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12433650 No.12433650 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12433657

how 2 build protal gun?

>> No.12433671

If momentum is conserved when we travel through portals, this would be correct

>> No.12433690

Step 1. Build Game-to-Reality transporter
Step 2. Go to Portal game
Step 3. Get portal gun

>> No.12433699

steap 1 go learn physics and metaphysics and create a dimension with different laws of physics where c = infinity, step 2 create a portal gun

>> No.12433706

ok thanks

>> No.12433801

All you need is a portal gun to do that. Which is impossible.

>> No.12434489

The water will just freeze in place, held up by the force of its weight.

>> No.12434516
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>> No.12434540

No, the tool would break, the powert of the falling water would be too much

>> No.12434617

It wouldn't be faster than terminal velocity because of air friction, there are materials able to withstand such force.

>> No.12435159

It probably generates less energy than what it takes for the eater to be teleported.

>> No.12435383

when i had a "going into games" machine - this woulve been early 2006- i used to go into majoras mask A LOT and one of my fav things to do was fondle romani at the ranch. one of the great things about fondling video games characters is they don't fight back or struggle because they don't recognise u as a player character..it's like you dont exist. but let me tell you, she smelled like SHIT. in fact everybody in that game did..I got used to it after a while but that first moment when i smelt romani up close..i was almost sick. she looks clean & nice when you see her on television but when ur there stood next to her its a different story. The machine was stolen in the end and im kinda glad. it had started to take over my life

>> No.12435427

It would fall at the speed of sound provided you had enough water to insulate it from the air.

>> No.12436961

well, while playing portal i was considering to apply the fantasy to real world, but i couldnt succeed because i was losing myself when some cinematic even happens. probably a portal gun is extremely buggy to ever exist. maybe some abstract 0 distance dummy portals can exist but still i dont think any option is valid (0 distance so no portals). since we are creating face to face portals the gravity for one is the opposite to the other. lets put some symbolic abstract object in front of both of the holes. both of them have to attract it and our abstract symbolic object should stay still like its in the space. but we assumed that our object is falling down. therefore such a system ccanot exist. but our universe can be portal thingy. sorry for the cringe xd

>> No.12437830

Gordon Freeman had to shoot headcrabs for you to have fucking portal gun.

Pay respect and use neutrino cores as energy source.

>> No.12437933

Based. Of course those silly japanese would program romani to be a smelly little slut. She probably fucks the barn animals.

>> No.12438007

1. How do you build a device that creates transdimensional portals like that?
2. Are the portals permanent or do they dissipate over time? If permanent, explain how that's possible.
3. Does the amount of energy required to operate the portal-creating device exceed the amount of energy you can extract from your waterwheel setup, regardless of the portals being permanent (i.e., if temporary, does the amount of energy you can generate still exceed the amount of energy it takes to create the portals)?

>> No.12438023

step 1: cover yourself in oil

>> No.12438820

how about this. dig a tunnel through the earth to the other side of the earth. put an electric generation in the middle, pour water in hole A. water comes out hole b and falls back down and comes out hole A. repeats forever.

>> No.12438856

It isn't flying in any sense