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12424840 No.12424840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you sit through all 5 hours of this and think to yourself "This documentary creator, Massimo Mazzucco, he is the one full of shit here, the debunkers at Popular Mechanics Magazine present the more factual, scientific argument" then you have zero fucking right to call yourself a man of science. bruh. Just go back to uni and major in gender studies this time.. If you're just going to REEE and denounce the meticulously researched physics/aeronautical engineering/demolitions/etc themes presented here without even listening first, you are an ideologist, not a scientist. Hence, give gender studies a try.




also ffs please do not post to just reprimand the documentary if you didn't watch it first.

>> No.12424861

9/11 was Jews intending to induce wars in the middle east.

>> No.12424874

The Jews were very heavily involved in 9/11, but that is not to say they are the one and only faction with significant involvement.

>> No.12424891

The Saudis were heavily involved.

>> No.12424908

the saudi royal family are jews

Saudi Royal Family Are Jews?

>> No.12424917

Yes, but just not quite as heavily involved as the jews were

>> No.12424918

science is too slow

next time shit pops off and we know, we know
its been 19 years and there's still debate
its bullshit in order to make justice work at a snails pace

>> No.12424931

like honestly
when is it ever the case that "conspiracy theorists went too far" in comparison to the "conspiracies" that turn out to be true

i think we can stand to give them some of the stage to go schizo, and run with it

>> No.12424991

There's no "debate" that 9/11 was a false flag operation. The evidence is just fucking beyond overwhelming. Cognitive dissonance truly is the most powerful force in our universe

>> No.12425006

I have one question, I recall a theory about the use of small truck mounted tactical nukes in the basement combined with the above conventional detonations?
is this substantiated?

>> No.12425017

This claim was based on high levels of radiation at the site. I don't know about this detailed explanation of how it was loaded up and used etc but a lot of the cars right outside of the area caught on fire and it is thought it was from the EMP that fried the electronics which started fires because nothing else in the vicinity that didnt have electronics had any fire damage. This is all covered somewhere in this playlist


>> No.12425032

so some sort of nuclear device is a prime culprit then.
I recall they referred to the V shaped skeleton visible in some videos as evidence for an extremely powerful upwards directed blast though I don't recall where I read this, or the finer details of the theory

>> No.12425042

What? Nukes? No. But there are witnesses in this documentary who witnessed a massive explosion in the basement of the towers long before the first plane hit. And in one scene when some truthers are at a table debating the Popular Mechanics rep David Coburn(probably paid millions a year to lie to us) about this massive pre-plane explosion, David kept desperately trying change the subject, or give an answer that is radically different to what was asked, no matter how hard they pressed him on why the explosion happened BEFORE the plane hit, he just had no choice but to nervously refuse to acknowledge they're asking him a question again and again basically, and deflect with non-answers.

>> No.12425055

yes the EMP from a nuclear device, that is the theory. Personally I think some directed energy weapons (Tesla Tech) were possibly used as well, do you know what the hutchison effect? If you can match a materials harmonic resonance frequency you can make it malleable like playdoh. This is alchemy shit here, transmutation. The government supposedly played around with this kind of shit in the Philadelphia experiment in the 40's IIRC and people got trapped in the steel and other weird phenomenon

>> No.12425061

I see you have some Christopher Bollyn vids in your playlist
be aware he's likely a disinfo agent

>> No.12425060

David Coburn literally kept blaming the basement explosion on the plane leaking fuel through an elevator shaft. Then when they said "David, you still haven't addressed why the explosion happened before the plane struck the tower?" he would get nervous, deflect and blame it on the fucking plane again. rinse and repeat. I hope he gets kicked in the dick by someone. That would be based

>> No.12425076

Why? What are you basing this on? He has been one of the most outspoken proponents that was an Israeli inside job. I have spoken to him personally when I published one of his articles on my website. He has never said anything in the least bit misleading I have ever come across

The 9-11 Cover-up: An Ongoing Crime in Real Time

>> No.12425092

nvm I didnt see the link you posted. Often times jews accuse other people of being the Jews. This is a standard tactic they use, they did the same thing about Hitler for 100 years almost. I don't really care if he is or isnt t.b.h. He names the Jew which is good enough for me. I always do my own research and verify everything so as long as the source isnt a blatant plant they can only do more good than harm in educating people

>> No.12425096

I see his has a rebuttal
who calls who a disinfo agent....this shit is all so confusing

>> No.12425100

Yah common tactic as I said kek. As I said never trust anyone, verify everything. Good practice to get into anyway. The main problem with our world is people trust the "experts" and don't check and verify anything.
and all that shit

I have studied (verified) bollyns work for at least 5 years. He is top notch imo

>> No.12425106

I've caught people I thought were legit claiming a plane actually hit the pentagon before. I thought that was one of the easiest ones to prove wrong yet it made me question everything they'd claimed before.
not at all related but I came across a link to this old book
The Great Dragon or London Money Power by LB Woolfolk (1890)
thought you might find something to it

>> No.12425118

Good topic (the book). If you want to go down this rabbit hole read the pied piper of babylon and this article

Pied Pipers of Babylon by Verl K. Speer

The Magic Power of Words and Why Words Rule the World

>> No.12425122

I was going to ask but what do you know of Franz Boas and "Boasism"?

>> No.12425132
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x8633, Templars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to post a screenshot of me explaining all this on /his/. I am thinking of making a jewtube video explaining all of this from the beginning

>> No.12425138

I minored in Anthropology so I know the name but beyond that not really. Something esoteric I missed?

>> No.12425151

not mysticism no
we can probably thank him for the "peaceful" protests over the summer

>> No.12425162

ah ty
kek, reminds of the germs, guns and steele faggot that alt-hype ripped a new asshole. Jared Diamond I think his name is

>> No.12425183

It's quite remarkable how he is considered a founder of the field.
I came across the term Boasism twice this week and thought I ought to look into him, and imagine my suprise when I realised all the god damned mind cancer was his bequeathment. together with the Frankfurters

>> No.12425208

I lol'd. The Jews really are a cancer in human form. The cancer of the kali yuga, the black seed to poison this planet in the dark years

>> No.12425216


Flight 93 hit WTC 7

>> No.12425218

Damn I guess I need to backtrack over anything Michael Collins Piper put out.
I skimmed his thing on JFK, I wonder what is actually legit?

>> No.12425240

Ooooh so Daryl Bradford Smith is a piece of shit too, I only just came across the guy, I thought he smelled fishy

>> No.12425362

9/11 was a Mossad operation


>> No.12425627

Yeah A New Peal Harbor really raised some good points too. Some of them were wrong, as you'd expect, but some of the details about 9/11 just don't add up.

>> No.12425751

I got in a discussion with a historian regarding Pearl Harbor cause it never made sense to me. He explained it as being the only option Japan had for getting oil, and that they were essentially going to try and capture Hawaii and use it as a bargain for oil.

>> No.12425961

9/11 was an inside joke

>> No.12426121

this, the Saud are crypto kikes

>> No.12426607

So Surname?
how is that linked to words like surcharge, insurance, surety, surpass, survive, surf, usury, surge, usurp, surprise

>> No.12427089
File: 117 KB, 622x960, 226kyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I'm pleasantly surprised. /Sci/ is more redpilled than I originally expected. Or maybe the doubters just respected my wishes not to reprimand the documentary before watching it.

Real talk though. Was covid19 engineered in a lab on behalf of the billionaire class as yet another step in the path towards taking away our freedoms, establish one world currency/government, such and such? Is it coincidental that it kills enough people to start a panic, but not enough to utterly destroy the fabric of society?

Here is another based documentary
Francis Richard Connelly seems like an honest man. He has to dance around the jews a bit so as to not put a target on his back and get his documentary taken down by JDIF.. Many of the characters featured are Jewish though, he just doesn't scream "OMG TEH JEW" when they are named.

>> No.12427216

Technically every world leader on the planet is involved in the 9/11 coverup, everyone from the King of Saudi Arabia to Angela Merkel. By staying silent about this dark day in American history, they're just as complicit and treacherous as the jews as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.12427272

>Where are the interceptors?
Read pages 14-35: https://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report.pdf

Wow, so well researched.

>> No.12427340

Why are /x/tards allowed to post outside their board?
You should be rangebanned after posting there more than one time.

>> No.12427348

or risk getting Gadaffied

>> No.12427353

All the hijackers had Saudi intelligence following them, and several met with prominent Saudi government officials while undergoing flight training in San Diego

>> No.12427399

Look the 9/11 "inside job" went something like this

>Osama Bin Laden's financial network is planning an attack
>Bin Laden family is wealthy and powerful and deeply connected to the Bush family
>Bin Laden family passes information to Bush family, who decide to sit on it and play the outcome

Anything about "nano thermite" or "controlled demolition" is nonsense. The towers fell because they were built in the 70s by mobbed up construction contractors that cut every corner possible. They used "structural drywall" which isn't actually a thing. The as-builts for the towers are likely false in many ways.

If you want a reference for how bad construction in New York in the 70s were, look into Co Op city, which was built by the same construction contractors as WTC. The buildings were dogshit. Windows kept falling out. Balconies would collapse. They didn't use rebar in some buildings even though the as-builts said they did.

>> No.12427444

>The towers fell because they were built in the 70s by mobbed up construction contractors that cut every corner possible. They used "structural drywall" which isn't actually a thing. The as-builts for the towers are likely false in many ways.
start at 5:12

>> No.12427492

The ONN take.

>> No.12427870

>also ffs please do not post to just reprimand the documentary if you didn't watch it first.

you didn't read the OP

>> No.12427907 [DELETED] 

This shit isn't science. Go to >>>/x/ for bizarre conspiracy theories. If you think that science disagrees with the official story of 9/11 then go tell your science professor and see what he thinks about you. Go to /x/ where you belong OP. No matter what argument you have, 9/11 conspiracies will always be an /x/ topic and never a /sci/ topic. I don't care what defense you have. We shouldn't even be discussing this on this board.

>> No.12427922 [DELETED] 

>me no like to believe what people tell me so me make up story instead

>> No.12427964 [DELETED] 

Your family will be slaughtered soon enough, you frankfurtian scum, I am gonna make you cry enough to make your eyeballs go limb

>> No.12427987
File: 23 KB, 596x250, 911 jumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I honestly don't understand about the 9/11 jumpers is this. Why didn't they just aerodynamically position themselves so they glide horizontally and aim for a river or something?

>> No.12427998 [DELETED] 

You assume I don't agree with you but all I said is that this is more of an /x/ topic isn't it? That doesn't mean I disagree with you lol.

>> No.12428033

I never said I disagreed with you I just said that most "scientists" would and that is why this is /x/ related. That doesn't make them real scientists but I just don't think you understood what I was trying to say lol.