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File: 121 KB, 1052x1022, China Quantum Supremacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12420064 No.12420064 [Reply] [Original]

China now can brute-force America's nuclear codes and glownigger servers.

>Photon-based quantum computer does a calculation that ordinary computers might never be able to do.
>While Jiuzhang achieved Gaussian boson sampling in just 200 seconds, the researchers estimated that the same calculation would take the world's fastest supercomputer, Fugaku, 600 million years to complete.
>Quantum supremacy has only been claimed once before. Last year, Google's researchers showed off a 54-qubit processor that they said could run a test computation in 200 seconds – a calculation that, according to the research, would take the world's biggest supercomputers 10,000 years to complete.

>> No.12420073

So is cryptocurrency BTFO now that cryptography has been leap-frogged like a motherfucker?

>> No.12420075

Alot of these things will be BTFO once these quantum computers can actually be used for something useful

>> No.12420083

But can't China just rob every known crypto wallet that exists in under 1 second now?

>> No.12420213

they'll just invent quantum-cryptography

>> No.12420246

>china claims

>> No.12420498

How do they enter code 10000000 times in a row?

They cannot. RSA and Elliptic curves are being able to be cracked without it.

Quantum computing is about something different.

>> No.12420506

Yeah after everything everyone has right now is stolen

They wont fix the problem before its exploited bro

>> No.12420534

Technically it's not brute forcing, it's more along the lines of lightly skirting around the deterministic calculations.

>> No.12420541

Ok but what about actually important things like tranny bathrooms and making everyone wear masks?

>> No.12420551

That's what the boomers get for giving the chinese all our patents and knowhow. Now the boomers will retire in a decaying nation with their offspring worse off then they were while the labour nation china thrives.
Gj boomers.

>> No.12420575

Its the boomers fault about not giving a shit about technology. The retards running our government barely know a damn thing about Facebook, all they care about is doing the same shit they've been doing for the past 40 years: exploiting their own system, and the working class, for personal profit.

Meanwhile China probably has a superchink AI overlord planning world domination

>> No.12420634

The guy who leads China's quantum efforts is a Austrian-trained expert who got his PhD under Anton Zeilinger's tutelage, who's basically one of the big shots in quantum science right now.


So, no, we didnt give them any patents and knowhow but its basically a typical case of reverse braindrain from the West.

>> No.12420685

I support any QC development that's not superconducting qubits, fuck that field. I just wish it was trapped atoms/ions/molecules instead.

>> No.12420694

buttcoin is finished.

>> No.12420696

wtf you mean Trump expelling chinese researchers back to China is a bad idea?!

>> No.12420717


>> No.12420738

Bitcoin = cents
Bitcrypto = new dollar
/biz/ = pink wokjak central

>> No.12420749

Quantum computers are honestly just magic to me. I know how they are supposed to work but it just seems like a hack in the universe that they are even possible. If people get these things to actually work in generalized applications they will change the world.

>> No.12420798

Same concept. This is what the west gets for selling its universities out to foreign countries.
This shit more than anything makes me so fucking furious at the state of the west. Look how far ahead of everyone else we were only a hundred years ago. Now we've thrown it all away for shekels.

>> No.12420803

you do realize that it was only a matter of time, right? with 100x our population the high-tails of their distributions include so many more people, and once they caught up to us they were bound to blow us away.
kinda want to move to china, any advice lads?

>> No.12420808

But it wouldn't be cryptography if it was quantum because it's all connected there has to be people or things standing in between.

It seems to be that it would maybe come multiple types of currency like countries.

>> No.12420816

Nah it'll be photonic-cryptography where photons are beaten up like the stupid whores they are until the Quantum computer cant derive accurate information from them, yet there will be some sort of key that can get the beaten up photons to give the right info again

>> No.12420820

it seems kind of like they cheated. They say they managed to set-up their optics so that it produced random results, but I really don't see how that is possible.

>> No.12420823

Plus they have access to a central planned economy, we do not. Communism only failed in Russia because they hate their own people, the chinks know exactly how to treat their people just good enough, and allow just enough capitalism that they can both grow and keep control. Plus modern technology like smartphones helps out a lot.

>> No.12420832

Why are you so obsessed with the west being better. It is only a matter of time before the rise of the East anyways, since empires rise and fall. But isn't this a lot better for humanity as a whole? It creates global competition and an incentive for faster progress, and also the East has a lot more people which means a lot more potential research being done.
Learn Chinese, a lot of people know English but your life will be a lot easier if you know at least how to read Chinese. If you have good work experience from good companies in the west you can expect to be offered good jobs by Chinese companies, but the pay might be lower than your expectation since pay is generally lower in China (cost of living is too, except real estate). Chinese equivalence of a greencard is near impossible to get, but work permit/study permit/travel permit etc aren't.

>> No.12420833

yep, R&D for pure science excels in socialist countries. until there's money to be made, we're going to fall behind. currently only big tech giants are funding the research because they're the only places with the money to speculate on 20+ years of development

>> No.12420834

>how to read Chinese
I'd rather learn how to speak it. isn't reading it so insanely difficult because of how many unique characters there are?

I already have a lot of offers from chinese companies as I'm nearing the end of my phd, but I have no idea how to address the validity of these or whether they're actually good offers since I don't have any idea what life is like there. but it sounds like it could be a move I potentially make.

>> No.12420840

China is worth nuking just to not have to speak their garbage language

>> No.12420845

>you do realize that it was only a matter of time, right? with 100x our population
Meme understanding of history. Our population was significantly larger in the past and China's was significantly lower. Also, I don't see Africa leapfrogging us. Chinese supremacy being inevitable is pure propaganda.
>isn't this a lot better for humanity as a whole
I live in a chinkoid colony and while they may not be worse than american influence, they certainly aren't better.
The new generation of Chinese also largely despise basically everyone except other chinese.
The reality is the west has been sold out. None of this was inevitable. It was all made possible by western politicians.

>> No.12420854

yes and china is more integrated with the rest of the world, allowing them to catch up and use their population to surpass us.
africa is hardly integrated at all since the entire world has turned our back on them and they have a lot of catching up to do.
retard understanding of current geopolitics

>> No.12420857

And who integrated china with the rest of the world?

>> No.12420860

>china is more integrated with the rest of the world, allowing them to catch up and use their population to surpass us.
I believe that's exactly the problem, champ.

>> No.12420861


>> No.12420862

I just don't see why China gets to literally ethnically cleanse their country with methods straight out of the 1940s and I'm forced to take a class on intersectional queer feminist theory with an emphasis on the experiences of trans POC.

>> No.12420866

>africa is hardly integrated at all since the entire world has turned our back on them
They were basically gifted western technology and medicine when they were colonized and have still failed to do anything with it over 200 years since

>> No.12420867

why's that a problem? the world is not a game of civ, you're not going to embargo anyone in 2020. especially if they're a global economic superpower that everyone uses for manufacturing.
we're at our own fault for this one by relying on them so much and boosting their economy for our own marginal gains.

>> No.12420873

you're a fucking retard
we're not actively pumping these countries with the kind of money that we were to china. we're not actively putting our modern technologies there. it was a pump and dump, and they're still struggling to make use of that pump. especially since tech has changed so much since then.

>> No.12420874

If China had that ability they certainly wouldn’t be advertising it.

>> No.12420878

No lol. You think Japanese companies just moved to China just for the fuck of it?
Nixon, Clinton and friends made the decision to both gift China western manufacturing and technology despite them being clearly opposed to the west, then later on we even gave them a seat at the WTO for good measure, again all this despite them having no obligations to play by the same rules as the west.
Inevitable like fuck.

>> No.12420879

I mean, the articles I could find about it are extremely short. They might be sending it out as a warning.

>> No.12420880

why can't the west and china just get along and collaborate?

>> No.12420884

It can only be done in a wealthy society. China got wealthy after the West accepted it in the economic circle. Something is fishy because that was shortly after 1989. We don't know what was traded under the table. In any case, as far as maintaining the glory of being the richest, USA made a huge mistake, alone with many other mistakes. But who cares? Everybody is looking after their personal interest. Nobody oversees the long term national interest if there is such a thing.

>> No.12420886

>we're at our own fault for this one by relying on them so much and boosting their economy for our own marginal gains.
That's exactly what I said in the beginning. Like I said, the west sold out your futures to China.

>> No.12420887

I agree that this is a largely US problem. China just capitalized on it

>> No.12420888

we do...

>> No.12420890

Evolutionary game theory, the more related you are with whom you cooperate the higher your odds of success, the further the relation, the lower the odds of success. We would like to think we are higher beings but the most ethnically cooperative group prevails in the long run regardless of other circumstances this is a rule of life and not restricted to human behavior.

So people will in the end, play for their own team. Those that don't have determined their loss long before they realize they have lost.

>> No.12420893

It's more of an extremely subversive competition. Both sides need each other on a primal level, but that doesn't mean we're friends or "cooperating" in any way.

>> No.12420895

in academia we definitely are collaborating. I guess my research is esoteric enough that there's no competition. we have good collaborators at beijing and related universities

>> No.12420897

It is very difficult for any society to reach the height of civilization today. The West could have isolated China and made the ruling party lose credit everyday for falling so far behind.

>> No.12420898

Sounds nice. I've had a paper of mine outright ripped and republished in a chinese journal with spelling and grammar mistakes and new author names.

>> No.12420901

This is such a reddit take

>> No.12420903

that's so incredibly funny but only because it didn't happen to me. I'm sorry

>> No.12420905

Universities that interact with other countries should have their entire staff drawn and quartered

>> No.12420906

>The West could have isolated China
too bad we were busy trying to take advantage of it while simultaneously boosting its economy with the strength of the entire western world

>> No.12420907

Maybe it was necessary in the 70s and 80s. But after 1989 and the fall of Soviet, why did USA give China a lifeline is a mystery. Maybe it's the Jews. I mean the economists. Look! I use this high school mathematics to prove that globalization is great for everybody, everything else being equal and going my way.

>> No.12420911


>> No.12420917

It was totally unnecessary even during the cold war, especially during the 70s. Arguably it was partially accidental in the 80s due to the misguided anti Japan policies which moved Japanese technology to China but everything else is pure enrichment of western elites at the cost of every advantage the west had.

>> No.12420918

I honestly didnt care but ever since then we (my group and I) have had an unspoken no chinamen policy

>> No.12420924

why? did someone in the group leak the paper?
I would think that someone in china accessed the paper on arxiv or scihub and then just jacked the details.

>> No.12420940

Any kind soul that cares to explain to a profane what could quantum computers achieve and why would they be considered an epic breakthrough?
Really curious about this

>> No.12420945

Wasn't on arxiv so it was either just outright copied from another journal after publication or it was a reviewer. It was published so quickly we wondered if it was one of the Elsevier reviewers who gave us a review which only showed he hadn't read the paper, and then lo and behold a Chinese journal published the paper only a week or so after ours came out.

>> No.12420950

first use would be accurate simulation of quantum phenomena, which is already incredibly difficult on classical computers. I'm not as familiar with the future extensions of them.

>> No.12420954

that's incredibly interesting. did you pursue anything with them?
my guess would be someone accessed the paper legitimately and then yoinked it, but that doesn't address the issues of how they edited it.
that's really strange. did you guys do anything besides institute your no china policy?

>> No.12420961

this desu

west is utterly fucked

>> No.12420972

No, didnt really know what to do. It was literally the same paper. Of course you can't really do anything because Chinese journals don't give a fuck about IP or anything.

>> No.12420978

This shit make anyone else's blood boil? You've got to tell me I'm not alone in how furious this shit makes me.

>> No.12420983

that's true but if it was anything through Elsevier then you could reprimand them or at least that one reviewer. I wouldn't let this go. I don't mean punish the chinese publisher, but rather whoever made it accessible to them. unless they yoinked it fairly.

>> No.12420988

why? it's interesting and they posted the paper for all of us to read and adapt and improve on.

>> No.12420991

West is going through the Great Culture Revolution that China went through. But West may not be able to recover from it if the population is swapped.

>> No.12420993

Yeah this was years ago and I wasn't the corresponding author. I wouldn't have even published through Elsevier in the first place, but anyway. I agree more should have been done there.

>> No.12420995

>if the population is swapped
It's already well underway. It's when now.

>> No.12421014

That's the thing. I would be less blackpilled about our politics if we weren't committing to irrevocable acts.

>> No.12421018

Americans urgently need to change course.

>> No.12421022

>committing to irrevocable acts
such as?

>> No.12421031

Ethnic replacement of the host population, the proven population.

We are witnessing societal suicide.

>> No.12421032

Changing course won't do anything anymore they need to declare total war or it's over

>> No.12421042

>White people constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 234,370,202 or 73% of the population as of 2017. "Non-Hispanic Whites" make up 60.7% of the country's population.

>> No.12421047

You assume I'm talking solely about the US, even so, look at projections.

Here in Europe, our homeland, we are being replaced at dire rates.

>> No.12421050

This is an hilariously pathetic post.

Make a statement to go with your statistic. Are you and that poster even talking about the same country? Probably not. Talking about the same ethnic group? Perhaps not. Using current numbers to disregard a concern with an implication of time? Yes you are. I could go on. I believe fundamentally you are a weak and dishonest person.

Have a real conversation with this guy or kill yourself.

>> No.12421058

>have a real conversation
numbers don't lie imbecile. this isn't /pol
>I believe fundamentally you are a weak and dishonest person.
project harder coward
>kill yourself
> yea we're done here

>> No.12421059

And safe to say, I no longer have any allegiance to my country. They betrayed me, spat on me, and expected me to heel like a dog.
I expect to make major advancements in my lifetime, and none will be dedicated to the state that I was born in.
Order and accomplishment is not achieved by handicapping your most innovative class.

>> No.12421073

Handicapped how?

>> No.12421095

Yeah I agree but I've already fedposted enough over the past few days.

>> No.12421097

>current numbers are future numbers

You are indeed attempting to ruin the world because you hate how pathetic you are.

>> No.12421100

>with 100x our population
they will exhaust their resources 100x quicker.

>> No.12421102

Meds... now

>> No.12421109


>> No.12421113

At every level, we are discriminated against. That is from primary school to university, there are provisions and efforts made for every other demographic. The education system drugs and penalises my demographic for being too much my demographic. The examination system has been adjusted to penalise my demographic because they wanted less of my demographic. The academic system has been shown to hire discriminatory against my demographic.

All the while, at every level, impressionable kids are forced to have mandatory classes that tell us how evil my demographic is, and how privileged we are.

My state broadcaster does not proportionately represent my demographic because they don't like my demographic. They actively post training positions that lead to jobs as specifically not my demographic allowed. They continually bombard the population with propaganda about my demographic, demonising my demographic.

My local police and fire services actively say they discriminate against my demographics in the applicant stage.

Businesses are forced by the government to release proportions of my demographic, and told to discriminate against us more the next time they look for jobs, and are generally forced by the irate mob that hates my demographic.

My government at the highest level discriminates against my demographic because they want the votes from people not my demographic. They've now passed several laws to impinge my freedoms such it is hard and often illegal to protest the discrimination against me.

They've done too much to reverse. This is no pity party; it's time to leave, and time to build anew.

>> No.12421121
File: 198 KB, 875x581, 0394857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are your replacement. They were brought up on Grime and Drill music. China is invading in two decades. Good luck!

>> No.12421124

Don't let them break you m8

Smile at your oppressors

>> No.12421128

I'm optimistic for myself and what I want to achieve, let's just hope we can salvage enough before it's too late.

>> No.12421130

>Communism only failed in Russia because they hate their own people
also because they got in a pissing contest with the USA and they built their whole economy on oil exports. soviet russia was WILDLY successful up until the mid/late 80s. they were a powerhouse of science, engineering, and technology.

>> No.12421133

Never give up brother

>> No.12421135

>cHiNa iS iNvAdInG
Most superior air force in the world? USAF
And the 2nd best air force in the workd? That’d be the US Navy

Good luck!

>> No.12421138

It's the jews.
Which makes the fact that China told them to fuck off in 2005 all the more hilarious.

Jews getting jewed is always hilarious.

>> No.12421144

t. Retarded boomer that views life through a walmart rambo lens

>> No.12421147

Just because they were successful, it doesn't mean they didn't hate their own people as well. They didn't commit enough to the authoritarian regime, they never carved out an exit from the ideology to elevate themselves to the level of the US. China actually has dedicated capitalistic areas of their country, the rest is communist. It's actually a quite ingenious solution, you oppressively police and control the rural idiots while not driving business from the places that matter. Also it helps that China's not a frozen shithole.

>> No.12421148

See how that holds up when China surpasses you economically and technologically because you were too busy focusing on pleasing your nigger masters

>> No.12421151

>an austrian painter
Jesus Christ!

God Save Us All!

>> No.12421152

oh for sure, I just wanted to add that it wasn't just "hating your citizens" that made them collapse. if that were true america would have been toast decades ago

>> No.12421153

t Copium maximus

>> No.12421156

Imagine being a true believer in any nation in the modern era

Do you know anything about history?

>> No.12421159

It would be copium maximum
Secondly you can't hold military advantage if you're also declining in technological and economic lead

>> No.12421178

Yes i too read hoffer when i was 12 faggot
History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon.
CCP is living on borrowed time. It will have a similar fate as Soviet Union. Everything was forever, until it was no more.

>> No.12421183
File: 186 KB, 1172x776, romanarmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall of Rome?
Ha! Who has the most superior army? We do!
Who has an expansive empire, with countless tributes ours? We do!

Good luck!

>> No.12421188

My thoughts actually

>> No.12421208

You are so painfully wrong about your position in the world

Stop drinking the america kool aid

>> No.12421225

Braunau- Upon-Statford

Come on, Mann,

Lichten Up!

>> No.12421230

>CCP is living on borrowed time
As do all countries. The US isn't going to last either, at its current pace. Both parties seem poised to explode and, unless a capable politician restores order, the US will lack any real political unity.

To be fair, China's reputation on the world stage is going down the drain, and is probably worse than America's right now. If China becomes the world power and outlives the US, I could see a coalition forming against it, because of just how imperialistic it is.

>> No.12421234

It is hard but speaking it won't be any easier. Chinese is just a hard language. Personally I am glad I was born into it instead of having to learn it from scratch later down the line. If you are willing to put in the time though you will be fine. You don't have to master the language, it will just make life a lot easier if you are fair with it. As for the validities of the companies, search them up online. See how large they are, see what they do and also see where they want you to work. Preferably you would want to work in places like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. The biggest cities, and the most prosperous ones.

>> No.12421238

You will find out just how right I am cocksucking commie paper tiger

>> No.12421301

I am more American than you will ever be, I just don't delude myself.

Understanding your team is going to lose doesn't mean you don't support your team, you fucking piss brained retard.

>> No.12421346

>China now can brute-force America's nuclear codes and glownigger servers
>Air gap? What's an air gap?

>> No.12421361

>If China becomes the world power and outlives the US, I could see a coalition forming against it
this is very likely to happen with other Asian countries, especially Japan, India, and Vietnam

>> No.12421364

>CCP is living on borrowed time
so is the US. In fact it looks like the US has less time than China right now.

>> No.12421365


This literally never happened.

>> No.12421375

this so much.

>> No.12421377
File: 131 KB, 500x419, 500px-W-88_warhead_detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that his dealing with China are the reason why the picture can even exist

>> No.12421378

The only thing that stands to break an Asian coalition would be the tendency of Asians to dislike each other (especially the Korea-China-Japan triad). I think the US should try to facilitate that, but I can't see Biden trying to build alliances with China's enemies. The man is too conservative for that.

>> No.12421387

Japan India and Vietnam have a good relationship, which is why they are kind of an informal coalition as it is

>> No.12421393

For real, how does it feel watching China overtake you, and white people getting replaced in their home countries? I genuinely want honest answers to this.

>> No.12421400

That's neat. Just means that the US/Europe would have to take action to align with those nations rather than China.
I wonder if there are any strategic constraints that prevent them from doing so, or if American politicians are just afraid of/influenced by China?

>> No.12421407

This is your brain on /pol
A cautionary tale

>> No.12421414

deny reality all you want

>> No.12421418

Oh should you not have any opinion on it? Or are you implying one should totally lack pattern recognition? Fuck you. Piece of shit.

>> No.12421431

politicians are the ones selling you out
Even at this point, if the politicians actually wanted to, you could absolutely slap China around pretty good. The issue is they have no desire to actually serve their countries.

>> No.12421438

Honestly none of this surprises me. When I was a kid hardly anyone I went to school with even cheered for our home team in hockey, which I thought was perplexing at the time. Some sort of mass psychological disorder or desire to be cuckolds. The people here are ripe to be made slaves of some foreign power.

>> No.12421509

After 9/11 it was the Chinese government who mass bought up the market in the panic, and, in the eyes of Western economists this was "stabilizing the system". Of course, economists tend to be the textbook definition of lunatics and frauds, so I'll leave people with knowledge of the region's history to draw their own conclusions.

>> No.12421534

Kek I wouldn't be surprised if the CCP/UF use exactly this type of bs ethnonationalist crap to catfish people. I mean it only needs to work on 0.1% and up right?

>> No.12421574

If we hadn't fucked ourselves over by our ethnic masochism and had some fucking pride we'd never have got to this position in the first place.
All of those opinions are normal. Wanting your own race to be successful and not get fucked over is normal.

>> No.12421588

>Wanting your own race to be successful and not get fucked over is normal.
it's not though

>> No.12421600

>your own race
the human race?

>> No.12421604


It is a basic fact regarding all life forms you sick freak

>> No.12421607


>> No.12421610

Genetic distance directly determines rate of success, the more closely related, the higher the success. Obviously, any group that figures this out will do their best to convince all other groups not to apply the method.

>> No.12421613

denying a connection to your own ethnicity is not healthy
no other culture does this

>> No.12421615

If your race is getting fucked over it means you're getting fucked over too, brainlet. Are white people just too fucking dumb to have an underatanding of race besides "blacks bad" and "blacks good"?

>> No.12421631

"race" is an arbitrary, meaningless concept on a biological level. this is the science board.

>> No.12421639

you are absolutely disgusting

>> No.12421641

the designation of the colour red is also arbitrary and exists on a spectrum, but that doesn't mean red doesn't exist
same with race

>> No.12421642

If you had a widow's peak and I start working to secure preferential positions specifically for people without widow's peaks, I'm making the world worse for you, despite the fact that I've arbitrarily classified you, dumb honky bitch.

>> No.12421644

except race influences social policy regardless of whether you think it's biologically well-defined

>> No.12421646

You’re in a /pol/ thread though unfortunately

>> No.12421647

he's factually wrong in any case

>> No.12421659

infinite copium, thanks for playing but you're still wrong

>> No.12421660

damn son bringing the hard hitting rebuttals right there u sure showed those racists

>> No.12421661

Just keep saying it cracker, maybe it'll be true.

>> No.12421664

it's 4chan, we have hte exact same rhetorical weight to the things we say: zero

>> No.12421665

We have all kinds of laws centered around arbitrary meaningless concepts. How about that.

>> No.12421668

i agree that "race doesn't real" has zero weight at least

>> No.12421669

as does "race is real".it's a void concept. thank you for agreeing.

>> No.12421672

>it's 4chan
really? because you seem to think this is reddit

>> No.12421673

your argument for "race is real" is "this entirely fictional set of guidlines for behavior is 'real'"? you just proved my point. race is only as real as you pretend "law" is real. law is a made up human idea. so is race.

>> No.12421677

>thank you for agreeing
i said nothing about that point
the way you try and get this little snippy burns is a very bugman style behavior

>> No.12421679

once upon a time, i was a redditor. in 2012 i finally realized that reddit's inherent mechanism of gameifying human interaction was conent poison. i deleted all my accounts and have not posted on reddit since. once or twice a month i read a reddit post that pops up in my tech troubleshooting results. that's it.

>> No.12421680

And it's often in one's best interest to follow laws, just like it's often in one's interest to consider the general situation of the groups one is arbitrarily classed into. Lots of women with perfectly happy lives still marched for suffrage, lost of black men and women still worked to help their fellow black people even after they'd gained their own freedom. I get that honkies don't do that sort of thing but to deny that the phenomenon exists is absurd.

>> No.12421686

"best interest" is a contest dependent evaluation. thanks for playing, you jsut proved race is fake.

>> No.12421689

He didnt prove your point you fucking idiot, you're so desperate to one up someone

>> No.12421695

Then just get rid of the contest if you don't want to have to care about race, gender, and nationality, honky retard.

>> No.12421698

i'm not desperate, i'm shitting around. i'm drunk as a skunk. i know full well i'll never convince you, him, or anyone who might be reading this. i'm bieng contrarianf or hte fun of it. i like making you mad.

>> No.12421702

based drunk poster

>> No.12421706

No my argument is that not being “real” doesn’t make it meaningless. It may be arbitrary, but it’s not meaningless. Laws are arbitrary, but they very much mean something.

>> No.12421711

if yit's not real, how does it have meaning? you seem to be subscribing ot magical thinking

>> No.12421713

How are you not in jail yet?

>> No.12421716

because i'm like every single other human being, regardless of the meaningless, uninformative categories we apply to them

>> No.12421718

So you act as though fake things are real so you don't get fucked over, sounds pretty magical.

>> No.12421721

you're right! nothing matters. acting as though things matter is pointless.drawing arbitrary divisions is pointless. humans are an amorphous blob that defies categorization.

>> No.12421729

Absolutely, but you know these people will still be bound to unrealities, the nature of the game brings it back, again and again.

>> No.12421733

only if you willingly accept it. if you realize the truth, that the divisons we draw between humans are pointless and meaningless, we can break the cycle. stop blinding yourself. we're all teh same people. "race" is a fiction.

>> No.12421735

anyway i need to sleep. goodnight. fuck ou racists, you're scum, a stain on the human species. i hate you. i will not be responding to this thread, anyone who claims to be me is an imposter. as i said earlier, i'm drunk as Fuck. Fuck you.

>> No.12421743

You can convince yourself of the truth, a few others too maybe, but nature will favor those that fall into delusions that assist their evolutionary fitness.

>> No.12421763

I like how you suddenly were just pretending to be retarded all along and threw in some spelling mistakes for good measure.

>> No.12421768

Oh sure just convince all other races to stop putting their own people first as well. Until then, pretending race is nothing only means your group gets fucked over.

>> No.12421771

Agreed, I was being a bit facetious, showing how momentous the task of changing the base conditions is.

>> No.12421813

Interferometers anon, check out Boson Sampling, it is random because the squeezed states could travel down either branch after a beam splitter.

>> No.12421827
File: 93 KB, 212x218, A95EEA4C-BEAE-47D1-B471-147961C6DAAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came to this thread because i work in Quantum information and was excited to talk about it.
>read through
>absolute morons and poltards shitting up any actual discussion
>the actual significance of the achievement and the physics behind it is nowhere to be found

Feels bad man

>> No.12421839

As the other anon said, simulation of quantum systems was the first identified application.

However, they are also really good for most computationally hard problems like the Travelling Salesman, protein folding/attaching, brute forcing passwords etc.

>> No.12421850

dick nixshit

>> No.12421856

Ok let's talk about how fucked it is the chinks are surpassing us in quantum information. What do you want to talk about?

>> No.12421890

give it a year, western companies are working on these things too.

>> No.12421891

The /pol/tards got attracted to this because their tribalistic mindset causes envy. I would say this happening anywhere in the world is a great leap for humanity.

>> No.12421931

China doesn't give a fuck about the rest of the world's benefit.

>> No.12421939

That's because it's obviously bullshit propaganda for retarded twats like you, just like every other quantum computing "advance" ever.

>> No.12422006

China got to where it is today by stealing existing knowledge. Protection of intellectual property doesn't really work in the long run. Knowhow can only be hoarded temporarily

>> No.12422040

>China got to where it is today by stealing existing knowledge.
No, it got to where it is by the west basically handing it to China. Getting robbed is very different from being sold out.

>> No.12422050
File: 21 KB, 600x342, 46113-800px_m26_c130_zomgrei_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't we just let them take over? They appear to be running things effectively compared to the west. It's not like they'll have complete world domination, just large influence. We'll still have freedoms and shit just not global power. Maybe they'll make the world better than it right now.

>> No.12422067

No. In recent years they've redone their education system to inculcate a significant hate towards the west in the next generation of Chinese. There's a very low chance of them not acting on that once they get the opportunity.

>> No.12422076

>Boson sampling constitutes a restricted model of non-universal quantum computation introduced by S. Aaronson and A. Arkhipov[1] after the original work of L. Troyansky and N. Tishby, that explored possible usage of boson scattering to evaluate expectation values of permanents of matrices.[2] The model consists of sampling from the probability distribution of identical bosons scattered by a linear interferometer. Although the problem is well defined for any bosonic particles, its photonic version is currently considered as the most promising platform for a scalable implementation of a boson sampling device, which makes it a non-universal approach to linear optical quantum computing. Moreover, while not universal, the boson sampling scheme is strongly believed to implement computing tasks, which are hard to implement with classical computers, by using far fewer physical resources than a full linear-optical quantum computing setup. This makes it an candidate for demonstrating the power of quantum computation in the near term.
I'm a brainlet.

>> No.12422092

There was a thread on /biz/ about this topic that had better information than this thread. The absolute state of /sci/.

>> No.12422101

/biz/ is after all the smartest board.

>> No.12422155

>The success of the program in recruiting U.S.-trained scientists back to China has been viewed with concern from the U.S., with a June 2018 report from the National Intelligence Council declaring an underlying motivation of the program to be “to facilitate the legal and illicit transfer of US technology, intellectual property and know-how” to China.[35] In January 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Charles M. Lieber, the chair of Harvard University's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, for lying about his ties to the program.[36][37] In May 2020, the FBI arrested a former researcher at the Cleveland Clinic for failing to disclose ties to the Thousand Talents Program.[38] In June 2020, it was reported that the National Institutes of Health had investigations into the behavior of 189 scientists.[39]

fucking lmao

>> No.12422195


>Meanwhile China probably has a superchink AI overlord planning world domination

given what we've seen with this covid nonsense i think you're right.

>> No.12422204


all this says to me is that chinks cant handle anything on their own. they're fucked but they're gonna take us down with them.

rip humanity

>> No.12422254

once again, a national socialist country pushes the boundaries of technology

>> No.12422269 [DELETED] 

a jew acting against the west and for communism? what a surprise!

>> No.12422276

a jew acting against the west? what a surprise! never happened before.

>> No.12422284

>muh selfish genes are the only relevant actors, life not even people have any agency, all life is just long lines of ruthlessly egotistical calculating living machines
This is your threadly reminder that Bill (W.D.) Hamilton was infinitely more blackpilled than you are, and it led him to investigate the origins of HIV in Congo, which he was convinced had been caused by polio vaccines (after all, Western medicine now could not possibly in his view be of any therapeutic merit to anyone other than Westerners naturally - the selfish gene logic dogma forbids it) while around him a genocide was happening as Hutu massacred Tutsi because the Belgian rulers had early on in the 20th century made up a mythology calling the Tutsis "noble giants from the North, descended from Ancient Egypt" and the Hutu's "savages" which handily went together with their preference of having Tutsis in administrative positions within the colonial government - and ALL of which was entirely made up and fake, but because the Belgians liberals had felt guilty about their crimes they had shortly before independence riled up the Hutus to rebel against the Tutsis (resulting in massacres) the made-up ethnic race myth started to take on a life of its own, people started believing it whereas previously the Hutus and Tutsis had lived together in peace for centuries, and then ultimately resulted in the horrible Second Congo War in which millions died, and Bill Hamilton took an aspirin died.

1 of the things I take away from it is how idle falsities created to divide people spread carelessly and for the wrong reasons can take on a life of their own and have catastrophic consequences down the line, including world wars, genocide, mass death. And also, that people are not genes, and shouldn't "think" like one either. Genes are biological machinery, but life, people exceed sum of their parts.

>> No.12422308

No. And "appear" is the operative word there.

>> No.12422352

Family is also an arbitrary, meaningless concept on a biological level. We're all related to various degrees, there is no nicely delineated group that are "family" vs "not family"

....still means I invite the people closest to me round for christmas

>> No.12422402
File: 95 KB, 640x480, wtf kinda checkers is that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a time to be alive

>> No.12422409

Made in china

>> No.12422582

Humans are a species you moron

>> No.12422604

not for liberals, but you guys will be extinct by the end of the century anyway

>> No.12422615

Can you explain what they are and why?

>> No.12422631

try to drink yourself to death, would be a service for everyone

>> No.12422668

Why does my own race hate itself so much?
I'm not white btw

>> No.12422669

I'm a paki

>> No.12422674

They're more like "re-educating" their minorities and making them more culturally "Han". It's what the romans tried to do with their barbarians neighbors but failed, whilst China actually has been successful in "sinicizing" their northern barbarians (Huns, Mongols...) and they're still doing It to this day.

>> No.12422675

Your post does not invalidate a single element of evolutionary game theory or the absolute utter dominance of ethnocentric survival strategies. No amount of words you type will change the fact that the less genetic distance between two entities has a direct connection to rate of success. Sorry about your sad sob story you fucking loser.


Quite a lot of us were convinced to use a survival strategy that is statistically doomed to lose.

>> No.12422682
File: 135 KB, 1330x480, 1601190555350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China is literally following the same steps as Japan back then. The latter began their economic boom building cheap shit after WW2, which were of poor quality but as time went by they became much more sophisticated and managed to build much better stuff but the notion of "Made in Japan" was still known as "cheap shit".
Then came the 80's when Japan was literally about to overtake the US economically, where even Trump was saying the same things he's saying about China today but about Japan: https://youtu.be/A8wJc7vHcTs?t=130
The anti-japanese sentiment became greater as the american companies were being BTFO by japanese manufacturing: https://youtu.be/T56O7HGroY8
And even more americans claimed that the japanese success was all due to Japan copying american stuff: https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1987/12/21/69996/index.htm
Japan in the end was forced to sign the Plaza Accord where the USD would become depreciated in relation to the Yen (literal economic suicide for export based economy). This directly caused the "Lost Decade" of Japan.
But we can't use this tactic this time against china since they're not a vassal state unlike Japan was and still is

>> No.12422684

You are nothing but a pathetic weakling who the propaganda has worked on. You make me sick and deserve to be put down.

>> No.12422688

Because the US is the current world power whilst China is a rising one who's currently in the process of overtaking the former. Many wars have been fought throughout history because of this reason, we humans never change

>> No.12422694

America is not the benevolent will of God, your sitcoms that built your mind just told you happy stories to make you feel like you have a fairytale life.

Braindead fag.

>> No.12422696

are you by any chance a redditor?

>> No.12422702
File: 143 KB, 867x1024, 1605355844949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He clearly said that China would invade in two decades

>> No.12422705

Those are all your words. Keep projecting toots, you’re clearly trying to get a grip. Oh, and one more thing—you’re not going to like what comes after America.

>> No.12422706

Zoomer coins btfo

>> No.12422707

It was the "roman legions" who helped the "barbarians" sack Rome:>>12422702

>> No.12422715
File: 140 KB, 756x756, 1591266436305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the chinese have done is feasible or is just propaganda?

>> No.12422718
File: 33 KB, 500x576, 1605328450863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it seem no one cares about this, it's not even blowing up on reddit. If it was google instead of China, this would be front-page news.

>> No.12422720

I question if you are properly understanding what I'm telling you. America has been out paced and out willed. It sucks, but it's our fault for letting it happen.

You know I've been reading up on the hilarious fuck ups of the great leap forward lately, the CCP literally allowed students to take over every school and torture their teachers to death. Then those kids got sent to the rural areas to be slaves. Hilarious fucking retards. The social structure has already had a full blown destruction in China many times over. It's all a walk in the park for them. They can sit back, and play with social media and destroy us fully. They know it too. They have mastered a problem that we are just now approaching.

>> No.12422729

>a thread on quantum computing
>turns into a bunch of virgins fighting over who's /pol/
Can you fucking IQ niggers explain to me why quantum computers are so good, and if they're even possible to create?
and can you faggots stop crying about China? That country is demographically fucked and their economy completely relies on manufacturing garbage for overweight americans. They might be paying western scientists to create their tech, but that doesn't mean they'll overtake the west.

>> No.12422730

Are you the king of complacency?

>> No.12422732


>> No.12422733

>That country is demographically fucked
Not any worse than western ones. Much better off even.
>They might be paying western scientists to create their tech
They arent. This was led by Chinese researchers.

>> No.12422745

No, the tactic doesn't work this time because china is far more diversified than Japan, and japan was nearing its peak before the plaza accord anyway. China isn't.
The "japan is a vassal state" meme is also retarded considering japan is and was such a large economic force it exerts considerable influence on the us behind the scenes in turn. You just don't often hear about it since japanese politicians are excellent at doing it quietly.

>> No.12422751

their birthrate went from mao's 6 kids per family down to one child policy, which is kicking in now as their demographics can be halfed. they don't have welfare states to support their elderly, they don't have any military power, they have serious problems with corruption, and their economy is stagnating.

>> No.12422771

I'm sorry to inform you but America isn't the reason WW1 or WW2 was won

>> No.12422784

your post is very strange. What caused the vicotyr in ww1 and ww2 anon?
China is an export led economy, because the world imports. I wouldn't be too concerned with China.

>> No.12422792

Not him, but America was an integral part of the equation of victory.

> Joseph Stalin, during the Tehran Conference during 1943, acknowledged publicly the importance of American efforts during a dinner at the conference: "Without American machines the United Nations could never have won the war."[42][43]
In a confidential interview with the wartime correspondent Konstantin Simonov, the Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov is quoted as saying:
Today [1963] some say the Allies didn't really help us ... But listen, one cannot deny that the Americans shipped over to us material without which we could not have equipped our armies held in reserve or been able to continue the war.[44]

>> No.12422797

My post is meant to crack the thick skin of American excellence that you hide behind. It's likely you just know the public school narratives of things. America is nearly last place in regard to Ally contribution to either war.

>muh export economies cant fight wars because we wont give them money
That makes export economies go to total war instead of just normal war, idiot.

>> No.12422804

>Stalin lies to some lads and gets free stuff
>somehow Stalin doesnt get the credit for this slick move

>> No.12422812

this is by far the most interesting post in this thread.

this is by far the worst post in this thread.
here's a video that goes well with your post.

>> No.12422818

You're an entry level retard

>> No.12422823

Yeah but all those kids are Chinese while the us is going full niggerlicious

>> No.12422826

please don't say that :(

i see

>> No.12422828

Oh. You’re this kind of retard. Can’t argue with a water ain’t wet tier bias head. We’re done here.

>> No.12422831

why am I a retard?

>> No.12422835

Look cupcake, bodies are more of a contribution than materials.

Because you were amazed by a basic fact of the war regarding Stalin a very well known fact in addition you posted a video which is as normie tier as it gets when it comes to being critical of America. You're probably a highschooler. You are a low information person.

>> No.12422843

Wait, you know this information and yet you don't believe the US play an integral part in the victory against Nazi Germany?

What's low information?

>> No.12422845
File: 164 KB, 830x1020, 861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /sci/ so late to this shit? It's days old.
You cunts just want to ree about the chinks don't you?

>> No.12422848

Forgive my retard level question
In a situation where a regular computer/server can accept 1 input at a time and locks someone out after 3 wrong tries, how would a quantum computer help?
It might be able to produce every possible guess in seconds but it can’t input them all simultaneously, so what am I missing?

>> No.12422851


Evolution doesn't work "for the good of the group".
"kin selection" only applies to close kin, because there is a certain probability that they are carriers of the "kin favouritism" gene - thus enabling it's spread.

What almost certainly did evolve is a potential for more open-ended "groupism" which racism happens to slot easily into.

>> No.12422863

this is impressive, would you feel safe riding those?

>> No.12422869

Fucking Caesar himself had plenty of Gauls in his legions, spaniards too
What the fuck is this meme image

>> No.12422874

Integral =/= Less than the role others played


>> No.12422881

Those were in the Auxilia (allied troops and mercenaries who had their own officers and organizations), whilst the Legions were always ethnic romans, but that changed during the late roman period when even non-romans were allowed to join the Legions

>> No.12422883

who played the biggest role to nazi germany's defeat? The Soviet Union?

>> No.12422886

Evolution does not work for the good of the group. Evolution is a stupid process with nearly nothing to do with human ideals. Correct.

However, the more related you are the higher the success rate of your plan. You WILL lose to groups that practice this more acutely than your group does. This is not about white supremacy, it is about the fact that you are volunteering for suicide and you think it's the right thing to do.

>> No.12422889

In WW2, America was more pivotal in the Pacific Theater, but it still played a major part in Europe.
>Spearheaded the conflicts in Morocco and Italy
>Provided armaments to the USSR and UK
>Constituted a major portion of the D-Day landings and push into Germany
Obviously, the US doesn't get the sole credit for the European Theater, and the USSR played a huge part that's often overlooked by the West due to the Cold War.

In WW1, the American arrival served more as a morale shock than anything, but that may have been what was needed. France was on the verge of a Socialist revolt just like Germany, and US involvement meant that Germany collapsed rather than the Allied powers.

>> No.12422891

By a massive margin the war would be lost otherwise, Americans did not need to participate.

>> No.12422895

>pivotal role in pacific theatre

All they did was beat up Japan before Russia did it, because they didnt want Russia to have control over Japan. It was just a "I got the touchdown" scenario. Japan would have never won against the allies.

>> No.12422901

How did Soviet Union hold back the nazis/industrialise their army to fight back the nazis?

>> No.12422906

That's only somewhat true. The late Roman military only started collapsing when the Foederati began to replace the legions, which came about due to the tendency of emperors to bribe the legions (especially after the Severans came to power).
At that point, the legions were incredibly corrupt and unprofessional, so Germanic tribes had to be accepted as mercenary regiments (and thus weren't really assimilated).

Many of the good late Roman emperors had come from former colonies and provinces. Aurelian, Diocletian, and Constantine all came from Illyria and Dacia, rather than Italy. In fact, the later Italian emperors were oftentimes the weakest and most corrupt, because the founding values of the Republic were long forgotten.

>> No.12422909

I can assure you the weather itself played more of a role than any materials the russians were given. They could have fended off the germans with rocks. Imagine thinking Stalin is anything but a liar. Giving credit to Americans is to poke fun at how dumb they are for being fooled by him. He was thumbing his nose.

>> No.12422911

that's interesting. What about Nazi Germany's internal structure? Did it play any role?

>> No.12422915

Bro, fuck your gay ass fag questions you're a little bitch IRL.

Stalin won WW2. Only Stalin was deceitful enough to make all of the other world leaders trip over themselves and shoot all of themselves in the foot. Pre-emptive invasions, poor alliances, etc, all caused by the threat of Stalin. Everyone punched themselves in the face because they didnt know what move Stalin would make.

>> No.12422921

Yes, Stalin was a true genius!

>Bro, fuck your gay ass fag questions you're a little bitch IRL.
Sorry :( I'm mostly just inside and I don't go out too often.

>> No.12422948
File: 53 KB, 600x600, DZepvo6WsAAofhJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only modern asymmetric cryptography, in particular elliptical curve is "btfo"
Regular ole hashing and symmetric crypto is perfectly fine and will hold up.

A post-quantum bitcoin signature alternative has been in place for years. The current post-quantum NIST standardization process is nearly wrapped up and you'll likely see it more commonly rolled out. Likely in hybrid modes with existing safe shit considering how new most of these algos are.
If someone could actually break elliptical curve crypto today, they could steal billions in cryptocurrency. The fact that hasn't happened already suggests it's highly unlikely to exist anywhere. There's essentially a massive bounty on this shit right now. If someone has access to enough bits of quantum computing power the thought has surely crossed their mind to do it on the sly.
I've ridden a bunch of these muthafuckas over the years, it's comfy as fuck and well priced, best way to get around. Chink plane travel, not so much, it's literally hell on Earth.

>> No.12422951

Not that guy but honestly, of all the causes you could possibly think of for this, why are you ascribing the success of China's quantum computing program to the idea that Chinese have a higher degree of related ancestry? It seems pretty obvious that things such as funding, general interest and such would be important, but related ancestry? Fucking how?

>> No.12422964

I just googled them, looks like they're safe. I figured they'd be risky af considering they're produced in china.

>> No.12422982

>Beat up Japan before Russia did it
Russia only joined that war in 1945, months before Germany fell. Russia was not the primary consideration, though that likely did encourage the deployment of nuclear bombs.
The majority of the Pacific War was naval battles rather than land ones, and navies tend to be overlooked compared to land armies. The US did play a major role their, though the majority of the conflict was logistical.

>> No.12422983

first you say the weather caused Nazi Germany's defeat, then you give Stalin credit for the victory. Nazi Germany's war ambitions were doomed from the start. Their forces were spread extremely thin and anything could have breached it. They didn't have access to oil, which every modern war industry is dependent on. Stalin could just retreat all his troops, and watch Hitler and his crew of doped down morons ruin themselves. In the effort he killed off so many people in the Soviet Union with a foundation for an economy that eventually collapsed. His life was filled with paranoia and death. Stalin was a good political player, but, just like hitler, terrible at everything else. The US could sit back and watch Stalin do the whole job while just providing supplies, then beat him to the cake by reaching Berlin.

>> No.12422992

I'm honestly far more scared about the roads and insane domestic airlines piloted by nutjobs who probably forged their training certs.
Trains there are nice man.

>> No.12422998


The weather played a bigger role than materials. Also, it's not my fault that the entire world's choices were the result of a fear of Stalin.

>> No.12423003

Can you explain to me how something that isn't invented yet and is a new technological paradigm can already have a work around?

Because to me this seems fundamentally impossible. There are not even developed quantum applications yet.

>> No.12423033

good point.

>> No.12423265

Because genetic distance of a population determines certain cognitive biases that directly aid the success of cooperative measure.

>> No.12423303

>he thinks people that are no longer capable of having kids matter for the future demographic
full redditard

>> No.12423315

Is this just a really dumb question or does no one know how it would work in a practical world?

>> No.12423460
File: 194 KB, 924x1035, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck anon, I think at last I see
We have gone so wrong, so long time ago
I always assumed it was bullshit because every public figure talking about this was a screaming literal retard.

>> No.12423481

Welcome to the world

>> No.12423497

>with 100x our population
it's like 3x

>> No.12423528

I think I understand how this interplays with political correctness now. Simplifying a bit, people fall somewhere on a scale from "avoid at all costs" to "socially accepted member of society" in status. This seems to correlate well with career advancement and mating opportunities. Political ocrrectness forces lower the social status of those who openly advocate minimal (or zero) immigration, directly hurting them. Social media seems to increase the amplitude of this as well. But the key idea is, only a raging literal retard would publicly speak out against immigration because of how severe the social setbacks would be. The reason why nationalist politicians are so weird is not because of their ideas, but because either 1) only retards don't realize what will happen, or 2) only madmen don't give a fuck.
If this is correct then what a horrible dilemma it is. I don't like politicians who just scream and act retarded either, but now I'm interested, how do I find people who have thoughts in this direction but are actually intelligent

>> No.12423541

Don't go too fast bro, political correctness is more of a tool than an effect. The groups with the most direct ethnocentric strategies will use any method possible to convince other groups to not increase the ethnocentric nature of their own strategy, at all costs they will shill for the opposite. Things like media and politics are very convoluted and players from a shitload of angles, it's useless to understand it at this level. Just know how the outcome will arise and play accordingly. Ignore the noise.

>> No.12423561

It's a bit weird but alright. I only entered this thread on a whim but it has been a pleasure, thank you anon.

>> No.12423564

Also you won't find people that have my angle my thoughts are my own you'll only find people that are generally in a similar direction

Try professor edward dutton he messes around with this stuff but obviously, is not the exact same human as me

>> No.12423567

Goodluck, the best advice I can give is to differentiate objectivity and human aesthetic opinion. Harder than you think.

>> No.12423575

My "sob story" details who discovered evolutionary game theory, you mong. And you may want to re-check if Napoleon Chagnon's research was actually as legit as he made it out to be, kek. Now fuck off to >>>/pol/ with your fallacious ethnonationalism.

>> No.12423579

Not an argument

>> No.12423718

You're welcome to try and reproduce his results with the Yanomami, maybe they'll trick you into giving them machetes for behaving as they think you want them to behave too. :^)

>> No.12423739

I posted a study in addition to the wiki page regarding evolutionary game theory, please examine

Also, I assure you everyone else here is fully aware that you have made zero argument and are just butthurt. Your petty smile emoji is only for yourself.

>> No.12423797

How is that simulation's result surprising or add anything meaningful much less prove your arguments? It's basically testing if the most self-reinforcing agents are in fact the most self-reinforcing. Wow revelatory stuff.
>inb4 but it's a model of human behavior
Is it really? Prove it.
>noo stop arguing against people erroneously viewing themselves as nothing but ruthlessly calculating genetic machines!

>> No.12423807

Unfortunately for you, there is a structure to the universe once it goes above the quantum scale. Things reflect each other. Things compound. It would be extremely irresponsible to refuse to apply this information on a macro level, especially when other groups repeatedly outcompete others because of their collective capacity.

>> No.12423810

>Unfortunately for you, there is a structure to the universe once it goes above the quantum scale
Stopped reading right there, sorry.

>> No.12423836

Look bro you can keep thinking nothing is real but you'll just always be wrong. There are groups right now that will beat any group you ever build because you refuse to play in accordance with the way cooperation works most effectively. You will be a loser your entire life acting like this.

>> No.12423888

You haven't even TRIED to answer one of my questions >>12423797 or >>12423718
though, just keep referring back to your original assertions.

>> No.12423910

Because you're unironically asking me to carry out a scientific study within the lifespan of this thread you idiot, I'm not doing it. The studies are there and you refuse to do anything but claim they are invalid. You show no evidence for this.

The burden is in you, fucking idiot. That's why I don't acknowledge your textual filth.

>> No.12424022

There's more than enough deconstructing of Chagnon's work at the tip of your fingers, if you'd actually take the time to look before you base your entire world view around it. How he traded them machetes in exchange for blood samples and pretty much started a mini-civil war over those weapons (which were more durable and sharper than theirs obviously), how he utterly failed to accurately record any familial bonds present in their villages, because almost every single Yanomami lied about it just to get those machetes, and they had the most fun by getting him to write down vulgar words of their language as their names, completely invalidating most of his data that would read like "Hard Penis, nephew of Poop King" etc. in Yanomami-language. I'm not saying he was a complete fraud, in the sense that he probably really stood behind his research and believed in his own conclusions, and at least he tried something new entirely, but it just didn't yield anything of use. And, more likely, he saw what he wanted to see and chose his methods to make the expected results fit his ideas.

Then, on the other hand, we have the rich history of the human race recorded (somewhat) and the models of human behavior that we ourselves have built up over the course of our lives. And those really do NOT reflect your imagined reality but are in fact vastly different and incredibly complex. So if your argument is that humanity is best served by forming into "groups right now that will beat any group because genetic-but-really-magically-ethnic-game theory dude!" and yet offer not a single convincing argument that you can't defend and doesn't stand up to simple scrutiny from a fellow Anon then you might want to start considering the possibility that you're simply wrong.

>> No.12424033

The chinese computer uses optics and everything was hardcoded (the device couldn't be reprogrammed for anything else) while Google and IBM claim their superconductor quantum computers can be easily programmed for other purposes. The main advantage of optics quantum computers is that they are cheaper and don't require retarded conditions like near absolute zero temperatures to operate (Google and IBM chose reprogrammable devices as they want to cash from it in a cloud pay as you need system while companies like Xanadu want to make quantum computers more affordable so more people than the Pentagon, huge tech companies and a token of goverments can afford them.

>> No.12424068

You wasted a lot of time fixating on a guy who plays little role in the field of evolutionary game theory in the modern era. You must want people to think that he is the entirety of the field, rather, he is barely part if it in reality. You also want group cooperation to be black and white, which it is not. You want to look at particular events, where this is in the realm of averages. You're a deeply dishonest person. You have not debunked any level of evolutionary game theory, or ethnocentric cooperative dominance. You talked shit about one guy, and tried to say that human history is a story of non-related groups cooperating at a rate above that of closer-related groups. You gave no evidence, instead just claiming that this is the case. I've been busy the last few hours and have been giving you a lot of room to debate.

You seem to be mistaking a preference of cooperative relations with non-cooperation. You're imagining a whole litany of negativity with what I'm saying, because it is of existential importance to you that you validate your petty political opinions. Some folks care more about the truth.

>> No.12424079

>computationally hard problems like the Travelling Salesman, protein folding/attaching, brute forcing passwords etc.
Actually quantum computers don't help here

>> No.12424096

Yes. They're literally copied/stolen Japanese designs

>> No.12424111

Says you dumbass

>> No.12424140
File: 1.05 MB, 540x405, Smoking and thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happens now?

>> No.12424160

You get replaced by the majority non white next generation

>> No.12424171


>> No.12424207
File: 282 KB, 373x700, 1547951404164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bill Hamilton and Napoleon Chagnon are irrelevant to this discussion
>little role in evolutionary biology and evolutionary game theory
Kek now I know you're just trolling/shilling ethnonationalism, and why you can't answer a single difficult question about the supposed underpinnings of what you're shilling.

>> No.12424318

Anon you have said nothing about evolutionary game theory, you are only mad at early people in the field. You can do this with ANY field. You're pathetic.

I want you to use your two brain cells and grasp that I am not speaking against variety, I am merely saying that given competition, the most related group defeats the less related group. This is not saying variety should not be utilized. This is about who wins and when. You seem to have major difficulty visualizing how statistics work.

>> No.12426569
File: 1.63 MB, 1500x1000, Xi-Jinping-China-defense-propaganda-Maoist-Jonathan-Bartlett-illustration-article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course China comes out on top if they have bugmen constantly working on things like this while the west is too busy spending their GDP on trivial shit and muh diversity hires

>> No.12426605

>taking china at its word

>> No.12426855

I'm moving to china next spring, so excited!

Getting on the winning side boys

>> No.12426863

Nah its a piece of piss. You can read signs, then you can read chinese.

it's a fucking easy baby language, don't let people say its hard. It's one of the easiest languages on earth. They barely have tense, there is no conjugation, the grammar is extremely basic, theres only 470something sounds in the entire language to learn.

>> No.12427076

i like to fart

>> No.12427350


>> No.12427871

QC is still being done on a pathetically small number of qubits

My theory is that there will be a fundamental ceiling to the number of qubits it is possible to isolate from the universe and hence QC will never be able to be used for any practical purpose, much like entanglement can't be used for FTL communication

>> No.12427967

the paper is available for all to read, retard

>> No.12427993

The limitation is the humans ability to deal with it

>> No.12428023

i reckon the classes you're taking are straight from 1920s

>> No.12428027

post quantum cryptography is already a thing and has been for a while now

>> No.12428043

How? How can you encrypt something at a quantum level when quantum computing has no current applications?

>> No.12428070

there is a whole field of QC theory. you don't need to have a working quantum computer in order to understand how they'll work

>> No.12428182

Cmon dude think about it. You are taking a system and having to isolate it from the entire rest of the universe. You'd think that knowing what we know about quantum mechanics that there's gonna become a point where this is impossible, I'm thinking it's gonna be related to the uncertainty principle itself (maybe you can keep a couple of qubits isolated for a long time but a large number are always gonna decohere straight away)

>> No.12428873

It's not "encrypt something at a quantum level", there are just crypto algorithms you can run on a normal computer that breaking is not known to be accelerate-able by quantum computing. I guess they probably proved it was unbreakable if some other hard problem was unbreakable.

>> No.12429104

Boson sampling is pretty much useless unless you wanted to use it as a hash function.
This thing won't be cracking any codes ever or implementing any of the cool quantum algorithms.
D wave still wins because it can do useful computations.
Everyone in this thread is retarded and didn't even look up what boson sampling is.