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File: 596 KB, 1000x667, Exam-cheating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12418963 No.12418963 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Share your cheating experience in college.

What were the consequences?
Are you happy that you cheated?
Would you do it again?
What is your opinion on cheating?

>> No.12418972

Cheaters are filth. If you cheat in school then you're a low IQ piece of shit.

>> No.12418985

i just don't understand why someone would want to cheat

>> No.12419004

Nobody here knows who you re nigga, no need to pretend kek

>> No.12419045

why would I cheat if I know the subject of the test?

>> No.12419047

never cheated on an exam. definitely had the opportunity to when school moved online but i couldn't bring myself to do it.

i did cheat on some fluid mechanics homeworks sophomore year using chegg solutions, but i'm a senior now and haven't used chegg since then. in retrospect i wish i hadn't, but my professor was so shitty that i had no other choice. the department fired him the semester after he taught us due to how shitty he was

>> No.12419087

I never did but a ton of mid wits made a habit of it. Such people fall apart under oral examination because they never learned how to work a complex problem in their head.

>> No.12419089
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I cut a left corner from a notebook and numerate all the pages, then I conspect all the textbook (mostly formulas) in there, then I make the contents by the numbers of the pages.
I was caught with it only once and teacher was impressed and told that such kind of cheating is based af and that I can use such notebooks anytime.

>> No.12419098

As if the point of education is to learn you think and not to memorize (memorization is the opposite of the skills a scientist actually needs, as it's been told by someone "great memory excludes great mind")

>> No.12419113

So you cheated on openbook exams? I am confused as to where the notebook appeared and wha you did with it

>> No.12419122

That was not an openbook exam, it's just that I was allowed not to memorize formulas as long as I understood how to apply them.

>> No.12419130

Only cheating was copying homework solutions from standard textbooks that the professors are well aware exist

>> No.12419166

learning is memorizing. You can't have empirical evidence that Cl^-2 exists or how it works but it is necessary for you to get an actual job.

>> No.12419174

As if you need empirical evidence to be able to think

>> No.12419224

Counter-question aimed at instructors and TAs. What’s the most embarrassing or most elaborate cheating attempts you’ve caught?

Once while proctoring a physics final I caught an entire row of Chinese students copying off each other - #1 copied off of #2 who copied off of #3 and so on with #6 copying off a White girl to his left. We made a note of it and when we examined the tests we found that all six had identical work on identical pages as the girl they copied off of. This was particularly amusing because a) all of them had different versions of the exam and b) the girl they copied off of got like a 30 on the final so most of it was wrong anyways. All six students were given automatic Fs for the course and were reported to the university.

>> No.12419240

About 40% of labs were not turned in for an intro lab course outside of major. Student (after finals, with 2 days left before grades were due) turned in complete labs for all the missed ones and have the notebook as well. Of course all the labs turned in were sequentially in the notebook with no pages skipped, then like 2 pages skipped and then all the labs not turned in sequentially thereafter. I express wrote up a two page report to academic integrity about all the issues of potential cheating within a couple hours. Student didn't even contest and was also reported in a separate lab course in major.

>> No.12419248

So you cheated by writing the formulas down... which was allowed anyway?

>> No.12419258

cheating was really common among poos and chinks in large class rooms.

>> No.12419270

It wasn't allowed by the system, but the professor knew better.

>> No.12419282

Caught a student who printed equations on the inside label of a water bottle. The crazy thing is they’d clearly put in a lot of thought and trial and error into it. The water in the bottle magnified the tiny print enough to be legible and the equations were all organized by topic. If they’d spent that much effort on studying they’d have probably passed the exam.

>> No.12419295

Yeah that's the problem with cheating. It's a huge risk and a lot of effort but at least it's more interesting than studying. Irony is that's not their idea, they got that from someone else or online, meaning they're not even good at cheating, they have to cheat at cheating

>> No.12419341

bump. these stories sound more interesting

>> No.12419380

Had a monstrously fat black girl in an OChem class. Like so far she gets winded walking to the front of the class to turn in an exam. During the midterm, the TAs caught her leaning to peak at a nearby student’s exam. Warned her once. Caught her doing it a second time. Gave her one last warning. Didn’t get a chance to give her a third warning because in the middle of the exam you suddenly heard this loud crack as she leaned so far over the torque from her body mass snapped the desk like a twig and she fell over into the gap between chair rows. When she got up she had part of the desk clamped around a roll of fat, pulled it off, and immediately grabbed her things and left. Withdrew from the class that afternoon.

>> No.12419392

>What were the consequences?
>Are you happy that you cheated?
never cheated
>Would you do it again?
no it's gay
>What is your opinion on cheating?
it's gay

>> No.12419403

Last Spring semester I was taking a class on real analysis. I got way above average on the first two exams, but the professor decided to move the final online due to COVID. He emailed us the exam in the morning and we had 24 hours to turn it in, but he said we only had 2 continuous hours to complete it and that he would hold us to this based on our honor. Well, I didn't cheat and I ended up getting like 2 standard deviations above average and ended up getting a B in that class and lost my "highest distinction" on my diploma. I emailed him assuring him that people cheated based on my exam grades and he said he "didn't notice any irregularities".

Lesson learned: cheat if you have the opportunity to get away with it

>> No.12419422


>> No.12419431

>2 standard deviations above average
meant below average, obviously

>> No.12419443

If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.
Especially online, as long as you know your shit and can justify every step of a problem you cheat on you are just handicapping yourself.
School is a much more sophisticated competition than just who can be the goodest goy.

>> No.12419451

I only cheated once during college. The professor gave us a programming assignment on Friday that was due Monday. When I went to the computer lab Saturday morning, it was closed because there was a home football game that weekend and there had been too many instances of random fans wandering in and fucking things up. The sign said the lab would reopen Sunday at noon. That was fine because it wasn't a huge assignment and would only take a couple of hours to complete.
Sunday afternoon I went to the lab. It was still closed. Sunday evening. Still closed, still had the same sign on the door that it would open at noon. Monday after class I ask the professor if I can turn in the assignment late because the lab was closed all weekend. He says he has a new zero tolerance policy for late assignments. We end up getting into a huge shouting matching in the hallway about the computer labs. The university charges everyone a computer lab fee and in exchange students aren't required to own their own computer (this was the early 90s). After a lot of shouting, he says the grader hasn't picked up the assignments yet (they were submitted on paper back then) so if I finish and put it in her mailbox before she shows up, then it is ok.
I go over to the lab, mad as hell. I have no idea how long before the grader picks up the assignments. One of my classmates asks me why I'm so mad, I tell him why. He gives me a copy of his homework. I've never cheated before but I change the comments, variable names, change the order of a few things, and turn it in. Get full credit.
A few days later the professor and I get an email from the department head explaining that the grad student whose job it is to reopen the labs slept in on Sunday and didn't get around to reopening the lab until 10pm. Due to this and university policy about computer ownership, everyone should get an extra couple of days to complete the assignment. Too late, already cheated, don't feel bad about it.

>> No.12419544

I never learned to cheat. Makes me feel dumb.

>> No.12419556

Last time I cheated was on spelling tests in primary school. It actually gave me visual memory by using the least looks approach in order to not get caught. If you cheat, you should genuinely ask yourself what is making you take a given class.

>> No.12419679

Not bad advice, but the answer will usually be "Gen Ed" or "checkbox" needed for the major and you think the career will be different (even though you don't know shit about the daily work in the career) and you're not wrong that most courses don't line up with the career so...

>> No.12419694

used wolframalpha on a home work assignment because I fucked up my computation and didn't feel like going back and finding the sign I forgot carry.
I mean I don't think it's cheating. I did the work, my region was right, I just fucked the computation after my nth double integral... for finding centroids.
That's about as bad as it gets.
I know everyone is cheating on exams, but I wouldn't. I don't give a shit about perfect grades. I do the exam honestly during the allotted time.
whereas on the homework I have as much time as I want basically and I know I'll come across the answer anyways, so as long as my region was right I know I understand it I just fucked up some dirty fucking computation.
fucking slut computation.

>> No.12419701

multiple people submitted identical final projects for a programming class and it didn't even compile

>> No.12419719

Surely this is a meme all you nerds saying you don’t cheat

Every single person I know with higher score is working together and cheating on every single assessment/exam

Everything is relative to other students. Cheat or get left behind.

On and when some faggot says you’re missing out on the education, cheating on the exam and studying are indpendant events. Study just as much as normal but use all available resources during exams

>> No.12420052

Nope, you just suck. Seriously.

>> No.12420074

never trust asians and there cheating circles

>> No.12420084

>If you cheat in school then you're a low IQ piece of shit

The educational system is designed for the average dumbfuck monkey. It is all about memorizing shit and I am not about that.

If they made exams open books most people wouldn't cheat.

>> No.12420085

I didn't but there were plenty of people around me who did which made me realize college is just a joke lol.

>> No.12420087

Most of my professors were not very passionate about actually explaining things they just liked to talk about it because they understood it themselves but they couldn't explain it to others.

>> No.12420092

I used to cheat and get away with it. However, stress of cheating was much more to me than actual studying.
Also realized the few extra points obtained by cheating during test was actually less compared to when I actually put that mental energy in solving the problem by myself.
Overall ROI with cheating was less compared to doing it on my own, so I started studying and taking test legitly. Improved both my self-confidence and academic performance.

>> No.12420114

>The educational system is designed for the average dumbfuck monkey
so you're dumber than the average dumbfuck monkey and that's why you need to cheat?

>> No.12420117

Cheating is only necessary if you are desperate. However, if you are a lazy dumb fuck like me cheating literally becomes an art form. I used various techniques throughout high school and college. Unfortunately, results vary greatly and I just sticked with the bear minimum with grades to pass. Also, I have batshit insane parents that overspend on my education and would go on a tantrum if I get one “F” on my report card. In the end it does not matter what school you got into no one actually cares and it certainly doesn’t determine your future either.

>> No.12420144

Cheat if you can get away with it, no one gives outside of university so long as you get the job.

I cheated during my undergrad, I'm doing my masters in Applied Mathematics while working with in an investment banking analyst position.

I can't express just how little you have to do hand written bullshit outside of a classroom. It's far better to understand the charts, trends, and approximations by looking at what the computer spits out. No one's sitting with a piece of paper trying to hand write a multiple integration problem about some stupid fucking nth dimensional volume.

>> No.12420184


I pretty much cheated my way through uni and yes I am chinese btw. I don't always choose to cheat its having contingency plans when I can't cram all the material in time or I have problems doing the calculations.

>memorizing the solution and taking detailed notes of all the book problems.
>use sympy to create a cheat sheet of equations with respect to every parameter, along with notes of those equations can be used
>I would make an effort to socialize with my class find out who knew their shit and try to pay them to tutor me.
>programmed macros and used solvers to double check my answers on test, stored notes in my TI-84.
>my most blatant cheating was when I used a calculator to hide my phone while browsing for hints on chegg. I had a phone magnet strapped on my wrist to hold my phone in place and would use it to be able to slide my phone in and out my sleeve. It works only if the professors are lazy and reuses similar exam questions.

>> No.12420191

I'm currently taking a diff eq course and i can just plug the fucking equation on online calculators LMAO
i fucking hate that... i mean i can't control myself but i know that this will fuck me up, i mean i actually study before the exam and i know the core methods but ehh im lazy

>> No.12420204

I get cheating in highschool but college? Are you a chink or something?

>> No.12420217
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>write down all I know about the subject
>memorize it
>write it down in test as I can recall everything I want
>professors never noticed anything wrong and gave me A every single time

>> No.12420220

Not on anything substantial, mostly online quizzes or homeworks that were mostly busy work. It’s not really worth it on exams or projects. If I feel like it’s just going to be a waste of time and I have more important shit to do then why not.

>> No.12420238
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>constantly penetrating children
oh sweet Jesus

>> No.12420249

I fucking detest every piece of shit filth in my class who cheated. You all know who you are. Cunts

>> No.12420555

Is there an academic equivalent of glowies?

>> No.12420687
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i had a friend that proctored language exams, which every normie had to go through. she'd relish in outing cheaters and sending them to the academic review board. shit was cash

>> No.12420699

I'm french, we can't cheat since we don't have the answer already on the paper like most retards out there.

Like holy shit, first time i learnt amerifags have a question with cases to fill type of test i was in complete disbelief and thought it was a joke.
I only had one such test in collège, and it was for a retarded not-driving test ( i later learnt driving test follow such a system, holy shit again ).

Then again, since the kikification is kinda almost as deep as the usa, maybe it's the same here now too.
Not planning to find out, as soon as bitcoin quintuple i found a family outside this shithole.

>> No.12420706

If you never realize how many people actually cheat . You are low IQ. itsa about at least 50%

>> No.12420707

You do realize there are other ways to cheat than knowing the answers beforehand, right?

>> No.12420713

Also i actually only cheated twice which is very below average cause i am basically an angle.

>> No.12420723

Absolutely based and high IQ

>> No.12420734

I don't understand your post, like if the test involve regurgitating, the answer is on the paper.
If the test involve using your brain, the answer is already on the paper.

Hey, is that why all these online tests and surveys follow this formula ?
Holy shit, wait wait wait, you guys liketerally have qui veut gagner des millions as a grading system holy shit !

>> No.12420813

Not an exam but I caught someone plaigarizing their essay. The first and last pages were completely filled with misspelled words and run-on sentences but everything in the middle looked like it came from wikipedia. When I checked, the middle pages were word for word copied from one singular wikipedia article. Upon further inspection it looked like it even had the wikipedia citation marks (like [5] and [43]) that were poorly covered up with whiteout. They'd even bothered to include pictures and diagrams which were optional but, of course, were ripped right from wikipedia. It was one of the shittiest excuses for a plaigarized paper I'd ever seen.
The most confusing part was that they were a supposed "A" student, which makes me wonder who's been grading their work in the past...

>> No.12420889

Cheaters are losers.

>> No.12421796


I looked up and saw a chink student of mine leaning at pi/4 radians to cheat off his neighbor's paper, I walked over there and crumbled his test up and threw it in the garbage then made him sit right in front of me for each future test and then I failed his cheating ass.

>> No.12421803

You're paying for the class, might as well actually learn it

>> No.12421819

I have no idea how I'd cheat on my exams, we do them in large halls with like 6 feet between each column of desks

Or exams this year were allowed to be open book online ones cause of corona, and I still didn't 100% cause maths exams are hard

>> No.12421831

why the fuck would I cheat
you don't even need to be smart to get 4.0+ GPA with minimal studying

>> No.12422051

I never really cheated on in person exams, because I don't really need to and it's stressful as fuck.
Ever since all my classes moved online, you can bet I've had mathematica and my notes open for every exam. I know maybe 2 people of out the 20 or so other students I regularly interact with don't cheat.
I still have to learn the material. If I go in blind to one of these exams I'm fucked because of the time limit. But why wouldn't I want to guarantee myself an A?
I don't engage in the type of cheating my friends do, where they have me on a zoom call feeding them all the answers for their stats 101 or physics 3 class, but the world is so competitive and the risk of getting caught is so low that you really should be giving yourself any advantage you can.

>> No.12422641

I used chegg for take home assignments. To check my work but I noticed in some courses chegg became useless. Chegg keeps you on track though which is why I liked it. I graduated both my BSc and MSc with a 4.0 too. While Chegg is nice and all you still need to pass the exams which you don't get internet access during so you can't just copy/paste.

>> No.12422661
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Never cheated myself. If I didn't know a thing I just left the exam sheet blank and went home early. However, all "honor" students in my class did cheat all the way from exams through their final thesis defense. Things like "going to the bathroom, appealing to their good girl points and many other dubious tactics like getting friendly teachers to be the judges. Most of the competitive students were females but maybe it was because they were the dominant gender, demographically speaking.

Personally, never actually cared anyways, I was just attending for the experience of going to a ~~cheap~~ college so I could fuck around. Hope they are doing fine, our degree was a complete fucking meme.

>> No.12422666

shit, forgot to mention that the 'going to the bathroom' tactic was done in the middle of exams kek.

>> No.12422862

I don’t get the whole “have to allow a water bottle”
Men used to go all day without water, even in a 6 hour exam you should be able to go without water

>> No.12422864

I always thought cheating was an alternative way of answering the questions.

>> No.12422870

Every cheater ever uses the “everyone cheats” bull
I bet you think everyone steals too....

>> No.12422888

Is checking the rightness of my answers on the moment when I can ok?
Like I have an answer, good or bad, and I guve it, but the impulse to know if I'm right takes over and I feel the need to check it, most of the times I was right, but when I'm wrong I let it be because else I feel very bad about it and I feel like even if they wont, the corrector would find out

>> No.12422926

Never cheated. I would rather fail than cheat.

>> No.12422929

Stealing is just an alternative way of working for wages

>> No.12422997

I got caught for "cheating" once when the professor walked up to my desk and asked to see a piece of paper in my pencil case during an exam. It was just an old shopping list tho. Never cheated.

>> No.12423000

Never cheated.
cheaters are cancer

>> No.12423008

I only "cheated" for assignments and lab reports because I didn't want to do them myself.
Still aced all tests though, without cheating.

>> No.12423097

>What were the consequences?
>Are you happy that you cheated?
not even the material I actually did pay attention to in college is useful, so yes.
>Would you do it again?
you bet.
>What is your opinion on cheating?
rules are meant to be broken. it's an order vs chaos type of thing. Be yourself. Anyone in this board who tells you otherwise wasted too much time in their degrees and certs, and alot of them come lurk here who still believe in the establishment. Most of them will never admit it. People are afraid of the unknown.
Even the math stuff could leave you off worse. Glad I dropped those courses and later found NJ Wildberger. Based Aussie.

>> No.12423105

You good goys can complain all you want about cheaters; Tom Brady still has 6 super bowls and rich people don't pay their taxes.
Information retention is just one aspect of college, navigating institutional bureaucracy is arguably the greater IQ test.

>> No.12423298

I’m in math. Cheating on exams has long since been impractical since upper division math exams are generally the professor’s modifications to problems that would take a long time to look up, and those problems probably wouldn’t give me insight into solving the entire thing anyway. To that end, most math exams I’ve had we’re open book, or if I forgot a theorem, the professor would write it on the board for use later.
As for looking answers up, usually I’ll get *parts* of the reasoning I need online, understand it completely, and incorporate it into my solution. If it’s super specific, I’ll cite it, but if it’s something you can convince yourself of within a day, I don’t.

>> No.12423478
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I have never cheated in college before, but this semester all my classes were online, and the only lectures we had were low-quality pre-recorded videos, so I just cheated my way through linear algebra and Calc 2 by using a VM to circumvent the proctor software. I will only put in as much effort as the professor does.

>> No.12423551

Holy shit that must sting

>> No.12423602

>navigating institutional bureaucracy is arguably the greater IQ test.

>> No.12423607

In my junior year of high school, the girl who sat behind me in literature class copied off my test one day without me knowing. The teacher said she would usually give both students zeros for having identical answers because there's no way to know who copied off of who. In this case however, she let my grade stand and gave the girl a zero because the teacher knew from past exams if I didn't know that answer, I'd put down something crazy. The girl who had been copying off of me was so dumb she copied answers such as the name of Juliette's cousin in Romeo & Juliette was George Bush and the main character in the Great Gatsby was a milkman.

>> No.12423756

University forced a german language course as a half credit course. Cheated my way through it. Didn't regret it. Spent my time studying stuff that's relevant rather than some shit that was forced down my throat.

>> No.12424665
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You are everything wrong with society.
Like when they did that study with Harvard mbas teams.
They gave them business scenarios, and instead of working on the business models all the mbas did was discuss how they could game the test.
If you want to see what kind of world applying that thinking gets you just look around.
I bet you are the same type that complains grad students are exploited or that corporate management lies to you about future promotions and then complain the city government is ineffective

>> No.12424693

Almost everyone cheats in these ridiculous online classes, you're actually disadvantaging yourself like >>12419403 if you don't because literally most of the class is doing it. Instead of being a good goy and getting bad grades for being honest unlike the rest of the class, just be smart about it and don't be retarded when you cheat.

>> No.12424973

I used to plagiarize the shit out stuff. But had the sense to change words, word order, insert own sentences, make deliberate trivial mistakes, etc.

I never quite understood the thing against plagiarism. Most of my assignments were essentially acquiring a variety of resources and basically rewriting what they had said from perhaps a slightly different angle or instance. Seemed like a huge waste of time and barely any different from straight plagiarism. Perhaps the only difference was I actually had to read what I was plagiarizing and make modifications accordingly. Never got caught and never felt guilty about turning in this pointless make-work

>> No.12424979



>> No.12425081

Based outlandish answer anon

>> No.12425133

>Like when they did that study with Harvard mbas teams.

>> No.12426562

I can't consider using sites like chegg on homework as cheating. Doing physics homework was like slamming my head against a brick wall at times, the less intuitive problems could be so frustrsting. After I started using chegg to do homework all my exam grades improved. It's basically the same as having a tutor except it doesn't cost a fortune

>> No.12426577

I only cheated for literature and history

>> No.12427584

Never cheated, but a bunch of guys who had a higher GPA than did it a lot. They even did that during the last midterm before graduation. Funny story, they haven't found a job since them while I'm doing pretty good with my job given the present circumstances.

>> No.12428237
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people who say that cheating isnt justified haven't gone to a top tier school mostly populated by asians.
quiz in tutorials? all the asians sit around and talk amongst themselves in chinese, the TA can only say "no collaborating" so many times before they give up and realize its not worth it. You got people who form group chats with almost all the chinese kids and a few pajeets who share answers on take home assignments. Every now and then they get caught due to retarded shit, but mostly they fly under the radar. Any test that isnt set in a dedicated exam hall with invigilators will have chinese kids communicating amongst themselves and sharing answers. They have been doing it all their life, china and the CCP is literally built on cheating and stealing information and technology from others. Congratulations, you didn't cheat and now you're barley passing and will have a more shit GPA and you will have less future opportunities due to your poorer performance than the rest of the class. but at least you were honest!

>> No.12428250

I never did it. I would rather try to deduce everything I didn't study and/or memorize from first principles. Sometimes it worked.

>> No.12428268

i would much rather use my spare time to actually learn shit. instead of wasting my time memorizing shit i will forget in a week.

>> No.12428281

>Congratulations, you didn't cheat and now you're barley passing and will have a more shit GPA
Talk for yourself brainlet.

>> No.12428373

this is one of the reasons that i hate online classes. i would never cheat IRL which would force me to have to study and learn before the test but with online exams the temptation is just too strong because im literally sitting in front of google.

>> No.12428474

> corona tim
> school knows it can't entirely prevent cheating
> all exams are unsolvable in double the time with a tutor (after the fact)

Yeah no not falling for the higher ground morality bs this time. The system ain't playing fair, my hand is forced.

>> No.12428592

I've never cheated and I still get good grades. I don't have to spend endless hours studying, either. People are just afraid of discipline nowadays. Quite pathetic, really...

>> No.12428691

Yeah i was gettin snizz on the reg from this one chick and then decided that I wanted it from this other bitch too. 10/10 would reccomend

>> No.12428719


Got caught peaking at another kids exam in a multiple choice exam. It was the end of the exam and I had no clue so fuck it, right? Well, the Proctor saw this, didn't say anything to me and when the exam grades came out mine didn't.

Went in to the professors office to ask about the grade. Mind you this is probably the most important professor for my major, like the guardian who decides who gets through. The only teacher of a couple core 300 level classes, and I even had another scheduled with him next semester.

He goes, "Ah, I've been wanting to talk to you, please close the door and take a seat." Pulls out an exam and asks me to explain how my work corresponds to the answer on the exam. Commence pants shitting, face flushing red, stumbling over words, but I never admitted to cheating.

Luckily, the answer wasn't even right, and I didn't even do well on the exam.
After I left I sat on a bench for a good hour afterwards thinking about how I almost just fucked my entire life up. I would have definitely killed myself if I got kicked out of uni.

Don't cheat on in person exams, the payoff won't help you

>> No.12428747

there are scenarios where cheating is justified IMO

I'm a student right now during this pandemic and none of the professors have wavered on how they apply curves to grades.

It only hurts you to not cheat when every other student in the class is averaging 90-100% on exams.

And online proctoring doesn't stop anything, either. Whats stopping me from taping answers to my screen, etc? you can't stop it

>> No.12428831

>Getting kicked out of uni for copying someone's exam

>> No.12428835

I knew in the back of my head that I wouldn't get kicked out, you usually get atleast one warning, but the reality of the situation did make me shit my pants

>> No.12428845

it is impossible to cheat in any class that is worth taking.

>> No.12428852

lol don't be such a pussy. they aren't going to kick you out for cheating, as long as you don't admit to anything it will be too much effort for them to prove you cheated for them to bother. The whole point of scare tactics is trying to get an admission of guilt out of you to make their lives easier. Any time you're in one of these situations just remember shaggy's advice "it wasn't me" it will get you a long way

>> No.12428859

Naivety or innocence, not sure what you are rocking anon, but don't shid your pants that easily.
And as >>12428852 said, just deny it. Sometimes it's better to come clean, but that is so very rare and depends entirely on the professor it's not worth risking it.
And of course, don't cheat when you don't have to, fgt

>> No.12429033

In college it was all take home and use your books. I don't understand the need to cheat.

>> No.12429060

I cheated on FEMA chain of command exams during an EMT course. They were brain numbing, I wouldn't wish this kind of bullshit on my worst enemy, they're free to take if anyone loves to suffer

>> No.12429066

>my most blatant cheating was when I used a calculator to hide my phone while browsing for hints on chegg.
Reminder that Chegg will almost always comply in academic misconduct investigations (browsing history, time stamps, questions asked, etc.)

>> No.12429100

The TAs went on strike at my campus, and due to the fact that they couldn't force us to "cross the picket line" to come to campus, they made a midterm optional. You either write it and get graded as normal, or you skip it and the grade gets reweighted to the final. I went in, wrote the test, realised I was gonna get a shit grade, and wrote a fake name on the paper so they couldn't attribute it to me.

>What were the consequences
The prof made an announcement in the next lecture about finding a test with a name that wasn't registered in the class, and that he would cross reference everyone's handwriting on the final exam to find out who it was and give them a zero. I consciously changed my handwriting for the rest of that course, and from then on I usually wrote in cursive. He never found out, I passed the class.

>Are you happy that you cheated
No. It's kind of a funny memory and a joke amongst my friends, but I'm not proud of the fact that I cheated.

>Would you do it again
Not unless I absolutely needed to in order to pass or maintain my GPA. I don't like cheating in general and I certainly will never make a habit of it.

>What's your opinion on cheating
I disapprove of it in general. I can forgive someone for doing it once or twice, but I dispise those who are habitual cheaters. The fact that they have the nerve to consistently try and pass of fraudulent work as their own, or copy off someone else disgusts me.

>> No.12429142

If the option is stealing/starving to death, most people would try to steal lmao
we're animals bro, people like serving their best interest

>> No.12429158

never really had a reason to cheat so I didn't.

>> No.12429171

The lab supervisor I worked for when I was a GTA caught a bunch of Chinese kids forming a group chat for sharing answers for pre-lab quizzes (someone was sneaking snapshots of the quiz during the first section and then posting it so everyone else would know the questions before coming to lab). So one week he made two versions, one for the first lab where the answer to all the questions was C and one for the other labs where none of the answers were C. So of course the Chinese kids come in the rest of lab that week and all of them are just finishing their five minute quizzes in 1-2 minutes tops and they're all just CCCCCCCCCC down the line. Rinse and repeat for three more weeks. None of the cheaters caught on. So after a months the lab supervisor turns in the names of about 25-30 students to the academic integrity office. All of them Chinese. All of them gets Fs for the class.

>> No.12429183

Only if you're dumb enough to put personally identifiable information on your account, lol.

>> No.12429189

0 consequences and better outcome. i knew other people cheated and threw off the curve plus i had some other classes to focus on.