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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1242234 No.1242234 [Reply] [Original]

Find me a graviton /sci/

>> No.1242238

shut up nigger go pray, the only thing you know, antiscience scum

>> No.1242250


>Atheism is edgy. My parents tried to raise me to be religious but I don't conform to their lies.

Also, you make too many assumptions at once. I wanted to know what /sci/ thinks about the elusive graviton, I was never implying that lack of such a discovery proves an existence of a god.

You are actually making quite a big leap with that one.

>> No.1242279


Don't feel attacked. /sci/ is plagued with christian and jews still dealing with the stomachache of dealing with the reality of things and their infancy-instilled beliefs. As a consequence, everything is ultimately trailed down to SCIENCE VS MY RELIGION WHICH IS TRUE type of argument.

Just move on.

>> No.1242302


>shut up nigger go pray, the only thing you know, antiscience scum

>Don't feel attacked.

I think /sci/ is actually filled with angsty teenagers trying to rebel against their parents. You seem to view science and religion to be exclusive of each other. You mistake a philosophical opinion for intelligence.

What a disappointment.

>> No.1242319

The graviton may not exist. Trying to shoe horn everything into the standard model may not be the correct approach.

Disclaimer: I'm a fan of holography, m-theory, and gravity as an emergent entropic gauge force.

>> No.1242330


They are not exclusive, but they can be confrontantional when people try to impose their will on the universe instead of the other way around (e.g. some retarded things like claiming there's no such thing as gravity and it's really evil demons pulling your legs). Otherwise, non-nature related arguments (e.g. Quatzequatel watches you for judgement into the after life) it's irrelevant and should better be left for philosophical "discussion".

>I think /sci/ is actually filled with angsty teenagers trying to rebel against their parents

I think you want to imply every type of self-questioning done by young people is in direct relation to rebellion for the sake of being "cool" as opposed to actual doubts. While there are plenty of faggots that will go for either camp based on popularity, I think /sci/'s symptoms actually stem out of self-realization to some degree (one or two that is). The rest, sure, probably but you also beg the question by assuming 1) most people in this board are from the U.S and ergo 2)Most people parents are chrstian. This does not need to be at all.

>> No.1242347


And then I pulled my Heimdrive out of my pocket and used it to fuck the asses of everyone in this thread

>> No.1242367

He's just reacting to the picture.

>hurr durr how I 4chan