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12415051 No.12415051 [Reply] [Original]

>got admitted to Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard for maths, all at the same time
Suck it losers.

>> No.12415069

Suck what?

>> No.12415075

Questions like this exactly why people like you get rejected while I get in.

>> No.12415078

Are admission results bring declared in the UK right now? We're having so many threads today

>> No.12415147

Get in where?

>> No.12415175

Good for you! Seriously anon congratulations.

>> No.12415177

Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard for maths, all at the same time

>> No.12415191

What's your race? Not sure if I should be impressed or not

>> No.12415194


>> No.12415215

>Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard
Literal CC-tier in my country

>> No.12415220


>> No.12415222

You will an hero by freight train at age 41

>> No.12415230

What's your country?

>> No.12415232


>> No.12415236

kek good one anon

>> No.12415242

Which one?

>> No.12415251

Ambiguities like in your OP and social inability as displayed in your response is why everybody here knows you won't make it.

>> No.12415412

You anons are such insecure cucks. You can't apply to BOTH Oxford and Cambridge. If you do they automatically fail your application. Its their policy, you have to choose one. OP is pathetic for LARPing about getting into those universities.

>> No.12415427

>diversity hire with a high school diploma.

>> No.12415462


>> No.12415476

Not OP but congratulations for allowing him to make you so insecure of your intelligence that you have to cope by resorting to "muh diversity". Fucking loser, OP is lying.

This board never ceases to disappoint when it comes to congregating the most pathetic, low status incel cucks in one place.

If you're on this board your life is most likely terrible. I'd advise you to get off as soon as possible and go do what you're actually meant to do.

>> No.12415489

Oxford and Cambridge don't allow their prospective students to apply to both universities. If they find that a student did apply to both, they automatically rescind their application. Also, offers from Oxbridge come out in January. They're still at the interview stage currently.

>> No.12415535

Ngl, this was my first thought too... Burn bright but don't burn out anon

>> No.12415554

aclkhually you can apply to both if you're an organ player. Each college there has a chapel and there's a serious supply problem. The unis will literally fight for you to get in.

>> No.12415583

That's a very stupid elimination criteria, I'm waiting for someone to sue them for breaking a law or something. Do they stipulate this before you start applying or are they waiting for you to magically figure it out?

>> No.12415647

It's not stupid, it's a well known fact in the UK, and any college advisor will tell you that. You also can only apply to 5 unis at a time there.

>> No.12415664

I'm not saying the fact is stupid, I'm saying the elimination criteria by both universities is stupid. What does it achieve anyway? That's a form of discrimination that a motivated lawyer could prove. But because the whole damn country is in on it, no one would care less.

>> No.12415680

It makes your uni choice more meaningful. It's not like the US where you can apply to a 100 schools if you have the money and patience for it but at the end of the day you'll only choose one. Which is why I think Ivies have such a low acceptance rate: every retard with a decent GPA applies to them because "why not" and it doesn't hurt. The UK limit of 5 makes you think what you personally want from a uni. Oxford and Cambridge are similar in academic toughness so it's your job to see which one suits you more before you apply.

>> No.12415716

thank you

>> No.12415749

There are two Cambridges. There are the Oxford University and the University of Oxford. OP is still a lying faggot.

>> No.12415754

But you are still a virgin

>> No.12415757
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Post your acceptance letters (you can redact identifying info) or gtfo

>> No.12415760

I got into all 4

>> No.12415765

Well me too, but not at the same time.

>> No.12415766

you attribute your worth by the standards of worthless institutes, you are going to be just as irrelevant as you fear,switch to engineering it should suit you better

>> No.12415809

Well I did and i accepted all their offers cos i'm awesome

>> No.12415824

Everyone who did anything worth doing did it at uni

Bill gates/Steve jobs
Just to name a few

>> No.12415887

Didn't almost all of them not start making big strides until 2-3 years after uni?

I mean, the guy you're responding to is obviously insecure about not being able to go to college (and so never learning enough to be relevant in stem disciplines), but I didn't know that.

>> No.12415941

Sorry, i was being sarcastic.
No one cares what uni Einstein or Tesla went to, thats not what made them special
Jobs and Gates, dropped out as they saw a shiny object out the corner of their eye, which was a much better choice than uni

Uni is valuable but definitely not a defining factor for greatness

>> No.12415965
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This guy is going to change the world, guys! Can't wait!

>> No.12416037 [DELETED] 

I got accepted into every institution at the same time last time for every course they offer.

>> No.12416070

>for maths
Haha loser

>> No.12416260

None of those schools interested me and I could be among the smartest guys in mine. Cheap too

>> No.12416264

better first in a village than second in Rome, eh?

>> No.12416368

Yup since my college was still good enough to get a job and I was going for a masters anyway. I assume that excellence looks good from a pretty good school compared to mediocracy from an excellent one.

>> No.12416790

That's awesome, Anon. I couldn't mop all their floors at the same time like you. Props.

>> No.12416817

Well which one are you going to?
My mum applied to a ton of Unis on my behalf, the only one I applied to was my state school because it was close. I never even checked if I got accepted into those schools.

>> No.12418418

UK uni offers are in january and oxbridge does exclusive pick of either and series of interviews for candidates on location.post unconditional offer or gtfo

>> No.12418478

Pshh. I was accepted to the institute of advanced study straight from high school. try harder OP

>> No.12418484

fucking based.

>> No.12418664

I was the only PhD student hired at my max planck institute this year, suck me off anglocuck

>> No.12418855

enjoy failing the first year with that attitude

>> No.12419602

Why would I fail with such attitude?