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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12414817 No.12414817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who /dropout/ in here?

>> No.12414824
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Not yet, going alright. Average grade is like slightly less than 8. Only one class behind. 2 years left. I'm gonna make it through I think. Just gotta believe.

>> No.12414843

Right now I'm both a dropout and not a dropout, much like that one cat. Once the teacher replies to my email I'll know which one of the two options has the wave function collapsed into.

>> No.12414865

best of luck anon

>> No.12414867

Kys retard. Hahahhahai canf wait in april to take picture of my graduation pic earning Bachelor of science in Computer science then i will flaunt it here.

>> No.12414872

>Once the teacher replies to my email I'll know which one of the two options has the wave function collapsed into.
FYI the wave function will not collapse until you observe it, that is to say read the mail.

>> No.12414875

>Dropped out from engineering
>Graduated as MD
Too bad higher education is fucking retarded anyway. you learn 10% of what you need for actually working during school. 90% of the rest you pick up when actually working. 90% of school is just diploma padding, persistence and stress checking and sucking your wallet dry.

If I had a time machine I'd be a carpenter, telecom installation guy or machine shop techie instead.

>> No.12414876

>thinks he has any ammunition to flaunt on here

>> No.12414878

pretty sure he was being facetious anon

>> No.12414880

the average IQ of sci is 95 anon

>> No.12414885

anyone managed to get back and finish a degree after dropping out?

>> No.12414886
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I didn't even get past the first year of highschool lmao

no regrets

>> No.12414890

It doesn't count as dropping out unless they fully kick you out for having bad grades.

>> No.12414897
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>mfw kicked out for disciplinary reasons before they managed to kick me out due to bad grades

>> No.12414908

no shit anon

>> No.12414913
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I'm a dropout and I wanna study medicine kek I want to die

>> No.12414925

see >>12414875
Just don't. Learn to operate a CNC mill whatever thing instead and enjoy having a life instead.

>> No.12414966

Honestly I don't even care about the money, I just like biology as a subject and the prestige that comes with being a doctor

>> No.12414988

jesus this board is full of retards

>> No.12415119
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>tfw dropped out at 23
Back in medschool at 25

>> No.12415210

godspeed anon, we are all gonna make it

>> No.12415252

Except >>12414913, he's fucked lol

>> No.12415329

I wonder what will happen when you leave?

>> No.12415330

>I don't even care about the money

>> No.12415497

Ow that hurt :(

>> No.12415547

See >>12414007

>> No.12415564

dropout cope

>> No.12415574

Kinda wanna master out of chemistry and spend a couple years studying math to apply for a math phd

>> No.12415597

Was trying to help someone see the silver lining. Education doesn't only happen in a school, religion doesn't only happen in a worship center etc

>> No.12415614

dropout cope

>> No.12415667

Suck University dick harder, college is a business, degrees are pieces of paper. What you DO with your knowledge that's the only thing that matters. Oh yeah, and what have you done? Don't worry, this isn't gonna be on the test kid.

>> No.12415670

are u me anon? it wasnt easy becoming programmer without high school but somehow I made it

>> No.12415823

based, how have you got into tech?

>> No.12415845


I went to three different colleges, dropped out of uni after 1 month.

Academia is literally licking the brains of other people eeeeww.

>> No.12415894
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Dropped out of maths masters and never looked back. Hopefully you guys didn't get into debt to study, both BS and MS paid me to study so it was alright. Now on comfy home job earning $50k to $60k per year depending on the amount of overtime I put up.

>> No.12415992

>$50k to $60k per yea
is that supposed to be impressive or what?

>> No.12416080

Not at all, but the dread of slaving your life away in misery is much less when you work at home especially if you can get shit done faster than the average coworker. Then you work at most 4 hours per day with no commuting and life isn't so shit anymore.

>> No.12416092

it could be a small fortune if you lived outside the US.

>> No.12416097

What anime?

>> No.12416128

not sure if counts as dropping out, but I just finished my bio undergrad and never continued towards a master's or phd. I did got work as a programmer and have been learning like crazy on my own. I do hope some day doing some bioinformatics work with my knowledge as developer but unfortunately almost all bioinformatics positions I've seen require at least a master's and publications in a journal.

>> No.12416147


>> No.12416204

>not sure if counts as dropping out
it doesnt, nice humblebrag faggot

>> No.12416378

> bio undergrad
and he works as a dev....
There's no difference between him and a drop out.

>> No.12416427

>"Oh our little math genius he'll get a fancy degree and do great things"
>"Surely he'll go to school and become an engineer"
>"Maybe he'll do comp sci and develop things"
>"Maybe he'll be a creative"
>"At least he has a job"

>> No.12416430

I failed computer science and now have nothing with 24 years
it will get better anon :>

>> No.12416487

Get back to work wagie, we own every second of your brainpower. By the time we're through with you, that noggin of yours will be wringed through good and proper. Don't you forget it.

>> No.12416633
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I just got my first F, press S
I'll graduate but honestly grad school probably isn't happening
Honestly I just want to go to work

>> No.12416669

>Honestly I just want to go to work
That's right wagie. Sign up before you have second thoughts. No takesy backsies.

>> No.12416679

What is this meme
Are we pretending that academics aren't literally slaves to their institution or are you a "start an SEO business" guy

>> No.12416706

You're gunna have to figure that out yourself, champ.

>> No.12416715

>posted naics in the other thread

>> No.12416792

Not me because I'm not stupid

>> No.12416818


>> No.12416998

I'm finally un-dropping out for the first time in almost 3 years. I'm in a much better place and looking forward to getting back into organized learning again.

>> No.12417017
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>tfw 24 and haven't even graduated high school

>> No.12417040

Right here. Feel immense regret but there’s no undoing the past.

>> No.12417048

Although, on the bright side you can get textbooks for free online nowadays so even if you drop out you aren’t totally boned

>> No.12417926
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>> No.12417998

Been teetering on it since 2017. I know I want to work in STEM but I'm just such a lazy PoS.

>> No.12418333

do it

>> No.12418350

i am a dropout of life

>> No.12418360

how do you become such a loser to drop out? Couldn’t suck it up and work so you wouldn’t fail? You lazy retards aren’t going to make it.

>> No.12418384

idk man, i guess its hard to understand how living with mental illness is like if have not had one

>> No.12418390
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>how do you become such a loser to drop out? Couldn’t suck it up and work so you wouldn’t fail? You lazy retards aren’t going to make it.

>> No.12418391

Go fuck yourself, I bet I studied more than you. For some subjects I studied 8 hours a day for 3 months 7 days a week and still failed my exam while others did the bare minimum and passed.

>> No.12418392

>thread for people who didn't make it
>ur not gunna make it lol
Not gonna make it.

>> No.12418398

Hello lads, I graduated from my uni but not with a honors gpa. Am currently about to work on my online graduate school , so I guess my advice for people here it’s never too late to go for an online degree (an accredited one of course).

>> No.12418780

lol unironically kys

>> No.12418781

yeah and I'm sure you have a source not coming from you ass to back up your claim, right?

>> No.12418784

how is that even possible if you went for it?

>> No.12418787

Some picture I found on /g/

>> No.12418790

What did you spend all that time doing? Studying the book? Bro, go over the assignments and the older exams.

>> No.12418793

nigga this board is now full of iq, flat earth and race threads

>> No.12418798

gen z 2016 wave surfer here. Was it ever good?

>> No.12418872
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Dropping out was a winning choice for me. You got to learn when it is worth to admit previous mistakes and act accordingly. Getting into my local retarded college surrounded by negligent teachers was driving me insane. For the record, it was Computer Science in a subhuman country. Getting lectured by boomers on technology and get forced to endure their broken English is an unhealthy way to seek insanity. You could just overdose on LSD and be done with it quicker and cheaper.
Dropped out and in a matter of months I've understood cryptography, cryptocurrencies, Solidity, made 7000$ from an initial 250$ investment, learnt around 3k Japanese words + 1k kanji, now I'm learning Full Stack Development from actual EDUCATIONAL resources (I refuse referring to UML autism, what I was doing in the degree, as "Software Engineering"), and I'm way happier, although I'm also a bit stressed due to the fatigue from this quick pace. The source of most of my stress, though, is that I find it hard to cope with the fact I've lost 3 years in that degree trying to get a piece of paper that claims I can do things I can easily prove anyway to any company interested in renting my time.

>> No.12418894

Oh, I remember. I got in because I wanted to do AI stuff with the big boys. I accept my destiny now and I accept I've probably not be let in into research. I'm building a few NN projects myself, good thing is that I only need sponsors to buy computer cycles for me to train those projects. Maybe I could be let in into OpenAI tier of stuff if I finish a few toy projects and write papers about them? I know I don't need to go to college to write stuff in LaTeX. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the blogpost but most of the time, dropping out is a good choice (if you value your time highly, as I tend to obsessively do). Just make sure you actually do something with that extra time, DO NOT indulge in leisure! It's a sacrifice you must commit in order to make up for the time you wasted.

>> No.12419066

are you by chance from eastern europe?

>> No.12419356

I only made it out of HS because it was a no standards public "school"

>> No.12419424

No, I'm from Spain

>> No.12419586

I'm not a dropout but I feel like one. I left school before I could finish my degree. The main reason was money since I was and am a poorfag and I felt like wanting to work and earn instead of wasting yet another semester. My family was also living in the capital so I chose to go there thinking that maybe I can finish my degree whilst I'm working. Ofc that haven't happened since... It's funny because part of me feels a bad about it but at the end of the day I am earning and honestly, I wouldn't be earning more even if I had my degree. Guess I am lucky for working at a place that doesn't need the paperwork...

>> No.12419659

I need to know anon

>> No.12419686

Retarded newfags.

>> No.12419738


Comfy and based priorities. What do? Every salaried job I've ever had entailed that if you work faster than the your peers you'll just get way more work to do.

>> No.12419802

I graduated but never wrote my thesis, so I left without degree. Now I draw porn for a living.

>> No.12419820 [DELETED] 

I dropped out of school in 8th grade, I was 14. I'm not 25 and just finished my first semester of community college. Pre-requisites are now out of the way and I can actually do interesting classes now.

It's hard. I had to be excessively drunk in order to write the countless diversity essays. I'm done with that now. Now it's all STEM classes from here on out. Thank God.

>> No.12419833

>What do?
Lucked out on retirements. Holy fuck the pensions can get huge if you slave away.

>Every salaried job I've ever had entailed that if you work faster than the your peers you'll just get way more work to do.
That's fucked up. Someone know why they don't do base salary+commission when possible? Instead we have all this tracking nonsense that just stresses everybody out for no reason. I worked at a call center for 4 or 5 months and it was extra miserable if I went my own pace.

>> No.12419840

why all the hate man

>> No.12419945

take your meds

>> No.12420257


>> No.12420288

I have a PhD. To me it just means "pretty huge dick". Others think I'm a genius though.

>> No.12420290

Imagine being so pozzed you accept another man's thoughts as your own.

Completing a degree is the ultimate mind cuckery. Forever branded by your intellectual owners, like cattle.

Dropping out is essentially refusing to bend the knee, the ultimate power move. The cherry on top is if you reject society and become a hermit that lives by his own means.

When someone boasts about their """qualifications""" it is equivalent to boasting that they got fucked in the ass harder by a thicker, longer peen than their peers. Look at them with abject disgust.

>> No.12420293

She kind of looks like cirno. Touhou project maybe.

>> No.12420304

Yes. Before /b/ died and /pol/ became the new cancer.

>> No.12420715

y-you too

>> No.12421511

it's an undergrad in fucking biology, dude. He may as well have picked anthropology. The type of jobs you can get with a bachelor's in bio do not typically pay much above minimum wage, if at all. That's what he's trying to communicate, but it seems you missed the point.

>> No.12421517

honestly I'd love to be without pressure from family and friends to complete uni and just read maths all day while working some random job.

>> No.12421969

this is dropout thread, the anon earned a degree in biology you fucking retard

>> No.12422516


>> No.12422519

I don't know anon, you get a math degree and you're pretty much set for life.

>> No.12422547

anon, 300k a year any job want is meme

>> No.12422577
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based and red pilled

>> No.12422588

Nah, I don't think so anon.
Maths is pretty hard. Getting a degree in it is basically a non-possibility for the majority of people.

>> No.12422652 [DELETED] 

why do you wanna study medicine?

>> No.12422838

I'm a dropout. I studied economics. It sucked. So I started an apprenticeship as a carpenter. Just have to create my journeyman's piece and then I'm a journeyman. One of the best decisions in my life, ever. The job is great. A large part of the job is decision making and problem solving. I love it. The times of garbage pay and cunt gaffers and foremen is over as well. The boomers with their small and medium sized trade businesses who treat their apprentices like shit are finished soon. They find no successors and those businesses die out, in large numbers. At the same time, zoomers and millenials don't like to do a trade job. This means that, in a few years, there are only a few trade businesses left and those who are left will be able to make some juicy price increases.
When I'm done with my apprenticeship, I hope I can start an engineering degree for wood engineering or something like that.

>> No.12422995

I'm forced to drop out of engineering because of constant seizures. Apparently it runs in the family. Still studying at my own pace though.

>> No.12423169
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>dropped out from compsci in 2011
>dropped out from math in 2016
>NEETed for 3 years
>currently dragging math on an online university
>didn't take any courses this semester
>I am 30 years old virgin as well btw
My head is so fried I can't study anything anymore. I am trying to develop mobile apps while also tutoring students (mostly middle and high school), maybe I'll get into IT without a degree.

>> No.12423389

>maybe I'll get into IT without a degree.
not likely

>> No.12423393

And what are you gonna do when AI takes over your trade?

>> No.12423394

It's really not that difficult, a couple of comptia certifications still gets you far.

>> No.12423574

Won't happen or not in my lifetime.

>> No.12423630

What hapenned anon? Why did you drop out twice? Whats your dream job like? What do you aspire to?

>> No.12423634

stop reading meme pop science articles you redditor

>> No.12423666

Please tell me how the "AI" will wainscot the ceiling of my bathroom.

>> No.12423992

My dream job is to be a farmer, which will never happen.
My realistic job would be something with teaching, ideally not in a public school. If I could do tutoring full time it would be great, but I compete with a lot of other desperate college students.

>> No.12424181

went to architecture univercity. fucking hated it. it just seemed pointless and boring. looked for anything in it that was research related. realised i want to research stuff and not draw houses like a child. stoped going to class, drinking a 1 liter bottle of jager a day, faild classes, and dropped out. moved back home, studied for a few months aplied to the best stem uni in my country and am now studying molecular genetics, cell ,and developmental biology.