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12420877 No.12420877 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, retard brainlet here. How bleak are the next 20-50 years really looking? Are there things I should be more worried about that I'm not? Or are things going to get better?

>> No.12421678

You Only need to look at One Thing,
what Ai will be doing by 2030, 2040, and then 2050. Everything else will be inconsequential,

>> No.12421682

This, AI will give humans everything we want, slowly lulling us into a permanent "sleep" (VR world(s)) and after that, what it does after that does not concern us...

>> No.12422522

Technologically Fusion Power, Carbon Nanotubes, Quantum Computing, Superconductors and Transhumanism will shape the next 50 years. FP will power the world without causing pollution and will generate enough power to make vertical farming, will open massive structures with massive energy needs as electricity will become massivly cheap and will open up space industralization with its need for Helium-3. Transhumanism will enahnce the general ability of humanity but not everyone will have access to it. The developed nations might experience widespread distrubution via a new health care system but less developed nations will see the citizen of other nations become superhuman.

>> No.12422528

First you'll deal with the AI revolution and mass unemployment. Things are bad enough as is, but it's going to get so much worse that I can't even imagine it.
Essentially, the technocrats will let us plebs die off, and they'll achieve their transhumanism while keeping their society going through AI labor.

>> No.12422531

Embrace acceleration. Welcome the imminent collapse and purge. Stockpile ammunition.

>> No.12422532

t. brainlet
They don't need you anymore dumb-dumb, why the fuck would they keep you alive when you have no purpose?

>> No.12422533

The Age of Malthusian Industrialism

>> No.12422539

You know we effectively have infinite free power right now in the form of coal. People go like " it will run out" but it hasnt yet and until it does its a near free energy source. So how come the world is not a Coruscant-Neo Tokyo hyperindustralized dystopia with all this free coal god put underground? Me thinks it takes more than free energy to grow an economy.

>> No.12422545
File: 1.03 MB, 1413x787, pigeon neutering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future is now.

>> No.12422546

Not a utopia nor a dystopia awaits us but new complexities, new potentials and new conflicts. Augmentations mostly won't be developed in black clinics but will be product of medical research and follow it in its application the supply/demand rule of all emerging technologies. Human modifications will be less horrific and glamorous than many think, because people do underestimate the therapeutic time humans will need to adapt to their augmentations. Transhuman technologies will not be the next computer or cellphones, but will become the next house.
The biggest issue with human augmentation is the growing gap between the rich and poor. Coupled with automatization your common baseline will not be able to compete with augmented rich or get access to the necessary enhancements. That's why I see a need to establish a Universal Health Care System that does not just seeks to treat people but to enable and enhance them. A society will benefit immensely if its children will all be born healthy, fit and smart and if it lets no potential go wasted by enabling anyone to have access to good augment treatments. In developed nations this might work out, but then the already existing gap between rich and poor countries will grow even larger. In 100 years a citizen of the develped world will differ fundamentally from anyone that grew up in a third world.
Just like the computer, cars or penicillin at first the rich will be the users, but the rules of demand/supply will enable anyone to get augmentations.
Most diseases, even aging will become treatable. The costs for augmentations will not stay high, especially biological ones will see a fast decline in prize thanks to CRISPR. The first Ford of human augmentation will become a trillionaire, augmentations won`t stay a product for the rich - it will become avaible to the masses a decade or two after hitting the market, sooner than what happened to the car and computers.

>> No.12422552

>now in the form of coal
Which produces carbon and pollution and its energy efficency is not that high and the the coal we still have is buried in deep mines. Many factors play a role in a growth of an economy butvery cheap energy will open up new business models like vertical farming, desert claiming, high energy industries, carbon captures and the electrification of all points of the earth. That will boom the economy.

>> No.12422556

Do you have any idea how abundant deuterium is? Fusion gives us a fuel supply that shoud last us millions of years and is as common as dirt (pour yourself a glass of water; congratulations, you've found deuterium). Compare that to the extraction of fossil fuels. In a fusion economy a project like the irrigation of the Sahara goes from something that would require significant investment from all the developed economies of the world to something that a modestly wealth North-African nation like Algeria could do by itself.

>> No.12422563

Thats not the point. It is still free energy until it runs out.

>> No.12422564

You assume that your elites will grant you the same privileges they're gonna have access to.
My question is, what do you base your assumption on? Because it's already clear they don't give two fucks about you or anyone who's not part of the upper echelon.

>> No.12422565

We don't need mosquitos any more, but they still seem to exist.
You have the most retarded point of view, and still have the gall to call anon a brainlet.

>> No.12422569

Not the point, coal is effectively infinite until the date it runs out. Yet we still have economic problems today and 100 years ago despite all this unlimited coal. The discovery of fusion wont change anything, there will still be stagnation and unemployment and Ebola. Fusion is just a coal that wont run out.

>> No.12422570

Apples and fucking microwaves anon.
The higher class will retreat into gated communities, protected and provided for by AI.
Everyone else will have to fend for themselves.
The lower class won't go extinct, but we'll be left to fend for ourselves and among ourselves.
If you think you're gonna get a high tech utopia because of your benevolent elites, you haven't been paying attention.
You fucking brainlet.

>> No.12422572

Anymore? When did anyone ever need mosquitos? How stupid are you?

>> No.12422573

Then you do it. Obtain all of this free coal, and provide this free energy for yourself and whoever else you want.

>> No.12422574

Nobody will ever just be left alone to fend for himself. The rich wont retreat to a gated community, they will claim the earth and you will be gas yourself in a local euthanasia clinic.

>> No.12422576

What do these rich and AI gain from preventing me from tending to my farm? Absolute retard.
Not as stupid as you, considering you completely missed the point.

>> No.12422579

Either or anon. Either or.

>> No.12422581

Go mine it yourself you dumb cunt. Do you think deuterim is free? That nuclear reactors are free? Go fuck yourself brainlet piece of shit.

>> No.12422583

If you're gonna fuck off into the middle of nowhere, nothing.
If you expect to be granted access to all the shiny high tech, I've got bad news for you.

>> No.12422584

>We don't need mosquitos any more, but they still seem to exist
Implying anyone ever needed mosquitos

>> No.12422587

Its not your farm, you own nothing. Nobody will leave you alone. Go hide atop an iceberg maybe no one will find you there.

>> No.12422589

>If you expect to be granted access to all the shiny high tech,
I don't. I couldn't care less about that.

>> No.12422591

Imagine never learning about irony.

>> No.12422592
File: 125 KB, 900x600, cabin-in-wheat-field-jeanie-mann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now's the time lads.

>> No.12422594

>Nobody will leave you alone
Why? How is there a net gain, from their perspective, when lording over me takes effort.

>> No.12422595

No one cares. Make a point of gtfo.

>> No.12422598

See you there.

>> No.12422599

You own nothing. What makes you think you can just farm someone else's land?

>> No.12422601

You've never studied economics have you anon? Fusion isn't free, but it would be much more cost effective compared to coal and oil over a given time period. This lowers the cost of energy which in turn makes a bunch of projects much more practical.

>> No.12422603

I did, you retard. You were too focused on a single word that you completely missed the point.

>> No.12422605

Buy the land.
You don't need that much to be self sufficient.
And if the powers that be are gonna actively hunt down people, then it's game over.

>> No.12422606

It takes no effort to kill you and you dont want to fuck off, you want to farm on someone else's land.

>> No.12422609

>It takes no effort to kill you
You are completely retarded if you think that.
>and you dont want to fuck off, you want to farm on someone else's land.
What the fuck are you on about, you schizo?

>> No.12422610

Its not more cost effective than coal. It is far more expensive than coal. Fission is also more expensive than coal.

>> No.12422611

Get out, walk towards the nearest overpass and jump.

>> No.12422616

Nothing is for sale and you cant outbid billionaires with a printing press.

>> No.12422620

Comfy matrix utopia

>> No.12422621

Don't know about the US, but an acre of prime farming land is 5000 euros in my neck of the woods.

>> No.12422622

You will simply be starved to death. You have no assets, you have no lands. You cant pay taxes, you wont find a job. Every land will be either private property or a national park, you are simply obsolete.

>> No.12422627

We are talking about the future pal. Likely you'll be unemployed and you'll be unable to buy any land or pay your taxes. But dont worry, the A.I will keep Mr.Musk and Mr.Gates descendants safe for all eternity. Humanity will survive!

>> No.12422635

Pointless to speculate about, all you can do is minimize current mental anguish by remaining optimistic.

>> No.12422686

The elites are not a monolithian culture or share any value together to stem such consipracy. They are in competition with each other and find themselves in different milieus. More owerful than any human megalomania are simple economic structures.
Just take a look at the past, the elites of the 19th and 20th century also had no interest for the poor and yet steam power, electricity, car, computers and mobile phones became widespread beyond the 1% because selling new stuff can make one from the 10% to the new 1%.

>> No.12422728

Except back then the elites needed the worker bees to be productive, so it was at least a somewhat symbiotic relationship.
Once AI takes over most manual labor economy won't really exist, at least not as it has and we'll be nothing but parasites in their eyes.

>> No.12422749

if you didn't live your live between the 50s and 2000s, you're fucked, it's all downhill from here and no one in this lifetime will see another upswing (if there ever will be one, which by the rate of climate decline is unlikely)

>> No.12422758

life* before any of you spergs gets an asthma attack kek

>> No.12422764

>over most manual labor economy won't really exist,
It already doesn`t exist anymore in developed nation. AI will also automazie all service labors, only creative work will remain and the specialization for it will increase. Only a greater investitation in education and acceptance of transhumanism will be make it possible for people stay competitive. Nevertheless I expect that many people won`t be able or don`t want to compete with AI or genetically engineered cyborgs or century year immortal boomers and thus a new class of underemployed who will have get assigned useless jobs like looking after automatized factories and drones, just to keep social peace and economic structure ongoing.

>> No.12422765

>live your live

>> No.12422767

You're fucking retarded anon.
Even your bait is retarded.

>> No.12423117
File: 431 KB, 5343x3663, past present.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or are things going to get better?
They are. Corona might have given all a psuh down but if we take a lare look at things and recognize the potential in new things then we can say that the world of tomorrow will be a better one. Not for all, but there will exists a greater degree of prosperity, peace and progress. Especially the latter 21th and the early 22th century will be intersting as we will probably begin space industralization.

>> No.12423901

In the US the left will become interwoven with the transhumanism movement and the right will become increasingly humanist, and it's going to be weird as fuck.

>> No.12424054

Isn't the left more environmentalist while the right also got techno-libertarian that push towards transhumanism as well. I suspect that both parties will have supporters and antagonist of transhumanism. I predict that the Democrats will have environmentalists as anti and democratic transhumanists, that wish to make access of this tech as widespread as possible, as pro. The religious right except the mormons won't like transhumanism but libertarians will love it.

>> No.12424089

this. based. powers that be are always playing catchup.

>> No.12424099

You would like this article:
tldr: elites went into a lot of debt for war and wealthy nobles only financed that, completely ignoring industry. This suppressed domestic wages to the extent that factory workers would work for next to nothing, spawning the first industrial revolution.

>> No.12424126

Is this taking into consideration the effect of the plagues reducing the labourforce?

>> No.12424175

I'm just pointing out that progress will continue no matter what elites do or finance.
The article is about how England's elites invested all their money abroad for England's wars so there were no funds for domestic business because no jobs. This lowered domestic wages and eventually everyone was horded into factories.

>> No.12425820

I hope the sleazy banking families such as the rotchilds aren't able to slither away once the death and chaos they have made inevitable ensues. We are going to lose everything that is priceless (if not more) thanks to their shortsightedness and greed and they should be made to pay dearly for foisting their psychotic infinite growth ponzi scheme on humanity.

>> No.12426831


>> No.12426842

take your pills