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File: 10 KB, 355x296, religion is violent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1242607 No.1242607 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1242612

blaming all Christianity for something the Catholics did in the middle ages when all protestants already realize they'd corrupted the word of God?

Real smart there OP.

>> No.1242617

Both the Huns and Mongols were atheists.

>> No.1242618


Does that mean the protestants don't realize they have corrupted it themselves as well?

>> No.1242709

Jews: killed Jesus.

>> No.1242715

I'd have to agree with most of this thread; you executed this joke/troll/whatever rather poorly. I've seen much better images.

>> No.1242735


and prosecuted the apostles

>> No.1242765

Well, that's one point in their favor. If only they'd bagged all his retard followers while they were at it.

>> No.1242768

And the inquisition.

>> No.1242776

Why does everyone jump to the crusades for Christianity, the Lord's Resistance Army is current and the Taiping Rebellion was both more recent and significantly more deadly.

>> No.1242780

Hindus: Smell like curry

>> No.1242786

monguls eventually became muslims though.

>> No.1242845

If you really had to reply, the fact that they were both polytheists of some description should probably be the first point against that particular troll.

>> No.1242862

Militant Christians: bombing abortion clinics
Militant Muslims: bombing non-muslims
Militant Atheists: lol wut

>> No.1242882


>we atheists are peaceful, unlike the religiousfags!

>> No.1242887

Atheists - communist regimes that massacred religious

>> No.1242897

Religion is not violent. Humans are violent. Whatever belief system we have we will always find an excuse to muscle the people around us. Whether we build a belief system that allows for violence or corrupt a belief system that doesn't.

>> No.1242905

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.1242911

communists massacred in the name of communism, not atheism.
my country get rid of communism but kept atheism, and we don't massacre people anymore.

>> No.1242917


czech detected.

>> No.1242929


>killing religious people
>not in the name of atheism


>> No.1242940

lrn2history. especially the real reasons for the murders.
countries like poland were communist and yet remained 99% religious, how the fuck does that work?

>> No.1242951


>> No.1242964

the poster correctly detected my nationality.

>> No.1242990

That's a copout.

They killed in the name of atheism, there's no way around it. You could argue that hitler killed gypsies out of concern for public health.

>> No.1243001

You could weasel out of a lot of things with that thinking.

Crusades - not religion, purely defensive
Cold War - not communism, just language issues

>> No.1243006

no. you srsly need to learn something about history.

or should i list all the communist countries that remained religious?

>> No.1243012


Wait, which communists killed religious people?

>> No.1243014

>communist countries that remained religious

That kind of proves my point doesn't it? If killing people of faith isn't a trait of communist nations, it must be motivated by atheism.

>> No.1243016

>Crusades - not religion, purely defensive
yes. it was a response to muslim invasion of europe. the religion was used as a tool to convince people to join the war, but the real reasons were pragmatic.
>Cold War - not communism, just language issues
more accurately, cultural issues.

>> No.1243025

hitler was an atheist

>> No.1243028

communists killed aristocrats, merchants, land owners. these also happened to be religious, just like everyone else at that time.

>> No.1243031


>how the fuck does that work?

no Stalin.

>> No.1243032

nope, a catholic christian.

>> No.1243036

So what was the motivation behind the killing of religious people?

>> No.1243038

Not like there isn't a million other reasons why they'd kill a certain religion.
Maybe it was bettering in the economy.
Maybe it was because their leader had a hatred of a specific religion (e.g Hitler)
Maybe it's because they want to make their people to work more, religion seems to make them stop doing this (praying times, sabith day, religious holidays)

There is many more reasons, but how does not believing in a god = kill religion.

>> No.1243039

>communists massacred in the name of communism, not atheism.

I've heard this a lot and it's never sounded sincere. I don't hear christians denying that religion caused violence, I don't see why atheists are so willing to ignore that organised atheism isn't perfect

>> No.1243045


no, communists in USSR killed especially priests, nuns and people that probably behaved too religious. of course they killed also other enemies of the system (like intellectuals).

>> No.1243047

Stalin killed people because he was taking Lenin's idea that by terrorising the people they would be rendered obedient.

But this failed because he killed them all.

His killings have nothing to do with him not believing in a god.

>> No.1243048

Atheists only weapon is AD HOMINEM fallacy as they adress christians as retards

Ironic how they cant even use the logic they stand by.

>> No.1243053

I'd think that the atheist leaders hated religion and chose to stamp it out by force.

>not believing in a god = kill religion.

That's not the point. The point is that atheists have been motivated by their beliefs to commit violence

>> No.1243060

he claimed to be so that he could rise to power, but in mein kompft he revealed himself as an atheist

>> No.1243064

Communism regards religion as an infringement upon the supremacy of the people and therefore the state. Hence communists persecuted clergy because they saw them as potentially subversive.

>> No.1243066

Absolutely no evidence of this.

>> No.1243068
File: 41 KB, 655x580, mad1272050118995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT, we discover that zealots are dangerous, be they religious or political in nature. Organized ANYTHING is potentially dangerous. These arguments always dance around a central point that should be obvious to both sides if they were awake during even a single day of junior high history studies.

>> No.1243073

I could use logic, but really what's the point?
No religious person has a mind conducive to logical thought or intelligent discussion, so it's easier and more efficient to just call them the retards they are and then ignore them.

>> No.1243079

because communism isn't organized atheism, you fucking retard.

>> No.1243083

Stalin and Hitler had a moustache. MOUSTACHES ARE EVILLL

>> No.1243084


Haha, that's what I was talking about

Atheists = ad hominem slaves

>> No.1243085

[citation needed]

>> No.1243087

>mein kampft

>> No.1243088


>> No.1243090

Guys settle down, communism is a political view, it is no way connected to any religion or non-belief.

>> No.1243093

> it's not religion it's zealotry
yeah yeah yeah, it's always ANYTHING BUT MY BELOVED RELIGION

Judaism: God only loves jews, even though he abandoned us

Christianity: death worship, plain and simple

Islam: non-muslims aren't really people anyway you can kill them so that we can finally have peace. See it is a religion of peace!

>> No.1243097


i know. what's your point? that it's ok then?

>> No.1243098

Atheism - it was communism, atheism had nothing to do with it

>> No.1243105

>ad hominem slaves
Would you try to talk a monkey out of being a monkey?
religious people almost never redeem themselves, so I'm not going to spend my time and energy on a lost cause.

>> No.1243110

>I'd think that the atheist leaders hated religion and chose to stamp it out by force.
communists hated religion because at the time it collected a lot of wealth from common people, and was very influential.

the primary motivation of communists was to redistribute wealth and power, not to weed out religion.

>> No.1243111

> Claiming that atheism is more than just the disbelief of a god.

>> No.1243117

>crusades:1000's to 1200's
>95 theses:1517

>> No.1243120


wow, you sure as fuck know a lot about religions. /sarcasm

>> No.1243126

ITT: Random Conservatives VS random Atheists.

>> No.1243130

sooooo randum xD

>> No.1243132

It's enough of an idea to stimulate action

>> No.1243133

>Implying I'm as stupid as you.

>> No.1243135

That the persecution was nothing to do with the leaders being atheist, and everything to do with the political aims of the perpetrators.

>> No.1243142

Okay, so lets say someone hates toasters, is he going to kill everyone who owns a toaster?

>> No.1243143


the primary goal of nazis was to make their country strong, not to wipe out jews and gypsies.

stop defending fucking stalin already.

>> No.1243145

>implying you're not butthurt and getting trolled hard

>> No.1243154

>Implying I'm as stupid as you.

>> No.1243156


yes if he's an atheist

>> No.1243157

If he gets into power, maybe

>> No.1243160

I believe in all gods. I also believe the abrahamic YHWH must be a god of deceit and jealousy.

>> No.1243161

Hitler also had extreme hatred for Jews because of his upbringing and stereotypes.
Also, Stalin killed people because he wanted power.

>> No.1243166


>> No.1243170


yeah, nuns had dangerous political aims fro sure. atheism was the state religion of USSR, stop denying that, they even had all kinds of different institutions. and they killed christians only because they were christians.

>> No.1243173


>Implying that after the crusades and suicide bombers the last fucking thing I need is an internet argument.

Fuck you atheists, I cannot into internet nicely

>> No.1243182

I saw a documentary about hitler, and it said when he was in his 20s he had a crush on a jewish girl, and he sold his paintings to jews

>> No.1243187

>atheism was the state religion of USSR
and the stupidest post of the day award goes to...

>> No.1243195

The thing is, if someone is an atheist and kills someone religious, it's instantly "HE KILLED HIM FOR ATHEISM!". It's like saying that if someone had a moustache and killed someone who didn't have a moustache it's similar to instantly say "HE KILLED HIM FOR HIS MOUSTACHE!"

>> No.1243202


if he runs a country and is crazy, then yes.

>> No.1243204

Really? I heard different.

>> No.1243206

It depends on the situation.

If they're killed for no other reason than they're religious, it's easy to suppose that the killing is motivated by atheism

>> No.1243210

I'm reporting about a tv show I saw about 5 years ago. It's likely I'm wrong

>> No.1243213

Yes, it's easy to blame them for what they've done because of atheism, but it does not mean in anyway that they did it for that reason.

>> No.1243233

No, but I don't know why you're convinced that an atheist would never be motivated by his beliefs to act against religious people.

>> No.1243234

Tru dat. Stalin did a lot of nasty stuff behind the scenes to make sure that by the time Lenin had to hand over the reins he'd be the only realistic candidate. He would go on to establish the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, which was somewhere to gather people of that ethnicity. Conveniently, it was fucking miles from Moscow, and had very little by way of value on the land. He took stern action against the clergy for hoarding their own wealth and organizing the people in opposition to the state.

>> No.1243247

>No, but I don't know why you're convinced that an atheist would never be motivated by his beliefs to act against religious people.

stop projecting, religiousfag. not everyone thinks the way you do.

>> No.1243252

I'm not saying never, I'm saying you can't jump to conclusions like most people do. Do research to why they killed people, investigate it, do whatever. Then come back to me, claiming that genocide by the commies was motivated by atheist is a claim that needs to have evidence to succeed.

>> No.1243256


funny thing is that it's true.


>> No.1243259

Yes it is a belief, one that many people hold strongly. You're on the internet, surely you've come across angry atheists.

>> No.1243261
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 1267637208870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ - Atheism & Religion

/sci/, I am disappoint.

>> No.1243262



>> No.1243266

If that's the standard you hold, there has never been a war motivated by religion.

>> No.1243274

Nobody has said any such thing. What's been said is that the brutal regime of Stalin may have gone and killed religious people, but that they were religious probably wasn't the motivation. As usual, the Christfags refuse to be told, and insist it's something else.

>> No.1243275

>implying atheism is ideology
lol, wikipedos score again.

>> No.1243282

belief in god's nonexistence is called Antitheism.

>> No.1243283

No, because their is evidence that the wars are over religion.

>> No.1243284

>What's been said is that the brutal regime of Stalin may have gone and killed religious people, but that they were religious probably wasn't the motivation.

That's an improbable claim. Hundreds of thousands of clergy were killed, all for reasons excluding their religion?

>> No.1243288


of course killing priests and nuns and religious folks was motivated by atheistic ideology. i know they killed a lot of other people for other reasons, but there is no other reason for killing religious people than atheism.

>> No.1243289

Where is the evidence that the crusades were religiously motivated?

>> No.1243295

In after every war Israel has ever been involved in, and most of the attempts to capture Jerusalem.

>> No.1243296

> ignoring thousands of years of religious people killing religious people
must be atheism, all this time

>> No.1243302

>there is no other reason for killing religious people than atheism.
priests and nuns were members of an organisation, which was viewed by communists as competing for power in the state.

>> No.1243303

all wars are political, all religions corrupted, and used as puppets for war.

>> No.1243307


well, in the USSR it was.

>> No.1243315

oh shit. really? i'm christian and i know the crusades were about taking jerusalem from muslims.

>> No.1243317

Good. Joke.

>> No.1243322

ITT: religiousfags don't realize that by cultivating gullibility they in fact create an environment where political douchbags can do what they want.

>> No.1243324

But they were also a response to the muslim invasions. Therefore, that's the only reason for the crusades, and religion had nothing to do with it.

>> No.1243332

Hey, that guy's got an iPhone 4! I'll knife him and nick it. Oh, wait, he's wearing a cross, suddenly I can't kill him for his phone, I've got to kill him for his religion instead.

>> No.1243339

never said that these things didn't happen, but that's not what we are talking about

sure sounds like finding excuses. the priests didn't have any power when they made the USSR. it was all about the persecution because of their beliefs. stop defending it.

>> No.1243343

If ti wasnt for christians and the won battles after the end of roman empire (which were led by FAITH) you would all be sandniggers know

Christian reigns in iberian peninsula stopped bereber niggers and muslims from getting to central europe

deal with it

>> No.1243358

That's a sweet undistributed middle you've got there.

>> No.1243359


more like, they guy doesn't have anything. oh, he has a cross. BWLAKA BWLAKA!

>> No.1243366

I'd still say that was more killing him for his religion than yours. Unless the cross is made of gold, because then you can send it to that company Glenn Beck's always endorsing for petty cash.

>> No.1243372

I said this out line, and now I can't stop.

>> No.1243374

Overtly, yes. However, more than that, it was rape and plunder that gave the by-that-time enormous noble houses of Europe something to do.

Couldn't get that smooching Second-cousin-in-law-two-generations-removed off your back? Send him to Jerusalem.

>> No.1243400


hmm, not really. also that is the things atheists like to use so much, right? all muslims are terrorists, all christians are creatonist fundamentalists etc.

>> No.1243407



>> No.1243431

all atheists are immoral murders and rapists

>> No.1243450


hmm, where did i say that? i only said that the communists in the USSR killed religious people because of their atheistic ideology.

>> No.1243504

..and you try to use it to "prove" that atheism can lead to violence.
that is demagogy.

>> No.1243531

There's the crazy-ass logic again. They were religious, the people in power were atheist, so they must have been killed in the name of atheism, right? Man with a gun goes around killing loads of unarmed people must be killing in the name of gun rights, yes?

>> No.1243542

i actually grown up in a communist country. we were told that all religion is baseless superstition, unfit for modern people, and that churches existed only to oppress people and steal their money.
but that's about it. people practicing religion were looked down upon, but nobody bothered to actively harass them.

>> No.1243552


nah, i only came later to this thread. but if you think it can't you are not the smartest person. we are all humans after all and some humans are violent, be they religious or atheist.

>> No.1243575


>so they must have been killed in the name of atheism, right?

yes, because it were priests, not random people who were religious. also i'm sure the communists admitted that it was for atheistic ideology, so why the fuck are you defending it.

>> No.1243581

>some humans are violent, be they religious or atheist.

that's why it's false to say that atheism or religion can lead to violence. people are inherently violent, regardless of their ideology.
but some ideologies, like communism, are more likely to put violent people into a position of power.

>> No.1243582

Who said it can't? Arguably anything can lead to violence. Certainly in this country we've had vioelnce brought on by immigration, taxation, alcohol, lack of alcohol, vuvuzela, sex and bad driving. If anything, the point that's been raised in this thread is that for some people, any excuse is good enough to get violent, and religion is an easy one to leverage. Demagogues through the ages have shown it's easy to get people to do ill in the name of their gods - which is one handle you generally can't pull on an atheist.

>> No.1243598

> some mindsets, like those engendered by religious training, ensure assholes get into power by eliminating skepticism and critical thinking

>> No.1243600

Who's defending Stalin?

>> No.1243632


today, unless in some places in the islamic world, more assholes get in power for non-religious reasons than religious.

>> No.1243648



>> No.1243656

[citation needed]

>> No.1243661

I don't think you understood the content of my post. Let me explain it to you. Religion fosters a lack of critical thinking. A lack of critical thinking is directly responsible for putting assholes in power. /thread

>> No.1243684


>Religion fosters a lack of critical thinking.
[citation needed]
>A lack of critical thinking is directly responsible for putting assholes in power.
hmm, not directly. also news and propaganda and a lot of other things do a lot more for the lack of critical thinking. you are stretching things really far.

>> No.1243686


i dunno about citation, but Jesus is the Source.

>> No.1243692
File: 94 KB, 550x413, WTFmanSloth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so Jesus talked about how atheists defend Stalin?

>> No.1243700

to everyone saying all those atheist dictators that slaughtered all those millions and millions of people "hurrr but dey didn't kill in the name of atheism, they just happened to be atheists".

they were communists. and communism is implicity atheist in its functioning. they had no moral compass, they did not fear judgement after death for their evil deeds. through religion comes unity and through unity comes strength. and strength of the people is dangerious to a dictators intentions. which is why stalin burned all those churches/monasteries and killed their members and tried to supress all free thought "in the name of the greater good".

there is blood on everyones hands throughout history, every group on earth has slaughtered people to try and strengthen their own cause, even buddhists.

people don't realise that most people are moderate in belief. its only the crazy militant minority that do stupid shit, and they aren't representative of the majority.

you atheists claim to be intelligent, so why is it that you can't understand that. you don't even believe in god, yet you all invest so much time in fighting the thing you don't believe in and trying to get everyone else to think like you. you may not technically be 'religious' but you sure a hell act like it.

>> No.1243717


true that. i guess the atheists spend so much fighting because there are so many fundies in the US, so it's a natural counter reaction (not that it's normal behavior). and i guess a few eurofags joined also the bandwagon.

>> No.1243720

No. Propaganda relies on a lack of critical thinking to work effectively, thus explaining Fox News' usual audience.

>> No.1243732

OP here, I left this thread a long time ago. You guys are still arguing? lawl

>> No.1243742

>they had no moral compass, they did not fear judgement after death for their evil deeds
i don't fear judgement after death.
does that make me inherently immoral?

>> No.1243758


depends. are you a crazy dictator?

>> No.1243765

thats the thing though. there aren't really any dangerous fundies in the US. when was the last time a christian blew himself up in america? in a country with like 250 million+ christians, only a handfull, like no more than 50 have set fire to shit or blown up buildings or killed abortion doctors and shit. we are talking relative here, an over whelming majority of christians aren't a threat to anyone, they go to church and live well and thats about the extent of it. you can believe the bible is inerrant without being compelled to go out and slaughter people. if you really believe the bible and live by the word of jesus, you should always be on the straight and narrow. jesus never taught violence or anything, he basically just said be a good dude and be nice to people.

i'm going out on a limb here and i know alot of angry poster will jump on my shit but whatever. i'm christian, but was born in a secular home but with teachings from my mom and dad that mirror christian teachings. i have never, not once imposed what i believe on another person or called them stupid for thinking something different. i have atheist friends, a jewish friend, a hindu friend, some buddhist friends. the key is just to have respect for everyone and realize that everything has the potential to be abused. you shouldnt hate a whole group of people becuase some of them killed some people 1000 years ago. the minority is not reflective of the majority. i try my best to respect what you atheists believe, but when you start making hateful baseless assumptions and start calling people "christfag" etc. its not very easy. and it makes you sound just as fundie and hateful as the westborough baptist church.

live and let live.

>> No.1243774

I do not have to tolerate your willful ignorance.

>> No.1243794


well, the -fag is nothing strange seeing as you are on 4chan. but i agree, a lot of atheists here are sardonic, close-minded douchebags and all they do is insult, or call you a troll if you point out their errors.

>> No.1243804

thats what i mean.

it just doesn't effect you brah. i realize that you can think what you want, it makes no difference to me whether you believe in god or not. why can't you say the same to me? don't you think its a little arrogant to think that you are right and everyone else is stupid and needs to think like you do? you won't make any friends like that timmy if you keep thinking you are better than everyone else.

you may think i am stupid, but can't you just hold that opinion to yourself? why do you feel compelled to express your hate for religion and religious people? its more common courtesy than anything else. and it makes you sound like an angry neckbeard elitist.

can't you see that you sound more 'religious' than i do by hating me for what i believe in? even if you hate me for believing something you don't, i want you to know that i don't hate you.

all the best bro.

>> No.1243812

>they were communists. and communism is implicity atheist in its functioning.
Sort of. The authoritarian left places supreme authority in the will of the people. Organized religion challenges this authority. Challenges to the authority must be suppressed, punished or eliminated - be they religious, intellectual, or aristocratic. Religion gets it hard because unlike the class enemies it turns the workers into class traitors. Arguably communist dictatorships are not atheist as they deify the leaders (cf. Best Korea).

>they had no moral compass,
They base their actions based on what they believe is best for the people. The churches have money, this should be seized and put to work for the good of the people.

>they did not fear judgement after death for their evil deeds
What is this "evil" and "judgment after death"?

>through religion comes unity and through unity comes strength.
Alan Moore would like a word with you.

>which is why stalin burned all those churches/monasteries and killed their members and tried to supress all free thought "in the name of the greater good".
All those churches sure are defenders of free thought, aren't they? I mean, you walk into a church, proclaim your homosexuality, and suggest that the flock are delusional, and you'll have people rushing to your defence, right?

>you atheists claim to be intelligent, so why is it that you can't understand that.
They're not a minority. Why can't you understand that?

>you don't even believe in god, yet you all invest so much time in fighting the thing you don't believe in and trying to get everyone else to think like you.
We fight it because half the population of the world being mentally deficient isn't a problem that will go away if we ignore it, and allowing people to believe as they see fit only works while those beliefs are harmless to others. For example, the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church kills hundreds of people every day.

>> No.1243816

> you may think i am stupid, but can't you just hold that opinion to yourself?
No. Because you make it a point of telling people you're religious. You know those people who don't wear religious paraphernalia, don't put bumper stickers on their car about the rapture, don't have that fucking fish symbol around? I don't talk to them about religion. I don't tell them they're idiots or willfully ignorant. I let them live their life. They're not assaulting me with symbols of their willful ignorance and gullibility. They're just going along.

Maybe they go to church every day. But that's their business.

>> No.1243863


>For example, the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church kills hundreds of people every day.

oh, do they? please tell more.

>> No.1243945

It poisons people's minds, they might as well be dead.

>> No.1243969
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and how does it that?

>> No.1243993

Them telling people in AIDS infested south Africa that condoms actually cause HIV.

>> No.1244064
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>half the population of the world being mentally deficient

1. well .. thats just like your opinion man
2. its way more than 1/2, see pie chart.

you make a point of telling people you are atheist. not only that, but you actively hate on others for thinking differnetly. just like a fundie muslim.

>> No.1244077
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Religion is just the struggle to understand the being(s) that exists in deminsions above our own. When we die, we will likely resume life in another universe in the fifth dimension. Or when we die we will join the rest of ourselves that have already died, and become part of an entity that can travel between the multiverses observing without hindrance the dimensions below. Namely the 4th(time) and 3rd (the one you are currently in)

>> No.1244082
File: 44 KB, 479x340, militants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1244083


hmm, the pope saying that condoms are not the answer to fighting HIV is far from an official doctrine saying that condoms cause HIV. the official doctrine would be abstinence (i know it's not really possible). and who do you think helps the people with AIDS in Africa if not Nuns and preists?

also if you knew someone had aids, would you use a condom or just don't fuck with that person?

>> No.1244094

>hate on others for thinking differnetly
Actually its the theists that hate people thinking differently. In fact its so bad that theists kill each other over different versions of their doctrine.

>> No.1244108

>generalizations up in this bitch

most people where i live are christian. and i have yet to see one of them kill someone becuase they are not christian.

hurrr sum christians did some bad stuff in the past, that means the the 2.2 billion christians on this planet must also be bad.

that old church going couple down the road isnt a threat to anyone, get your tin foil hat back on son.

>> No.1244116

Christianity: we don't kill people anymore!

>> No.1244120

Why are non religious and atheist separate?

>> No.1244122

>the pope saying that condoms are not the answer to fighting HIV is far from an official doctrine saying that condoms cause HIV.
WRONG see this is where thing called sources come in.

>While en route from Rome to his first stop, Cameroon, the Pope said that the condition was "a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems."

>would you use a condom or just don't fuck with that person?
Do you have a portable tester with you always? Or do you just believe the person when they say they don't have AIDS?

>> No.1244153

>where i live are
Yes in your little corner of the world. But Northern Ireland's issues were vary recent and the violence was on par with the middle east.

>> No.1244163

reality: 0.001% of people kill other people regardless of what group they belong too.

alot of these polls of adherence count them seperatly. non-religion is agnostics and people who don't know or don't care or wouldn't call themselves anything. atheism is the people who can firmly say "i believe that there is no god". it makes sense as they are 2 different things.

>> No.1244164

No, the violence wasn't as bad as in the middle east. Pretty bad for europe though.

And religious differences weren't top of the list of grievances between the two sides.

>> No.1244169

Many non-religious people are theists

>> No.1244187

to conflict between northern ireland and the republic of ireland was more to do with politics and land ownership/sovereignty than it was to do with catholics and protistants hating eachother.

>> No.1244204

The bloody sunday inquiry finished recently, the event is important for understanding the causes of the troubles.

>> No.1244216

>And religious differences weren't top
Explain what was because i don't believe you just because you say it. This is 4chan after all.

And here is another one for you straight from Uganda.
Don't mind them they just want to force convert everybody and make them follow the morally outdated ten commandments.

>> No.1244219

Yep, religion is never to blame, because it is good! Always! If you think religion is bad, you have interpreted the evidence incorrectly. As the bible notes, man is born in sin. So it is always man's fault. Always.

>> No.1244252

Well, to use bloody sunday to illustrate.

In the 60s the catholics were appealing and protesting for civil rights, because they weren't being properly represented. At one particular march the army killed a lot of unarmed protestors.

So this event, among others, motivated nationalist groups to violent action and terrorism, which was retaliated by loyalist groups and continued until the late 90s when things started to cool down.

Christianity was more of a feature of either side.

>> No.1244296

>So it is always man's fault. Always.

...pretty much yeah. bad people do bad things. they always have, they always will. just like guns don't jump up and pull their own triggers, religion doesn't kill people. people kill people, if religion wasn't around, people would still kill people, over politics, over land, over natural resources etc. i'm sure cave men were killing each other with pointy sticks and waping women before they could even talk to one another properly. however, the majority of people on this planet, regardless of faith (or lack of) are good people. you just dont hear about them on the news becuase they don't do anything worth reporting.