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12431550 No.12431550 [Reply] [Original]

How realistic is to expect to get back to uni and get a STEM degree and subsequent related job while being a 25 year old that's been pretty much doing nothing school related the last 5 years so rusty af.

>> No.12432313

You can do it, lad. Might be a rough start because you are rusty but it is manageable

>t. A 27 years old guy who will get his Bachelor's next year thanks to the rona

>> No.12432330

Im doing that in January
I had to reteach myself algebra
In the long run i want a masters but that might be too much of a hurdle since im gonna be like 30 when that would happen

>> No.12432371

I went back for stem at 24
Was a great decision, especially given the pandemic.

>> No.12432559

25? Pft, you're fine. You're not even 30. Kids won't even know you're an interloper.

>> No.12432595

Literally what I did. I BTFO all the other students and got the college medal.
Also have a look if there are any fasttrack or accelerated or whatever courses available. I was able to do my first year's worth of units in 6 months.

>> No.12433603
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I was not here to see you guys respond to my thread, but from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for your responses, suddenly the prospect of getting a proper degree starting at my age does not sound so unrealistic after all.

>> No.12433760

dangerously based

>> No.12433793
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good luck, anon! you can do it!

>> No.12433797

Your brain has slowed down. You won't be able to compete with the 18 year olds and their lightning reflexes.

>> No.12433809

have you ever interacted with a zoomer?

>> No.12433838

Damn bros and here I was stressing about starting EE at 22

>> No.12433916

Don't hit yourself too hard, lads. Trust me, treating getting a degree like a rat race is just putting yourself into the path to misery. I started uni when I was 16 I had to deal with a plethora of problems, had to step down and work hard to overcome said issues, came back and the rona pushed me down but here I am, almost ready for that degree. Never give up.

>> No.12433924

I've been out of commission NEET self-pity for like 4 years man, pretty sure I'm ready to leave that shit behind.

>> No.12433926


I went back for compsci when I was 25. Do it. You'll find plenty of others around the same age. Its very common.

>> No.12433928

went back at 21 starting from arithmetic. 3 years later I'm finishing up linear algebra and taking diff-eq next semester. Its a surreal experience to go from a complete baby to taking my first steps towards higher level math. My advice is to not rush things, it really pays off to explore each topic thoroughly before moving on. Don't get discouraged if you feel like your not making progress sometimes its normal to get stuck on problems for days or weeks at a time before making any progress.

>> No.12433929

That's the spirit, man. I was out of commission for 6 years due to depression, health issues and working myself out to get money for my mother and her health issues. I did use those 6 years to learn a lot, improve myself and get my shit together. Again, don't think about it as a rat race.

>> No.12434099

You're a bit old and it will be slightly more difficult but good luck.

>> No.12434104

me but 38

age is just a number frens

>> No.12434247


>> No.12434251
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>tfw first time STEM uni at 28 (this was 1 year ago)
>look like i'm 21 so I fit right in, no one ever question how old I am
Halfway to a degree already

>> No.12434318

Why are anons insecure about what age they are going into college? I never got this. Most interesting students at my college were all oldfags. The younglings out of high school were unmotivated, stupid, lazy, and has nothing of interest or passion ever to say.

>> No.12434340

why do you niggas start going to college so late?

>> No.12434367

>why do you niggas start going to college so late?
I enrolled in college as a 22 year old freshman. A lot of us zoombers (1990-1995) had extremely retarded boomer parents who never gave us any sort of meaningful advice. These brainwashed zombie boomers think providing any kind of intervention or assistance to their children is being a helicopter parent. They think all adolescents are going to spit in their face and yell "fuck you, mom and dad!" if they even attempted to impart wisdom or life advice

These braindead, brainwashed boomers are still living in 1980, they think college is still like Animal House, they think the economy is still like it was when Regan was president, they think "hurp a durp! My boy gunna learn how the world works from the school a' hard knocks! Ahyuck! That's the best way tah' learn how this here world dun' werk! I tell ya h'what!"

These boomers don't understand the world. They don't understand that western countries have had their job, housing markets totally upended by immigration. They don't understand anything. Meanwhile first generation immigrants are screaming at their Kids to go into dental, medical, engineering school, but boomers smile and nod when their starry eye kids tell them they want to go into philosophy or poli sci and they help them sign a loan, meanwhile immigrant kids have every resource in the world available to them in terms of minority/need scholarships and funding

>> No.12434406

Why does it matter

>> No.12434493

Honestly, people these days need to see the world a bit more before going for college. Mostly because they are simply following a path without thinking. They need to find what they really want to do.

>> No.12434553

Parental abuse and shit grades led me to check out of society for a few years there

>> No.12434597

It matters less than you think, in fact it might be better, because the older you get the more self discipline you have.
Don't fall for that fallacy where you go "oh there's no point to learning guitar because I'll never be a 10 year old prodigy".
t. started maths at 24

>> No.12434602

I'm literally you. Graduating with 2 engineering degrees right before hitting 30.

>> No.12434968

What like two BSc's? Why would you do that? The only people Ive ever seen do that are tryhard 21 year olds with something to prove, like going for physics and EE undergrad. And they rarely go through getting both degrees.

>> No.12435058

two bachelors are very common in Russia, because it doesn't cost a fortune. Some people want variety.

>> No.12435161

Euros don't count. You get infinite gibs from the government to attend college, and you also dont make any money from your degree either. Euros all spend their 20s collecting welfare and playing computer games. The americans are talking

>> No.12435331

>got BA in philosophy at 23 (took 5 years)
>MA in philosophy at 27 (took 3 years)
>worked minimum wage shit jobs all my life
>just finished gen chem and calc series at local community college, don't even have a job right now
Let you not being me motivate you and give you relief that things haven't gotten so bad.

>> No.12436186

doesnt sound so bad anon

>> No.12436238

It was EE and CE

Tons of overlap so it's not like it added a lot of time to my graduation.

>> No.12436805


>> No.12436867

>They don't understand that western countries have had their job, housing markets totally upended by immigration. They don't understand anything. Meanwhile first generation immigrants are screaming at their Kids to go into dental, medical, engineering school, but boomers smile and nod when their starry eye kids tell them they want to go into philosophy or poli sci and they help them sign a loan, meanwhile immigrant kids have every resource in the world available to them in terms of minority/need scholarships and funding

dont forget we also fuck your girlfriends :)