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12428816 No.12428816 [Reply] [Original]

What are you opinions on homeschooling vs regular schools? Me and wife are thinking on having a baby soon and I keep thinking on what would be the best approach to maximize its brain to the fullest potential and hopefully create a new Isaac Newton. Wife keeps saying it needs to go to regular school for social interactions and experiences, but as you know the teachers and the school education and its teaching methods can handicap my baby pretty bad. I live in US in a decent neighborhood fwiw.
I'm definitely not ready to educate it by myself nor would have the time either, but i would be willing to put hard work to get there and maybe hire a good private tutor if that's what it takes.
Thoughts /sci/?

>> No.12428819

Put in the work to pay for a private school

>> No.12428822

What is the racial demography of your school district?

>> No.12428825

how sheltered from the bullshit are they?

>> No.12428832

What do you mean by bullshit?

They are probably going to be filled with the children of upperclass center-right people.
So it's not going to be a leftist shithole and its not going to be filled with alt right retards and religion cucks

>> No.12428837

Homeschool him the first years, then enroll him in highschool. Make sure to have high caliber guns at home.

>> No.12428844

>Homeschool him the first years, then enroll him in highschool. Make sure to have high caliber guns at home.
based and >>>/soc/

>> No.12428851


>> No.12428858

Honestly, social interactions are extremely valuavle at a young age and not developing them properly would be much more harmfull than any handicap that the shcool may give him, my advice would be get him to go to a regular school and then play "games" that make him think at home make sure that you are not presenting them as "study" or "work" as this would probably make them despise it. For example have them play chess with you teach them a new language, instead of giving them an ipad read them a book. I won't really influence much if he learns to do division 2 years earlier but if you lay out a good foundation for him to set him up for life it will be much more productive and effective. Also make sure that he doesn't feel to pressured by the expectations placed on him and that he does things that he is bad at preferably worse then average so that he is not afraid of failure.

>> No.12428872

What about the feral n-word problem how might someone avert that?

>> No.12428874

Did you go to school with black people?

>> No.12428878

If it's a girl send her to school, she will never amount to anything anyway and she needs to learn the "social thingies" (aka how to be a bitch to everyone subtly so you can get ahead). If it's a boy homeschool him, there are only benefits.

>> No.12428887

Gonna tag along with this. I owe much of my health, friendships, and confidence to many of the games I played with my dad essentially being football and rugby drills. I also assume my grandfather talking to me about his scientific work helped me a lot too

>> No.12428893

From a quick google search of my area
White: 75.68% Asian: 12.54% Black or African American: 5.09% Two or more races: 4.80%

>> No.12428896

you aren't going to make the next isaac newton. The best you could do is the next jacob barnett, but do you really want an autist kid with no social skills? I would rather my kid learn social interactions and make friends that will help him get ahead in life much more than learning a bunch of equations and shit at a slightly younger age

>> No.12428900

Me? no, it was a hypothetical.

>> No.12428903

So you have no experience with blacks at school?
But you have an opinion on the topic?

>> No.12428906

Seems a relevant thread.
0:25, would this sort of policy actually work?

>> No.12428910

From some of the descriptions of public schools other anons have described and the reports of teachers, it's a potentially valid concern

>> No.12428915 [DELETED] 

I don't doubt that some schools were pretty shit, and probably had a mix of blacks from bad backgrounds and whites from good backgrounds.
Obviously 4chan is a right-leaning cesspool, so you're going to mostly here from right-leaning people.
Personally, I went to a school which was male only, and pretty much the majority of non-whites were from a religious background, whereas most of the whites were from council estates (white trash). So in my experience, black people really aren't a problem in schools, but rather poor people from bad backgrounds. Though in the US that tends to be blacks

>> No.12428917

I don't doubt that some schools were pretty shit, and probably had a mix of blacks from bad backgrounds and whites from good backgrounds.
Obviously 4chan is a right-leaning cesspool, so you're going to mostly hear from right-leaning people.
Personally, I went to a school which was male only, and pretty much the majority of non-whites were from a religious background, whereas most of the whites were from council estates (white trash). So in my experience, black people really aren't a problem in schools, but rather poor people from bad backgrounds. Though in the US that tends to be blacks

>> No.12428956

>council estates

>> No.12429021

I went to American public school until 6th grade (about age 11), got poor test scores, and was an outcast. 4 years of homeschooling and I tested out of high school, entering college at 15.

My sister started homeschooling at the same time (she was 9) and ended up pregnant by 16, is now twice married, and was hospitalized last week for her third suicide attempt.

Homeschooling effectiveness depends both on the abilities and involvement of the parents as well as the individual children. I was socially stunted and that resulted in doing most typical teen stuff in my 20s instead, but it ended up working great for me. Meanwhile it wrecked my sister

>> No.12429027

Maybe girls need the socialisation more than boys?

>> No.12429028

I was homeschooled through high school and now I post on 4chan and have no friends or social skills. Can't recommend it.

>> No.12429222

How are your academics and values?

>> No.12429255 [DELETED] 

Private schools, somewhat ironically, tend to be filled with leftists. Most upper middle class people vote for leftist politicians. I grew up attending a private Catholic school, and I'd say that slightly more than half of the students were from leftist households.

>> No.12429267

Private schools, somewhat ironically, tend to be filled with leftists. Most upper middle class people vote for leftist politicians. I grew up attending a private Catholic school in Tennessee all the way up to eighth grade, and I'd say that slightly more than half of the students were growing up in left-wing households.

>> No.12429292

>then enroll him in highschool.
Online high school is pretty based. I got through junior and senior year within six months through Penn Foster. The reason I bring up that particular school is because I can't think of any online high school that allows you to blast through everything that quickly.

>> No.12429342

I graduated high school (I technically did get a proper diploma, long story) with the equivalent of 2 years of university math and 1 year of university physics. Academically speaking, homeschool was probably the best thing that could have happened to me during high school. But after I left home I became a poor student, likely due to the depression induced by total social isolation from my peers. It's not like I didn't try to make friends either, I just didn't (and still don't) know how to engage in any kind of non-professional conversation IRL. I like to think that I have decent values, but I also understand that my view of society is likely extremely warped since I have nothing to realistically compare it to. I have no trouble holding a job or talking with colleagues, but I'm absolutely miserable because that's all I ever learned how to do. Don't homeschool your children unless you are 100% confident that you can ensure proper social development or are planning to coddle them for the rest of your life.

>> No.12429375

Many people are like that who were not homeschooled, I don't think it's a big factor. I think most of the problem is you attributing all these problems to homeschooling and thus feeling helpless amd miserable. I'm kimda the same and the only thing I learned by socialising is to pretend better and also to give less shits about others opinions.

>> No.12429377

I didn't have any problems when I was getting homeschooled for junior and senior year. I would regularly go to the gym to work out for multiple hours at a time, and most of the time I would spend there was on talking with friends of various ages. That was excellent for my mental health.

>> No.12429391

I attribute it to homeschooling because I was perfectly "normal" until I got pulled out of public school. I never had any problems making friends or socializing as a child. That's not to say homeschool was the only cause, but it's the only one I've been able to concretely establish.

I think maintaining relationships is key here. My state was probably salvageable for a good 3 years into homeschooling, but after that any real connections I had started to evaporate. I still played sports throughout high school, but every year I would grow more and more distant from the team, even though I knew most of them from elsewhere

>> No.12429423

people who vote blue in Tennessee are still right of center, just less right than the reds in Tennessee

>> No.12429439

My Dad, who socialized with the parents of the kids I went to school with, was astonished by how leftist they were. Being pro-multiculturalism, pro-LGBT everything (including everything socially destructive), and socialist doesn't make you right of center.

>> No.12429996

What happened to the left? they used to be about common worker rights and saw degeneracy and foreign races as a threat to their domestic wages
Go back to the mid 1800s before marx and they were the ones that banned asian wworkers entering America

>> No.12430279

Anymore insights on how to teach them how to think? Having extra homework along with schools ones could be quite draining for the kid if choose to go with both

>> No.12430505

yup, im a bong

>> No.12430524

I'm not that surprised desu. If you are wealthy enough and cognizant enough to send your children to private schools you probably don't care about policies that don't impact your finances.
I assumed they'd be center of right because they'd want the economic tax cuts. But it may also be that having more immigrants means cheaper labor.
The socially destructive meme is retarded. If you grow up somewhere that doesn't try to culturally or socially segregate non-whites from whites, then non-whites tend to become just like anyone else. From my experience, the children of immigrants either become just like the rest of the population, or if their parents were religious they become like the lazy christians in the population (except not-christian).
Sometimes I wonder if most of the people here who hate non-whites and homos and trannies (and so on) have never met these people in real life, and are probably just stuck in their town in some flyover US state

Also i didnt post this >>12429423

>> No.12430595
File: 90 KB, 500x1200, normalfag thought process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12430608

Not if you're FRENCH

>> No.12430627

Yeah I can't recommend homeschooling. We take for granted the socialization that schooling makes available to us and regular socialization is also beneficial for IQ. the best bet is schooling + some home teaching. elementary, middle, and much of highschool should give almost no homework. talk to your kid about math and science, pose problems and proof problems as puzzles, maybe suggest reading some actual maths textbooks to him or getting him into things like project eulers. the goal is to get your kid into doing productive things in their freetime, since the government mandated schooling is not enough to make a genius, and they should have time for it. kids who learn to code from elementary school usually turn out pretty smart for instance. get him learning and doing harder math too, tell him about science stuff and hope he starts looking into some on his free time.

>> No.12432269

>But it may also be that having more immigrants means cheaper labor.
One of the biggest leftist parents in my school is a minor craft beer manufacturer. He didn't want to join the Knights of Columbus like a lot of other fathers at my school, so he created his own non-conservative version of it. It wasn't very successful. Honestly, I'm not sure whether or not he's actually a leftist or just a RINO-type. He made the statement a decade ago that we should welcome our Muslim brothers.
>Sometimes I wonder if most of the people here who hate non-whites and homos and trannies (and so on) have never met these people in real life
I think it's important to remember that certain biological characteristics are more common among certain races than others. Genes that make people really violent are clearly most common among blacks. Only a minority of them are decent, respectable people. They also have a much lower average-IQs than every other race, although you can still occasionally find one who's intelligent. In the USA, they have an average IQ of 85. If you have an IQ of 85, you are as intelligent as the average kid who recently turned 15. (18 * 0.85 = 15.3) I would recommend watching this video, which does a very good job at explaining why Western people have much lower rates of criminality.

>> No.12432287
File: 119 KB, 1216x970, scicurriculum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending your kid to public school is literal child abuse, if you love your kid you'd have to be a literal retard to not homeschool them. Teach them on /sci/'s curriculum and save them from being spiritually (and likely physically) raped kid prison

>> No.12432317

would you do home surgery on them too? Someone who has taught thousands of kids is gonna be better on their 1001th than you are on your 1st.

On second thought... homeschool... my kids need a cleaner for their pool

>> No.12432333

Would you let someone with sub-100 IQ, almost no qualification, and in a public union that prevents them being fired for wrongdoing do surgery on your kid? Because that's most teachers.

>> No.12432348

>We take for granted the socialization that schooling makes available to us and regular socialization is also beneficial for IQ.
Brick and mortal schools, especially public schools, are filled with dumb teachers who are more interested in brainwashing you, and noisy and annoying students who frequently disrupt class. All you have to do is have your kid partake in multiple extracurricular activities that involve a lot of socialization. When I was growing up, my best friend didn't even go to the same school as me. My Dad would drive me over to his place whenever we wanted to hang out. I went to a private Catholic school with a strict anti-bullying policy from preschool to eighth grade. (Teasing kids was allowed, but anything hateful would've gotten you expelled.) There was very little nonsense going on at that school, and I had a very pleasant time there. I went to a public high school for freshman and sophomore year. The school was 55% white, and 30% black. There was an average of two fights per week. It was a fairly common experience to hear a fight going on outside of a classroom. Fights never happened when I was in elementary and middle school, save for eighth grade because of one kid. I guess they didn't expel him because it was his last year, or for some other nonsense reason. Also, the workload freshman year was a fraction of what it was when I was in eighth grade. That was a very eye-opening experience for me. The public school had far lower standards. I dropped out from that high school within the first week of junior year, and enrolled in an online high school that allowed me to blast through junior and senior year in just a little over six months. The freedom I got when I became enrolled in that online high school felt incredible. No more annoying staff members telling me and can't ever leave the school grounds to go somewhere else, even when I wouldn't have a class at that time. They just expected me to sit in the library for an hour-and-a-half.

>> No.12432436

schools are a massive waste of time. Consider that an average school student spends an hour a day or roughly 200 a year learning math from age 5 onwards and starts learning basic algebra and geometry around age 10-11, that's over a thousand hours spent learning arithmetic. English lessons are also a massive waste of time and could just as well be replaced by free reading. It's criminal that we waste the potential of high IQ kids like this. Prodigies are learning calculus at 8 years old while your kid sits in a boring class room listening to a 40 min lecture on how fractions work for the 50th time that year. There is nothing special about those prodigies, they just have a moderately high IQ and are free to learn at their pace instead of having their time wasted. And guess which kid ends up more passionate about math.

>> No.12432540 [DELETED] 

>Prodigies are learning calculus at 8 years old while your kid sits in a boring class room listening to a 40 min lecture on how fractions work for the 50th time that year.
This. In elementary school, someone taught me how to multiply a full year before I was supposed to learn multiplication. I remember always doing mental math, and I would get points taken off for not showing my work. I could've learned calculus back in middle school had I not had the same basic arithmetic drilled into me day after day.

>> No.12432544

>Prodigies are learning calculus at 8 years old while your kid sits in a boring class room listening to a 40 min lecture on how fractions work for the 50th time that year.
This. In elementary school, someone taught me how to multiply a full year before I was supposed to learn multiplication. I remember always doing mental math, and I would get points taken off for not showing my work. I could've learned calculus back in middle school had I not had the same basic arithmetic drilled into me day after day. This is coming from someone who went to a decent private Catholic school.