more widespread like the united states action is far less likely.

>> No.12447376

We can find a way to escape this problem all together. So what if we're causing the Earth to warm up? We'll just build dams around the most valuable cities, and people living in smaller and less-developed cities that will be prone to flooding will move out over the course of many decades. Laws aimed at stopping CO2 pollution overwhelmingly harm working families. The best example of this is carbon emissions taxes. Wealthy people spend a much smaller portion of their income on gas, while it's a very significant fraction for people in working families. We could also develop more efficient ways of generating energy that doesn't cause as much CO2 pollution. If the "experts" who pedal these climate catastrophe stories are correct, we still have many decades to prepare.

>> No.12447572

>leaving out solar output out of your graph
Hi Chris, still on the grift?

>> No.12447582

Not that anon, but thanks for the link, anon.

>> No.12447584
File: 136 KB, 640x512, NASA-US-1999-2016-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of low quality data that's been manipulated bro

>> No.12447599

>two different data sets are different

>> No.12447604

No worries, you should check out a few of Potholer's videos, he's a skeptic in the true sense of the word, not the warped-contrarian style of "skeptic" that has plagued YouTube lately

>> No.12447607

U right, they went back in time & took new measurements and realised their mistake

>> No.12447608
File: 324 KB, 800x533, WadiSuraSwimmers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global warming has happened before and would happen even if we didn't release CO2.

>> No.12447618


>> No.12447628

I really don't understand why liberals think that educating the world will help people stop denying climate change. We've educated the shit out of people in the west and there are still millions of people who deny that their activities have any drawbacks whatsoever. Fat chance getting "educated" backwater primitives to accept unpleasant truths.

>> No.12447631

>well isn't the obvious solution to the climate crisis to curb overpopulation?
Are you insane?
The obvious solution is to reduce pollution you fucking psycho

>> No.12447643

Reads like they have a bunch of low quality data that's massively manipulated numerous times

>> No.12447752

There is very little actual education going on. Mostly daycare and indoctrination. Half the population probably isn't capable of critical thinking anyway so whatever. When people say we need more education what they mean is people need to be told what I want them to believe more often and from a younger age for a longer time.

>> No.12447992

We replaced thermometers with digital, slowly one by one, and they measure different temperature because they aren't calibrated.

But please plant trees anyway.

>> No.12448102
File: 18 KB, 745x224, Five_Myr_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same group that tells you climate change is man made atand with those who try to force their reality denying pronouns, one race exactly equal in capabilities among groups that evolved continents apart - the human race dogma, and structural racism conspiracy theory on everyone.

Look at the variance in the geological record compare it to CO2 levels mya (thosands of times higher btw) and you will see a smaller correlation than most no-replicating social science studies.

An inconvenient truth claimed no snow on Kilimanjaro by now, there still is.

>> No.12448185

>The most common method for measuring temperatures of ancient Earth uses naturally occurring isotopes. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that are heavier or lighter depending on how many neutrons are in its nucleus. Even molecules of water, composed of one hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, can have different weights depending on what isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen are bonded together. The two most common isotopes of oxygen in nature are oxygen-16 (8 neutrons) and oxygen-18 (10 neutrons). When the Earth cools down, the lighter, oxygen-16 found in seawater is locked away in the ice of high latitude glaciers due to evaporative processes, leaving behind relatively more oxygen-18 in the oceans. During warm global climates, melted ice returns oxygen-16-rich waters to the oceans. So the proportion of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in the ocean reflects the Earth’s climate even if we can’t see the ice. Earth Scientists recognize this oxygen isotope pattern between glaciated and ice-free climates, referring to it as the “ice volume effect”, and have since used it to reconstruct ancient Earth climates.
Did you think ancient temperatures were measured with a thermostat and a time-machine?

>> No.12448800

You are legitimately retarded. A proxy reconstruction from a single location is not representative of global temperature like an ensemble proxy reconstruction like PAGES 2K and Marcott are.

>> No.12449823

Reads like you have no argument.

>> No.12449865

>The same group that tells you climate change is man made
Not an argument.

>Look at the variance in the geological record
What relevance does the timescale of the geological record have to human civilization? In the geological record, human existence is not even noticeable. So from that perspective, why should we care about its existence at all?

>and you will see a smaller correlation than most no-replicating social science studies.
Lack of correlation on one scale is irrelevant to correlation on another scale. Also, correlation is not even relevant since we have direct causation.

>An inconvenient truth claimed
Who cares?

>> No.12449889

It's not necessarily an education thing. It might just be simple nihilism and misanthropy: despite what people say out loud, they really can't give enough of a damn about their descendants and mankind as a whole. Most studies project the worst effects of climate change to happen after most people die and many don't feel like they have any moral duty to anyone but themselves, so they don't want to inconvenience themselves in any way for someone else's benefit.

>> No.12449928
File: 44 KB, 602x395, EA-EHqQWsAASIQM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hadcrut is a global dataset, those icecores are specific to Greenland.
This is important because Greenland temperatures have risen at twice the rate of Global temperatures since 1850 (the end of the ice core records), 3-4 degrees acording to this graph.
This implies a temperature higher than any point on your graph.

>> No.12449949

That ice core ends in 1850 and Easterbrook being the lying shill he is says it ends in modern day. When you actually look at the temperature in Greenland now it's way hotter than anytime in the record.

>> No.12450051

Do any of you fags deny that
a. the world has been much hotter than today
b. the world has been much colder than today
c. the world has experienced rapid changes in temperature from warmer to colder and vice versa
d. life has gone on regardless

>> No.12450340

That is a response to an argument no one made. A lot of bad shit can happen with life still going on. Rapid changes in climate have resulted in mass extinctions in the past and should be avoided.

>> No.12450520

Just put a low pass filter on that shit

>> No.12450881

Intersectionalism happenes, I’d rather see the planet become inhospitable than be ruled by left wingers

>> No.12450950

>a. the world has been much hotter than today
not since humans have existed
>b. the world has been much colder than today
>c. the world has experienced rapid changes in temperature from warmer to colder and vice versa
not since humans have existed
>d. life has gone on regardless
"life existing" is a pretty low bar.

>> No.12451005

It's true. Ironically the left has gone full retard with science. Don't forget CO2 is literally plant food and a little more heat and Carbon in our atmosphere will massively increase plant growth and general fecundity across the entire planet. Quelle catastrophe!

>> No.12451016

Humans have also historically thrived in warmer temperatures. Assuming a little more warmth will be apocalyptic is utterly nonsense, it's unscientific and not born out by any statistics.
>muh models
Cherry picked. Any modeling (especially from universities and government orgs) without transparent methodology should be instantly discarded for liberal bias.
>b-but Earth will turn into Venus and all life will die if we pass a tipping point
A completely unfounded scaremongering bullshit apocalypse cult delusion..

>> No.12451026

There will be also increased drought in some areas, resulting in massive crops loss overall.
>Florida is the only place in the world near sea level
You can't possibly be this ignorant. We're in for the most massive waves of immigration in recorded history.

>> No.12451033

We probably wouldn't be in this situation if people had be educated on the meaning of:
instead of fucking shakespeare and the holocaust.
The number of absolute retards who haven't got even a single concept of scarcity or entropy is frightening.

>> No.12451076

>Humans have also historically thrived in warmer temperatures.
simply not true
> without transparent methodology should be instantly discarded for liberal bias.
just read the papers you schizo
>b-but Earth will turn into Venus and all life will die if we pass a tipping point
pure straw man, literally no one of consequence says this.

>> No.12451089

They can go ahead and chop it all down, after a certain percentage of it is removed the land will completely deforest itself naturally anyway. France is already looking to sanction the shit out of Brazil's ass, the US will probably join them once Biden's in office as well. Some land just shouldn't be developed, that's just the way it is. Brazil can't manage their agriculture sustainably, then they can't have a position on the world stage.

If they want to throw global warming ahead of schedule 10 years with some choppy choppy they can go ahead, but after it's all gone and over I absolutely guarantee their country's food and water security will get btfo by climate change. That's the problem, everything is short term, they're not thinking 10, 20 years ahead by doing this shit, they've already chopped 10% of the Amazon, that's a fucking big amount of land, but it's never enough, and it wont be enough when the forest is completely gone either.

>> No.12451097

>their country's food and water security will get btfo by climate change
so are you going to be one of the people advocating for allowing brazilian refugees in once that happens?

>> No.12451105

Uh no. It was their decision to chop, they should pay for it. I absolutely hope our president at that time will agree.

>> No.12451113

honestly the idea that civilian populations can't be held responsible for the actions of their democratically elected leaders is fucking stupid.

>> No.12451115

i wouldn't either. but you can bet lawyers will be having a field day arguing for and against
>you forced us to because of your emissions and competition bla bla bla
>not everyone here voted for this bla bla bla
>we had to do it to alleviate poverty bla bla bla

>> No.12451117

Yeah well who do you think is doing the illegal deforesting in the first place? It certainly isn't government officials.

>> No.12451130

ahh the baby boomers. so wise. they saved so much money buying all their cheap shit from china.

>> No.12451190

>simply not true
ok tard
>pure straw man, literally no one of consequence says this.
It's alluded to constantly even if rarely said directly. I guess the enviro nuts just want to shut down the entire global oil sector for economic efficiency's sake right?

>> No.12451193

Yes their food and and water security will be btfo by widespread development of new dams and farms.
Holy fuck you tards are retarded. Get out of the upside down and start using your damn head for once.

>> No.12451215

After the Amazon is gone rain will reduce by about 80% in the region, give or take, and the topsoil will just be gone, not like the soil there has any nutrients in the first place. So yeah, arid savannas are definitely great places for farming, but just wait until the dust-bowls start.

>> No.12451247

Just like the dust bowls of Europe? There are things called dams and artificial waterworks you know.

>> No.12451257

>the dust bowls of Europe
um... "the dust bowl"s happened in the U.S. midwest, sweety

>> No.12451264

Lol nigga just invade a place with water and run a pipeline

>> No.12451266

um... "the dust bowl"s happened in places that have never been forest, sweety.

>> No.12451268

um, what does artificial waterworks have to do with deforestation, sweety?

>> No.12451270

um... what does waterworks have to do with "the dust bowl", sweety?

the dustbowl was caused by working the land too hard, not lack of water.
working the land too hard is exactly what deforestation of the amazon is, sweety.

>> No.12451273

nice implication that it's only white people who hate brown people concerned about deforestation in the amazon.

LOL, you're a real sweetheart. real cute!

>> No.12451281

The great midwestern dustbowls were due to soil erosion from destroying the natural vegetation in the area. Prairie grasses have extremely deep roots which crop plants do not have, so the topsoil just sort of vanished.

The dense vegetation of the Amazon is the only thing keeping the whole continent's topsoil from disappearing into the ocean.

>> No.12451288

we dont stop emissions because the cost of doing so is hundreds if not thousands of times greater than the cost of adapting to a minimally warmer climate, which has also many benefits. if anything, the problem is that most implemented policies are ineffective, destructive or even backfire. if you were serious about stopping co2 emissions, youd go all out for technological progress, instead of doing dumb shit like replacing nuclear with fossil, or disrupting the power grid with sporadic solar and wind and balancing with fossil, or giving trillions to poor countries so they increase their emissions and populations, or redistributing trillions to poor people in rich countries so they can engage in incessant consumerism

if anything, you should blame scientists for greatly exaggerating, fearmongering, sabotaging their own credibility and not supporting practical solutions

>> No.12451293

Tell that to this fucking knob>>12451247
Watch out he might call you a racist.

>> No.12451301

Low effort samefag

>> No.12451306

I still think climate change is a serious issue, but I will admit the response of corporations, countries such as China which don't depend on voters to set policy, etc, as been lacking to the point it seems likes they just don't care. Why don't they care? The only explanation is that it's not that big of a deal, but I disagree with that.

>> No.12451313

how about the one where you cut down forests to generate power from burning woodchips because muh renewables muh biofuels

>> No.12451318

wow, good call detective. you're so smart, to have seen through my best efforts of trying to make it look like multiple people think you're retarded.

>> No.12451344

i said it was low effort

>> No.12451350

>Why don't they care? The only explanation is that it's not that big of a deal
Ehh, you know China doesn't have the most stellar record when it comes to the environment, more like the opposite. You could go to rural chinese villages and find their blood laced with lead levels straight out of the time when we put it in gasoline. If they don't give a shit about those people, I doubt they'd give a shit about global warming, nowhere does that imply it's not a big deal.

>> No.12451351

it was zero effort i.e. not samefagging

>> No.12451361

Pollution is one thing but I imagine global warming, with the sea level rise and mass migration it will cause, is a massive, massive security risk to all the countries in the world. I get frustrated that no government seems to care beyond signing loose agreements.

>> No.12451364

>I still think climate change is a serious issue
and you are right to think so. it is a serious issue and causes uncertainty. but it is not nearly as serious as many people claim. climate across the globe varies a lot more than the proven changes from anthropogenic co2 emissions, yet we managed to adapt to all those different climates. it's called housing, heating, AC, clothes and so on. some people have genuine panic about it, thinking the world is going to end. but overall, we have much more serious problems that we should prioritize

>> No.12451370

China is making great progress in their environmentalism though. smog and pollution greatly reduced. people are no longer dying by the millions per year because of it, more like in the hundreds of thousands now

>> No.12451372
File: 53 KB, 403x448, cvbbmwwe4rzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ironically the left has gone full retard with science.

>> No.12451386

>we dont stop emissions because the cost of doing so is hundreds if not thousands of times greater than the cost of adapting to a minimally warmer climate

>> No.12451387

>Imperial College
sorry what did they do exactly? UK news doesn't really hit here where I'm from.

>> No.12451390

just get overpopulated third world scum to stop mass reproducing. give out unlimited free condoms.

>> No.12451399

>climate across the globe varies a lot more than the proven changes from anthropogenic co2 emissions
Over what timeframe? Human civilization has never seen change this rapid or global temperatures this high.

>yet we managed to adapt to all those different climates
Yes, we will adapt to the climate rapidly changing globally, it will just cost a lot. You're not actually saying anything.

>> No.12451409

>We couldn't stop/mitigate a minor pandemic with our current level of technology
Politics nigger. The technology was/is available. It's not even a question of technology, simple policy and transparency could've prevented this.

>> No.12451410
File: 81 KB, 700x707, SteveHarveyWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have modern methods to prevent that from happening. Note how the US dustbowl has since recovered and that shit hasn't happened again.
>confused over number of sexes, which has been known since ancient times and is deeply corroborated by genomics and all physiological studies
>climate alarmist cult
>denying human races for entirely political reasons, as if humans can't be taxonified as all other animals are
>denying IQ because it hurts their feelings and cuts against egalitarian ideology
The left has gone full ideological contra rationality and science.

>> No.12451437

>hur dur vox dats libural propoganda
Oh the IHME in America did basically the same thing as the college in the UK. They essentially made a model with no epidemiological basis, it was purely statistical, but it foretasted a peak in the number of cases extremely early, so the governments latched onto it and models similar to it to give the impression we had things under control. We didn't. The vast majority of models were based on actual epidemiological assumptions, but nobody cared about them.

>> No.12451466

>sea level rise
you are aware that the mean projected sea level rise according to the ICCP is less than 0.5m for this century, even for RCP6.0 right? RCP6.0 is that emissions peak only in 2080. you are also aware that this sea level rise has been going on for millenia, right? it HAS accelerated recently, not to a degree where it isn't manageable.
>migration it will cause
there already is and has been massive primarily economic migration, much larger scale than expected from climate change, for centuries. that has nothing to do with science or climate change but with politics. its your choice whether you let people in your country or not.

>Over what timeframe
I mean right now, across the globe. the globe does not have a homogenous climate. we live in deserts and in tundras. the climate changes across the year. the point is we already adapted to much larger variance
>it will just cost a lot
not even 0.1% of what it would cost to stop all emissions now. nobody knows the exact cost but I've heard one projection, pointing it at about 1% of our GDP by the end of the century. I see no evidence that it will be so large, but just the sacrificed growth right now by measures is much larger. stopping emissions now could impact our economy by the end of the century more than tenfold, even if it affected growth by less than 3%, which it wouldn't.

>> No.12451474

>We have modern methods to prevent that
No we don't.

>the US dustbowl has since recovered and that shit hasn't happened again.
Yes because all the topsoil went away, after 10 years all there was left was bare clay which was too dense to leave. We never really "recovered" in any way. Besides, the amazon is different, its topsoil layer is several feet of what is essentially dead animal/vegetal matter lightly packed. Even if we could have hypothetically controlled the Midwest bowl in the 1930s with crops with deeper roots, evenly spaced rows of corn wont prevent anything in South America, it requires the constant pressure of the tightly packed foliage.

>> No.12451478

Calling climate science a cult sure is a funny way of showing how scientific you are. It's like creationists calling evolution a religion.

>> No.12451489

At least do a basic search before you pretend to know anything. Agriculture productivity in every region has massively increased, saying they haven't really recovered from a draught almost 100 years ago is pure retardation.
>but my university prof never talked about that
Makes you think...
I called climate doomsday alarmists a cult, which they are.

>> No.12451498

>you are aware that the mean projected sea level rise according to the ICCP is less than 0.5m for this century

>you are also aware that this sea level rise has been going on for millenia, right? it HAS accelerated recently
So rapid sea level rise has not been occurring for millenia, got it.

>not to a degree where it isn't manageable.
You keep saying this like it means something. Everything is manageable for a price.

>> No.12451499

You think this is going to be implemented by Paco who just manually and illegally chopped and burned a few hectares in the middle of nowhere?

>> No.12451525

>I mean right now, across the globe. the globe does not have a homogenous climate.
So you're equating a climate to a change in climate. No wonder you have no clue what you're talking about.

>we live in deserts and in tundras.
Right, and what happens when those environments rapidly change? Hint: the answer is not "nothing."

>the climate changes across the year
Yes, in a cycle. Not in one continuous direction for years.

>the point is we already adapted to much larger variance
No, we haven't. You don't understand timeframe, speed, or duration.

>not even 0.1% of what it would cost to stop all emissions now
No one thinks it's even possible to stop all emissions now. Do you have anything besides these pathetic strawman?

>I see no evidence that it will be so large
It's hard to see when you never looked in the first place.

>> No.12451531

the IPCC report https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/SYR_AR5_FINAL_full.pdf
>You keep saying this like it means something. Everything is manageable for a price.
ok, so what is YOUR point then? what are you even trying to argue about? what would you want them to do, specifically? how much do you think it will cost? and how much do you think would it cost to adapt to maybe 0.4-0.5m mean sea level increase over the span of 100 years?

>> No.12451534

>I called climate doomsday alarmists a cult, which they are.
So saying climate change is man made is doomsday alarmism? Or are you just spouting non sequitur?

>> No.12451544

your post doesnt contain a single argument, just petty insults. stop wasting my time

>> No.12451556
File: 209 KB, 1000x709, WGI_AR5_Fig13-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect. Figure 13.10 clearly shows greater than 0.5m is within the range of RCP 6.0

>ok, so what is YOUR point then?
My point is that you don't have a point. "We will survive, we will manage" is not an argument against mitigating AGW.

>what would you want them to do, specifically?
Institute an optimal carbon tax and replace fossil fuels with nuclear and renewables.

>and how much do you think would it cost to adapt to maybe 0.4-0.5m mean sea level increase over the span of 100 years?
You're the one who claims to know what it will cost.

>> No.12451561

>your post doesnt contain a single argument
You're illiterate.

>> No.12451575
File: 118 KB, 1000x709, 1603418524319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incorrect. Figure 13.10 clearly shows greater than 0.5m is within the range of RCP 6.0
I talked about the mean, not the range.
>the mean projected sea level rise
>the mean projected sea level rise

the rest of your post is even dumber and you don't give any specifics. I cant tell if you people are trolling, I guess I have to stop feeding (you)

>> No.12451588

>I talked about the mean, not the range.
The mean is higher for A1B and RCP8.5. How does the "mean projected sea level rise" only apply to certain scenarios? It doesn't, the IPCC doesn't have one mean projected sea level rise.

>the rest of your post is even dumber and you don't give any specifics.
I accept your admittal of defeat.

>> No.12451825

You're fucking retarded. Over 80% of agriculture in Brazil is carried out by rich agribusiness tycoons with several large scale farms to their name and who earn in a month more than you make in a decade. Morons like you always have such strong opinions on shit they know nothing about, and the less they know, the more condescending and confident they are when expressing them. Walking Dunning-Kruger examples rolf