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12421761 No.12421761 [Reply] [Original]

Based Wildberger lays the foundation for Calculus and Analysis without gay real numbers


>> No.12422118

I thought you dumbwits had problems with the complex numbers. Now you have problems with real values as well??

>> No.12422120


>> No.12422380

He didn't lay it out tho, just announced the idea. Still very fascinating, I actually want to see how does he approach the problem in general.
I don't get why are you faggots so butthurt about people wanting to work in different axiomatic systems.

>> No.12422386

>I don't get why are you faggots so butthurt about people wanting to work in different axiomatic systems.
Sorry to say, but you really shouldn't use anything other than what is deemed conventional; that's how misinformation and blatantly incorrect math spreads.
Basically, it's up to academics like myself and my colleagues to nip this stuff in the bud. Kids coming through college get their points docked if they bring this crap up. Tough, but it's better for them in the long run.

>> No.12422395


>> No.12422401

Convention is a fantasy land with no connection to any reality whatsoever. There are people who study "large cardinals" for a living on government dime (your tax dollars).

>> No.12422474

t. dropout

>> No.12422494

Yes I fucking dropped out for my integrity's sake. Academic mathematics is a racket and I want no part in that.

>> No.12422506

You sound like you're a high school teacher.
It is doubtful you know more math than a freshman.

>> No.12422633

PRAISE SAINT WILD BURGER! He will send those GOD CURSED INFINITY LOVING SODOMITES straight back to HELL! Where they can indulge their FILTHY INFINITY SINS for the pleasure of the SATAN!

Say it with me, Brothers and Sisters of the ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH,


>> No.12422761

>Academic mathematics is a racket

Take your meds, schizo. And stay far away from my subject.

>> No.12422841

Very cool video.

>> No.12423157


>> No.12423225

11:39 triggered

>> No.12423375

>don't get why are you faggots so butthurt about people wanting to work in different axiomatic systems.
You should tell this to Wildberger

>> No.12423392

non-standard analysis already exists tho

>> No.12423641

are we gonna chip in and buy his lectures notes?

>> No.12423645
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>> No.12423691
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jesus is back

>> No.12423749
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best epsilon def in history

>> No.12423765
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more is coming

>> No.12423844


>> No.12424014

This is a proper theory of infinitesimals based on concrete Aryan nilpotent matrices, not abstract Jewish model theory and ultrafilters.

>> No.12424024
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>> No.12424046

cool, i see them using it in machanics. do they use them for electricity and magnatism?

>> No.12424071
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In physics, you see those concepts e.g. in field theory

or general more wilder representations of symmetry groups (and half-integer spin fields).
But it's also a representation of a special case of a quotient of a polynomial ring and common in algebraic geometry, when more differential geometry-like properties want to be modeled.

I skimmed through the Wildberger video and I'm super surprised he talks positively of Robinson's non-standard analysis. Not because I dislike it, but - as he points out - it's not much less "problematic" than the reals. Seems he just want to be a contrarian. Non-standard analysis periodically has its comeback and it's logic formulation is, I think, over considered to be too complicated (given people are already used to standard foundations for math).

So I know what we'll see now - him working out how to phrase general theorems of the theory in its linear representation (and his two "colored complex units"). I'm find with this, but his non-formalist othodoxy is tiresome and I call into question his self-proclaimed rogue status

>> No.12424123

Enjoy your surrogate activity.

>> No.12424215

The only thing left to do is to decide what Wildberger is. A Prophet? A messiah? A saint? An Angel? Or..... a GOD????

>> No.12424284

A jew ahead of his time.

>> No.12425071

Does anyone know what whiteboard paper does he use for his videos? I want to buy some.

>> No.12425084

good question

>> No.12425344

Then its settled. He is the Messiah. As such he needs a name which reflects his new Holy status.

I say he should be now known as The Holy Burger.

>> No.12425425
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not unlike complex numbers
a+ib \leftrightarrow
a&-b \\


>> No.12425518

make infinitesimal calculus great again

>> No.12425547

Analysis is still garbage for getting a model of physical reality. Zeno's dichotomy paradox still shows that. To say that ∑ 1/2n converges to 1 doesn't resolve the paradox, for 1 is approached but not reached, a simple fucking distinction that seems bizarrely lost on far too many analysts.

>> No.12425550

>∑ 1/2n
Damn paste. Exponent n.

>> No.12425657

>t. walmart whale who can't outrun a turtle

>> No.12425908

SILENCE HERETIC! It was already decided by me. He shall be known as SAINT WILD BURGER!

>> No.12425916

Whoahh dude, calm down and take your meds. You are me, haven't you noticed? We both support The Holy Burger.

>> No.12425921

You are but a DEMON sent by the GOD CURSED SODOMITES to pretend to be me! ROT IN HELL SATAN SPAWN! I shall not abide your sacrilegious heresy here. He is the SAINT WILD BURGER!

>> No.12425925

Fine then, whatever. Cunt.

>> No.12426123

>To say that ∑ 1/2n converges to 1 doesn't resolve the paradox
no, but saying that the functions describing the distance travelled by Achilles and the turtle does.

>> No.12426126

*saying that the functions are continuous

>> No.12426238 [DELETED] 
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Yes, sure.

His whole "colored complex numbers" is just the 2 dim rep of the (non-Hamiltonian!) [math]\left\frac{{\mathbb F}}{-1, 1}\right)[/math]-quaternion algebra.

Obviously there's nothing new under the sun about small matrices.
His citing habits are not extensive.

>> No.12426242
File: 152 KB, 1000x667, carauto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sure.

His whole "colored complex numbers" is just the 2 dim rep of the (non-Hamiltonian!) [math]\left(\frac{{\mathbb F}}{-1, 1}\right)[/math]-quaternion algebra.

Obviously there's nothing new under the sun about small matrices.
His citing habits are not extensive.

>> No.12426707
File: 137 KB, 709x838, colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true true true. BANG when he brings his colored complexity back to the simplicity of geometry. like he done to other subjects till now. the WILD BURGER is bringing a new age of electro magnetic engineering. space and time before einstien is about to be checked.


>> No.12426720
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once someone catches those definitions with the WILD BURGER geometry. it's a new game in town.

>> No.12426821

>academics like myself
t. freshman

>> No.12428958

I think that they sell those on Amazon Japan. After all, the Japanese love their stationary products.

>> No.12428974

Imagine being this new.