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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 371 KB, 1526x512, YT channels tier2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12422871 No.12422871 [Reply] [Original]

Let's continue from where we left the last time frens...

In the pic you see the results of some iterations of the last threads. As always priority is given to channels made by 1-2 people max. and well organized and high information density videos. Also no channels made by companies to advertise their products etc. and no SpaceX meme channels if no actual science is involved.
Anything to add/move etc?

>> No.12422914

Michael Penn and MathDoctorBob should be S tier.

>> No.12422916 [DELETED] 

gonna check their channels, don't know them

>> No.12422920

mmh they seem just video lectures channels... gonna put them in B

>> No.12422935
File: 399 KB, 1526x512, YT channels tier new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added these two plus another good whiteboard lecture channel in B

>> No.12422942

>Michael Penn
I second this, tho I don't know the other one.
You added pbs space time but didn't add pbs infinite series to the list? That's an s tier for me.

>> No.12422950

ok gonna check these

>> No.12422972
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>pbs infinite series
gonna put it in B tier for now

>> No.12422990

Michael Penn and The Math sorcerer should be S tier

>> No.12423009

Second this

>> No.12423021

Michael Penn is a whiteboard lecture channel tho and the Math Sorcerer is most a channel with suggestions for math students, books, habits etc. and most of his actual science videos are high school math

>> No.12423030

but I agree that Math Sorcerer should be upgraded at A tier at least, gonna do that

>> No.12423039
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>> No.12423067

Sounds like you're a popsci fag. You disregard the content for a pretty format.

>> No.12423093
File: 860 KB, 1280x1920, realsarefake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.12423095

If I were a popsci fag I would have put Kurzgesagt in S tier... no really I can't put all blackboard frontal lecture channels of YT in S tier... there's no additional info than reading a textbook.

>> No.12423101

>there's no additional info than reading a textbook
Ask me how I know you haven't watched a single one of Michael Penn's videos.

>> No.12423104

you're right anon... but is his videos good or he's a meme? What tier would you put him in?

>> No.12423108

this thread is a joke untill the ultimate wacky reddit nigger flammablemaths is put in F tier

>> No.12423110 [DELETED] 

I watched like 5 but all were solution of easy integrals or problems from math olympics that were literally high school tier

>> No.12423115

He is ss tear, which is why it doesn't appear in there.

>> No.12423122

I had put him in E tier at the beginning but then some anons complained saying that some videos actually had some good info, were they retards?
I despise that guy personally and I don't watch his videos kek

>> No.12423125

I watched like 5 but all were solution of easy integrals or problems from math olympics that were literally high school tier

>> No.12423132

videos are dry, all of them are him with a "whiteboard" . But his explanations are cristal clear and makes pretty good sketches. He's a professor of math in UNSW, he's also taught at stanford and MIT i think.

>> No.12423133

Why the hate to flammable maths? I haven't seen any of his videos, but I have his channel in there because it looked like he might post some interesting problems from time to time.

Also stop disregarding problems because they're "high school tier", that's not a good measurement of difficulty. Speaking of math Olympiad videos, I like this guy called RedPig as well.

>> No.12423138

where is Math Doctor Bob? should be S tier.

>> No.12423140

Stupid is as stupid does

>> No.12423141

yeah but it seems to me that his videos contain a lot of additional stuff that you would not find in a standard lecture... maybe he deserves an A or S tier after all... dunno

>> No.12423142

lol I commented before reading the comments. I still vote to move him up to S tier.

>> No.12423148

>Why the hate to flammable maths?
He's a narcissist fag and has the non math mental age of a 10 years old

>> No.12423166

Honourable mention

>> No.12423185

S Tier for sure

>> No.12423195

Arvin Ash is pretty good I think

>> No.12423207

Is science asylum based or cringe?

>> No.12423246

well if many people keep suggesting it I will put him higher but I will not put it in S tier just because it's math and le math is da best science of them all, duh!

>> No.12423250

mmh par contre c'est en francais... je pensais plus à des canaux en langue anglaise. En plus il y a pas beaucoup de videos.

>> No.12423255

3blue1brown might be the only person in the universe that doesn't have haters

>> No.12423257

yeah it's not bad... maybe B tier?

>> No.12423261

there was a fag saying that quote "I was sucking his cock too much" in the last thread and that he was popsci but he was probably a retard

>> No.12423267

quite cringe imo

>> No.12423845

Can we shit on the asapscience fags?

>> No.12423954

>having time to watch all this shitty clickbait youtube content with surface level content instead of studying in depth

>> No.12423964

World science festival. Not mega detail but cosy to watch the discussions amongst a panel of scientists.

>> No.12423967

add blackpenredpen and technology connections if he counts as /sci/ material

>> No.12424005

S tier is all cringe.

Periodic Videos should be S.

World science festival S.

I like science to be palatable not dorkified.

>> No.12424083

X is shit should be tier Y
why isnt Z on the list

>> No.12424392

Why is Tom Scott so low? because he's a CSfag?

>> No.12424401

not really a youtuber but FR Hamilton used to have a youtube channel where he uploaded stacks of old open university videos until it fell to youtube's purges
the stuff is on Archive.org now

>> No.12424409

>videos are dry

>> No.12424443
File: 53 KB, 512x512, prnnthhhnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>veritasium under vsauce
>vsauce in C
you what

this channel is pretty small and kino though

>> No.12425843

in the sense of dry information, as the classical education paradigm wants, unoptimized.

>> No.12425856

>mathologer, 2min papes, eevblog
>not in s+
>sci show, kuckmuhgirlt, min phys, space time, electroboom
>not in f-
baka desu senpai

>> No.12425866

I won't comment on where these things should be placed but I would include Sciencephile, Zach Star, Andrew Dotson, Nilered, Styropyro, Explosions&Fire, Integza, aaaand maybe Michael Reeves if you wanna label him under CS/EE

I think Khan should be higher up though

>> No.12425868

This would probably be in a high tier, its super helpful for undergrads

>> No.12425869

I feel like Cody's Lab still has massive potential, but he's just stuck in a rut and doesn't know how to get out. I feel bad for him. :(

>> No.12425876

maybe I should do 2 tables... one for blackboard / whiteboard lecture channels and another for the rest. I feel like it's not fair to compare them directly.

>> No.12425878

He's making a lot of random autistic videos lately

>> No.12425880

thanks anon, will have a look at it.

>> No.12425883

>kurzgesagt not in F tier
Also where is standup math and singingbanana?

>> No.12425917
File: 117 KB, 600x338, koimo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Penn is based though. Anonfags dont wanna shatter their confidence cuz they gonna get stuck on 8th grade olympiad problem
ps rip michaels bakcflips

>> No.12425928

>standup math
you're right I forgot him, will put him in the next pic

>> No.12426318

vsauce and veritasium are "I fucking love science" tier
let's see dis mini channel

>> No.12426337
File: 22 KB, 360x450, Potholer54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add potholer54 to S tier

>Periodic Videos should be S

>> No.12426399

I checked out Isaac Arthur and don't see how that's A tier.
Either way I like watching moderndaymath sometimes. History channel basically though.

>> No.12426466 [DELETED] 

what is this christcuck shit anon?

>> No.12426468

>don't see how that's A tier.
In many videos he makes detailed calculations for rockets, fuel consumption, power to surface ratios etc

>> No.12426477

seems interesting but a bit chaotic as a channel and low info density imo... will add it to B tier maybe?

>> No.12426479

What are you talking about man? A fair amount of his older (say 10 years ago) stuff feature Christianity and religion, but that's not to say his content in any way is Christian oriented. I wouldn't group him in with other "anti-religion" or "anti-creationism" YouTubers, though. He has his own style and manages to create content that doesn't turn into a circlejerk; whenever his content may feature religion; which isn't all the time.

>> No.12426484

Yes I was wrong I thought he was a young earth creationist

>> No.12426489

Maybe I will put him in A tier after all... his videos about reconizing (((bullshit))) publications are nice

>> No.12426491

Ah okay, that's all good.

>> No.12426500

I watched two of his videos... he's definitely not a creationist kek and he is also pretty based.

>> No.12426558

>vsauce C
Should be F, not higher than SEE for sure

>> No.12428578

Here's a new channel: https://youtube.com/watch?v=jU4r4_DT1r4

It's for brief news about recent studies, not about long and in-depth explanations of the science behind / in them.

>> No.12428661

>C tier
Fuck off

>> No.12428773

he intentionally uses absolutely retarded greek letters for variables like capital xi in an integral to make himself feel smart when it just fucks common conventions and looks childish and obnoxious to read.
the highest form of math to him is complex analysis because it can do his stupid integrals, which is all pop sci fags care about.
he's also a massive shill jew and cares only about how much money he makes, always makes posts like "wow my merch didnt sell very much, can you guys step things up and subscribe more???" also all his videos are clickbait autism titles and his voice is stupid.

>> No.12428795

somewhat inclined to agree with this.

personally I believe michael penn should be higher because he does a decent attempt at teaching higher math to undergrads (differential forms, quadratic reciprocity, algebra...), which is a lot more interesting and ambitious for a math youtube channel than just shitty calculus all day. A tier.

you did numberphile dirty as well, yes, there are 500 autistic videos about stupid fibonnacii sequences but there are some real goldmines like trying to explain ricci flow to normies (based for even trying, and actually not a bad intuitive explanation given) and their excellent videos on chaos and dynamics of the julia sets., deserves B tier.

Kurzgesagt is unapologetically pop sci but at least its pop sci done right, they aren't condescending liberals like tom tranny scott and they just present cool shit in an decent low concept way like string theory and strange matter. Their ant series is also very entertaining and comfy.

>> No.12428800

You forgot tech ingredients and thought emporium

>> No.12428801

Amon Ra

>> No.12428807

Science Asylum the best.

>> No.12428808

Amon Ra >>12422871

>> No.12428890

Vsauce deserves better

>> No.12428957

Explosions and fire is a based Aussie channel

>> No.12429146

The Thought Emporium?

>> No.12429159

he has some good content that I like, too bad he's a basedboi

>> No.12429340

put scishow and kurzgesagagt at f please

>> No.12429504

no, fuck off brainlet

>> No.12429510

S tier


>> No.12429569

Name ONE bad thing about Vsauce, you only hate him because reddit loves him.

>> No.12429573
File: 14 KB, 220x331, 4E7CDD92-1287-472C-B29F-65702D5C369B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12430076

dumbed down science and semantic discussions for the uninitiated masses

>> No.12430079 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 272x246, clickbrainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus literal clickbait videos for brainlets

>> No.12430082
File: 54 KB, 272x246, clickbrainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus literal clickbait meme videos for brainlets.
AND also because plebbit loves him.

>> No.12430130
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no love for styropyro? he is S tier in my heart
btw Eugene's videos are extremely comfy to watch

>> No.12430149

I will add everybody when I have some time (this evening potentially)
The more we iterate the better it becomes. I'm thinking to make two tables, one for lecture channels and one for the rest (but not popsci)

>> No.12430185

CuriousMarc should be S tier. A greatly underrated channel.

>> No.12430270

*Aron Ra
Why can't I spell?

>> No.12430278

Why is Space Time so low on the list overall? The information there is quite dense and well presented. And why is someone like Anton Petrov so high? Not that he's bad, but I feel that based on the quality of both of their content, they should be switched.

>> No.12430428

>that thumbnail
He does answer the question, you know?

>> No.12430503

That's all of S tier.

>> No.12430555

Very based

>> No.12430586

This guy is an easy S-tier, explains his passion without pandering and always cautions the dangers that come with what he's doing.

>> No.12430602

Neso Academy at A, would be S if not for the Indian accent

>> No.12430685

The first, and pretty much only, video I saw from him was his "laser shotgun" it was so stupid I don't think I could give him a second chance

>> No.12431515

where would you guys place lex fridman and mark rober

>> No.12431519
File: 18 KB, 518x388, mochizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I cant read; you already placced mark

>> No.12431676

why is asapscience F tier?

>> No.12431953

Based and meth lab pilled

>> No.12432618
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>> No.12432826
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>> No.12433025

AK Lectures was my fucking nigga when I took biochem

>> No.12433033

Where does Styopyro rank?

>> No.12433281

based content but a little cringe presentation

>> No.12434111

yeah it is because of things like this that I lose faith in democracy

>> No.12434423


>> No.12436577


>> No.12438595

They barely qualify as "science communicators" at this point.

>> No.12439068

Man is the reason I passed Calc 2

>> No.12439109

veritasium is top tier: no one dares to go in as much depth in explanation as he does considering the size of his audience, and his videos are very understandable

3blue1brown is ok, but his videos are too slow and not really as enlightening as the graphics may make you think, and imho his topics are not that great

tom scott is the only one doing tom scott things

>> No.12439116

Is it even fair to call his recent vids popsci? All of them are literally fnaf conspiracy iirc (it has been a while).

>> No.12439324

You should definitely try watching more, specifically the kilojoule scale pulse laser video

>> No.12439328


>> No.12439464

The Organic Chemistry Tutor

>> No.12439483

Mathologer is better than 3Blue1Brown if you go in with any real background.

>> No.12439493

I like Great Scott. I'd say he A or B tier.

>> No.12439499

I would move veritassium into C, he sometimes makes pretty informational and in depth videos

>> No.12439513

Whoever made this thread is highly deficient in the mind.
That iranian electroboom guy is everything bill nye wanted to be. Deserves a higher spot than vsauce (should be at F desu senpai nice bait)

>> No.12439517

Because most of his content nowadays is about language

>> No.12439521

Why do you think that spacetime should be so low

>> No.12439526

College homework projects are not s tier you fucking mongoloid

>> No.12439527

That is a good idea honestly. Whiteboard viheos are different in nature

>> No.12439530

vsauce is i worship science in the form of mental gymnastics, the dude has no idea what hes saying half the time and regurgitates wikipedia articlss
Whats your degree in?

>> No.12439535

"Your red might not be the same as my red"

The vsauce guy just looks like he spews bullshit he read from web sleuth forums, hes almost borderline confusing himself in every video.

>> No.12439537


>> No.12439558



Thats one vsauce video in a nutshell kys if you think he belongs in this list even.

>> No.12439718

It's iflscience trash made for retards.

>> No.12439752

Missed the last thread, what was the reasoning for Stuff Made Here being in B?

>> No.12440461

yeah, came to say this

>> No.12441005
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I'm OP, sorry frens could not post bc I was banned, I will make two new tables with all your suggestions and then we will iterate again until optimum is reached and everyone (except brainlets) is happy

>> No.12441010

where would you put it? I put in B tier some channels I was uncertain about.

>> No.12441033



>> No.12441625

I think XylyXylyX should be on the table

>> No.12442101

Ye the only thing that's acceptable when it comes to science are textbooks and a whiteboard

>> No.12442464

gotta love that mad aussie brewing explosives in his dirty shed
definitely should be included

>> No.12442505

I vote based as fuck for potholer54, he schooled my dumb ass on global warming back when I was going through my libertarian phase.

>> No.12442522

Nombaphile deserves to be below Tom Scott and definitely below VSauce.

>> No.12444142

Was there any particular video that did this for you? If so which one?

>> No.12444186

>vsauce and minutephysics that high


>> No.12445814

Have you guys every watched "journey to the microcosmos"?

>> No.12445844

No Lex Fridman?
would easily put him in A or S

>> No.12445883

Tech Ingredients is an easy S tier. Gotta love the all-wood lab in that comfy forest setting, and his rather thorough explanations while he teaches you how to build and subsequently defeat a riot weapon for NAP purposes, and at the same time teaching you the science behind every property of why and how it does what it does.

>> No.12446264
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Came here to post this, he deserves at least A.
He's like NileRed with less sperg and more breadth.

>> No.12446279

blackpenredpen is a solid B-tier

>> No.12446289
File: 16 KB, 512x512, OCW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12446301

Friendly reminder that smartereveryday is based

>> No.12446312


Have you guys not seen the video where he gives himself cancer. That procedure he did to “cure” his lactose intolerance was completely insane and haphazard
He’s either a retard or a nihilist

>> No.12446432

fucking based

>> No.12446445

Probably in A. Interesting builds, seems really capable, puts a lot of effort into his videos. Kinda reminds me of Mythbusters a bit.

>> No.12446494

I'm enrolled in a math class at MIT now and the OCW has better notes than the professor gives.

>> No.12446669

He should either be judged based on his science content, or not be on the list at all. Docking him for talking about other disciplines is dumb. Also language is awesome.
>tom tranny scott
I've watched hundreds of his videos and have literally never heard him talk about trannies. Whether he approves of trannies should have nothing to do with how you feel about his content. Unless you only consume a diet of pure "based" because everything else is "pozzed".

Also minute physics should be lower for being way way too basic and entry level. Not F, maybe D.

>> No.12446674

Seconded. He shows that science isn't magic, you just get started and before you know it you've learned/made something incredible.

>> No.12446893

Yes, this is one of the reasons why I should do two separate tables for lectures and more informal / relaxed stuff

>> No.12447980

tom scott also hates reddit. he cant be be in the same tier as Kurzgesagt